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Vance's CALL
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Meet the people in the chat today
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Vance | Michael | Maggi | John | Ying Lan | Pon | Felix |
UAE | Australia | Germany | Puerto Rico | Taiwan | Thailand | Brazil |
It was one of those bad internet days. Some of us were having trouble getting in the Palace, Maggi couldn't get into Hearme, and Pon was writing on Homestead that he couldn't reach either place but losing his connection before we could answer him. Still we did accomplish something. We all managed to find the Excite chatroom I'd set up and for those who got there, that worked very well.
At the end of the chat, Ying Lan tells us a secret, but if you want to know our secrets, you have to come to the chats!
As the chat begins, all participants are also talking to each other in Hear Me ...
Palace text chat logs
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*** Welcome to The Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
Mad: haven't tried that yet
Mad: Hi Vance
John: I just downloaded it.
Vance: Hi there. What did you just download. Hi everyone.
Ying-Lan: What is the voicecontacer?
Ying-Lan: Bad today? how?
Vance: oops
Vance: there
MichaelC: Everyone but you Ying has had some problems.
Ying-Lan: Vance... you wear john's pic?
Vance: Just fooling around
John: He wanted to look handsome for a change.
Mad: this is sooooooooooo quiet
Vance: I'm asking people in HearMe what you are talking about
John: VoiceContact (sorry) It's the new HearMe program.
Mad: I can't connect to any hearme site
Ying-Lan: I never get the email... I am not the member of hearme.com
Vance: ok so Ying Lan, I'm talking about my webheads email
Vance: And John, you say you downloaded the Voice Contacter that the hearme people wrote us about?
Vance: Doesn't that just work with Eudora?
Vance: The Excite chat, that's the one, Ying Lan.
Ying-Lan: Exciting chat?
Vance: That's the chatroom I started for efiwebheads. Excite.com
Mad: LOL
John: I got the message Michael sent. I connected and had some problems as the beginning. But when I read the help files, I found that you cannot use it if you are running any other program that requires a
John: sound card
Ying-Lan: Oh...I remember that..
Vance: Does anyone have the url? I'm at home and just got back from a 3-day camping diving trip.
Ying-Lan: Wa...
John: The program I mentioned was the new HearMe program.
MichaelC: I must have the URL somewhere......I'll look.
Vance: It's normal that programs involving sound will not work at the same time
Vance: You can have many on your system and run them one by one, but not at the same time.
John: http://www.excite.com/communities/chat/voicechat/client/launch_vc?room=efiwebheads
Vance: For example, since we're all in the hearme chat, we can't visit the excite site now without closing down hearme (I'll bet)
John: I can run HearMe and sound games at the same time, though.
John: That is what I understand, Vance.
MichaelC: Here's the URL Vance - http://www.excite.com/communities/chat/voicechat/client/launch_vc?room=efiwebheads
I think that's right Vance.
Vance: It depends on what interrupt the sound devices are using.
Vance: For example, if the games use MIDI you can probably run them together.
MichaelC: What's an 'interrupt'?
Vance: Good question, Michael. Sounds like one I might ask.
Mad: excuse me...LOL
John: Michael. The URL was broken. You need to finish "efiwebheads" to connect to the site
MichaelC: I realise this John.
Ying-Lan: Who will be the next President in USA?
Vance: It's an address in memory, or on a memory board, that handles a certain device, or a function of some device
John: We'll know in 2004, Ying.
Ying-Lan: In 2004?
Vance: I think the American people have spoken. The voice of the American people has been heard.
Mad: Who knows Ying
John: That's how long it will take to find out.
Vance: And it is a resounding NEITHER
Ying-Lan: So Clinton still be President... until 2004.
John: Yes, Vance. We just don't know what they said.
Ying-Lan: Big problem...
Vance: The constitution has a procedure in such cases, and I think the next one up is the speaker of the House of Representatives.
Vance: Does anyone here know who he is?
John: There is a list of people who would be asked (starting with the Speaker of the House, and going down from there).
Ying-Lan: If they still ARGUEE this issue until next January...
MichaelC: back in a minute.....
John: I read an analysis of why it will be Janet Reno.
Vance: I caught his name recently but it was so obscure I was thinking to ask people who so-and-so was.
Vance: And the answer would be, this person is possibly the next president of the USA
Mad: A republican I think
Vance: I may have to look this one up
Mad: isn't it Trott?
John: I don't recall the name either.
Mad: It won't go that far...
John: The problem is that anybody who is asked would have to resign their current position to become a temporary president.
Mad: why don't they leave Clinton in 2 more years?
MichaelC: Why doesn't Gore just accept defeat gracefully?
John: It's against the constitution
John: That was for Maggi.
John: Anybody heard about the Patron Saint of Disputed Elections?
MichaelC: No....
Ying-Lan: I have not idea about this..
John: It's Saint Chad.
Ying-Lan: Saint Chad?
MichaelC: Enjoying the silence Maggi?
Vance: OK, who's Dennis Hastert?
Mad: would you if you won by popular vote?
MichaelC: You have a point there Maggi.
Vance: Answer: http://speakernews.house.gov/
John: I read this in the news, but don't know if it is true or not. Chad was a bishop whose election was challenged. He resigned and later was made a saint due to his humility. Thing is, I can find no other
John: information about him.
MichaelC: They must be joking John?
John: Probably.
Mad: there are stanger things mc
MichaelC: I've never heard of a Saint Chad.
John: I never had, either. But it's strange enough to be true. The history included in the article just doesn't sound right, though.
Vance: I'm doing a google search on St chad
Vance: http://www.nireland.com/orthodox/Chad.htm
Mad: well...I'm in excite...all alone
Vance: But Maggi, you aren't in Hear Me. If we go to excite, we'll have to close down HearMe
Vance: I'll try it if you like.
MichaelC: Shall we try the excite chat?
John: Ah, so he really does exist.
Mad: I can't connect to hearme
Vance: OK, why don't you try it, and I'll wait in Hear Me.
MichaelC: I'll try it!
Vance: Try to do both at once. I bet it won't work.
Ying-Lan: I am thinking of a question..
Vance: But maybe I'm wrong.
Vance: OK, YL
Mad: that was a dare mc...:-)
Vance: Have you tried American Heritage Talking Dictionary, YL?
Mad: army...be all you can be
Ying-Lan: No.. I have not.
Vance: Which one are you trying?
MichaelC: Can't get excite in IE. I'll try Netscape.
Mad: I'm in Netscape
Vance: You HAVE to use Netscape. It's the only option available when you create the chatroom.
John: I'm all by myself in Excite Chat.
John: Be back in a minute. Have to tie up the dog.
Mad: where John?...because I am at efiwe
John: I am at efiwebheads
Mad: funny...so am I and you aren't there
Vance: Ying Lan thinks maybe you can do excite in netscape and HearMe in IE at the same time. I'm encouraging her to try it.
Vance: Michael, where are you? Are you with Maggi?
MichaelC: John - I'm at excite.chat...
John: Michael, I can hear, but cannot talk.
Vance: In Excite, I mean?
MichaelC: Weird - so you heard me?
Mad: nobody is here with me
Vance: And you all went to the same url?
Mad: hmmmmm
Vance: So are all of you alone?
MichaelC: Where are YOU maggi?
John: I keep getting a configuration error.
Vance: Maybe I should try it. Ying Lan, do you want to stay at HearMe?
Mad: I went to the url in Vance's email
Vance: Maggi and I did it together the day I set it up.
Vance: We met in the chat room and talked.
MichaelC: Are you in a chat room? Do you see anything? John and I are there.
Mad: I met him there on Wed
John: Michael is at efiwebheads, Maggi. I keep getting a configuration error.
Mad: in the efiwe room
Vance: Ah, in the efiwe room? Make that efiwebeads
Vance: The email truncated the url
Mad: so did you give ME the wrong url then?
Vance: No, I was in efiwebheads (I think)
Mad: why...it worked Wed.
Mad: this is where we were Wed.
Vance: But I noticed when I got the email that if you clicked on the url it gave you the broken url we noticed in Michael's posting of it here earlier.
Mad: lakeri394jk4,ci
MichaelC: Still at efiwenheads room wating for company......
MichaelC: I mean efiwebheads room..
Vance: Ying Lan is going to try it now.
Vance: I don't think she was able to do both at the same time (so I was right)
Vance: (I guess - I never take anything for granted)
Mad: oh?
Vance: I assume, but take nothing for granted (no contradiction there)
Mad: I'm there now too
MichaelC: Maggi and are in the new chat and it works for us - John - can you hear me and Maggi?
Mad: oh really? :-)
Vance: Anyway, Ying Lan, be careful when you put in the url, to complete efiwebheads
Felix: @64,64 !It's Felix
Vance: OK, that's good. Hi there Felix
Felix: Good morning all
John: I was able to connect again, but I keep getting a configuration error. I am going to have to reconfigure my sound card.
John: Hi, Felix.
Felix: Hi John
Vance: Good morning. Everyone is trying out the new chatroom. Do you want to join Maggi and Michael?
Felix: Hi Vance
Felix: where is it?
Mad: Hi Felix!
Felix: Hi Mad
MichaelC: Felix!!!
John: Vance, it appears if I have ANY other program or webpage open I cannot use to site. I don't know why, but I'll find out.
Vance: http://www.excite.com/communities/chat/voicechat/client/launch_vc?room=efiwebheads
MichaelC: LOL!
Felix: Why ae you laughing Mc?
