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Before beginning, prepare a workspace on your hard drive for you to save
your work.
Review this document about
Review steps 1-6 and create your own web page
- Review Web design awareness and
housekeeping considerations
Steps 1,
2, 3,
4, 5, and
6 of this tutorial
- At step 6, copy everything from
<HTML> to </HTML> and paste it in a new Notepad workspace.
- Change the text between <TITLE> and </TITLE> to a
description of your page.
- Change the text between <P> and </P> to something about
- Use <B> and <I> tags to create bold and italic text where
you think appropriate.
- Place a picture on your page and add another <P>aragraph to
your page to describe it and say why you chose it.
Click here to review how to determine the URL of
pictures from the Internet
- Repeat step 6 so that there are now two pictures on the page and two
- If your pictures are too big you can resize them.
Click here to review how to resize pictures from the
- Later you will put your pictures and text in
Tables. You might want to resize the pictures
even further when you put them in tables.
If you're a student at the PI, save this in you MyHTML folder in your
Home folder on the LAN (your teacher will give you a filename that has your ID,
name, class, and what you should call this document). Wherever you are, save
your work often while doing this assignment.
What's coming:
You can make an image from the Internet a background. For that we'll
want to review how to get image properties so we can use them from their
locations on the Internet: Review how to use
pictures from the Internet
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For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page, contact Vance
Stevens, page author and webmaster.
Last updated: January 22, 2008 -
08:30 UTC (GMT) |
Copyright 2008 by Vance Stevens
under Creative
Commons License: