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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Meet the people in the chat today
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Vance | BJB | Dan | John | Maggi | Arthur | Michael | Ying Lan | Yaodong | Liw |
UAE | Pennsylvania | Wisconsin | Puerto Rico | Germany | Ireland | Australia | Taiwan | Liuzhou, PRC | Sweden |
and Webheads and visitors to Tapped In Shun in Japan, Rita in Argentina, MdA in India, Ali in Morocco, Nancy in Michigan, Mingqiu in Nanning, Ismail in Cairo, and ... | ![]() New Jersey |
Find where everyone first joined the chat: Vance | BJB |DavidW | Dan | John | Shun | Rita | Maggi | MdA | Ali | Arthur | Nancy | Michael | Ying Lan | Yaodong and Mingqiu | Liw | Ismail
I arrived at Tapped In just as BJB was showing photos to find we had a new participant, Rita. Shun arrived to discuss with Rachael his meeting of his students with her class the coming Tuesday (Rachael did not appear in Tapped In on Sunday, but she did manage to get her students into the chat sessions with Shun's classes next Tuesday). Ali joined us out of curiosity, having been invited from the TESOL Electronic Village Online sessions <http://personalweb.smcvt.edu/gsl520/TESOL/ev_online02_TESOLblast.htm>. Arthur had been away cooking chicken, but came on to greet Ali in dulcet Arabic. We discussed the session Arthur was giving at one of the EVOnline sessions, and Rita decided to join in (later, she enrolled in the Webheads session, http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm)*. Michael had emailed that his workshop on Jan 19 was cancelled and joined us shortly after. Ying Lan dropped in with the good news that she was about to make the move to New York January 25! David was dreaming of bagels most of the time and singing occasionally. We found out that both he and Michael like Jimmy Buffet.
Meanwhile, on Yahoo, Yaodong was trying to reach me from China. But somehow an event received thru my LAN hookup crashed my Yahoo, and when I tried to go onto Yahoo from my dialup, I couldn't get voice. Dan and Michael were chatting happily, so I ended up trying a reboot, and then installing a new version of Yahoo onto my laptop. Eventually this worked, and I got in a chat with Dan and Nancy in Michigan, and we were joined by Mingqiu (text chat only) and Ismail, another visitor from the TESOL EVOnline sessions. The new version of Yahoo, which I had avoided because it doesn't allow cut and paste from the chat window, somehow did not save the contents of one of my chats in its save-as feature, and so the text chat accompanying the voice session was lost.
* If you can't reach Geocities, you can find out about the Webheads session at TESOL EVOnline here: http://lightning.prohosting.com/~vstevens/papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN | Mingqiu on Yahoo | Liw on ICQ
Tapped In chat logs
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jan 13 03:48:29 2002 PST.
BJB drops 2002/01/13 WebHeads (recording).
RitaZ exclaims, "soooorey, david!"
DanB [to RitaZ]: "I'm looking at my world atlas. To which country do those islands belong?"
DavidW says, "On the Atlas I have, it is very close, the little pieces of land near Tierra del Fuego"
DavidW . o O ( Rand-McNally )
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Where in Argentina are you?"
RitaZ asks, "abot the same, then? ;) ?"
DavidW says, "Si."
RitaZ says, "Rosario"
RitaZ asks, "been here?"
RitaZ asks, "o en buenos Aires alguna vez?"
DavidW says, "No, I haven't. I would like to visit"
RitaZ exclaims, "not now!!"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "You should know, and I say this humbly, I like soccer and for the World Cup I will follow the US team, but my heart is with Brasil."
DavidW ducks.
RitaZ says, "we are going through tough times now"
DavidW says, "It sounds terrible. I've met several Argentinians in New York and they are all upset and angry and ...lots of emotion."
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "there are other things apart from soccer ;)"
DavidW exclaims, "Claro, que si. Las comidas!"
DavidW says, "Los gauchos"
RitaZ says, "better see them in some time, hopefully this will need to change one day"
ArthurM exclaims, "Good morning, folks!"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Yes, it will, just being in the middle isn't run"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves good day to Arthur
DavidW wves to ArthurM.
DanB asks, "Hello, Arthur. How's the chicken coming along?"
ArthurM says, "Cooking sweetly, with Paxo stuffing"
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "yes, it's pretty hard to live here at the moment"
MargaretD asks, "the chicken?"
ArthurM says, "Dan will explain ..."
ArthurM says, "(We met up a few minutes ago in Yahoo)"
JohnSte says, "oops, I thought he said "children""
DanB says, "Arthur's cooking chicken for a family get together later."
JohnSte says, "I should go get my glasses."
MargaretD exclaims, "good grieg John! He's roating them!"
DanB exclaims, "That's OK, John, hard studying will do that!"
BJB [HelpDesk] chuckles...welcome to the WebHeads, Rita!
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Rosario is up the river from Buenos Aires?"
ArthurM asks, "Age, dear john, age comes to us alll - where's my zimmer frame?"
RitaZ says, "thank you BJ"
JohnSte says, "I sometimes think that's the only thing to do with them."
DanB exclaims, "Yes, Rita, welcome. Hopefully, we won't scare you!"
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "Correct!!!"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if John is roasting children?
ArthurM says, "Children - John? - yes, but I could not eat a whole one ..."
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Just looking around the country"
ArthurM says, "as the current response in vogue here says ..."
JohnSte says, "So, divide it among two families."
DavidW . o O ( Or three small families )
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "travelled abroad?"
DanB . o O ( Another interesting Webheads meeting! )
JohnSte says, "I got in late last night. We were at a wedding."
BJB says, "I think we should all introduce ourselves to Rita if you haven't done so, so she knows where everyone is"
DanB asks, "Ah, too much organge juice, John?"
JohnSte says, "Rita, I am John. I am a Un iversity professor in Puerto"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Yes and in the US, but abroad mostly to Europe. I've been to Tijuana, Mexico, but that is really the US, I think, not Mexico"
JohnSte says, "Rico and a PhD student in Pennsylvania."
RitaZ says, "nice to meet you all"
DanB says, "Rita, I am Dan. I am an assistant professor in Wisconsin."
DavidW . o O ( kinda bi-coastal )
JohnSte says, "I have three daughters and two 1/2 grandchildren."
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "Way to go, John."
JohnSte says, "Thanks."
MargaretD says, "I'm Maggi and teach Business English freelance in Germany."
DavidW says, "There is an important TappedIn baby that was born this past week."
DavidW looks at BJB [HelpDesk].
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "you need to see argentina one day..."
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Si, Claro!"
JohnSte asks, "Who is it, David?"
DavidW smiles.
DanB [to DavidW]: "Did Judi have her baby?"
BJB exclaims, "if anyone knows Judi..she had a girl!"
BJB says, "on January 9"
DavidW says, "Yes, on Wednesday, I believe and there is a web page for Natalie Marie"
DanB asks, "Is eveyone doing OK?"
DavidW looks at BJB [HelpDesk].
BJB says, "they're all fine"
DavidW says, "As far as I know, yes."
DanB [to BJB]: "Has Natalie logged in and gotten an office yet. It's the 13th already."
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Judi is one of the on-site (California) staff members for TappedIn"
DavidW smiles.
BJB asks, "anyone interested in the webpage of photos?"
DavidW says, "Oh, go on."
DavidW grins.
DanB says, "Sure."
JohnSte says, "lets see it"
BJB [HelpDesk] shows DanB the URL: http://homepage.mac.com/judiandnick/january9/PhotoAlbum4.html
BJB [HelpDesk] shows JohnSte the URL: http://homepage.mac.com/judiandnick/january9/PhotoAlbum4.html
BJB . o O ( Judi is the Community Director of TAPPED IN )
VanceS has arrived.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jan 13 04:03:05 2002 PST.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Vance
BJB . o O ( we started without you, sorry. )
DavidW bows to great leader from the east.
VanceS [In the Office] waves BJB [HelpDesk], RitaZ, DavidW, JohnSte [Webhead], DanB [Herding Cats], MargaretD, and ArthurM.
DanB says, "Hello, Vance."
JohnSte says, "Cute baby."
JohnSte says, "Hi, Vance."
BJB [to VanceS]: "we have a new participant, Rita."
ShunI has arrived.
Shun's Recorder follows ShunI
to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Shun
ShunI bows
JohnSte says, "Morning, Shun."
DanB exclaims, "Hello, Shunichiro!"
ShunI exclaims, "Hi, DanB and Vance!"
RitaZ says, "I'll lurk for some time, if you allow me.."
DavidW waves to ShunI.
MargaretD says, "Hi Shun"
ShunI says, "Hi, David."
VanceS looks talking with someone in my office.
ShunI says, "Hi, Margaret."
ShunI asks, "Are the Webheads meeting here?"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Shun
BJB says, "we just started, Shun"
ShunI says, "Good."
VanceS says, "hang on, talking with someone in real life"
DanB [to ShunI]: "Are your students still interested in meeting here this week?"
ShunI says, "Yes, definitely."
JohnSte asks, "You mean this isn;t real?"
DavidW grins.
ShunI says, "To Dan, but I may have to cut Jan 22 meeting."
DanB [to ShunI]: "I thought they did quite well the first meeting."
ShunI says, "Thanks to you people cooperating."
DanB [to ShunI]: "I can't make the Jan 22 meeting. I have an early class the next day."
ShunI says, "I know, hope Rachel gets here today so I can discuss it."
DanB . o O ( Actually, the class is that day )
ShunI says, "Right, your 21 is my 22."
ShunI asks, "Is this your biz comm class?"
DanB says, "Yes."
RitaZ goes OUT.
RitaZ's personal recorder (recording) goes OUT.
DavidW says, "NO, that's mathematically intersting"
DavidW smiles.
RitaZ finds her way in.
RitaZ's personal recorder follows RitaZ to
DanB says, "I just got an email from MichaelAC. His workshop on Jan 19th was cancelled."
VanceS looks webhead again.
JohnSte says, "Yrp, Just read it myself."
VanceS says, "Hi. First I heard about the workshop."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Md
DanB asks, "Hello, MdA. How are things in India?"
VanceS says, "Nope, there it is. Got it now."
VanceS says, "Hi MdA"
VanceS says, "I haven't been following what you guys have been talking about."
VanceS says, "There was a real live person here and that is SO distracting."
JohnSte says, "We were taling about you."
VanceS exclaims, "I have my transcripts!"
DanB says, "Rita is from Argentina, and she has been mentioning some things about their situation."
JohnSte says, "drat, forgot about those."
VanceS says, "I'll go back and try to read it"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Shoo them away or have them get online."
DanB says, "Arthur is cooking chicken for his family bash later."
DavidW asks, "What kind of chicken?"
JohnSte says, "Maybe Rita should repeat it for Vance."
DanB exclaims, "John and David have been discussing the nuances of cannibalism!"
DavidW says, "Pardon me, Senor Wisconsin"
VanceS says, "Is Rita still here? (My logs show she left ..."
JohnSte says, "Specifically, children."
DavidW . o O ( Wis-con-SIN )
DanB [Herding Cats] smirks
BJB [to VanceS]: "This is Rita's first time in a discussion and she prefers to lurk for a while"
MdA says, "hai"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has lost her link.
VanceS asks, "And I see that Shun is having just one more meeting, Tue the 15th, correct?"
DavidW . o O ( Well, anyone trying to herd cats... )
BJB says, "oops"
DavidW waves to MdA.
DanB [to VanceS]: "Yes, correct"
DanB says, "Hello, Ali."
ShunI says, "Have to talk to Rachel first before cacelling Jan. 22, Vance."
VanceS looks engaged in chaos navigation.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Ali. Welcome back
BJB [to Ali [guest]]: "Can you introduce yourself to the group, please?"
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] waves to Ali [guest] and everyone else.
MdA [to BJB]: "RUOK bjb"
BJB [to Ali [guest]]: "then we will let you lurk if you prefer ;-)"
DavidW wonders about chaos navigation.
Ali [guest] says, "hi everyone"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Ali"
VanceS asks, "Hi Ali. Where are you contacting us from?"
MdA says, "ali wer from UR"
Ali [guest] says, "Morocco"
MdA says, "what do U do Ali"
Ali [guest] says, "from Rabat"
DanB asks, "Hi, Ali. Is Rabat right on the coast?"
VanceS says, "I think I know who this is."
ArthurM says, "Salam a lechum, Ali - i'm in Ireland ..."
DavidW grinats ArthurM.
Ali [guest] says, "Salam"
DavidW asks, "Salaam Alechim?"
MdA [to VanceS]: "how RU"
Ali [guest] says, "Hello Ireland"
ArthurM says, "Davidw, it's Arabic, to make Ali feel even more welcome"
ArthurM says, "English from here on ..."
Ali [guest] says, "Thanks,Arthur"
MdA says, "arthur where from UR"
ArthurM asks, "What's your job, Ali?"
VanceS says, "Ali, is your picture at the top of this page? http://www.vance_stevens.com/papers/evonline2002/community.htm"
ArthurM says, "MdA, I'm in Belfast, Northern Ireland"
MdA [to Arthur]: "ok"
RitaZ has connected.
ArthurM says, "Hello, RitaZ"
DanB says, "Welcome back, Rita."
Ali [guest] says, "No but you posted it on the community page I think"
MdA [to Arthur]: "what do you do arthur"
BJB asks, "everything ok, Rita?"
RitaZ exclaims, "sooooooory!"
RitaZ exclaims, "now yes!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MdA has disconnected.
VanceS says, "That's it. Ali Boumoussa then. Welcome, ahlan"
ArthurM says, "I teach entrepreneurship and ebusiness at the university of ulster; before that, 15 years in EFL - Sweden, middle East, etc. see my profile :-)"
VanceS asks, "Hi Rita, where are you in Argentina?"
RitaZ [to BJB]: "I had a problem with my computer and sent an email for help, but is now all right"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Rita
DavidW [to ArthurM]: "And, what a profile it is."
RitaZ says, "I'm in Rosario, 2nd biggest city"
RitaZ says, "I teach in a private Institute (2,500 stds)"
RitaZ says, "am Area Manager for kids and advanced classes"
VanceS asks, "welcome, are you hear for the Webheads session?"
RitaZ says, "yes"
RitaZ says, "thank you"
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] means 'here'
RitaZ says, "sorry if I so not participate too actively today, but I'm just trying to see and understand..."
VanceS asks, "Do you guys all know that there is a TESOL online workshops event starting soon?"
JohnSte says, "Yep."
BJB asks, "today?"
RitaZ asks, "when exactly, Vance?"
VanceS says, "Not officially today, but Ali registered for the session."
MargaretD says, "yes, I know"
VanceS says, "I guess we'll be getting visitors who want to 'see and understand' as Rita puts it."
RitaZ asks, "Where can we registered , TESOL site?"
RitaZ says, "register, sorry"
VanceS says, "I'll dig out the url. I'll /show it to you (is that ok?)"
RitaZ says, "yes, thanks, Vance"
Ali [guest] says, "Vance the links we have at the bottom the Webheads evonline page are not clickable"
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] shows RitaZ the URL: http://personalweb.smcvt.edu/gsl520/TESOL/ev_online02_TESOLblast.htm
VanceS says, "uh oh, ..."
VanceS asks, "which ones, ali?"
RitaZ says, "thank you, Vance, I've bookmarked it already"
VanceS says, "There are actually a number of very good sessions"
DanB says, "Yes, the syllabus looks very interesting."
Ali [guest] says, "the links for posting...I'm talking about the yahoogroup page...at the bottom of the page"
RitaZ [to VanceS]: "I participated in TESOL Curitiba last July, maybe I met you there?"
ShunI asks, "Where are the time and dates?"
VanceS says, "OK Ali (having a look)"
VanceS says, "I've been to Curitiba Brazil. But not to a TESOL conference."
VanceS says, "The TESOL sessions run from Jan 25 to March 25."
VanceS says, "The syllabus is basically what we do here each week introduced a bit at a time."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
VanceS says, "(syllabus for my session I mean)"
VanceS says, "Too bad Arthur lost his link. He's involved too."
VanceS says, "He's giving a presentation for one of the sessions."
DanB says, "I'm sure Arthur will be back."
VanceS asks, "I'm looking at that page, Ali. Those are email addresses, right?"
Ali [guest] says, "yes..."
VanceS says, "I don't have any control over those, Ali. Those are set up by the Yahoo web page wizard (I think)"
VanceS says, "Sue got in touch with me today, btw."
ArthurM has connected.
JohnSte asks, "How is she?"
VanceS says, "She seems pretty excited to be in Texas."
BJB says, "welcome back, Arthur"
ArthurM says, "Hi, BJB"
VanceS asks, "Hi Arthur. We were talking a little about the TESOL events. WHat's your session about?"
JohnSte says, "The other session I'm in has disconnected links, too, Ali."
ArthurM says, "Human resource management in ELT, and in particular issues around equality between native and non native speakers as teachers"
VanceS says, "I think that's just put there for information (by Yahoo Groups)"
JohnSte says, "I think so, too."
Ali [guest] says, "Vance OK .. just read the commands again ..but I can't understand why posting to the group shouldn't be clickable"
BJB . o O ( brb )
JohnSte says, "There's a posting link on the left side of the page."
DavidW nods.
VanceS asks, "It is, Ali. On that page, are the links in the left side sidebar clickable?"
DanB says, "Hi, Nan."
NanH says, "hi Dan :) I meant to get up earlier ;)"
VanceS says, "You can also post to the group through my own portal page at http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm "
DavidW waves to NanH.
VanceS says, "Hello Nan, welcome to the Webheads discussion."
DanB says, "No problem, Nan."
ArthurM says, "Hello, NanH"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Nan."
NanH waves to David :)
Ali [guest] says, "yes they are but the address itself at the bottom of the page is not"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Nan
NanH says, "thx dan.... whello Arthur, John, BJB :)"
JohnSte says, "Hi, Michael."
DavidW [to NanH]: "Morning"
VanceS says, "If they're linkable, that means you're properly registered with the group. You have a point there Ali."
MichaelAC says, "Hello everyone."
DanB says, "Hello, Michael."
VanceS says, "Howdy Michael"
ArthurM says, "Greetings, michael"
DavidW waves to MichaelAC.
BJB says, "g'day, Michael"
Ali [guest] says, "Hello Michael"
NanH says, "Hi micheal :)"
MichaelAC says, "Hello especially to the new people - Nan and Ali"
NanH says, "hola rita :)"
MichaelAC exclaims, "And Rita!"
MargaretD says, "Hi MC"
VanceS says, "Maybe we should do a bit of introduction. I'm Vance living in Abu Dhabi."
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, all, nice to be here!"
DavidW says, "I'm David Weksler, aching to go and get a bagel for breakfast."
JohnSte says, "I'm John, in Puerto Rico."
MichaelAC says, "And I'm in Adelaide, Australia"
VanceS says, "Rita is in Rosario Argentina"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has lost his link.
VanceS says, "Arthur is in limbo between here and Ireland"
NanH says, "I'm Nancy in Small Town, Michigan ;)"
Ali [guest] says, "and I'm Ali techer trainer in Rabat , Morocco"
VanceS says, "David could be in Rochester, Swardmore, New Jersey, or Manhattan"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "That's Swarthmore to you, buddy, but I'm in New Jersey at the moment."
DavidW [to VanceS]: "WHy have a laptop and not move it around?"
MargaretD says, "Maggi in Germahny"
BJB says, "I'm in Pennsylvania, US"
DanB says, "David is also an Elvis fan."
VanceS . o O ( David feels he has to move his laptop?? )
NanH has a laptop so she can work from the living room couch :)
MargaretD asks, "oh?"
ShunI says, "I'm from Japan, teaching Jr. college girls."
VanceS asks, "where's your living room couch, NanH?"
DavidW says, "Alright, alright, no more personal information disclosures without prior approval"
NanH chuckles in a tiny little town of 900 in mid-Michigan
DavidW [to VanceS]: "It's in the Apple manual so that you can get different kinds of dust into the machine"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "The warranty is void if you don't show people your APPLE logo."
MichaelAC asks, "So who are the cannibals here?"
JohnSte says, "I'm one of them."
VanceS . o O ( cannibals? )
DavidW . o O ( Fine Young Cannibals - I just bought a tape )
MichaelAC exclaims, "Well you've kept that well hiden John!"
JohnSte says, "I especially like grandchildren."
VanceS asks, "Dan my Yahoo crashed big time, did yours?" <Follow Vance to where he reconnects with Yaodong in MSN -->
<Vance was talking with Yaodong in Yahoo. Vance was using Yahoo on his LAN connected computer, which doesn't allow voice chats. He was about to log off from there and go onto Yahoo on his laptop (on a dialup connection) when Yaodong sent him an invitation to voice chat. At that moment, Vance's Yahoo crashed on the LAN, and proved impossible to revive on the laptop. At this juncture, Vance is wondering if it's a problem with Yahoo, or with his computers.>
DavidW grins.
MichaelAC smiles at John
DavidW says, "THe alternative conversations"
DanB says, "No, Michael and i are in voice."
MichaelAC says, "Dan and I are chatting in yahho now"
MichaelAC says, "(snap)"
VanceS says, "you can say that again"
MichaelAC says, "snap"
DavidW exclaims, "Snap!"
DavidW says, "Rats"
DanB says, "snap"
DavidW smiles.
JohnSte says, "crackle"
DavidW says, "Oh man, here it goes."
DavidW laughs.
DanB asks, "Rats? It's Snap, Crackle, Pop, isn't it?"
DavidW says, "Yes."
JohnSte says, "Sure is"
DavidW says, "Rice Krispies"
JohnSte says, "The only cereal that talks to you."
DavidW laughs.
MargaretD says, "they have them here even"
DavidW says, "Grape Nuts is pretty loud when you munch on them, it's why I like them, they are crunchy"
DanB says, "Certainly in Germany."
DavidW says, "Ya, auf Deutschland"
JohnSte says, "I eat Shredded Wheat with Grape Nuts."
DanB says, "David, don't chew with your mouth open."
DanB says, "Then, they won't be so noisy."
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "I'm listening to Jimmy Buffet. Want to hear "Cheeseburger in Paradise"?"
DanB exclaims, "Either that or the gong sound!"
MichaelAC says, "I *love* Jimmy Buffett"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Didn't I ask you to ask permission before revealing some of my personal habits?"
DanB asks, "Captain, may I?"
NanH asks, "medium rare with an online slice?"
MichaelAC says, "wasting away in Margueritaville""
NanH searches her HD for Yahoo messenger... is here somewhere
NanH has never tried the voice
JohnSte says, "My wife is signalling me that it is time to go buy the milk and get her newspaper for her."
DavidW sings, ~\ I've had these wonderful dreams, some kind of sensual treat /~
MichaelAC asks, "What is your username in Yahoo Nan?"
NanH smiles
JohnSte says, "I'm going to have to leave now."
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "MOre run?"
VanceS asks, "Are you guys starting a voice chat somewhere?"
NanH says, "nancyhead"
DanB says, "Bye, John."
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "MOre rum?"
DavidW grins.
JohnSte says, "Bye all."
DavidW waves.
MichaelAC says, "OK John. Ciao. Happy grandkid chomping."
You hear a quiet popping sound; JohnSte [Webhead] has disconnected.
NanH says, "ok... I searched the thing and it's not there... will have to d/l again"
MargaretD exclaims, "bye John!"
NanH says, "maybe next time :)"
NanH asks, "so what are your yahoo names?"
DavidW . o O ( d_weksler )
MichaelAC says, "mikecogh"
VanceS . o O ( vance_stevens )
DanB [to NanH]: "dan_bilitz"
Ali [guest] says, "ali_boumoussa"
NanH says, "thanks :) here's a quick Q"
VanceS says, "ok"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Thanks, David."
NanH asks, "do I just need "Yahoo Messenger" or do I need the "Yahoo Experience"?"
DavidW listens.
VanceS says, "my advice, forget the experience"
NanH says, "is what I needed to know"
MichaelAC asks, "What the ??? is the Yahoo experience?"
VanceS asks, "anybody contradict that?"
VanceS says, "it's something other than chat"
NanH says, "just wondered if I needed it for voice"
NanH says, "w/o reading thru the web site"
NanH says, "obviously "no""
VanceS says, "no, you just need the messenger"
DavidW asks, "I'm assuming this all Windows-based and not for Mac, yes?"
NanH nods
NanH doesn't know
NanH says, "wasn't there last time I d/loaded it"
NanH says, "new option of some kind"
DavidW looks bagel.
VanceS says, "Susanne says it's good for high end macs"
DavidW asks, "BUt it's not Yahoo Messenger, it's differnt software?"
NanH says, "I'm looking to see what it is not that d/l in progress, David"
VanceS says, "I'm going to reboot and try to get Yahoo back."
VanceS says, "See you shortly."
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jan 13 05:04:14 2002 PST.
<Vance shuts down his computer and on reboot tries to bring up Yahoo voice chat. It still doesn't work, so he downloads the newest version. This takes about 20 minutes, according to the Tapped In time stamps. The good news is, the new version works!>
<Here's what I missed in Tapped In while I was away doing that ... >
DavidW says, "So, Yahoo just told me that I have older software; that you all are using newer software, so I'll go and investigate that."
RitaZ [to BJ]: "is the discussion drawing to an end?"
BJB [to Rita]: "yes, the hour is about up. This group tends to hang around and talk if they have a topic going"
DanB says, "OK, David. Sorry, I didn't realize that."
NanH asks, "what does the group usually talk about? is there a topic?"
DavidW [to NanH]: "Now you are in for it!"
BJB says, "this is a very serendipitous group, Nan...the topic tends to just evolve"
DavidW [bagel] smiles.
DanB ducks
DavidW says, "Excellent choice of words"
BJB . o O ( depending on who is present )
MichaelAC exclaims, "Nicely put BJ!"
NanH smiles OK
DavidW [bagel] smiles.
DavidW says, "Yes, BJB did remarkably well, a true artist."
DavidW [bagel] smiles.
BJB [HelpDesk] blushes.
DanB exclaims, "BJ's been looking in a dictionary again, I see!"
DavidW says, "Thats right. I didn't think she was up to the "S" though."
NanH says, "sec... gotta scroll up and grab your names now ;)"
BJB [HelpDesk] smirks at David
DanB says, "Well, David, remember that she's Cyberwoman."
BJB . o O ( that moniker gets me through the C's at least! )
DanB . o O ( It is Cyberwoman or Syberwoman? )
RitaZ [to BJ]: "ok, then, it's been a relaxed start, and you are a very supportive partner in this enterprise...Thank you very much for your help. Will be back any time."
MichaelAC says, "OK Rita. Nice that you dropped in"
BJB asks, "great, Rita. See you on Tuesday for the Euro Lang group?"
RitaZ says, "Definitely"
DanB says, "Nice meeting you, Rita."
NanH says, "see you later, Rita :)"
RitaZ says, "Same"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Rita.
RitaZ says, "Bye everybody"
NanH says, "almost said 'nite... am not used to this early morning chat stuff LOL"
NanH says, "of course... here time is really elusive anyhow"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Nan...and relative. It is night for Michael
NanH says, "right ;)"
BJB . o O ( and Shun, too )
MichaelAC says, "Yes it is night for me - 11.40 pm"
BJB . o O ( and Yaodong )
NanH says, "dang... yahoo froze up"
Ali [guest] says, "lunch time for me..."
NanH says, "is nice meeting you all :)"
BJB says, "and breakfast time for me."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye.
BJB looks away.
DanB says, "Nice meeting you, Nan. I've added you to my Yahoo list."
NanH says, "great, Dan :)"
ShunI says, "See you Tuesday, Dan."
DanB exclaims, "Yes, Shun. I'm looking forward to it!"
ShunI says, "You can drop all -bun's from their names."
ShunI says, "The rest is the first name."
ShunI says, "Bye, all."
DanB says, "Bye, Shun."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ShunI has disconnected.
ying [guest] says, "hi,"
ying [guest] says, "No Vance today."
ying [guest] says, "hi"
DanB says, "Hi, Ying. Vance has been having some technical problems, I think."
ying [guest] asks, "Really... he can not touch his computer?"
DanB says, "I'm not sure. He's been in and out a couple times."
Ali [guest] says, "i'm here lurking and exploring the Tappedincommands on "what's here""
ying [guest] says, "Oh..."
DanB asks, "How's your visa application coming along, Ying?"
ying [guest] says, "I am working on this...."
ying [guest] says, "I probably will be in New York soon."
DanB says, "That's good to hear, Ying."
DanB asks, "How are things at the bank, Ying?"
VanceS has arrived.
VanceSrecorder follows VanceS to here.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Jan 13 05:25:48 2002 PST.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Started recording in Reception
(#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jan 13 05:26:05 2002 PST.
DanB says, "Hi, Vance. Welcome back."
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] landses in a splat of cyber mud.
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] wipes mud off goggles
MargaretD exclaims, "Hi Ying!"
ying [guest] says, "at the bank... I don't know how to say."
ying [guest] says, "Hi....."
DanB hands Vance a virtual towel.
ying [guest] says, "Maggi... I probably will go to New York soon."
VanceS says, "not ready to throw in the towel yet"
MargaretD says, "kewl"
VanceS says, "glad to see Ying Lan here and glad you are going to New York"
ying [guest] asks, "To thorow in the towel" means "celebration' or saying hello?"
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] tries again to connect to yahoo
MargaretD says, "David may be able to helpYing if you need it."
MichaelAC says, "Hi Ying - you're late tonight. I'm leaving now..."
VanceS says, "oh, man, I had to download the new version to get it to work."
ying [guest] says, "Thanks Vance. Actually, I had a hard day when I got the notice."
ying [guest] says, "Michaelac , I am sorry."
MichaelAC exclaims, "There's always next week!"
ying [guest] says, "I am trying to tell you.. I am leaving for New York."
MargaretD says, "nice to "see" you MC."
MichaelAC asks, "When?????"
ying [guest] says, "Jan. 25th.. I guess."
MichaelAC exclaims, "Wow - that's next week!"
ying [guest] says, "I have not packed my suitcase."
ying [guest] says, "It sounds crazy."
MichaelAC says, "There's plenty of time for that (packing). It will be great Ying. A real adventure"
ying [guest] says, "My father was sent to Emergency Room on that day ... I knew I would be in New York soon."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_177 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS asks, "how is your father, is he still in hospital?"
ying [guest] says, "Than, I found out... that there are too many things, I have not done in Taiwan."
ying [guest] says, "He discharged yesterday."
MargaretD asks, "like Ying?"
ying [guest] says, "He is better."
ying [guest] says, "The problem is that I don't know what I should do now."
ying [guest] asks, "Am I panick?"
MargaretD says, "sounds like it..:-)"
VanceS says, "just take it as it comes. You can get anything you want in new york"
ying [guest] says, "U. S. Dollar is really expensive now."
MargaretD asks, "will you be paid in dollars there?"
ying [guest] says, "Thsnks. Vance, I can not used blender in New York."
ying [guest] says, "No. I get my pay in Taiwan.. but I could have USD650 to be packet money every month in New York."
MichaelAC says, "Ying _ i'm sure I'll 'see' you before you go. But goodnight from me......"
ying [guest] says, "Good night."
VanceS says, "good night MIchael."
ying [guest] says, "Michael. thanks."
DanB asks, "What is packet money, Ying?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
MargaretD says, "nite mc"
MargaretD says, "pocket money"
ying [guest] says, "How say the words."
ying [guest] says, "allowance"
DanB says, "Oh, I see now. Thanks. I misunderstood."
ying [guest] asks, "Vance, Can you send my the correct resume to yinglan@gcn.net.tw later?"
ying [guest] says, "I really need your correction to apply for the visa."
VanceS says, "Yes, Ying Lan. I can do it in a moment."
ying [guest] says, "I don't know what's wrong with my email box, sometimes, I just can not received the email..."
VanceS says, "I have to find it. It's on my other computer."
ying [guest] says, "that's o.k." <Ying Lan had asked Vance to look over her resume. He did this as soon as he received it by email and sent it back same day, but somehow Ying Lan had not received it, so Vance is trying to find it to send it to her again.>
ying [guest] says, "How"
ying [guest] asks, "How are you , guys?"
ying [guest] says, "Is it really cold in New York now? DavidW"
VanceS says, "I just heard from Sue today in Texas"
ying [guest] says, "Rally.. she made it."
DavidW says, "No, not really."
DavidW says, "It's in the 40s and was even (Fahrenheit) 53 on Wednesday"
ying [guest] says, "She resigned and went to Texas"
VanceS says, "I think it's cold in New York"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Engaged?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "You?"
Ali [guest] says, "Brrr...bye for now"
DavidW says, "The forecase last night was for snow."
DavidW . o O ( forecast )
VanceS says, "Yeah, Sue is in Texas now and sounds pretty happy to be there"
DavidW [to Ali [guest]]: "It's not N. Africa"
ying [guest] says, "But I live in Asia.. An semitropical island."
DavidW . o O ( big island )
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_161 [guest] has disconnected.
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Where on the island of Asia do you live?"
DavidW grins.
ArthurM has connected.
ying [guest] says, "Taiwan."
DanB exclaims, "Welcome back, Arthur!"
ArthurM exclaims, "Dan. hello!"
VanceS says, "Hi."
ying [guest] says, "hello."
DanB asks, "How's the chicken?"
ying [guest] asks, "chicken?"
DavidW smles.
DavidW smiles.
DavidW asks, "IS it done, yet?"
ArthurM says, "Progressing well, thank you, Dan. I wish I could squirt you a sample electronically :-)"
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Are you in Taipei or somewhere else?"
ArthurM says, "Indded, it is a LARGE fowl and everyone could have a morsel :-)"
DanB exclaims, "Well, try it. Maybe, it will be another first for the Webheads!"
ying [guest] says, "I am in Taichung Hsien."
ying [guest] says, "It takes 2.5 hours to go to Taipei by train."
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "I'm David Weksler I will be playing soccer in Chinatown in New York City in a little while."
2002/01/13 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
DanB says, "Good luck in your game, David. Have fun."
DavidW [to DanB]: "It's kinda interesting. Me, a guy from Moroco (we can speak French and English) and then everyone else tends to be from the neighborhood, or definitely Chinese."
DanB says, "Yes, that does sound interesting."
VanceS says, "yeah, and we're all over the place. I'm in Yahoo voice right now."
VanceS says, "very disttacting (but interesting!)"
DavidW says, "The refreshment after the game tends to be Soy Milk - not bad, but not my favorite"
ying [guest] says, "I need to go now. It is almost 10:oo pm here."
DavidW waves to ying [guest].
DavidW says, "Good night."
ying [guest] says, "good night..."
ying [guest] says, "Vance, please."
VanceS says, "Ok, Ying Lan. I'll send that file before I leave here."
ying [guest] says, "Thanks you."
ying [guest] says, "See you."
VanceS says, "I'm surprised you didn't get it."
DanB says, "Bye, Ying."
ying [guest] says, "bye."
ying [guest] says, "Maggi, are you here."
DavidW says, "I think she is."
ying [guest] says, "Anyway, Thanks a lot."
MargaretD exclaims, "bye Ying!"
ying [guest] says, "See you."
ying [guest] says, "bye"
ArthurM says, "Bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_97 [guest] has disconnected.
DavidW . o O ( blackbird )
DavidW sings, ~\ Pack up all my cares and woes... /~
DanB sings -\Bye, bye, blackbird/-
DavidW says, "Good job."
DavidW says, "There's a line inbetween, I think."
DavidW grins.
DanB says, "Yes, but I forgot the words."
DavidW . o O ( Here I go, singing low --- I believe. )
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
VanceS asks, "sorry guys, this voice chat is consuming. Want to join us there?"
MargaretD says, "chicken must be done"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Thanks, but I don't think I can"
DavidW grins at MargaretD.
DanB sings -\No one here can love or understand me.../-
DavidW [to VanceS]: "And I'm stretching to prevent injury later on."
MargaretD says, "ahhhh"
DavidW sings, ~\ Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me...? /~
DavidW says, "I'm not sure I have the words handy. Let me check"
DavidW says, "It's not in my very well-worn "Great songs of the 60s" - I've hacked out a lot of those on the piano."
DanB says, ":sings -\Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me.../-"
DavidW asks, "Didn't I just sing that?"
DavidW grins.
DavidW [to DanB]: "THere is the "sing" command, that's what I'm using."
DanB sings -\You and your echo.../-
DavidW . o O ( Me and my shadow? )
DavidW asks, "I wonder what they are "talking" about?"
DanB says, "Yes."
DavidW says, "We need an inside reporter."
DavidW grins.
DavidW says, "Or speech to text software."
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] wonders how BJB [away], DavidW, DanB, MargaretD, and NanH are doing.
DavidW says, "Well, I was worried that it would be snowing this morning, that's what the weather predicted, but there is blue sky."
NanH waves to David
DavidW waves to NanH.
DavidW asks, "Leaving?"
NanH says, "nah... just peeking in from the chat window"
DavidW nods.
DavidW sings, ~\ Come Monday, it'll be alright /~
NanH smiles
VanceS says, "nancy has been talking up a storm"
DavidW exclaims, "Oh, really!?!"
DavidW smiles.
NanH laughs
DavidW sings, ~\ I hope your enjoying the scenery, I know that it's pretty up there /~
DanB says, "Yep. soon Nancy will be webcaming even before me."
NanH chuckles I don't know about the webcamming part LOL
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
DanB exclaims, "She even lassoed her 9-year old son, and made him voice chat!"
DavidW says, "Okay, i'm getting my shorts and sweatshirt for the big game."
DavidW exclaims, "Wow, what a mom!"
NanH says, "I didn't exactly have to "lasso" him..."
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] shows NanH the URL: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/vcommunity.htm
DavidW . o O ( The kid is saying, Mom! Do I have to! )
DanB says, "I must admit, he didn't sound like he was coerced."
DavidW asks, "Well, that's good. He isn't a virtual kid, though, so to speak?"
DavidW looks at NanH.
DanB [to DavidW]: "Did you ever tell us what position you play?"
DavidW says, "Mostly all over."
DavidW smiles.
NanH chuckles A "virtual kid?"
DanB smirks at an evasive answer
DavidW [to DanB]: "In college I played center midfield, kinda in the midlde of things."
DavidW says, "More running involved, but that's the fun."
DanB says, "Soccer is a logical game."
VanceS says, "My kid loves soccer"
DavidW says, "Sometimes. Its' also an emotional game."
MargaretD -)
VanceS says, "He was on his high school team"
DavidW says, "Well, it's a great game, keep the parents far away sometimes."
DanB says, "Parents can be a problem in any sport."
DavidW says, "ilearned in England and then was lucky the town in NJ had a youth program way ahead of other communities."
DavidW exclaims, "Talk about international games!"
DavidW says, "Great pick up games in Berekely with all of the foreign students who don't go home for summer vacation, but also at lots of schools."
DanB asks, "I thought football (soccer) was the world's most popular game?"
DavidW says, "Is"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "Have a good week you all. The sun is really out now."
DavidW waves bye to BJB [away], DanB, MargaretD, NanH, and VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation].
DanB says, "You, too, David."
MargaretD exclaims, "you too!"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
DanB says, "I'm going to have to leave also. Have a great week everyone."
MargaretD says, "I'll be going to get some things done..."
MargaretD exclaims, "bye all!"
DanB waves to all
You hear a quiet popping sound; DanB has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has disconnected.
NanH digs around on her desktop fo tthe windows she wants now...
NanH says, "ah... here's one <grin>"
NanH smiles to others in the room
NanH got lost in the voice chat thingie ;)
NanH waves 'bye :)
You hear a quiet popping sound; NanH has disconnected.
VanceS asks, "anyone there?"
VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] looks for BJB [away].
VanceS says, "my tapped in is acting up and I can't refresh. What a night. Ok, later to BJB."
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [engaged in chaos navigation] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jan 13 06:29:12 2002 PST.
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN | Mingqiu on Yahoo | Liw on ICQ
Vance connected with Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN Messenger after Yahoo crashed
yaodong/DON/yd says: Hello,Jane is here too. <Jane is Mingqiu>
Vance says: Hi, Yahoo just crashed and can't get it back <See where this is in Tapped In -->
Vance says: is yours ok?
yaodong/DON/yd says: ok,
yaodong/DON/yd says: so let me ask her to come back here.
Jane has been added to the conversation.
Vance says: Hi. I don't know what happened to my Yahoo. I declined your voice invitation and it just went. Now it won't log back on.
Vance says: it's been working fine all day
yaodong/DON/yd says: Jane is coming back here.
Jane says: ok
Vance says: hi
Jane says: HI, Vance. how are you?
Vance says: How are you?
Jane says: Fine and you?
yaodong/DON/yd says: Hello, nice we meet at last!
yaodong/DON/yd says: Vance, this is Mingqiu (Jane)
Jane says: Yes, I think it is a miracle I can meet you here.
yaodong/DON/yd says: and this is Vance.
Vance says: Yes. Sorry my voice isn't working suddenly
yaodong/DON/yd says: Jane, vance made a beautiful homepage for yuo last week.
Jane says: My computer says my PC don't support the required format.
Jane says: Thank you , Vance.
Vance says: did you see it?
yaodong/DON/yd says: but you msn is good today.
Jane says: I am sorry Yaodong told me so but I didn't see it.
yaodong/DON/yd says: it is here, Jane.
Jane says: I am not quite familiar with it and I still need Yaodong's help.
yaodong/DON/yd says: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/yaodong.htm
yaodong/DON/yd says: Vance , can we project Jane a URL?
yaodong/DON/yd says: JJ, he lost his link suddenly. but he will be back.
yaodong/DON/yd says: see the url to your page?
Jane says: Yes, I have visited this page, but I am not sure where it is.
Vance says: I'm trying to get back yahoo on my laptop
yaodong/DON/yd says: it is there.
Vance says: Do you mean you see me online?
Jane says: where?
Jane says: No, I mean the homepage.
yaodong/DON/yd says: Jane, your page is there, click the link i gave you 2 minutes ago?
Jane says: yes. I did.
yaodong/DON/yd says: Vance , let us project Jane her url.
Jane says: and there are so many thing there and I am not sure which one is.
Vance says: where? In tapped in?
yaodong/DON/yd says: here?
Jane says: Am I a bit slow?
Vance says: You just did. the link you put there is clickable
yaodong/DON/yd says: Jane said she did not see her homepage.
yaodong/DON/yd says: Jane, not slow at all.
Vance says: I'm going to shut down to try to recover yahoo. Be back in a bit.
yaodong/DON/yd says: ok, <See where Vance shuts down Tapped In -->
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN | Mingqiu on Yahoo | Liw on ICQ
After reinstalling Yahoo Vance finds Mingqiu there
zmyqiu: HI, Vance?
zmyqiu: Nice to meet you at last!
vance_stevens: Hi. I'll invite you to voice chat
zmyqiu: But my PC says it does not support the required com... format. vance_stevens: oh, ok. Can you reach Tapped In?
zmyqiu: What is Tapped In?
vance_stevens: let's talk in the confernce window
<Although she had no voice capability, Mingqiu was able to join Dan and I in voice chat and communicate with us via the text window. Dan and Nancy and I kept up asides while chatting with Mingqiu in Yahoo and the others in Tapped In. Unfortunately, the text logs of these transactions were saved to a file which turned out, when I attempted to open it, to contain zero bytes. Whatta shame!>
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN | Mingqiu on Yahoo | Liw on ICQ
Just as we were shutting down, Liw found Vance on ICQ
<Liw is Maria in ICQ> Maria: Are you in Tapped In now?
Maria: I don't want to miss the chat.
Vance: Hi. Yes, I'm in tapped in.
Maria: Did I miss it?
Vance: well, we're wrapping up. Are you on Yahoo?
Maria: No, I am not. It always freze when I check the history. Then I hope to catch you again next week. I thought it was one hour later.
Vance: what time is it where you are?
Maria: It is 15:21.
Maria: Please remind me next time if you see me online. I am always online at this time.
Vance: you are GMT plus 1? Where are you?
Maria: I am in Sweden and suppose to be GMT +1
Vance: We meet at noon GMT, which must be one oclock your time. Is this Li?
Maria: I thought the chat was at 15 my time and 14 GMT.
Maria: Yes, I am Liw.
Vance: noon until 14:00. Should we be spelling your name Liw?
Maria: Yes, please.
Vance: ok
Maria: It only says Li, Maria and eteaching on the different IM programs which I am using.
Vance: would you like to join a yahoo chat conference? Still going ...
Maria: Sounds great, who are there?
Vance: Ismail from Cairo and me
Vance: He's leaving actually. I think I'll do the same ...
Maria: I must reboot to get yahoo to work again. Ok, I will try to catch you next Sunday.
Vance: ok, see you then. Sorry we missed you :-(
<Top> Tapped In chat logs | Yaodong and Mingqiu on MSN | Mingqiu on Yahoo | Liw on ICQ
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: January 18, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |