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Webheads chat logs from October 29, 2000

Meet the people in the chat today

Vance Maggi Michael John Ying Lan Moral Marina
UAE Germany Australia Puerto Rico Taiwan China Italy

and Ayman from Egypt

This was another interesting chat with several students dropping in at one time or another. The main question to emerge from this chat was: How does a circuit breaker work? We know it detects electricity surges and at a dangerous point, trips a switch and sends the excess into the ground. But what is the physical condition that causes the switch to change positions? How does it work exactly? If you know the answer, tell us. And the bonus question is, Is there any difference between a resistor and a capacitor, and if so, what’s the difference? One strange thing about our chat was that every time we would talk about circuit breakers, HearMe would overload and we would all be bumped from the program. We had to keep going back again and again. The last time it went out, Marina was telling us about her email school projects. You’ll have to continue in email to the eclass, Marina.

HearMe text chat logs

Maggi has joined

Ayman has joined

John has joined

Status: Connected

Vance has joined

John: Morning, Vance.

Maggi: Hi Vance

Vance: hang on, setting up the mic

[Ayman and John are talking about the cost of attending university - gvs]

John: If you spend a lot of money to study, you should expect to earn more when you finish.

Vance: [Vance has found Ayman's Writing for Webheads webpage - gvs]

Michael has joined

John: Welcome back, Michael.

Maggi: Hi Michael

Michael: Thanks John. Evening/morning/afternoon all.

Michael: Nice to meet you Ayman. I don't think we have met before.

John: I thought people who worked in restaurants got free meals as part of their pay. [Ayman said he works in a restaurant - gvs]

Maggi: what time is it there mc?

Michael: 22.36 pm

Michael: We've just swictched to DST

Maggi: ok

Michael: ...switched...

Vance: so you sprang forward, right, MC?

Maggi: 9.30 ahead of me

Michael: Yes Vance.

John: I just don't like interrupting people who are talking. [We've noticed that John isn't saying much - gvs]

John: Maggi, Michael, I didn't change my time.

Michael: smiles

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected [Vance is bumped out of HearMe for the first time this evening - gvs]

Maggi has joined

Ayman has joined

John has joined

Michael has joined

Status: Connected

Vance has joined

Ying has joined

Ying: Hi.

John: Hello, Ying.

John: Ayman is in Italy.


Ying: Oh, I see. [Vance has just introduced Ayman via his web page - gvs]

Michael: Hello Ying. How are you?

John: Always nice to see you, Ying. How are you?

Vance: [Vance introduces Ayman to everyone else present - gvs]

Ying has left

Michael: I remember now Ayman. I read your post when you first joined webheads.

Vance: Yep, and it's on the webheads site

Ying has joined


John: Do you have graphics turned on? [We're trying to figure out why Ayman can't read our text messages - gvs]

Maggi: Hi Ying

John: Welcome back, Ying.

Ying has left

Ying has joined

John: Ying, are you having problems with your connection?

Ayman has left

Ying: Bad connection!!

Michael: Yes - a joke!

John: Bad connections are terrible. I have one sometimes.

[Maggi tells us all a joke. It goes something like this. Two women are talking. One asks the other, "Is that a suppository in your ear? The other one says, "Oh, yes, I suppose it is. Well, now I know what happened to my hearing aid." - gvs]

Vance: a suppository !!!

John: Very funny.

John: Is that where she hears things?

Ying: Sorry,,, I don't understand maggi's joke.

John: I have to remember that for my students.

Ying: why?

Ying: It seems a funny joke.

[Now Maggi is in the position of having to explain what a suppository is. - gvs]

John: Or, if they have a fever or something. It's something you put into your bottom hole.

Ying: But I can not hear maggi's joke because connection problem.

Maggi: two old women were having breakfast in a restaurant

Maggi: Mabel said to Ethyl, I think you have a suppository in your ear.

Vance: Oh, Ying Lan, I just asked if you could hear us ...

Ying has left

Ying has joined

Maggi: Ethyl takes it out and says now I have an idea where my hearing aid is...

Ying: Yes, I can.

Ying: But the connection is bad.

Michael: So Ethyl was trying to unblock her ear with a suppository?

Vance: hello

Michael: Ok I get it.

Michael: I'm a bit slow....

Michael: (smiles)

Ying has left

Ayman has joined

Michael: lol

John: Ying has been having a lot of connection problems today.

Vance: what?

Vance: turn the volume down

Michael: lol

Ying has joined

Vance: The computer (what?)

Michael: Sorry Ayman - we can't hear you now....that's better.

John: Poor connections

Ying has left

Vance: The power went off

Vance: right?

Vance: a fuse? [Ayman is explaining to us in voice chat what happened with his connection; apparently he blew a fuse or circuit breaker in his flat. - gvs]

Vance: Were you using too much power, so you had to reset the fuse?

[Vance is being corrected here. It probably wasn't a fuse, but a circuit breaker. Vance wants to know, how does a circuit breaker work? - gvs]

John: You go first, Michael

Vance: a circuit breaker

John: A fuse burns out, a circuit breaker doesnt. The word fuse comes from the fact that it fuses.

Vance: ok

Ying has joined

Vance: actually, i think I knew that :-)

John: Vance, I just discovered it, myself.

Ying has left

Ying has joined

John: No, I meant about why the fuse is called a fuse.

John: So, tell us, then.

John: But, it doesn't burn out. Why does it turn off?

Ying has left

John: Sounds logical (but then, so do politicians). I still don't know how they work.

Ying has joined

Ying: <Type here to chat>

Ying: It is windy.

Ying: I feel a little cold here.

Ying: I don't know the actual temperature here.

Michael: 27C = 81F

John: 30C = 86F

Ying: I hate this bad connection problem.

John: I know how you feel, I always hate it when I have such a connection.

Michael: Yeh it's bad luck Ying.

John: Puerto Rico is rather strange in this, we use both quarts and liters, miles and kilimeters, etc.

Ying: Why do you want to talk about measure unit?

Michael: Pots, midis, schooners, ponies, glasses....of beer

Ying: I am stupied about math...

Michael: Me too Ying.

John: We got onto this topic because I wasn't sure about my temperature in Celcius.

Maggi: ans you work in a bank? LOL

Michael: I failed in school.

Ying: Yeap././.

Michael: LOL

Ying: I hate Number.. but I love money.

John: I used to get "P" in Math (P is Pass for non-academic reasons).

John: So do I, Ying.

Ayman has left

Ayman has joined

John: See you, then, Michael.

Ying: Michael. do you want to go?

Michael: You know that too???

Michael: LOL

John: Who else, Maggi?

Michael: Ahhhhhhhhgggggg!

John: You mean, like Ush?

[Here, we're wondering what's the difference between a resistor and a capacitor. Then we start joking about the verb from resistor, to resist. Why isn't there a corresponding negative verb, irresist? - gvs]

Michael: I can't irresist you!

Vance: I can irresist you

Michael: Ying and Ayman - irresist is NOT a word. (I was joking.)

Vance: We're getting a little crazy here

Vance: I can't resist you

Michael: Bye!!!

Michael has left

Moral has joined [Now that Moral is here, we start talking in text chat more than voice - gvs]

Maggi: Hi Moral...

John: Hello, Moral. How are you today?

Moral: Hi there!

Moral: I worked today John.

John: Today is my day, off, but I still have to work.

Ying has left

Maggi: when do you have time off then?

Ying has joined

Vance: Hi Moral

Moral: Hi Vance.

John: I don't have time off.

Vance: Can you hear us today?

Moral: It is my day off too. But I have to work over time today.

Moral: No Vance.

Maggi: I meant Moral...teachers never have time off...:-)

John: When I don't have to go to work, I still have to correct papers.

Moral: Yes Maggi, eapecially webheads teachers.

