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How Michael met his Partner, Elizabeth

Elizabeth lived in a flat near me. We went out together once when we much younger (about 20) but I could tell she was interested in some othe guy so I quietly slipped out of her life. We both got married and had children.

Then one day, THIRTEEN YEARS LATER, I was invited to a party and my brother introduced me to this lovely woman. It was Elizabeth. We talked and laughed together and learned that we were both now divorced. She gave me her phone number, I rang her a few days later, went to vist her the next day and I think we had contact every day for the next year.

We have been together about 9 years now, but I have actually known Elizabeth for more than 20 years. I had to wait 13 years to find her again!

Michael Coghlan

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Last updated: September 5, 1999