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Meet ZaheerMy name is Zaheer and it means "a person with strong back bone." After completing my Ph.D in chemistry I recently started my Post doctorate study in computational chemistry in Innsbruck Austria. Innsbruck is really a very nice city . Basically being a chemist my English is good enough to understand any chemistry book, but I'm not so good in English, particularly in letter writing. Now I would like to improve it, and for this reason I did a search on Yahoo and found your address. I'm sure you will help me in this regard. I'm also interested to find out some sites on net from where I can learn English grammar. If you can please help me I will be thankful to you for any support. rest is fine s |
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I completed my bachlor's degree in 1996 n then I did a Master's in the field of chemistry in 1998. After completion of my Master's i started my research career. I did my M.Phil in 2000 in the field of natural product chemistry, n finally completed my Ph.D on 10th of June 2002. Well in my Ph.D we dealt with isolation of biologically active compounds from plants. In my case i had isolated 27 compounds from one medicinally important plant n then elucidated the structure of each compound with modern spectroscopic techniques. All these compounds are biologically active and show anticholinesterase activity, so they will serve against Alzhimer diseases. |
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On the 15th of June 2002 i started my first Post doctorate work, n for this we selected the field of computational chemistry which is totally dif. from my own exp. Well now by using dif. computer software like Autodock, Amber, and Gausssian 98, we have been trying to discover the relation b/w the molecules against the protein. So u can say we will try to find out the factor which is responsible for the activity of the compounds isolated by me, n then we will try to find some way to increase their activity. So it's v important work n interesting for me, depending of course on my results. I think this is not the best explanation of my work but u can still understand some of the things I have done. If u have any query plz let me know and i will be happy to reply to u. Zaheer |
Around May 27, 2003, Webheads scrambled to help Zaheer out of a jam. He had a paper accepted for publication on condition that he reduce its length, as well as the length of his abstract. He had already got the abstract down from 250 to 160 words, which he sent us to work on further:
Alkaloids isolated from Sarcococca saligna show significant inhibitory activity against acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase enzyme. These new cholinesterase inhibitors may act as potential leads in the discovery of inhibitors for nervous-system disorders, particularly for Alzheimer's disease. In this work we have studied their interactions with the active site of AChE enzyme from Torpedo californica. Docking experiments have identified one general binding mode for nearly all compounds and suggest that hydrophobic and Ven der Waal interactions inside the aromatic gorge could be the major stabilizing factors in the enzyme-inhibitor complexes of these alkaloids. A Molecular Dynamics simulation of a predicted complex indicates that ligand binding does not extensively alter the structure of the enzyme. (160 words)
Aiden, Maggi, and Vance all responded with versions of only 75 words and Zaheer thanked up profusely.
Alkaloids isolated from Sarcococca saligna significantly inhibit acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes, suggesting discovery of inhibitors for nervous-system disorders, particularly Alzheimer's. Studying interactions with the active site of AChE enzyme from Torpedo californica, we identify one predominant binding mode, suggesting hydrophobic and Ven der Waal interactions inside the aromatic gorge are major stabilizing factors in enzyme-inhibitor complexes of these alkaloids. Molecular Dynamics simulation of a predicted complex indicates ligand binding does not extensively alter enzyme structure. (75 words)
Hello Zaheer, and welcome!
I am Susanne from Denmark (north of Germany), and I have learnt a lot on becoming more fluent in everyday language, spelling and vocabulary, since I joined the Webheads where I've been active for about one year. I am doing a self paced, last part of my graduate study in education, with focus on informal networking online. Earlier on, I used to work with children in the precshool age.
It sounds like you are doing great in Innsbruck - computatiol chemistry sounds very ineretsting; it is amazing how computers have enriched our possibility to learn and make research about our environment.
You asked for a good place to study grammar online; I made a Google search and found one, and I know for sure that others in our group have more links. Try this one, and tell us what you think:
Yours, Sus
Zaheer responds, 27 Aug 2002
Hi Sus,
Thanks for kind and informative e-mail, Hi u r from Denmark, one of the beautiful countries, n doing ur study. By the way, what do you plan for ur future?
Yes computers do a lot for us, for me it's also my best friend. I'm really happy with my comp. as it does its job for me when i m sleeping or out side my office. I never shut down my comp and its remains busy doing calculations for me all the time 24 hr a day.
As per ur suggestion i visited the site to learn english grammer; however although it might be useful for learning something, it doesn't cover the whole range or even most of the range of English. If any one can show me a more useful site then i will be even happier. Anyway i wana to pay my thanks to u n i hope we will be a good friends in future n remain in touch.
Hi everyone, I have a page with links to grammar sites: http://www.vancestevens.com/grammar.htm It looks like it hasn't been updated for a year or so. I'd appreciate your feedback.
Zaheer responds, 31 Aug 2002
I am very glad to see my web page. Thanks for that. now i enjoy more with ur side. I saw ur pict n feel very good to see u, now u r not annonymous for me. I hope u will remain in touch with me n with time give me some good suggestions too.
Hi Zaheer
I am another teacher here at Webheads and teach Business English in companies in Germany. Have you learned German and what problems did you have?
I know that often very short forms are used but the first step might be to try and use full words...even the small ones like you instead of u. Many other people learning English do not always know the short forms.
Hope you have not had so much rain!
Maggi :-)
Zaheer writes us 11 Nov 2002
I will start my e-mail with one of v common english word that is sorry. Sorry, sorry sorry, for too late response to one of ur very kind e-mails to me, in which u include my web page. I was so happy to have a look at my personal page on the net. It's really v nice for me, but i was so busy that mostly i don't read e-mail from webheads or only read n don't reply and it's due to my extra work at my lab. Anyway at least i know there are a no. of new members who really actively participate in this group. As you know about the nature of my job, so you can understand my problem and i am hopeful u will pardon me.
On the other hand as you know due to vacation on first of Nov. (Allahilin day) in Austira I have a chance to get a long week end - 1st Friday to 3rd Sunday - so i plan to visit Florence and Venice. Now i want to share some nice times with you, and my feelings.
Florence Italy is a really very nice and lovely city. It's lovely because it's really old and the most beautiful thing is that they still maintain the condition of the v old city and don't try to change it. So it's v impresive due to its v old construction. Initially i was surprised to see the condition of the roads as it looks like the govt is not taking care of this city so the roads r not newly built but they are built with blocks instead of tarmac, but after a while i came to know that this the real beauty of the city, that the govt spends a lot of effort to just maintain the v old roads and of course all the buildings.
After one and a half days i moved to venice. My first visit to venice i was a little bit confused so in the train i asked someone about hotels and nice places, and he replied that the whole city is v nice n i should try to cover the whole city on foot, meanwhile let me give you the name of a student house which is a little bit far from the main station. So he advised me to take a taxi or bus. Anyway i was planning to take a bus or taxi once i was in the city.
Now i m out side the train station of venice. i was really surprised to see the main road out side the station was made of water, i mean just in front of the main station there is a water street the same as in normal cities u can find a taxi and bus on the road but they are in the form of small boats n the small ones r labled as taxis and the big one r buses. So i bought a ticket costing 3.6 EUR for the 'bus' and reached my desired stop after 20-25 min. But due to the long weekend too many people were there n i couldn't find any place in the student house for me, and not only me but a few more people were there with the same problem. After this we 4 guys spent 4 -5 hrs trying to find any place at any hotel but all our efforts were in vain and finally we had to spend our whole v cold night on the streat. Two of them were from the USA and one was from Italy and I was from Austria so it was another adventurous night for us and we enjoyed it.
In the morning we decided to cover the whole city but now it's not possible to convey my feelings in words and describe the beauty of venice, i only can say everyone should try to visit it at least once but it is better to visit with his girl friend not alone like me. (I like to travel alone even though it's not good for me)
So, in this city you can find taxis, buses, public transport and personal cars but all are in the shape of boats, just in front of the whole people park there cars (boats) look v interesting.
Now there are v few picts from venice, I hope my long e-mail will be not be a source of pain for u and all group members.
My best regards to all group members and best wishes.
Yours, Zaheer
Zaheer tried to attach the following photos, but attachments are rejected on the Webheads list. I will see if he can upload them to the Yahoo Groups files area and link to them there. -Vance
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