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Meet Rafael


Thank you very much for your words and your messages. I been trying to get into one of the classes but without any good results; I have done everything you have suggested to me but it is not clear what to do or ....

For example, today there is a class at 6:00 AM / PDT Los Angeles (at 9:00 AM since I am in Venezuela) but it has been impossible; I have loaded the Palace software and I have done a lot of other things but without any positive results.

I would appreciate it if you could help me with a clear procedure step by step or if you know somebody that can give the procedure in Spanish it would be better.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Rafael H. Zapata

On 26 Jan 2001, Rafael wrote us ...

It is very nice to write to you again. Because of some personal problems and the great amount of job I have been developing lately it has been impossible to be in touch with you ... I am sure that I will be participating in your activities when I solve some of my problems I have right now. Thankyou very much for your understanding. I hope to talk to you sometime in the next future.

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Page created September 22, 2000 - Last updated: February 3, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0