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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Meet the people in the chat today
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Vance | Maggi | Michael | Ying Lan | Susanne | Yaodong | Sue | BJB | Rif | Marina | An-Lian |
UAE | Germany | Australia | Taiwan | Denmark | Liuzhou, PRC | Japan | Pennsylvania | Turkey | Italy | Wuhan, PRC |
and Tapped In visitors Sara in the UAE, David in Rochester, Dan in Wisconsin, Joanna in Malaysia, and Arthur in Belfast |
Find where everyone first joined the chat: David and Vance| BJB | Arthur | Susanne | Dan | Sara | Ying Lan | Maggi | Sue | Michael | Yaodong | Lian | Marina | Joanna | Rif
The chat today was not too chaotic, and we had a good mix of native and non-native speakers. Once participants had gathered, we talked about business English, and we discussed how we could deal with ethical issues arising from our posting our chat logs on the Internet, possibly without the knowledge of all participants (see the notice added to our heading from now on). Marina whom we hadn't seen in a long time joined us for voice chat, and we showed her our video cams. Most participants preferred the relative safety of Tapped In on this one, and stayed there.
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
Tapped In chat logs
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Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 25 03:23:16 2001 PST. VanceS looks Webhead. VanceS teleports to the reception. Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Nov 25 03:24:29 2001 PST. Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Nov 25 03:24:29 2001 PST. VanceS [Webhead] looks at his watch "almost 11:30 GMT!" DavidW waves to VanceS [Webhead]. |
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DavidW says, "Hi there" DavidW [to VanceS]: "Happy Thanksgiving" VanceS says, "Hi David" VanceS says, "Same to you. I guess you're enjoying a long weekend." DavidW says, "Good morning - it's 64 F in Rochester - pretty warm" VanceS says, "let's see, around 25 here ..." DavidW says, "Yes, I am. visiting my aunt/uncle/cousins" DavidW says, "Closer to 15 C, I guess" |
VanceS says, "(double it, subtract 10%, add 32 ...)"
VanceS says, "77 degrees"
DavidW says, "Hmm, times 9/divide 5/+32"
VanceS says, "that's hard to do in your head"
DavidW says, "Well, for some of us the arithmetic is fun to do in your head."
DavidW says, "But then again, some of us are a little "off""
DavidW grins.
VanceS [Webhead] nods
VanceS asks, "so it's early a.m. there, right?"
DavidW says, "It's 6:45am here on the east coast of the US"
DavidW asks, "Where did you go to high school?"
BJ's Shadow follows BJB to here.
DavidW hugs BJB [HelpDesk].
DavidW says, "Morning"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves
BJB says, "goodmorning"
DavidW says, "Syracuse defeated Boston College 39-28 before 45,000 fans at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse last night."
VanceS says, "Hi BJB. I went to HS at Robert E. Lee in Houston, Tx"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "That sounds like a venerable school. You DO like warm weather."
DavidW smiles.
VanceS asks, "Why do you people get up so early on a Sunday morning, every Sunday??"
VanceS exclaims, "You can't go on meeting like this!!"
BJB [HelpDesk] agrees groggily
DavidW says, "You are right. I'm going back to bed, after I finish my email to my mother."
VanceS says, "a couple of serious nutters there ..."
DavidW raises his hand.
BJB . o O ( I was here at 5am yesterday for Suzuko in the UK )
VanceS says, "Oh, in Dave's case, it's haven't gone to bed yet .."
DavidW . o O ( peanut nutter for me, please )
VanceS says, "Saturday night still :-))"
DavidW says, "No, that's not exactly true. I slept for about 6 hours"
DavidW says, "I was falling asleep at the football game when it got boring"
VanceS asks, "Football game last night? WHere?"
BJB exclaims, "yesteday was a good football day...David's team one and Penn State won!"
DavidW says, "at Syracuse. They beat Boston College. Big day for Penn State."
DavidW . o O ( David's team "won" )
DavidW grins at BJB [HelpDesk].
VanceS says, "ahh, college ball, the smell of crisp turning leaves in the air ..."
DavidW says, "Not in Houston, though."
VanceS says, "U of H played in the Astrodome"
DavidW says, "At Syracuse, they now play indoors. Not many leaves getting onto the field."
DavidW nots.
DavidW waves to ArthurM.
DavidW says, "Hi there"
VanceS says, "I remember some bring-your-blanket games in h.s. though, not to mention the games we sat out in the rain ..."
ArthurM exclaims, "Hello!"
DavidW says, "Right, always there is weather"
VanceS says, "Hello Arthur"
ArthurM says, "Greetings from belfast"
BJB . o O ( every time I say hi to Arthur he disappears )
ArthurM says, "I have a dilemma- Talk to you lot or make the family lunch"
DavidW says, "Well, make us ALL lunch, then."
DavidW grins.
VanceS says, "How about the family make you lunch, then you can stay and talk .."
ArthurM exclaims, "A VIRTUAL Lunch by a VIRTUOUS chap!"
DavidW says, "I could use some breakfast/lunch/something."
VanceS says, "You could have lunch and come back. We'll possibly have gathered momentum by then."
DavidW searches for rolling stones.
ArthurM says, "I am able to multi-task ..."
DavidW admires ArthurM's multi-tasking.
ArthurM has mastered commentary ... ?
ArthurM My wife Elizabeth has just announced that she has peeled the potatoes. do you all need to know such domesticity?
DavidW wonders what kind of potatoes you are using.
VanceS says, "Arthur, I looked up Arthur McKeuen dot com and found you've been in Libya and Kuwait ..."
DavidW wonders what Elizabeth uses to peel the potatoes.
ArthurM says, "That'sme, vance"
VanceS says, "Figured as much"
VanceS says, "We log our chats. Had I found your email I'd have sent you the url"
ArthurM asks, "Have you a Libya connenction?"
DavidW looks CIA.
VanceS says, "I'll give it to you here ... no, I'm a Saudi / Oman hand, now UAE"
DavidW [CIA] listens to conversation surreptiously.
DavidW [CIA] grins.
BJB [HelpDesk] smacks David and tells him to behave himself!
DavidW . o O ( No, David )
ArthurM says, "I worked for three years in Kuweait - a yeat at KOC in 1978-9 and two at MinDef 1986-88"
DavidW apologizes for early morning antics.
DavidW looks around for a large cup of coffee - not bad coffee here in Rochester.
ArthurM which rochester, david?
VanceS says, "Here's the url: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/chat2001/ wfw011118.htm"
BJB says, "My hubby was stationed on Bahrain in 65"
VanceS asks, "shall I 'show' it to you?"
DavidW says, "Rochester, New York - home of Eastman Koda. Very interesting city"
ArthurM says, "Please"
DavidW marvels at BJB [HelpDesk]'s connection.
VanceS [Webhead] shows ArthurM the URL: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/chat2001/wfw011118.htm
VanceS says, "So now you can see how you fit in to the bigger picture"
ArthurM says, "I spent a weekend in a bar in Bahrain 2)+ years ago ..."
DavidW [to ArthurM]: "An entire weekend?"
DavidW waves to VanceS [Webhead], BJB [HelpDesk], and ArthurM.
VanceS . o O ( it's possible ... )
DavidW says, "I'm off in search of coffee. I'll speak to you all later."
VanceS says, "I used to go there from Saudi when you had to fly"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
VanceS says, "ok David, later ..."
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
ArthurM Arthur waves goodbye to coffee-searching dave ...
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
SusanneN looks webhead.
ArthurM says, "Vance, some of the ex-Kuwait folk moved on down the Gulf ..."
VanceS says, "I'm talking a young lady named Sara into the chat"
VanceS says, "Hi Susanne"
SusanneN exclaims, "Hi Arthur and Vance!"
ArthurM says, "Suzanne, hello"
VanceS says, "You're looking very Webhead today"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Susanne good day
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "Yes, I thought I'd better underline my loyalty to this small scale community :-)"
SusanneN [webhead] hugs good day to BJ
SusanneN looks helpdesk.
SusanneN says, "But I can also wear my helpdesk badge"
Seeing Eye follows DanB to here.
SusanneN says, "Hi Dan - good to see you"
BJB says, "hi, Sara. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
DanB exclaims, "Hello, everyone!"
SusanneN says, "Hello and welsome Sara"
VanceS says, "Hi Sara, welcome"
BJB says, "Hi, Dan."
VanceS says, "Hi Sara, let's talk here."
sara [guest] says, "ok"
VanceS says, "It's hard to talk in too many places"
DanB asks, "Is everyone ready for another session of intuitive chaos navigation?"
sara [guest] says, "yes"
VanceS says, "Sara is a student in the UAE"
SusanneN [to Sara [guest]]: "We are the webheads meeting every Sunday to practise English and toi expolore different technical solutions to meeting online, we come from all over the world - and I am Susanne from Denmark, a senior graduate student of education."
VanceS says, "I told Sara that we were all teachers here at the moment"
SusanneN [helpdesk] looks alert
VanceS says, "But in fact, Susanne is from Denmark"
sara [guest] says, "Nice to meet u SUSAN"
ArthurM goes OUT.
ArthurM's personal recorder (recording) goes OUT.
sara [guest] says, "SORRY FOR MY SPELLING"
SusanneN asks, "Same here Sara, where is UAE?"
sara [guest] says, "aBU DHABI"
DanB says, "Typos don't count here, Sara"
SusanneN says, "Oh, I see! Vance's place is UAE, too."
VanceS . o O ( thinks Dan means 'don't matter' )
BJB drops 2001/11/25 WebHeads (recording).
sara [guest] asks, "what do you mean?"
DanB says, "It means we don't worry about spelling mistakes."
sara [guest] says, "ahaa"
SusanneN says, "WE do not take much care, as the fast typing will often procuce typos"
sara [guest] asks, "Vances is this ur pic in the top of my computer?"
SusanneN says, "BUt now and then, the REAL teacher may help you correcting a wrong spelling or a mistaken idiom"
sara [guest] says, "aha thanx"
VanceS says, "In the diving gear? Yes, that's me"
DanB . o O ( Does Susanne think I'm and UNREAL teacher? )
SusanneN . o O ( by REAL teacher , I mean anyone who feels entitled to correct others )
VanceS says, "Actually you can see pictures of some of the people here."
VanceS asks, "Would you like for me to /show them to you?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] grins
VanceS asks, "If I /show you, it will open a browser on your computer, is that ok?"
sara [guest] says, "sorry i didnt understand"
VanceS says, "I can open a browser on your computer that has pictures of the people here"
SusanneN says, "You will see a new website in another wondow, sara"
DanB says, "Welcome back, Arthur."
VanceS says, "That's right, it will open a browser in a new window."
SusanneN asks, "Wonder if the window is already open?"
sara [guest] asks, "how ?"
sara [guest] asks, "show how?"
SusanneN says, "Just wait and see :-)"
VanceS says, "I need to ask if that's ok with you ... ok, I'll do it."
VanceS [Webhead] shows sara the URL: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/bjb.htm
sara [guest] says, "ok"
ArthurM has arrived.
ArthurM's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS says, "ok, that's BJ"
VanceS asks, "Did you get it?"
ArthurM says, "i'm back, folks"
sara [guest] says, "the site"
VanceS asks, "Did a browser window open on your computer?"
VanceS asks, "With a picture of BJ ??"
sara [guest] asks, "yes do u mean u r site?"
VanceS says, "That should have been BJB's page at my site"
BJB . o O ( yeesh...I better pay attention! )
VanceS says, "You know, Cyberwoman"
BJB . o O ( I'm chaos multitasking )
SusanneN says, "We all love this picture of you, CBRWMN"
BJB [HelpDesk] blushes
SusanneN [helpdesk] smiles to blushing BJ
VanceS asks, "Are you ready for Susanne's picture now?"
SusanneN says, "Oh no! That is just a funny cartoon of me :-)"
VanceS says, "For some reason, Sara didn't get the projection .."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_89 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS says, "So I'm giving it to her on Yahoo"
SusanneN asks, "Sometimes the projection make people disconnect - I am not sure why?"
VanceS [Webhead] checks to see who is here: BJB [HelpDesk], SusanneN [helpdesk], DanB, and ArthurM.
VanceS says, "Yeah, maybe Sara got bumped. She's laughing at Susanne's picture in Yahoo."
SusanneN says, "I have no plans to replace it by a better looking portrait"
VanceS says, "No need, Susanne. It's unique"
SusanneN says, "At least nobody else looks exactly like that - besides, I have no read car."
VanceS asks, "no red car like Cyberwoman?"
SusanneN says, "Yes, I do not even have a driver's license"
VanceS says, "Sara is coming back I think"
sara has connected.
SusanneN says, "I am lucky that public transport is still efficient here in my neighborhood."
SusanneN says, "Hi sara, back again"
DanB says, "Welcome back, Sara."
VanceS says, "Welcome back Sara. Another student is online. Maybe she will join us (Sue from Japan)"
ArthurM says, "Hi, Sara"
sara [guest] says, "thanx Danb"
SusanneN asks, "Sara - what is your studies about?"
sara [guest] says, "hi arthum"
VanceS says, "That's Dan Bilitz from Wisconsin"
sara [guest] says, "i am suffer from toefl"
SusanneN exclaims, "Oh Sue will come in too, lovely!"
sara [guest] says, "i try hard to get more than 500"
SusanneN asks, "TOEFL, must be something with English?"
VanceS [Webhead] knows Sara is studying hard for the TOEFL now
sara [guest] says, "yes"
SusanneN asks, "I get the EFL - but TO?"
VanceS says, "Test of English as a Foreign Language"
VanceS says, "It's a standard measure for university entrance in the USA"
SusanneN asks, "Oh, of course! That must be a hard test, I guess. Do you need it for further studies?"
sara [guest] says, "and tommrow i have exam"
SusanneN says, "I see! You plan to study in the US"
sara [guest] says, "no"
sara [guest] says, "in the past i planed that but i chaged my mind"
SusanneN asks, "Somewhere else, maybe?"
SusanneN asks, "Is it because of the actual world situation, Sara?"
sara [guest] says, "no in my country UAE"
sara [guest] says, "yes"
BJB says, "Sue will join us after she has some dinner"
SusanneN [helpdesk] understands - but that may change in some years
SusanneN asks, "BJ, are you doing the Yahoo, too?"
BJB says, "I have IM on, but only was talking to Sue"
sara [guest] says, "Sussen do u have yahoo massanger"
DanB says, "Yaodong's turkey must have hit the disconnect key."
SusanneN says, "Oh look at Yaodong alias Don! he is soon connecting from South China I think."
sara [guest] asks, "vance where r u?"
SusanneN exclaims, "No, unfortunately I cannot install Yahoo messenger on my older computer, Too bad!"
VanceS says, "I see Ying Lan online too ... I'm in Abu Dhabi, Sara ..."
SusanneN exclaims, "Hi Ying!"
DanB says, "Hellow, Ying."
VanceS says, "There she is. Hi Ying Lan."
SusanneN says, "Ying, we have a guest from the UAE, meeet Sara"
sara [guest] says, "ok i know but i meant in net"
VanceS says, "Ying Lan is from Taiwan. I'll show you her url in Yahoo."
Ying [guest] says, "Hi.. everyone.. it is a little late to say "Happy Thankgiving!""
sara [guest] says, "hi ying"
SusanneN [to Sara [guest]]: "the TOEFL Exam tomorrow, how can we help you prepare for that?"
Ying [guest] asks, "How was your turkey at the table?"
sara [guest] says, "i have one practice i will do it later"
Ying [guest] asks, "Toefl Exam?"
sara [guest] says, "yes"
SusanneN asks, "And vance, how was the turkey outing with your Spanish friends?"
SusanneN says, "it is the Test Of Englsih as a Foreign Language"
Ying [guest] says, "I knew that."
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "it is never to late to say happy Thanksgiving...we all have so much to be thankful for!"
SusanneN [helpdesk] smiles to Ying I just learnt a new acronym.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_133 [guest] has disconnected.
Ying [guest] says, "good point."
VanceS says, "That was nice. We went by boat to an island nearby. Someone had a guitar."
SusanneN says, "Hi yaodong, take care of that wild turkey in your heels"
Ying [guest] says, "Vance , you are so energetic... to do a lot of things and having fun in your life."
VanceS [Webhead] wonders who we lost: BJB [HelpDesk], SusanneN [helpdesk], DanB, ArthurM, and Ying [guest].
SusanneN says, "ti Vance Sounds like in my young days as an innocent hippie"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles...sounds wonderful, Vance
Ying [guest] says, "Only thing I have done today... sleeping"
VanceS asks, "Yep, aren't you still a hippy Susanne?"
SusanneN says, "Yes, your homepage calendar shows a hyperactice family, Vance, it makes me feel lazy :-)"
BJB . o O ( Maggie just logged in )
shaiam has connected.
Ying [guest] asks, "hyperactice?"
Ying [guest] says, "maggi is coming..."
DanB says, "Hello, Saiam."
BJB says, "hi, Shaiam. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
shaiam [guest] says, "i am sara thae same"
SusanneN [to Ying [guest]]: "hyper aCtive?"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods...I though so
shaiam [guest] says, "but my real name is shaima"
VanceS says, "hypteractive? Hi Shaiam"
VanceS says, "Shaima ..."
SusanneN says, "Oh, another identity, sara alias Shaiam"
Ying [guest] says, "I don't know the word.."
VanceS says, "Hi Yaodong. (I didn't see you come in)"
BJB says, "an alias is another name for the same thing/person"
SusanneN says, "Yaodong is playing around with wild virtual turkeys"
SusanneN [helpdesk] hugs Sue
BJB asks, "hi, Maggi. Did you have trouble with your connection?"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Xue welcome
Maggi [guest] says, "yews"
SusanneN [helpdesk] hugs Maggi, too
VanceS says, "Hi Maggi, I thought you were there earlier. Hi Sue."
Sue [guest] says, "hello, guys"
VanceS asks, "Did you get something to eat?"
Maggi [guest] says, "yews, this time I just came a guest"
shaiam [guest] says, "i am fast" <she means she is fasting during Ramadhan>
Sue [guest] says, "yeah, i ate some bean."
SusanneN asks, "Sue, how are your future plans?"
DanB waves to Sue
SusanneN [helpdesk] wonders
Sue [guest] asks, "Susan, my future plans?"
Sue [guest] says, "hello, Dan."
Sue [guest] says, "in the coming Jan. I am going to texas for english study, that is my near future plan"
Ying [guest] asks, "Have you gotten your student visa, sue?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] cheers for Sue and her texas studies
SusanneN exclaims, "A bird sang for me and told me this some days ago!"
VanceS says, "congratulations, Sue"
Sue [guest] says, "yeah, Ying. i got it last week"
VanceS says, "Hi Michael"
MichaelAC says, "Hello everyone(To talk, type here and press return)"
Ying [guest] says, "Really... congratulations..."
DanB waves to Michael
Sue [guest] says, "thanks"
Ying [guest] says, "Sue, one more question."
BJB says, "hi, Mike"
SusanneN says, "Hi Michael, welcome to our Sunday class, we just had some good news..."
Sue [guest] says, "ok, ying"
DanB asks, "Sue, where in Texas are you going to study?"
Ying [guest] asks, "Do you work at Hanjui in Japan?"
Sue [guest] says, "hello, michel"
Ying [guest] asks, "Hanjin?"
MichaelAC asks, "What's the good news?"
SusanneN exclaims, "Sua will go to study in Texas next year!"
Sue [guest] says, "in Houston"
Ying [guest] says, "She has goteen her studtent visa."
shaiam [guest] says, "i visited huston befor"
Ying [guest] asks, "Do you work at Hanjin in Japan?"
VanceS asks, "You're going to study in Houston?"
MichaelAC says, "Great! Congrats Sue."
Sue [guest] says, "I do not know what is the meaning of Hanjin, Ying"
Ying [guest] says, "A shipping company in Japan.."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_104 [guest] has disconnected.
Sue [guest] says, "Vance, i only know houston is a familiar name near to TAMU."
SusanneN says, "That is a very good university city, I have been told. Some of my friends went there this spring for a conference, and they were very well received"
Ying [guest] says, "I remember that you are working at a shipping company."
YaodongC Yaodong enjoys being with you.
YaodongC's personal recorder follows YaodongC to here.
Sue [guest] says, "thanks michael"
YaodongC [chased by a turkey] bows to all.
Sue [guest] says, "yeah, you are right, Ying"
BJB says, "hi, Yaodong. Welcome"
YaodongC [to BJB]: "Hi!"
Ying [guest] says, "You don't work at Hanjin... you work at another shipping company."
DanB asks, "Yaodong, why are you being chased by a turkey?"
Sue [guest] says, "hello, Yaodong lao shi"
Sue [guest] says, "There are a few shipping companies in Japan"
Ying [guest] says, "I knew.. just want to ask for help.. never mind."
YaodongC [to DanB]: "My american gave me a turkey last week."
YaodongC [to Sue [guest]]: "Hello.niceto meet you."
Sue [guest] says, "It is all right, ying. But in my memory there is no such a name called Hanjin"
Ying [guest] says, "maggi,, they have not answered my email."
DanB exclaims, "Too bad it was alive!"
SusanneN asks, "to Don dead or alive?"
Maggi [guest] says, "hmmm...sorry tohear Ying."
VanceS asks, "What do you mean, Yaodong chased by a turkey?"
Ying [guest] says, "Hanjin."
BJB says, "thinks there are too many threads in this conversation and some are getting confused"
DanB waves Hello to Maggi
Maggi [guest] says, "it sounds fishy to me Ying."
VanceS asks, "ask for help with what, Ying Lan?"
Maggi [guest] says, "Hi Dan"
Ying [guest] says, "My quesiont is.. it seems that I have not written a professionsl English mail to them."
SusanneN asks, "Maybe Don (alias Yaodong) is memorizing the chat we had some days ago about the origin of wild turkeys?"
Maggi [guest] says, "has nothing to do with the mail"
Sue [guest] asks, "It is japanese pronuncaitaon or chinese pronumciation? in which province ?"
