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Syllabus for
2006: Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments
Course Content: 7 Event Cycles |
- The course is conducted on three day event cycles; that is,
- Each Monday and Thursday -- an event or task or assignment set
- Each Tuesday and Friday -- study, reflection, response,
suggestions, feedback
- Each Wednesday and Saturday -- threaded discussion of current
- Each Sunday -- a synchronous chat: Drop by
Tapped In at around 13:00 GMT to meet
Vance and other course participants in informal text-based conversation.
Register at Tapped In for free or join in
as a guest. Opportunities for experimentation with other voice and video CMC
tools will be pursued as well.
Click here to
see what time 13:00 GMT is where you are.
- Other synchronous events are scheduled as they come up; details
here: http://www.vancestevens.com/online_events.htm
Note: The dates below are current, but at the moment the
events linked from here are from the 2005 syllabus (and the syllabus has
changed for 2006, and will be more focused on the Moodle). Please bear with me
as I proceed with updates. - Vance (Sept 5)
Warmup activities Sept 8-10
Sept 11 onwards
- Week 1: Sept 11-17, 2006
What is multiliteracy? The
mechanics of online communities: social networking and collaborative learning
portals / Skypecasting
- Event cycle 1:Getting to know one another and setting up the
mechanics of a community ( NEW for
Mon Sept 11 - Introduce topic: for Sept 11-12 2006 see:
Sept 12 - Study, reflection, response, suggestions, feedback
Wed Sept 13 -
Please contribute to threaded discussion
September 13, 2006 15.00-17.00 GMT) -
Graham Stanley conducts Skypecasts at EFL Bridges and again on Sundays
6.00am-8.00am GMT. Find details on how to join the Skypecasts at
http://www.eflbridges.net, with links
given a couple of days beforehand, or simply visit
http://skypecast.com/ at the time of the
chat and locate the 'World Conversation Club'. Normally they are webcast too,
so people who want to listen without taking part in the Skypecast can do so
using the stream at World Bridges (http://www.worldbridges.net) or at
EFL Bridges. And finally, the
conversations are available as podcasts at the preceeding links.
- Event cycle 2:
What is multiliteracy?
( NEW for 2006): What kinds of multiple
literacies are there?
Thu Sept 14 - Introduce topic
Fri Sept 15 - Study,
reflection, response, suggestions, feedback
Sat Sept 16 - Please contribute
to threaded discussion
Sun Sept 17 - 13:00 GMT synchronous text chat at
http://www.tappedin.org and a
Skypcast. Register
with Tapped In and obtain Skype ID beforehand. Other events each Sunday include
http://eflbridges.net, a weekly Skypecast
from 6 a.m. GMT, and later in the evening GMT: EdTech Talk, global times and
'tune in' links at http://edtechtalk.com/
and/or http://educationbridges.net,
webcasts/podcasts hosted by Jeff Lebow and Dave Cormier, and others, at
Worldbridges, http://worldbridges.net.
See: Lebow,
Jeff. (2006). Worldbridges: The Potential of Live, Interactive Webcasting.
TESL-EJ (Electric Online Journal), Volume 10, Number 1:
- Week 2: Sept 18-24, 2006
Theoretical framework for
multiliteracies and how they apply to collaborative learning environments:
Managing information: Utilizing RSS and bloglines, podcasting and
- Event cycle 3:
A Theoretical framework for
multiliteracies: How multiliteracies apply to collaborative learning
Mon Sept 18 - Introduce topic
Tue Sept 19 - Study,
reflection, response, suggestions, feedback
Wed Sept 20 - Please contribute
to threaded discussion
- Event
cycle 4: Managing Infomation
Thu Sept 21 - Introduce topic with guest
eXpert eBob
Fri Sept 22 - Study, reflection, response, suggestions,
Sat Sept 23 - Please contribute to threaded discussion
Sun Sept
24 - 13:00 GMT synchronous text chat at http://www.tappedin.org augmented by voice.
Download Talking Communities plugin from
http://www.alado.net/webheads; plus
other online events scheduled on Sundays.
- Week 3: Sept 25-Oct 1, 2005
Types of multileracies:
Functional, critical - Web 2.0 and an overview of free presentation portals
- Time out: reading and reflection
A chance for
everyone to catch up, view presentations missed, read over materials, respond
in forums and blogs
- Event cycle 5: Functional literacy
Thu Sept 28 - Introduce
Fri Sept 29 - Study, reflection, response, suggestions,
Sat Sept 30 - Please contribute to threaded discussion
Sun Oct 1
- 13:00 GMT meet at http://www.tappedin.org to experiment with
text, voice, and web cam collaboration tools and environments. Register with
Tapped In and http://www.learningtimes.net
beforehand. Install Elluminate from Learning Times
http://www.tinyurl.com/y3eh and
Talking Communities plugin from http://www.alado.net/webheads; plus
other online events scheduled on Sundays.
- Week 4: Oct 2-Oct 8, 2005
Types of multileracies:
Rhetorical and others - More read/write Web and other media
- Event cycle 6: Critical literacy
Mon Oct 2 - Introduce
Tue Oct 3 - Study, reflection, response, suggestions, feedback
Oct 4 - Please contribute to threaded discussion
- Event cycle 7: Rhetorical literacy
Thu Oct 5 - Introduce
Fri Oct 6 - Study, reflection, response, suggestions, feedback
Oct 7 - Please contribute to threaded discussion
Sun Oct 8 - Global Learn
Day 10 - a 24 hour festival of online events and presentations
In the 2004 desire
to learn portal, here are the questions that were put to the group
and the number of responses each had generated by October 9,
What is Multiliteracy in Collaborative Learning
So what do you think multiliteracy is (as it might relate to
collaborative learning environments)? You might want to start with your
definition of the term, and we'll take it from there ...
- What is multiliteracy? (51 msgs)
Let's try to arrive at a
definition (like trying to define 'blended' learning) ...
- How do you think multiliteracy might apply to collaborative learning
environments? (55 msgs)
We'll get some seeds of thought going here and
then nurture them with perspective from readings and other media ...
Theoretical framework for multiliteracies
We'll examine some of
the theoretical issues in multiliteracies
- What learning theories do you feel are most compatible with your
conception of multiliteracies? (2 msgs)
What are some differences between
constructionist and constructivist viewpoints? Which do you think are most
compatible with multilteracy frameworks? (18 msgs - 0 unread)
- What have you found out about the contribution of the New London
Group to the concept of multiliteracies? (8 msgs)
Types of multiliteracies
- What kinds of multiliteracies are there? (6 msgs)
narrows it down to functional, critical, and rhetorical. But is this a
comprehensive list? Are there other kinds of literacies?
- What is functional literacy? (7 msgs)
To Selber this is the
literacy associated with doing things with technology; what you need to know to
make it work and discuss what you are doing with others. Anything else?
- What is critical literacy? (6 msgs)
To Selber this is the
literacy associated with evaluating and critiquing the various impacts and
implications of use of technology, and of course, discussing this with others.
Anything else?
- What is rhetorical literacy? (6 msgs)
To Selber this is the
literacy associated with communicating through digital media. Anything else?
Funtional literacy
a consideration of the functional aspect of
- The Tool Metaphor (1 msgs)
In considering Selber's assigning
both positive and negative ramifications of the tool metaphor on educational
settings, how do you think this metaphor applies in your own context?
- Parameters of Functional Literacy (8 msgs)
Refering to the book
or our synopsis in the syllabus, comment on any of the 5 parameters of
functional literacy introduced by Selber. What do they mean? How do they apply
to you?
Critical literacy
Rhetorical Literacy
In which we discuss the meaning and
ramifications of the rhetorical aspects of multiliteracy
- Production vs. connection paradigm (0 msgs)
Regarding Rae's
reflections on Selber's chapter on Rhetorical Literacy, it strikes me that by
setting forums and discussion topics in D2L we encourage the production
paradigm. Does your experience in these discussions suggest ways that
production can be channeled into connection or communication?
Warmup activities
Sept 8 - 10: Open Weekends @ Knowplace offer the opportunity to
sample various leading-edge topics presented by members of our international
community. You need only an account at http://knowplace.ca (or
http://knowmoodle.ca, or
http://knowcoach.ca) to participate. .The
format is asynchronous discussion forums, so you can participate at your
convenience. All discussions open Friday 16:00 GMT and close
Monday 07:00 GMT (when there's DST in Vancouver). The
"three-day" weekend provides time for you to review the course materials and/or
read and post to the discussions later on Sunday. The facilitator(s) will be
checking into the workshop throughout the weekend at times convenient to their
time zones.
- Living Life Online - Helen Kershaw http://knowplace.ca
The Virtual world for
many people brings images of people wasting their lives in a gaming orsimulated
environment. Today there are many other possibilities available and the focus
of this OW session is to explore those options. We will look at what some
people are working on, how to utilize software in your work or personal
life,how to network and collaborate with colleagues and friends. The
possibilities are endless perhaps only limited by our experiences and
- Virtual Meetings - Randy LaBonte (held in knowplace)
Through our
interaction, both asynchronous in knowplace and live in Elluminate Live, you
will come away with an appreciation for the level of interaction possible
through technology, and more importantly some tips that will help you in your
professional life online.
Sunday, Sept 10, 2006 Webheads in Action/Writing for Webheads:
World friendship thru lang. learning 12:00-14:00 GMT ; meets at
http://www.tappedin.org/ and decides
what to do from there. See
to fathom more possibilities. In case we're Skypecasting, visit
http://www.skypecast.com and find us in
what's On Now or Starting Soon.
 Use the navigation at the top of this
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For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Last updated: September 11, 2006 |
©opyright 2006 by Vance Stevens