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Workshop Webheads: Main Page | Join us | Welcome | Students | Virtual Community | Online Class | Chat Logs | Reports and Studies | Grammar | Tutorials | Games | Teaching for Webheads | Webheads in Action Time conversions - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html and more Chats Tapped In - /join VanceS in Office N2201, North Wing, 22nd Floor or /join JohnSte | Homestead text chat or leave a message | GroupBoard text chat, whiteboard, and guestbook | Palaces avatar text chat at plantation.chatserve.com and mycorner.xsia.com, both on port 9998 | Active Worlds animated avatar 3D text chat Discussion forums voice: Wimba voice discussion board | text: Delphi Forum Instant Messengers ICQ | Yahoo! Messenger | MSN Messenger Service Gloss this page - http://www.voycabulary.com/ | Translate this page - http://world.altavista.com/ |
Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Meet the people in the chat today
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Vance | Chris | Randa | John | Arthur | Dan | Maggi | Michael | Gary | Ying Lan | Keiko | Susanne | Yaodong | Rita |
UAE | Spain | Egypt | Puerto Rico | Ireland | Wisconsin | Germany | Australia | Illinois | Taiwan | New Mexico | Denmark | China | Argentina |
and Webheads and
visitors to Tapped In Libby, Christine in France,
from Russia, Selina,
Roslyn, and more below ... |
![]() Shun Japan |
![]() New Jersey |
Find where everyone first joined the chat: Vance | Chris | Randa | David | BJB | John | Libby | Christine | Shun | Ali | Arthur | Dan | Lena | Maggi | Dafne | Michael | Gary | Selina | Teresa | Nelba | Ying Lan | Azzam | Keiko | Roslyn | Nigel | Susanne | Yaodong | Rita
Webheads in Action gathered at Tapped In today eager to tackle three previously announced agenda items: (1) making notes in Tapped In, (2) creating personal icons to represent us in the Who's Here frame, and (3) learning more about pets. We didn't get to the last item, but the first two were enthusiastically treated by the small groups who followed first BJB for a lesson on notes and then Keiko and Vance for getting faces to turn up in the frame. The latter exercise proved to be a smashing success, but it might not have gone so well had Vance not met Chris Fry earlier at Tapped In and rehearsed the steps that Chris took to get his icon to appear. With Chris, Vance refined the technique and was able to apply it to the satisfaction of those who joined us later at the regular time.
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
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Preamble: In my EFL department, I am considered a techie but on the Eveonline2002 course, I feel like a ripe newbie. Reading the comments on the listserv made me realise how much more I need to learn. Trawling through the over 100 e-mails a week was just depressing, I wondered if this was way over my head. So, it was with trepidation that I joined a Tapped In session on Sunday. However, I soon gained confidence and enjoyed the fast-flowing session. |
Azzam | |
Canada |
My Personal Reflection: In my mind, the Tapped In session could be described as orderly chaos. There was structure to what we were learning so it was orderly. But the fast pace and multiple simultaneous conversations gave me the impression of chaos. Nevertheless, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I also felt a part of the Eveonline2002 group, something I hadnt felt with the listserv alone. I really appreciated the support given by the other members, Keiko and Vance for instance. And I am in gratitude with the patience of the other participants, who waited for us newbies to learn some basic commands, such as adding a picture icon. It felt good to finally belong. Afterwards, I received a log of the session, which will allow me to look back on the dialogues and pick up ideas I had missed.
Pedagogical Implications: Tapped In is a great vehicle for getting students onboard a distance learning course. The groups rapport building takes place while one is learning skills. Not only is there real-time learning with tutor support on demand (like in a classroom), there is also some horseplay. After the session, one feels more connected to other members of the virtual class.
To sum up, the session was a fun learning experience.
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I have also enjoyed discovering Tapped In with the help of more experienced members of this group. Thanks to Susanne for her tour yesterday, and to her, Vance and Keiko for their ongoing tips. Oh yes, and for that little picture next to my name so you can all see my happy smiling face. It's been fun to "meet" many of you on-line in various corners of the world and wildly different time zones. I had just got up, Dafne was just about to have lunch, and Vance was going out for the evening. True international cooperation! |
Nigel | |
Philadelphia |
As for pedagogical implications, members of the Human_Call workshop will know that I have significant reservations about this. I think Azzam hit the nail on the head: TappedIn is great for distance learning, when people cannot physically meet (although, roll-on Salt Lake City!), but what about integrating this technology into a regular ESL class?
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Some comments after this Sunday's TI session : On the plus side I got to know new webheads- all ready to help, a very friendly environment- I felt was more involved in the chat this time, i.e. more part of the group than last time. I managed to get my user nickname and password, started using some basic text commands. I also got a few queries answered, but I left the session with more questions than answers. |
Ali | |
Morocco |
On the minus side ( grin) 1. I was at pains trying to follow the turns and threads and questions and instructions scrolling up at a pace that got too fast for me at times, as I was trying to keep up with the pace of the incoming messages and at the same time follow Vance and Keiko and BJ who did their best to help. 2. At times I felt I lost the thread of the chat mainly because some webheads referred to common experiences or past TI sessions and even sometimes to some shared cultural background. 3. As Iwas trying to do more than one thing at a time, I was overwhelmed by the new jargon- before I could handle what a virtual note was, I was flooded with more terms than I could chew in real time: virtual pets (just the concept, let alone working with them!!) , recorders , virtual pockets, dropped notes I think some old timers tend to take too much for granted Suzanne suggests that we start with learning about virtual notes before moving to vitual pets sometimes it's the basics that cause the most trouble to the newbies that some us are ! sometimes it's the little command or part of it that makes the whole difference. I found solace in two things: in the company of follow newbies who were lost like me and in the readiness of the webhead team to take us by the hand . I hope to get a pet or a photo by next Sunday and also start a private niche in the meantime I'd better go and do some homework learn a couple more commands!!
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I completely agree with Azzam and Nigel's comments about the great adventure of participating in a Tapped In session. I am a newbie and, in spite of the initial fear, I have been able to accomplish the tasks set, even in my first session. Now, everytime I go back to Tapped In, I feel more confident, and have found myself helping others in tasks that I have learned in previous session, because as Azzam said "The group rapport building takes place while one is learning skills" and having fun. At TI I feel like in a real classroom where collaborative learning is taking place. There's even the "whispering" feature to offer individual help, when someone realizes one is lost, without interrumpting the rest of the gruop. It feels so real, that I even smile when I see familiar names incorporating to the sessions. |
Daphne | |
Spain |
About the pedagogical implications, I would say that taking ESL/EFL students to TI (a MOO environment) is an experience that I am sure they would enjoy. They would try to use the language to learn the skills required to get things done (as reported by Shun, I think). Now, if we are talking about chats, I would go for specific collaborative group tasks to be done after class, asking the students to save the trascripts of the chats in order to check all the communication process that took place, including the negotiation of meaning. This information may result in data for research on negotiation of meaning and noticing.
Special thanks to VAnce for the prize (picture for the icon), to Keiko, Susanne and BJB. It was a pleasure to be with you all there.
DafneG holds a big sign: /Thanks a lot/ :-)
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A couple of thoughts to help you on your journey into the cyberspace community of TAPPED IN. It helps if you think of TAPPED IN as a community of practice. Dafne expresses this when she says that she is now able to help others. Each visit is a learning experience with the more experienced members of the community helping the less experienced participants. Two places where you might want to look for ideas on what you can
do in your classrooms and with your students: |
BJB | |
Pennsylvania |
And don't forget the HelpDesk volunteers who are eager to answer your questions or point you in the right direction for help. They are a wonderful resource and a unique feature of the TAPPED IN environment. There is usually someone staffing the helpdesk from 12 noon to 9pm PST. In addition, there is a helpdesk hour at 4:30am EST/09:30 GMT.
In case you missed the url with instructions for attaching icons
(avitars) here it is:
Hi, BJ and all. Thank you again for your help. I absolutely agree, that each visit is a learning experience with the more experienced members of the community helping the less experienced participants. This resembles me very much the principle Russian Education adopted from the genius russian psychologist Lev Vygotskij in the thirties of the last century. It is called:" the zone of the nearest development". More bright and less bright students are together in one class. The weaker or less experienced students always see what the brightest do and how they do. The brightest are always ready to help. The weaker or more experienced always see where to go. And of course it needs a lot of practice. We need to keep attention and distribute it to different tasks. It's not so easy and needs practical skills. I want to say that it's supposed to be difficult at the beginning. Eventually we will become more proficient in chatting and giving different commands |
Lena | |
Russia |
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I've been reading all the impressions about yesterday's TI chat and agree with most of what has been said (so I guess I have nothing really new to add). Azzam, I know what you mean about the 'techie image'. In my case, I find it ridiculous, because I know it's not true and I know I've still got a lot to learn. Thank God! I can't stand people who think they know it all! Anyway, what I really want to say is that I'm really grateful to belong to an organization such as TESOL that makes such an online community as ours possible. But above all, I'm truly grateful to all our colleagues who are giving a lot of their time to share their knowledge with us less knowledgeable, but very committed people. No names, in case I leave someone out. And I wouldn't like that. |
Teresa | |
Portugal |
Apart from what I've learned from you all in these two weeks with this community, 'you are all hereby publicly credited with bringing about a major change in me: making me a chat fan!!!' Yes, until two weeks ago I didn't want anything to do with it. Apart from a chat with Brazilian 4th graders about a year and a half ago during which I had a lot of fun, chat had never interested me. I was addicted to email. I even did a sabbatical project last year on email. I still am, but now I see the added value of synchronous communication and of real-time chats especially with a group such as ours who has a lot to give in terms of know how, professional experience and the human side of things -- high tech with high touch!
Before I go, let me just explain my problems yesterday (because they may help someone avoid going through the same hassle) and why it took me so long to change my icons and to get to see my beautiful dolphin. Don't you think I should color it?
1) I couldn't see my dolphin because I was in What's here and NOT in Who's here -- shame on me!!!
2) I had trouble changing from the dolphin to the mini-photo Vance prepared for me (thanks, Vance!) for two reasons: -- I was writing 'icon is me' INSTEAD OF 'icon me is' (I hope I got it right this time!); -- my computer had a 'tantrum' (just like we humans do!) and refused to copy and paste the url Vance gave me, so, after writing it out a couple of times, I just got completely mixed up, started making mistakes, and was about to give up when 'my guardian angel' Susanne came along and didn't let me quit! (Thanks, so much, Susanne!)
Last, I'd like to say that, in spite of the fast pace at times (the DETACH feature that Keiko mentioned is a great help), I was able to follow things much more easily yesterday. However, I was sorry to have missed all the fun with the signs while trying to change my icon with Susanne's precious help and patience. Yes, Keiko, breaking up the group might have helped, because that's what Susanne did with me, and that's when I sorted out ideas and got things working. Anyway, I hope to know a little bit about notes and signs for next week.
Sorry for such a long message. A great week to you all, Teresa
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
Vance's Tapped In chat logs
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 3 01:24:05 2002 PST.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 01:24:27 2002 PST.
VanceS asks, "Hi chis, is that the icon from the schedule page?"
ChrisFr says, "Hi Vance. Yes it is"
VanceS asks, "So, what are the steps then?"
VanceS [Webhead] awaits eagerly for Chris to write the next part of the syllabus
VanceS asks, "How are you doing btw?"
ChrisFr says, "But I copied the icon to somewhere else and shortened the name in case that was why I couldn't see it before"
ChrisFr exclaims, "Just trying to keep up with the pace of this event!"
VanceS says, "it's occurred to me maybe we could just link to them right from the schedule page"
VanceS . o O ( me too! regarding pace )
ChrisFr says, "I tried that, but itI couldn't see my icon and I wondered if the length of the name might be a problem chrisfry32.jpg is 10.3"
ChrisFr says, "I bet! You're doing a great job"
VanceS asks, "10.3 what? cubits?"
ChrisFr says, "10 characters + 3 character extension. I shortened it to chfry32.jpg but it still didn't show until you appeared"
ChrisFr says, "But the length was obviously not the problem as yours is divingthumb.jpg"
VanceS says, "oh, oh well, walk me through it and I'll try to get my new icon up there"
VanceS [Webhead] can't remember how he did it before
VanceS . o O ( must be easy )
ChrisFr says, "I think you are right, Vance. The simplest thing to do would be to get people to link to the 32x32 you have made at one of the pages."
ChrisFr says, "In Windows MSIE you right-click on the minithumbnail and go to properties, block and copy the URL"
VanceS says, "they're all at this url:"
VanceS says, "http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/community/f ilename.jpg"
VanceS asks, "so what's the first step?"
ChrisFr says, "Then you log on here and type: /icon me is "paste in the thing you copied between double quotes""
VanceS [Webhead] is about to try it
ChrisFr says, "When I went to Member Login I saw the link that explained how to add an icon and followed the instructions"
ChrisFr says, "That page is http://www.tappedin.sri.com/info/icons.html"
VanceS says, "hmmm"
VanceS says, "the syntax when I write /help icon is this:"
VanceS says, "this: @icon <object> is <url enclosed in double quotes> @icon for <object>"
VanceS asks, "now, what goes in <object> ? me?"
ChrisFr says, "yes"
ChrisFr says, "That's interesting. This is the first time I've really come in here since registering as a member earlier in the week"
VanceS asks, "does me have to be in brackets?"
VanceS says, "it's telling me -- after char 71: , or } expected"
ChrisFr says, "no quite the reverse it's just the word. The URL must be between double quotes"
VanceS asks, "can you show me your syntax, what you got to work?"
ChrisFr says, "it's: /icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2 002/community/chrisfry32.jpg""
VanceS says, "you used a / then ... in the instructions it says start with @"
ChrisFr says, "The double double quote at the end of the line is a bit confusing, but it is the You say, "...""
VanceS says, "that seems to have worked"
ChrisFr says, "Yes, it's strange maybe both work"
VanceS says, "single 'double quote' at the end"
VanceS says, "this is a double quote " and this is a single quote ' or apostrophe"
VanceS says, "in mericun (different in strine?)"
ChrisFr says, "and """
VanceS asks, "triple double quote?"
ChrisFr exclaims, "double double quote or triple double quote!"
VanceS says, "double double quote = "" "" or """""
VanceS says, "say, you're not a maths teacher are you ? (math in mericun)"
ChrisFr says, "I nearly was a long time ago. But anyway, I iamgine people may be a bit disconcerted not to see their icon immediately"
VanceS asks, "Hey would you like to show me LearnEnglish?"
VanceS says, "mine is showing an X right now"
ChrisFr says, "I suspect the right clicking in the area where the icon should be and refreshing should work"
VanceS says, "maybe it just takes time to propogate"
ChrisFr says, "That's what mine showed until you arrived and then of course it had to refresh. Do you want to try the refresh idea"
VanceS asks, "I refresh by clicking update, do you have a different way?"
ChrisFr says, "Just refreshing the little frame called who's here"
VanceS says, "I recall someone said there was a geocities problem here once. let me try it with the prohosting url as you did."
VanceS says, "now that worked right away"
ChrisFr says, "n the end I uploaded it to my own site as I had this mistaken idea that the length was the problem"
ChrisFr asks, "What? The prohosting site?"
VanceS says, "well, we've just learned the process"
VanceS says, "yeah, I typed in this /icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline20 02/community/vance32.jpg""
VanceS says, "and it worked"
VanceS says, "immediately"
VanceS says, "but when I used my vancestevens.com which is geocities, it wouldn't link"
ChrisFr says, "Well that's perfect then"
VanceS says, "yep, we're ready for everyone who joins us today to click in a new icon in no time flat"
ChrisFr says, "I was suprised to see a // in the middle of the address on geocities"
VanceS says, "for some reason, that gets returned in the browser line. No idea why."
ChrisFr says, "I just wondered if that had anything to do with the problem of linking to a picture in goecities"
VanceS says, "but I changed mine to normal syntax and it didn't work"
ChrisFr says, "I just tried this URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002 /community/chrisfry32.jpg"
ChrisFr says, "and had now problem seeing the picture, though"
VanceS says, "This is what I used: http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/community/chrisfry32.jpg except I used mine. I'll bet if you pasted that url in a browser you'd see your pic"
VanceS asks, "woops .. shall i project? just to see?"
ChrisFr asks, "What's project?"
VanceS says, "It will open a new browser window on your computer"
VanceS asks, "Will that be ok?"
ChrisFr says, "yes"
VanceS [Webhead] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/community/chrisfry32.jpg
ChrisFr says, "Yes it came up straight away"
VanceS says, "so that proves that this url http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/community/chrisfry32.jpg works"
VanceS says, "but it won't link your icon at tapped n"
ChrisFr says, "Strange..."
VanceS says, "the syntax for project is /project and-the-url-goes-here"
VanceS says, "you should always ask first though"
VanceS says, "it bumps some people"
VanceS asks, "would you like to show me your chat site?"
ChrisFr says, "Sure"
VanceS says, "project it"
ChrisFr projects the URL: http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/chat_frame.html
<Chris and Vance chat for a while in the LearnEnglish site, but Vance requests a return to Tapped In>
ChrisFr says, "Hi"
ChrisFr says, "I'm back"
VanceS says, "ok"
VanceS says, "and I'm looking at this site: http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/militaryenglish/"
VanceS says, "I've seen this before"
ChrisFr says, "The MilitaryEnglish site is part of the BRitish Council's LearnEnglish"
VanceS asks, "so when you say you host a chat with this, what do you mean?"
ChrisFr says, "Under Talk on the left there is a page of introduction and then the chat"
ChrisFr says, "Well, it just means that I am there to greet people when they arrive, to try and get the converstaion going and sometimes to correct their English"
VanceS says, "what time Tuesday"
VanceS asks, "8 gmt or 15 gmt?"
ChrisFr says, "Well every Tuesday it's 0800-0900, 1500-1600 and 2000-2100 GMT"
ChrisFr says, "The times you see on the screen should be your local times. The page adjusts to where you are"
ChrisFr says, "So when I look at it it says 0900-1000 and when you look at it it says 0800-0900"
ChrisFr says, "It's the same chat applet that is used for the LearnEnglish Chat"
VanceS says, "I got the times from the webheads schedule, but indeed 8 gmt is correctly listed at 12:00 here"
VanceS asks, "How many people turn up for it?"
ChrisFr says, "The MilitaryEnglish Chat is rarely used by anyone, unfortunately"
VanceS says, "I'll see if we can get anyone here interested"
ChrisFr says, "It is aimed at helping Peace Keeping Forces around the world to practise their English"
VanceS says, "I think the uAE military qualifies as a peace keeping force"
ChrisFr says, "It is obviously a very samll 'niche market' compared to LearnEnglish"
ChrisFr says, "It would really be very good if some of your students came along and tried it"
VanceS says, "I'll try and encourage that"
ChrisFr says, "I think the English language trainers are the ones who we need to reach to be able to help the people it is aimed at"
ChrisFr says, "The market for the LearnEnglish Chat is so much bigger potentially, but even then the average number of participants is only 5"
VanceS says, "There's a stigma on chat here because it's typically abused, this is throughout the UAE"
ChrisFr says, "The LearnEnglish Chat is so different from the style of most commercial (non_EFL) chats"
ChrisFr says, "Sometimes people come in with asl? 22 male Karachi"
ChrisFr says, "as if it was like a contact chat"
ChrisFr exclaims, "It's much more sedate than that!"
ChrisFr says, "It is suitable for people who feel that the chance to practise communicating in English is in itself worth taking up"
VanceS says, "sorry, took a break for a sec"
VanceS says, "chatting with Randa in Egypt. SHe has an awful connection"
VanceS says, "and the egyptians can't seem to get in here"
ChrisFr says, "About running a session on LearnEnglish some time in the week 15-21st Feb, I might be able to do something that weekend"
VanceS says, "sure, just name your time"
ChrisFr asks, "What sort of time would be best?"
VanceS asks, "it's really up to you, by weekend you mean sat, sun?"
ChrisFr says, "Yes, but it could be Friday"
VanceS asks, "what dates are fri/sat/ sun that week?"
ChrisFr says, "15/16/17"
VanceS says, "no special events yet on those dates"
VanceS asks, "you can see what the weekly schedule looks like, shall I project it?"
ChrisFr says, "Late Evening is a good time if there are a lot of people in America, South America"
ChrisFr says, "Great"
VanceS [Webhead] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/schedule.htm
ChrisFr says, "But then it's too late for India, the Far East"
DavidW waves to ChrisFr and VanceS [Webhead].
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Hi there"
DavidW [to ChrisFr]: "Hi. I'm David Weksler"
ChrisFr says, "Hi there, David"
DavidW says, "Hola"
VanceS asks, "hola David, que tal hoy?"
DavidW says, "Muy bien."
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Y Usted?"
DavidW [to ChrisFr]: "I'm in New Jersey, near New York City"
VanceS says, "Soy seguro que Chris debe hablar muy buenos espanoles"
ChrisFr says, "I speak it, but no one would say I spoke it well"
DavidW says, "Si, muy buenos espanoles, verdad"
VanceS says, "Usted est tan en Jersey nueva hoy! Usted seguro consigue alrededor."
ChrisFr asks, "Are you a Spanish teacher, David?"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "No gracias"
DavidW says, "No, I'm not. I have mostly been helping teachers learn about technology/Internet/TappedIn over the past 9 years. TappedIN for the pas 5 years or so, really."
VanceS says, "Chris vive en Barcelona, de que es porqu pense tan"
DavidW says, "Claro, que si"
DavidW says, "La luth == la luz"
DavidW says, "Excuse me for a sec, I'm getting some tea."
VanceS says, "I just noticed you can't have spanish characters in tapped in"
ChrisFr says, "I must be off, too I can type them, Can you see four :"
ChrisFr says, "No I can't see them"
ChrisFr says, "i typed enyes"
ChrisFr says, "See you late, Vance and David"
DavidW says, "I think we just have basic ASCII"
DavidW waves to ChrisFr.
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChrisFr has disconnected.
VanceS says, "bye christ"
VanceS says, "chris oops"
DavidW says, "That's a mouthful"
DavidW grins.
VanceS says, "a fingerfull"
VanceS says, "howsit today"
DavidW says, "Well, Christ, it's busy but dark outside."
VanceS asks, "do you have a home in new jersey?"
DavidW sings, ~\ Christ your know I love you... /~
DavidW says, "What's the next line - from Jesus Christ Superstar"
DavidW sings, ~\ Did you see I waved, I believe in you and God so tell me that I'm saved /~
DavidW says, "There you go."
VanceS [Webhead] smiles
VanceS says, "I'm just catching up on webpages"
DavidW says, "No, where I am right now is the house that we moved into when I was a senior in TEnafly High School. My folks usally live here, but they are on sabaatical in Paris and I'm living here with my cousin, Benjamin, to do all the 25 year repair things - refrigerator, furnace, chimney lining..."
DavidW nods.
DavidW says, "So, it's home in New Jersey, yes."
VanceS asks, "is your own home in swarthmore?"
DavidW says, "Don't really have a home in Swarthmore,(or environs) any more as my girlfriend and i broke up after a 8 year relationship. Ouch."
VanceS [Webhead] wonders if it was the singing
DavidW says, "But I've lived thereabouts for the most part (2 years in California) since starting college."
DavidW exclaims, "Hey I introduced her to Frank Sinatra!"
VanceS asks, "how long ago was the breakup?"
DavidW says, "2 years ago, about"
VanceS asks, "ever been married?"
VanceS says, "let me know if I stray from professionalism here"
DavidW says, "No, living with ANnie was my longest on-going relationship. Kinda felt like being married I guess, but technically I've never been."
DavidW says, "I'm wearing clean underwear at the moment."
DavidW says, "Oops, not at all professional, that comment."
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [Webhead] is pleased as punch
DavidW says, "Well, just to keep things on the up and up"
VanceS asks, "oh well, so you seem to move all over the place; is that for work?"
DavidW says, "Well, a lot of my life, friends, associates are in Philadelphia area. I'm playing soccer this afternoon. My sister lives about 70 miles from here, 50 miles from Swarthmore in Bucks COunty - I need to give her a hand this morning with moving some stuff in her house."
DavidW says, "I help out from time to time with my niece, Justine (11) and nephew, Alex (8) - I took them to school on Friday when Jenny was pushed for time"
VanceS says, "my son Glenn is an over the top soccer buff"
DavidW says, "I'm going to be in Orange County, California doing some work with my brother-in-law, Chris."
DavidW asks, "How old?"
VanceS says, "23"
DavidW asks, "Does he still play somewhere? Did he play in college/high school?"
VanceS says, "http://www.glennaldo.com/"
VanceS asks, "can I project the soccer part?"
DavidW says, "Sure, I don't have a web broser open, not using Tapestry, but I just copy and paste."
VanceS says, "http://www.glennaldo.com/soccerindex.htm"
VanceS says, "no need to project then"
DavidW says, "Nice big picture on the first web page."
DavidW grins.
DavidW exclaims, "Oh, music too!"
DavidW asks, "Is that him swimming?"
VanceS says, "it was actually taken in a swimming pool"
DavidW exclaims, "Yowza! He's tracking a lot of soccer!"
VanceS says, "that was the point I was trying to make"
VanceS asks, "you don't think I woulda led you on a wild goose chase do you?"
DavidW says, "Well, you were doing pretty well in espanoles"
DavidW winks.
VanceS says, "here's another one you can check out"
VanceS says, "http://world.altavista.com/tr"
VanceS says, "you can get by in a lot of languages with that little toy"
DavidW says, "Cool. I've known that altavista does translations, i've just never looked since I started using Google much more for searching."
VanceS says, "or, as babel fish would say ..."
VanceS says, "puedes pasar en muchos de lenguajes con ese pequeo juguete"
VanceS asks, "I would have said 'de idiomas' - any difference?"
DavidW says, "The translation joke that I was told a long time ago was the machine that translated Russian to English actually vice versa was given the sentence: The spirit is strong but the flesh is weak (Samuel Butler, I think)"
DavidW says, "The translation came back as: The meat is rare but the vodka is good."
VanceS says, "babel fish: el alcohol es fuerte pero la carne es debil"
VanceS says, "LOL"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "Idiomatic phrases are tough."
DavidW asks, "What's your most comfortable 2nd language, now?"
VanceS says, "French, that I can do myself"
DavidW nods.
DavidW asks, "And arabic?"
DavidW asks, "remind me how long you have been in UAE?"
DavidW asks, "I've got 2 recently acquired soccer t-shirts - gotta support the local economy after 11 September, right?"
DavidW . o O ( David, do you need another t-shirt. Mom, these are different! )
VanceS says, "I can do a fairly good arabic. I was 5 years in Saudi and 10 in Oman, plus 4 here now"
VanceS says, "Glenn would do anything for a soccer jersey too"
VanceS says, "last trip to Mococco he was combing the souk for them"
DavidW says, "Well, I have a Brasil one. That a friend gave me."
DavidW says, "I tend to cheer for them in the World Cup. They are so beautiful to watch"
VanceS says, "Here you can get knock offs for cheap"
DavidW says, "Oh, all over, but the first one I bought in August, was a really simple one that I really liked and I had to go to a 2nd sotre to find it in the right size."
DavidW says, "White t-shirt black letters on the front said, "Wake Up America" and "2002" on the back. Haven't worn that one yet."
DavidW smiles.
VanceS says, "good one"
DavidW asks, "Well, I would like to wear it, just seems a little provocative these days. Did you hear about the State of the Union Speech that Bush gave on Wednesday?"
VanceS says, "saw it on cnn, till I had to run from the room"
DavidW says, "This comment about the"Axis of Evil""
DavidW says, "I was at a play and only heard the Democrat response on radio."
VanceS says, "naw, actually he's a pretty credible warlord, but he has a problem with peace"
VanceS says, "His policy toward yassar arafat is shortsighted second only to Sharon's"
VanceS [Webhead] should warn Dave not to get him started
DavidW says, "Probably a few other settlers in the West Bank aren't too fond of Mr. Arafat, also."
VanceS says, "there is exactly the problem ... settlers / west bank"
DavidW nods.
VanceS says, "If Sharon has a policy, it's basically to drive the Palestinians off the land."
DavidW says, "The whole thing is logically flawed from the Israeli perspective and it is just terribly sad."
VanceS says, "Everything he does no matter how outrageous is consistent with that policy"
DavidW says, "Sharon is not the person who can lead anyone in Israel to a solution. Arafat may not be the person, either."
VanceS says, "I'm not defending Arafat, only that he is a moderate influence on the palestinians at the moment"
DavidW understands.
DavidW agrees.
VanceS says, "Sharon is a disaster, not to mention a murderer with blood dripping from his hands"
VanceS says, "and for Bush to support him ..."
DavidW says, "Read a long article about the Palestinian woman who was killed/blew herself up? - some qeustion remains - sad life."
VanceS says, "well, 100 israeli soldiers had signed a petition yesterday refusing to have anything more to do with occupation of Gaza"
VanceS says, "50 the day before, 100 yesterday. Their goal is 500. I hope they get 5000"
DavidW says, "I think that will happen. They think about what is going on and they realize that you can't battle like this."
DavidW says, "I hope so, too."
VanceS says, "Meanwhile Palestinian toughs have just murdered an israeli architect when he went once to often to their area were he was helpign them build homes"
DavidW says, "It has to be a groundswell, I think, and who better than soldiers to start protesting."
VanceS says, "Kind of like ireland"
DavidW nods.
DavidW says, "I can't imagine the things that were done here during the Civil War. It must have been horrible."
VanceS says, "But the isreali response is like the brits going in and bulldozing a few irish villages, in retaliation of all things ..."
DavidW nods.
VanceS [Webhead] wipes the froth from around his mouth
DavidW hands VanceS [Webhead] a beach towel and a glass of water.
BJ's Shadow follows BJB to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hello
VanceS says, "Hi bj"
DavidW says, "Wendy Haas, a cousin of mine, grew up in Tenafly, went to college, I think got an MBA worked in New York. May, at one point have encountered some anti-Semitism of the light variety."
DavidW hugs BJB [HelpDesk].
VanceS asks, "how do you mean, David?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "But nothing major, joined a young adult Jewish group, met a guy, seriou senough to have an orthodox wedding. Left New York moved to the West Bank and lives there with 3 children. Might not be the West bank, but I'm not sure of all the details."
DavidW [to BJB]: "Morning."
DavidW says, "Her Father was just flabbergasted - where did this religious fervor (nned to be in Israel) come from."
DavidW grins at BJB [HelpDesk].
DavidW [to BJB]: "I recommended "No, David" to someone yesterday IN a children's book store."
VanceS asks, "nned to be?"
DavidW says, "Of course, that's a question, but I was told that one of her beliefs is that all Jews should live in Israel."
DavidW says, "It's a belief. She's entitled to it, I guess."
VanceS says, "If they want to have a decent life there they have to move there in such a way as to not displace the people living there already."
DavidW says, "She used to babysit for my sister and me. Her family was never very religious."
DavidW . o O ( either )
DavidW [to BJB]: "We started with the State of the Union address and have advanced."
DavidW exclaims, "We ad-vances-ed!"
DavidW says, "nope, doesn't work."
DavidW smiles.
DavidW asks, "More tea, anyone?"
DavidW hopes.
DavidW says, "Oh, God, I've really offended someone, now."
VanceS [Webhead] wishes people could all get along
DavidW agrees.
White Book of Tarkin Ru follows JohnSte to here.
BJB says, "no, thanks...have some coffee"
DavidW sings, ~\ C'mon people now, smile on your brother /~
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to John
DavidW waves to JohnSte [Webhead].
JohnSte says, "Hellllooooo, everybody"
DavidW says, "Morning"
VanceS says, "Hi John"
DavidW says, "At least for me and BJB"
JohnSte asks, "Is this singing I hear this early in the morning?"
DavidW says, "And Inidan, pA"
DavidW says, "oops, Indiana, Pennsylvania - what a silly name for a town."
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles and tells David's fingers to wake up
DavidW says, "Like California, PA"
JohnSte says, "Like California, PA and Washington, PA"
DavidW says, "Well, I will be near Washington's Crossing, PA in about 2 hours, I expect. Need to go help Jenny move stuff in her basement."
VanceS asks, "back in Indiana, John?"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW exclaims, "Pennsylvania!"
JohnSte says, "Yep. Been hear for a little over a week, now."
JohnSte says, "Winter finally started yesterday."
DavidW says, "Did you guys get icy stuff."
DavidW asks.
JohnSte says, "All I got were flurries yesterday."
DavidW says, "It was 68 in Philadelphia on Friday evening as I was driving past the airport. Then it got a lot cooler, very windy, though."
JohnSte says, "Yep. It was warm enough here Friday for me to sleep with the window open. Then it got windy and colder."
DavidW nods.
JohnSte says, "Vance doesn't have to worry about snow."
DavidW says, "Apparently a good number of folks from Oklahoma to New England lost electricity because of ice."
VanceS says, "It's been chilly in Abu Dhabi too. I was having dinner on a veranda last night in a sweater and polypro pants, and wool socks"
JohnSte says, "I heard about that."
JohnSte says, "My daughter was complaining about it being 73F back home last night. Claimed she was freezing to death."
DavidW says, "it's tough."
JohnSte says, "Sure is, at the same time it was 28F here."
DavidW says, "Just keep you hand in ice water at that temperature and your hand will be warmer."
VanceS says, "The weather in Abu Dhabi is very pleasant 9 months a year"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has lost his link.
JohnSte asks, "And the other 3 months?"
DavidW has connected.
DavidW says, "I must have an eject button on this computer."
BJB says, "hi, Libby. Welcome"
DavidW grins.
BJB says, "wb, David"
DavidW waves to LibbyL.
DavidW grins.
BJB drops 2002/02/03 WebHeads (recording).
VanceS says, "thanks BJ (always looking out for me)"
BJB [to Libby]: "are you here for the webheads discussion or to visit TAPPED IN?"
VanceS says, "Hi Libby"
JohnSte says, "wave to LibbyL"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "BJB looks out for a lot of us"
BJB . o O ( John needs to practice waving. Maybe that should be the topic for the webheads today :-)..emoting )
BJB [to Libby]: "can we help you with anything?"
JohnSte says, "I thought we already had a topic for today. And, yes, John does need help emoting."
You hear a quiet popping sound; LibbyL has disconnected.
BJB [to John]: "what is the topic for today? Is it still pets?"
VanceS says, "I've just finished the logs from Feb 20. (whew)"
BJB . o O ( I've not been very good at keeping up with the evonline posts )
JohnSte says, "I thought it was teachable things and notes (If I remember the email I got)."
VanceS says, "That and getting icons in the tapped in whoshere. I made a bunch of 32x32's for my folks."
BJB . o O ( to emote type :action eg :waves )
VanceS says, "and notes. If we're really doing samba school next week we'll need notes"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to John...thanks, I do remember reading something about notes
JohnSte [Webhead] wave to BJB
BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for John
VanceS asks, "you just get a note from the vending machine, right?"
JohnSte says, "I was using the wrong symbol / instead of :"
BJB says, "you click on NEW NOTE at the top of your screen"
VanceS . o O ( ohh )
BJB says, "give the note a name (delete the number stuff)"
JohnSte [Webhead] gets Note_64722 from the vending machine.
BJB says, "and then enter text in the body of the note and click on save"
JohnSte says, "rename note_64722 to My note"
BJB says, "hi, Christine. Welcome"
Shun's Recorder follows ShunI to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Shun
JohnSte says, "Hi, Shun"
ShunI bows
VanceS says, "hi Christine, Hi Shun"
BJB [to John]: "try a / in front of /rename"
christine [guest] says, "hi, sorry, I'm new ... and French"
VanceS [Webhead] bows to BJB [HelpDesk], JohnSte [Webhead], DavidW,
christine [guest], and ShunI.
ShunI says, "Hi, John, Vance, David"
BJB exclaims, "welcome, Christine!"
VanceS says, "bienvenu Christine"
BJB says, "hi, Ali. Nice to see you again"
VanceS says, "Hi Ali, nice to see you."
JohnSte says, "Hi Christine, Ali"
ShunI says, "Hi, Ali, Christine."
christine [guest] says, "Thank you for writing in French, VanceS. I'll try English, though,if you don't mind my being so slow..."
BJB says, "welcome to the webheads discussion, Christine."
VanceS says, "pas de probleme"
VanceS asks, "where are you at the moment, Christine?"
AliB says, "Hi everyone thank you VanceS and all for the support"
christine [guest] says, "I'm in Bourg-en-Bresse near Lyon and I'd like to create a training course for young teachers"
BJB says, "have you met Phil Benz, Christine? He's in the Ardeche region of France"
BJB . o O ( and is doing something similar, I believe )
AliB says, "I've been here since 11.00GMT trying to learn more fom the Tappedin"
BJB [to Ali]: "any questions?"
DavidW [to AliB]: "Bonjour monsieur"
christine [guest] asks, "No, BJB. Thanks for the name. I'll try to find him. Can I ask you where you are and what you do?"
VanceS says, "I've been here since around 10 gmt. I had a day off today."
BJB [to Christine [guest]]: "Phil leads a discussion here called Euro Lang. The group meets on Tuesday ..check the calendar for your time zone"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Arthur"
BJB [to Christine [guest]]: "click on my icon to find out more about me"
DavidW looks up'n'down.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Arthur.
Seeing Eye follows DanB to here.
BJB says, "good morning, Dan."
DavidW [to ArthurM]: "Hello there"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Dan"
ArthurM exclaims, "John, /Dan, all - Hi!"
DanB [Busy] swooshes in, does a double gainer, and lands in a cloud of cyberdust
VanceS says, "Hey BJ, how do I show whoozVance? I forget the command."
DavidW [to DanB]: "Nice!"
ArthurM says, "I have just looked in for a few minutes"
DanB exclaims, "Hi, Everyone!"
VanceS . o O ( Dan's been getting lessons )
AliB says, "Plenty of Questions but I think the answers are already in the Guide, just need time"
christine [guest] says, "Thank you so much."
DavidW [to DanB]: "More coffee?"
BJB [to VanceS]: "type /project whoozVance to show it to everyone. To just show it to one person type /show whoozvance to nameofperson"
JohnSte says, "Thanks, David."
DanB [to DavidW]: "Yep. I've added some caffeine today."
VanceS [Webhead] shows WhoozVance to christine [guest].
DavidW [to DanB]: "Oh, good, I WAS worried."
DavidW [up'n'down] grins.
VanceS [to BJB]: "thanks"
BJB [to Christine/Ali]: "if your screens scroll too fast, click on DETACH in the middle right of your screen"
AliB asks, "One serious problem though, how can yyou keep track of all these threads? Any tips?"
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "I'm going out for a bagel and real coffee, but would you like some anyway?"
BJB [to Ali]: "a larger text screen will help"
VanceS [to Ali]: "which threads, the ones in this chat, or in webheads email?"
DavidW says, "We can shut up as well."
DavidW [up'n'down] smiles.
DavidW looks quiet.
DavidW [to AliB]: "It takes practice, like most things"
christine [guest] says, "I must go but I'll try to come back, if you don't mind. I hope I did'nt manage too bad with the netiquette."
VanceS [to DavidW]: "can you get me a marshmallow bagel please? With sprinkle."
JohnSte says, "Superbowl starts in a few hours. (Go Rams)"
DavidW [to AliB]: "We are also happy to help you manage through the confusion."
JohnSte says, "Nice meeting you, Christine."
VanceS [to Christine [guest]]: "You are doing quite well"
christine [guest] says, "Thank you. Bye."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_107 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS says, "nous esperons que tu va revenir bientot"
AliB says, "The ones here"
AliB says, "Hi Christine"
DanB looks Webhead.
BJB . o O ( I think we lost Christine )
AliB exclaims, "A bientot Christne!"
BJB says, "I hope we didn't scare her away"
DanB says, "I think David's bagel idea made her hungry."
JohnSte says, "She mentioned that she had to go, but would try to get back later."
VanceS [to AliB]: "The threads here ... you have to be quick"
DavidW says, "It's possible."
DavidW says, "Be back soon."
DavidW looks away.
ShunI says, "Hi, Dan, good to see you."
DanB asks, "Hello, Shun. Nice to see you again. How did your first term go do you think?"
VanceS says, "actually seriously, if you wanted to manage a thread with multiple participants ..."
AliB says, "You may have, please don't scare me too! :-))"
VanceS says, "one of the nice thing about tapped in is you can retire to another room"
ShunI says, "Students comments were mostly favorable."
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Vance. That's what I would recommend...and
BJB says, "if you are working with a class you could go to the student activity center..."
BJB says, "where there are studios for small group discussions"
BJB . o O ( or the Cafe where there are tables for the same thing )
DanB [to ShunI]: "If I remember correctly, you also plan a repeat with a new class sometime in March or April?"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Yelena
ShunI says, "Starting in April, yes."
JohnSte [Webhead] waves to Yelena
DanB says, "Hello, Yelena."
YelenaP says, "Hello"
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
ShunI says, "Hi, Yelena."
BJB says, "good day, Maggi"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Maggi"
YelenaP says, "Hi"
DanB says, "Hi, Margaret."
ShunI says, "Hello, Margaret."
MargaretD says, "hello everyone"
AliB says, "yes I know , but how quick is quicK? when you're like me using one or two fingers to key your message and you have to keep your eyes on the KB"
DanB . o O ( Clone Alert )
YelenaP says, "Ok, I see."
VanceS [Webhead] waves BJB [HelpDesk], JohnSte [Webhead], DavidW [away], ShunI, AliB, ArthurM, DanB [Webhead], YelenaP, MargaretD, and DafneG.
YelenaP waves
VanceS says, "Hi Lena, nice to see you here"
DafneG says, "Hello"
JohnSte [Webhead] waves to DafneG
DanB says, "Hi, Dafne."
YelenaP says, "I am a weabhead, Lena parshina."
VanceS says, "It seems you are enjoying Webheads"
VanceS says, "Hi Dafne"
DafneG asks, "how are you all today?"
JohnSte says, "I'm fine today."
DafneG nods to everybody
YelenaP says, "Yelena is my full name, according to the documents."
YelenaP says, "I am fine. Hi, all."
YelenaP smiles
BJB [to Lena]: "type /mood Lena"
AliB waves to everyone
DafneG says, "Hi Yelena"
BJB says, "that will put Lena next to your 'official' membername"
JohnSte says, "Hello, Yelena."
YelenaP says, "Hi,Dafne"
YelenaP says, "Hello John"
DafneG asks, "Have we started yer?"
BJB [to DafneG]: "people are still logging in"
DanB [Webhead] sign Webheads never stop
YelenaP says, "I am trying some things"
VanceS looks Webhead.
AliB says, "I thought we had a topic focus or something today"
DafneG asks, "that's a good sign, isn't it? Dan?"
VanceS says, "We've been reading your mail, Lena. It seems you've been trying a lot"
DanB says, "Looks like we've got 11 logged in sor far, but David is off bageling."
YelenaP says, "Yes, I do my best."
JohnSte says, "Yep. Some very good posts."
DafneG exclaims, "as usual!"
DanB [to DafneG]: "Yes, but I'm not sure what the whole sign didn't appear."
BJB [HelpDesk] waits for Dan to try the sign again
VanceS says, "The topic today is making Animals, if anyone wants to teach it. Also making notes. Also making icons like mine in Who's Here"
YelenaP says, "Ok, I will be right back. My husband says my son woke up.
(__) |
I'm in the mooooood for Webheads |
DafneG asks, "I have my own icon, did you see it VAnce?"
MargaretD asks, "didn't you do animals last week?"
JohnSte says, "Looks nice, Dafne"
BJB [to Maggi]: "there was a request for a repeat"
BJB says, "I'd be happy to take the notes group"
DafneG says, "thanks, JOhn"
MargaretD says, "last email sasometzhing about Samba"
AliB says, "yes I'd Love to make one for myself but I need to read the link on attaching icons..."
VanceS [Webhead] looks for Dafne's icon
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Maggi. That's why we thought notes would be a good topic to prepare us for the Samba session
VanceS says, "I see Dafne's canary icon"
DanB [Webhead] starts cutting out paper footsteps for Samba practice this week
DafneG exclaims, "It is supposed to be a chick!"
VanceS says, "ok, maybe notes is the easiest to start with"
MargaretD says, "carnival starts next week"
DafneG frowna
VanceS says, "For an avatar you need a 32 pixel by 32 pixel graphic"
DafneG frowns
DanB asks, "I wonder if Felix will attend?"
VanceS says, "or maybe just choose one from the icons available"
MargaretD exclaims, "he will be partng Dan!"
AliB says, "Which carnival please don't take too much for granted"
DafneG says, "Last night NIgel and Nelba said they were attending"
VanceS says, "I wrote Webheads students today so I hope Felix will answer"
MargaretD says, "partying"
DanB [to AliB]: "In Brazil."
VanceS says, "Felix lives in Brazil, and also Nicia"
VanceS says, "Hi Maggi, didn't see you come in"
VanceS says, "Hi Michael"
VanceS says, "back from Tas"
MichaelAC says, "Hi everyone"
DanB exclaims, "Michael!"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Michael
AliB says, "Hi Micaheh"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Michael."
MargaretD says, "we have Carnival here in Germany..it is callefasching"
DafneG waves to Michael
YelenaP says, "Ok I am back"
DafneG says, "We are having Carnival in Venezuela too"
JohnSte [Webhead] waves to GaryCz
MichaelAC says, "No Ying Lan here I see...."
DanB says, "Hi, Gary. And welcome back Lena."
DafneG says, "Hello Gary"
AliB waves to GaryCz
YelenaP asks, "Is it a carnival time, right now?"
VanceS asks, "Can you help us with the Samba School Dafne?"
GaryCz says, "Hello, all, from Urbana, Illinois."
VanceS says, "Hi Gary"
MargaretD asks, "little early for her don't you think mc?"
DanB says, "I wonder if Ying Lan is having trouble finding a computer to use while she's in NYC."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves good morning to Gary
MichaelAC asks, "is it 7 am in NY?"
JohnSte says, "It's after 7:00 - She should be up and working."
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Michael
MichaelAC says, "OK"
MargaretD asks, "on a Sunday?"
DanB asks, "Working on a Sunday AM?"
JohnSte says, "Unless she is as lazy as my daughters."
YelenaP says, "It's after 7 in Washington D.C."
JohnSte says, "(Working around the house, on the computer)"
BJB . o O ( or unless she has been working hard all week and needs her rest :-) )
JohnSte says, "That's my daughter's excuse, too."
JohnSte says, "sleeps until noon."
VanceS asks, "I only heard from Ying Lan once, has anyone else?"
DanB . o O ( Poor John )
MichaelAC says, "I certainly rested this Sunday morning (today)"
MichaelAC says, "I haven't heard from YL"
JohnSte says, "I've been up since 5:30 getting ready for this session."
JohnSte says, "I haven't heard anything from YL."
MargaretD says, "busy booger"
VanceS says, "I haven't figured out how to economize on all the mails"
VanceS says, "I'm just reading and deleting, reading and pasting to web pages etc"
MichaelAC asks, "for EVONLINE?"
JohnSte says, "I'm getting email overload. That's why I haven't been posting much."
MichaelAC says, "Yes I see"
DanB exclaims, "Well, Vance. That's the curse of being such a popular guy!"
VanceS says, "yep, it's a new experience. Writing for Webheads was never like this."
MichaelAC says, "It's an active group"
VanceS says, "and now we need an eModerator to get us on topic for today"
MichaelAC says, "and that's what it's like when a grouop is very active"
VanceS asks, "ahem, are there any eModerators in the group?"
MichaelAC says, "(not me mate!)"
JohnSte says, "I thought it was supposed to be Susanne."
BJB [HelpDesk] raises her hand...anyone want to learn about notes?
VanceS [Webhead] winks at Michael
DafneG says, "take a mirror, Vance"
AliB says, "not me either"
JohnSte says, "I would, BJ"
DafneG exclaims, "and you will find a moderator!"
VanceS says, "Well, BJB has offered to show us Notes"
BJB says, "if you want to learn about notes, type /join BJ"
DanB [Webhead] listens for Notes lesson
DanB [Webhead] suddenly disappears.
ShunI suddenly disappears.
DafneG says, "I am ready for the notes BJ"
JohnSte [Webhead] suddenly disappears.
VanceS says, "ok BJB is going to show us notes elsewhere"
MichaelAC suddenly disappears.
GaryCz suddenly disappears.
VanceS says, "So if you want to join us type /join BJ"
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 3 04:22:22 2002 PST.
Started recording in Alternative/Correctional Education Office (#29764)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 04:22:22 2002 PST.
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
DafneG's personal recorder follows DafneG to here.
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
AliB arrives from nowhere.
AliB's personal recorder follows AliB to here.
VanceS says, "I'll just check back in reception real fast"
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in Alternative/Correctional Education Office (#29764) at Sun Feb 3 04:22:50 2002 PST.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 04:22:50 2002 PST.
VanceS asks, "Lena, did you want to join us?"
YelenaP says, "Yes, of course"
VanceS says, "ok, type /join bj"
VanceS asks, "Arthur?"
YelenaP suddenly disappears.
VanceS says, "We're in the next room, mate"
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 3 04:23:58 2002 PST.
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
Notemaking Tutorial
Started recording in Alternative/Correctional Education Office (#29764)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 04:23:58 2002 PST.
<Note: This was also contents of text from 2002/02/03 WebHeads - Making a Note (#64741) Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:41:36 PST>
BJ says, "I'm going to show you how to make notes..."
YelenaP says, "Hi, BJ"
MichaelAC says, "Shoot BJ"
VanceS [Webhead] listens to BJ
DanB [Webhead] hands Vance a fine-brisled broom
BJ says, "notes are great for sharing a lot of information without having to type it every time"
BJ says, "the notes are stored in the TI database"
BJ says, "you can also leave a note in a room so that anyone who enters the room can read it..."
BJ says, "to make a note (you have to be a TAPPED IN member to do this)..."
YelenaP asks, "What is TI database?"
BJ says, "click on NEW NOTE at the top of your screen"
BJ [to Lena]: "TAPPED IN database...sorry"
MichaelAC gets Note_64725 from the vending machine.
YelenaP gets Note_64726 from the vending machine.
AliB says, "where's the TI database,"
ShunI gets Note_64727 from the vending machine.
DafneG gets Note_64728 from the vending machine.
JohnSte [Webhead] gets Note_64729 from the vending machine.
selina [guest] arrives from nowhere.
BJ [to Ali]: "the database is housed in Menlo Park, California"
VanceS says, "The TI dbase is stored on a server somewhere in the states I would imagine"
DanB [Webhead] waves to Selina
JohnSte says, "Hi, Selina"
BJ says, "when you get the note, you will see that it has a name like Note_1234"
MargaretD gets Note_64730 from the vending machine.
AliB asks, "Can webheads have access to it?"
MargaretD gets Note_64731 from the vending machine.
VanceS [Webhead] gets Note_64732 from the vending machine.
BJ says, "delete that name and give your note another name...something that is easy to remember"
BJ [to Ali]: "you have access to it as a TAPPED IN member"
BJ says, "after you have renamed your note, type in some sample text in the body of the note and click on SAVE"
BJ waits for everyone to catch up
GaryCz gets Note_64733 from the vending machine.
AliB asks, "I'm lost BJ listening to you talk about notes .which notes?"
TeresaAlm arrives from nowhere.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
MargaretD says, "drop note 64731"
DanB [Webhead] waves to Teresa
DafneG says, "Hi, TEresa"
BJ [to Ali]: "do you see NEW NOTE at the top of your screen?"
TeresaAlm says, "Hello, everybody! Sorrey I'm late."
JohnSte says, "Hi, Teresa."
YelenaP says, "HI, Teresa"
VanceS says, "This is to make a note, Ali, that you can show to people on demand."
VanceS says, "Hi Teresa, and welcome"
JohnSte drops White Book 1.
BJ projects notes.
Right now I'm projecting a note at you... Notes are
things that I make ahead of time (anyone can make a note). Notes are great for
giving presentations b/c they allow you to express a lot of information
quickly, and people online don't have to wait while you type it all.
VanceS says, "For example, you might make the note about yourself."
YelenaP asks, "How to drop it?"
JohnSte [Webhead] projects White Book 1.
The White Book of Tarkin-Ru is a book that I
invented as the basis for a series of short stories I wrote back in High
School. It purports to tell the history of the "Hidden Kingdoms", a group of
kingdoms that have been around for the past 10,000 years. It gets its name from
the emperor Toran Rala, the last great emperor of this group of kindoms.
DafneG projects listening.
Listens attentively to the discussion
VanceS says, "Here is my 'calling card' note (I'll show Ali)"
BJ [to Lena]: "type /drop russia forever"
GaryCz teleports to the reception.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "What do I do to see the note? Help!"
DafneG drops listening.
VanceS [Webhead] shows WhoozVance to AliB.
YelenaP drops Russia forever..
BJ [to Teresa]: "Dafne and Lena just made notes and placed (dropped) them in this room..."
AliB gets Note_64734 from the vending machine.
BJ says, "click on UPDATE in the top right of your screen and then click on WHAT'S HERE"
MichaelAC asks, "Russia forever is the name of someone's note?"
VanceS asks, "Hey you guys want to see what I'm wearing for Samba School?"
VanceS drops Samba outfit.
YelenaP says, "Really? I don'tYes, it's my note."
BJ [to Michael]: "to read a note that is dropped go to what's here and click on it"
YelenaP says, "I am sorry, confusing."
VanceS picks up Samba outfit.
BJ projects Russia forever..
I am so glad to be a part of the group. I am an
ignorant beginner, but I am curious and ready to learn.
MichaelAC drops MC Intro.
VanceS asks, "Isn't a better way to /project your note?"
YelenaP says, "Yes , it's my note. I don't see other note."
BJ says, "that is Lena's note...I just projected it by typing /project Russia"
VanceS [Webhead] projects Samba outfit.
Vance is wearing a sequined double breasted suit
with a high frilly collar and glittery greasepaint. He is making noise with a
kitchen pot, a large spatula, and a kazoo.
JohnSte [Webhead] read samba outfit
TeresaAlm says, "I'm following. Thanks for all the help. :-)"
DafneG says, "You look nice, VAnce"
JohnSte [Webhead] read russia forever
VanceS says, "Thank you Dafne. I might try some others before the Samba School next week."
YelenaP says, "NOw I see Vance's note."
VanceS asks, "I projected it. If we drop notes then we each have to pick them up and read them, right?"
BJ says, "if you have already made a note click on MY ITEMS at the top of your screen"
DanB asks, "May I ask a question?"
BJ says, "MY ITEMS will show you what you own and where it is"
BJ Listens to Dan
DanB asks, "How does one pick up a dropped note?"
BJ says, "good question, Dan. To pick up a note type /get nameofnote"
DafneG projects listening.
Listens attentively to the discussion
BJ says, "if you click on your new note in MY ITEMS you will see that there is a place to EDIT the note"
TeresaAlm projects listening.
Listens attentively to the discussion
YelenaP picks up Russia forever..
DanB asks, "And then it will become part of the person who dropped it?"
AliB [to DanB]: "what's a dropped note?"
BJ says, "you can give your note a new name or you can change the text in the body of the note"
DanB [to AliB]: "It's when a person puts the note in a room for anyone to read."
BJ [to Ali]: "a dropped note is one that is placed in the room and will show up in WHAT'S HERE"
VanceS says, "So you can leave a note for others to read"
BJ [to Dan]: "yes, the note goes back into the person's 'pocket' so that they can project that note from anywhere in TAPPED IN"
DanB asks, "Does Ali know that notes usually stay with the person?"
VanceS asks, "Or you can create a calling card to /project or /show to others, right?"
BJ [to VanceS]: "yep. You could have the webheads leave notes about the samba party in the webheads room"
BJ [to VanceS]: "yes, an ID/calling card is also a good use for notes"
DanB asks, "Do we have a room all to ourselves????"
VanceS . o O ( we have a webheads room? )
BJ [to VanceS]: "your office"
DafneG asks, "If I have made changes to the note, do I have to change the one that I have dropped?"
YelenaP asks, "What is project the note?"
VanceS . o O ( oh )
VanceS [Webhead] slaps forehead
BJ [to DafneG]: "no, but you have to click on UPDATE"
DanB [Webhead] pats Vance in a comforting manner
BJ [to Lena]: "when you PROJECT a note everyone in the same room can read the note at the same time"
DafneG projects listening.
Dafne Listens attentively to the discussion
TeresaAlm asks, "So patting is important, isn't it?"
YelenaP asks, "Is it the same as drop note?"
BJ says, "Dafne just PROJECTED her listening note and now we all can read it"
DanB asks, "I think we all saw Dafne's note about listening, right?"
YelenaP says, "Yes you did"
BJ [to Lena]: "when you drop a note it just sits there....to read a dropped note, a person has to actively click on the note"
AliB says, "what the difference betwwen projecting a note and sending it here"
selina [guest] goes out.
YelenaP gets Note_64735 from the vending machine.
VanceS says, "It's like a calling card. I can leave it on my desk and you can pick it up if you see it"
VanceS says, "or I can hand it to you"
AliB says, "yes I do"
TeresaAlm gets Vending_Machine_64736 from the vending machine.
BJ asks, "any other questions?"
VanceS says, "project is like show it to everyone"
DafneG asks, "how do you hand the note to another person?"
MichaelAC has disconnected.
VanceS says, "or I can /show it to just one person"
DanB asks, "What's the difference between project and show?"
VanceS says, "for example, here's /show dafneG whoozvance"
BJ says, "when you PROJECT everyone in the room sees the note..."
VanceS [Webhead] shows WhoozVance to DafneG.
AliB gets Note_64737 from the vending machine.
DafneG says, "I read it,VAnce"
BJ says, "when you /SHOW note TO person only that person sees the note"
VanceS says, "So I just handed it to Dafne"
DafneG says, "and I read it"
VanceS says, "Now if I want everyone to see it I say /project note"
VanceS says, "like this"
VanceS [Webhead] projects WhoozVance.
My name is Vance and I'm a consultant for Amideast
<http://www.amideast.org> working as coordinator for computer-assisted
language learning at a language institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE
<http://www.mli.ac.ae>. You can find out more about me here
<http://www.vancestevens.com/>. And you?
BJ . o O ( the command is /project nameofnote )
VanceS . o O ( we work as a team )
BJ says, "if you forget the name of your note, click on MY ITEMS"
VanceS says, "We had a halloween party recently and we had to come in costume"
DafneG asks, "before leaving do we have to get our notes?"
VanceS says, "The best costume was john's because he had prepared his on a NOTE beforehand"
BJ [to DafneG]: "yes, that is a good idea"
BJ . o O ( type /get nameofnote )
DafneG asks, "like with the pets, right?"
DanB says, "Thanks, BJ, for the session."
BJ says, "exactly"
YelenaP dropped I like to teach.
BJ asks, "any questions?"
ShunI goes home.
VanceS says, "How can I read Lena's note"
DanB [Webhead] goes out.
Seeing Eye (recording) goes out.
MargaretD says, "thank you BJ"
BJ [to VanceS]: "click on UPDATE"
VanceS asks, "do i have to pick it up?"
VanceS says, "ok click on it, I got it"
BJ says, "Then click on Lena's note"
JohnSte picks up White Book 1.
VanceS asks, "great, back to reception then?"
BJ [to Lena]: "you can type /project I like to teach to show it to everyone"
MargaretD suddenly disappears.
JohnSte teleports to the reception.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in Alternative/Correctional Education Office (#29764) at Sun Feb 3 04:48:38 2002 PST.
<Susanne stayed behind with Lena; click here to stay with them -->
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 04:48:38 2002 PST.
DanB says, "We're just getting back from a training session."
VanceS says, "Hi Nelba, nice to see you here"
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
NelbaQ exclaims, "Where was the training session. Hello everybody!"
VanceS exclaims, "Hi Ying Lan!!"
JohnSte says, "Hello, Ying. Nice to see you today."
VanceS exclaims, "Nice to see you !!!"
DanB [to NelbaQ]: "BJ taught us how to make Notes."
ShunI has arrived.
Shun's Recorder follows ShunI to here.
ying [guest] says, "wa... so many people here, today."
DanB says, "Welcome, Ying. We were just wondering about eyou."
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
DafneG's personal recorder follows DafneG to here.
MargaretD exclaims, "Hi Ying!"
DanB . o O ( you )
ying [guest] says, "wait second, someone could tell me ying-lan's icq number.. I forget to bring in New York from Taiwan."
ying [guest] says, "I am sorry, I spent to much time to cook this morning."
VanceS says, "Ying Lan has been a Webhead student for 3 years, and she just moved from Taiwan to New York"
ying [guest] says, "I am eating my breakfast now..."
VanceS says, "16500538"
YelenaP's personal recorder follows YelenaP to here.
ying [guest] says, "Thanks ... Vence."
ying [guest] .s No David today?
ying [guest] says, "No Michaelc .. today.."
VanceS says, "We've just been learning how to make notes and now I guess we can learn how to make icons for the who's here window"
DanB says, "They were both here earlier, Ying."
MargaretD says, "David just left for zhis sister's"
VanceS says, "Michael was here earlier but disconnected with a popping sound"
ying [guest] says, "Hi, maggi and BJb ... and everyboday.\"
ying [guest] says, "Oh, ...."
YelenaP says, "Hi, Ying"
DafneG waves to Ying
JohnSte [Webhead] smiles at Ying
DafneG says, "Hello Nelba"
ying [guest] says, "Hi John.."
MargaretD says, "has to help her with moving some stuff in the basement and then soccer"
JohnSte asks, "How are you this nice cold morning, Ying?"
NelbaQ says, "wh/ DafneG I am practicing my whispering"
NelbaQ says, "I can see it is not good"
AliB has arrived.
AliB's personal recorder follows AliB to here.
DafneG says, "yes it is"
ying [guest] says, "I am inside.... so.. I don't feel cold... but it is very cold outside. I guess."
JohnSte says, "The / goes before the command, Nelba."
MargaretD says, "beautiful her...17 and sun"
DanB [to NelbaQ]: "You need to type the / before the wh: /wh"
NelbaQ says, "Thank you, John. I am new. I started yesterday"
JohnSte says, "That is easily cured."
NelbaQ says, "Things are too fast."
JohnSte says, "Just spend time and you'll no longer be new."
ying [guest] says, "It was cold last night... My coworker sent me to go home after 11:30 pm...It seemed like that I went into frig.."
NelbaQ says, "Yes, it is a question of time"
JohnSte says, "I went out last night and almost froze my ears off."
DafneG says, "Nelba, clik on detach on the right and you will have a larger wiendow"
ying [guest] says, "I knew the feeling.."
DafneG says, "window"
VanceS asks, "so how do you like it in new York, Ying?"
JohnSte says, "I was hoping the warm temperatures would continue a bit longer (like until I go home in May)."
MargaretD says, "qand David is going to play soccer...:-)"
AliB asks, "you refer to recorder, to my recorder !!! what's that?"
NelbaQ says, "wh/ DafneG thanks"
VanceS says, "when youre a member you can get a recorder"
VanceS says, "then when you log off, TApped in mails you a transcript automatically"
NelbaQ says, "Yes, yes , sorry"
VanceS says, "it's very handy"
VanceS asks, "Does anyone remember how to make a recorder?"
MargaretD says, "por animals hibernating here woke up early"
ying [guest] says, "send me icq message, please.."
BJB [to VanceS]: "new members get a recorder automatically and don't need to get them"
NelbaQ says, "No, Vance where are the instructions"
JohnSte asks, "How about special recorders like you dropped here earlier?"
VanceS says, "really? Keiko showed me how to set one up ..."
VanceS [Webhead] is puzzled
VanceS says, "no, like Tarkin Ru"
VanceS says, "the one that follows you"
DafneG says, "our shadows"
BJB says, "those are not the same as the recorder you have following you around...they were dropped from supplies.."
JohnSte says, "I was thinking about the one that BJ dropped here to record the webheads session."
YelenaP asks, "Excuse me, what can i do with the personal buttons on the right pannel?"
BJB says, "because they were constantly being left somewhere by accident"
BJB says, "the recorder I dropped is an old style recorder that community leaders use to keep logs for transcripts that are filed in TAPPED IN"
VanceS asks, "so if you want to create a recorder that mails you logs automatically, don't you have to set it up?"
AliB says, "*help"
YelenaP says, "Ok.Wisper in return"
BJB [to Lena]: "the buttons under what's here are all notes that you can look at to learn more about TAPPED IN"
MargaretD says, "comes with membership"
DafneG asks, "Whose cat is Boris?"
AliB says, "*help."
VanceS asks, "Yes, Ali, what can I help you with?"
ying [guest] says, "I got your icq, vance.. but I could not read your message... because THE ISP which i REGESTERED FREEE here.. put me to many trash window.. I don"
BJB [to VanceS]: "nope...new members get that recorder with their membership"
YelenaP says, "Cat Boris is mine"
BJB [to Ali]: "how can I help you?"
VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "hmmm"
ying [guest] says, "I don't know how to drag my icq window down."
DafneG asks, "thanks, Yelena, have you feed him today?"
AliB asks, "recorders ...how dyou use these Vance?"
BJB [HelpDesk] projects personal recorder.
A personal recorder turns on when the owner logs in.
The recorder follows the owner from room to room. When the owner logs out the
recorder shuts off and emails the recorded transcript to the owner.
DafneG says, "just kidding, Yelena"
VanceS says, "I have one that follows me everywhere, and .. read bj's message"
MargaretD says, "better to ask BJ"
BJB [HelpDesk] waits for Ali to scroll back and read my note on recorders
VanceS asks, "and you are saying, bjb, that this happens automatically when someone becomes a member? No setup?"
ying [guest] says, "I know how to do"
BJB says, "Hi, Azzam. Welcome"
MargaretD says, "ywes, Vance"
AzzamP says, "hi there"
Keiko's Assistant follows KeikoS to here.
MargaretD says, "didn't you notice it"
JohnSte [Webhead] feed events to boris
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Keiko
VanceS says, "Hi azzam"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] crawls out of bed
KeikoS [HelpDesk] bows to BJB and Vance
AzzamP says, "Hi Vance"
KeikoS . o O ( what a party! )
VanceS says, "Hi Keiko, welcome"
VanceS says, "doozo"
AliB says, "I read your note BJB"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Azzam, Keiko."
KeikoS says, "Hi, John, long time no see. HI, Azzam"
AzzamP says, "Hi JohnSte"
DafneG waves hello to Keiko and Azzam
VanceS asks, "does that make it clear Ali?"
YelenaP says, "I haven't fed my cat today."
KeikoS [HelpDesk] waves to Dafne
ying [guest] says, "yeah... John , please send me icq message."
BJB [to Ali]: "do you understand aobut recorders now?"
AzzamP says, "Hi everyone"
YelenaP says, "Hello Keiko."
KeikoS exclaims, "Hi, Lena!"
ShunI bows to keikos
DanB exclaims, "Hello, Keiko. I finally got into Wimba!"
JohnSte says, "Ying, I no longer have ICQ installed on my computer."
BJB [to Lena]: "you might want to type /get cat_boris so he doesn't get lost"
VanceS asks, "so I guess the next thingis making your own avatar?"
NelbaQ asks, "Not, very much, BJB. If I press my recorder, can I record my voice?"
BJB . o O ( unless you want others to play with your cat )
BJB [to NelbaQ]: "recorders only record text."
KeikoS . o O ( My dog is locked in my office )
KeikoS says, "Hi, Roslyn"
BJB says, "hi, Roz. Welcome"
JohnSte pets Cat_Boris
DanB says, "Hi, Roslyn."
Meow Meow! <purrrrrr> . o O <feed me, JohnSte!>
AliB says, "need more time to get familiar with all this , it's just my first (second!)"
Roslyn [guest] says, "Hi people."
BJB [to NelbaQ]: "recorders work automatically...you don't have to do anything"
YelenaP says, "Boris is friendly"
AliB says, "my second TI session"
VanceS asks, "how about a lesson on making avatars in your office, keiko?"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] smiles to AliB
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Ali. This is a big crowd and that makes things a little confusing too
KeikoS says, "Oh."
KeikoS . o O ( sounds good. )
VanceS says, "I mean on making icons"
KeikoS says, "OK."
VanceS says, "either getting one from supply or making your own 32.32"
KeikoS asks, "Should we all move on?"
NelbaQ asks, "What can I record with recorders if they work automaticallythen ?"
VanceS says, "ok, let's move"
NelbaQ asks, "Hey, where are you going?"
VanceS says, "I'll run sweep"
AliB smiles back toKeikoS
Keiko [HelpDesk] bows to enter.
Keiko's Recorder follows Keiko to here.
Roslyn [guest] says, "Goodbye then to the people who are going."
VanceS says, "We're going to Keiko's office for the next lesson"
VanceS says, "Hi Ros"
NelbaQ asks, "How can I go?"
AzzamP . o O ( Oh no, I came here late and don't know what's happening )
KeikoS [to Everybody]: "I am going to my office, then you can type /join keikos"
Roslyn [guest] says, "Hi Vance."
KeikoS holds up a BIG sign: | /join keikos |
KeikoS [HelpDesk] waves
KeikoS goes home.
VanceS says, "The next lesson is on making an icon in Who's Here"
YelenaP suddenly disappears.
AliB suddenly disappears.
Roslyn [guest] says, "I have mine thanks Vance."
JohnSte [Webhead] suddenly disappears.
NelbaQ suddenly disappears.
AzzamP suddenly disappears.
VanceS says, "to go there, so as Keiko instructs"
ShunI goes home.
TeresaAlm suddenly disappears.
VanceS says, "and then we'll meet back here"
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 3 05:10:43 2002 PST.
Started recording in Keiko's Office (#39706)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 05:10:43 2002 PST.
NelbaQ says, "Keiko, your office is very nice"
AzzamP says, "Nic room Keiko"
AliB asks, "here do we go from her Keiko? ie from zero ?"
NelbaQ asks, "Can all of us have a room, Vance?"
KeikoS says, "We are in my main office."
VanceS says, "yes, all members can have an office"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Beautiful office, keiko!"
YelenaP says, "I like it very much"
KeikoS says, "I have a few sub rooms that I like to use for small group activities..."
BJ quietly enters the room.
Shadow follows BJ to here.
NelbaQ says, "Great, I will design mine once I finished with my pet"
KeikoS . o O ( when I get to teach )
AzzamP asks, "Is this a MOO environment?"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
DafneG's personal recorder follows DafneG to here.
VanceS says, "correct azzam"
NelbaQ asks, "What do o 0 symbols mean?"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] nods to Azzam, I call it ultimate graphical MOO
VanceS says, "I'm going to run back to reception real quick"
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in Keiko's Office (#39706) at Sun Feb 3 05:12:34 2002 PST.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 05:12:34 2002 PST.
DanB asks, "So, Roslyn. Have you recovered from your trip to India yet?"
VanceS says, "Just checking that everyone who wants to attend the lesson has been able to find it"
VanceS asks, "everyone here ok?"
MargaretD says, "yes"
DanB [to Roslyn [guest]]: "Most of the meeting has been a training session on making notes."
VanceS says, "If not, plenty of people here to guide stragglers"
VanceS says, "brb"
Roslyn [guest] says, "Getting there. I've been reading lots of novels and a few other publications about it and trying to get set mentally for my various reports and speeches and PowerPoints - only in note form so far."
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 3 05:13:53 2002 PST.
Started recording in Keiko's Office (#39706)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 3 05:13:53 2002 PST.
KeikoS [to Lena]: "you can type /eat sushi"
BJ exclaims, "whoops...instant lesson on url projections!"
BJ asks, "everyone still with us?"
YelenaP gobbles up NM speciality green chile sushi. .
AzzamP gobbles up ikura. High in cholesterol, but who cares?.
NelbaQ says, "Yes"
JohnSte says, "I am"
YelenaP exclaims, "Why green!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Me, too!"
YelenaP says, "Nobody cares"
DafneG says, "I am here"
JohnSte [Webhead] gets Note_64740 from the vending machine.
KeikoS says, "Lena, New Mexico's official question is "Red or Green?""
KeikoS . o O ( meaning chile )
KeikoS says, "I like green better"
YelenaP asks, "Is there any other color?"
YelenaP says, "Oh, chili"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] thinks, red chile, green chile...
KeikoS says, "Technically in New Mexico, chili and chile are different"
KeikoS says, "Chile is what you have with beans and meat..."
YelenaP says, "I don't like chile."
YelenaP says, "I like sushi"
KeikoS says, "but chile is like green peppers."
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
Icon-linking tutorial
VanceS asks, "While you guys are chatting, I think you have to be a member of tapped in to have your own icon, is that correct?"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] nods to Vance
YelenaP says, "Yes I know. too spicy"
VanceS asks, "ok, who here are members?"
JohnSte [Webhead] projects Green Chili.
I remember when my oldest daughter went to a
restaurant in Santa Fe with her uncle. She wanted chili and made the mistake of
ordering Green Chili. She thought it was like "Chili con Carne" that she was
used to. My brother thought it was hilarious.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] claps for John
BJ [to VanceS]: "everyone here is a member"
AliB says, "yes vance"
VanceS says, "ok, the easiest way to install your own icon is to point to one on the Internet"
KeikoS holds up a BIG sign: | OK, are you ready? |
JohnSte says, "Ready."
YelenaP exclaims, "Ready!!!"
AzzamP says, "OK"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bsolutely!"
VanceS says, "Dafne for example has one already on the Internet and I could make one for Ali and Azzam easily and Teresa becaue I have their photos"
AliB asks, "wHat for? lunch?"
KeikoS says, "The icon needs to be rather small. About 32x 32 in pixel..."
KeikoS [to VanceS]: "Oh, that is good."
VanceS says, "Not lunch, a photo that goes under Who's here"
TeresaAlm says, "I'd like that, Vance. Thank you."
NelbaQ asks, "Where do I get my icon in Internet, Vance?"
AliB says, "Please do, but still better show me how to do it"
VanceS asks, "ok, first you need a 32x32 photo on the internet. daphne already has one. May I project it?"
NelbaQ says, "Yes"
AzzamP says, "sure"
DafneG says, "please, do"
KeikoS says, "oops, hold on."
JohnSte says, "go ahead."
KeikoS asks, "Everybody knows about projection?"
AliB says, "oK"
NelbaQ says, "No"
VanceS says, "it will be useful to project it because then you can use that url"
DafneG says, "yes"
AzzamP says, "not me, Keiko"
YelenaP says, "Not exactly, but go on"
KeikoS says, "OK, when VanceS projects, another browser will open."
NelbaQ asks, "Can you explain about projection?"
KeikoS says, "Don't be alarmed. You can bookmarks, surf close or whatever with the new window, BUT"
KeikoS says, "don't close THIS window. If you close it, you will lose the connection."
NelbaQ asks, "I can see a black dog in a different window. Whose is it?"
KeikoS says, "When you are done with getting the URL of the photo, come back to this window and talk more."
KeikoS . o O ( questions? )
YelenaP says, "I don't see another window."
VanceS asks, "ready?"
KeikoS says, "It is coming, Lena"
AzzamP says, "okay"
VanceS [Webhead] projects the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/dafne32.jpg
VanceS says, "ok, now this is a 32x32 photo of dafne"
NelbaQ exclaims, "I can see my friend Dafne! Isn' she beautiful!"
AzzamP . o O ( wow! )
VanceS says, "If dafne wanted to change her icon to that photo, she would write this command ..."
YelenaP exclaims, "She is!"
VanceS says, "the command is: /icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline20 02/community/dafne32.jpg"
DafneG says, "I prefer being a chick"
VanceS asks, "what is not there, keiko?"
VanceS says, "ok, it is a what if Dafne"
KeikoS says, "Humm, maybe I typed wrong."
KeikoS asks, "Did you get that URL Dafne?"
DafneG says, "yes"
NelbaQ says, "Did she load the photo in thumb... I do not remember"
KeikoS says, "I would like to show the page that expalins EVERYTHING about icons."
VanceS says, "Now for someone else to change his/her icon he /she needs a photo and its url"
KeikoS exclaims, "Including some icons premade for you to use!"
YelenaP says, "Yes, Keiko, please"
VanceS says, "I can do that quickly for those I have photos of (Azzam, Teresa, and Ali)"
VanceS asks, "Would any of you like to change your icon?"
KeikoS [to VanceS]: "Yeah, tell them the URL."
KeikoS [to VanceS]: "And tell me when is good to project icon page"
AliB says, "just do it for me Vance"
VanceS [to KeikoS]: "The icons are not made yet, but I can do them"
KeikoS asks, "OK, then should I project icon page?"
AzzamP asks, "I would like my photo as an icon, but is there a maximum size?"
VanceS says, "ok, Ali is fastest."
TeresaAlm says, "You can do mine, Vance."
VanceS says, "and Teresa next"
NigelC [webhead] arrives from nowhere.
NigelC's personal recorder follows NigelC to here.
YelenaP asks, "But if I would like to be a duck, for example?"
NigelC says, "Good morning, everyone"
AzzamP says, "Hello NigelC"
JohnSte says, "Morning, Nigel."
KeikoS [to Lena]: "You can connect to any image on the internet with right URL"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Hi, Nigel! Welcome!"
YelenaP says, "Good morning, Nigel"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] waves to Nigel
VanceS says, "so I have to work for 5 min and I'll be back for you to do that."
VanceS says, "that's correct keiko"
DafneG says, "Hi Nigel"
NelbaQ asks, "Morning, Nigel. Do you want a mate?"
NigelC exclaims, "hi Dafne. Looks like you've turned into a canary!"
YelenaP says, "Keiko, I am sorry, but I will repeat my question."
VanceS says, "it's /icon me is "url-in-quotes-like=this""
KeikoS asks, "OK, everybody ready for the icon explantion page?"
YelenaP asks, "If I would like to be a duck?"
DafneG exclaims, "it is a chick!"
AliB waves to nigel
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Sorry, My mistkae"
AzzamP says, "yup"
VanceS says, "I will be working at my workbench now"
KeikoS [to Lena]: "Then you have to find a duck already on the internet or you have to upload it."
NigelC [webhead] returns a wave to Ali
JohnSte exclaims, "Ready?!"
DafneG says, "It's ok, Nigel"
NelbaQ . o O ( Am I? )
VanceS looks working at his workbench.
KeikoS says, "OK, the projection is coming...."
KeikoS [HelpDesk] projects the URL: http://www.tappedin.sri.com/info/icons.html
KeikoS . o O ( did everybody get it? )
DafneG says, "yes"
NigelC says, "yes"
JohnSte exclaims, "Got it!!"
AzzamP says, "no"
KeikoS says, "You are more than welcome to connect to the icons we have."
NelbaQ says, "got it"
KeikoS says, "And the command is as Vance said... The page also shows..."
AzzamP says, "got it"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] leaves for the CRT.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) leaves for the CRT.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] has arrived.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) has arrived.
AliB asks, "Keiko , Where are the TI icons?"
KeikoS [to Ali]: "Do you see the icon page? On the bottom, there are severals"
KeikoS . o O ( several )
YelenaP says, "Dolphin is very good. I have changed my mind."
YelenaP has disconnected.
KeikoS says, "When you pick the ones you like, type the command."
BJ says, "you will need to copy and paste the urls for the icons by using keyboard commands..."
JohnSte says, "Snail's not bad - just about my speed."
DafneG asks, "Nigel, would you prefer your own picture?"
KeikoS holds up a BIG sign: | /icon me is "http://www.tappedin.org/images/icons/users/whateveryouchoose.gif" |
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Well, yes, but that requires me to resize the image which I haven't done yet"
BJ says, "to copy, highlight the url of the icon you like...or one of Vance's ....snd click on CONROL C"
KeikoS . o O ( just don't say whateveryouchoose )
NigelC says, "icon me is "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/smile2.gif""
KeikoS [to NigelC]: "with a slash"
DafneG asks, "I see, because you don't like animals, right?"
NigelC . o O ( oops )
BJ says, "To paste the url use CONTROL V"
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Ha ha ha"
KeikoS . o O ( /icon me is "http )
YelenaP has connected.
BJ holds up a BIG sign: | /icon me is "http://www.restofurl" |
VanceS says, "Hi Nigel. I've created Ali's pic and I'm putting it on the internet now"
KeikoS says, "Hi, Lena, welcome back."
NigelC . o O ( Hallelujah! )
BJ . o O ( with the / first and the url enclosed in quotes )
YelenaP says, "I have disconnected somehow."
KeikoS says, "Once you set your icons, to see, click on UPDATE"
BJ [to NigelC]: "click on UPDATE and you'll see your new icon"
YelenaP says, "It happens"
NigelC exclaims, "Oh, it looks just like me!"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] cheers for Nigel
JohnSte says, "Looks like how I feel."
AzzamP says, "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/smile2.gif"
BJ [to AzzamP]: "is that the icon you want to use?"
KeikoS [to Azaam]: "you have to also type, /icon me is "and so forth"
AzzamP . o O ( oops! what's the command? )
BJ [to AzzamP]: "type /icon me is "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/smile2.gif" with the / first"
BJ . o O ( and the url enclosed in quotes )
JohnSte says, "hmmm"
KeikoS [to John]: "Are you trying to change yours?"
YelenaP says, "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/smiles2.gif/first"
NelbaQ says, "Vance, I cannot insert my icon"
JohnSte says, "not right now. I'm looking for a few possible icons."
YelenaP says, "I didn't want to say it"
YelenaP says, "I wanted the page back"
KeikoS [to NelbaQ]: "Do you have the URL?"
VanceS says, "ok, I've got Ali's up there"
KeikoS asks, "Oh, icon page, Lena?"
JohnSte says, "Unfortunately, almost all my graphics are on disc and have to be uploaded."
AzzamP says, "/icon AzzamP is "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/smile2.gif""
VanceS says, "I was having trouble with the ftp service"
KeikoS [to AzzamP]: "just say "/icon me is "http://"
VanceS says, "you don't put that in quotes, azzam"
VanceS says, "start with /icon ..."
VanceS says, "the url is in quotes"
VanceS asks, "Ali, are you ready?"
NelbaQ says, "Yes I write all the command but nothing happens"
AliB says, "I can't see it"
KeikoS holds up a BIG sign: | who wanted icon page shown again? |
NelbaQ asks, "Vance?"
VanceS says, "Ali, I'll show you your url"
SusanneN makes a noiseless entry from a distant place you cannot reach
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
KeikoS exclaims, "Hi, Susanne!"
AliB says, "oK"
SusanneN says, "Hi there, sorry I am late :-))"
JohnSte says, "Hello, Susanne."
VanceS [working at his workbench] shows AliB the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/alib32.jpg
YelenaP says, "Hi, Susanne. Nice to see you."
BJ [to Lena]: "check the url for your icon...I think there is a mistake"
VanceS asks, "Do you see that Ali?"
VanceS says, "Hi Susanne"
SusanneN welcomes AliB, JohnSte [Webhead], NelbaQ, AzzamP, TeresaAlm, BJ, DafneG, VanceS [working at his workbench], NigelC [webhead], KeikoS [HelpDesk], and YelenaP.
TeresaAlm says, "Help! I'm not getting it. I've chosen an icon, but it doesn't show."
BJ hugs Susanne good day
KeikoS says, "Which icon you like, Teresa"
SusanneN hugs BJ
NelbaQ says, "I am having problems as Teresa"
NigelC [webhead] gestures "good morning" to susanne
VanceS asks, "do you have your icon in your browser window Ali?"
AliB says, "yes,vance"
BJ [to NelbaQ]: "show me the url for you icon"
KeikoS says, "You also need UPDATE to see it"
NigelC says, "click UPDATE, folks"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "The dolphin, please!"
VanceS says, "ok, first copy the url from the browser"
TeresaAlm says, "I did that."
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "/icon me is "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/dolphin.gif""
VanceS says, "a good idea is to paste it to notepad, but you don't have to"
SusanneN wonders if she dare get another icon
KeikoS says, "without the first and last quotes"
NelbaQ says, "/icon me is http://www.tappedin.org/images/icons/users/flower1.gif"
JohnSte says, "We appear to have some twins in the class."
VanceS says, "Hi Susanne, you can have your picture if you want because it's ready"
TeresaAlm says, "Thanks, Keiko! :-)"
AliB says, "No not yet"
KeikoS says, "Nelba, without the first quote"
AzzamP [to NigelC]: "are you my twin?"
SusanneN [to Vance,]: "yes, I read that you have readynades for some of us :-))"
NigelC [to AzzamP]: "Doppenganger, perhaps"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] cheers for Azaam
VanceS says, "when ready Ali, you type /icon me "paste the url here""
TeresaAlm says, "icom me is http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/dolphin.gif"
NigelC [to AzzamP]: "That would be Doppelganger"
YelenaP has disconnected.
VanceS says, "don't forget to start the line with a /"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "first needs to be a slash"
VanceS says, "and put the url between quotes"
VanceS asks, "would you like your url Susanne?"
SusanneN asks, "Oh yes, why not make it the easy way?"
AzzamP smiles on my face
SusanneN says, "Please, vance :-)"
BJ holds up a BIG sign: | /icon me is "http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/dolphin.gif" |
VanceS [working at his workbench] shows SusanneN the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/susnyrop32.jpg
KeikoS [HelpDesk] cheers for Teresa
BJ [to Teresa]: "click on pasteboard and then append to pasteboard"
KeikoS exclaims, "Click UPDATE to see it up!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thanks, Keiko!"
VanceS says, "Susanne to change your icon to your picture type /icon me "url""
VanceS says, "start the line with a /"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] smiles to Teresa
SusanneN says, "Ho yes, click"
YelenaP has connected.
VanceS says, "put the url between double quotes"
SusanneN exclaims, "on update to see it!"
YelenaP says, "OOps! I did it again"
VanceS says, "Susanne did it! Yeah! Susanne"
YelenaP says, "I was out
SusanneN holds up a BIG sign: | the code is: /icon me is "url" |
KeikoS says, "Hi, Lena"
AzzamP [to VanceS]: "could I have the URL for my picture at 32x32, please?"
VanceS says, "How are you doing ALi"
VanceS says, "Yes azzam"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I seem to missing sth here with the pasteboard and append. What do I append or paste?!"
AliB says, "still lost"
YelenaP has disconnected.
NelbaQ says, "Keiko, I cannot see my icon."
BJ [to Teresa]: "you already have your icon...so you don't need those instructions any more :-)"
SusanneN says, "Keiko can you explain that; I never used the pasteboard myself for this kind of procedure"
DafneG says, "I have changed my icon to my own pic."
YelenaP has connected.
YelenaP has disconnected.
NelbaQ says, "I have typed my icon several times, but it doesn't cjamge"
SusanneN says, "Teresa, your icon looks very delphinous righ now"
VanceS exclaims, "Dafne has done it too!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I'd love to see it!"
SusanneN says, "Remember to type /icon me is " url" - do not forget the word "is"..."
VanceS says, "click on update to see"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I can't see it. Why? Heeelp!!"
VanceS says, "ahh, right"
SusanneN hugs poor Teresa
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I've clicked on update several times, but. . . nothing!"
VanceS says, "Ali /icon me is "that url""
YelenaP has connected.
TeresaAlm says, "Thanks for the hug, Susanne."
SusanneN exclaims, "You WILL get it very soon, dear!"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] sees real picture of Dafne
NelbaQ says, "Vance, I want to insert my icon in "who' here" , but I cannot"
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Golly, you've changed"
VanceS says, "I need your picture, Nelba .."
BJ has lost her link.
SusanneN exclaims, "Dafne, you look great here!"
NelbaQ says, "I haven' t gone mine, but I have chosen flower 1.gif"
DafneG says, "thanks, Susanne"
BJ has connected.
YelenaP says, "Keiko or somebody who know, I try to return to the icon page to choose some icon, and go out."
YaodongC Yaodong enjoys being with you.
YaodongC's personal recorder follows YaodongC to here.
YelenaP asks, "can you help me?"
SusanneN says, "Yes, You need to open a new window, Yelena"
YaodongC [teaching newbies] bows to all.
JohnSte says, "Morning, Yaodong."
DafneG says, "Hello Yaodon, nice to see you again"
SusanneN exclaims, "Hello Yaodong!"
YaodongC says, "Hello, everyone.:0"
SusanneN says, "We are learning about personal icons, (or avatars)"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Hi, Yaodong!"
VanceS says, "working on azzam's"
YelenaP exclaims, "Hello, Yaodong!"
YaodongC [teaching newbies] smiles at everyone.
YaodongC says, "nice to meet you ."
KeikoS [to NelbaQ]: "did you see my page?"
BJ [to YelenaP]: "would you like to go to a quiet place where I can help you?"
VanceS asks, "ok Azzam, ready?"
YelenaP says, "Yes"
KeikoS [to BJ]: "Feel free to go to conference rooms"
SusanneN says, "This is a session with a purpose and a goal :-)"
AzzamP says, "yes, vance"
BJ [to YelenaP]: "when you see me leave type /join BJ"
BJ goes home.
VanceS [working at his workbench] shows AzzamP the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/azzam32.jpg
YelenaP suddenly disappears.
DafneG asks, "any luck, Nelba?"
NelbaQ says, "No,"
TeresaAlm says, "Susanne, can I help in trying 'to see me as a dolphin'? No icon yet."
KeikoS says, "OK, Nelba, why don't we go to conference room UME"
NelbaQ says, "I have typed everything but nothing happens"
KeikoS says, "then I can trouble shoot there."
VanceS says, "ok Azzam, it's /icon me is "then paste the url between quotes""
NelbaQ asks, "OK how shall I go?"
VanceS asks, "Ali, can I help you?"
AliB says, "Hope to get things right for next Sunday"
KeikoS says, "Click on the map, where it says UME and the picture of plum"
SusanneN [to Teresa]: "Let us try and see what is the problem."
NelbaQ leaves for the CRU.
NelbaQ's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CRU.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] leaves for the CRU.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) leaves for the CRU.
VanceS says, "Ali I have an idea"
TeresaAlm asks, "Susanne, you've seen my icon, right?"
SusanneN asks, "Teresa, did you click the update tab in upper right corner?"
VanceS says, "do you see pasteboard at the top of the dialog window"
AzzamP [to VanceS]: "paste is control v, but is copy?"
JohnSte says, "I see your icon, Teresa."
AliB asks, "OK? what is it?"
TeresaAlm says, "Yes, I've clicked several times."
VanceS says, "copy is control c"
SusanneN says, "yes, the dolphin icon"
VanceS says, "click on Pasteboard"
VanceS says, "you should get a work area"
DafneG says, "I see your icon Teresa, a nice dolphin"
AliB says, "OK"
SusanneN asks, "Maybe we can go to one of the other siderooms, teresa and make tie dialogue go easier just the two of us?"
VanceS says, "let me know when you have clicked pasteboard and have a clear workspace"
VanceS says, "ok,"
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "i can't see yur icon at all."
VanceS asks, "now, can you copy the url I gave you?"
TeresaAlm says, "I wonder why I don't see it. I just clicked on update and nothing has changed."
AliB asks, "what next?"
VanceS says, "highlight it , type ctrl-c and paste it in the pasteboard with ctrl-P" <Vance made a mistake here, it's ctrl-V - oops!>
TeresaAlm asks, "Which room, Susanne?"
VanceS asks, "got that?"
VanceS asks, "url http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/azzam32.jpg is in the pasteboard?"
SusanneN asks, "Take room?"
VanceS says, "sorry alib32.jpg of course"
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "oh?"
VanceS says, "Hi Don"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "Hello!:)"
TeresaAlm says, "I'll follow you, Susanne."
SusanneN says, "You see that Keiko has made several small rooms, let us see if the Take is free, teresa"
SusanneN leaves for the CRT.
DiaLog (recording) leaves for the CRT.
TimeLog (recording) leaves for the CRT.
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "a busy day./whre is yr icon?"
TeresaAlm suddenly disappears.
VanceS asks, "any luck ALi?"
YaodongC [teaching newbies] shakes
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "oh, beautiful!!!"
DafneG says, "Azzam and Nigel are twins"
NelbaQ has arrived.
NelbaQ's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] has arrived.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) has arrived.
NigelC says, "Well, I always learn something new in this place ..."
DafneG says, "that's the idea :-)"
VanceS asks, "Nigel, would you like one?"
AzzamP [to <VanceS>]: "what's the command again, please?"
KeikoS [to AliB]: "Should I take you to another room there to get the icon set?"
AliB says, "not yet Vance something seems to be wrong here"
NigelC [to VanceS]: "Yes please!"
KeikoS [to AliB]: "Why don't we go to one of the rooms to the right"
VanceS says, "the comand is /icon me is "url goes here""
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "it will grow.:)"
KeikoS [to AliB]: "Just click on whatever room you like."
NigelC [to VanceS]: "I have an icon, I just don't have my own picture!"
VanceS asks, "ok nigel, ready for a projection?"
YaodongC [to KeikoS]: "would you help me with my office map?"
NigelC [to VanceS]: "yes"
AliB leaves for the CRM.
AliB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CRM.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] leaves for the CRM.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) leaves for the CRM.
VanceS [working at his workbench] shows NigelC the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/nigel32.jpg
YaodongC [to Keiko]: "yes, for days now."
VanceS says, "You just type /icon me is "that url""
NigelC [to VanceS]: "thanks"
YaodongC [to Keikos]: "i edited it once but mistakenly hte map was deleted."
VanceS says, "cool"
YaodongC looks looking for help..
VanceS asks, "what about Teresa, is she still here?"
DafneG says, "I see Nelba's icon"
VanceS [working at his workbench] counts noses JohnSte [Webhead], AzzamP, DafneG, NigelC [webhead], YaodongC [looking for help.], and NelbaQ.
YaodongC [looking for help.] has to go back to his office now.
NigelC [webhead] sees his ugly mug on the screen ...
YaodongC [looking for help.] waves to all.
NigelC says, "hi, Yaodong"
DafneG says, "see U Don"
YaodongC says, "hello,nigel."
JohnSte says, "OK, Yaodong, See you."
TeresaAlm arrives from nowhere.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
VanceS asks, "leaving already?"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog (recording) has arrived.
TimeLog (recording) has arrived.
NigelC exclaims, "That was clever, Teresa!"
YaodongC [to Dafegn]: "see you soon."
VanceS asks, "Hi Teresa, do you want an icon?"
SusanneN [to Teresa]: "Yes, we usually nmeet for two hours on Sundays!"
VanceS says, "way to go Nigel"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Susanne was a great helper! Cheers for Susanne!"
YaodongC [to John]: "see U soon."
NigelC says, "Cheers, Vance"
SusanneN asks, "Teresa knows hot to change her icon by now, piece of cake eh?"
NigelC [webhead] cheers for Susanne
YaodongC [looking for help.] waves to all.
YaodongC goes home.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Yes, Susanne! Thanks to you!"
DafneG says, "Now we have a new Nigel"
JohnSte [Webhead] waves to YaodongC
NigelC says, "Oh, he was waving goodbye. I thought he was trying to get our attention ..."
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Alas, 'tis still the same Nigel"
DafneG says, "he got yours anyway"
SusanneN says, "Oh let me see that redecorated Nigel"
NigelC . o O ( redecorated? )
SusanneN says, "What a class! All dressed up in fine icons"
SusanneN exclaims, "fresh spring costumes!"
DafneG says, "Teresa does"
VanceS says, "Teresa, I'm ready with your icon"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I really learned a lot today! I now need to really 'digest' all of the info!"
NigelC [webhead] sends appreciative vibes to Vance
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Ok, Vance, you can change it!"
VanceS asks, "can I /show you your icon, teresa?"
TeresaAlm says, "Yes. Vance."
DafneG says, "Vance is working hard today"
VanceS says, "(then you can change it)"
SusanneN asks, "teresa, do you want a personal icon?"
VanceS [working at his workbench] shows TeresaAlm the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/teresa32.jpg
YelenaP has arrived.
YelenaP's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
NelbaQ has lost her link.
VanceS says, "ok now you type /icon me is "that url in quotes""
KeikoS [HelpDesk] has arrived.
Keiko's Assistant (recording) has arrived.
SusanneN has great expectations for this group and its iconability skills!
KeikoS . o O ( nice looking crowd )
DafneG says, "Teresa has a dolphin icon, Don"
VanceS asks, "How is everyone doing? Do you need help Teresa?"
YelenaP says, "Oh, the group is here. hi, again"
NigelC . o O ( identity parade )
VanceS asks, "Hi Lena, havin fun?"
YelenaP says, "Yes, a lot"
VanceS [working at his workbench] smiles real big
YelenaP asks, "How do you like my penguin?"
KeikoS asks, "While you are all here, may I invite you to some language realted sessions here at TI?"
VanceS looks about to take a shower.
NigelC says, "You have a lovely penguin, Lena"
AzzamP [to <VanceS>]: "<having problems this time"
JohnSte says, "Looks cold, Yelena."
YelenaP says, "I am very proud of myself"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] cheers for Lena
VanceS says, "that's GREAT"
VanceS asks, "what did you do?"
YelenaP says, "Just kidding. I am a modest person, really"
NigelC [to Keiko]: "Go for it"
SusanneN [to YelenaP]: "that penguin is cute!"
KeikoS says, "Euro Language session is GMT 9 or so Tuesdays"
NigelC exclaims, "Euro Language is good. You get virtual food!"
KeikoS says, "On the 28th, a session coming up called Benkyoukai, Study forum for Japanese."
AzzamP [to <VanceS>]: "<typed /icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/e vonline2002/community"
YelenaP exclaims, "What did I do? I got through all the obstacles and attached the icon!"
KeikoS says, "But topic is related to ANY language and the session is conducted in English."
KeikoS says, "you are ALL VERY welcome to attend."
NigelC [to Keiko]: "Remind us nearer the time!"
VanceS says, "great Yelena, Azzam, you lost a bit of your url"
TeresaAlm says, "icon is me "http://http://www.tappedin.org/icons/users/dolphin.gifhttp://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline20 02/community/teresa32.jpg"
KeikoS says, "Click on calendar above and adjust the timezone to where you are."
VanceS says, "it's community/azzam32.jpg"
SusanneN asks, "And the time of the Benyoukai day/night Keiko?"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "you need a slash"
VanceS says, "add that and you've got it licked"
NigelC says, "Hey, I've lost my twin. Blink and you miss it here ..."
DafneG says, "I enjoy the Euro Language sessions"
KeikoS [to SusanneN]: "4pm PST, which means, 1 am GMT"
NigelC asks, "Do any sessions here happen in foreign languages?"
KeikoS . o O ( too late for you folks? )
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "we enjoyed having some new faces there, too :-)"
NigelC says, "Sorry, languages other than English, I should say"
VanceS says, "these events are on our schedule here: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/ schedule.htm"
YelenaP says, "Me too. It was too qick the last time for me."
KeikoS [to NigelC]: "I know some Spanish and German teachers used to take students here and conduct classes."
YelenaP says, "I mean the Eurolanguage"
DafneG says, "I can lead one in Spanish :-)"
NigelC [to KeikoS]: "interesting"
SusanneN says, "1am gmt is 1am gmt for me, not an easy time to stay awake most weekdays, sorry :-)"
NigelC exclaims, "Yeay! Spanish!"
KeikoS [to NigelC]: "But I am not sure now..."
YelenaP says, "I was just silent."
TeresaAlm says, "/icon is me "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonlin e2002/community/teresa32.jpg""
SusanneN [to Dafne,]: "anyone is welcome to arrange one or more classes..."
AzzamP [to <VanceS>]: "<thanks, i had the wrong url, thanks once again>"
KeikoS says, "If you are interested in conducting a session, you are free to do so."
KeikoS says, "talk to BJ about it."
KeikoS says, "She can give you lots of good advice"
VanceS says, "teresa start the line with a slash /"
SusanneN says, "but unfortunately our system does not support accents and other special ASCII ccharacters"
VanceS says, "geting it Azzam"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "and no first and last quotes"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "But I did, Vance!"
AzzamP says, "got it"
KeikoS . o O ( if you are putting those in... )
TeresaAlm says, "Ok"
DafneG says, "I was just suggesting for those who would like to practice their spanish"
KeikoS says, "COOL."
SusanneN hopes you begin to feel relaxed even if we are running more than one discussion thread?
KeikoS says, "I can try attending one, too."
VanceS says, "there's azzam"
VanceS says, "teresa's a dolphin"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] cheers
SusanneN says, "I'd love to learn a little Spanish, I know a tiny bit only."
VanceS says, "I'm going to go for a shower"
KeikoS . o O ( !que bien! )
VanceS says, "I'm going out tonight"
KeikoS says, "OK, Vance"
DafneG says, "We can talk about that"
VanceS says, "I'll leave this working"
KeikoS exclaims, "Thanks so much!"
VanceS says, "I'll be back in 5"
NigelC says, "Have a good evening, Vance"
JohnSte says, "See you, Vance."
KeikoS [to VanceS]: "Do you have a recorder here?"
YelenaP says, "Thank you vance."
DafneG says, "You've done your homework, Vance"
VanceS says, "My own recorder, I'm not going anywyhere"
AzzamP says, "thanks Vance"
YelenaP says, "I would like to learn some Spanish."
KeikoS says, "I got it."
2002/02/03 WebHeads - Icons is full. Stopped recording.
VanceS says, "I'll take my computer in the shower with me"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] giggles to Vance
TeresaAlm says, "Vance, I'll keep on trying. Thank you for all the help."
NigelC [webhead] imagines impending disaster
VanceS [about to take a shower] carries computer to the shower
DafneG asks, "with the webcam, VAnce?"
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Ooh, Dafne!"
YelenaP exclaims, "No!!!"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "May I have the URL of the photo?"
VanceS [about to take a shower] returns for web cam
NigelC says, "This conversation's going to be x-rated"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] giggles
SusanneN says, "Mr"
NigelC asks, "When's a good time for this Spanish chat, then, amigos/amigas?"
AzzamP . o O ( exhausted with the icon work )
SusanneN asks, ", stevens, I do hope you will put a towel around the hip for this peep show?"
DafneG asks, "How do you make those big signs to call our attention?"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] pats AzzamP's shoulders for good work
TeresaAlm says, "Yes. It's http://lightning.prohosting.com/~stevens/papers/eveonline 2002/community/teresa32.jpg"
JohnSte says, "Good question, Dafne."
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial'
KeikoS [to DafneG]: "Type /sing HEY!"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "OK"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "TYPE THIS PEFORE YOUR MESSAGE: sign this is a sign"
AzzamP sings, ~\ hey guys /~
SusanneN sings, ~\ Not /sing :-)) /~
JohnSte holds up a BIG sign: | Hi there |
JohnSte says, "Hey, easier than I thought it would be."
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "oops, the URL is not right"
AzzamP sings, ~\ wow /~
SusanneN holds up a BIG sign: | type /sign Signal |
NigelC holds up a BIG sign: | Signal |
YelenaP says, "Ok, it was very nice to chat with you. Bye."
NigelC asks, "What does that do?"
SusanneN sings, ~\ Webheads forever /~
AzzamP holds up a BIG sign: | cool! |
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | hello |
JohnSte holds up a BIG sign: | Hey, easier than I thought it would be! |
SusanneN says, "Goodbye, yelena"
NigelC holds up a BIG sign: | Bye Yelena! |
YelenaP says, "Yes, weabheads forever."
JohnSte says, "Se you, Lena."
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | see U Lena |
YelenaP says, "See you."
(__) |
Now it is time for some more fun! |
JohnSte holds up a BIG sign: | I have learned a lot today. |
TeresaAlm says, "I promise to do my homework for next week! ;-)"
NigelC says, "OK, Susanne, that needs explaining ..."
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | me too |
(__) |
this one is a /cow |
JohnSte asks, "cow?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Me, too, JohnSte!"
YelenaP says, "I will try to talk with you through the messenger, Dafne."
NigelC says, "Obviously"
YelenaP has disconnected.
DafneG says, "ok"
NigelC asks, "Any other quardrupeds available?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "But there's a lot to digest after my lunch!!!"
(__) |
Is this a cow? |
AzzamP holds up a BIG sign: | muchos gracias |
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "Could I have the URL again?"
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~
________________ | |
NigelC holds up a BIG pig: | this is a pig |
(__) |
Hey, neat |
SusanneN holds up a BIG sepup: | /sepup
KeikoS holds up a BIG sign: | Teresa, do you have the URL? |
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Keiko, I'm lost with the url, because I was never able to copy it. Sorry!"
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~
________________ | |
JohnSte holds up a BIG pig: | is this right? |
NigelC says, "Depends what you mean by "right", John"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "I assume you didn't get to it because of the URL..."
TeresaAlm says, "I'll have to get the transcript."
DafneG says, "I got lost with the animal signs"
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~ __ | |
JohnSte holds up a BIG pig: | | |__|
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Keiko, thanks for all your help!"
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Type /pig This is a pig"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "Yeah, come back here and we will be able to help."
JohnSte holds up a BIG sign: | what animals can we use? |
SusanneN [to Teresa]: "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/e vonline2002/community/teresa32.jpg"
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~ __ | |
AzzamP holds up a BIG pig: | | |__|
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "You did it for the first one, so why not..."
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | pig like this? |
VanceS looks out of the shower.
(__) |
I'm not worried about mad cow's disease. I'm a sheep. |
JohnSte holds up a BIG pig: | this is a pig | |_______________|
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thanks, Susanne!"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "hold on. That WAS a good URL"
SusanneN smiles back to teresa -I just found mine and changed the name!
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~ ___________ |
AzzamP holds up a BIG pig: | what pig? | |___________|
VanceS says, "teresa does"
_ </. .\>~~~~~~\@
((oo) ) ( ) '-' ||----\/ ~~ ~ _______ | |
DafneG holds up a BIG pig: | hello | |_______|
KeikoS says, "Type /icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline20 02/community/teresa32.jpg""
KeikoS says, "ARGH"
NigelC says, "No one liked my joke much, then ... Oh well"
KeikoS says, "/icon me is "http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline20 02/community/teresa32.jpg""
JohnSte says, "Missed it, Nigel"
KeikoS . o O ( without the first and very last quoates, but with slash )
NigelC [webhead] warns the assembled populace he's about to make a joke
(__) |
I'm not worried about this mad cow's disease. I'm a sheep. |
SusanneN exclaims, "The icon exercise is a very important one, because it is so easy to see when you have got everything ok!!"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] smirks to Nigel
(__) |
nice one |
NigelC [webhead] is relieved that someone shares his sense of humour
(__) |
how do I make a cow |
SusanneN sings, ~\ Bah bah little sheep /~
NigelC says, "Like that, Dafne"
(__) |
now I know |
KeikoS [to DafneG]: "type /cow MOO"
SusanneN looks sheepish.
(__) |
moo |
(__) |
moo |
NigelC sings, ~\ dafne had a little cow /~
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Keiko and Susanne, I just got an X. No photo! Never mind!"
NigelC [webhead] feels cowed
SusanneN asks, "Do you know how to change your /mood?"
DafneG says, "no"
KeikoS [to Teresa]: "YOur command was right, but URL wasn't"
SusanneN [to Teresa]: "Incredibibilissimo!"
KeikoS says, "look carefully"
VanceS says, "checking upr"
VanceS says, "url"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "You bet, Susanne!"
KeikoS . o O ( we are getting close )
SusanneN [sheepish] gets Note_64742 from the vending machine.
DafneG says, "copying the URL is easier than typing it"
AzzamP . o O ( how are these animal drawings useful, pedagogically speaking? )
VanceS [out of the shower] shows TeresaAl the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/teresa32.jpg
JohnSte holds up a BIG sign: | Go Rams!!! |
NigelC holds up a BIG sign: | Go Patriots! |
VanceS says, "that's the right url, it's right here on my browser"
SusanneN drops Teresa 2.
SusanneN [sheepish] projects Teresa 2.
here is that url, dear!
SusanneN [sheepish] projects the URL: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/community/teresa32.jpg
KeikoS says, "Must be typo"
SusanneN says, "Opps"
NigelC asks, "Azzam had a good question: how do we make this stuff (cows ...) pedagogically useful?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Yeeesss!!!!"
SusanneN says, "I made a note with teresa's sacred icon, and projected it"
JohnSte says, "I don't dare tell people around here that I'm for the Rams - They are all Steeler fans."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thank you all for your partience!!"
DafneG asks, "how do we change our mood?"
KeikoS [to NigelC]: "commands are only somewhat pedagocial in my opinion"
VanceS says, "YESSS"
VanceS exclaims, "great job everyone!!"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "TYpe /mood Webhead"
NigelC [to JohnSte]: "Hey, I'm in Philadelphia. Go Eagles! Err ..."
VanceS looks Webhead.
DafneG looks Webhead.
JohnSte says, "Eagles aint playen"
NigelC [to KeikoS]: "Sure, but "cow" isn't a command in any variety of English I know"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] Cheers for Teresa
SusanneN looks webhead.
KeikoS exclaims, "Click UPDATE!!!!"
NigelC [to JohnSte]: "Oh I know. I watched the game last week. Shame..."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thanks, Keiko!"
SusanneN [webhead] waves to teresa
DafneG looks happy.
KeikoS [HelpDesk] hugs Teresa
VanceS says, "ok, guys, I'm going to a play tonight and must make a move"
SusanneN exclaims, "Bravo!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Yes, I've seen my photo, thank you!"
NigelC says, "Bye Vance. Enjoy the play"
JohnSte exclaims, "Bravo, Teresa!!!"
AzzamP . o O ( <animal drawings could be useful to get students to pay attention to you, for example giving nre instructions> )
DafneG says, "have a good time, VAnce"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thanks all!"
VanceS says, "ok, congrats everyone"
KeikoS says, "I am going back to bed :)"
SusanneN says, "I feel we are doing progess today :-)"
KeikoS exclaims, "I will see you all!"
NigelC . o O ( my students already think I'm mad )
JohnSte says, "Have fun, Vance."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I'm going to have lunch!"
AzzamP says, "thanks a lot everyone"
NigelC says, "Bon apetit, Teresa"
SusanneN says, "Byem, vance and Keiko"
VanceS says, "Yes, this was great"
JohnSte asks, "As in a mad cow, Nigel?"
KeikoS says, "Thanks Vance"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Thanks, Nigel!"
KeikoS . o O ( later! )
VanceS says, "nice to see all the faces"
KeikoS [HelpDesk] has disconnected.
NigelC says, "I'm getting dizzy"
SusanneN [webhead] hugs teresa, you really did a fine job, so patient!
AzzamP says, "bye bye"
DafneG says, "It's being great today, thank you everybody"
VanceS looks at theatre.
SusanneN says, "Bye everyone"
JohnSte says, "Well, I'm going back to bed. See you all next week."
VanceS says, "bye all"
VanceS [at theatre] waves to JohnSte [Webhead], AzzamP, DafneG [happy], NigelC [webhead], TeresaAlm, and SusanneN [webhead].
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Bye, everyone! Have a great day and week!"
NigelC says, "to Johnste Oh, I get it ... Duh"
SusanneN exclaims, "Next week is our Samba class!"
DafneG says, "I am going to have some paella"
JohnSte says, "bye all."
AzzamP has disconnected.
VanceS says, "you too"
VanceS [at theatre] hugs JohnSte [Webhead], DafneG [happy], NigelC [webhead], TeresaAlm, and SusanneN [webhead].
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Wish I could join you, Dafne!"
VanceS says, "enjoy the game"
NigelC exclaims, "Down with St Louis!"
DafneG says, "anytime, Teresa"
JohnSte says, "Thaks, Vance."
VanceS [at theatre] puts on cyberhelmet
VanceS [at theatre] pulls down goggles
SusanneN asks, "Vance, do you want me to edit todays script?"
VanceS [at theatre] revs engine (yeah susanne, thanks)
SusanneN . o O ( one last question :-)) )
SusanneN exclaims, "I will, promise!"
NigelC exclaims, "I think he wants to leave!"
VanceS [at theatre] can barely hear susanne over noise of engine
VanceS asks, "yes?"
NigelC asks, "Why has Vance taken his motorbike into the theatre?"
SusanneN says, "NO, that WAS a last one :-)"
NigelC exclaims, "Lovely!"
VanceS [at theatre] pops clutch
SusanneN says, "Vance is in his diving outfit, I guess"
VanceS [at theatre] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 3 06:30:53 2002 PST.
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
BJ mentions that the notes are stored in the Tapped In (TI) database, this information causes several more questions of understanding. Actually these notes can be made public or private, and you need to know a handful of commands to use them properly. This is a timetakeng procedure and you need to practice a few times before you may become a fluent note user
This complexity makes me think of something we might like to ponder on and pay special attention. Tapped IN MOO has a long tradition dating back to the time (some years ago) when there was text only interface and all interactions had to be performed by typing commands and using the text dialogue, chat log, virtual objects to underline the situation in the improvised educational drama (rooms, notes, pets, food, costumes etc); however, there is now added the images and icons to be activated by clicking. We have become so used by now to this clicking that sometimes we may take it for granted.
Yours, Susanne
Part of session: Notemaking
Participants in this session are: BJB; VanceS, DanB, MichaelAC, YelenaP (also known as Lena), AliB, ShunI, JohnSte, MargaretD, GaryCz, TeresaAlm and DafneG. The group learns to create virtual notes in a guided session with BJ as the anchor person.
text from 2002/02/03 WebHeads - Making a Note (#64741) Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:41:36 PST <-- go here in Vance's logs, above>
BJ [to DafneG]: "want to pick up your listening note?"
TeresaAlm teleports to the reception.
DafneG picks up listening.
DafneG suddenly disappears.
BJ [to Lena]: "type /get I like to Teach"
YelenaP says, "O yes"
YelenaP takes I like to teach.
BJ asks, "excellent, Lena. Let's join everyone in reception, ok?"
YelenaP says, "ok"
YelenaP asks, "What to type?"
BJ says, "type /reception"
YelenaP teleports to the reception. <follow Lena to Reception -->
Sunday BJ tried to make a group of 11 webheads learn how to make notes. Today, Tuesday February, 5 2002, soon afher the open helpdesk hour from 9.30 am GMT, Rita enters the stage and meets Susanne, Venny and David (all Tapped In regulars). After having some interesting dictionary exercises about how to pronounce new words like newbie or techie where David shows us an excellent new feature in the free online Merriam-Webster dictionary where you can have sound file of pronunciations, Rita reveals her desire to learn how to do the virtual notes. I guess it has become trendy knowledge among webheads since last week? Rita starts her experiments while I am out for lunch, and when I return, she has busily created more than she really want to have, and she has tried in vain to trash some of them. Rita has a problem , and we struggle hard to figure out what it is in the step by step instructions that don't seem to work! We have to keep a close support in order to keep her on the task, and finally, it works for her, after a long and exhausting online tutoring session where both BJ and Susanne try to troubleshoot the procedure. Rita is ready to cry for joy when finally she feels the pleasure of a full success. After that, we enjoy a fine dialogue about our cultural worlds,and the terrible situation in Argentina, as well as our children and grandchildren. As usual , David has had his morning bagel and coffee, while listening to Elvis!
This was a typical day as a Tapped IN helpdesk where we can sometimes give a full time tutoring session to one learner, knowing that new members may some day pay back the helpfulness they have experienced by taking care of others in a similar situation , just as we community helpdeskers are all trying to do!
Sincerely yours,
<Top> Webheads in Action: Reactions | Vance's Tapped In chat logs | Notemaking tutorial | Icon-linking tutorial | Mad Quadruped Sign and Song 'tutorial' | Susanne's Tapped In chat logs
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: February 8, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |