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Webheads chat
logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with
comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community
through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but
your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on
the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments
or concerns to Vance
(C)opyright 2005 Vance
Webheads have been chatting weekly and getting to know each other since 1998!
Access our logged chats from 1998 | 1999 |
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2007 |
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Who else keeps similar archives?
Bookmarks here: 050412 - 050413 - tesol2005 - elderparty - marquee - dusty2005march - 050331call-is-academic - 050529 - Michael Coglan's talk on 050929 - Jeff Coops's summary of 051002 - Alado Gallistel event
Saturday, January 1, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, January 2, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm
Saturday, January 8, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm.
Karen Garcia wrote: Greetings Everyone! Today is my Wednesday (January 12 to be more exact...) and I want to report to you about another face to face "webhead encounter" I am so fortunate to have had last Monday. With great delight I met Rita Zeinstejer who was in Connecticut from Argentina visiting her family and who is about to travel to Lisboa, Portugal on Friday and will be greeted by Tereza.
What a four hour visit! Rita met me in New Haven, which is about two hours south from me. We walked through Yale University talking in Spanish about life, philosophy, love, work, webheads, family, Japan? non-stop?multitasking of course while we looked at shops, museums, and had a wonderful lunch. Anyone who looked would hear about our encounter. Of course we took pictures! BUT, both our cameras are that old kind you have to wait to finish the film before you have the pictures developed? so it might take a while to show you.
You could imagine, however two female webheads with wide smiles talking about what it means to belong to this group and thinking and knowing how amazing it is to meet, care and belong.
Way to go!
Yaodong replies: Thanks for your message,which reminds me of my meeting with Vance last July.I often log on back to buzznet.com and view the photos taken during Vance tour in our province. Who is the next Webhead I am going to meet? And where?
Friday, Jan 14 from 12:30 to 16:30 GMT - Dafne Gonzales was invited by the association of teachers at her university to give a talk about the use of technologies in education, a great step forward in a community that so far has been very aloof to a paradigm change. She first talks about e-learning, blended learning, elements of e- course design, and then gets into interaction, collaboration and CoP's, in which part she shows different tools, her course web pages, Moodle, Yahoo Groups, Alado, LT, TI, among others (blogs, wikis, handybits, etc.). She will have Yahoo Messenger on when she gets to this last part. Which will be around 14:30 GMT, and "if you speak some spanish, I would appreciate if some webheads show up, and say some words. I will only have a computer, a video beam, and a mic for an audience of around 40 teachers."
Saturday, January 15, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, January 16, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm. Vance checked in from Batangas in the Philippines.
Saturday, January 22, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, January 23, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm. People mentioned that they dropped by but no one was there. Apparently the event wasn't listed on the Tapped In calendar due to some temporary confusion.
Saturday, January 29, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, January 30, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm. Temporary confusion resolved, and group cohesion restored, with test drive of http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh Learning Times portal with video and web tour features, plus global moderator access.
Monday Jan 31 at 15:00 GMT Will Richardson presented on Blogs and RSS at Learning Times for the Evonline 2005 weblogging session Barbara Dieu was co-moderating with Aaron Campbell and Graham Stanley. URL: http://tinyurl.com/y3eh.
Wednesday February 2nd at 23:00 GMT Mary Harrsch presented on Can RSS help learners and educators? Practical scenarios. at Learning Times for the Evonline 2005 weblogging session Barbara Dieu was co-moderating with Aaron Campbell and Graham Stanley. URL: http://tinyurl.com/y3eh.
Saturday, February 5, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, February 6, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Tuesday, February 8, 14:00-15:00 GMT, at Learning Times http://www.tinyurl.com/3yeh: Teresa Almeda d'Eca and Vance Stevens gave a joint session as guest speakers in the TESOL sponsored EVOnline 2005 course entitled, The Use of Blogs in ESL/EFL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/weblogging/. The topic was: Blogging Beyond Text and is now listed as "Jam session:Adding Sounds and Photos" http://www.beewebhead.net/Evo05/week.htm. My presentation is here: http://webpres2005.buzznet.com/user/?id=871727. It explains how the links are achieved in your blogs, through postings and comments to each other's postings.
Saturday, February 12, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, February 13, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Saturday, February 19, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, February 20, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Wednesday, February 24th at 14:00 GMT Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly are talking on Chat: Building a Community Online at Learning Times for the Evonline 2005 weblogging session Barbara Dieu is co-moderating with Aaron Campbell and Graham Stanley. URL: http://tinyurl.com/y3eh.
Saturday, February 26, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, February 27, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. This was the venue for the EVOnline Becoming a Webhead 2005 and Weblogging graduation parties. There were two or three dozen people at Tapped In, many web cams were in evidence, and a breakout group accumulated in Yahoo Messenger for voice chat and a guitar concert by maiestro Michael Coghlan.
March 2, 2005, Aiden invited Webheads to meet her students online: Michael Coghlan joined her and wrote:
Hi everyone. I had the great pleasure today to be the first of many guest speakers for Aiden's Language and Culture class over the coming weeks. As always, a thoroughly instructive and enlightening experience. For a few comments in audio about the experience you might like to go to http://mikecogh.blogspot.com/ to hear them. Thanks Aiden! :) - Michael.
Aiden replied: Thank you Michael for being such a wonderful online guest. My students were pretty nervous but I think they really enjoyed the session. They learned new things, in particular, the plight of Australian aborigines and the stereotyped image that people associate them with. My students saw a similarity with the Taiwanese aborigines in terms of how other people perceive them. My students wanted to followup on this but we ran out of time. The rest of the class was attentively listening to you- all 45 students- I find this rather amazing ;-)
- The archive is already available online http://langculture.tripod.com/record2.htm
- It is also linked from the online schedule page, http://www.geocities.com/wentzao2004/culture/2ndsem/online_sked.htm
- My reflections on this activity will have to wait 'till the weekend. Our next online guest speaker is Elizabeth hanson-Smith [Friday, march 4]. I saw my class A students rehearsing and planning their presentation this afternoon- I guess, they've heard how Class B handled this morning's session.
Chris Jones writes: "A colleague has asked me to show her some online tools on Thursday, March 3, at 21:15 GMT. I thought it'd be nice to first do a short voice chat on YM, and it'd be nice if you have a web cam as well. I'll be on my computer at work, so I won't have my web cam. It will probably only be 15-20 minutes--so very informal. Don't get up in the middle of the night, but if it's convenient time, let me (Chris) know.
Afterwards, Chris wrote:
Thanks, Tere, Buth, Wendy, and Rita,
This afternoon (Arizona Time), Tere, Buth, Wendy, and Rita joined me online to show two of my colleagues about voice chat. It was an exciting event for me because it's the first time any of my colleagues has expressed interest in this. One is the Division Chair of Modern Languages and the other is an ESL professor and currently the Director of the Center for Teaching Effectiveness. The Division Chair will be teaching Spanish online this summer, and my college is expecting to have ESL courses online in the next couple years.
In any case, we started out in YM. My colleagues, Linda and Lee, were quite impressed to see Teresa's, Rita's, and Buth's webcam. Linda expressed surprise to see how we can do voice and text chat simultaneously. After about 15 minutes in YM, we moved on to Alado and then to Elluminate in Learning Times. Buth has moderator privileges in both and was able to show off some of the things we can do there. Tere and Buth also talked about some of the projects they have done online.
After my colleagues left for meetings they needed to attend, I found Buth, Wendy, and Rita still online, so we continued our conversation for a while longer.
Thanks so much! It was exciting to see my colleagues getting that same thrill I did 3 years ago the first time I did YM voice chat with Dafne.
Saturday, March 5, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, March 6, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and this evening we went to Alado's new portal for both Mac and PC users. A great time was had by all as usual, with Andy Pincon showing us around.
Aiden has ben having her students meet individually with Webhead volunteers. Buthaina and Maria Jordano are scheduled forWednesday, March 16 will be online guests. March 15, Tuesday, at 9:am Taiwan time or 1 am GMT/ 8 pm EST Rae Roberts, Associate Professor of American University in Washington will be the online guest. Leane Devine of Canada is tentatively placed on March 15 pending final confirmation. Vance and ElderBob were online with the students early in March, on the topic of dying languages.
Saturday, March 12, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Maria Jordano and Dafne Gonzalez broadcast their presentation at the TESOL-Spain conference in Valencia, Saturday, March 12th, from 16:15 to 17:45 GMT using the Alado/webheads new Mac and PC enabled voice chat, with more information here: http://www.mariajordano.com/wia_corner/tesol2005.htm. There were a dozen or more Webheads there. I was asked to say a few words.
Daf's comments: It was great to have your support while giving our presentation. I could not believe that there were so many of you there :-) I was jumping from the computer to the microphone. While I spoke, Maria handled the computer (chat at alado and slides), and then when it was her turn to speak I handled the computer. It was nice, and everything worked at our end. I think that this presentation was too futuristic comparing to the other presentations in the conference. John Fanselow was one of the plenary speakers, and his excellent presentation was not really understood according to the comments I heard (Breaking rules in the classroom is not really a concept teachers are familiar with). And we are breaking the rules of our traditional classrooms. But I am sure some got the message from their comments at the end -not in front of the mic ;-) -- Thanks again, you are all wonderful. It was great having expert webheads and novice webheads together in this presentation :-) hugs, Daf
From Teresa: The presentation went very well, was very clearly and pleasantly laid out in the slides, and even better presented by Daf and Maria. :-) Then it was time for veteran and newbie Webheads to talk. It was nice to hear those nice comments on the presentation and on the BaW workshop (from some of our participants). I would have liked to see the expressions on those faces in the audience while listening to people from 3 continents (I thought it was 4, but Hala was absent!) talking and probably sounding as if they were sitting next to them!
It was beautiful, the slides are magnific and you two smashed the audience. Congratulations to you. Hugs, Joao
Sunday, March 13, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; met at http://www.tappedin.org/. This happened to coincide with a visit by Jack Richards to the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi and I asked him if he minded if I webcast his workshop. I took my laptop down to the auditorium where he was and plugged it into the PI LAN and tested its new web cam and ability to multitask, conducting my weekly Webheads session from the podium of the auditorium. There were at one point 4 web cams in the chat in addition to Alado's voice interface, all working well, except that Jack didn't use a microphone and was not audible to the online participants. Conversation at Tapped In drifted elsewhere, mostly on blogging, but Jack took some interest in what we were doing after his presentation and came over to say hi to Aiden, who had seen him present just a week or two earlier in Taiwan.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 17:00:00 GMT: I was invited to give a voice-enabled presentation for the Horizon Wimba Desktop Lecture Series, an entirely free, online presentation series in which experts in the field of higher education give hour-long interactive presentations, live over the internet via the Horizon Wimba OpenCampus virtual classroom. The bi-line on the session from the HWDLS website was: "Building Community Among Educators Webheads is an ongoing 'experiment in world friendship through online language learning' whose participants have been meeting weekly online since 1998. During that time, Webheads have experimented with numerous synchronous and web-based multimedia communications formats, and presented at several live and online conference venues." The text and graphics of the talk are here: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/papers/horizonlive/2005mar15vance.htm.. Lots of Webheads were there of course. The recording is archived here: http://lecture.horizonwimba.com/launcher.cgi?channel=stevens_2005_0315_1202_45
Keeping in mind that this is my (Vance's ;-) personal effort to track online activities of interest to him and possibly to you and other visitors to this site, I'm accumulating information in bits and drabs on this series of events: Aiden is having her students meet individually with Webhead volunteers. Buthaina and Maria Jordano are scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 will be online guests. March 15, Tuesday, at 9:am Taiwan time or 1 am GMT/ 8 pm EST Rae Roberts, Associate Professor of American University in Washington will be the online guest. Leane Devine of Canada is tentatively placed on March 15 pending final confirmation. The updated schedule is here: http://www.geocities.com/wentzao2004/culture/2ndsem/online_sked.htm . The meeting place is at http://www.alado.net/webheads with Yahoo Messenger as backup. As Aiden describes it, "You have to read the assigned article before coming to the session. The group [5-6 members] assigned to lead the online discussion will first give a summary of the article and will answer the questions [that I will be providing]. They will also be doing a bit of research on the topic and any questions that they may have will be raised during the discussion. They will then ask for your opinion. When you give your comments or opinions, you may touch on real events [not necessarily personal] and inject a few lessons [moral or academic] that you feel could help students reflect on the issues raised in the article. The rest of the class will also be listening and watching the online discussion in the classroom via LCD projector. They also have the opportunity to participate, they simply raise their hand and will be asked to come to the front [where the multimedia console is].
Saturday, March 19, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, March 20, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Special session with Aaron Campbell on "Blogging toward Learner Autonomy" at the Blogstreams Salon at ASO on Sunday March 20th 22:00-23:00 GMT http://tinyurl.com/5j7gc. What is learner autonomy? Can blogging help learners become more autonomous, promote interbeing, societal participation and critical consciousness? Practically, what kind of blogging activities can EFL teachers employ to develop it? Come and join us for this very After School Online (ASO) is a forum for educators. These scheduled events, designed for professional development, are open to everyone in the TAPPED IN community and all guests. If you are new to TAPPED IN, please login 10 minutes before the ASO event is scheduled to begin http://www.tappedin.org
Andy Pincon was planning an "annual celebration and awards of free computers to 4 Mexican American High School students with exceptionally high grades in math and science toward the end of March. As some of you may recall from last year's celebration and global event your encouragement of these students astounded the group which included their parents and family members. Here's some photos from last year's archives: http://www.alado.net/meda/id8.html This year we had over 200 attendees for our annual Chicago Hispanic Education Summit last Saturday. The crisis in education in America is worsening every year. The latest national report issued this week indicates that one third of high school students drop out and never complete their high school education. The high school drop out rate has increased over the past 10 years and is now at an alarming rate nationally with one third of our nation's high school students not completing their basic education. In Chicago, over half of our large Hispanic High School students drop out and do not complete their high school studies. So this annual event is an important celebration of 4 role models that have fought the odds and distinguished themselves with exceptional grades in math and science. "
Saturday, March 26, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, March 27, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/. Vance was flying from Hong Kong to Houston, in the air and at airports most of the day, which was much longer than 24 hours the dateline was crossed (not my first time, so no initiation ceremonies please)
At the TESOL 2005: The 39th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibition March 30-April 2, 2005 San Antonio, Texas, USA - http://www.tesol.org. Online participants were encouraged to participate in the following events.
Wed evening March 30 there was a webheads party event on-site in San Antonio at the The Houston Street Bistro organized by ElderBob Brannon and open virtually via wi-fi from 1800 San Antonio time (midnight GMT Thu). The Houston Street Bistro is near the hotel where the TESOL convention is being held and they serve reasonably priced food for those that can actually eat with us (If you go to: http://maps.google.com/ and write Houston Street Bistro San Antonio, you get a detailed map).
Several records were made of the event
Whatcha got rat cheer is
Buthaina, Elder Bob in the elder stetson, RickRosenberg talking to
Bicknell, Josh and Marla, and Rae Roberts. The picture was taken without flash,
hence it's a bit blurry, but it shows the ambience of the room with the
street outside.
The eBuildup from eBob
Saddle up and come on down to Texas for a buffet of virtual and f2f goodies rarely encountered - "Webhead Fiesta". This spicy mix of an event is going to occur on March 30 in San Antonio and all over the world. The live San Antonio portion of this barbeque for the brain will be starting at 6:00 PM San Antonio time (that's 00:00 UTC time . Bob was expecting Vance, Elizabeth, Buth, Christine, Anna, Jane, Maria, Rae Roberts, and Jim Duber to join him at the Bistro, where he had made arrangements for broadband WiFi connections for three laptops, equipped with Web Cams and Audio to tie into Learning Times, TappedIn, and Yahoo Messenger, and hopefully to the rest of the world.
The buffet itself is gonna' be a tasty mix of live and virtual participation. You will probably get to see Webheads eating, and maybe you'll get an opportunity to pick their brains about how best to approach blended live and virtual events. I have invited some special guests to drop by and there will also be audio and photo- blogging going on. You can read more about the details as they develop at the Fiesta Blog at . There will be fun and games for everyone who attends.
Vance commented: |
At 1440 to 1515 GMT today Thu our live audience is going to join us here in San Antonio at the CALL IS Academic Session, which we will webcast live from the convention center via Elluminate at Learning Times: http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh I chose this venue because I can display a webcam through it and I test drove it at the CALL-IS meeting last night and at the ElderParty and although results may have been poor to our online audience due to people not speaking into our mic and poor lighting at the HS Bistro, not to mention the distraction of having to eat and converse with dinner partners while webcasting, a new notch on the handle of multitasking, I at least know the parts work at the bandwidth provided and I hope to be able to overcome both those drawbacks at the 1430 GMT session today. Webheads have got to be the most fun and most cohesive force in TESOL right now. I thought the early days of the CALL interest section were among the best I experienced with a group due perhaps to combination of youth and principled brashness, but Webheads are keeping me still youthful (and others, such as Elizabeth, as well!!) and I appreciate so much the chances to interact with all of you. Thanks one and all for collectively making us all appear much greater than the actual sum of our parts. And a priviledge for us all to have finally met ElderBob, a man with a great heart who, on the web and f2f, is truly larger than life. Vance |
After he got back from driving the Bluebonnet Trail, eBob wrote:
I have but on few other occasions had that much fun...meeting everyone, seeing all the online activity....and you know what, that is still just the first phase. Over the next few days, I hope photos will be sent to be posted to the site, maybe audio, maybe video and surely people will send in their thoughts and memories of this event.I must apologize to those who tried to join us virtually and couldnt for a variety of reasons. All I can say is to remember that we are sort of breaking new ground here. I think we learned a lot from this experience and many things will be changed before the next one occurs. But at the same time, I think a lot of folks went away seeing meet-ups like this in a new light. I hope we see many more such event from around the globe in the future. I was so busy that I hardly had time to get online with anyone, so I really still dont know how many actually communicated via the net. However, I can tell you that at one point, we had five laptops hooked up via WiFi and everyone was busy with someone or some group on line. It was truly awesome. Vance is right about they way we arranged the tables, but our restaurant host, Radniq had never seen anything like this before, and I am sure he learned a lot too (like next time, setting us up in an ally out back so we wont disturb the rest of his clientele.) I think we learned a lot about what kind of place we need to host such and event and about how to set up WiFi so that it functions well.
In the next couple of days, I will be posting more information including photos of the event to the blog so keep watching http://elderboblog.typepad.com/fiesta.
And please, please, please....If you were there or you were online, please take the time to add a comment or even send me an email or a picture and I will see to it that it gets posted. I want the blog to be a part of the event itself, sort of a repository of artifacts of the event.
Now, I have to unpack, but I promise more later.
Again, thanks to everyone who participated, especially those who contributed their laptops and expertise with them. And special thanks to all attending live or otherwise.
PS. For those that were there live, I hope you are still enjoying your Extreme Texas Makeovers.....more Kisses and Hugs to you all.
John Hibbs wrote:
Once more, like every single Webhead, I want to salute Vance and those at the Bistro, and those at the Fiesta, and those who joined in from distant places. I was thrilled to see the videos (about which use I have poo-pood for a very long time - maybe I should change my thinking?); I was thrilled to hear the clatter of the dishes and the laughter in the background. (although a little disturbed that on such rare f2f occasions the celebrants remain cemented to long distance technology...is that a good thing?); I was less than thrilled that I could not get my mike to work...
Vance and his son Dusty, studying cultural
anthropology in California; hence his interest in TESOL and
Webheads featured prominently in "The future is now: How CMC tools for professional development enhance learning environments for students" http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/gvs_pres.htm at the CALL-IS Academic Session Thursday, March 31 8:30-11:15 (14:30-17:15 GMT) on Future Visions of CALL with Deborah Healey, Karen Price, and Jim Duber. Session abstract: "What is the future of CALL? Presenters will introduce you to the latest in state-of-the-art technology while demonstrating both commercial and freeware solutions. Future directions will be discussed." There is a website for the event at: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/call-is.htm. The session was webcast using Learning Times http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh. The event is listed under academic sessions for the 2005 conference on TESOL's website.
The recent CALL-IS academic session is recorded in its entirety and is available for free on the Internet at: http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=774660
You have to register at http://www.learningtimes.org in order to access the MANY!! recordings there. Again, free, and well worth the price of admission! (i.e. your valuable time)
These presentations are featured in the recording:
The first 25 min. of the recording is from the ElderParty mentioned above
Counter 4:27:45 - Vance Stevens (starts 25 min. into the recording)
Counter 5:09:50 - Deborah Healey
Counter 5:41:30 - Jim Duber
Counter 6:26:45 - Karen Price
Counter 7:08:22 - Susan Gaer
The recording ends at counter 7:10The best way to watch the recording is to download it first and let it play (without disturbing it) while doing that. You might want to schedule this at a time when you have something else to do, either in the house or office or in another window on your computer (maybe half an hour or less? depends on your connection speed of course - since I leave it and return later I don't know exactly how long it takes). There is a blue bar that tracks the progress of the download. Once you have it in the PC (or Mac) you can then drag the tracking pointer to 4:27 (or wherever you want to watch) and click the green arrow. You have to let the playback catch up with itself. You'll see slides fast forward jerkily on the whiteboard and when the frames catch up, the recording should play ok, assuming it's all downloaded.
Enjoy, and feel free to share with whomever
The day before the CALL Academic Session I had webcast a CALL business meeting just to try out the connections and software I'd be using. I had my fixed IP courtesy of TESOL by then, and I was just checking connections. I had also been to the SmartCity internet provider checking bandwidth and adding to our equipment order a hub with two cables so we could network two computers at the same time (so I could keep one webcasting).
Rae Roberts shares a laugh with
Charles Kelly as Rita and Bee look on
from Argentina and Brazil. Sus has
left her card.
So all was in order for the academic session. I arrived at the room an hour early and had the chat going as the audience filed in, so people online were interacting with the audience before the session started and some were even coming from the audience to say Hi and Hola to our participants online.
As is usual with Webheads demos the session was already underway when Susan Gaer got up to introduce us. At the last minute before starting myself I thought to turn on the recorder. I now need to find the recording. Any ideas where I can find it?
The session itself? The part with Aiden and Michael went flawlessly. We had audience coming to the podium to ask questions on mic and web cam, good questions too. The interface between the 100 people there and the online presence couldn't have been better. We played Michael's song Happy Online and I think it captured the moment perfectly. There was plenty of time for a breezy and impressive presentation. Audience feedback suggested that many had been blown away, yet my point in my presentation was that familiarity with the medium fostered in a community of practice is what makes it all so effortlessly possible.
This was followed by Deborah Healey's animated delivery on the latest CALL-applicable software and Jim Duber's showing of the 'flash'y stuff he's been working on. There were only two online participants around (but still 100 in the tesol audience) to hear Karen Price talk about things available now, like 3-D printing, that can be applied to language learning, and how the most important ingredient is still the human one. How true. It was all recorded and hoping to find it later and have it available.
Some post-session comments:
Then the 3D "printer" which creates solid plastic objects from two dimensional drawings--Karen passed them around to play with--and they have moving parts too! I've seen this advertized online already.
New voice/speech recognition tools that are ever more sophisticated. And the list goes on. She'll have a Webpage soon on it.
I should mention our newly active Webhead, who was also displaying cool stuff in the same session. Jim Duber has created some great multimedia sites. He promised to send the group the addresses where we could help with Beta testing--so come on, Jim! We might have our own video-voice-text chat room created by him, eh?
Vance's presentation on technology of the future, as you might expect, was the highlight of the whole conference. I keep hearing people talk about it in the halls. The Wow factor was 12 on a scale of 1-10. Thank you, all you Webheads who managed to get "there" with him--it really made the whole thing outstanding. Vance is expecting many more Webheads to join the group soon.
My general impression of the conference as a whole is that (1) communities of practice are being noticed and are being demanded. One presentation on writing suggested forming a global community to share ideas. I had to tell her there were a couple already--beside study.com, my Academic_writing YG that several of you Webheads are already getting a lot of use out of, and Vance's Writing for Webheads. And (2) there are lots of cool authoring tools showing up. I'm going to work up a little list and maybe we can try them out during our TI chats? Some really neat stuff.
And thank you, again, Elderbob for a wonderful evening of Webcamming, great food, excellent wine, and F.U.N. The Virtual Fiesta was an event to remember for a long time to come. I'll upload my photos to my blog ASAP, and you can either pick some off there, or link to them. Don't know if I'll make Tampa, but Hawaiian shirts will definitely be de rigeur.
Micheal's song was haunting my sleep last night -- I may have grey hair, but I don't care -- I'm happy online. I guess it's the Webheads theme song, eh?
Great to see you "here."
Hugs to everyone-- --Elizabeth
Buth and Elizabeth Hanson Smith and Rick Rosenthal and I presented at the 2005 Classics Internet Fair, Thursday March 30, 2-3:30 in San Antonio, 20:00 to 21:30 GMT. URL for the event should be linked from http://www.uoregon.edu/~call/ev2005/ but wasn't last time I looked.
My young son Dusty attended his
second straight TESOL conference and is pictured here with Christine
Bauer-Ramazani talking with Hala from Sudan and Christine Lo from
Saturday, April 2, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time. I was traveling at the time of this event and would appreciate a report on what happened.
Sunday, April 3, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/. I was traveling at the time of this event and would appreciate a report on what happened.
Saturday, April 9, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, April 10, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Vance Stevens gave an online 2-part workshop called Let's go blogging now, everyone is learning how: Come on and go blogging with me http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/arabia/tttt2005/blogging_now.htm, at The Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi UAE when it hosts the Tactile Tasks and Technical Tips Event for the Learner Independence and IT SIGs of TESOL Arabia April 14, 2005, 9:00 - 13:00 in Abu Dhabi. The workshop will be in two 1 hour blocks starting at around 05:45 GMT. The first of the two parts is on starting blogs, and the second hour will get into what to do with them. The first hour will be dedicated to those who don't already have blogs but have heard so much about them that they're ready to start their own. Choices include Blogger (most popular) and Buzznet (easy to use), and why not start one of each (and if you're really ambitious, you can start audio blogs and even video blogs). The second 1-hour session from 06:45 GMT is for those who already blog and those from the first hour who are still interested but wondering what to do with their new blogs. In this section we regard blogs from the perspective of student and all other writers in search of platform, audience, and feedback, and from that of teachers seeking to establish portals for their student and professional learning communities, such as that at http://webpres2005.buzznet.com. A further self-access session is scheduled from 07:45 GMT, but this one need not be facilitated. (More info about the past TTTT events can be found at http://ilearn.20m.com/pasteventsb.html#tttt). Members of the Webheads community of practice are invited and encouraged to attend from their respective locations and interact with the on-site audience.
05:45 GMT - The object of the first half of the program is to teach people how to blog. For online interaction one on one between online tutor and online or on-site tutee, we will use Tapped In. I'll put the lab computers in Abu Dhabi in Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org and conduct the session from a centrally positioned computer running Elluminate, which participants can monitor at http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh. To establish presence, I'll webcast via voice and web cam through Elluminate, and it would be good (but optional) for online participants to have web cams running in Yahoo Messenger. I can display a number of those on the central whiteboard so the on-site audience knows who's with them from a distance. The object of the first hour is to get participants online with their own blogs.
06:45 GMT - In the second hour I can ask the online tutors to say something about how they use blogs and we can discuss this topic using the Elluminate voice tool. If the web cams degrade voice we might have to switch them off, but we can at least get screen images of you on web cam and paste them to the Elluminate white board.
07:45 GMT - the lab at the PI will be available for self-access study for those who wish to continue on-site and online.
- Buthaina Al-Othman will act as 'producer' managing the chat areas from her base in Kuwait. Buth followed up in her producer role with a set of web pages:
- James Benenson, author of chapter about blogs in a book he co-authored in France: "Guide bilingue de la communication electronique"-- "Bilingual Guide to Electronic Communication" Langues pour tous, Presse Pocket, Paris, 2003, 320pgs
- Chris Jones has offered to be online the first hour
Saturday, April 16, 2005 Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru language learning is held each Saturday 16:00-17:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org or http://www.tappedin.org/new. Longtime Webheads facilitator Maggi Doty would particularly like to meet ESL students at this time.
Sunday, April 17, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
From Sergei's posting to the webheads list, April 20, 2005: A virtual potluck is an event without a "planned menu". The session participants brought something of their choice for everyone to share. We expected some webheads to join us, but they could not make it because of the time difference. The event took place at the Department of International Relations. There were 10 students with me on-site in Minsk. We had two computers working, a data projector and a microphone . Susanne and I moderated the session. I conducted the session from a PC running Elluminate which was projected on the screen in our PC Lab. The Elluminate worked well for Susanne. In Minsk we experienced some major problems with the voice tool. We used the Direct Messaging area most of the time, but we were able to talk a couple of times. The Direct Message conversation and the Whiteboard activities were saved by Susanne. We decided not to use some wbd interactive exercises. Again, my thanks go to Susanne for providing a virtual home for us on Tuesday. Thanks everyone for your interest and support. Our joined photo blog is at http://potluck.buzznet.com/ Susanne and I are looking forward to hearing from my students. We invited them to post their comments to our blog, which is at http://goinupstream.blogspot.com/
Teresa Almeida d'Eca is giving a Webcast presentation, "Building Online Communities of Practice", on Apr 20, at 15.45-16.45 GMT. Here's the abstract: "The Internet is fast becoming an ideal venue for building communities of practice (CoP) at the glocal level where formal, informal or ongoing professional development, exchanges of ideas and experiences, and collaborative projects, can take place. There are free tools in cyberspace to create these communities. Join me and colleagues worldwide to see some of these programs in action and how they can be used with and by students." Venue: LT Elluminate Webheads Room at http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh (awaiting permission from Jonathan to Webcast and record) . Presentation: http://wwwin.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/papers/appi2005/ap05cops.ppt. Michael Coghlan left "a message on my blog for your APPI presentation" http://mikecogh.blogspot.com/ Here's the Agenda:
Teresa Almeida d'Eca is giving a second presentation, "Have Fun with English: A blog or a plog?", on Apr 21, 8.30-9.30 GMT. She says: "It's about my 5th-6th grade blog. Since last year's presentation on blogs and blogging was so successful, I decided to show what can be done with absolute EFL beginners. Abstract: "Join me to see an experiment in blogging with beginner EFL learners (5th-6th grade). See how things started and how they developed into a fun, diversified and mostly out of class activity. From interactive exercises to email and voice mail, a European exchange, photos, drawings, e-cards and photo stories... you will see a bit of everything and, hopefully, leave motivated to start one for your students!" Venue: Alado http://www.alado.net/webheads. Presentation at http://wwwin.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/papers/appi2005/ap05blogs.ppt Andy has also stored this one at Agenda:
Buthaina published a web page with the recording and screen shots of Tere's Webcast on Building Online Communities of Practice, (CoPs), at the 19th APPI Conference, on April 20: < http://alothman-b.tripod.com/wia_teresa_mvp_appi050420.htm > The direct link to the recording is here: < http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=797123 > Please remember that you need to be a member at LearningTimes.org to be able to view and listen to the recording. The screen shots are published on my WebPresence Photoblog at this URL: < http://buthaina-wiateresaappi050420.buzznet.com/user/?id=1114600 > Enjoy! Buth
Afterwards, Teresa writes: Dear Buth, Daf, Bee, Hala, Sharon, Rita, Sus, Michael and James (20Apr online), Luisa, Ramona, Joao and Johnnybeja (f2f), Andy, Aiden, Hala and Vance (21Apr online) and Luisa, Ramona and Johnnnybeja (f2f)!
A very warm "thank you!" to you all for your online and offline support, and for being there for me once again. And a very, very special and extra warm "thank you" to Andy for having been up so late or early! (had you gone to bed at all?!) for being there to check if everything was A-OK and under control. This is true professionalism with a very special 'human touch'. It shows the friendship and the special bonds we have created. It's the true Webhead spirit! :-)
A very special reference is in store: my younger son, Miguel, surprised me by showing up to see mom's presentation. (It's the second time he does this. How very sweet!) I was very, very happy! He was also very enthusiastic about what he saw! And took some of the pictures that I will send over the weekend. 'Thanks, dear Miguel!' And 'thank you', APPI organizers, for the warm welcome you gave Miguel and for letting him in!
Yesterday's presentation at LTimes Elluminate went very well in all respects: from the connections to the human touch on- and offline! I had 28-30 participants in the audience who were glued to the screen, paying attention to every detail of our CoP. As usual, there were few questions at the end, because I believe that people feel so overwhelmed with what they see and hear that they don't know what to ask. However, there was a question from David Hardisty: is there a possible maximum or ideal number of participants in a CoP? After a couple of comments from the audience, I told them that, according to our experience, I don't feel there is a limit. Besides, statistics say that only 10-15% of participants are active, which seems to be quite true in our CoP.
The session went on offline for another 15 mins. because they were interested in seeing HandyBits in action. Ramona recorded a very nice message for my students, which I will put up in the blog tomorrow. I also showed them Tapped In - my office and reception - and Alado. They were very enthusiastic, but I had to finish off at 6 o'clock, because the next session was at 6.15.
I had two invitations to give talks at two universities - one form David Hardisty, who is starting a new course next year at Universidade Nova, and the other from a colleague who is doing a Master's at the Faculty of Sciences. They are studying CoPs and so far have found nothing interesting about CoPs in education. She flipped with this presentation. I was also invited by a colleague to give this presentation at her school, maybe at the end of May when they celebrate the European Week.
This morning everything also went very well! Luisa feels that it was even better than yesterday. I'm very happy with both. Again the audience was glued to the screen and really enjoyed seeing all the examples of what I've done with my students. They truly enjoyed the voice messages. I do too! Besides, they were truly amazed at what can be done with beginners. :-) There were about 20 people. I can also say that the organizers were very happy with the success of both sessions and with the feedback they got.
Sunday, April 24, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Chris Jones writes: Tuesday, April 26, from 15:00 to 16:15 GMT. That's 8 a.m. for us in Arizona. - I again have a class of 16 ESL students who are learning about the Internet. These are adult college students of various ages. All have set up Yahoo IDs, and we've practiced a couple times in class using YM. Each student will be sitting at a computer with a headset. I'm hoping to find up to 8 of you available to VOICE CHAT with them. Depending on how many Webheads are available, I'm planning to put 2-3 students with each Webhead. The students have made up a list of 15-20 questions to ask you, including such things as your name, where you are, what the weather's like, what time it is, what you do for a living, why you like to/ are willing to talk to us on the Internet. It's mainly to get a conversation going, but they do need to write down the answers. When they finish their questions, you could ask them some of the same questions in return during whatever time we have left. Of course, they are excited to speak to someone outside our classroom! Let me know if you are available at that time, and I'll get back to you by the weekend with the Yahoo ID's of the students you'll be talking to. Some of you have participated in a similar exercise with my students the last 2 semesters. By the way, I got the director of the lab to set up my webcam, so you should be able to see us this time. The "interviews" worked out very well before, so I'm looking forward to doing this again. Some of the feedback:
On Wednesday April 27 at 07:20 GMT (11:20 in Abu Dhabi) Vance Stevens presented an "Online Webcast: Computer mediated communications tools used with teachers and students in virtual communities of practice" http://tinyurl.com/d5s3v at METSMaCI The First Annual Middle East Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Computing Conference Strategies for Effective Learning in the Middle East 26 to 28 April 2005 at the Armed Forces Officers' Club and The Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE http://www.pi.ac.ae/metsmac/index.htm. Members of the Webheads community of practice are invited and encouraged to attend from their respective locations and interact with the on-site audience. Some guests who have said they would join us (so far):
This past Saturday, April 23, Mayor Daley's Chicago YouthNet Consortia held the 2005 Youth Resource Fair at Benito Juarez Community Academy. Here is a link to the first of a number of streaming video's: During this event, 8 computers, Pentium II and III's were donated to students. The students will be come to M.E.D.A.'s Community Technology Center, 2406 So. Western Ave. this Thursday, April 28 at 4:30 pm to receive their computers ( www.alado.net/meda ). We are planning on having the students talk over the Internet to professional educators in other countries and be encouraged in the pursuit of higher education careers as we do each year. If you have an interest in joining the remote audiences on Thursday, April 28 at 5 pm Central Standard Time to encourage these Chicago Hispanic Students to pursue their future in higher education you can do so by clicking on this link at that time: http://www.alado.net/meda . There will be a link to the webpage for logging into the remote event posted on this page at that time.
Fri April 29, 20:00 GMT Elizabeth Hanson-Smith will be doing a presentation at her university for graduate students in the TESOL program who are interested in technology. If you would like to join in, please go to YAHOO MESSENGER. Her ID is ehansonsmi. If you have a Webcam, please put it on. "I don't think I will use sound (I'll be on a Mac laptop, but may be able to switch to a desktop PC at the facility), but the audience will be able to see you. I will be showing different kinds of video online, and after about 20 min. will look for you online to introduce the Video Webheads--so if you are there, you can text chat a few words about using video. (If you saw my presentation at TESOL, this is similar--I may be able to get my Webcam to show what is happening on screen, but no guarantees...) If you would like to participate, please send me your YM ID so that I can add you to my Friends list. I will have my Webcam and will show you the audience. I can't guarantee this will all work, but if it does, thanks so much for your help! And forgive any cross-posting. --Elizabeth PS: I'll be doing sound and Webcam tests one hour earlier--at 19:00 GMT, so if you are around, say "hi" on YM.
At right, in my capcity as Amideast consultant in one of the classroms at the MLI, with furniture which we ourSat April 30 at 07:00 a.m. GMT I was invited to address an audience virtually at the Qatar Teachers English Network Conference (QTEN) conference in Doha, Qatar and was listed in the conference program as appearing Saturday, in room C107 in the Liberal Arts Building in the Qatar Foundation though physically present in Abu Dhabi: Blogging in online communities of practice: Impact on language learning and teacher professional development abstract: "Blogging is an Internet phenomenon with significant impact on both language learning and teacher professional development, It is now possible for students AND teachers to create their own web pages in minutes and, with minimal guidance, extend these to more elaborate web sites. This workshop will guide participants in creating and developing their own blog sites, and illustrate and discuss ways that blogs can be configured to create authentic, interactive, communicative, reflective, creative, and motivating learning environments that engage students and provide a means for teachers to further their ongoing professional development."
In preparation, I sent this email to the conference organizers: Here are specifications on the software we will require on April 30. We will want to test this software AT THE ACTUAL CONFERENCE SITE (meaning IN THE ROOM and AT THE COMPUTERS we will be using) WELL BEFORE the date of the actual presentation.
On this computer, you will need
Sunday, May 1, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
The Blogstreams Salon Special Session (Tappedin ASO*) on Sunday May 1st at 21:00 GMT engaged Peter Ford, one of the coordinators of the Blog Project at the European Centre of Modern Languages, to tell how he and his team have been exploring the use of peer-to-peer collaborative online writing environments in the context of foreign language education. The main goal of the project - currently in a pilot phase (in French and English) with teachers and students from Malta, Czech Republic, and Poland - is to develop a blogging tool with specific features tailored to the needs of the foreign language- learning environment. Peter Ford has taught and managed ICT in both UK and international schools, and is now an educational consultant at ICT4Schools, an organization he co-founded to help realize the potential of ICT in education. He is particularly interested in the opportunities provided by weblogs and other browser based techonologies. After School Online (ASO) is a forum for educators. The scheduled events, designed for professional development, are open to everyone in the TAPPED IN community (http://tappedin.org) and all guests. If you are new to TAPPED IN, please login 10 minutes before the ASO event is scheduled to begin. This will allow us to get you where you need to be. Looking forward to seeing many of you with us! Warm regards from Brazil, Bee Barbara Dieu http://members.tripod.com/the_english_dept; http://beewebhead.blogspot.com
Michael Coghlan presented a session for the CommunIT Connecting Up Conference in Adelaide (http://www.communit.info/conference/) on Tuesday, May 3 from 5.50 - 6.30 am GMT. TITLE: Staying Connected: Sustaining an Online Community This is a repeat of a session done last year and is basically about why Webheads lives on ie how we sustain it over time.
The bi-annual Tutor Mentor Conference and eConference event is a week long series of sessions covering the many facets of tutoring and mentoring, face-2-face and virtual, K-12, higher ed, business and especially for the disabled and blind communities using technology as an equalizer. The past archives from previous Tutor Mentor Conferences are here: http://www.alado.net/econference along with our talking avatar from SitePal. For those interested in SitePal we also have a Spanish avatar up at this link: http://www.alado.net/meda . We're looking forward to hearing from those Webheads interested in presenting. Our live conference will be held at Northwestern University's Law School in Chicago on May 12-13.
Feedback on the May 8 session:
From Andy: To All Webheads and others: First, on behalf of Dan Bassill and all of us in Chicago, I would like to sincerely thank all the Webheads for their stellar performances during Sunday's eConference. For those of you unable to attend Sunday's sessions, we covered the range of subjects that seem to come naturally to this eclectic group of distance educations professionals from around the world. Dan counted over 39 attendees from over 13 countries who actively participated during this four hour session. The recorded archive is now up at this link and is broken down into the sessions for each of the individual one hour sessions: http://www.alado.net/econference2/schedule0505.htm
Check out some new pics from today's eConference at http://wiaknowtips-mentoreconference.buzznet.com/user/ let's wait till Buth posts her pics! she is a buzznet.com expert expert ! :-) she knows how to do it right. just check out her buzznet.com hub at: http://wiaknowtips-mentoreconference.buzznet.com/user/http://wiaknowtips-mentoreconference.buzznet.com/user/thanks, sergeiG
The recording of the session is here: but it is stuck at the point where the PowerPoint is launched in HTML format.
Feedback on Christin's session May 10:
Dear Christine, it was indeed an interesting session you had prepared for us in Alado! The video observation part helped us to get an idea of the classroom situations, so powerful for professional and collegial reflection. I´ve seen them again with Chrissan who was at work during your presentation so she was also following part of your session this way. I´m very interested in how to use audio /video in our work, as well. Some years ago, I was studying the work of Ricki Goldman-Segall whose research on video observation and interviewing school children (also as a tool for reflection with teacher students) might be of interest, her book is called "Points of viewing Chilren´s thinking" . There was some technical noise problem in your small video chunks , and we were wondering if you had been using the built in microphone in the video camera, as there was obviously some unwanted noise (that may come from the motor of the camera)? Some digital video recorders, but not all of them - do have a plug for an external microphone. yours, Sus
Sunday, May 15, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
May 16, 2005 rehearsal between San Diego and
Liuzhou, China
Yaodong Chen, from Liuzhou, Guangxi China, and Candy Pauchnick, from San Diego, California, U.S.A., had been having their students work together in an e-pal program where they had been writing to each other for several weeks when they planned a live web-conference for their students to meet each other "in person". They met at Learning Times http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh on May 18th at 23:59 = May 19th at 00:01 GMT. Here is the link for the recorded session with the Chinese and U.S.A. students. http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=826644
Candy talks about: The tricky part: I'd say for me it was learning the LT program with the proper proceedures of the recording and how to take screen shots then trying to make sure everything would run smoothy with giving equal time for all students in both countries. In most great productions people are usually able to have a long rehearsal and I sure could have used a very long one!!! :-) Yaodong and I did practice for a short while and Vance helped us a lot but I just could have used a lot more time practicing. What worked.... Yaodong was a fantastic partner to work with. I feel extremely fortunate to have him as a partner. His students were so willing to talk and when they sang those beautiful songs then my students became more willing to share. (My students were so bashful at first and I didn't expect this.) Yaodong's students helped break the ice for sharing and made it possible for my students to want to share back. I am forever grateful for his enthusiastic students.
My name is Lee Ann and I am a teacher in Virginia, USA. I teach computer, art and banjo as well as tutor ESL students in my school in Broadway, Virginia out of the Rockingham County Public Schools. I joined the crew on TappedIn some time ago and am an absolute fan of the group. I love to check in as often as I can to get ideas or just to talk to folks like me. Out of that, I met the Webheads and immediately signed up to become a member. I joined two Sundays ago when you all had the conference on Alado. I am still reeling from the excitement of being part of such a group. Wow. So I joined you for your class conference tonight. I am interested in doing these things with my computer classes. Meeting students from another part of the world and having a live conference would be so exciting for them. They have so many questions about technology and are avid learners. Many of my students are still trying to learn English as they work on keeping up with the class throughout the year. I am so glad to meet all of you. I am looking forward to getting more involved with all of you!
Sunday, May 22, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Sunday, May 29, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. Vance checked in from Houston where he'd gone on family business. Christine Lombaerts volunteered (that's right, actually volunteered to do this on a regular basis I believe) to do a recap of the chat and produced an excellent one at: http://www.geocities.com/christine_lombaerts/survey.htm
May 31, 2005 at 12:30 p.m. GMT Hala Fawzi was due to present live and online from Juba, Sudan, with a little help from her good friends in Webheads. It was to have been a PowerPoint presentation using http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh but her conference appearance was canceled because her spot on the program was needed at the last minute by a ministry official.
Join "Elderbob" Brannan (Infopreneur), and other like-minded individuals explore the idea of "Connecting Online" at the "Open Weekends@Knowplace" collaborative learning experience from June, 3 through June, 5. Starting at 12:00 Noon (PDT), on Friday, June 5, (??? Friday is June 3, and Sunday is June 5??) I will be hosting a discussion about all sorts of connections and how they are being influenced by technology and how, in turn, technology is influencing our connections. Sign up at: http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4.3/mod/resource/view.php?id=2856 and get ready for a weekend of heavy duty discussion and more than ample FUN!!! Everyone is invited, and it's Free, Free, Free!
On May 18, Ken Enders, president of the Cumberland Community College in Cumberland, New Jersey gave a speech to an audience of tech-ambitious folks attending the 4th Annual Intel Corp.'s "Education Visionary Conference", in Washington DC. Mr. Enders warned that the world of K-12 education is "totally disconnected {and} unable to meet the expectations of the 21st century work force and the basic 21st century literacy skills necessary for colleges". What do you think? Is there a problem with our general ability to connect to the world as it streams past us? Are you connecting with your students, your peers, even yourself?
Sunday, June 5, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT - I'm trying to work out how we came onto World Bridges. As far as I can make out, Dafne posted a message to our list about your webcast, which I had forgot about, except we have these regular Sunday noon chats at http://www.tappedin.org. I'm often asked what we do there, and people who show up generally ask what's on the agenda, and I usually say, well, whatever you want to talk about is fine. Usually we talk about weather and bagels and then, just as you're multitasking and almost tuning it out, something really neat happens. This time it was when Buth reminded us of the webcast. We were talking to LinWei in Chengdu in Yahoo Messenger. LinWei was having trouble downloading Sun Java so he couldn't reach Tapped In, so a bunch of us went to YM to talk to him. I was listening to the webcast, which sounded like a radio program. Then Buth came on to YM and started voicing over the webcast, and then I became aware that the YM chat and the webcast were the same, just out of synch, so I turned off the sound in YM and started listening to the same chat I'd been listening to before at WorldBridges. Next thing I knew Daf and Ale Weser and others were talking there using Skype, and I'm not sure what was happening exactly, In fact, I'm going to make this a chain story. Over to you, if you were there. What was going on?? Whatever it was, it was brilliant.
Dafne originally sent Webheads a copy of this note that Jeff sent out on June 4, 2005 on NETEACH-L@HUNTER.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU "Worldbridges.com is continuing its experiment with live interactive webcasting at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. We will be webcasting 'Ed Tech Talk' this Sunday, June 5 at 2pmGMT (9am US EDT, 10pm Korea/Japan). More global show times and information about other webcasts can be found on our website. During the 'Ed Tech Talk' Show, we'll be exchanging tech info, sharing useful resources, and talking about how recent developments in technology and the 'new media revolution' are likely to effect the world of education. The discussion will include the use of Virtual Learning Environments and Learning Management Systems (i.e. Moodle, Blackboard), educational podcasting, techie challenges of being a modern teacher, and lots more. If you have experimented with new education technologies on the web and/or in your classroom (or would like to) please join the conversation by skyping 'worldbridges' or calling our 'skype in' phone number (1-603-574-4923). If you have questions, comments, or resources to share, please email us at livewire@worldbridges.com so we can include them in the show. You can visit http://worldbridges.com/livewire/ to download an mp3 file of the show after it is finished and to stay informed of our schedule for future webcasts of this kind. Thanks and hope to speak with some of you on Sunday, Jeff
Jeff Lebow responds: Thanks very much Vance. I'm kind of surprised that I hadn't crossed paths with Webheads sooner, but certainly am glad to discover such a vibrant community of interactive educators. I had posted an announcement for yesterday's webcast on Neteach-L and believe that was where Dafne came across it.
Some background:
Ever since I saw Real Player 1.0, I've been envisioning a 'global network of homegrown webcasting'. Since then I've been playing with webcasting possibilities, mostly while teaching English at a university in Busan, Korea. You can see the archives of past adventures in webcasting (including several Kotesol webcasts) at http://www.worldbridges.com/livewire/archive/
I returned to the U.S. about a year ago and took a half step back from web activities for a while. Once I discovered Skype and realized that it would make the interactive part of the network vision much more doable, I stepped right back into web activities and figured it was time to start building.
Connecting with Webheads yesterday was a an exciting step forward for Worldbridges (audio challenges and all). This week I will post some guides for listening to and hosting this kind of interactive webcast on the website. I'm planning on joining in during next weekend's regularly scheduled Webhead sessions and will webcast again at 2pmUTC on June 12. In the meantime, if anyone has questions, comments, or suggestions about using this kind of webcasting, please contact me at livewire at worldbridges.com or post a comment on the site http://worldbridges.com/livewire/
Thanks again, Jeff
Rita continues the chain: "I managed to be at Worldbridges yesterday and to listen to the conversation Jeff Lebow had with Dafne, and which I and a couple of other Webheads tried in vain to join. The sound was excellent, quite like a good phone call, and Daf made a zestful summary of Webheads, of Tapped In and of our Sunday meetings and our community ... Jeff was so enthusiastic about it that immediately joined us...;-) But as I had not managed to be heard, I wrote to him asking for help. He answered promptly explaining this, which might help other Webheads join Worldbridges next time: "... I believe the reason you were unable to be heard during the webcast was that you had not skyped in. Winamp is used only to listen to the live stream (which is usually about 40 seconds delayed). The stream originates from my computer and picks up only the audio generated on my computer including my Skype call with up to 5 participants. You can skype me at 'worldbridges'. I'm looking forward to next weekend, when I'm planning to join the regularly scheduled Webhead events and then try another webcast June 12 at 2pm UTC. Hope you can join in then." Welcome, Jeff !!! Hugs to all, Rita "
From Buthaina:
Indeed; it was more than brilliant for me, Vance! Actually, when Jeff and I were skyping, I tried to put the voice volume at YM where our voice-conference was taking place; I noticed that Jeff's voice/sound level went down too! I asked him to speak louder just to see if it was related to the sound setting at YM; however, Jeff's voice remained low on my end until I had to increase the sound level at YM! Not sure how, but as you said, it was brilliant.
Meanwhile, I was able to hear Jeff talking to Dave in the background, and was hearing the echo of my conversation with Jeff and the Webheads at YM, which I thought it was the recording, :-) Then Daf joined the Skyped session, and at that point, I saw other colleagues on my SkyPe buddy list were online and tried to invite them to Jeff's session but forgot that they needed to add Jeff's skype name, "worldbridges"! After that, I started to hear many voices and noise that felt like they were coming from different places, just like I was literally on "Bridges of the World"! Hope we all can repeat the experience, together next Sunday, at WorldBridges!
Yesterday's Skyped session, motivated me to update one of my online/CALL lessons for my freshmen class, I am to meet next semester of Fall 2005. Please take a look at the CALL lesson, here: (feedback and comments are welcome) http://alothman-b.tripod.com/week2_new.htm And, I have already linked to Worldbridges LiveWire from my HomePage portal,under Professional Technology, at: http://alothman-b.tripod.com
Jeff Lebow is trying "to get some kind of program together for the fall semester that provides regularly scheduled (at least weekly) webcasts that students could participate in live, and then the audio and chat text could be used as activity material afterward, probably using a Moodle. Contemplating all of these webcasting possibilities with webheads has been so energizing that I don't think I can wait until Sunday to webcast again. I'm scheduling another 'impromptu' webcast for Wednesday June 8 17:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to join in. It should be a fairly open ended discussion of what's going on in the world of Ed Tech and Webheads. I would also love to brainstorm possibilities of how this kind of webcasting could be used. If there are any other particular topics you would like to discuss or if you have specific questions about this kind of webcasting, please let me know. In hopes of avoiding some of the audio challenges we experienced Sunday, I have put together the first drafts of a webcast 'listener guide' and 'participant guide' at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/?cat=8 Will add a 'production guide' soon. Thanks again and looking forward to some more webhead webcasting fun, Jeff
If you are sitting at your PC anytime over the next few days (June 8 - 10) there is an event happening in Australia via the new LearningTimes Australia community. See http://home.learningtimes.net/lta ! This event, Using Cool Tools for eLearning, is free and open to all. There will be lots of live events and discussions.
Some of the activities are live and take place at a specific time. Others are threaded discussions (which run for the full three days - hence, why they have no specific start/end times). The Australian conference team has put both types of events in the Calendar, but in discrete sub-calendars to distinguish them them.
Sunday, June 12, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. This was followed at 14:00 GMT by a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. The group seemed to appreciate this experimental part of the evening, with Jeff patching in streams from Yahoo Messenger and Skype and feeding them out through his webcast, often with echo effect, which we were trying to get to the bottom of.
Synch or Swim: How to Effectively Facilitate Live Online Events Michael Coghlan, NetSpot Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 01:30:00 AM GMT or 11:30 AEST (Australia Time) - A Horizon Wimba Desktop Lecture Series lecture. To register, click on: http://www.emailbrain.com/sendlink.asp?HitID=1117726579000&SiteID=6051&EmailID=7181651&Link=http://www.horizonwimba.com/community/upcoming.php>http://www.horizonwimba.com/community/upcoming.php
Sunday, June 19, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meet at http://www.tappedin.org/ and go from there. This was followed at 14:00 GMT by a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. Apart from the usual focus on all matters coffee and bagels, Vance interrupted with threads on organizing the first WIA beta online conference. One of the accomplishments was to set the date at Nov 18,19 and others were to enlist Jeff LeBow for audio streaming and we also discussed theme. Click here for an annotated transcript of the session.
A special Blogstreams Salon Session (Tappedin ASO*) on Sunday June 19th at 21:00 GMT : GRAHAM STANLEY (http://blog-efl.blogspot.com/) : An introduction to Podcasting in EFL/ESL This week, Barcelona-based teacher Graham Stanley will share with us his enthusiasm for podcasting, a new way of delivering audio content to our students and other teachers that is growing more and more popular every month. A member of the new TEFL podcasting forum (http://teflpodcasts.blogspot.com/), Graham has just started experimenting with podcasts, but hopes to transmit his excitement about podcasting to other teachers. Why should you become involved in podcasting for your students? What is the difference between a podcast and a webcast? How can you start podcasting? In preparation for the session, Graham would like participants to send short audio comments and questions to him at blogefl@gmail.com. These questions and comments will be edited into a podcast which will form part of the future Blogstreams Salon session.
Doris Molero in Maracaibo wishes to invite some fellow webheads to participate at a webcast with her engineering students (computer science, industrial, electronics and informatic) on Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 19:00 UTC (GMT). She writes: "I know some of you are engineers yourself or teach engineers. This activity is part of a project based experience that we're trying for the first time. My friend Daf, inspired me to do this. Students are supposed to work in multidisciplinary groups and come up with a product to show at a tech fair at the end of their course. During the webcast students are supposed to tell about their group work and have the opportunity to interact with teachers and engineers from different parts of the world. Hope you can join us! This adventure will take place on june 23th at 3:00 pm in Venezuela. We're -4 GTM. Let me know if you can join us! " The event takes place in Karen Garcia's office at learning times http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=416360
Susanne Nyrop's commentary
Today, I've had the pleasure to meet virtually with three classes in Venezuela, as a guest teacher and presenter, together with other invited webheads. Our busy hosts were Daf & Doris
First, we met with Daf's two classes, English for Architecture and for Urban Studies at the University of Caracas. It took quite a while to download the needed software to get to Elluminate in my office @ learning times. But it was very productive once they were all installed. One student was connecting from home. We also had a back stage YM conference running for supporting each other.
Barb was presenting her famous Photo story about a pedestrian bridge in Frankfurt, very relaxed as students could see the multimedia production without her interference. She received many questions from the audience, showing their deep interest. And then Elisabeth from Japan presented her very detailed and interesting Buzznet slides about a beautiful new Japanese road bridge, the Pearl bridge. This was session one.
Two hours later, a second class entered. They started in Alado with a Canadian bridge engineer telling about his first hand experiences with bridge building. Then they all moved back to Elluminate when it was my turn to talk about a newer bridge, Oresundsbron connecting Denmark and Sweden, wisely followed up by Chrissan who knows the debate from the other side of the sound, Oresund. My presentation was created in Flickr as a slide show with some voice comments, not going into details about construction etc, but looking at many other aspects like social, cultural and economical isses coming into the picture when a bridge is connecting two brother countries.
Barb repeated her Photostory show - and then it was soon time to break up. What a fine way to practise, as well as showing students how we teachers are also learning how to use new tools; it appeared that the students found some good inspiration by looking at many tools for presenting a project.
I took a long break and went for a walk with hubby Bernt so see the Sankt Hans bonfire down at the Farum lakeside, and when I came back Doris and her engineering students were still doing their presentations from the University in Maracaibo! Seven or eight groups presented their projects on topics like designing a remote control for a garage door, a database for social systems, and a project for planning so-called "Lean manufacturing". Doris' students were using microphones and explaining to the international Webheads teacher audience some details about their projects while showing one slide for each project. I saw Karen, Hala and Daf as participants.
Well, I think I'll post this to my blog at http://www.xanga.com/susnyrop whrere I'll supply with a few relevant links. Bye for now folks, and thanks for letting us have this great day together with your students!
Aiden Yeh hosts an online chat on teaching writing to young efl learners, Saturday, June 25th, at 13:30 GMT [9:30 pm Taiwan time] at Alado, http://www.alado.net/webheads
Sunday, June 26, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; met at http://www.tappedin.org/. This was supposed to be followed at 14:00 GMT by a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. Vance was unable to connect to Tapped In through a hotel LAN in Hong Kong and had to catch a shuttle to the airport before he could resolve the problem. Dafne was kind enough to send in a transcript.. Also: Elizabeth Hanson-Smith "put this up for everyone who missed the fun at TI and WorldBridges: http://webpages.csus.edu/~hansonsm/WiA_Chat_06-26-05.html and tried to liven it up with the pix."
Tuesday June 28, 2005 - Tuesday it was my turn to give a presentation on Vasco da Gama Bridge for Daf's students. I really enjoyed it and I think they did too. The father of one of the students is Portuguese, so he was especially enthusiastic. http://wwwin.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/webheads/bridges/vgamab_pr.htm Hugs, Teresa
The Value of Synchronous Education in eLearning Environments Michael
Coghlan, NetSpot Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 9:30am EDT
Horizon Wimba Desktop Lecture Series lecture. Archive at
Thursday, June 30, 2005 - Hello hello, last week Barb was connecting from Chrissan's home, in Trollhättan, Sweden, and on Thursday we met virtually in my office at Learning Times with Daf's Venezuela students, and presented different Bridges projects. Mine was about how the five years old Oresundsbron is now making it possible to pass from Denmark to Sweden without taking a ferry. Tomorrow, Barb and her husband will pass that same bridge on their way home to Frankfurt in Germany, and come to visit me at my home! So this will be another of those unforgettable Webheads memories. just wanted to share this little community news, yours Sus
Venny Su conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Fridays/12:00GMT - July 1
You are invited to participate in an Open Weekend at Knowplace, an online community devoted to putting people first http://knowplace.ca. The only cost is your time and a willingness to participate. Anyone who has already registered at Knowplace has a login, and will have access to the course when it opens. If this will be your first visit to Knowplace, self-enrol by creating an account in Knowplace. http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4.3/course/view.php?id=69 Once you have a login, you will be able to access the course once it opens. If this is your first time using Moodle, please browse through the Use Knowplace course. http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4/course/view.php?id=19. All courses open Friday at noon Pacific time and finish, Sunday @ 3 pm Pacific time. So what time is that for you? Click on the link to take you to World Date and Time http://www.timeanddate.com/ Need a city reference? Use Vancouver, British Columbia. There's no advantage to showing up early. You will receive a message that you need a key. That "irritating" message will disappear at noon Pacific time on Friday.
Maggi Doty conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Thursdays/17:00GMT/10am PDT - July 7, 14, 21, 28 Saturdays/14:00GMT/7am PDT - July 2
Saturday, July 2, 2005 Jeff Cooper conducts Advanced Tips and Tricks at Tapped In on Saturdays/11am PT/18:00 GMT - July 2 18:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org .
Sunday, July 3, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This is followed at 14:00 GMT by EdTech Talk, a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. From Susanne Nyrop: we're in TI, and some time ago today, some of us were following the webcast session with a discussion on Moodle. The speaker (who was that?) was mentioning how teachers using Moodle might create courses where students were treated as zombies, and this invigorated our discussison, as Moodle allows a much more student centred approach, starting new forum threads, using wikis, letting people (not only teachers) add content and, for example grade each other's contributions.
Blogstreams - Bee Dieu - each Sunday 21:00 GMT/ 5pm EDT //in the Blogstreams Salon at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org - July 3
Venny Su conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Fridays/12:00GMT - July 8, 15, 22, 29
Saturday, July 9, 2005 Jeff Cooper conducts Advanced Tips and Tricks at Tapped In on Saturdays/11am PT/18:00 GMT - July 16, 23, 30 18:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org .
Maggi Doty conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Thursdays/17:00GMT/10am PDT - July 7, 14, 21, 28 Saturdays/14:00GMT/7am PDT - July 9, 16, 23, 30
Sunday, July 10, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This is followed at 14:00 GMT by EdTech Talk, a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. From Susanne Nyrop: we're in TI, and some time ago today, some of us were following the webcast session with a discussion on Moodle. The speaker (who was that?) was mentioning how teachers using Moodle might create courses where students were treated as zombies, and this invigorated our discussison, as Moodle allows a much more student centred approach, starting new forum threads, using wikis, letting people (not only teachers) add content and, for example grade each other's contributions.
Blogstreams - Bee Dieu - each Sunday 21:00 GMT/ 5pm EDT //in the Blogstreams Salon at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org - July 10, 17, 24, 31
Venny Su conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Fridays/12:00GMT - July 15, 22, 29
Maggi Doty conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Thursdays/17:00GMT/10am PDT - July 7, 14, 21, 28 Saturdays/14:00GMT/7am PDT - July 16, 23, 30
Saturday, July 16, 2005 Jeff Cooper conducts Advanced Tips and Tricks at Tapped In on Saturdays/11am PT/18:00 GMT - July 23, 30 18:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org .
Sunday, July 17, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This is followed at 14:00 GMT by EdTech Talk, a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/.
Blogstreams - Bee Dieu - each Sunday 21:00 GMT/ 5pm EDT //in the Blogstreams Salon at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org - July 17, 17, 24, 31
On Wednesday July 13, 2005, Christine posted to Webheads: "I'm happy to report that I met another Webhead and good friend on my 3-week trip to Tehran, Iran. Remember Susan Marandi, who reported to Webheads on her successful workshop on CALL and spreading the good words of CALL at her university in Tehran? Well, Susan and I met twice, and she is as nice, knowledgeable, and fun in person as she was in my CALL Online course last summer! My daughter Susi (16) and I also got to meet Susan's mom and daughter (Fatimeh, also 16) and we chatted during the lunch-feast of Gormeh Sabzi and many other delicious dishes that Susan had prepared. She took pictures of our meeting and promised to upload them soon ..." and a little later: "I just posted 4 pictures that Susan Marandi and her mom, Massey, took of our meeting in Tehran, Iran. To see them, go to the Webheads Web site at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evonline2002_webheads, click on the PHOTOS link on the left and find the album titles "2 Webheads in Tehran, Iran". Great memories! I will return! Christine"
Teresa Almeida d'Eca writes about a Tuesday, July 19, 2005 meeting of webheads in Lisbon: "Here are the photos and a photo story (don't miss it!) of the Lisbon Webheads dinner on Tuesday. We had a wonderful time and left with the promise of more editions of the same. :-)"
Sixth Annual Tapped In Festival 2005: Creating Connections Through Collaboration July 20, 14:00 GMT - July 21, 2:00 GMT The goal of the sixth annual Tapped In Festival is to more actively engage those Tapped In members who participate only occasionally in the scheduled events. The theme of Creating Connections through Collaboration is intended to make Tapped In participants more aware of the features that are designed to serve educators throughout their teaching careers. Door prizes and awards will also be given during the festival! Certificates will be awarded for participation. And Jeff is going to run an all-day chat room /cafe stop for those in need of virtual refreshment. For the Tapped in July 20 Festival schedule (Link from the Festival room at http://tappedin.org/tappedin/web/festival/): http://tappedin.org/tappedin/do/CalendarAction?Month=6&Year=2005&state=displayExtCalendar For this 12 hour event. Events are still being added, so you may want to check frequently for updates. In addition, there are Special Interest Group Poster Session to display the resources and information in group rooms. Festival participants will be encouraged to join the poster session groups and post comments to the Groups Lobby discussion board. The Groups Lobby will have volunteer greeters available throughout the day to answer questions about how to join a group and how to visit the group rooms. If you are willing to volunteer for one or two hours during the festival, please contact BJ Berquist at bjb@tappedin.org (certificates will be awarded for this activity, too).
14:00 Becoming a Webhead 15:00 22:00
Susanne Nyrop reported on the event: This Wednesday was the day for our traditional Tapped In festival where the regular users are inviting new people to come and share some of our ideas and learn how we're using Tapped In for many purposes; there were several Webheads presenting in different rooms about webheads related matters, such as Elizabeth and Mike Marzio, the VideoWebheads demonstrating how to use the amazing free video interview material at http://www.realenglish.com - and there was a door prize - a one year gold pass for teachers, given to Hala! We had also announced a Becoming a Webheads session where Rita, Sus and Elizabeth improvised a collaborative introduction for a very interested group of guests, and backstage we tried to help Hala who was struggling with her readymade Powerpoint slides prepared for this special occasion; such material could be uploaded in advance to the Tapped In room we were using but in this case, it failed - instead Hala said some heartfelt words about how Webheads has changed her life as a teacher, expressed deep from her heart - something which we have indeed witnessed in so many cases over the years. I was too tired to stay up at midnight for a Blog Salon session with Bee & the Dekitas, and I came in too late to really dive into Jeff C.'s presentation about tools - but never mind - all of the sessions were recorded, and once they're edited and uploaded, they could be retrieved and enjoyed at http://www.tappedin.org/transcripts/festival05 yours, Sus PS We were missing some of our regulars who were either elsewhere engaged, unable to attend, or just exhausted from the Lisbon dinner party - that's why this was a pretty improvised session. But people said it worked well, I guess we have been there before as good cat herders. A very special thank you to Sharon Holdner who has taken over he ownership of our Webheads in Action Cop office in Tapped in and re-decorated with new and relevant information for this very occasion; having easy access to relevant Webheads related URLs made the unexpected improvisation much easier!
Maggi Doty conducts Tips and Tricks at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org on Thursdays/17:00GMT/10am PDT - July 7, 14, 21, 28 Saturdays/14:00GMT/7am PDT - July 23, 30
Saturday, July 23, 2005 Jeff Cooper conducts Advanced Tips and Tricks at Tapped In on Saturdays/11am PT/18:00 GMT - July 30 18:00 GMT at http://www.tappedin.org .
Sunday, July 24, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This is followed at 14:00 GMT by EdTech Talk, a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. Vance was traveling between Honduras and Texas and was unable to attend.
Sunday, July 31, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This is followed at 14:00 GMT by EdTech Talk, a webcast hosted by Jeff Lebow at Worldbridges, at http://worldbridges.com/livewire/. Vance was traveling in the UAE and was unable to attend.
Blogstreams - Bee Dieu - each Sunday 21:00 GMT/ 5pm EDT //in the Blogstreams Salon at Tapped In http://www.tappedin.org - July 31
Friday, Aug. 5, 2005 Renata Suzuki, Doris Molero, and Karen Garcia presented their collaborative online style at the International Conference on Distance Learning from San Juan Puerto Rico.
"The opportunity to talk about the Blended Learning Classroom experience in a panel at the International Council for Open and Distance Education Conference takes me to San Juan, PR ... where I will be webcasting the Learningtimes virtual classroom and presenting with Renata from Japan, and Doris from Venezuela our working paper: "Harmonics Online -The Blended Learning Classroom". Notice that we gained a voice and are now harmonizing ; )
"Last winter (2004) a study group was formed following Doris Moleros' initiative in which teachers in Venezuela meeting face to face and a group of webheads completed a unique blended online learning experience. The content of the course "The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice" (published by Annenberg/CPB) was reviewed during 13 sessions and the skills in the use of the virtual classroom at Learning Times where addressed. The experience is documented in a chapter (in press) written by me, Karen Garcia and Renata Suzuki: "Gaining a Voice: Re-Viewing a Blended Global Online Teacher Training Program".
"With the innovative spirit that characterizes us, I want to follow, and advance the webhead's practice of joining these activities online -inviting you to come support us in this attempt to present in 15 minutes our work to a live audience at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras on Friday August 5 at 7:30 GMT (11:30 am EST). If you want to witness the presentation from my Learning Times office, let me know so to set up enough seats for everybody.
Karen reports: "We had a succesful presentation about the Blended Learning Classroom. I want to thank all who helped and keep sustaining the energy that these projects take. There is so much interest in Latin America and in Puerto Rico to participate in that thing we do... I look forward to future projects. Renata and Doris, my heartfelt thanks, and to all of those there at the webcast... thanks for making our vitality evident to teachers here who want to meet us again. The webcast is available at http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=924505 I will be following up at my blog also http://lajaulavira.blogspot.com "
Wendy Seale-Bakes and her ESL-Advanced class in Canada and Buthaina al-Othman in Kuwait met at Webheads in Action's vOffice in LearningTimes.org, on Friday, Aug. 5, 2005, at 3:00 - 4:00 a.m. GMT, to discuss Wendy's students' online presentations on various cultural topics. The recording is available at: http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=923303.
Sunday, August 7, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there.
On August 11, 2005, e-Bob informed us of a meeting August 9: "...got a call two days ago from David Weksler, who happened to be in Dallas, helping out a friend. We got a meeting together at a cyber cafe in North Dallas. We had a great chat and unfortunately, I had to leave because of other commitments. I really enjoyed meeting him, and we could have continued our conversation well into the night....maybe nextime. In continuation of the my tradition of posting pictures of Webheads in Texas, I have posted a photo of David and I at http://elderboblog.typepad.com/fiesta/ (Scroll all the way to the bottom to see it). Thats us standing behind the bagels. I'm the nice looking one. elderbob"
Sunday, August 14, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. This week we talked about our upcoming online conference, and David Weksler's helping Keiko Schneider move from New Mexico to SMU near Dallas, and his hookup with Elder Bob there.
Sunday, August 21, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. A file containing the emailed chatlog has been placed in the WiA Community of Practice room at Tapped In where it will remain till space becomes a premium and old ones are deleted.
August 26-28, Cross Cultural Communications: The Knowplace community http://knowplace.ca invites you to participate in a free, Open Weekend workshop. The only cost is your time and a willingness to post an introduction. Anyone who has already registered at Knowplace has a login, and will have access to the course when it opens. If this will be your first visit to Knowplace, self-enrol by creating an account in Knowplace. http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4.3/course/view.php?id=69 Once you have a login, you will be able to access the course once it opens. If this is your first time using Moodle, please browse through the Use Knowplace course. http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4/course/view.php?id=19 . All our Open Weekend courses open Friday at noon PDT and close Sunday @ 3 p.m. PDT. Wondering what Pacific Time equates to in your part of the world? Go to the global clock http://www.timeanddate.com/
This message is to invite you to the workshop of this Open Weekends @ Knowplace < http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.5/ >, which starts, tomorrow, Friday, Aug 26-28, at 19:00 GMT / 12:00 PST. This weekend's workshop is focused on issues related to the influences of cultures meeting online.
If you are interested in sharing or just listening to stories about the most amusing and not so amusing situations that arise when diverse cultures meet online, you are welcome to join me, Buthaina Al-Othman, talking about real life situations, related to difficulties facing EFL/ESL teachers, using technology in the workplace and in the home.
Discussions are held asynchronously at the Open Weekends area @ Knowplace, and synchronously through Skype conferences, hosted at WorldBridges LiveWire: < http://www.worldbridges.com/livewire/ >
Webheads in Action, KnowPlace, and WorldBridges, represented in this workshop, by Buthaina Al-Othman, Carole Cotton, and Jeff Elbow, will be delighted to have you join them in this collaborative experience of cross-cultural communities to share similar stories from your different culture.
I know many of you have been very busy and working hard; this is why this workshop was planned and designed in a way to guarantee shared knowledge occur in a friendly, social, informal atmosphere.
So, please take a break, relax, and join the new F.U.N. adventure, at Open Weekends @ Knowplace!
To register for this event, please go to: http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.5/course/view.php?id=69
Sunday, August 28, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. A file containing the emailed chatlog has been placed in the WiA Community of Practice room at Tapped In where it will remain till space becomes a premium and old ones are deleted. Rita commented: Buth's workshop at Knowtips is being a success !! Today we also met on Skype, with Jeff, Elderbob and Lee, and after some technical glitches Jeff managed to overcome, we had a clear, most interesting voice conversation on personal anecdotes regarding "hurdles" on our way... Congrats, dear Buth, on all your multiple successes ! Hugs to all, Rita
Webheads met at EUROCALL 2005 , Cracow (Poland) from 24-27 August 2005. The conference theme was "Fostering Autonomy" - Full conference details may be accessed at: http://www.eurocall-languages.org.pl/ . María Jordano took pictures: http://pani.dyndns.org/maria/Eurocall_2005/index.html and she also shares her presentation: http://www.mariajordano.com/articles/eurocall_2005.htm
September 2 - 4 - The Knowplace community http://knowplace.ca invited us to participate in the free Open Weekends being held in September. These workshops/seminars are facilitated by professionals committed to sharing their expertise and their excitement about working/learning online. The workshops are open to all and require only your participation: an introduction, posts and responses to other people's comments. Anyone who has already registered at Knowplace has a login, and will have access to the course when it opens. This weekend it was:
Sunday, September 4, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. On this Sunday we had a lot of F.U.N. talking to Jeff from about 13:00 in an informal Worldbridges chat in conjunction with Sus's Knowplace session on blogging (event above), and continuing during the EdTalk session with web cams. Screen shots abounded. There is one in the WiA COP room at Tapped In. More can be cobbled together (I'll put one here I hope!!, if time!!!!)
September 9 - 11 - Connect Online with Elderbob promises a family focus as we celebrate grandparents' day this weekend. Elderbob likes to explore all sorts of strange and unique things. He is passionate about helping others learn to drive the information highway, finds life terribly exciting, extremely positive and views every new day as a wonderful gift to open. The Knowplace community http://knowplace.ca invites you to participate in the free Open Weekends being held in September. These workshops/seminars are facilitated by professionals committed to sharing their expertise and their excitement about working/learning online. The workshops are open to all and require only your participation: an introduction, posts and responses to other people's comments.
Sunday, September 11, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Sunday, September 18, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
The activities on Sunday included a demo of Macromedia Breeze organized by Susan Bates and Leanne Mackenzie. Leanne's screenshots are here: http://lianadevine.buzznet.com/; Susan's synopsis:
Many thanks to Leanne, Sus, Daf, Buth, and Vance for stopping by for the Breeze get together yesterday. Here is the meeting recording URL. http://present.bccampus.ca/p10331777/
There is a slider on the bottom left-hand side of the recording, which you can move forwards or backwards. Breeze VoIP capabilities can be viewed starting around 21 minutes and things really start to get funny around 56 minutes or so. My favourite part is somewhere after the 1 hour mark where Sus shows us her stuffed animal collection.
I really appreciated you all stopping by and hope we can do it again some time in the future. I'll have the room until December, and possibly longer.
The recording shows VoIP, but Breeze also has many other features such as the abilty to show video and flash files. We didn't record that part of the meeting. Maybe next time. (Daf, I used SwishMax to make the flash like movies. It's a flash-like program, but easier to learn.)
Thanks very much to Leanne for organizing this get-together
Friday 23 September 23 - Rita Zeinstejer is presenting "Synchronous and Asynchronous Tools Aiding the Development of Online Communities of Practice" in Santa Fe, Argentina, at the 2005 FAAPI Conference for EFL teachers in Argentina. If firewalls and connectivity are in her favor, she is hoping to broadcast via Elluminate from http://www.learningtimes.org, using the Webheads presentation room at http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh. Her talk starts at 11:30 am GMT and will be attended by a hopefully big audience of teachers from all over the country, and she intends to speak a little bit about her experience as a Webhead. Rita invites all interested parties to attend an to use Yahoo Messenger as a backup in case of difficulties with Elluminate. She writes," Thank you all, it'll be my pleasure once again to see you online...., and to see the audience's faces light up in amazement... My YM ID is "ritazeinstejer", so that you and anybody else can contact me when online... With your support in the background ...nothing can go wrong ! (but computers...;-)) "
Teresa comments: What a great presentation, so comprehensive and with the right mix of sites! Congrats!!! You were very much at ease, or sounded like it, and definitely in control of what you were talking about.
Susanne comments: "When you were asking your audeince whether they new about blogs, I was holding my breath ; I recalled your last confrontation with an audience who were literally ignoring the existence of blogs (at elast i MY memory that was your experience - or was that someone else?) This time I had the impression that more people said they had some knowledge of blogs? You did a fluent and well prepared speech, and it was so clear and fine"
Vance comments: I was out there in the wider audience Yahoo chatting with others who for one reason or another weren't able to tune in. In my case I'd gone to my office and the proxy setting in Elluminate wasn't cooperating with my office firewall. Yaodong in China was unable to connect but then WAS right as you went off the air (Buth was giving me a play by play, that's how I knew). Candy in San Diego arrived breathless and went straight to YM but alas as she went on, you were signing off. ElderBob in Texas had to run out and stock up on batteries in case the power goes off where he is, deep inland, but you never know. I'm sure it went well. I can well imagine how you can stand in front of all those people and talk and let text messages take low priority and it's great that you pull it off and have the backing of all of us in your endeavor, and that we back each other. Best, and looking forward to your next one.
Rita on her way back to Rosario: I felt so near during my whole presentation today. I cannot deny it was a very daunting experience for me..., but worthwhile, after all..;-)) (Yet, being in front of a large audience, on a stage as if an actress, is certainly not for me...) The technician arrived late, he had some problems with the pc´s he installed first, then found it difficult to adjust sound, which delayed the session and then impaired connectivity and communication..., but your presence online was the carrot which I had in front of me and which kept me running ...;-),
Sunday, September 25, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Michael Coghlan gave a presentation as part of the AMEP conference (http://www.nceltr.mq.edu.au/conference/ entitled The Role of Technology in Language Teaching: Alternative Delivery or Mainstream? on Thursday, Sep 29th, 11.00 pm - 12.00 pm GMT (ie 23.00 - 24.00) in Michael's LearningTimes office http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=235631. Aiden Yeh, Barbara Dieu, and Chris Jones helped with the session, which was attended by other webheads. The presentation is now on the web at http://users.chariot.net.au/~michaelc/amep/pres.htm and the recorded archive is also available via LearningTimes at http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes?go=983413
Sunday, October 2, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Jeff Cooper tracked the URLs mentioned in the Tapped In portion of the chat this Sunday and posted them in the WiA CoP room at Tapped In. He then emailed me the code of his posting:
We are discussing various ways to make access to links generated by WiA members more accessible to all, in the present and the future.
Ideas include blogs, wikis, del.icio.us, Tapped In, Vance's and Teresa's links, etc. This post will be edited at Tapped In (and hopefully a solution worked out). Look back to Tapped In (and other resources mentioned above) for a pending solution.
Teresa's Webheads Page
TESL Journal 9.2
Finnish Language
EdTech Brainstorm#5, part 2
Brainstormers (Jeff Flynn, Antony Jackson, & Jeff Lebow) speaking with Dave Tosh of Elgg.net. .& The discussion included new features in the soon to be released '.3 version' of Elgg, adapting Elgg to an Elementary environment, creating 'secure' social networks, Elgg's approach to Eportfolio's, integrating community into a class via Elgg, podcasting & rss support, & more.
Elgg: A Personal Learning Landscape
A Web publishing application combining the elements of weblogging, e-portfolios, and social networking designed to promote learning through sharing of knowledge, conversation, and reflection in a social/academic setting.
WiAOC 2005
Webheads in Action Online Convergence: Bridges Across sCyberspace
Ed Tech Talk Feedburner
RSS subscription to EdTech Talk
TESOL Virtual Seminar Homepage
TESOL Virtual Seminar: Key Issues in ESL
EdTech Talk
Chicago Principal for a Day
CPfaD Photos
Aiden Yeh's Blog
Open Weekends@Knowplace. http://knowplace.ca/moodle_1.4.3/course/category.php?id=7 These workshops are free and require only that you come in, introduce yourself and participate. OCT 7 - 9 "Connect Online: with Elderbob Brannan ** Aggregators and blogs....Alligators and bloggoblins....If you are not quite sure how to use an aggregator to subscribe to a syndicated blog, or how to create a Google Alert, or if you don't even know what an aggregator is.... before long you might just find your self in a pool of alligators and bloggoblins. Regardless of the business you are in, YOU need to know about RSS. Without such knowledge your personal future looks dark and gloomy. Join me, Elderbob, the Knowplace mad scientist, this weekend on a tour through the internet swamp for a close up look at Alligators, Aggregators, Bloggoblins and RSS. See 'ya there.
Sunday, October 9, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Jeff Cooper Education Technology Consultant tracked the URLs mentioned in the Tapped In portion of the chat this Sunday and posted them in the WiA CoP room at Tapped In. He then emailed me the code of his posting:
Sunday, October 16, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Once again, Jeff Cooper Education Technology Consultant tracked the URLs mentioned in the Tapped In portion of the chat this Sunday and posted them in the WiA CoP room at Tapped In. He then emailed me the code of his posting:
E-Teacher Online Teacher Training Courses
Faculty Resistance: E-Learning (A Working Paper)
Stephen Down's Homepage
Vance Stevens' Online Events Calendar
Ed Tech Talk
Internet 2.org
Andy Carvin's EdWeb Homepage
OpenSourcEd: Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments
RSS Quick Start Guide for Educators
Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments
EdTechTalk #13 - August 28, 2005 - Educational Technology that talks
TESOL Virtual Seminars - Key Issues in ESL
TESOL Virtual Seminars
Worldbridges - Global Webcasts Podcasts & New Media
Katrina - Rita Links
Chicago Public Schools "Principal for a Day"
What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software
$100 Laptop
On October 18 19:00 to 21:00 GMT - Alado hosted the first TESOL Virtual Seminar out of our distance education facility at City Colleges of Chicago. The link to the presentation by Margo Gottlieb is here: http://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/sec_document.asp?CID=244&DID=4443 . The topic is mostly for US K-12 teachers addressing the US Education Department's No Child Left Behind Act. Andy offered complimentary passes to any Webhead interested. The time for the event is: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT () .
Sunday, October 23, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
On Monday, October 24, from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. GMT Chris Jones and her division chair, Linda Elliott-Nelson, are presenting at the League for Innovation, 2005 Conference on Information Technology in Dallas, Texas. The name of the presentation is "Speaking Online Using Voice Technology Tools."
On October 27 beginning at 9 AM US Central Time 13:00 GMT, Alado hosted a live event at Southside Chicago's Gallistel Language Academy's Principal for a Day event. The link to the website for those who missed the event and are interested in the recorded archive is: http://www.digibridge.net/gallistel. The thumbnail photos can be clicked on for large pictures and there are a number of links embedded in this link to presentations and a streaming video of Mayor Richard Daley's Address to over 1,800 attendees at the Hilton Inn and Towers Luncheon. My sincerest gratitude to everyone who made this year's event a spectacular success, especially all my international Webhead colleagues who contributed so much to excite and motivate our live audience of school administrators, teachers, students and their parents. We had over 50 parents in attendance, many of whom signed up for computer training classes. Muchos gracias Andrew Pincon
This location is a low income/poverty area of Chicago mostly Hispanic/Latino elementary school of over 1,400 students. During this past summer the entire school had high speed wireless connections installed throughout all 45 classrooms and we donated and installed over 200 Pentium III computers throughout the school so each class is now connected to the Internet. We also setup a computer lab for the parents and community in an outdoor modular building. This year we will have all 45 classes logged onto our live webcast for the Principal for a Day event. I have also invited a fellow colleague of mine to join me as co-Principal for a Day, Dr. Valerie Roberson, the President of Olive Harvey College, one of our City Colleges of Chicago campuses close by Gallistel.
Now that we have the entire school wired and online for their first time, we want to begin to excite these students and their parents with the possibilities of life-long learning through the Internet. Those of you with classes like Bee's in Sao Paulo who want to participate in this event with your classes, please feel free to email me. We will have two hours to do a series of events. We will have the school band perform again this year and will have a greatly improved live video stream link for those of you with high speed and live screen shots for those of you on dial up connections of the events from the school. For those of you who have not joined us in the past you can see some of our past archives from last year at this link: http://www.alado.net/gallistel
Sunday, October 30, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Thursday, Nov 3, 7pm GMT - special Thursday EdTechTalk with George Siemens & Jay Cross . Great talk, with GS talking about 'connectivism'. Must put the listen-later link here: ....
Friday, Nov. 4 - Sunday, Nov. 6 : Elderbob Brannan hosts a "Web 2.0 Smorgasborg: Appetizers" - This is meant to be an early introduction to the full week course. It will just barely scratch the basics of what is to come later in the month, at Knowplace weekend.
Sunday, November 6, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
Alado hosted the November 9 TESOL presentation on Curriculum Development Strategies for EFL Teachers at 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. EST (13:00 to 14:30 GMT) http://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/sec_document.asp?CID=244&DID=4444 .
The Nordic Voice http://www.nordiskestemme.dk - (November 7-12)- our focus is on how to use voice tools to help mutual understanding and comprehension of our neighbor languages that have so many similarities that we do not always have to use English as our common language, with a little training and some effort. So far, webheads Michael Coghlan and Chrissan - and Etienne Wenger - has accepted to help with forming an online Community of Nordic language teachers, with this conference as our starting point, and one part of this effort will be English language, while we also encourage (of course) the usage of the Nordic languages for community building.
Etienne Wenger is speaking on Sat Nov 12 - Time given at the Moodle below:
Ruth Vilmi welcomes all to the Nordic Voice Conference at http://moodle.ghs.dk/course/view.php?id=2&lang=en_us Registration and the full programme is at this link. The conference is free of charge. It starts on Monday, 7th Nov. at 15 GMT with a Webcast hosted by Ruth Vilmi together with teachers and students from the International Writing Exchange (IWE). You can all join this live event by listening and typing in your questions and comments in the chat in Round 45 of the IWE course at www.writeit.to/sys. If the time is bad for you, you can listen to the recording later at www.edtechtalk.com. Susanne Nyrop is blogging the event here: http://elgg.net/nordic/weblog/
Susanne Nyrop writes:
We had three good sessions Wed Nov 9, all in Horizon Live. Read more in the conference community weblog at http://elgg.net/nordic/weblog/or go to the archives http://moodle.ghs.dk/mod/resource/view.php?id=311 to find out what you missed. Also feel free to continue the discussions in the session forums.
On Thursday 10 Nov, we begin with two sessions in Horizon Live, always at the same address Use Room ID= dns
- At 13:00 (12:00GMT) Salvor Gissuradottir will be introducing us in English to the wonders of podcasting and audio blogging.
- At 15:00 (14:00GMT) Ture Schwebs will be looking in Norwegian at how to include media-literacy as part of your every day teaching approach.
- The last session a t 17:00 (16:00 GMT) , Anders Klitgaard talking in English about his distance learning business courses, is in Webex http://www.webex.com. Mail Anders that you want to join his session at [mailto:info@akvl.com] info@akvl.com and he will mail you instructions on how to join him. There's a limited number of 15 seets.so first come, first go!
Friday 11 1400 GMT- Susanne Nyrop has called her session at the Nordic Voice conference Let a hundred tongues speak.She writes: "I am referring to the fact that we have so many different languages, not just English! Many small languages are at a potential risk for being forgotten in a few few generations, or only used in a very local everyday life world, while the globalization will make us all feel like almost Native English speakers. The Nordic languages are small - they have many simliarities and ideally, we ought to be able to communicate with ease and natural pleasure, BUt in reality, there often comes misunderstandings out of this approach, as we may use an estimated guess to understand difficult terms, and sometime this may cause problematic misunderstandings among Nordic language speakers of different languages - there are even strong regional diffrences in the single language which can make it hard to sundertand each other fupully in a spoken conversation between different dialetcs! So -why don't we just skip the Nordic intercultural exchange, and switch over to a complete English spoken context! This conference is about Nordic languages as neighbour languages,and how we could use the internet to promote a more widespread usage and mutual understanding by exchange accross language and geoghrahic borders.and as such, Webheads in Actio0n is a good example on how many different ccultures can get together for ongoing collaboration, and for example establish authentic conversation with world English speaking people of many different accents, not only the classic British English. I've invited for todays' session a handful of good Webehads in Action colleagues to deminstrate a range of online collaboration projects where I've had a small part as a virtual guest.At this moment I'm not sure who will be able to join us, We're hit by difficulties with to as well timezone differences, personal and technical cnstraints) - but I am proud to present at least one of these international language teachers, Sergei Grid from the University of MInsk in Belarus. He had invited me to be his Mystery guest in a university course of English, and let his stiudents make interview with my by blogging - and finally we prepared a virtual meeting where thestudents had prepared their presentations of their own local Belarussian culture, as well as asking me for more information about the Danish society, culture and language. This is the login and room id is dns please use your own name as screen name mine is sn af is Anne Fox - she will be my backstage supporter and please send her an email in case of problems, or look for her in Skype, Foxdenuk
- Feedback: Elizabeth Hanson-Smith writes: I was caught in a computer "storm"--my screen froze, but I could see the slide and hear all the good talk. I wanted so much to add some comments about sociolinguistics and historical linguistics--how language become separate and how they might come together again.
Sunday, November 13, 2005 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from there. See http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/software.htm to fathom possibilities.
As part of the runup to the WiAOC online conference Elderbob Brannan will host a week-long Internet 2.0 Smorgasborg with talks planned to include search engine strategies, folksonomy, tagging, social networks, cybraries, and more. At Knowplace during the week of Nov 13 through the 20th, there will be daily asynchronous learning experiences with forums, polls, resources and anything else Elderbob can think of to give that might be of value to the explorer. The forums will follow on at eBob's "Building Bridges" Moodle at Worldbridges (where podcasts of all 5 or 6 Smorgasborg presentations will be archived).
Sunday, Nov.13, Elderbob will try to have a guest speaker on Worldbridges on Sunday morning right after the regular broadcast. Still not sure who yet, but it may be someone I tried to get during the following week who just couldn't be scheduled. It will be someone well versed in Web 2.0
Monday, Nov 14 - Dr Ran Hock http://www.oss.net/ will be a special guest, addressing participants on "Search Engine Technology", T
Tuesday, Nov 15 - Nancy White http://www.fullcirc.com/ will provide our collaborative explorers her view of "Folksonomy",
Wednesday, Nov 16 - Dr. Rashmi Sinhar http://www.rashmisinha.com/bio.html will tour us around her thoughts about "Tagging" (this is still a tentative arrangement),
Thursday, Nov 17 - Dr. Judy Breck http://goldenswamp.com/ will introduce to the concept of "Social Networks", and finally,
Friday is technically part of both the "Web 2.0 Smorgasborg" at Knowplace and the "Bridge Building" at the WIA Convergence. - Friday, Nov 18 at 22:00 GMT (5:00 PM EST, 4:00 PM CST, and 2:00 PM PST) Ted Nellen will take us on a cyber tour of his cyberlibrary and talk about the importance of Cybrarians.
Saturday or Sundy is definitely part of the WIA Convergence. "Bridge Building: Tools of the Web 2.0 (Web 2.0 Smorgasborg: Desserts)" - Sunday 17:00 GMT, I am still negotiating with Emily Chang of E-hub http://www.emilychang.com/go/ehub/ on Tools of Web 2.0
The bi-annual live f2f Tutor/Mentor Conference is scheduled on November 17-18; topic: The Role of Volunteer-Based, Non-School Tutor/Mentor Programs in School Reform Policy How do volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs impact college and career readiness? What are the challenges that keep such programs from being in more locations?
WiA-OCb 2005: Webheads in Action Online Convergence beta: Bridges across Cyberspace Friday and Saturday, November 18 - 19, 2005 and conference rap-up Sunday November 20 http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/convergence2005.htm and conference replay http://schedule.wiaoc.org
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sunday, December 4,
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Sunday, December 18,
Sunday, December 25, 2005 where we celebrated
in Action/Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning
12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at http://www.tappedin.org/ and goes from
there. See
to fathom possibilities.
bdieu2001: Tuesday Jan 10th from 19:00 to 19:30 GMT
bdieu2001: Daf, Tere, Jane, Rita are going to be present synchronously and
Michael + Aiden will do a podcast for the occasion
vance_stevens: where?
bdieu2001: let me give you the address of the blog
or http://summerschool.wordpress.com/about
bdieu2001: it's going to be in Sorocaba, Brazil
bdieu2001: a 10
day event
bdieu2001: I am the guest speaker on technology - will talk
about blogging...and branching out on networking and communities of practice
Our most recent chat is the one above ^
Our next online chat is always this coming Saturday at 16:00 GMT and Sunday, noon GMT (for about 2 hours on Sunday, 1 hour or so on Saturday). What time is that where you are? Check: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html What will happen when we meet? Who knows? (Just about anything!) But click here to get an idea. Meet us at Tapped In, http://www.tappedin.org
You are welcome to join us at any of the locations given at the top of this page!
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: February 14, 2007 |
Copyright 2005 by Vance Stevens