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TESOL Certificate
Program: September 10-October 7,
2007 Course URL: The chart is from the North Central Regional Education Laboratory website enGauge® 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age 2003 - 21st century skills |
Current Portals:
Threaded discussion takes place in the Moodle:
In 2007 there have been added a PageFlakes site
and a Wiki
A multiliterate teacher understands the many ways that technology interacts and intertwines with academic and interpersonal life, and actively learns how to gain control over those aspects impacting teaching, social, and professional development. Multiliterate individuals are aware of the pitfalls inherent in technology while striving for empowerment through effective strategies for first discerning and then taking advantage of those aspects of changing technologies most appropriate to their situations. These strategies include managing, processing, and interpreting a constant influx of information, filtering what is useful, and then enhancing the learning environment with the most appropriate applications.
This course
New for 2007 - This course changes over time as techniques emerge for working more effectively in educational contexts on the Internet. The innovation to be applied in the year 2007 rendition of the course is hands on work with tagging of blog posts and aggregating content through Technorati, news aggregators, and
should you do first?
For what you should have done already in this
course see the syllabus for 2007 or go on it
directly to what takes place ...
We are now in Second Week Event cycles
three and
four September 27-30,
Follow the links for more information on past assignments. As time goes
on today's assignments will be linked back and more will be added
And, what you should do now (updated October 3, 2007) ... Please follow the syllabus for the last week, above
Many more resources are linked from the LINKS page. We'll pull them into the course as we go.
Why is the course being 'run' here? Due to an incompatibility between the latest version of the server or dbase software and the Moodle version running on the server, I have no ability to back up, and participants can not upload photos to replace the smiley that is your avatar. (Desire to Learn almost as bad, no back up, and access to the course granted developers only days before a start of course, whereas I have been developing my course all year round, which I hope participants can appreciate.)
Links to past renditions of this course: Portal for 2006 | Last session wiki: | Resources (2005) | 'Multilit' Yahoo Group |
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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
Creative Commons License: