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Webheads chat
logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with
comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community
through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but
your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on
the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments
or concerns to Vance
(C)opyright 2003 Vance
Find where everyone first joined the chat: Maggi in Germany | Vance in Abu Dhabi | Fernanda in Portugal | Heather, Amy, and Leanne in Bernie Dodge's course in San Diego | Susanne in Denmark | Christopher in Germany| Buthaina in Kuwait | BJB in Pennsylvania | Rita in Argentina | Kelly in San Diego perhaps? | Teresa in Portugal | Amanda | Juani in Chile | Nancy in Michigan | Guohuaye in China | Sandy | Maria in Cordoba | Sara
2003.07.06 04:06:32 Login
Room: TI_Reception
VanceS joined the room.
VanceS: hi
MargaretD: Hi
FernandaR joined the room.
FernandaR: hi
VanceS: Hi Fernanda
MargaretD: Hi Fernanda
VanceS: brb (pp)
MargaretD: I need to take a pitstop too
VanceS returns from pit stop, tires changed, windshield cleaned ..
HeatherM joined the room.
VanceS: Hi heather
AmyAl joined the room.
VanceS: hello Amy
MargaretD: Hi Heathr and Amy
AmyAl: good morning
VanceS: have you come for the webheads sessions?
AmyAl: I am from Bernie's class in san diego. I came yesterday but not many people were here so am back again.
FernandaR: brb
VanceS: Welcome back Amy
VanceS: I was going to ask Maggi how the Saturday sessions were going
VanceS: I was away in Oman yesterday
VanceS: got back a little after your session ended
AmyAl: Thank you. Where are you from Vance?
MargaretD: Mosly just Bernie's classes
VanceS: I'm from Texas originally, lived in California for a while, and now I'm living in Abu Dhabi, UAE
VanceS: and it looks like I may end up back in California shortly
LeanneD joined the room.
MargaretD: Hi Leanhne
VanceS: Hi Leanne, welcome to the Webheads sunday noon GMT sessions
VanceS: and you are welcome to join us
HeatherM left the room (signed off).
HeatherM joined the room.
HeatherM: Help! How do i get to the webheads discussion??
MargaretD: youu are here
HeatherM: ok good--thanks
VanceS: yes, welcome
LeanneD: heather - we're in the right place?
MargaretD: Heather are you in Bernie's class, too?
HeatherM: alright, I wasn't so sure
HeatherM: Yes I am in Bernie's class
AmyAl: maggie, it seems like there are a lot of us from bernie's class here again. Do you expect other people to be joining the discussion?
MargaretD: yes, they will be wandering in..
AmyAl: ok
MargaretD: Vance is here, too.
VanceS: I think we may be discussing the summer carnival shortly as well
VanceS: I'm reading the emails
VanceS: looks like that takes place July 16
MargaretD: what?
VanceS: The annual Tapped In Summer Festival
MargaretD: soory...carnival
VanceS: I think Webheads are joining with the Real English people to develop an event
VanceS: It's very nice to see people returning to us from Bernie's class
VanceS: I'm curious what you are learning from us that you can apply to your coursework
HeatherM: leanne- you are in the right spot!!
MargaretD: Do you enjoy making webquests?
HeatherM: Vance and Margaret, do you both attend this session every week?
AmyAl: yesterday there were only people from bernie's class in the discussion so I dont think that was too help fjul because ideally we will be able to see how we can use the internet as a tool
SusanneN joined the room.
VanceS: what degree program are you in?
LeanneD: I think we're all in the credential program
AmyAl: Our class is ending tonight so we all just finished our webquests
LeanneD: or some people are already teaching
VanceS: teaching ESL?
MargaretD hugs Sus
SusanneN hugs Maggi
HeatherM: Yes we teach ESL.
VanceS: So how to use the Internet to help learners learn English
HeatherM: Sorry-ESL students
VanceS: yes, that's what writing for webheads is about
VanceS: I guess you have the url?
MargaretD: just a tad different to EFL
VanceS: yes, correct (to Maggi) - Webheads students are EFL
HeatherM: We don't necessarily the internet, but we use literacy breakthrough programs on the computer. I would like to be able to incorporate the internet as a tool for the students, I just need good ideas on how to do that.
SusanneN: Hi Heather, Leanne and Amy, I see you're all from San Diego. I'm Sus in Denmark, also a webhead (student/researcher) and a helpdesk here inTI
VanceS: I have a lot of ideas on that
AmyAl: hi
LeanneD: hi
HeatherM: Hi Susanne
SusanneN: you're up very early today!
MargaretD: Webquests are good for itermediate and up students
ChristophJ joined the room.
MargaretD: well, maybe beginners in the US
MargaretD: Hi Chris
ChristophJ: Hi everyone!
HeatherM: What would you suggest for a very young student with very little or no English?
ChristophJ: It's been a while
SusanneN to San Diego students : I understand that you are familiar with Bernie Dodge
VanceS: Hi Christopher?
SusanneN: Hi Chris!
HeatherM: Suzanne-- we are somewhat familiar with Bernie
VanceS: Would you San Diego 'guys' like to see a seminar I did on Internet Applications in Language lerning?
ChristophJ: yes, Vance in good ol' Germany. How's windows treating you Sus?
MargaretD: Using the Internet would not be easy then
HeatherM: vance, sounds great
VanceS: http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/cyprus2001/workshop/index.html
LeanneD: sure vance
VanceS: I think you can click on that and see it
SusanneN: Oh Chris, It is really Learning by Doing with me and Windows. Bi?t I am trying not to challenge teh cybergods too much
ChristophJ: cybergods? you lost me
VanceS: it's still that way with me, Sus
ChristophJ: oh, as in cyber-fate
MargaretD: There is a picture dictionary that might help, for young learners.
VanceS: Sus, Chris is one of the cybergods, so be careful what you say
VanceS . o O ( kidding )
ChristophJ: You wouldn't think I'm a cybergod if you saw me try to get up in the moring
SusanneN: I feel safer by now. I am protected by PC-cillin, an even better feeling that with Norton.
ChristophJ: I use Norton as my .... protection
VanceS: I'm on Norton and Zone Alarm
MargaretD: I have PC-cillin, too
HeatherM: Is this usually how the discussions work, very casual and just a few people?
ChristophJ: double protection
SusanneN: how's your Zone alarm working for you now, Vance?
MargaretD: Zone Alarm Pro for security
VanceS: Yes, Heather
SusanneN: VERY casual but often also very relevant
ChristophJ: sometimes the discussions are casual with a lot of people (I'm Chris in Germany, nice to meet you Heater)
VanceS: We've been meeting like this since 1998, so this is not the complete picture
ChristophJ: Heather
HeatherM: My pleasure, chris
VanceS: we can show you our chat logs:
HeatherM: his chris
HeatherM: oops, hi chris, i can't type this early
SusanneN: as a foreigner, it has been a tremendous learning opportunity to learn all about using computers and internet in education and community building on a foreign language :-)
VanceS: this is the Writing for Webheads site, which you probably know
ChristophJ: I am analyzing the chat logs from last year at the moment
VanceS: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/webheads.htm
VanceS: and the chat logs are here http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/chatlogs.htm
HeatherM: chris, what do your mean by analyzing the chatlogs?
SusanneN: Chris, I am also reading backwards in our chatlogs for the time being
VanceS: here you can see what we have done and get some perspective
ChristophJ: dangerous question, Heather (doctoral dissertation)
HeatherM: thanks, vance
SusanneN: Chris has developed a lot of interesting cirterial for his analysis. Pretty explosive stuff
ChristophJ: http://www.scis.nova.edu/~johnschr
VanceS: one fun thread we've been pursuing is here: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/vcommunity.htm#video
SusanneN: this is SO typical
ChristophJ: there is the proposal. The others (especially Sus) know quite a bit about it, so I won't rehash it here
SusanneN: LOL now we can see who's following which URL trail
VanceS throws out more url breadcrumbs
SusanneN: I will not reveal your secrets before due time, Chris
ChristophJ thinks the new link feature is much better than the old project/show command
VanceS: Here is a site that one of our members did that tries to assimilate how we branch out: http://www.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/webheads/wia-index.htm
ChristophJ: Thanks Sus
VanceS: I think Chris's disertation should be one of the links
ChristophJ: Tere's WIA index is a good starting point
ButhainaA joined the room.
ChristophJ: Hi Buth!
ButhainaA: Hi everyone!
MargaretD: Hi Buth
HeatherM: hi
LeanneD: (heather - thanks for doing all the talking - i'm not a big online-chatter so now i can just read along with your thoughts) :)
SusanneN: Yes, Tere has done a fine job putting these links up in an orderly manner
VanceS: She has a link to here, Chris but it's broken: Establishing an Online Community of Practice for Instructors of English for Specific Purposes
SusanneN hugs Buth!!
ChristophJ: Oh, thanks Vance, I'll send her an e-mail
VanceS: and Buth in Kuwait is another good example of how Webheads help each other
HeatherM: no problem, Leanne, if I don't type i will fall asleep, since it is only 5am!! :)
SusanneN hands out hot coffee for everyone
ButhainaA: Hugs to you too, sus...
AmyAl: thanks
ChristophJ: 5 a.m., are you on the West Coast Heather?
HeatherM: thanks Suzanne
ButhainaA: and thanks Vance for introducing me in this way.
SusanneN: Buth, meet three students from California
HeatherM: chris, yes I am, in sunny San Diego
MargaretD: SanDiego Chris
VanceS: check out Buth's Baltimore TESOL Online colloquium presentation: Establishing an Online Community of Practice for Instructors of English for Specific Purposes
SusanneN: is the sun already up yet?
AmyAl: no
VanceS: woops
VanceS: didn't paste
ChristophJ: San Diego is nice
VanceS: trying again: http://www.geocities.com/esl_efl_ku/
HeatherM: yes, beautiful weather
ChristophJ: I'm from smoggy LA (been in Germany for 10 years)
AmyAl: chris, do you teach English in Germany?
ButhainaA: Hello and nice to meet you..
VanceS: My son is moving to Irvine in September and we may join him (my wife and I)
SusanneN: we do have a cloudy day here in Farum near Copenhagen. Too bad since this week is the Jazz festival
ChristophJ: permantly, Vance?
LeanneD: I think I'd rather go to Germany than Irvine :)
ButhainaA: oh, really Vance?
SusanneN: Vance, that is interesting news
ButhainaA: are you going to leave UAE?
VanceS: I am not familiar with this word, how you say .. permanent? strange concept ...
HeatherM: Buth, you live in Kuwait?
ChristophJ: You need to spend one winter here before coming to that conclusion, Leanne
VanceS: I have spent winter in Germany
ButhainaA: yes, I do Heather
VanceS: I recall leaving milk on the table (colder than in fridge)
ButhainaA: I'm from Kuweait
LeanneD: I've lived in snow and such before.... I love the snow and rain - i'm not a big sunshine/beach/hot weather person
HeatherM: have you lived their all your life?
ChristophJ: ...uh (rephrasing)..... are you planning on setting up shp in Irvine, Vance (house, job, etc.)?
MargaretD: Moscow is worse Chris.
ChristophJ: good point, Maggi
ChristophJ: I used to say I loved rain, too. That's because I was in So. Cal. Now, I don't say that any more
ButhainaA: the winter weather in moscow is exactly like that in upstate NY
MargaretD: lol
ButhainaA: I've been to moscow earlier, and lived in Albany,Ny and both are terrib ly cold in winter with lots of snow..
MargaretD: Chris has seen enough rain in Germany
ChristophJ shakes the rain from his umbrella
SusanneN: we were at an outdoor concert in rain on Friday, not too much fun. We left to take our coffee in the car instead of listening to all that rain (it was acoustic jazz and we were too far from the trio playing).
VanceS: My situation is that I have to be out of my apt in Abu Dhabi in mid August
ChristophJ: I never even owned an umbrella in LA
SusanneN: Vance, that means you will have to make up your mind
ChristophJ: so....then it's Irvine (or finding a new apt???)??
VanceS: yes, so far, no forwarding address
ButhainaA: Vance, when are you going to join your son?
SusanneN: what about teaching or consulting all online, that would make you a total global nomad
VanceS: Moving to Irvine or San Diego or LA for a year would save us in out of state fees
VanceS: for his college
SusanneN: aha
ChristophJ: ah...
ChristophJ: but I think he needs to live there for a year first
ChristophJ: I was just talking to a friend about this
VanceS: actually I've started trying to train myself in ASP which I think I would need for consultancy
VanceS . o O ( Chris is correct )
ChristophJ: Vance, I would love to learn ASP with you ... started a few years ago. PhP is similar
VanceS: The out of state differential is $12,000 and we have to pay that the first year
ChristophJ: I need to bone up on some tech stuff
HeatherM: sorr guys, what is ASP??
VanceS: which do you recommend, Chris, ASP or PHP?
ChristophJ: ..... not sure, Vance
ChristophJ: the Unix people tend to like PhP
ChristophJ: and swear it's better
VanceS: If you want to learn /about ASP check here: http://www.w3schools.com/asp/default.asp
ChristophJ: ASP is Microsoft
ChristophJ: it depends, I gues
BjB joined the room.
HeatherM: thanks vance and chris
ChristophJ: but the concepts are similar
SusanneN: without knowing much really, I believe that PhP is much more current today
SusanneN hugs BJ
MargaretD hugs BJ
VanceS: do they do the same thing? like both display info from your template from dbases?
ChristophJ: ASP is a code you put in Web pages that activites server commands (ask me if that is like a foreign langauge to you - no prob)
BjB smiles and hugs/kisses/waves where appropriate
ChristophJ: I think so, Vance. I have heard that PhP is more flexible
VanceS: AND the server has to be running IIS I take it
FernandaR: how are you using asp, Vance?
ChristophJ: for ASP or PhP?
ButhainaA: Chris, do we teahers have to be familiar with such tech terms ASP & PHP, I know them but keep forgetting what they mean ..
VanceS: that's a microsoft software that sets you up as a server, if I got the acronym right
VanceS: I just started, Fernanda
FernandaR: just plain code or do you use any software to do it?
ChristophJ: IIS
VanceS: but I really need to learn how to keep dbases and develop web pages that run off them
ChristophJ: out of my league a little. I played with ASP with the MS personal server
SusanneN: Buth, I think some teachers really ought to know if good teaching opractices should be developed from bottom up...
VanceS: What do you think Fernanda? ASP or PhP?
FernandaR: I use macromedia dreamweaver mx to do it
VanceS: Yes, I noticed when I was using Dreamweaver that it coded ASP
SusanneN: but I am not keen on coding myself nad decided not to learn more than just enough to understand a little about terms and such
ButhainaA: right Sus..
ChristophJ: Vance, if you have a Unix/Linix server then PhP is the way to go, if you are on an MS server I would go with ASP
FernandaR: I don't know anything about how to to make php files
ChristophJ: Dreamweaver has ASP built in, I think
VanceS: Well, it's the host that is the server, right?
ChristophJ: yes, host = server
VanceS: I mean, the host has to support them
ButhainaA: neither me Fernanda, I'm more of ASP user..
ChristophJ: that's right Vance
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
SusanneN joined the room.
FernandaR: some server administrators don't want asp because it seems may bring security problems
VanceS: what do you need to run PHP?
ChristophJ: Don't know
VanceS looks it up
FernandaR: don't know either
ChristophJ: need to bone up on it (fisrt thing after dissertation is finished)
ChristophJ: ASP is a problem - anybody can make a Web page with ASP commands
HeatherM: what is your dissertation about?
ChristophJ: and if the server doesn't have the right security - bam!
FernandaR: well, it's not as easy as that, Christopher
ChristophJ: My dissertation is comparing Community of Practice theory with Webhads in Action
VanceS: http://www.webdesigns1.com/php/
SusanneN: This URL seem to have some relevant info on both ASP and PHP http://www.codehat.com/code.php
VanceS wonders what secrets Sus knows about the comparison
ChristophJ: yes, sure Fernanda, you're right. They would never sell it if it was that easy
HeatherM: chris, sounds very complicated :)
ChristophJ: Please keep wondering Vance
ChristophJ: give me a few months
VanceS: PHP.net looks good http://www.php.net/tut.php
SusanneN: Vance. my secrets are still unspoken -I do know only rudimentary bits and pieces, really
ChristophJ: yes, Heather, ridiculously complicated
VanceS: These links look good: http://www.php.net/links.php
HeatherM: how laong have you been working on it?
FernandaR: how do you make asp, Christopher?
SusanneN: I found a log that claim to have reasons for prefering PHP to ASP http://php.weblogs.com/php_asp_7_reasons
ChristophJ: Two years ago, Fernanda (and not since), I hand coded it into Web pages with SQL commands. It was for a database course I was taking. Haven't look at it since
VanceS: According to the blog sus showed us MySQL is the dbase of choice?
FernandaR: I use microsoft access
ChristophJ: sounds convincing to me (just skimmed Sus's site)
VanceS: We were using Access at the MLI but there seemed to be good reasons to go to SQL
ChristophJ: Access is good for quick small databases
FernandaR: I'm afraid I'm not an expert on databases
ChristophJ: If you want anything big (e.g. institution wide), it's best to dump it and use Oracle or whatever
VanceS: next EVOline session I want to run a study group on this
FernandaR: I'm not an expert on anything else, either
ChristophJ: cool, count me in
ChristophJ: I'm no expert. I dab in stuff
VanceS: and for your next reading assignment: http://www.mysql.com/
ChristophJ: assignment?
VanceS: one of those archaic words, like lurker
ChristophJ: Oh, OK
VanceS: and for your downloading pleasure: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/index.html
VanceS: ah, here's a PHP/MySQL tutorial at WebMonkey: http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/php/tutorials/tutorial4.html
ChristophJ: Vance, I think one thing to consider is whether you will have your own server or will be using other people's servers
VanceS: yes, a good consideration if you're working on a LAN or WAN or VPN
JuaniGuest1 joined the room.
VanceS: but if you're doing web design, it has to be hosted I would think
VanceS: I mean, working on the Internet
ChristophJ: Also, whether you will be using ASP - for small databases ...... or setting up stuff for insitutions
MargaretD: Hi Juani
VanceS: Hi Juani
ChristophJ: small databases like for a class ..... or something for the whole insitution
ChristophJ: Hi Juani!
ButhainaA: wow, thanks for all those links..I'm thinking of composing a page with the tech terms we need, since I keep forgetting them..!
VanceS: Yeah, starting small is the first step
ChristophJ: good point
VanceS: I'm just using google to come up with links
ChristophJ: then maybe try both and see which one (ASP or PhP) gets what you want done easier and faster
VanceS: I like WebMonkey though, a good service
JuaniGuest1 left the room.
VanceS: I'm still at the stage of trying to work out what they do exactly
FernandaR: you may have difficulty in hosting asp files for free without advertising
MargaretD: Juani is a teacher in Chili for those in San Diego.
HeatherM: thanks margaret
AmyAl: thanks, hi Juani
ChristophJ: I missed out - are all the San Diego folks students (Heather, Amy, Leanne)? What are you students of?
VanceS: that URL I just gave out looks about what I want to do
AmyAl: we are earning our teaching credentials
AmyAl: we are here as part of an educational technology class
VanceS: planning to teach in California public schools?
ChristophJ: Hey, cool, getting my Ph.D. in edu tech
HeatherM: we are in a credential progrmam, we are all going to be elementary school teachers!Only two weeks left--HOORAY
ChristophJ: Congrats to you 3
AmyAl: yes but the job market does not look so good
HeatherM: you too!!
ChristophJ: thaks, but congratulate me at the end of August
VanceS shakes in trepidation at prospects of job market in education sector in California
ChristophJ: Edu sector is pretty robust in hard times - that's the good news
HeatherM: are you doing your PhD work at a university in Germany?
VanceS: this is California, that's the bad news
ChristophJ: yes
ChristophJ: that was an agreement to Vance's assessment of the CA edu market
ChristophJ: I am doing my Ph.D. at Nova Southeastern in Florida - by distance
VanceS: do you have to spend time in FLA?
ChristophJ: I did (4 trips to Florida)
ChristophJ: that's finished
ChristophJ: Now it's only Chapters 4 & 5
RitaZ joined the room.
JuaniGuest1 joined the room.
MargaretD: cheaper than going to Calif.
ChristophJ: Hi Rita!
FernandaR: what's FLA?
MargaretD: Hi Rita
MargaretD: wb Juani
RitaZ: hi, people!
VanceS: Hi Rita, the sun must be coming up in South America
ChristophJ: FLA = Florida
MargaretD: Florida
RitaZ: which sun, Vance....winter sun...:-(...?
FernandaR: ok, thanks
ButhainaA: Vance, is W4W active, at present?
VanceS: yes, quite
ChristophJ: (to Heather, Amy, & Leanne). Tapped-in is a cool interface. And the Webheads are a great group for educators - especially language teachers
VanceS: one of your students just joined, Buth :-)
JuaniGuest1 left the room.
ButhainaA: I would like join..so shall I do this from the link on WIA offcial site?
VanceS: I think you can sort of gather how Webheads works
HeatherM: Tapped -in seems like a good experience!
VanceS: it's hard to explain, but it happens, and people seem to like it and make it one of their good habits
AmyAl: thanks for letting me join you discussion this morning, it was educational, bye
VanceS: yes, you can Buth
ButhainaA: yes, he told me..and so excited about it..he also mentioned you and how you are kind and helped him with HTML.
ChristophJ: bye Amy
VanceS: Nice to see you here Amy
VanceS: welcome back
AmyAl left the room (signed off).
VanceS: I would like to help more students with HTML in the W4W class
VanceS: it has been my dream to get them making their own web pages
SusanneN is back after some reading
VanceS was wondering who was doing all that scrolling
FernandaR: a simple webpage is not difficult to make
SusanneN: Vance, that osunds like an excellent idea, helping Wfw creating homepages
HeatherM: I would like to thank you for letting me join your disscussion as well. I now understand how this site works. You guys are great, and I actually think I learned something. Thanks for the links on working with English Language Learners. Have a good day, Bye-bye.
SusanneN: Bye heather
VanceS: ta
SusanneN: enjoy the logged chat in your mailbox
VanceS: with all the meaty urls
FernandaR: bye, heather
VanceS: or veggie, if so enclined
ButhainaA: bye Heather
ChristophJ: bye Heather
HeatherM left the room (signed off).
RitaZ: sth i want to share: I?ve come across a very good site for "learning with role-play games" at http://webtools.cityu.edu.hk/news/newslett/learningwithrole.htm
SusanneN: fresh grown URL projections
KellyB joined the room.
SusanneN: Hi Kelly
SusanneN hugs Rita, I did not see you before
KellyB: HI
RitaZ hugs dear Sus back
VanceS: Hi Kelly
LeanneD: alright i suppose it's time for me to leave now... hi kelly.... it was cool having you here this morning to keep me awake - glad you made it home safe
SusanneN checks Rita's URL
VanceS: This site on RPGs would be a good one for Nigel and his role play Interest Section proposal
ButhainaA: That was my dream too Vance..Although some of my students managed to build their own homepages, but some found it very difficult..
LeanneD: (kelly was at my house this morning reading along with me)
JuaniGuest1 joined the room.
SusanneN: I see, leanne and kelly
SusanneN: Hi Juani!!
LeanneD: alright - i'm off now that kelly i made it home and back online...
VanceS: I have suggested the web page creation idea to students
LeanneD: g'night :)
RitaZ: hi, Juani
VanceS: it hasn't 'taken' yet
ChristophJ: bye Leane, hi Juani
VanceS: cya Leanne
LeanneD left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Vance, not all students would be ready, but maybe you could ask a few to create useful examples of easy looking homepages
ButhainaA: the reason for finding it difficult is that they don't read the instruction carefully, and when you show them they realize then that it is not difficult to do it..
RitaZ: i opened up a Xanga site for my stds....tried to coax them in...to no avail....
VanceS: Some starter sites like Filamentality can be good
VanceS: First step is to get a web space, like with Geocities
MargaretD: maybe Juani is having connection problems
SusanneN: I think that blog tools like Xanga are a cool way to help making easy HTML available - you can do it with our without code
RitaZ: sites can be good, stds seem indifferent , thats the problem!
JuaniGuest1 left the room.
VanceS: maybe if each of us took a topic and sort of ran with it for a week or so ...
JuaniGuest1 joined the room.
VanceS: so we've got Rita and Sus on Xanga
SusanneN: I think it is a mistake to beleive that everyone want a personal ME page
VanceS: That's correct, Sus
RitaZ: maybe, Sus!
VanceS: they seem to LIKE it though when we do it for them
RitaZ: right!
SusanneN: some people would do better if they ewre asked to document somethingn they like or know or just care for
ChristophJ agrees with Sus
ButhainaA: In my case Sus they all wanted
ButhainaA: but at the end afew only managed..
SusanneN: these experiences are useful stuff
SusanneN: Buth, can you tell how you tried to introduce the page making?
MargaretD: point for those in Sd
ButhainaA: I told them , they can develop it and use it later as their portfolio for a future career.
FernandaR: how old are your students, Buth?
RitaZ: do they care, Buth?
VanceS: Maybe we could develop it like the WIA site, sort of a tuturial which we develop as we go and leave in place for others to follow
SusanneN: me, personally, I felt embarassed for a long time to create a page revealing who I REALLY am - I mean who the heck cares?
RitaZ: lol
ChristophJ: I had students do web pages at the university where I taught
ChristophJ: one of the questions that came up - was it language learning or Web page design?
SusanneN: yes, Vance
ButhainaA: Sus, made a number of online pages to explain to them the prokject, but the one that worked is the final one and you can view it on here:http://alothman-b.tripod.com/finalpro_s03.htm
MargaretD: good question Chris
ChristophJ: a lot of the students went for graphics and multimedia effects
VanceS: when it's part of a course and the syllabus is projects based portfolio you can get students to make pages as part of their portfolios, evaluated
ChristophJ: I had to put in minimum language requirements
SusanneN: and the way you have organized the personal Webheads pages actually made me feel less exposed and more like, just one of a larger group!
ChristophJ: agree Vance
FernandaR: I agree with you, Chris, I don't feel comfortable using class time to teach my students to create webpages
VanceS: Buth has covered setting up a web site
SusanneN: the portfolio idea is great IMHO
VanceS: I've got an old one I did for Maggi long long ago
ChristophJ: agree
JuaniGuest1 left the room.
ButhainaA: And some of my students, Chris, copied and pasted from other websites..!
SusanneN: maggi'
SusanneN: maggi's first w4w page?
ChristophJ: Yes, Buth I had the same thing happen (copying and pasting)
VanceS: no, it was a training site for teachers, I'll find it
ButhainaA: Fernanda, I've never used C-lab sessions' time to teach website building
ButhainaA: students do it oin their own and consult me onlkine, or during office hours
RitaZ: yet, thats sth, guys! swows some interest!
VanceS: the thing is, it's language learning
FernandaR: I've done that in club hours, for example
VanceS: it's no more web site bldg then visiting a library is a lesson on cataloging
ButhainaA: exactly , Vance, and I keep emphasing this objective to them..
RitaZ: not exactly, Vance
VanceS listens to Rita
RitaZ: more demanding than contacting a librarian..;-)
FernandaR: it may become time consuming, Vance
TeresaD joined the room.
SusanneN hugs Tere
ChristophJ: I think the way to go is to use the sites for communication - iwth some fast tool with a low learning curve. I would never do HTML in a language class
TeresaD: hello all
ChristophJ: Hi Tere!
RitaZ hugs tere dearly!
FernandaR: hi, Teresa
MargaretD: Hi Tere
TeresaD: hi chris. have missed you!
VanceS: in my humble opinion, making web pages is an excellent substrate for language practice
VanceS: hi tere
TeresaD: hugs everyone
ChristophJ: vacation, then a hard disk crash, ... then (better wait on the 3rd one)
ChristophJ: nice to be back
ButhainaA: Hi Teresa
TeresaD: chris, have you finished your diss?
FernandaR: but when they fail in making a very simple sentence, you have to think twice, Vance
TeresaD: hi buth. long time no see.
ChristophJ: still analyzing data, Tere. There is just so much (you guys talk a lot)
ButhainaA: yes, hope you are doing good.
TeresaD: yes, we do.
ChristophJ: Done about a third of the asynchronous and working on the synchronous now
VanceS: If they put pages up, you can help them with the simple sentences
TeresaD: i am, buth, thanks
VanceS: the important thing is that they have something to say, how they say it is secondary
VanceS: function WAY over form, imho
SusanneN: IF your actual level of English is strong enough to understand how to use applied HTML, THEN you might use it in an actual EFL course, ELSE this mighht be too hard to undestand
ChristophJ totally agrees with Vance's form/function opinion
FernandaR: provided you understand what they want to say
AmandaLe joined the room.
AmandaLe left the room (signed off).
MargaretD: Hi Amanda
SusanneN: Tere, we're discussing Vance's Rita's and Buth's experiences on creating homepages with EFL students
ChristophJ: could do that in a technically oriented course, Sus
JuaniGuest1 joined the room.
ChristophJ: ESP, that is
SusanneN: Yes, Chris
TeresaD: thanks, sus. is there a site?
ButhainaA: Ok. chack for example this student's home page: http://161finalproject.8m.com/
JuaniGuest1: hola
RitaZ: just sharing responses from uninterested stds, Tere..
VanceS: what level do you teach Fernanda?
ChristophJ: good idea, Sus, especially if the students don't know HTML and they need it
TeresaD: i see, rita
ButhainaA: he has done, some grammar and spelling mistakes and errors
MargaretD: you made it this tie Juani!
ButhainaA: however, it was fine with me
TeresaD: hi juani
ButhainaA: and told him to correct them later when he find them out
NancyHe joined the room.
SusanneN: take care, that page URL was snatched by Gator, and I refused the cookie
FernandaR: they are supposed to have level 6/7... I mean they have 5/6 years of English...
VanceS: that's good Buth. I used to teach an ESL course of my design where the final project was a yearbook
MargaretD: Hi Nancy
NancyHe: hello Margaret, all :)
SusanneN . o O ( I've had lots of trouble with Gator, I think it is spyware )
VanceS: what if WE wanted to meet your students Fernanda
VanceS: Like Sus says, she thinks, who cares
MargaretD: I read it is Sus.
ButhainaA: And how was the result Vance
VanceS: but the point is, we all care
ChristophJ: Hi Nancy
SusanneN: but apart from that, Buth, it looks like an interesting page
ChristophJ: this is a good assignment Buth
VanceS: with the yearbook? In the days before Internet, a way for students to project who they were to a wider audience
FernandaR: but our educational system allows students to move on, even if they don't get to the necessary level
VanceS: when they start to sense that wider audience, the communication flows
RitaZ: in my case here, out of 15 stds, only 4 are interested in meeting other stds from different countries for a chat
SusanneN: what is the yearbook, who writes that? Is each student writing about him/herself?
ButhainaA: interesting , Vance
FernandaR: I have so many projects for next year, Let's wait and see
VanceS: enter a project where they go out and photograph their town and create a page that links the pictures. I have a model
VanceS: The students wrote the yearbook and laid it out
SusanneN: I remember that, Rita. But don't you think that in case thiose four students tell the rest about it, they might motivate them to join us for aonther time?
JuaniGuest1: we?re trying to write a yearbook also
RitaZ: so it seems to us, Sus, but thats not what has happened
VanceS: Here's my hometown project: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/hometown_vance.htm
GuohuayeY joined the room.
SusanneN: Hi Guo
MargaretD: Hi Guo
ButhainaA: ok. Thanks for the useful info. guys, I have to go to the hospital to see my father.
ChristophJ: hi Guo
ChristophJ: All the best to your Dad, Buth
MargaretD: Bye Buth
NancyHe: buy buth
RitaZ: bye, Buth, hope he gets better
ButhainaA: bye and thanks all.
TeresaD: hope he is doing better, buth
ButhainaA left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: bye!
SusanneN: Bye bye Buth, I am happy you joined us today
SusanneN: ah, too late
JuaniGuest1: it looks pretty,Vance and very interesting
VanceS: bye buth
RitaZ: i will try to show my stds your page, Vance
FernandaR: you seem to have a good life there in Abu Dhabi
RitaZ: as a hook...
SandySTT joined the room.
VanceS: best wishes to you father
GuohuayeY left the room (signed off).
MargaretD: Hi Sandy
GuohuayeY joined the room.
SusanneN: a geographical or cultural , local page would be even more interesting than a personal page
RitaZ: true, Sus
SusanneN: and could also be created as a collaborate project
JuaniGuest1: I?l show the website to my advanced class,too.
SandySTT: Hi everyone
SusanneN: Hi Sandy
VanceS: exactly
VanceS: yeah, now it's their turn
ChristophJ: Hi Sandy
SusanneN: I visited a primary school in Fance some years ago...
VanceS: let's compare hometowns
TeresaD: hi sandy
VanceS: Hi Sandy
RitaZ: hi, Sandy
SandySTT: Hi
SusanneN: they were deeply engaged in creating a CD-rom about water with many other schools
MargaretD: Ni hao Guo?
SusanneN: teh local water conditions, of course
SandySTT: what are we talk here now?
SusanneN: those kids were grade four.
JuaniGuest1: I?ll love to write something like that.What software did you used Vance?
SusanneN: Sandy, we are talking about how to engage students to make homepages as a learning project
MariaJ joined the room.
MargaretD: Water - did you know the average American uses 440 liters a day?
TeresaD: hi maria
MariaJ: Hi Teresa
RitaZ: hi, Maria
MariaJ: and all
TeresaD: wow, maggi! that is a lot!
SusanneN huga Maria
SandySTT: ic, I am working as a CIO in school, maybe I can help.
SusanneN: Maggi, that is way too much!
MargaretD: really riduculous Tere
MariaJ: what are you talking about?
MargaretD: Germans average 110
RitaZ: whats CIO, Sandy?
TeresaD: seems like a lot of waste, doesn't it, maggi?
SusanneN: Sandy, what is a CIO? I'm in Denmark and does not know the expression
AmandaLe joined the room.
SandySTT: Chief of information officer.
SusanneN: Oh, I see
AmandaLe left the room (signed off).
MargaretD: That isn't all Americans waste, Tere.
RitaZ: wow, Sandy, that sounds important!
SandySTT: I also teaching student how to make their homepage.
AmandaLe joined the room.
ChristophJ: Hi amandy and Maria
VanceS: Sorry, I was looking for a tutorial I did for Maggi
SandySTT: what software ur useing?
VanceS: http://www.homestead.com/vstevens/files/efi/ott/sld001.htm
RitaZ: what program do you use, Sandy?
VanceS: it's out of date, but is an example of how you can use ppt to explain to students how to make web pages
SandySTT: to make homepage? frontpage
VanceS: could revise it
AmandaLe left the room (signed off).
AmandaLe joined the room.
AmandaLe left the room (signed off).
VanceS: softwere for my hometown site was just html
AmandaLe joined the room.
VanceS: you can make a template, or use mine
MargaretD watches Amanda try to connect
VanceS: then students just fill in content
SandySTT: hi! Amanda
GuohuayeY left the room (signed off).
AmandaLe: hi sandy
SandySTT: HTML?that's good for teaching, becoz that's the basic students needs to know.
SandySTT: Hi Amanda?Maryann is not here
SandySTT: I've visit here for almost 5 times try to meet her.
AmandaLe: i am testing my notebook
AmandaLe: i buy new one
SandySTT: woo...new notebook?
MariaJ: there is a website there that does not run, Vance... will be the famous attack from hackers today?
VanceS: I found that to do my hometown, I needed a template that would display a pic and some text and then give forward and back links
AmandaLe: i remember you bought one ASUS metoo
SandySTT: I worried that we interrupt others here. lets go to ur room to chat.
BjB left the room (signed off).
VanceS: so you set up the template and then have the students put in the pics and text and links forward and back
BjB joined the room.
VanceS: hiBJ
AmandaLe: ok to you room
BjB waves
SandySTT: fine!see u there
AmandaLe: hi BjB
SandySTT: hi BJB
TeresaD: hugs, bj
MargaretD: I need to go wash my hair...
BjB smiles and hugs warmly
MargaretD: bye for now and have a good week!
AmandaLe: which romm do you want to move sandy
SusanneN: Oh oh, I'll have to do some shopping before they close at four, This discussion was useful and fun.
MariaJ: bye Margaret
SandySTT: amanda, i go to my room first.
SusanneN: bye bye for now
SandySTT left the room.
TeresaD: great week, maggi
VanceS: bye all who are leaving
AmandaLe: og i will follow you
ChristophJ: Tere, Vance said the link to my dissertation stuff on your WIA index page is dead. You probably told me already, and I didn't respond. The site is http://www.scis.nova.edu/~johnschr
VanceS: btw sus before you go ...
SarahBW joined the room.
ChristophJ: bye everyone. Hi BJ!
MargaretD . o O ( Sus can shop on Sunday...wow! )
SarahBW left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: thanks, chris. i don't think i did. i will update it.
VanceS looks for Sus in the crowd
TeresaD: there is so much to add there!
ChristophJ: thank you, Tere
VanceS: building pages is easy, maintaining !!!
AmandaLe left the room.
VanceS: that's why we need PHP or ASP
TeresaD: i agree, vance
MargaretD left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: pls fill me in on that, vance.
ChristophJ: yes, can alter links on the fly
VanceS: We can pass you a copy of our initial discussion Tere
VanceS: or maybe I'll post it online and you can read it there
VanceS: I'll ty to do both
VanceS: We captured a lot of links
TeresaD: i would appreciate that, vance
VanceS: anyway, I was going to ask Sus or anyone if the Summer Fest thing was well in hand
VanceS: I got a lot of emails about it but haven't quite absorbed
VanceS: I[ve been away
VanceS: (in Oman)
TeresaD: has anything come up in the meantime, vance?
TeresaD: workwise, i mean
VanceS: Not yet, irons in the fire, some heating slightly
VanceS: this is not a good time to find work in the UAE
VanceS: like trying to get things done in France in August
TeresaD: and here in portugal, where everything stops
VanceS: about the summer fest, anything we should know?
VanceS: can help with?
TeresaD: has bj left? she could fill us in
ChristophJ: Vance, could I ask ... what happened with your job?
BjB: The launch festival seems to under control, although we can use more helpdesk volunteers
BjB: Dianne Allen is in charge of volunteers (DianneA)
TeresaD: is the 12-hour program completely booked, bj?
VanceS: sorry, smelled cookies in the kitchen
VanceS chews cookies
TeresaD: can i have some, vance? yummy!
FernandaR: can we have some?
BjB: yes, it's over 12 hours, Tere!
ChristophJ: chocolate chip?
JuaniGuest1: me,too.
VanceS: I miss the slash command .hand cookies to /all
TeresaD: wow, bj. great!
VanceS: choc chip, mmm
BjB grins...so it was cookies that finally solved your login problem, Juani?!
VanceS: about my job, I had a contract which ended June 10
VanceS: we were pushing for renewal
VanceS: and told May 31 that we wouldn't get it
VanceS: up to then led to believe we would
ChristophJ: I know the story, Vance - had the same situation here - 5 years and then bye
VanceS: the non-renewal was political
VanceS: did you just lose your job Chris?
ChristophJ: usually is
ChristophJ: no, actually that was last Sept.
ChristophJ: I have been doing a bit of freelance and my disseratation
ChristophJ: it's been good to have the time for the diss
TeresaD: i bet, chris.
VanceS: the hard part is having to uproot - can't stay here
ChristophJ: yes, am in that situation too
VanceS: have to leave?
ChristophJ: but it's now less harder to uproot
ChristophJ: no, I can stay in Germany if I want to
ChristophJ: that's no prob
TeresaD: why less hard to uproot, chris?
ChristophJ: well, if I want to work as a professor, I mostly likely have to leave Karlsruhe
TeresaD: i think the older we get, the harder it is. you're younger than me, though
ChristophJ: where I've been for the last 10 years
ChristophJ: I'm 43
TeresaD: i'm 53! but don't feel the weight!! :-)
ChristophJ: so that means I have to relocate anyway
ChristophJ: it can be Germany.... or somewhere else
TeresaD: chris, why less hard to uproot?
VanceS: you'll at least have a phd, good for job prospects
ChristophJ: we'll see Vance. It's a ticket, but no guarantee. That was the idea
ChristophJ: less hard to uproot because of divorce
TeresaD: i see
VanceS: ah, that can't be easy in and of itself
ChristophJ: don't recommend it
ChristophJ: but the hard part is over (a year ago)
VanceS: I have the opposite problem, no divorce and a family to support, one kid just entering college
TeresaD: i'm glad i don't know what that is like personally, though there are several cases in close family
JuaniGuest1 left the room (signed off).
VanceS: so it's been a hard year for you Chris, but your CoP is pulling for you
ChristophJ: thanks guys, you are great!
VanceS: it's something, might even be someone in the extended family that can put you on to a job
TeresaD: we sure are, chris.
FernandaR: perhaps a vacation would be good (besides hard work)
ChristophJ: Just went on one, Fernanda
VanceS: I mean, suggest something (even a vacation spot)
ChristophJ: 3 weeks in the state
ChristophJ: was great
ChristophJ: met a real nice lady on the plane. She set me up with her best friend. Sparks are flying. It's nice to be alive. I'd better shut up now. Don't want to jinx anything
FernandaR: good!
TeresaD: great, chris
TeresaD: chris, when i sthe deadline for your diss?
ChristophJ: life is not bad at all
ChristophJ: want to finish before Sept
RitaZ: (.enjoy life, Chris, its only one!!!)
ChristophJ: yep
VanceS: I figure I'll come out ok too
ChristophJ: I have some good freelance prospects in Spet.
FernandaR: life is great and so are friends
TeresaD: i agree 100% fernanda
ChristophJ: Vance, I would say that with your reputation in TESOL and the EFL world, you'll be fine
TeresaD: live life to its fullest, chris!
FernandaR :)
ChristophJ: thanks, Tere. doing that
TeresaD: i am too at this time. i've been enjoying my vacation
FernandaR: Vance is eating his cookies
ChristophJ: What's the first name that pops into your head when you think of CALL?
ChristophJ: Vance Stevens
ChristophJ: right everyone?
RitaZ: right, Chris
TeresaD: right, chris.
TeresaD: vance, no cookies for me?! :-(
VanceS places cookie on Tere's computer
ChristophJ: A warm chewy chocolate chip cookie with a tall glass of milk sounds really good
VanceS: trouble is, CALL is not all that relevant I don't think
TeresaD: yuuummmyyy! fabulous! thanks, vance
VanceS: young people have CALL skills second nature
ChristophJ: everyone harps on it. CALL extends into edu tech (a specialized branch of edu tech)
ChristophJ: yes, maybe
VanceS: yes, ed tech is more relevant, and for this you need the skills we were talking about earlier
ChristophJ: server side skills (ASP/php)
ChristophJ: yes
VanceS: I think the ability to design web sites, yep, those
FernandaR: don't you have any work prospects, Vance?
VanceS: and not just HTML web sites, so to keep up and really get a job I think you need to be able to contribute with scripting or at least understand it in order to delegate
TeresaD: vance, with e-learning having such an important role nowadays, i think everything is important
VanceS: There are many work prospects. I think I have to go to California and sit a while and bide my time
FernandaR: why don't you start your own school?
VanceS: there are a lot of highly skilled people without work these days, Chris for example
VanceS: why haven't you found a job?
ChristophJ: ah...
VanceS: or is freelance the way to go (like with Maggi :-)
NancyHe :: fading out into the ether ::: Thanks for the lurk time :)
ChristophJ: German university system wants either techies or liberal arts
VanceS: welcome any time Nancy
ChristophJ: I am exactly in the middle
NancyHe: best to you, Chris & Vance, in your Life Changes ahead
NancyHe left the room (signed off).
ChristophJ: thanks Nancy
VanceS echoes Chris
KellyB left the room.
ChristophJ: or.....they want you to be an expert in a subject plus having edu tech skills
ChristophJ: a pipe dream, which is why they constantly readvertise those positions
ChristophJ: Education theory mixed with tech, that's me
KellyB joined the room.
ChristophJ: I also have only been applying to universities in Germany - that's about to change
ChristophJ: Also, things might be better once I have my ph:d
ChristophJ: Hi Kelly
VanceS waves to Kelly
ChristophJ: I'm working hard on it
KellyB: Hello
ChristophJ: But you guys certainly gave me a lot of data to analyze :-)
VanceS: can't wait to read the outcome
ChristophJ: OK, I need to finish this for more than one reason, as you can see
TeresaD: me too, vance. i'm dying to read it
MariaJ: I have to go...
MariaJ: see you later
VanceS: ah you'r there
VanceS: what were you working on btw?
ChristophJ: I can't keep my distinguished Webheads in suspsense much longer
MariaJ left the room (signed off).
VanceS: I'm going to have to leave myself
ChristophJ: That's my cue to get back to work
VanceS: yeah, well, nice talking to everyone
ChristophJ: Folks, thanks for all your support, kind words, and encouragement. And Vance, all the best and luck to you
ChristophJ: Talk to you all soon
FernandaR: all the best and luck to everyone
ChristophJ: ditto, everyone
VanceS: yeah, and just as we are important to one another, this is the key to bringing students to the Internet
VanceS: makes everyone feel important and appreciated
ChristophJ: yes, ture
ChristophJ: true
TeresaD: bye, chris. hugs and great week.
ChristophJ: same to you Tere and everyone - bye!
FernandaR: bye!
VanceS: ok, see ya
ChristophJ left the room (signed off).
BjB: time for me to leave too.
VanceS: breakfast time?
BjB . o O ( sorry I've not contributed to the dialogue today )
BjB: hubby and I need to go run some errands
TeresaD: bye, bj. nice week.
VanceS: ok, cya then
BjB hugs bye...talk to you later
RitaZ: bye, BJ!
VanceS: oh, let us know if you need anthing for Summer fest
BjB: Rita, did you get my email about your question?
BjB nods to Vance. Please keep the dialogue open with Mike and Elizabeth
VanceS: I'm a little distracted these days, you may need to bonk me on the head to get my attn
RitaZ: yes, BJ, thanks, but need to try it to see if i get it...;-)
BjB nods to Rita
BjB understands. Been there myself, Vance.
BjB . o O ( hubby was 'retired' suddenly after 30 years )
BjB: take care and hang in there...things get better
BjB left the room (signed off).
VanceS: well, anything else to discuss before I bid you farewell?
VanceS: did they ever get that TESL-EJ article up?
TeresaD: yes, vance. yesterday i found out it is at the berkeley site
KellyB left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: you mean the chat article?
VanceS: yeah
VanceS: yes: http://www-writing.berkeley.edu/TESL-EJ/ej25/int.html
VanceS: Fernanda, you've seen this, right?
FernandaR: seen, yes, but did not read it completely
RitaZ: bye, people, need to join hubby for a sunday outing!
VanceS: It links to your work and should be up for a long time
RitaZ: CU all next week
FernandaR: bye, Rita, enjoy it!
TeresaD: where's sus? did she log out?
VanceS: ok Rita, bye
RitaZ: you too, Fer, thanks
TeresaD: bye, rita!
VanceS: see you next week
RitaZ hugs you all
VanceS: I've got to go too, let my son use the computer
TeresaD: vance, any news of the pci?
VanceS: he's been very patient
RitaZ left the room (signed off).
FernandaR: if there is any problem with my server, I'll move it somewhere else
VanceS: no news yet, I think they're a bit behind
TeresaD: i see
TeresaD: fernanda, are you planning on going to tesol next year?
VanceS: I've had communications with them suggesting that our proposal has led to discussion which we're trying to push to the next step so I think the PCI thing is still viable
FernandaR: where will it take place?
TeresaD: vance, send me today's log, will you?
TeresaD: long beach, ca
VanceS: ok, will do
TeresaD: thanks, vance
VanceS: see you guys
FernandaR: I don't think so, Teresa
TeresaD: see you. nice week
FernandaR: bye Vance
TeresaD: have you ever been to tesol?
FernandaR: no
TeresaD: i've only been once
FernandaR: very far away
TeresaD: it's an interesting experience
TeresaD: but i love california
VanceS: had to find the logout window
FernandaR: I've never been to the US
VanceS: maybe I'll be living near long beach
VanceS: ok, off now ...
TeresaD: great, vance
VanceS left the room (signed off).
2003.07.06 07:37:08 Signoff
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on this page Last updated: July 6, 2003 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |