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Vance | Maggi | Michael | John | Moral | Ying Lan | Sophie |
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and Marina in Italy
This conversation started out with a flurry of dialog about the conflict in the Middle East but rapidly subsided into the less controversial topics of the weather and John's work on accreditation at his university. Moral wanted to talk using Voxphone, but we discovered that all our more recent versions had expired, so he agreed to download Freephone (and in fact, Moral and Vance used it later in the week to have a conversation). Eventually we got to the pros and cons of reading while eating, or eating while reading (we couldn't agree on which). Then Sophie arrived and made us all feel good by telling us she was so busy that she had thought not to join us but in the end she couldn't resist dropping by to say hello. Marina appeared at this time and told us it was raining heavily in Rome (and next week the news was full of stories of the disastrous flooding in central Europe). We got to talking about sharks and whether they were dangerous or not, and about how they were threatened not only by people's perceptions of them, but also by the demand in China for sharkfin soup.
Choose to read the chat logs from: HearMe | The Palace
[Moral is still participating in text mode only, no sound or voice, so the text chat log was again rich with interaction, except toward the very end when Marina arrived and got us talking again. Where annotation has been necessary, the comments in italics and in brackets are Vance's]
Moral has joined
Maggi has joined
Ying has joined
Status: Connected
Vance has joined
Maggi: it is hard to know what the truth really is
Ying has left
Ying has joined
Moral: Hi Vance!
Ying: Hi, Vance
Ying: Thanks for your correction.
Vance: Hi there. Truth about what?
Moral: having problem Ying?
Maggi: the mideast
Vance: My pleasure (correction)
Vance: Ah, yes, a subject close to us at the moment
Ying: I just try to visit another websits.
Ying: website
Maggi: a worrying problem
Vance: website about what?
Ying: yahoo
Moral: Yahoo is good.
Moral: I like it.
Vance: Hi Moral
Maggi: I don't use it
Vance: Good for what?
Vance: News?
Ying: Vance... Do you think the war of midest fighting?
Vance: They are at war now. They've been at war for years.
Moral: I like its catalog.
Moral: And yes news.
Vance: The Palestinians have little to lose by fighting, except their lives of course
Maggi: people who have nothing to lose can be very dangerous
Vance: When Barak threatens to pull out of the peace process, there is little that the Palestinians will lose by that.
Moral: Vance, which side are you on?
Vance: I am on the side of those who love peace
Maggi: do you need to take a side Moral?
Maggi: that makes it worse when you do
Moral: No. just curious to know.
Vance: I am against anyone who tries to kill another
Ying: Are you safe here?
Maggi: me too
Maggi: kiilling is never right
Ying: me, too.
Moral: Israel quited the peace talks.
Vance: People here assume that all Americans back Israel, but this is wrong.
Ying: I against anyone who tries to kill another.
John has joined
Maggi: and bringing children into it is never right
Moral: Hi John!
Ying: Do you back Israel?
Vance: The American government has always backed Israel. The American people have little say in it.
Maggi: I back no one who kills
John: Hi, can't hear you.
Vance: I most definitely do not back Israel
Maggi: Hi John
Vance: I don't agree with their policies or with American weapons supporting them
Moral: What does this happen Vance?
Ying: Why??? Israel is trouble maker?
Maggi: they are all troublemakers
Vance: Israel has occupied Arab lands and controlled them through force for too long.
Ying: I am curious why people kill each other in Mideast.... why they can not live with peace.
Vance: They have created a situation where they can't escape now without maintaining control.
Maggi: it goes back a long way in history
John: Many years ago, a friend told me that it is a family fight. And you know what happens when outsiders get involved in family arguments
Ying: But Israel thinks the land belongs to them.
Vance: Yes it does. It's clear that if the Isrealis don't control the situation the Palestinians will tear them limb from limb
Vance: I meant yes it does to what Maggi said
Maggi: they are all between a rock and a hard place
Moral: anyway, israel is stronger.
Vance: It's really about the land I think. The religion is just an excuse.
Ying: I have read the history about Mideast... but I don't think it is a good way to fight for the religious problem.
Maggi: like in Ireland religion is an excuse for some
Ying: John ... it is a family problem.
John: The worst wars in history were based on relgious excuses.
John: That's right, Ying.
Vance: Israel is stronger today, but like Serbia was strong against Kosovo, or Iraq in Kuwait
Ying: People died because of RELIGION... But "God loves People"... God probably don't want people dying for him.
Moral: China has good relationships with the both sides.
Maggi: let's talk about something positive
Vance: You have to wonder how religious people can urge their followers to destroy the families of others.
Maggi: god has a quality control problem
Moral: something else about what Maggi?
Vance: How are you John?
Ying: I think some people want to be a leader ... so they spread some theory to make people being foolish.
John: Doing fine.
Maggi: that is power Ying
Vance: That's right, Ying.
Moral: John, don't you have sounds yet?
Maggi: not sure Moral
John: My school is going through it's ten year accreditation visit this coming week.
John: I have a new headset, but I don't hear anybody talking.
Ying: that's what I want to say.... the bad guy spread some dangerous theory to get some support from people... it is power.
Moral: I never have sounds here.
Maggi: did you hear me John?
Moral: away for a minute.
Maggi: just sound Moral
John: Did you say nobody is talking?
Vance: I guess we're not speaking today
John: I heard you, but I don't know it you heard me.
Maggi: yes I did
Vance: Did anyone here that?
Ying: Vance.., John I can not hear you both.
Vance: what I said? I don't think I'm recording
Maggi: hear what?
John: Vance, I heard Ying, but not you.
Vance: ok, I'll have to check it
Maggi: I have only heard Ying
John: I don't know if my new microphone is working or not.
Maggi: heard you John
Maggi: loud and clear!
Vance: Mine isn't
Maggi: LOL
John: I just got a headset with a microphone. This is the first time I use it.
Maggi: can you hear us Vance?
John: You came in loud and clear, Vance.
Vance: We're just testing these microphones. Moral, you're not missing anything
Moral: Well, can you use Voxphone now Vance?
Vance: Yes, I can do it on the other computer. I'll have to use the headphone over there
Ying: I have no Voxphone....
Vance: Is anyone in the Palace, by the way?
John: I am working on a bibliography of all the resources related to teaching English in our library.
Maggi: I had it
Moral: Ying,
Maggi: but the trial run ran out
John: I was in the Palace, but I signed out since nobody else was there.
Ying: Teaching English in your library on Sunday?
Vance: I'll just go there in case anyone shows up.
John: No, I copied all the 400-429 and 800-839 sections onto a floppy disk and am formating them. It is due tomorrow.
Maggi: you have a library at home John?
John: Tomorrow the people from the Middle States Association arrive.
Vance: I'm afraid my Voxphone has expired too !!?
Moral: Vance, why don't we use Voxphoe. Maybe I can hear the other throuth Voxphone.
Vance: Press here to BUY it says
John: I have a library at home, but I'm talking about the school library.
Maggi: Did you buy it Moral?
Moral: Oh, did you run it Vance?
Vance: How about phonefree. I just installed that one.
Moral: No, I didn't.
Vance: Yeah, I ran it, but it said my trial period had expired.
Moral: where can I get phonefree?
Maggi: then how can you use it so long Moral?
Ying: John, you have a library at home?
Vance: Exactly my question!
John: Yes, I have my professional library here at home.
Maggi: I guess I do too if 4,000 books is a library.....
Moral: I use V3.0 which may be different from your golden ones.
Ying: I have heard the war of midest since I was a little girl... why they fight so long...
Maggi: oh, maybe that one is not a trial run Moral
Ying: You guys love to sleep with books.
John: Mine's not that big, just 300. But the one I'm doing the bibliography of is my school library -- 10,000 volunes.
Moral: quite possible. I got it from a chinese site.
John: Ying, I not only sleep with books, I go to the dinner table with them.
Maggi: a real bookworm...:-)
Ying has left
Maggi: is your wife one too John?
Vance: I'm trying to figure out how to call a pc with phonefree
John: No, but two of my daughters are.
John: Bookworms, that is, not books.
Maggi: makes for good dinnertime chat
Moral: what do you mean Vance? phonefree is not good?
John: Well, where I really take them is the school cafeteria.
Maggi: I love to read and eat...
Vance: I'm listening to a tutorial ...
Maggi: I'm doing it now
Moral: It's not good Maggi.
John: I'm typing, chatting, and eating.
Maggi: to read and eat Moral?
Moral: When you read and eat at the same time. You can not absorb the food well.
Maggi: what are you eating John?
John: ???
John: Ham, eggs and toast.
Vance: OK, figured it out
Moral: And then you may have stomach problems.
Vance: first you have to install the program
John: My wife wants me to bran flakes, but. . .
Maggi: well...I read studies Moral that showed people learned better when they ate while they read
Vance: Then you have to register and then we can contact each other
Ying has joined
Moral: Totally contrary conclusions.
Vance: That's interesting Maggi. Any indication as to what to eat or how much?
John: Food is food
Maggi: I've been doing it for years Moral and have a great memory and no complaints from my stomach
Ying: indication for what?
Vance: Just re-read that. Not contradictory.
Vance: Absorption of food might be affected. Absorption is knowledge is claimed to be helped.
John: Me, I've been doing it for years and can't remember what I had for supper last night.
Maggi: LOLOL
Moral: Interesting... I heard it many years. so I never read and eat.
Vance: Except for John, whose short-term memory is affected.
Maggi: well...try it Moral and see if there is a difference
John: But that could be because I didn't eat last night.
Maggi: sometimes what we believe affects us more
Ying: Eating what you read?
John: Eating while you read.
Maggi: LOL
Ying: I am sorry. ....
John: Actually, I thougt it was reading while you eat.
John: sorry, thought.
Maggi: wonder if it makes a difference John
John: Just to the food.
Moral: I think I'll try it.
Maggi: hehehehe
Ying: Eating while you read... you probably could not enjoy your meal.
Maggi: oh but I do
Ying: You might eat slowly...
Maggi: or eat too much
John: I don't know . . . What's the difference between reading while you eat and talking while you eat?
Maggi: one is queiter?
Maggi: ooops...quieter
John: But they both distract you from enjoying your food.
Moral: I'll try it when I don't like the dishes.
Ying: You don't need to put the book on your dinner table when you are talking while you eat.
Maggi: I enjoy my food
Vance: I used to read at the table a lot
Vance: We had special holders to support the books
John: I always enyoy my food.
Ying: but John you don't remeber what you ate.
Vance: But it doesn't work well with a family
Maggi: but he remembers it was good...
John: Ah, but I enjoy it while I eat it.
Ying: Vance... Boby allows you reading while you eat on her dinner table?
Maggi: unless you all do the same Vance
John: Now-a-days it's just me and my wife, and (on weekends) my granddaughter.
Maggi: it's just me so it doesn't matter
Vance: No, we dont' allow it any more. It's our only time to get together as a family
Ying: My problem is I can not concentrate on something... ...
Maggi: the food or reading Ying?
John: I just don't read things that are important when I eat.
Ying: I usually loved to read while I eat.. but the doctor told me... it is better for me if I do one thing ..
Maggi: why Ying?
Ying: When I eat , I have to focus on food. No more thing to come up in my mind.
Vance: I like to snack while chatting on Hear Me
John: But, why would I want to focus on rice, beans, fried potatoes and chicken?
Ying: My mind is easy to fly over another thing.
Maggi: so what are you eating Vance?
Maggi: so you digest them better John?
John: That is my normal lunch.
Ying: If you focus on food.. maybe they will be easy to absorb.... LOL
Moral: Maybe because you are a dreamful girl.
Michael has joined
Ying: Moral who is a dreamful gril.
John: Hi, Michael
Maggi: a lot of carbohydrates John
Michael: Greetings all.
Maggi: Hi mc
Moral: I think you are Ying.
Moral: Hi Michael!
John: Maybe that's why I'm a bit overweight.
Maggi: think thin John
Ying: If I can concentrat... my power will be more strong.
Ying: Reading while you eat.. you probably eat to much.
Maggi: which power Ying?
Ying: I don't know what kind power I have.
John: Why should I think thin? It took me years to get some weight on.
Maggi: well...I'm not fat yet
Ying: People has gift.. I mean natural power. ..... Like I am weak, I don't have power.
John: I used to be sooo skinny that I could hide behind a toothpick.
Michael: It took me years too John. But just a few months to lose some weight.
John: I'm not so overweight that I want to lose it.
Maggi: you mean energy Ying
Ying: Oh, yes ... energy.
Moral: Do the best with what God gave you Ying.
Maggi: Germans love it when they find out we call them love handles
John: I'm putting up a new web page with my family's pictures. As soon as it's up I'll let you know.
Ying: Germans love what.. energy?
Maggi: no that little roll around the middle
John: I've often wondered why they are called love handles.
Maggi: Germans call them lifesavers
Maggi: like the ones they have on ships
Ying: swimming hadles....
John: So, what do they call them in China?
Sophie has joined
John: Greetings, Sophie.
Moral: Hi Sophie!
Maggi: Hi Sophie
Ying: swimming handles...
Vance: Hi Sophie. Michael and I are talking in the Palace.
Ying: Hi, sophie
Vance: that's why I've been quiet
Sophie: Hi everyone!
Michael: Hi Sophie.
Maggi: no fair Vance
Sophie: Ok, will join you in the palace
Vance: Well, only two of us there, and all of us here.
Vance: But you can be in both places
Michael: Conversation at the Palace is pretty serious! [Click here to see]
Maggi: they want to have a private conversation maybe
Michael: Not really. It's about the Middle East. You were talking aboutn that earlier...
Sophie: ooops so maybe I should leave again!
Ying: Sorry... I need to go...
Ying: See you next week.
Maggi: ok Ying...sweet dreams
Moral: bye Ying.
Sophie: bye
John: See you, Ying. Bye.
Vance: bye ying lan. Nice talking to you.
Ying has left
Michael: Is anyone actually talking tonight? (not that I mind - the silence is nice!)
John: I don't think so.
John: I don't think people are talking, that is.
Sophie: sounds good
Sophie: I know Vance's voice and he sounds as if he were here
John: So does Michael.
Sophie: hi Maggi
Michael: Who says I'm together???
Michael: OK. I'm really together!
Maggi: that's the way
Maggi: jiggle those love handles
Maggi: ROTFL
Sophie: I have lots of work to do guys and was here sitting at the computer determined that I was not going to come today but couldn't help saying hi to all
John: You mean, like Santa Claus?
Maggi: that was nice Sophie
Maggi: a bowl full of jello
Michael: You could make this work couldn't you Sophie?
John: Same here, Sophie. Loads of work.
Maggi: me too
Michael: This is definitely work for you John!!
Sophie: wow!!!
Maggi: we are all multitasking
Sophie: everybody's got loads to do
John: Work? Then who would want to come?
Maggi: except maybe Michael
Sophie: at least for Vance this is not the weekend
Vance: I just do whatever comes up these days.
Sophie: For the rest of us ......
Michael: I've got plenty to do. Starting a new training course tomorrow.
Vance: I've got more work to do than I possibly can do
Maggi: giving or getting mc?
Sophie: I hate not being out there
Vance: so I can just do what pleases me
Sophie: I'm tired
Michael: Giving Maggi. A WebCT training course.
Vance: Somethings not going to get done, might as well be the least pleasant thing
Sophie: I want to have time for other things
John: Middle States Evaluation tomorrow (and the rest of the weekk).
Maggi: Are you on Neteach Michael?
Michael: Yes...
Michael: I saw the discussion.
John: I haven't gotten a message from them in ages.
Maggi: interesting
Michael: What is a Mind Map exactly?
Vance: Moral, did you ever get phonefree?
Michael: I'm really not clear.
John has left
Moral: I am viewing the site but still didn't get it.
Vance: no response at
Maggi: well...I downloaded their trial version of a business version
Vance: So Sophie, what are you working on on a Sunday afternoon, that's keeping you so busy?
Moral: I don't know if I will have fire wall problems again. But I'll try.
Maggi: I guess I will have to buy the eMinds for education
Vance: Well, if voxphone works ...
Sophie: I have to develop a placement test and I have oly been asked to do it on Thursday
Sophie: They want it tomorrow morning!
Vance: hmmm
Sophie: I'm fed up with all sorts of little bits of work interfereing with major work !
Sophie: if you know what I mean
Marina has joined
Vance: How can it be valid and reliable if developed between Thursday and Sunday?
Vance: Hi Marina
John has joined
Sophie: Exactly!!
Sophie: well, I'll do my best
John: Sorry, Lost my connection there.
Moral: Hi Marina!
Vance: I hope they'e paying you handsomely for it
Sophie: and they have to make do with it
Marina: Hi
John: Hi, Marina.
Sophie: they're not paying me for it. My boss 'asked' me to do it!
Sophie: Hi marina
Marina: I'm happy to meet you again
Sophie: Not much rain around here
Michael: There's been a lot of rain in Europe lately.
Sophie: we'd like some more
Marina: In Rome we have bad weather
Michael: Only 40 Vance?
Sophie: it's still hot over here as well
John: We've been having good weather since the hurricane scare.
Vance: Yes, it's coming winter, not as hot as usual
Michael: !!!!
Sophie: although I inisist on wearing long sleeves etc
Sophie: I want cool weather!!!!
Michael: It was 22 today here too. (same as Rome)
Sophie: Send some rain over here
Maggi: come here Sophie
Sophie: Mmmmm... tempted Maggi
John has left
Sophie: Bring on Christmas, warm jumpers, jackets, hats and cosy evenings
Maggi: won't take you long to get tired of it
Sophie: anyway guys I'm running out of time to finish my work
Sophie: so, I'll be going
Sophie: Love to all
Sophie: have a nice week
Marina: Bye Bye SOPHIE
Maggi: bye Sophie
Maggi: you too!
Sophie: Ciao!!!!!
Maggi: ciao
Michael: See ya next time Sophie!
Sophie has left
John has joined
John: Sorry, I seem to be having connection problems.
Moral: bye sophie.
Moral: like I did on the last sunday.
John: Yes, Moral, and it is a new connection (neither of them is doing good right now.
Maggi: we are talking about kids and getting teeth
Maggi: the kids getting teeth
John: There's nothing better than teenagers in the house.
Maggi: nothing more lively
Marina has left
Marina has joined
John: Lots of fun.
Maggi: I found it stimulating
John: So did I.
John: Well, if you have to SWIM to take the course. . .
Vance: Sorry, Moral, we're talking about Michael learning how to dive
Michael: Some daya in the future!
Marina has left
Marina has joined
Vance: You need to be confident in water, but in fact you never have to "swim"
Maggi: put a shark behind him and watch him MOVE!
Vance: I've heard of people diving without knowing how to swim
Michael: We've been having trouble with sharks here lately.
John: Shark? Where....
Maggi: behind you John!
Vance: It's not really allowed but on the other hand, you don't have to swim to dive
Michael: In South Australia....
Michael: 2 people were taken in 2 days just before the Olympics.
John: Actually, spent some time in the Navy, and I'm still not confident in the water.
Maggi: whites?
Michael: Yep - Great White Sharks.
Vance: yikes
Maggi: bad press for them
Michael: smiles...
Vance: I learned some interesting things about Great Whites in South Africa
Maggi: share?
John: They are really vegetarians?
Vance: Where I went looking for them in Mossel Bay, it was pointed out that people were swimming at the hotels near where we were watching the sharks
Vance: Helicopters fly overhead and see the people on one side of the surf line and sharks on the other and they don't interact
Vance: Apparently when they attack people they usually mistake them for their normal food.
Michael: All Sydney beaches have shark nets so they can't get in.
Moral has left
Moral has joined
Vance: They also 'taste' the people. Sometimes this is fatal, but sometimes not.
Vance: The point is, if they wanted to maul they could
Vance: Surfing ... they resemble food
John: Oh, so they're not vegetarians?
Marina: I Italy sharks were very rare, but in the recent years we've had a certain number of accidents
Vance: Shark food sits on top of the water and splashes about and looks like a seal
Maggi: they probably have no preference John...just whatever is handy
Vance: Another theory is that the more people go to the water the greater the probablility of encounter
Marina: I think the reason is the increasing temperature of water
John has left
John has joined
Moral has left
Moral has joined
Michael: Have you seen a shark when you've been diving?
Michael: I've never seen a shark.
Michael: Vance saw sharks in Australia!
John: I once caught one on a fishing like while in thre Nave. Actually had it for 1/2 second.
Michael: Great photos Vance!
John: It took my bait, snapped the line, and kept on going.
Maggi: what kind John?
Michael: Lets; start a "free the shark' society!
John: Never bothered to find out. But there were a lot of marines swimming nearby.
Michael: Long live the shark!
Michael: Viva le shark!
John: We're talking over 30 years ago.
Marina: I like sharks!!!
Michael: So do I Marina.
Maggi: Moral, do you eat sharkfin soup
[Vance has just told the group in voice chat about the piles of sharks discarded on Oman beaches, all with just their fins cut off, and that seeing truckloads of shark fins pass by up and down the beach is not unusual on remote beaches there. The fins are destined mainly for the China market, where they are used in sharkfin soup. To me, this is as wasteful and threatening to world ecology as the demand in China for rhino horn.]
Moral has left
Moral has joined
John: Very good pictures.
Vance: I gotta go guys. I have to pick someone up.
John has left
Maggi: ok...bye Vance
John has joined
Marina: Bye Bye, Vance
Michael: I'm going to leave you all with all this shark talk too.
Vance: You too
John: Bye, Vance.
Vance: Who's goign to send me the logs?
Moral: bye vance.
John: Bye, Michael.
Marina: See you next sunday michael
Moral: bye Michael.
Michael: And on that bright note!
John: I think I'm going to have to go, too. See you all next Sunday.
Moral: I just installed phonefree. Maybe we can try it some other time Vance.
Maggi: bye guys
Moral: Well. let's go. I am leaving too.
Michael: Night all!
Moral: bye to all.
Marina: See you Moral
Vance: Yeah, Moral, if you get it installed ...
John: Bye, all.
Maggi: bye
Michael has left
Vance: give me a call, let me know and we'll try it out
John has left
Moral: Ok.
Vance: OK, I've got to go. Nice to see everyone.
Moral: bye.
Vance: O
Vance: ok, (be gone in a minute, bye)
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The Palace
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*** Welcome to The Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
MichaelC: @64,64 !It's MichaelC
Vance: Hey there MC
MichaelC: Hi Vance - is everyone on hearme?
Vance: We're all at the Palace
Vance: I mean at Hearme
MichaelC: Er...this is the palace!
MichaelC: OK - I'll move teleport over...
Vance: We had a rousing discussion of the middle east earlier, but went on to more innocuous subjects
Vance: Now the conversation is eating at the table
MichaelC: Shit - that would have suited me. Did you see the bloodied hands pic?
Vance: no, what's that?
MichaelC: I'll scan it and send it to you. A Palestinian guy priudly holding his hands with the blood of an Israeli soldier aloft with the crowd cheering. Such hatred, while understandable, is really scary.
MichaelC: I'll scan it later. Scanner's on another PC.
Vance: Yeah, I'm almost as shocked at what they did at the police station in Ramallah as I am at what the Israelis have been doing
Vance: Shows you the mob, if out of control, would just go insane
Vance: I woudn't want to be an Israeli now. You must have friends there.
MichaelC: I have a lot of friends there.
Vance: And you've probably visited there? Are you familiar with the place?
MichaelC: I've been to Israel many times. That's why I'm so concerned about what's happeing there. For a period of my life it was my second home.
MichaelC: I also know what it's like to be an Israeli and be surrounded by hatred. I've felt it first hand. It doesn not bring out the best in people.
Vance: I've traveled to almost every country in the region and spent a couple of months in the mid 70s in [the region; Vance mentions that Israelis typically have guns in their homes whereas these are forbidden to Palestinians]
MichaelC: I maybe weird but I really love the place. It's very like Australia in lots of ways - geographically - but it has the intensity that Oz lacks!
sophie: @64,64 !It's sophie
sophie: Hi!
MichaelC: And hello again! How are you Sophie?
sophie: Fine Michael thank you
sophie: and how have you been recently?
MichaelC: OK. But if I was to be really honest it would be a lomg story and not so OK!
sophie: How's life after the Olympics?
sophie: oops, I am sorry
MichaelC: Ah yes - bring back the Olympics. Fun and games and none of this heavy stuff!
Vance: Why not, Michael? Concern over ... yeah, I guess so.
Vance: Actually, it's not all that comfortable for an American here, but no in your face kind of threat, at least.
sophie: They arealeready looking for volunteers for Athens and I am thinking of joining
MichaelC: I was wonderign about that.
Vance: Volunteers for Athens?
MichaelC: For the Olympics!
Vance: ahh, that would be neat.
sophie: Yeadh!!!
MichaelC: People who were volunteers here really loved it.
sophie: Aha!
MichaelC: There were something like 70,000 of them!!!!
sophie: It must be great
sophie: I helped in other atheletic games like the Small Olympics and the Gymnasiade
MichaelC: Do it Sophie. Except I wouldn't like wearing the silly uniforms that people had to wear here!
sophie: Hmmm.. Thanks Michael
Vance: Sounds like a great opportunity
sophie: Vance, what kind of photo is that?
sophie: Is that one of your crutches?
MichaelC: Good one Sophie!
sophie: I'm leaving the palace guys. See ya
MichaelC: OK Sophie...
sophie: )KISS
MichaelC: )KISS
sophie: bye!!
Vance: That was a very noisy kiss
Vance: OK, bye, thanks for dropping by
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