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Webheads chat
logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with
comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community
through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but
your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on
the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments
or concerns to Vance
(C)opyright 2003 Vance
Links to screen
shots | Tapped in chat logs | Yahoo
voice conference text logs
Links to screen shots of web cams
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| Tapped in chat logs | Yahoo voice
conference text logs
Tapped In
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 2 03:56:50 2003 PST.
VanceS looks have webcam.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Feb 2 04:00:03 2003 PST.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 2 04:00:03 2003 PST.
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "are you feeling better?"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Vance
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Vance."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I still have a bad cough, but other than that I am much better."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hlo all"
VanceS [have webcam] hands John a cough drop
YaodongC Yaodong enjoys being with you.
YaodongC's personal recorder follows YaodongC to here.
Cherry has connected.
JeanmichelC has arrived.
JeanmichelC's personal recorder follows JeanmichelC to here.
YaodongC [helping his students] bows to all.
JohnSte [to VanceS]: "Thanks, I needed that"
JeanmichelC says, "Hi, everybody"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hello JM, wb"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi, Yaodong, Cherry Jeanmichel."
Cherry [guest] says, "hi"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Jeanmichel and Yaodong
BJB [HelpDesk] exclaims, "welcome, Cherry!"
JeanmichelC says, "Bonjour BJB"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "Hi,John,Cherry and Jean."
ArnoldM has arrived.
ArnoldM's personal recorder follows ArnoldM to here.
BJ follows ArnoldM to here.
Shadow follows ArnoldM to here.
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "hi,Arnold"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Arnold,"
BJ [HelpDesk] quietly leaves the room.
ArnoldM says, "hi there everyone"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hi YD"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hi arnold"
ArnoldM says, "hi vance"
JeanmichelC says, "hello the newcomers"
YaodongC [helping his students] grins to vance
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "how is everyone today?"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I'm only here until about 1:30 today - Have to take my wife someplace."
ArnoldM says, "fine thank you"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok, John, congrats on the past week in the Webheads sessions"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "well done"
JohnSte [to VanceS]: "Alive, thank you."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Thanks, Vance."
ArnoldM says, "bj, thank you very much for the great tour"
MargaretD has arrived.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Maggi
You hear a quiet popping sound; ScottLo [away] has lost his link.
MargaretD hugs BJ
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "But I think the congratulations should go to the others."
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "you're welcome, Arnold"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hello Maggi"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello. Maggi."
ArnoldM says, "this is going very fast now"
MargaretD says, "Hi"
ScottLo has connected.
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "have you detached your chat window, Arnold?"
ArnoldM says, "just did that vance"
ArnoldM says, "much better"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "hi,Margaret"
MargaretD says, "Hi Scott"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
ArnoldM says, "full screen"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi everyone!"
MargaretD bows to Yaodong
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Chris
ScottLo says, "hello margaretD and fellow webheads"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Christopher, hiya"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi, Chris."
MargaretD says, "Hi Chris"
YaodongC [helping his students] bows backto Margaret.
MargaretD [to YaodongC]: "ni hao ma?"
YaodongC [to Margaret]: "wo heng hao.xiexie"
ChristopherMJ says, "That means "how are you", I think (only Chinese phrase I know)"
MargaretD -)
MargaretD smiles
YaodongC [helping his students] grins
Cherry [guest] says, "hello,vance.do u c me now"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "there you are"
YaodongC [to Chris]: "Merci"
ArnoldM asks, "are people using webcams now as well?"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Some of them are."
MargaretD says, "not much I remember from school but we were prety fluent with no one to talk with"
ArnoldM says, "i see"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "that is few of several French
words i know."
ChristopherMJ says, "My Web cam is ready to go"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm getting my web cam set up"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Sus.
SusanneN looks heading for WIA.
ying has connected.
YaodongC [helping his students] waves to sus
SusanneN [heading for WIA] hugses all.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Ying. Welcome"
ChristopherMJ says, "Not sure if my mug (face) is ready :.)"
MargaretD hugs Sus
YaodongC [helping his students] wave to Ying
ying [guest] says, "hi."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi there, Susanne."
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi sus!"
MargaretD exclaims, "HI Ying!"
ScottLo wonders where we can see the webheads on webcams
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Ying!"
ying [guest] says, "How are you? Long time no see."
SusanneN [heading for WIA] says, "Great to see such a crowd"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Ying Lan, nice to see you"
SusanneN [heading for WIA] asks, "Oh Ying lan is with us! Are you back home?"
ChristopherMJ [to Scott]: "you can see us on Yahoo Messenger"
MargaretD asks, "How was the trip home?"
ying [guest] says, "I just grabbed my brother's computer."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Ying Lan. Long time, no see."
ScottLo [to Christopher]: "Do we need your yahoo handle?"
ScottLo [to Or]: "is there a yahoo chat room for WiA?"
MargaretD asks, "Are you having reverse culture shock?"
ying [guest] says, "Thanks. It is good to stay at home for 6 days."
ying [guest] says, "No...."
ChristopherMJ [to Scott]: "just click on my name, I should have a message that says "view my webcam" (like Sus does)"
ying [guest] says, "I have been lived here for long time."
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Happy Chinese New Year to all of the Chineses folks here!"
ying [guest] says, "But I feel that I got enough stuffs at home."
SusanneN [heading for WIA] says, "My webcam plugin has not yet been installed I think, after the grest cleanup"
YaodongC [helping his students] bows to Chris
MargaretD says, "yes, you have Ying but it happens"
MariaJo has connected.
ying [guest] says, "yeap."
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Maria"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "To explain, you can see webcams on Yahoo Messenger"
MariaJo says, "Hi"
SusanneN [heading for WIA] says, "I am looking to find where I have hidden such a thing"
SusanneN [heading for WIA] says, "hello Maria"
YaodongC [helping his students] waves to Maria
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Maria"
MariaJo says, "Sorry for being late"
ChristopherMJ [to Scott]: "my Yahoo handle is johnschrus"
ying [guest] says, "I don't have yahoo messanger in this computer."
MargaretD asks, "Hi Maria...sleepwell?"
MariaJo says, "yes..."
MariaJo says, "lol"
MargaretD smiles
ScottLo [to ChristopherMJ]: "I've got you on my list, but it says you don't have webcam"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "I do not see any particular message after your name in yahoo?, and neither do I see your webcam up."
ArnoldM says, "hi susanne and maria"
fish has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Fish
SusanneN [heading for WIA] nods to Scott, same here
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm just now connecting to Yahoo myself"
YaodongC [to Fish [guest]]: "hi."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi there, Fish."
ScottLo sees chris's smiling face
fish [guest] says, "hi it's me"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hi fish"
ArnoldM says, "hi fish"
ChristopherMJ [to Scott]: "just a sec, I'll invite you"
fish [guest] says, "yeah"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Fish (careful you're with a bunch of cats) :-)"
YaodongC [to Fish [guest]]: "welcome to Tappedin."
SusanneN hands Fish a safe fishbowl in case those cats become too
fish [guest] says, "yes ,what are you doing"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "there, my webcam is up"
YaodongC [to Fish [guest]]: "you can find people from dozens of countries here."
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "who is 'me'?"
fish [guest] says, "hehe"
SusanneN mood Denmark speaking
SusanneN waves hello from Scandinavia
YaodongC [to Fish [guest]]: "this is a virtual environment for teachers and students. u have come to the very place to learn English."
MargaretD says, "Hi from Germany"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, from Puerto Rio."
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "Greetings from Guangxi,China"
ArnoldM says, "from holland"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi from Southern Germany"
ying [guest] says, "I just drop here to say hi."
MargaretD says, "from #Taiwan"
fish [guest] says, "hi ,from hebei,china"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I can see Chris's webcam"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "I was in Holland for ONE year in 1999."
ArnoldM asks, "where?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "from Hebei ... familiar"
MargaretD asks, "Anything you miss yet Ying?"
ArnoldM asks, "where yaodong?"
fish [guest] asks, "o?"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "Nijmegen"
ArnoldM says, "no, bergen"
ArnoldM says, "close to alkmaar"
ArnoldM says, "40 km from amsterdam"
rif has connected.
ArnoldM asks, "did you study in nijmegen?"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "Maria, have you got your web cam working?"
SusanneN says, "Chris (on webcam in Yahoo) now 5 got all of your big head in the screen :-)"
ying [guest] asks, "Maggi, are you asking me ?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "HiRif"
MargaretD says, "I've been to Bergen"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Rif
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "i was in Leiden for a visit,too."
rif [guest] says, "Hi all"
SusanneN says, "Hi Rif"
MargaretD says, "Yes, Yihng."
ArnoldM asks, "really, margaret?"
ArnoldM says, "that's great"
ying [guest] asks, "I am missing what?"
SusanneN hugs dear Maggi, I did not see you before
ScottLo [to VanceS]: "Would you tell us your Yahoo handle again please so we can see your webcam images"
ying [guest] asks, "What am I missing?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Rif and everyone else (seems like a flood of people just came in)"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm vance_stevens"
MargaretD says, "anything from the US Ying."
MariaJo says, "Hi Vance, I am trying to connect everything"
MariaJo says, "I can see"
MariaJo says, "you"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "and Den Haag"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "if you tell me your handle I'll invite you to view"
ying [guest] says, "I don't know... I just got home about 11 days ago."
ArnoldM asks, "so you've seen the whole country more or less, yaodong?"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "Hey, guess who I chatted with earlier on ICQ today?"
ying [guest] asks, "who?"
ArnoldM says, "thats' great"
ying [guest] says, "I was tired and...."
ChristopherMJ asks, "who?"
ScottLo [to VanceS]: "Hulk Hogan?"
MargaretD says, "I been to Holland many times over the years and love it."
ArnoldM asks, "how do you print "to ..." in a clause?"
ScottLo says, "I guess Hulk Hogan on ICQ"
YaodongC [to Margaret]: "where are you from? Germany?"
ying [guest] says, "I am too busy to think about U.S."
BJB [to Arnold]: "type /to name blah blah"
ArnoldM says, "I liked Denmark"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "there's chris drinking that CoP stuff from a CuP"
SusanneN [to Arnoldus]: "type a slash before the name"
ArnoldM says, "thanks"
MargaretD says, "I live here but am not German."
ArnoldM says, "I like "Arnoldus""
VanceS [have webcam] says, "answer ... Felix"
ying [guest] says, "Waaa"
rif [guest] says, "hi Maggi, long time no see..."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] asks, "Hey, great. How's he doing, Vance?"
ArnoldM [to Susanne]: ""
MargaretD says, "Hi Rif"
ArnoldM says, "i see"
YaodongC [to Margaret]: "I went to Germany 3 times and like that country very much"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi, Rif. Didn't see you come in."
ChristopherMJ CoP tea tastes good
SusanneN Smiler
YaodongC [helping his students] waves to Rif
AidenY has connected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "he's going to and from Salvador"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Aiden."
MargaretD says, "Hi Aide4n"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "Hi Aiden, how are things at home?"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Aiden warmly
ying [guest] says, "I need to go now."
ArnoldM says, "hi aiden"
rif [guest] exclaims, "Hey Yaodong!"
ScottLo can see both Vance and ChristopherMJ on webcam and wonders how
many connections can be maintained at once
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Ying, very nice to see you"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Ying
AidenY [webhead] says, "Hello guys,"
SusanneN peruses Membership Directory...
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I hope he's having fun traveling like that."
MargaretD says, "tacare Ying"
rif [guest] says, "Bye Ying"
ying [guest] says, "It is nice to see you."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hope to see you more often"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we want to talk to you at length"
YaodongC [helping his students] waves to ying
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "See you, Ying."
ying [guest] says, "see you"
VanceS [have webcam] waves
SusanneN asks, "Arnold, is bergen in Holland or in NOrway (your location) ?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_137 [guest] has disconnected.
rif [guest] says, "That might be interesting to see how many connections would Yahoo support"
SusanneN says, "Bye bye Ying"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I guess we've had about a 6 or 7 web cams?"
ArnoldM [to Susanne]: "no, bergen in Holland"
ArnoldM says, "small town, much smaller than Bergen Norway I think"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "anyone besides Chris and I with a web cam up?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i have my webcam up"
MariaJo says, "Sorry, I have have said something to me, but sometimes it is impossible to work alone at home without being interrupted"
JeanmichelC says, "I also have webcam"
ScottLo [to AidenY]: "what's your yahoo handle?"
ArnoldM says, "so do I"
JeanmichelC asks, "Where do I conenct?"
MariaJo asks, "what do I have to do for you to see my in the webcam?"
ScottLo [to ArnoldM]: "whats your yahoo handle?"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "Hi JM, are you on Yahoo Messenger?"
fish [guest] projects YaodongC [helping his students].
A TEFLer from China,looking forward to joining online teaching
ArnoldM says, "that's a big question, yaodong. It is just starting to develop"
MariaJo says, "yes"
JeanmichelC says, "no"
fish [guest] projects YaodongC [helping his students].
A TEFLer from China,looking forward to joining online teaching
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'll invite you Maria (it's maria_jordan)"
MariaJo says, "yes"
YaodongC [to Fish [guest]]: "you are quite an expert here."
MariaJo says, "I can see you anyway"
ArnoldM [to YaodongC]: "we can talk about it some other time perhaps - in a smaller group?"
fish [guest] says, "hehe ,i am listen"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "sorry, that's maria_jordano with an O"
DonC has connected.
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "I was deeply impressed by how well the Dutch people speak Englsh."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Don
SusanneN exclaims, "Hi, Don!"
ArnoldM says, "thank you, Yaodong"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello Don"
DonC exclaims, "Hello everyone!"
MariaJo asks, "With an O?"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "It was in KUN that i took to MOOs."
ArnoldM says, "but we do have an enormous amount of exposure of course"
YaodongC [helping his students] waves to don
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Don!"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi there, Don."
DonC says, "Howdy Yaodong"
DonC says, "Hi cat-man"
ScottLo [to ChristopherMJ]: "could you show the coffee cup again so my wife can translate the kanji for me?"
ArnoldM says, "KUN in Nijmegen"
YaodongC [to DonC]: "nice ot see you,Don"
ArnoldM asks, "what doid you study there, yaodong?"
ArnoldM asks, "in KUN?"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "methodology"
ArnoldM asks, "tefl methodology?"
SusanneN says, "Great MUG, Chris (on webcam in yahoo)"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "yeah"
ArthurM has connected.
ArnoldM says, "interesting - my subject too - some time ago"
ChristopherMJ says, "Thanks, Scott is translating my mug now"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello arthur, nice to see you here"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Arthur
DonC [to Chris]: "What's your yahoo address"
ChristopherMJ says, "Ki sho - means "good luck""
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "greetings, Michael"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "that is where I began my web-based teaching research"
ChristopherMJ says, "or something like that"
ArthurM says, "Hi, folks, just calling in for a while"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "woops, my Yahoo just crashed"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "have to get it back again"
SusanneN says, "Oh Arthur is with us today! Great meeting"
MichaelAC has arrived.
Personal_Recorder_30627 (recording) has arrived.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Arthur."
ArnoldM says, "that';s interesting, yaodiong"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Arthur, Michael"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "greetings, Michael"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Michael."
ChristopherMJ says, "Ki sho - is it a Buddist word="
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello michael"
MichaelAC says, "Hi eveeryone."
You hear a quiet popping sound; MariaJo has disconnected.
VanceS [have webcam] jumps up and down and wave to BJB [HelpDesk],
JohnSte [Dr. Cat], YaodongC [helping his students], Cherry [guest],
JeanmichelC, ArnoldM, MargaretD, ScottLo, ChristopherMJ, SusanneN, fish
[guest], rif [guest], AidenY [webhead], DonC, ArthurM, and MichaelAC.
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "indeed. and i benefitted a lot."
ArnoldM asks, "the web has suchpotential for efl teaching and learning, don't you agree?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Arthur and Michael (Michael, thanks for the cool e-mail)"
MariaJo has connected.
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "can't agree more"
ArnoldM asks, "how can i see the webcams in yahoo?"
MichaelAC asks, "er...which cool email Chris?"
VanceS [have webcam] climbs back onto Yahoo
You hear a quiet popping sound; MariaJo has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_190 [guest] has lost its link.
MichaelAC says, "I remember (all of a sudden!)"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "what do you remember?"
SusanneN says, "Arnold, in the Firnds list, find Wiev Friends webcam and fill in the name field in"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "my webcam is back online"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "All your email is cool, Michael."
MichaelAC says, "The email I sent to Chris"
MichaelAC says, "Oh sure John"
MichaelAC )
ArnoldM says, "i am away from my screen now for a while - be back soon"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "right before me,"
MariaJo has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "i have to reboot, be back in a few minutes"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "ok, arnold"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY [webhead] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "to /Don sorry, was multitasking, Yahoo address is johnschrus"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "yeah you Maria, your web cam is working but the focus is way out"
MariaJo asks, "how do I mend that?"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "what kind of web cam is it?"
ChristopherMJ says, "My Yahoo handle is "johnschrus" and anyone can view my webcam there"
MariaJo says, "I am trying to connect the company who did the cam, to see if there is an update for XP..."
MariaJo says, "dexxa"
ChristopherMJ ..ands see his cool chinese mug that says "ko shi"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I think there must be an adjustment on the cam"
SusanneN says, "I'm still looking for a relevant driver to my webcam, too"
SusanneN looks away for a while.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "if you want to see our webcams you have to be on Yahoo Messenger"
ChristopherMJ [to Don]: "you are abufletcher, right?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "you pull down tools and View Friends ... Webcam"
AidenY has connected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "for mine, type in vance_stevens"
MariaJo says, "invite me to your messengers, or give your IDs"
DonC says, "That's me. Your Webcam is showing up but not opening up."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "wb aiden"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Hi Aiden so good to see you (on webcam in yahoo)"
AidenY [webhead] exclaims, "i'm back!"
MargaretD says, "me to"
VanceS [to Don,]: "have you got my cam?"
ScottLo [to MariaJo]: "What is your YahooID?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello sus,"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "I hope your family is doing better by now, Aiden"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "maria_jordano"
AidenY [webhead] says, "there's a kiss for you"
AidenY [webhead] says, "that's for sus"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Aiden!"
DonC [to VanceS]: "I'm not hearing any sound on your webcam"
ChristopherMJ [to DonC]: "Can you see me now?"
MariaJo says, "Sorry If sometime I don't answer your questions, I have so many screen opened at the same time...."
VanceS [have webcam] hands kiss to sus
DonC [to ChrisMJ]: "yes I can see but not hear."