Ying has left

Moral: especially...

Maggi: that is one reason why I don't give homework John

Vance: Moral, maybe you can help me ...

Maggi: except online

Moral: I 'd be happy to Vance, but how?

John: Unfortunately, since I teach writing, I have to give a lot of written homework.

Moral: Where is Michael?

Moral: I see he is online.

Moral: John, do you have voice today?

Vance: Do you know how a circuit breaker works? (You just missed Michael)

John: Yes, I got myself a new microphone and earphone setup.

Vance: I just asked if Moral could hear

Moral: Yes, Vance. I think so. When the current reaches a value, it breaks the circuit.

Vance: And how does it do that. It "trips" the switch. What causes the switch to move?

Moral: mostly, temperature.

Maggi: the writing assignments are online John


John: But, they are still writing assignments.

John: Does anybody know if Ayman has text turned on.

Maggi: oh yes...just not on paper...but the quality has improved tremendously

Moral: Vance, a resistance is in it. When current is high, the resistance turns hot and trip the switch.

John: Click on the grey portion at the bottom of the text chat and write your message. Then press Enter.

John: Just press Enter.

Moral: current is strong...

Vance: Yes, Moral? I'm curious about this. What does it do?

Moral: Vance, Why are you interested in a circuit break.

Vance: Because I don't know how it works

John: He wants to become an electrician.

Vance: So it creates a vacuum in my mind

Maggi: he has to know Moral...LOL

Vance: And if I can learn how it works then I will know SOMETHING that ...

Moral: It is used to limit the current.

Vance: that Maggi doesn't KNOW

Ayman: I am sorry for not participating the conversation , my audio has a problem

Vance: ha ha ha

Maggi: otherwise we have to call him an airhead

John: Many of us have that problem from time to time, Ayman.

Moral: Motors would be burned if the current is too high.

Vance: I understand that, Moral.

Vance: But since you're an engineer, I thought you might know ...

Vance: what is it about the strong current that makes the switch trip?

John: Moral, why does it just turn off the switch instead of burning it out like a fuse?

Maggi: sheesh...I guess I have to go get my book...

Vance: Yes, in a fuse, we can see that the current makes heat and the heat burns through the fuse

Vance: So why does a circuit breaker trip? This is everyone's assignment for next time!!

Status: Disconnected [Oops! Here we all get bumped all at once. Later Moral and Maggi came back to Vance on ICQ to ask what happened. Meanwhile I was trying to recover. - gvs]

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Net: Reconnecting...

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected

Maggi has joined

John has joined

Status: Connected

Vance has joined

Marina has joined

John: Vance, Maggi will be back in a minute.

John: Was it a circuit breaker problem?

Vance: probably

John: Better late than never.

John: Maggi had to go to the little girls room. [Marina wants to talk to Maggi because she has received a request to add a mysterious new person to her ICQ list, and she wants to check with Maggi is the person is a Webhead. She can't remember the name exactly, so we bounce a few off her - gvs]

Vance: grisham?

Vance: Sr. N

Vance: smith [Vance asks in voice chat to John how his phd is coming - gvs]

John: Vance, I am still waiting for the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects to give me my authorization.

John: Well, first, I'll be asking you three for interviews.

Marina: Hi, Maggi

John: I noticed that in the research I read.

John: I will be sending you an e-mail about everything that has been going on.

John: It is always good to be careful, Marina.

John: How many people are in your classes, Marina?

John: I might be able to find that many. I have 115 students in four classes.

John: If you contact me at either or at I'll tell you more about my classes.

Status: Disconnected

Status: Disconnected [Vance has to go anyway - gvs]

Status: Connected

Vance has joined

John has joined

Maggi has joined

Marina has joined

John: We were all knocked off, Marina.

Marina: I see, technical problems ?

John: Apparently, It's the second time it's happened to me today.

John: See you later, Vance.

Marina: Bye Bye,Vance:-))

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: November 10, 2000 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0