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Webheads chat logs from September 17, 2000

Meet the people in the chat today

Vance Maggi Michael Ying Lan John
USA Germany Australia Taiwan Puerto Rico

and our friend Marina from Italy

Today's chat started in the Palace with John, Vance and Maggi fooling around with avatars. We had ourselves all lined up as 3 Maggis at one point, and then we all appeared as 3 Johns, but no students were there to see the fun. Finally Ying Lan arrived and then Marina (so we quickly got back into our real avatars). We had a very interesting discussion, talking in Hear Me, with some text chat in Hear Me and even less at the Palace - the Palace crashed on us again but came back.

Ying Lan had been reading Harry Potter but she had been reading it for quick comprehension and not attending to each word, so we discussed whether it was better to focus on accuracy or fluency. Marina thought it was better to read for pleasure and for fluency. This got us into the role of context in language, for example the words 'witch' and 'which', which Michael claimed were indistinguishable in Australian English. Vance disputed this and collected evidence to the contrary, presented below. The point was however, that these two words would never be confused in English because they would always be distinguishable by context.

Meanwhile, the discussion of Harry Potter had taken us into other books of fantasy and magic such as Tolkien's Ring Trilogy, and Marina had some interesting stories to tell, such as one about an actress friend of hers who was into the occult. Marina is about to go on a trip with her husband and child to Paris and London, but I hope she'll write us more about these topics when she gets back.

Here is the experiment that Vance did during the discussion. The question is: is there any difference in English between the words 'witch' and 'which'? Here is the evidence. You decide!

You can click on the links to open or download Vance saying: "Which witch is which?" and then you have to decide what I say, 'which' or 'witch'. Then Michael says, "What am I saying?" and again he says, 'witch' or 'which' ... well, you decide which.

Finally, study the wave forms and see if you can tell what the difference is.

Click here if you need to download the Real Player.
This URL took me right to the latest free Real Player on Sept. 18, 2000:,000914rpchoice_h2_day&dc=918917916

Vance says: "Which witch is which?"
The two wave forms to the right are 'which' and 'witch' ... But which is which???

But you can see a difference, can't you?
(the wh- sound is fuller)

You can try to download or open the Real Media file here.
If that doesn't work, try download from Prohosting:
Right-click on this link and save the file on your computer, then play it with the Real Media Player.

Michael says, "What am I saying?"
And in these wave forms, he says
'which' or 'witch' (but which first?).

The wave form in the middle is the word 'or'.

Again, you can see a difference, can't you?
(I think wh- is first; again. It appears fuller,
with a buildup before the peak)

You can try to download or open the Real Media file here.
If that doesn't work, try to download it from Prohosting:
Right-click on this link and save the file on your computer, then play it with the Real Media Player.

I have visited that link and checked it out. It is surely an interesting learning experience and maybe, whenever I come across words which or witch, I may recall both of your pronunciation. Thank you, Bora, email to eclass 18 Sep 2000

Which chat would you like to see now: Hear Me | Palace

Hear Me text chat logs

Status: Connected

Vance has joined

Maggi has joined

Ying has joined

Ying: hi, Vance

Ying: you are in the palace. aren't you?

Maggi: the Palace froze

Vance: We were there but I've shut it down

Maggi: I'm trying agin but so far no luck

Maggi: it says connected but there is no pic

Ying: Vance, did you post Bora's story on Webheads?

Ying: I don't understand your last words.

Vance: I got a message that she felt she had made a good friend with you.

Vance: Is that the story that you mean?

Ying: It is very pretty nice to hear such message from her.

Ying: No...

Ying: She told me she posted something on webheads.


Ying: No... I just visited webheads.. it works.

Vance: Maybe she posted to egroups, but egroups is down right now

Ying: but I can not find her articles on webheads.

Vance: they are doing site maintenance. They'll come back in about 5 or 6 hours

Ying: How come?

Vance: There's a notice up at their site

Maggi: be back in a min guys

Ying: If she posted messages.. I could read them from email.

Vance: Well, if you visit the site you'll see an explanation

Ying: E-group?

Ying: Sorsah is a preey girl...

Ying has joined

Ying: Yes.

Ying has left

Ying: Harry Potter

Marina has joined

Ying: Really?

Michael has joined

Vance: accuracy vs. fluency

Ying: Hi, michael... you just interruped Marina's word.

Michael: I only spent 2 hours watching the Olympics today!

Ying: only spent 2 hours.... you mean you should spend full day to watch it.

Michael: Soem people do watch all day Ying!

Michael: And I agree with Marina...

Vance: Are you trying to wean yourself Michael?

Michael: That's true Maggie.

Ying: But I think when I read the book with ignoring some words, maybe I just misunderstand the author.

Michael: Re weaning - it is wee bit addictive....

Vance: Maggi teases us

Vance: So we tease her ..

Michael: Who's in the Palace?

Maggi: John

Michael: Which book?

Vance: Harry Potter

Michael: OK

Maggi: we are alone at the Palace

Michael: Maybe Potter's book is allegorical? (from allegory)

Ying: I have been kicked off the palace.

Ying: It is a child book.

Ying: What?

Ying: maggi can you restate?

Vance: She said it's about wizardry and fantasy

Ying: What kind of book?

Ying: good of what?

Ying: idole

Vance: and she said it is a book for adults, good for adults

Ying: oh...yes.

Ying: adult

Vance: like a good fairy tale, so it's written on children and adult levels

Michael: That's right Ying.

Ying: On it said ... a child book from 9 to 12.

Marina has left

Marina has joined

Ying: Have you read Harry Potter?maggi.

Michael: Did you enjoy the Harry Potter book Ying?

Vance: Do you know about Hobbits?

Ying: Yes, I did... I have strong emotion to buy book 2 when I finished the book 1.

Ying: i had...

Vance: a strong desire

Michael: Those books by Tolkien were truly amazing.

Michael: (Tolkien wrote the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.)

Ying: Tolkien is a writer?

Michael: That's right Ying

John has joined

Ying: hello John.

Ying: I also had a strong deisre to buy the tapes of Harry Potter book 1.

John: Hi everybody. I don't have voice, today, just text.

Vance: Hello John, can you hear us?

Ying: But it sold out before I asked the book company here.

Ying: Hi, John.

John: To an extent (with a lot of background noise)

Vance: can you get it from

Maggi: sure

Ying: Yes, I can.. but it is more expensive than I but it from local book company.

Ying: what?

Vance: The opposite is true here

Ying: I concentrated on my sentence.

John: Same here.

Maggi: it is a fantasy world

Ying: magic world.

Michael: Gandalf!

Maggi: Gandolf is kewl

Ying: I wish I were a witch.

Ying: when I was a little girl.

Michael: witch/which - same pronunciation

Ying: Am I freak?

Vance: You wished you could be a witch?

Ying: why not?

Michael: lol

Vance: You would be a good witch

Ying: Thanks , Vance.

Michael: Know any witches John?

John: I know a few witches, Michael. In fact, like Ying, I wanted to be a warlock.

Ying: What is a warlock?

John: A warlock is a male witch.

Maggi: a male witch

John: Women are witches, Men are warlocks.

Michael: lol

Ying: Don't you say a wizard?

Maggi: a wizard is different

John: I didn't really know there was a difference.

Ying: what?

Ying: more powerful?

Ying: more netective?

Ying: negective?

Michael: negative/

Michael: Leprechauns

Ying: What is leprechauns?

Ying: A little person?

John: Sorry, an emergency just came up here. Gotta go.

Michael: Yes - little people - like imps or elves.

Ying: Say bye-bye to John.

John has left

Michael: Ok John - see ya!

Marina: BYE John

Ying: I think he is busy to talk to his colleague.

Ying: what?

John has joined

John: back again. Problem solved.

Ying: What is the music?

Ying: door belling?

Maggi: that was quick John

Michael: What music?

Marina: Welcome back, John

John: Yeah, my wife was having problems giving my grandaughter a treatment. She couldn't find part of the machine

Ying: it is behind your voice .... ten minutes ago.

Ying: it was

Vance: what was?

Michael: Behind my voice?

Ying: yes,....

Ying: Maybe I was wrong.

Maggi: the sound he gets when an email comes in

Maggi: part of his email program

Michael: Yes - that's the sound I get when I get new email.

Ying: I also got email from Bora.

John: Third person I ever heard of that uses AOL

Michael: Me too Ying.

Michael: lol!

Ying: Aol is in trouble?

Maggi: No...but I think it is garbage

Maggi: INHO

Maggi: IMHO

Ying: John... you don't use AOL>

Ying: What is IMHO?

John: No, I use a local service called Carribean Networking.

Ying: Sorry... I do not undersatnd what you said about AOL.

Vance: In my humble opinion ...


John: My sister-in-law and one of my students use it.

Ying: maggi, what's your humble opinion?

Maggi: My son had it at first and it was full of unwanted stuff

Maggi: that AOL is garbage

Ying: I think AOL is a great ISP company.

Maggi: everyone to his own opinion

Ying: I don't know it is right or not. Because I am not a user of AOL.

Maggi: they are getting so big they are getting like Microsoft

Maggi: I like competition

John: So do I.

Ying: AOL is going to combine with another media.

Maggi: and Linux is giving Microsoft a run for it's money now

Ying: You still discuss with which and witch...

Maggi: not unless they get the ok

Ying: I speak so fast... so you don't udnerstand what I said.

Ying: psychology?

Ying: what is the language psychology?

Marina: I'm just listening to the conversation.You are changing the subject quickly today!

Ying: It is getting more serious.

Michael has left

Vance: from the context

Vance: you can tell what you can't understand from context

Ying: You can figure out what the person is from his words.

Michael has joined

Michael: Back again!

Maggi: :-)

John: Welcome back, Michael.

Ying: marina... sometims I did not understand what they said, either.

Maggi: it's good for your passive understanding

Vance: I'll try to write some.

Ying: I pretend to know what they said. And asked ...

Maggi: LOL

Ying: Sometims,,, nobody answered my question.

Michael: (smiles)

Ying: Because they concentrated on their words.

Ying: What is your thinking?

John has left

Ying: Four yeas ago.....

Vance: Which question, YL?

Ying: Never mind.

Ying: Who is very strange?

Vance: Marina's friend from an acting course

Ying: A real witch?

Vance: But don't forget, she's also an actress ...

Maggi: iris

Vance: The strangest person you have ever met?

John has joined

Ying: Waaa... she met a real witch.

Maggi: go to NYC and you will see lots of strange people :-)

John has left

Michael: lol

Michael: She may be a member of some occult group?

Ying: Have you seen any magic... or she ride a broomstick?

Michael: Vance is sceptical!

Ying: occult group?

Ying: I think the occult group only happened in China.

Michael: Occult - people who work with black magic, the devil, the afterlife....

Ying: But it sounds they are exist in everywhere.

Vance: What did I say, it's strange because it is or because these people made it SEEM strange ...

John has joined

John: Back again

Marina: I think she just participated to strange ceremonies and she believed in them

Michael: Having connection problems John?

Ying: marina.. Do you meet the person who you suspected she is a witch.

John: Yep. My server has been giving problems for the past couple of weeks.

Ying: Do you meet her again?

Marina: She believed to be a witch

Ying: What kind or problems?

Ying: You beleive she is a witch or she just believed to be a withc.. she is not a witch.

John: It just keeps freezing up, disconnecting, and other things like that. Problem is, it is the local server. If I connect through long distance, I have no problems.

Ying: John.. it is o.k. for us. but you have to spent more time to connect it.

Ying: spend

John: I also lose part of the conversation, Ying.

Ying: ohyy.. yea. it is a problem.

Michael: Do people have the power to influence events in other people's lives? (like magic)

Ying: I don't know...

John: Michael, my boss influences events in my life (like by calling me to meetings on my day off).

Michael: I thnk they do. Australian Aborigines certainly believe so.

Vance: talking about hodgekins disease as an explanation for the strange behavior of witches in Salem in the 17th century in the USA

Maggi: is he a warlock John?

Ying: Some people have the power to influence ...

Michael: (not that kind of influence Vance!) I guess I mean 'unseen' influence.

John: Maggi, he says no, but I think he might be.

Michael: Like - can they make you sick by willing it upon you?

Maggi: if you believe it yes...

John: I think Michael has hit on it. If you believe it is going to work on you, yes, you can get sick.

Michael: I think you're right Vance.

Ying: Michael.. I belive that... someone has a magic power to infulence someone's behviour.

Vance: and there are psychosomatic illnesses ...

Maggi: the mind is a powerful thing

Vance: and some people can cure themselves through positive thinking ..

Ying: Have you watched a movie titled "the sixth sence"?

Michael: No....

Maggi: I'm trying

Michael: Not magic!

Vance: psychology, not magic, ok

Ying has joined

John: Afraid I'm going to have to sign out now. See you next week. (If not before)

Michael: Me too John, I'm getting scared by all this stuff!

Ying: somepeople can cure themself by positive thinking is a psychology.. not a magic.

John has left

Maggi: ok...nice tio have you here

Ying has left

Maggi: it's positive thinking Ying

Maggi: and you can use this energy to help yourself

Ying: i benhind my schedule .... I could not concentrated on my job last week.

Maggi: like Reike

Ying: marina... you are looking for what?

Michael: Sorry to leave in the middle of your story Marina - I have a lot of work to do before I go to bed. Goodnight everyone.

Maggi: slaap lekker

Vance: She was working for an accountant

Vance: nite michael

Ying: good night michael.

Michael: Dank je wel.

Michael has left

Maggi: soede droemme

Ying: I have to go now.

Ying: Thanks marina .. your story.

Maggi: sounds nice Marina

Ying: Travelling?

Maggi: sleep well Ying

Ying: Only for 2 days... it is too short to stay in England.

Which chat would you like to see now: Palace | Hear Me

The Palace - Avatar-based text chat logs (Vance has added comments in italics)

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*** Welcome to The Virtual School House Vance!

Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance

John: I'm going to have to have my sound card and modem reconfigured this week.

John: Hi, vance.

MichaelC: @64,64 !It's MichaelC

John: Go to see you again, Michael

MichaelC: Success!

MichaelC: Hi there John.

marina: @64,64 !It's marina

John: Hello, Marina.

Mad: Hi Marina

marina: HI!

Vance: So, where shall we talk today ...

Mad: everywhere?

Vance: why not .. where are you today, Marina?

marina: At home

Vance: Ah, in the Palace .. and following us in Hear Me as well?

Vance: Do you know about Hobbits?

Mad: can you hear us John

John: I can hear you with a lot of back ground noise.

John: Sorry an emergency just came up here. gotta go.

Mad: bye John...nice to see you

Vance: bye

Mad: Michael...get kicked from hearme

MichaelC: I just got disconnected from the voice chat....

Mad: tsk tsk

Vance: I think it happens to doubters, Michael ...

Which chat would you like to see now: Palace | Hear Me

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: October 6, 2000 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0