Felix: are
Vance: Mad and Michael are in excite and also here, John. Could be a memory thing on your computer.
MichaelC: Because you said MCCCCCCCCC!
Felix: LOL
John: It keeps telling me that it is a sound card configuration problem.
Vance: What's the exact message, John
John: I'll sign in again and read the exact message.
Ying-Lan: ^ I can hear you guys very clearly...
MichaelC: How's life Felix?
Felix: I am installing mine right now
Felix: Cool since it's summer. Time to fool around
Ying-Lan: But I can not speak... but I think the reason is my computer...
MichaelC: Yeh - for me too. I've sort of started holidays.
Vance: Maybe I'll abandon HearMe and go to the excite chat.
MichaelC: Well Maggi and I can hear each other fine.....
Felix: It gave my an error message
MichaelC: ...but John and YL can only listen.
Ying-Lan: My brother have install a program to avoid the attact from other online user.
Ying-Lan: have installed..
Vance: OK, I'll come along. So long, HearMe
John: VancAn error was found in your sound card configuration. Check configuration or update drivers. Code 32.
John: Vance, this was the error message.
Felix: Mine was error #14
John: I also get a clicking sound in my earphones at the same time.
Vance: OK, well, don't know what these numbers mean. Are you using Netscape Felix?
MichaelC: Excite chat has only one on one text messaging so it's not as good as hearme in that respect.
Felix: Yes Vance
Mad: ahhhhhhhh
MichaelC: You can't text chat with a whole group.
Felix: Pals, I've gotta go. I am going to a barbecue now..
MichaelC: What's up Maggi?
Mad: there must be a way
Felix: I just wanted to drop by and say a hello to you all
MichaelC: Have a sausage for me Felix.
Mad: relieved...:-))
Felix: LOL
Felix: LOL@MC
Vance: Nice of you Felix. I've got a barby in a minute too.
Mad: wouldn't eat sausage here
Vance: On my balcony. Some people coming at sundown.
MichaelC: Yeh - thanks for dropping by Felix.
John: OK, Felix.
Ying-Lan: Felix is gone.
Vance: I think they're here.
MichaelC: So you're at home Vance?
Ying-Lan: I am back at the hearme. com
Ying-Lan: What do you mean.."got a barby"?
Vance: Ozzie for barbecue
Mad: so why are you using it in UAE?
Ying-Lan: Vance.. You have guests in your house tonight?
MichaelC: Because Strine is spreading!
Mad: better than BSE
MichaelC: Don't know about that!
Mad: you wouldn't want your brain to turn into sponge..-.
Vance: I'm in excite but ctrl to talk doesn't work
John: That was my problem, too, Vance.
Ying-Lan: So do I.
Ying-Lan: silence..
Vance: OK, I'm in the excite chat with Michael and Maggi
Ying-Lan: What are you doing in the excite room?
Vance: Just talking about how we need to go.
John: Yes, I noticed that, too.
Mad: saying goodbye
MichaelC: So succcess with V Maggi and me in the other chat.
Ying-Lan: Can you speak in the excite chat room?
MichaelC: But time for me to go...
Vance: Yes we were able to speak.
MichaelC: Yes Ying we could.
Vance: What problem did you have Ying Lan?
Ying-Lan: It is too bad for me.
Vance: It's not a perfect replacement for HearMe. We'll keep looking.
Ying-Lan: My computer can not allow to another on line user to excess my computer.
Mad: access
Ying-Lan: can not allow another on line user.
Ying-Lan: access
Vance: ok, well, btw, Pon sent some logos and they're at his web page.
MichaelC: Goodnight all. That was an interesting and frsutrating experience.
Mad: that was fast
John: Night, Michael.
Mad: night mc
MichaelC: I'll check the logos.
Ying-Lan: i won't be here next weekend.
Mad: slaap lekker
MichaelC: Ciao for now.
Vance: I'll send email about the logos. OK bye
Ying-Lan: I won't be here next week.
Vance: OK, I've got to get with my friends for the barby.
Vance: Oh, where will you be YL?
Ying-Lan: What is the barby?
John: Have fun, Vance.
Ying-Lan: Malaysia.
Ying-Lan: Actually... I want to tell you a secret.
John: I have a birthday party in about two hours. (My grandson turns 1 year old.)
Vance: Malaysia? Neat. OK, tell us.
Mad: the barbque
Ying-Lan: Whose birthday party?
John: My grandson's.
Ying-Lan: Oh... happy birthday to herr.
John: I will, Ying.
Ying-Lan: Vance... Can you erase this in your chat log?
Mad: have fun John!
Vance: So, YL. I'm curious what your secret is and what you're doing next week in Malaysia.
Vance: OK, chat log ending NOW.
Vance: We'll keep your secret.
Webheads are very GOOD at keeping secrets!! If you want to know our secrets, you have to come to the Sunday chat classes!
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