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Meet Richard

I Am very blessed in deed to be living in Tasmania. I was born in Sydney & I have lived in Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia & Victoria but I prefer Tasmania. I've been living here just over three years & it is quite small in comparison to the other states of Australia. It is an island state & it has wonderful natural attractions including huge wilderness forests, unspoilt mountain country, raging rivers where the water is clean & refreshing to drink, abundant & varied wild life, many beautiful isolated sandy beaches, many & varied farming activities, including wine grapes, apples, apricots, poppies & many others.

Bush walking is very popular here & some of the established trails take several days to cover. There are cabins along the way where you can retreat to if the weather turns bad but most carry there own tents.

The capital city is Hobart which is located on the beautiful Derwent river. It often snows here in the colder months but it is summer now & the average temperature is about 24 C. Although yesterday it did get to 36 C which is an unusually hot day here. May I suggest you visit where you can SEE some of the beauty this wonderful island has to offer.

If ever you decide to visit it would be my privilege to introduce you to my home state. You will find, as I have, the hospitality of the Tasmanian people as warm as their fires are on a cold winters night.

Warm Regards, Rick.

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Last updated: January 24, 2003