Ying [guest] says, "It is very complicated suitition I have had recently."
YaodongC says, "I am showing a class of 30 how ot use MOO in learning english."
VanceS exclaims, "ok, hi all!"
SusanneN [helpdesk] waves hi to theYaodong class
VanceS exclaims, "Your students must have the best teacher in all of China, Yaodong!"
Ying [guest] asks, "Hi... Do you have to go to school on Sunday in China?"
Maggi [guest] says, "Ying, your mail was well written and professional."
Sue [guest] asks, "hello, yaodong's students. Is yaodong a good teacher???"
MichaelAC says, "Hello Yaodong's class."
YaodongC [to SusanneN]: "My class say Hi to you."
Ying [guest] asks, "Why I have not getten their reply?"
YaodongC says, "my class say Hi to all of you."
Ying [guest] says, "hi... good studendts."
Ying [guest] says, "So... frustration.."
DanB waves Hello to Yaodong's students
SusanneN [to Ying,]: "Be patient - not all mail, not even e-mail, would be replied to instantly"
Ying [guest] says, "maggi, your kind words are so sweet."
Maggi [guest] says, "there could be a lot of reasons Ying, but not because you mail wasn't wreitten well eno."
YaodongC [to Ying [guest]]: "We have an optional class---learning how to use online resource."
SusanneN [to YaodongC]: "The optional class sounds like an excellent subject! How many lectures do you have for this?"
Ying [guest] says, "You have to work on Sunday, Profession YaodangC"
Maggi [guest] says, "written well enough"
Ying [guest] says, "Professor."
Sue [guest] asks, "You need any help in the hanjin company , Ying?"
YaodongC [to Ying [guest]]: "It is optional. :)"
Ying [guest] says, "Sometimes, I wonder my Enalish mail is not professional..."
YaodongC [chased by a turkey] smiles
Ying [guest] says, "Actually, it is pretty rough.."
VanceS [Webhead] understands now
SusanneN says, "One good reason for doing this class, as well as for teaching it..."
Sue [guest] says, "I do not understand"
SusanneN says, "is that we need as many citizens as possible to be open to the internet possibilities"
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "stop wondering Ying!"
VanceS says, "Any of us are always happy to look at your important letters, Ying Lan :-)"
VanceS says, "If you need help with them, I mean ..."
Ying [guest] says, "Sue, I have a troulbe case ...One forwarder released goods in Germany without our permisson..."
Sue [guest] asks, "Are you responsible for it?"
Ying [guest] says, "We are the consingess on the Bills of Lading."
VanceS asks, "Isn't it their fault?"
Maggi [guest] says, "being open to the Internet is one thing Susanne but half of the world has never used a telephone"
Ying [guest] says, "Vance... I used the sentence like... 'you are against the conclusion of ICC now... ""
Ying [guest] says, "Someone told me.. it is like a mom yell at her boy at kitchen."
Sue [guest] says, "oh, i see there is some trouble happened."
SusanneN [to Maggi [guest]]: "I agree, telephone or internet, both are very expensive or even inaccessible for most of the world population"
VanceS asks, "ICC means what ??"
Maggi [guest] says, "they are a German company Ying"
DanB . o O ( Interstate Commerce Commission? )
Ying [guest] says, "ICC : International Chamber Commerce."
DanB . o O ( Ahhhh. )
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "have to think bigger Dan!"
Sue [guest] asks, "so, why not sue them?"
Ying [guest] says, "I sent those mail every week. to argue those bank ."
SusanneN [helpdesk] nods, I see
VanceS says, "Did that sentence cause a bad reaction from them? I live in a place where you don't read too deeply into what people write in mail."
SusanneN asks, "Sometimes a REAL express mail may have a better effect?"
MichaelAC asks, "Why is that Vance?"
VanceS says, "I mean, if you know the mail doesn't come from a native speaker, then you look for the meaning, and make allowances for tone"
Sue [guest] asks, "How about Fax?"
Ying [guest] says, "I don't get your sentence.. vance."
Maggi [guest] says, "She has had no reply Vance"
SusanneN says, "Some people's mailboxes suffer from terrible mess and overload"
DanB looks Away.
VanceS asks, "Maybe because they know they messed up and are avoiding replying?"
LianA [happy] arrives from nowhere.
LianA's personal recorder follows LianA to here.
Ying [guest] says, "My mailbox is overload too."
VanceS says, "Hi Lian"
LianA says, "hi, everyone here."
BJB says, "hi, Ann. Welcome"
SusanneN asks, "yes - but is you send a letter where they have to sign for the reception, they make take it more seriously?"
LianA says, "hi, vance."
Maggi [guest] says, "who knows and it doesn't help to speculate"
Sue [guest] asks, "hello, Lian. i need your help. Got my message?"
LianA asks, "hi, how are you everyone?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "I'm a bit tired, but good!"
LianA says, "hello, dan and yaodong ,sue"
Ying [guest] says, "Fine.. I had a gread nap in the afternoon."
VanceS . o O ( lucky Ying Lan!! )
LianA looks go out with my friend..
Sue [guest] says, "ying, I think it is better to call the people who is responsible for it, or send a fax show them the seriousity of it."
SusanneN [helpdesk] hugs Ann, thank you - I am baking some nice bread and cake today
Ying [guest] asks, "Michalelc... how are you?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Alive and well Ying!"
Ying [guest] says, "May I have some bread and cake with coffee.."
SusanneN [helpdesk] hands some hot chocolate cake to Ying, pass the plate, please
Ying [guest] says, "I got a mail from a friend who went back to OZ... another big city in your country Mel.."
MichaelAC asks, "Melbourne?"
Ying [guest] says, "I forget the spelling.. yes, it is."
Ying [guest] says, "She told me.. it was really cold when she went back. she was sick.."
MichaelAC says, "Nice place. A bit cold in winter though"
MichaelAC exclaims, "So you see - it is cold!"
SusanneN asks, "But now it is spring or summer in Australia, is is?"
Ying [guest] says, "your place is ok. warm and nice."
VanceS says, "I went there one August. I went skiing at Buller, I think it was"
VanceS says, "It was cold enough for skiing, I mean ..."
Ying [guest] says, "August,,, to go skiing..."
MichaelAC says, "Yep - it is late spring and lovely. Yes Vance - Mount Buller."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_14 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS says, "yep, dead of winter down under ..."
Ying [guest] says, "go back to my quesiton.. to maggi."
VanceS [Webhead] listens to Ying Lan
Ying [guest] asks, "How would I learn the profession English on Businese?"
Ying [guest] says, "You are a wonderful Businese English teacher in Germany..."
SusanneN says, "Buller is a common pet name for boys here, a funny name of a mountain :-)"
Ying [guest] says, "I have looked a book about Banking English, but I can not get it."
MichaelAC smiles at Susanne
MichaelAC asks, "Maybe like 'bully' in English Susanne?"
SusanneN asks, "Business English is very formal, I think?"
Ying [guest] says, "My coworker told me, there is no need to read those books..."
Ying [guest] says, "If your Engilsh is good enough, you could handle that."
SusanneN [to Michael]: "Yes, a little wild one"
Ying [guest] says, "I have been working on Studying Englihs for a long time, I still can not write those formal English letter."
MichaelAC says, "OK - not quite the same as bully."
Ying [guest] asks, "Is it too serious?"
Ying [guest] says, "go back to mountain topic."
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "English is a funny language with many meanings for some words..."
VanceS asks, "Isn't there some software you can get to help you express yourself correctly in business English?"
VanceS says, "I used to know about such software in other European languages"
MichaelAC says, "We can handle different topics Ying. And your topic is important."
Ying [guest] says, "Like she is such a material girl, she probally eats C.D. or Gucci for her lunch."
SusanneN says, "I like the formal versus colloquial English subject, it is very hard to learn different ways of exprexssing yourself -even in your own language it may be a great problem."
SusanneN [helpdesk] grins to Ying
MichaelAC exclaims, "Exactly!"
MichaelAC says, "Most native English speakers would have troubke writing a formal letter."
Ying [guest] says, "yes, I am terrible one"
VanceS says, "Ten years ago I was aware of software that let you compose letters by picking from a menu of items"
Ying [guest] says, "Sometimes, it is nothing about the grammer or phase..."
VanceS says, "The software had a database of business letters, and you just found something close to what you wanted to say ..."
Ying [guest] says, "It is the style of writting."
ArthurM says, "Can I also add that there are fewer occasions when people in business use formal letters nowadays."
BJB says, "however, cultural differences ad nuances to the communications"
VanceS says, "For example, a phrase like, Dear someone, It has come to our attention that ..."
BJB . o O ( even if they are informal letters )
Ying [guest] says, "I have a book published by Reader Digest.."
VanceS says, "It has come to our attention that you have not responded to our recent letter, posted ..."
Ying [guest] says, "talking about the letters."
Ying [guest] says, "but It is useless for me."
VanceS asks, "are you in receipt of our letter posted ... ?"
Ying [guest] asks, "You ask me?"
Ying [guest] says, "Vance."
VanceS says, "If you are in receipt of our letter posted ... we would appreciate your response regarding ... at your soonest opportunity ..."
Ying [guest] says, "You are trying to give an example."
VanceS says, "I'm just throwing out a few business english phrases to ask someone to please respond to a letter you sent them to which you have received no reply."
VanceS says, "Dear ... We are unfortunately unable to find your reply to our letter of ..."
Ying [guest] says, "I got it."
Ying [guest] says, "Thanks"
VanceS [Webhead] -)
VanceS [Webhead]-)
SusanneN [helpdesk]:-))
VanceS asks, "How do you do that?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
SusanneN [helpdesk] huses several colons to make a real smiley
VanceS [Webhead] :-)s.
Ying [guest] says, "the conculsion is the same,,, the more you read, the more you get."
SusanneN [to Ying,]: "the more you read, and the more you practise wirting, too I guess"
VanceS [Webhead]:::-)
Ying [guest] says, "yeap..."
VanceS [Webhead]:-)
ArthurM has connected.
SusanneN [helpdesk] still need to practise lots of writing, after having read thousands of pages
Ying [guest] asks, "waaa. you have not read my email on last Monday, haven't you?"
VanceS [Webhead]:-) has got it now
VanceS asks, "last monday? What email was that?"
Ying [guest] says, "To vance."
SusanneN [helpdesk] checks todays e-mail too
Ying [guest] says, "I sent mail to my company on Sunday, but I have not received it on Monday."
Ying [guest] says, "It is weird, I guees the ISP doesn't work."
VanceS asks, "Did you send email to me from your company?"
Ying [guest] says, "But I sent it to Vance by yahoo. mail."
VanceS asks, "Did you send it to my Yahoo address?"
Ying [guest] says, "No, I sent it after sesson at Sunday night."
LianA says, "yes"
Ying [guest] says, "no, I sent to you at another address not yahoo. I forget which one."
VanceS asks, "Oh, email about what people mean when they ask you out for a date?"
Ying [guest] says, "yes,"
VanceS says, "I received more than one, and I replied."
VanceS asks, "Didn't you get the reply?"
Ying [guest] says, "really. but I have not received it."
Ying [guest] says, "what's wrong with my email box."
VanceS says, "I have it here, sent on Sunday in fact ..."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
VanceS says, "ying.lan" <yinglan@msa.hinet.net>"
VanceS says, "Arthur must be having problems"
VanceS asks, "Shall I send it to another address?"
Ying [guest] says, "to yahoo..."
Ying [guest] says, "or to yinglan@gcn.net.tw"
Ying [guest] says, "or .. yinglanliu@yahoo.com"
ArthurM has connected.
VanceS says, "ok .. the question was, does dating mean you have to have sex, and the answer is no."
VanceS asks, "are you ok there Arthur?"
Ying [guest] says, "well,,,,"
ArthurM says, "Yes, indeed - just lurking :-0"
Ying [guest] says, "the guy told me,,, it is not necessary to chat with a gril who doesn't want to do the certain thing after date."
SusanneN says, "I had a problem some days ago. A new member I met here and helped around for some time, had mailed me but I had not read her mail, and was not informed of her being upset - which she was hiding well while we spoke directly here.When I logged off, I realized we were having a real communication problem. I then realized that she may fear the official log transcript put in the emailer, which was no risk as this was an occasional meeting and no scheduled session."
SusanneN says, "Oh, that was a long one :-)"
SusanneN [helpdesk] is sorry to interrupt the ongoing report on Ying's teacher.
MichaelAC asks, "Yaodong - are you still there with your class?"
VanceS [Webhead] reads Sus's long posting "Ying Lan, what ever happened with your teacher?"
Ying [guest] says, "He is fine in his session last week."
VanceS asks, "Sus, what was in the official log that might upset her?"
SusanneN says, "I have been thinking about our very open appearance where our chat log is open for everyone to read."
Ying [guest] says, "Actually, he throw me a wonderful article about the different beteween Asian and Ameriacne,."
MichaelAC says, "Sounds interesting....."
Ying [guest] says, "I had problem with those big words..."
VanceS [Webhead] smiles at Ying Lan .. "Susanne, do you think there might be a problem?"
ArthurM asks, "Has there been any more followup to ELTOC a couple of weeks ago?"
Ying [guest] asks, "What is it?"
SusanneN says, "Well, I am sure there WAS a problem, but I hope it has been solved by now. I responded to her mail, and followed her advice to help her out of an embarassing situation. I think."
ArthurM says, "I have explored www.wimba.com and like it."
VanceS says, "Hmmm, I might just pop over and check the discussion forums"
Ying [guest] asks, "embrassing situation?"
VanceS says, "Yeah, Wimba is quite nice."
Ying [guest] says, "I don't get the question."
ArthurM says, "Ying - it was a virtual conference a few weeks ago which inytroduced me to Webheads"
VanceS says, "I'm open to any concerns, Susanne, about embarrassment caused by posting our chat logs"
Ying [guest] says, "Really, sound like.. I missed it."
ArthurM says, "Wimba is a site where you can email voice messages for free - and do other things too"
VanceS says, "Did you miss it Ying Lan? It was at our regular noon gmt Sunday meeting time."
MichaelAC exclaims, "No Ying - you *were* at that conference!"
SusanneN says, "For my own personal participation, I fell like I have nothing to hi"
VanceS [Webhead] thought so
Ying [guest] says, "alll..."
MichaelAC says, "I was there wuth you. And John."
Ying [guest] says, "I am too old. .. to"
MichaelAC smiles
Ying [guest] says, "back to susanneN's topic."
Ying [guest] says, "what is the embrassing suituation."
Ying [guest] asks, "Reading our conversation?"
VanceS says, "I've actually been slowly working on putting the logs up from that conference."
SusanneN says, "de, But some people may play their cards differently in other connections, and may not wish to be too easily recognized, this openness (that I do like a lot) is demanding on behalf of your honesty and trust."
VanceS says, "Actually there's something up there now if you want to look"
SusanneN says, "I read about some different ways of thinking in online communities, that they need interactive broadcast to have a real bonding between members."
VanceS says, "These aren't finished: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/chat2001/ wfw011111.htm"
DanB asks, "Susanne, was this person embarrassed because he/she didn't know that the talk was being recorded?"
VanceS asks, "what is Interactive Broadcast?"
SusanneN . o O ( Actually, the conversation I was referring to was not included in his log, it happened another day. )
Ying [guest] says, "But we never meet each other in the real world."
Ying [guest] asks, "how come to be embrassed?"
VanceS says, "This has actually come up before. I am sometimes asked if there is any ethical problem with my posting our logs."
SusanneN says, "The "interactive broadcast" mentioned by Enzioni (I will find the reference for you later) ..."
Ying [guest] asks, "ethical problem?"
VanceS says, "thanks, Susanne"
MichaelAC asks, "V - does it say anywhere on the webheads site that logs of chats will be posted?"
SusanneN says, "the broadcast means that it is casted to many, and the interactivity is due to all members' bability to interact."
VanceS says, "Good point Michael. I don't think so. Maybe I should put something there."
MichaelAC asks, "It *may* be that some come in here and are not aware of that fact?"
VanceS says, "I guess it's becoming more of a problem now that we have so many new members."
MichaelAC says, "This point was raised at a conference recently. It *is* an issue."
VanceS asks, "Arthur for example, popped in on us last week, and finds his conversation is up on the Internet. Any comments, there?"
BJB says, "I can tell you what the policy is for TAPPED IN..."
MichaelAC asks, "Yes BJ?"
VanceS says, "ok ..."
BJB says, "we do not post transcripts or parts of transcripts on a public url without written consent from all participants"
BJB . o O ( even if their complete name is not listed )
MichaelAC says, "Wow."
SusanneN says, "I would rather call the Webhead community a narrowcasting one, as we do not forcibly communicate many to many but among a "chosen few" - although many more that the actual participants probably reading a long now and then,as our sessions are logged and put on the netsite."
Ying [guest] says, "To Vance.. I got your email /"
BJB says, "the transcripts that are in the emailer are only accessable by TAPPED IN members"
ArthurM exclaims, "No particular comment. One is positive - It is good to be able to review what is said, especially at busy times; and I rejoice to report that I do not think I have said anything rude!"
Ying [guest] says, "**thanks."
SusanneN asks, "But I think that Webheads always (or almost always ) remember to make participants aware of the public chatlog?"
BJB [to VanceS]: "perhaps you have a similar situation that the only people who have the url for the webheads logs are members of the webheads?"
MichaelAC says, "Yes I thnk so Susanne"
Ying [guest] says, "I wonder who care about the post.. there are a lot of messge on internet."
VanceS says, "I've often asked people in the past. We've gotten a lot bigger now and I can see where it might be an issue."
SusanneN says, "It is true, however, that the Tapped In ASO logs are onluy available to members"
BJB says, "an exception would be that I do email transcripts of discussions to guests who are participating in that particular discussion and I don't ask any permission then"
VanceS says, "Originally, the idea was to allow students to go back and review what they might have missed in real time"
BJB [HelpDesk] understands the purpose...similar to the purpose for the archived TI transcrips
BJB . o O ( transcripts )
ArthurM says, "Bye, folks - I must go. I have enjoyed the session."
VanceS says, "I think that what we do is positive, as Arthur points out, so how to continue doing that without impinging on people's rights"
Ying [guest] says, "hanks. Aruthrum"
Ying [guest] says, "thanks."
SusanneN asks, "I think we may just take care to inform Webhead newbies carefully that this is a kind of language course for others than the participants. Alternatively, a login for member may be needed , only that I would love NOT to have to use a password protection. has this been a problem before?"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Arthur
VanceS says, "Thanks for your input there Arthur"
ArthurM exclaims, "Bye!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
DanB says, "Perhaps, Vance could add a notice right after the "...experiment in world friendship ..." statement."
SusanneN asks, "Bye Arthur, see you again I hope we have not been too boring?"
VanceS says, "Yes, I should put it at the top of each of our main pages"
Ying [guest] says, "To BJB, the window which I read the context is too small here."
BJB says, "good idea, Susanne."
Ying [guest] asks, "could you make the window larger..?"
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "click on DETACH in the middle right of your screen"
SusanneN says, "I agree, that statement wuold be helpful, as well as some brief information to the new participants here and elsewhere."
Ying [guest] asks, "where is the detach?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Vance - just checked ELTOC - there are lots of questions there in the forum!"
VanceS says, "Marina is set to join us. I think she wants to voice chat as well."
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "it is just above the text window on the right of your screen"
SusanneN says, "Oh, poor Ying, you NEED tha extra window :-)"
VanceS asks, "thanks, MC ... but were those all the ones extracted from the live chat??"
Ying [guest] says, "no... i can not make it bigger.."
Ying [guest] says, "I don't know how to explain thate."
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "you do not see the word DETACH?"
MichaelAC says, "Yes Vance - I think so"
SusanneN says, "Did you find the Detach button, in the blue line above the text field, nearly the middle of your screen"
MichaelAC says, "So many of them would have been answered duriung the session."
Ying [guest] says, "no, i can not read the work 'DETACH"."
VanceS says, "Yeah, I didn't see any 'fresh' discussion questions last time I looked"
MichaelAC says, "Time for me to go to bed. Have a good week everyone. Nice talking to you - as always."
2001/11/25 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
BJB says, "hi, Marina. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
DanB says, "Hello, Marina."
SusanneN says, "Bye, Michael, sleep tight"
MichaelAC says, "Hey Marina. Hi there. (I'm just going!)"
SusanneN says, "Hi to Marina from Denmark"
Ying [guest] asks, "Is it time to go home for dinner .. to Vance?"
VanceS says, "Hi there"
BJB drops 2001/11/25 WebHeads 2 (recording).
Ying [guest] says, "Hi, Marina."
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
VanceS says, "I'm going to leave in a few minutes to meet my family for dinner"
VanceS says, "But of course I have time to say hi to Marina"
marina [guest] exclaims, "hi everyone!!!"
DanB asks, "Marina, where are you in Denmark?"
VanceS asks, "Are you in Denmark or in Italy, Marina?"
SusanneN asks, "No, dorry dan, I am the Danish one, I think?"
marina [guest] says, "I'm a first user.....and I'm from Italy"
DanB says, "Ah, I thought I had read Denmark."
SusanneN [helpdesk] waves hello to our Italian connection
VanceS says, "I can get you Marina's url .. hang on ..."
Ying [guest] says, "I need to go now."
SusanneN says, "Italy is not that far from Denmark :-)"
DanB waves 'bye to Ying Lan
SusanneN says, "Bye, Ying"
VanceS says, "http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/marina.htm"
marina [guest] says, "Bye Ying"
Ying [guest] says, "It is nice to talk to you."
VanceS says, "You can all meet Marina there"
Ying [guest] says, "bye, everyone."
VanceS says, "Bye Ying Lan"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_191 [guest] has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "I have to go before the grocery store closes - we ran out of milk"
marina [guest] says, "after a long time of silence"
VanceS says, "Yes, nice to see you again."
SusanneN says, "See you all next week I think."
marina [guest] says, "See you nxt time Susanne"
DanB waves 'bye to Susanne
SusanneN says, "Bye to Marina and all"
VanceS says, "OK, Susanne, you're off to the store. Thanks for coming by."
SusanneN exclaims, "See you!"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Susanne bye
marina [guest] asks, "What are you doing here?"
VanceS says, "let's see who's still here ..."
SusanneN [helpdesk] hugs BJ
DanB asks, "Marina, are you a student in Italy?"
VanceS [Webhead] counts noses: BJB [HelpDesk], SusanneN [helpdesk], DanB, Sue [guest], YaodongC [chased by a turkey], LianA [go out with my friend.], and marina [guest].
marina [guest] says, "No, I'm a teacher"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN [helpdesk] has disconnected.
VanceS says, "WE meet here regularly now."
DanB asks, "At what level?"
marina [guest] says, "I teach in primary school"
DanB asks, "Very good. Do you enjoy teaching?"
BJB says, "hi, Joanna. welcome to TAPPED IN"
VanceS asks, "Are you back to teaching now, Marina?"
VanceS says, "Hi Joanna"
DanB waves Hello to Joanna
BJB [to Joanna]: "can we help you with something?"
marina [guest] says, "ya, I'm back to school from september"
VanceS asks, "in the same place? or with a more progressive group of teachers?"
marina [guest] says, "hi Joanna"
DanB asks, "How is the weather in Malaysia, Joanna?"
VanceS asks, "Hi Joanna, where in Malaysia?"
JoannaN exclaims, "Hi!"
BJB [to Joanna]: "this is a group of ESL/EFL teachers and learners"
JoannaN says, "Sorry, I was in another window"
BJB asks, "their meeting is just winding down. Did you need any help with TAPPED IN or have any questions?"
JoannaN says, "I'm from Penang in Malaysia"
marina [guest] says, "No, now I work in a better organized school"
VanceS says, "I've been to Penang a couple of times. Nice place, but getting built up."
JoannaN says, "I'm ok here. I came in too late though"
JoannaN exclaims, "Really? wow!"
JoannaN says, "I teach English too in college"
VanceS asks, "Are you here for the Webheads, Joanna?"
VanceS asks, "Marina, do you still want to try the voice chat?"
JoannaN says, "Yes, but I guess I'm too late. :-("
JoannaN says, "It's o.k. :-)"
VanceS says, "We're here for a while longer."
VanceS says, "We're a pretty informal group."
JoannaN says, "good"
VanceS asks, "Have you visited our Website?"
marina [guest] says, "yes I would try the yahoo messenger voice chat"
VanceS asks, "ok, Marina, what's your Yahoo ID?"
JoannaN says, "I'm actually carrying out research on the factors that affect teachers who use a MOO for teaching english"
VanceS exclaims, "Interesting!"
JoannaN says, "I was hoping to get some ideas. :-)"
JoannaN says, "Like, for example, if English teachers prefer GUI-based MOOs or text-based ones"
VanceS says, "(Marina, I have my headphones on)"
VanceS says, "hmmm, good one, Joanna. We used to like the Palace a lot."
marina [guest] says, "my yahoo ID should be marinaaaaaa with six "a" at the end"
JoannaN asks, "The Palace?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_49 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS says, "ok, I added you Marina. You can try inviting me meantime."
VanceS says, "Yes Joanna. I'm not sure if any Palaces are still going strong."
VanceS says, "You can check a url for the chats we've used, hang on"
VanceS says, "joining Marina in voice chat"
VanceS asks, "Would anyone like to join us?"
DanB says, "Thanks, Vance, but I need to leave shortly."
BJB [HelpDesk] needs to go get breakfast. Talk with you all next week.
JoannaN says, "sorry, I don't have voice chat. :-)"
VanceS says, "ok, let me find the url for our chats ..."
DanB waves 'bye to BJ
BJB looks away.
DanB says, "Have a good week, everyone. See you soon."
JoannaN says, "Bye, Dan"
DanB goes home.
VanceS says, "I found the url, http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//findbuds.htm"
JoannaN exclaims, "Thanks!"
JoannaN says, "That's very kind of you"
VanceS says, "that would be fine. I'd love to hear about your research."
JoannaN asks, "May I have your email addy. please, Vance?"
VanceS says, "vstevens@emirates.net.ae"
JoannaN exclaims, "Thanks a lot!"
BJB [away] peruses Membership Directory...
VanceS says, "BJB, no more whispering, too difficult. vstevens@emirates.net.ae is my preferred address."
BJB [away] smiles and nods...ok, I'll change to that one
JoannaN asks, "Where are you from, BJB?"
BJB says, "I'm in Pennsylvania, USA, Joanna"
JoannaN says, "That's nice. I have a friend in Pittsburgh"
VanceS says, "Hi Rif"
rif [guest] asks, "hi all... how is your weekend going?"
VanceS says, "In Yahoo we are voice chatting and broadcasting webcams"
VanceS says, "my weekend ended two days ago"
JoannaN says, "Wow, Vance. that's a terrific page you've got there. I'll be able to learn a lot. Thanx"
rif [guest] says, "I should join you guys! I installed win XP and I am not sure about whether my cam would work or not.. I did not try it yet"
VanceS says, "look on Yahoo"
rif [guest] says, "need to install it on this machine (i have the download setup)"
YaodongC says, "have to log off now.gopd bye, all! :)"
YaodongC [chased by a turkey] waves to all.
BJB [away] waves bye to yaodong
You hear a quiet popping sound; YaodongC [chased by a turkey] has disconnected.
rif [guest] exclaims, "by Yaodong!"
BJB . o O ( I think the turkey got him )
VanceS says, "bye Yaodong"
VanceS says, "We're all getting into voice and webcams over here."
BJB says, "I'm not here...I'm making breakfast :-) Enjoy."
rif [guest] says, "Lucky you.. we are getting ready for dinner over here in Turkey"
VanceS says, "guys, I've got to go. My wife is waiting for me."
BJB [away] sees Bobbi tapping her toes
VanceS says, "We have to go to dinner at Iftar, which means breaking fast at ramadhan"
VanceS says, "We dont fast, but we like to eat the buffets"
JoannaN says, "Bye Vance"
rif [guest] says, "bye Vance,"
VanceS says, "ok, we start at noon GMT, and usually break off around this time, though you can stay"
JoannaN says, "I'll remember"
VanceS says, "ok, getting serious about shutting down at my end"
VanceS says, "I hope to see you all next week, and hear more from Joanna about her research"
JoannaN says, "See ya, thanks"
VanceS says, "ok ciao for niao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [Webhead] has disconnected.
rif [guest] asks, "what is your resarch on JoannaN?"
JoannaN says, "It's about ESL/ELT teachers who use MOOs for teaching"
marina [guest] exclaims, "Ciao to all!!!"
rif [guest] says, "cool..."
JoannaN says, "Bye, Marina"
JoannaN asks, "Do you teach using MOOs, rif?"
marina [guest] says, "See you next time"
rif [guest] says, "not currently... I did some research on Moos too"
JoannaN says, "Cool. what was"
JoannaN asks, "sorry. what was your research on, rif?"
BJB [away] wonders if I showed Joanna the papers page at TAPPED IN?
JoannaN asks, "there are papers, BIB?"
BJB [away] nods...may I project, Joanna?
rif [guest] says, "It was about the speech acts in a 3-D MOO environmnets"
JoannaN says, "yikes! BJB. :-)"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_9 [guest] has disconnected.
JoannaN says, "yes please BJB"
BJB [to Joanna]: "do you know about url projections?"
JoannaN asks, "cool, rif. a GUI-based MOO?"
BJB [away] projects the URL: http://www.tappedin.sri.com/info/papers.html
rif [guest] asks, "Active Worlds did you see it before?"
JoannaN says, "I think Vance has projected a map for me before."
BJB [away] checks to see if Joanna got the projected page
JoannaN says, "WOW! What a fantastic page"
BJB [away] then goes to fix breakfast for real!!!
rif [guest] says, "BJB, a friend of mine also conducted a dissertation study on TappedIn .. I should tell her to keep in touch with you guys"
BJB [away] waves bye
BJB [away] nods to Rif
JoannaN says, "I really appreciate this, Vance"
JoannaN says, "yikes, wrong name"
BJB says, "the interface is being redesigned..."
BJB says, "a new interface will be introduced in late spring"
JoannaN says, "Thanks, BJB"
BJB says, "you're welcome, Joanna"
JoannaN feels silly
BJB looks really away.
JoannaN says, "Bye, BJB"
rif [guest] asks, "where do you study Joanna?"
JoannaN says, "I am in Maslaysia but I'm studying with the Univ of Manchester"
JoannaN says, "sorry, Malaysia"
rif [guest] asks, "u mean distance?"
JoannaN asks, "Where are you, rif?"
JoannaN says, "yes, I'm doing my M.ED by distance. Specialising in distance, Internet, MOO teaching & learning."
JoannaN says, "Perfect way to experience it first hand, I'd say. :-)"
rif [guest] says, "I bet"
rif [guest] says, "I am in Turkey"
JoannaN says, "That's relatively near."
rif [guest] -)
JoannaN says, "I hear it's beautiful in Turkey"
rif [guest] says, "well, nice to meet you... and good luck on your study. I gotta leave for my dinner time..."
JoannaN says, "Bye, rif"
rif [guest] says, "take care bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_129 [guest] has disconnected.
JoannaN says, "Bye BJB, Bye LianA. I'm going too"
JoannaN waves
You hear a quiet popping sound; JoannaN has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; LianA [go out with my friend.] has disconnected.
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
Sara finds Vance on Yahoo
sara_fahad2000: hiiiiiiiiii
vance_stevens: hi there
sara_fahad2000: i am in home
vance_stevens: we're in Tapped In
sara_fahad2000: what do u mean?
vance_stevens: http://www.tappedin.org
sara_fahad2000: ok
vance_stevens: tell me when you're there and I'll talk you in
sara_fahad2000: i dont know why it is slow
vance_stevens: take your time
sara_fahad2000: i have error in this site
sara_fahad2000: but i wait i will try again
vance_stevens: hmm
vance_stevens: Are you using IE or Netscape?
sara_fahad2000: ie
vance_stevens: should be ok, is it working for other urls?
sara_fahad2000: its work
vance_stevens: it's working, good
vance_stevens: So now you log on as a Guest
sara_fahad2000: ok
vance_stevens: let me know when you get the chat box
sara_fahad2000: i am in hust login
sara_fahad2000: what can i do now
vance_stevens: Read the instructions carefully
vance_stevens: The first thing you have to do is give yourself a name
vance_stevens: and then hit Enter
sara_fahad2000: ok
vance_stevens: you made it! <Sara joins the conversation at Tapped In .... Follow her there-->
sara_fahad2000: yes
vance_stevens: At the moment these are all teachers
sara_fahad2000: really
sara_fahad2000: no students
vance_stevens: We are a community of teachers and learners interested in online communications
vance_stevens: We are all students, actually
vance_stevens: I'll talk to you in Tapped in ...
sara_fahad2000: how is that?
sara_fahad2000: ok
sara_fahad2000: hey i feel my self like stuiped person
vance_stevens: no, you're doing fine.
vance_stevens: Did you get the projection in the new window?
sara_fahad2000: no
vance_stevens: oh ... hmmm, ok, here, you can open it here, hang on
sara_fahad2000: ok
vance_stevens: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/bjb.htm
sara_fahad2000: do u work in amideast
vance_stevens: Yes, I do
sara_fahad2000: really for toefl
vance_stevens: No, I'm a consultant at the MLI, Military Language Institute
sara_fahad2000: who is that?
vance_stevens: Here's Susanne's funny picture: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/susanne.htm
sara_fahad2000: hahahaha
sara_fahad2000: where is ur pic ?
vance_stevens: http://www.vancestevens.com/
vance_stevens: Did you get bumped from Tapped In?
sara_fahad2000: i dont know what happen
sara_fahad2000: how many kids u have?
vance_stevens: I think it was when we tried to /show you the url
vance_stevens: That's why we ask first. Not everyone can handle it.
vance_stevens: I have 2 kids.
vance_stevens: Are you going to rejoin us?
sara_fahad2000: ok can sent to me the site again
vance_stevens: http://www.tappedin.org
vance_stevens: Here's Ying Lan: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/efw_ying.htm
vance_stevens: woops, we lost you from Tapped In again
sara_fahad2000: yes
<Sara returns to Tapped In - some dialog edited out here, nothing important ... >
vance_stevens: no problem, just climb back aboard ...
vance_stevens: oh, let me get you Sue's url .. are you checking out the urls?
sara_fahad2000: ok
vance_stevens: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/sue.htm
vance_stevens: Michael is there too: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/efwmikec.htm
vance_stevens: and Maggi: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/efw_mad.htm
sara_fahad2000: ok vance i have to go now coz my mother want me to help her
vance_stevens: ok, I'll see you later.
vance_stevens: Thanks for coming by
vance_stevens: Hope you enjoyed it.
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
Vance finds Sue on Yahoo
vance_stevens: Hi Sue
mysailing: hi, Vance. thanks for your cooperation yeterday
vance_stevens: my pleasure
vance_stevens: oh, I added my screen shot to your website: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/sue_webcam.htm
vance_stevens: Your friend will like it
mysailing: haha, i will tell her ,thanks
vance_stevens: Show her, she'll laugh
mysailing: i am sure she will be very happy
vance_stevens: Ying Lan is with us in Tapped In now, and also Sara, a student from the UAE
mysailing: give me some minutes, i am make my stomach full with some stuff
vance_stevens: ok, see you in a bit ...
Yahoo! Messenger: mysailing's status is now "Available" (11/25/01 at 4:34 PM)
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
Michael looking for voice chatters on Yahoo
mikecogh: Anyone voice chatting?
vance_stevens: Hi, no not yet
mikecogh: Ok.
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
Marina on ICQ
marina: Hi Vance,
I would
like to try yahoo messenger i've just sent you an invitation
How are
Vance: fine
Vance: lookin for your invitation
Vance: We're at tapped in, would you like to join us?
marina: Ok. What I have to do?
Vance: http://www.tappedin.org/
marina: Should I enter as a guest?
Vance: yes
Vance: You know how it is trying to chat in two places :-))
marina: Yes I remember.
Vance: how are you doing there?
marina: Very well, for the moment.
Vance: What is your yahoo Id?
Vance: I meant, exactly, how are you doing with tapped in ... :-)))
Vance: there you are <Marina joins the conversation at Tapped In ... Click here to follow her there -->
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Sara finds Vance on Yahoo | Sue on Yahoo | Michael on Yahoo | Marina on ICQ
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: November 26, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |