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Meet Liw

<Li sent her picture, January 10, 2002 while talking with Vance on MSN Messenger>
Li says: Hello Vance, what e-mail should I send my picture to? I am sorry but I lost it.
Vance says: Hi Li
Vance says: vstevens at
Li says: Ok, thanks
Vance says: thank YOU
Vance says: sending now by any chance? If so I'll stay on ...
Li says: Yes, I am.
Vance says: let me know when you've sent it
Li says: I just sent it.
Vance says: got it
Vance says: is it a graduation picture?
Li says: Yes, it is.
Vance says: OK, I'll put it on your web page
Vance says: thanks
Vance says: graduation from college?
Li says: No, I am not that old.
Li says: It is from high school.
Vance says: oh, ok

Vance says: Did you graduate from hs in Sweden?
Li says: I am still studying at college/university.
Li says: Yes, I did.
Vance says: where are you studying now? (what college)
Li says: I am studying at Karlstad University.
Vance says: what's your major?
Li says: My majors are English and education.
Li says: They used to be materials science and metallurgy.
Vance says: What a change
Li says: Every time we speak it sounds like you think that I am not from Sweden. What country do you think i would be from?
Vance says: Originally? Well I've met Laotians living in Norway (with Norwegian passports)
Li says: I see.
Vance says: I know a lot of people have had to move around due to conflicts in their countries
Vance says: Laplander?
Li says: I am totally Swedish though.
Li says: I was born in Taiwan and I was eight months old when I came to Sweden. I am adopted.
Vance says: oh, interesting. I understand. I work with a colleague who's parents were from Pakistan but he is totally Canadian
Vance says: I've traveled in Finland, Sweden, Norway (and Taiwan, btw)
Vance says: anyway, I'm glad you have been able to join our group. We are a very diverse community, and we appreciate people for what they are.
Li says: I am very glad that I could join.
Vance says: ok, I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday
Li says: The same to you
Vance says: bye for now
Li says: Bye bye

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Last updated: January 14, in Hot Metal Pro 6.0