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Ming appeared online at a presentation at the TESOL Conference in Vancouver, March 17, 2000, at which Vance presented a live Webheads synchronous chat class with online partners Michael C and Maggi Doty. See http://www.netword.com/vance@tesol2000
Debate on 1 Country 2 Systems and
what it means for Hong Kong and Taiwan
Ming wrote down for us what she likes about
Writing for Webheads
Here is an interview
with Ming on ICQ, February 14, 2001
Ming's introducton:
Hello, everyone, this is 'ymshin', but you can just call me Ming. I found this newsgroup by chance and I feel glad to have this opportunity to improve my English.
I am from Taiwan, a small island (I think it has become famous in recent years because of the political situation). My English writing skill is not so good, and I make grammar mistakes all the time. That's why I want to get help from here.
umm...I don't know what more I need to say, so that's it. I appreciate that I can meet you guys here and hope I can write in "real" English (not Chinese style) some day. =)
Ming (January 22, 2000)
Maggi's response:
Hi Ming :-)
Welcome to Webheads...we had a discussion today about whether you are male or female...some of us cannot tell from your name.
How many of the rest of you have had this problem online...? Someone from another country and culture cannot tell sometimes.
That can be embarrassing...which brings me to Michael's last topic. Maybe it would be better to tell about an experience that was embarrassing because of language. (Click on the link)
Hello, Maggi,
It surprised me that your response was so fast! I am sorry for forgetting to mention my gender in the previous message since no one has tried to find it out online before. I am female and still in the process of studying. Recently I decided to make a homepage by myself (include the guestbook, icons, and everything else I might want to use in my page later) but don't know what contents I should put in it. After thinking about it, I've decided I want to write down my personal learning diary, like a notebook, and record my feelings and thoughts. Meanwhile, since my studying is related to the computer field and I am teaching myself Japanese also, I want to make a personal tutorial to share with anyone else who is interested in my learning experience. This is my idea, but so far I only know the basic syntax of HTML and I'm still struggling with PERL (which is what I want to use to make the guestbook...). I intend to keep pursuing in this dream no matter how long it takes to implement the goal.
Besides the programming stuff, the first obstacle I suffer is my English (since it's the language I want to use in my "future" page). My writing skill is poor, and if I want to share my page with others, I think I need to improve it first; otherwise, no one can understand what I want to express but myself.
I have started reading more and more, but I still cannot use the words well and properly. It's a big problem for me and I don't know how to solve it.
uh, I don't know how to end this letter, so this is the last paragraph. I have tons of puzzles want to ask about but I can't decide which should be the first one yet. So I will bomb this newsletter later.
See ya and have a joyful day!
ming (January 23, 2000)
P.S I don't think you're crazy , Maggi. You're more normal than me!
From Vance:
I have a web page pointing to some easy to follow tutorials on html and perl, and also places where you can get scripts you might be able to use. Have a look at:
Nice to meet you and glad to see you are writing to us Webheads. Your English is very good, very clear and understandable, and also fluent. I suppose you've been living in Oregon for some time and have been able to use a lot of English there.
Ming responds: January 25, 2000
Well, I have been in Eugene for one year( it's my first time to go overseas), and I've been forced to do lots of reading 'cause of the academic requirement. I still need to read more, as much as I can, because my speaking and writing are in an instable status, my brain gets stuck frequently; I dont know why, it just goes blank...(whimpering~ )
Ming has written on the following Webheads writing topics:
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