AidenY [webhead] says, "who is sacato"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_96 [guest] has disconnected.
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Rita send her greetings and a SOS from TI2, she cannot get here now for some reason"
ScottLo says, "sacato is me"
ChristopherMJ [to Maria]: "I have the same problem right now (too many screens oopen"
MargaretD . o O ( how do you hand someone kiss )
AidenY [webhead] says, "hi there scott"
ChristopherMJ says, "BRB"
DonC says, "I'm impressed with the quality of these web images"
SusanneN [away for a while] kisses back Aiden on relevant sheek
DonC says, "The color looks very good."
SusanneN [away for a while] exclaims, "Oh, look at all those hats in
Chris' room!"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'll contact Rita on Yahoo"
DonC says, "Are webcams supposed to have sound too? Maybe not."
JeanmichelC says, "I am on Yahoo and my ID is jchaupart"
Juani has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "mine is aidenyeh, Jean"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok JM"
DonC [to VanceS]: "you webcam seems to be broadcasting at about 1-2 frames per second."
Juani [guest] says, "Hi.Sorry to be late."
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Don, on Mac the sound dors not work with webcam"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello Juani, nice to see you here"
SusanneN [away for a while] exclaims, "Juani, nice to have you with us!"
Juani [guest] says, "Hi Aiden.Nice to see you,too."
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's been awhile, Juani"
DonC [to SusanneN]: "I'm using a Mac at the moment and still no sound."
Juani [guest] says, "Thanks Sue .I have been on vacation ."
VanceS [to Don]: "There are so many people watching the cams the bcast rate slows"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I've got 6 viewers"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "WEll,on Zahoo webcam I mean, zou can got to iVisit with mac and might have sound but it is not best quality in my experience"
JeanmichelC says, "I am seeing Vance"
ScottLo says, "I see four at present"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I just paused my cam"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "i am seeing Aiden and her books on the shelf."
AidenY [webhead] says, "cool pose, vance"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm in my study room, yaodong"
JeanmichelC says, "Nice tie, Vance:)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "any webcam up, yaodong"
ScottLo says, "I'm getting no connection to Aiden's webcam"
YaodongC [to AidenY]: "nice study room!"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "thanks JM"
DonC says, "Welcome back Chris."
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "Doesn't everyone dress up for web cam work?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll invite you scott"
ChristopherMJ says, "Thanks Don"
ScottLo says, "thx"
YaodongC [to AidenY]: "I got a cam in the lab.Vance saw me and my students,who i taught 20 yrs ago."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's sunday vance, you're the only I know who works on sunday"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "scott, your yahoo id, please? Mine is susannenyrop"
DonC says, "I prefer your casual dress to Vance's tie : )"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "you are the only one with a tie"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
ScottLo [to SusanneN]: "yahoo id is sacato (no webcam)"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I am? How do you know Maria isn't wearing a tie?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yaodong, students 20 years ago, cool"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "But it shows you as being asleep"
ChristopherMJ says, "on Yahoo"
Cherry [guest] says, "hi,Scott"
ScottLo [to Cherry [guest]]: "Hello and welcome to webheads"
YaodongC [to AidenY]: "yeah, 4 of them came to see me,wishing me Happy CHinese New Year on Jan. 30."
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "I do like ties. Might try to sew one some day in a real fantasy fabric"
DonC says, "I'm still not getting any audio on anyone's webcams."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "my yahoo crashed again"
AidenY [webhead] says, "put it in the bin, vance"
ChristopherMJ says, "I see Aiden"
ScottLo [to DonC]: "I think they need to be speaking into a microphone for there to be audio"
Juani [guest] asks, "May I join you with my webcam?"
MichaelAC has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "nice to see you, too, chris (and the ahts too)"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "please do Juani"
ChristopherMJ says, "She waved and now she is smiling, and she has lots of books on shelves behind her"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hats"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "who does, Chris?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "oh, AIden"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok, I'm coming back on Yahoo ..."
VanceS [have webcam] turns cranks, pops corks
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello jc, I can see you"
DonC [to ScottLo]: "I don't see a lot of point to webcams without audio."
ChristopherMJ says, "Can you read my mug, Aiden? It says "ko shi" (I think)"
ScottLo [to DonC]: "No, but it is kinda fun! ;)"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "where is it, chris?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "cool mug"
MargaretD asks, "lip-reading maybe?"
ClaireB has connected.
ClaireB says, "Hi everyone"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Hola, Claire"
YaodongC [to SusanneN]: "have just added u to my yahoo list"
MargaretD says, "Hi 'Claire"
Juani [guest] says, "Hi Mike I can see you"
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "Thanks (but does it say "ko shi"?)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello claire"
ScottLo [to ChristopherMJ]: "my wife said the second character is spelled sshi"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Claire!"
DonC says, "I suppose webcams add a visual dimension to our group."
ChristopherMJ says, "ooops"
MichaelAC says, "Lucky you Juani - and I am not sunburnt."
ChristopherMJ says, "ko sshi"
ClaireB asks, "are we doing webcams today?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, claire, we are"
MargaretD says, "looks like it Claire"
ClaireB asks, "In Yahoo?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "having a great time"
ChristopherMJ [to Claire]: "yes, we are doing webcams (sounds Californian) :-)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, claire"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Don, I think we're experimenting in hope for better and smoother connections with troublefree text chat, voice and image in a near
ClaireB exclaims, "But I'll have to comb my hair!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Better get a at"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, ",grins happily her pioneer smile"
AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL, claire"
ChristopherMJ says, "hat"
ChristopherMJ [to Claire]: "I have a big advantage. I don't have any hair to comb"
AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL,"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Chrsi you got a cool hat collection in the background"
JeanmichelC ) :)
Juani [guest] says, "You should invite me,I guess"
DonC asks, "So sound off: Who has a web cam today?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Me!"
AidenY [webhead] says, "moi"
SusanneN [away for a while] hands chris a bottle of skull polish and a
rag cloth to rub it in
MargaretD says, "bald men are supposed to be sexy"
ClaireB says, "me"
VanceS [have webcam] hands claire a clean comb
JeanmichelC says, "Moi aussi"
ScottLo wonders if it is possible to set up a yahoo channel for voice
chats just for webheads, or a group of students??
AidenY [webhead] says, "ooohhh, maggie"
VanceS [to Don]: "sound is different"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we can start that"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, it's possible scott"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Scott, you can arrance a conference in Yahoo with invited users only"
AidenY [webhead] says, "we've done it before, webehads with my students"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "why don' twe try it on paltalk ---voice chat for webheads?"
ScottLo asks, "Regarding Yahoo, is it necessary to first have a Yahoo Group established?"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "who is jchau...?"
JeanmichelC says, "C'est moi, en Colombie"
JeanmichelC says, "Jean Michel Chaupart"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm cot Aiden"
AidenY [webhead] says, "ok,"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I've got I mean"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Sorry. I just got called away."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "See you all later."
JeanmichelC asks, "Aiden, where are you?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "in Taiwan, jean"
MargaretD says, "bye John"
ChristopherMJ [to Scott]: "you can have voice conferences too. Separate from the cams"
DonC says, "I have your YM handle and can see (View my Webcam) but"
You hear a quiet popping sound; JohnSte [Dr. Cat] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "bye John"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "lost Yahoo again"
JeanmichelC says, "and what time is it in Taiwan? Here it's 8am"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "very flaky here"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm trying to negotiate with my youngest son here, he's whining"
DonC [to Chris]: "I also have quite a hat collection."
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's 8:53 pm here, Jean"
Juani [guest] says, "me,too.it doesn seem to be working"
ChristopherMJ says, "Salut Jeanmiche"
ClaireB says, "I requested to see Vances' and Mike's webcams, but they are not coming up. it says "requesting access......""
MichaelAC says, "I can't see him Aiden"
ClaireB says, "ah, now I see mike"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "In Denmark (and most of Europe) it is 2 pm"
JeanmichelC says, "Salut Christopher"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "my Yahoo crashed again"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "who? michael?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I just restarted my computer"
ScottLo is dusting off his webcam and looking for the driver software
ClaireB says, "Mike you are all yellow and red and orange"
YaodongC [to Claire]: "i can see aiden"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Your son!"
2003/02/02 Webheads is full. Stopped recording.
Juani [guest] says, "It 9 am here"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, look"
MichaelAC says, "I know Claire I know - it's the lamp shade"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Michael has been that way since Halloween"
ClaireB says, "for Vance I get "you are unabel to see this person's webcam due to an unknown error"
ChristopherMJ [to Michael]: "are you broadcasting"
ClaireB says, "sounds like geek speak to me"
SusanneN [away for a while] exclaims, "I see Aiden, Michael and Chris -
and Aiden's sweet son!"
MichaelAC says, "Yes Chris"
ChristopherMJ says, "web cam, that i`"
RitaZ has connected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm doing Yahoo on another computer"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "hey there's rita"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi"
MargaretD says, "Hi #'Rita"
JeanmichelC says, "Buenos dias Rita"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, Aiden's son is really cute"
ClaireB asks, "mike, who is with you in the picture?"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "waves to rita"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I just started my other computer again"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Rita"
Juani [guest] says, "yes,Mike I lost your image,it was red and orange."
AidenY [webhead] says, "he's having tantrums"
YaodongC [to Rita]: "Hello"
SusanneN [away for a while] hugs Rita, finally you got here!
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "Waht was your son playing with (looked like some kind of book)?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "and he hates it when I focus the webcam on nhim"
ClaireB says, "hi Ritra"
ClaireB says, "Rita"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_74 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "did you get on with the text client, RIta?"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "I always think of Michaal as the Orange Australian"
MichaelAC says, "Well it is summer time here"
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "it's that orange light from the southern hemispere :-)"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "isn't it red, sus?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I think Michael is in fact orange and he lives in an orange house"
YaodongC [to SusanneN]: "how come i can't see you on yahoo though i have added you to my list?"
SusanneN [away for a while] asks, "Oh Chris, that hat is too much! Where did you get that one?"
RitaZ says, "i am having problems with logging in, sorry"
MichaelAC says, "The trouble is we are (or I am) always online at night. I look diff in the daytime"
ClaireB exclaims, "but Mike has such a nice smile!"
ChristopherMJ says, "My sister gave me that hat"
ClaireB says, "stop picking on him"
ChristopherMJ says, "will put it back on"
ScottLo asks, "can any1 recommend a moo text client for Windows??"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I hope someone is taking pictures"
MichaelAC says, "nice orange smile (thanks Claire)"
SusanneN [away for a while] asks, "Your sister is very kind. Smile for a creenshot?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'l be back, of to make some milk for this kiddo"
ChristopherMJ wearing a silly hat
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Great"
BJB drops 2003/02/02 webheads2 (recording).
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "I wish i could save Aiden's son's image."
VanceS [to Scott]: "check the software at Tapped In, thre are some text clients there"
SusanneN [away for a while] imagines how Aiden will go milk the goast
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "goat"
ScottLo [to VanceS]: "Thanks"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "or do you mean like SchMOOze that sort of thing"
BJB looks away.
ScottLo says, "I want to use the client to type commands and tapestry just to see the rooms"
RitaZ exclaims, "Im using text client at the moment, but its not the same!"
JeanmichelC asks, "MariaJo, tienes camara?"
ClaireB asks, "mike can you see me in Yahoo?"
ChristopherMJ wonders where Rita's Web cam is (and Michael's)
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "I've taken a few pictures but did not get young mr Yeh in time"
VanceS [to Rita]: "at least it works"
MichaelAC asks, "Can you get much for conversational analysis from a chat like this Don??"
ChristopherMJ [to Claire]: "What is your Yahoo handle?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm back"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "My Yahoo refuses to find the relevant driver although I just reinstalled it from the CD"
DonC says, "I've having difficulty following anything."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "you analyse what's there I guess"
ClaireB says, "my yahoo handle is cbsiskin"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Don, it comes with the routine"
MichaelAC says, "I'm not surpprised Don."
MichaelAC says, "Join the club"
RitaZ asks, "to Vance yes, Vance! thanks, but what if this happens tomorrow?"
MichaelAC says, "the cat herding club"
DonC says, "Last weeks talk had more cohesion"
ScottLo [to DonC]: "do you think that there would be interest at the next JALT conference to learn about TappedIn?"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "what's happening tomorrow?"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "don't think twice (or at least not for too long), just type whenever you feel like it"
ChristopherMJ wonders if he can take off the silly hat his sister gave
MichaelAC says, "Maybe there were no webcams last week"
DonC [to ScottLo]: "Not so much in TappedIn per se but in Webheads."
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, scott, i think so"
RitaZ says, "i have to be online at T!1 for week 3 participants online..."
VanceS [to Chris]: "leave it on a bit, I'm about to reconnect"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "i am glad to say i must go out and watch firework now. it will last 40 minutes"
DonC [to Michael]: "I think that's it. This week it's all technical glitches."
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Tomorrow we begin the week three hands-on poractice with Tapped In 1 and 2 I think, depends on who ate getting in touch with us"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i lost michael's cam"
VanceS [to Rita]: "have you announced your online sessions?"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK; at least the hat matches my tee-shitrt"
MichaelAC says, "And it does not make for free flowijg conversation"
ScottLo [to DonC]: "yes, that is what I meant. Webheads and the CoP ideas that are being presented currently..."
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes it does, crhis"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "we got the hours when we can be reached on our week 3 homepage"
RitaZ says, "to Vance yes, Vance, Tere has on her page"
ClaireB exclaims, "nice hat, chrstopher!"
ClaireB asks, "where is tere today?"
DonC says, "I just keep imagining trying to do this with students."
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Chris is really showing off today (on webcam in yahoo)"
SusanneN [away for a while] looks for the URL to page
YaodongC [to AidenY]: "any displays of firework these days ?"
MichaelAC [to Don]: "What do you mean by 'this' ?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, he is, sus, i kinda like it though"
DonC says, "I'm really surprised that webcams don't come with audio. I just always assumed."
DonC says, "I can't remember."
ClaireB says, "some web cams do come with audio"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "me too, I have been so disappointed about this, Don"
ClaireB says, "you have to read the package before you buyone"
ClaireB says, "buy one"
SusanneN [away for a while] wonders which one did you get?
MichaelAC says, "But I can start a voice conference and invite people - as anyone can via Yahoo"
ClaireB asks, "are you asking me?"
DonC says, "since I work with quicktime video everyday I'm just so used to hearing talk with video."
YaodongC looks away to watch firework.
DonC [to Michael]: "I'm step up for voice chat."
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "the week three can be found at http://www.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/ webheads/evonline2003/week3.htm"
MariaJo says, "Bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MariaJo has disconnected.
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "tell me if you want me to /show the page on your own screen"
MichaelAC asks, "Sorry Don - what do you mean?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "wb, maria"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Maria, you're in focus now"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "and I got the orange man here"
DonC [to Michael]: "I mean I can do voice chat now if anyone is interested."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok,Don, let's do it"
AidenY [webhead] says, "ok, sure, hit it."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Don, invite me to a conference"
SusanneN [away for a while] wonders if Don was on mac or not?
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll get my mic"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I don't have you in my hit list"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "invite me too,please 8susannenzrop9"
ClaireB says, "vance, yahoo is still telling me that your webcamis not on"
SusanneN [away for a while] th it is susannenzr op onlz, no numbers
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I'll invite you claire, Yahoo ID?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "oopps, looking for my mic"
AidenY [webhead] says, "wait"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "OOOH"
ScottLo says, "My webcam is up. Sacato is my YahooIM."
AidenY [webhead] says, "can hear you"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "bewitched keyboard - susannenyrop - that's me"
AidenY [webhead] says, "can't find my mic"
AidenY [webhead] says, "found it"
ArnoldM says, "hi there everyone - i am back"
ArnoldM says, "hello aiden"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "wb"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Hi Arnold, there is a voice conference going on in yahoo"
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello arnold"
ArnoldM says, "hi yaodong"
YaodongC [to RitaZ]: "You cam is nice"
JeanmichelC says, "Time for breakfast!!! I hope to be back in a moment if I am not disconnected meanwhile"
ArnoldM says, "hi rita"
YaodongC [to ArnoldM]: "i have just added you to my yahoo list."
ArnoldM says, "i tried my webcam with maria - we had video but no audio"
RitaZ says, "hi, Arnold"
ArnoldM says, "fine, yaodong"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Bon appetit, Jeanmic"
ArnoldM says, "hi rita"
ArnoldM says, "nice to meet you"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "but i can't see you there."
RitaZ says, "nice to meet you too, Arnold"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we've got video and audio for several participants"
ArnoldM asks, "what can be the matter when there is no audio with a webcam - big question perhaps?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I have chris, Aiden, and Michael on web cam"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "who else is broadcasting?"
ArnoldM says, "i'll try again"
YaodongC [away to watch firework] says, "i can see aiden and vance on cam only"
ClaireB says, "I'm broadcasting, but I don't know who can see me"
ArnoldM says, "my handle is amuhrennl for anyone who likes to add it"
VanceS [to Arnold]: "audio and cam are different"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "I got Claire on webcam, too"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "they come on differnet channels"
ClaireB says, "my handle is cbsiskin"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Are you broadcasting your Webcam?"
ScottLo is broadcasting again, as sacato
ArnoldM says, "nl for netherlands not n one"
ClaireB says, "Scott, I can see you"
ScottLo [to Clairb]: "Hello Claire"
ClaireB says, "hu"
ClaireB says, "hi"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Hi Arnold, welcome to my desktop (on webcam in Yahoo)"
ArnoldM says, "do you see me"
YaodongC [to ArnonldM]: "not yet"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Yes, your picture is fine and clear"
ArnoldM says, "thank you"
ClaireB says, "vance, I still can't see you in yahoo"
ArnoldM asks, "what is your handle, susanne and yaodong?"
SusanneN [away for a while] asks, "I think Chris looks singing in the Voice conference?"
YaodongC [away to watch firework] says, "to arnold have u accepted me? 'jjcyd' is mine"
SusanneN [to Arnoldus]: "susannenyrop"
YaodongC [to Chris]: "how come i can't see yur cam?"
VanceS [to Arnold]: "was it amuhrennl"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "right, vance"
RitaZ says, "to Arnold I can see you now, very clear image"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "are you on Yahoo Rita?"
YaodongC [to Arnold]: "whatis yur yahoo ID?"
RitaZ exclaims, "to Vance yes, Vance, but cant see you there!"
ScottLo says, "the webcam just killed my windows computer"
ScottLo doesn't get the blue screen of death on his Mac
SusanneN [away for a while] asks, "Scott do you have both mac and windows running?"
SandraJB has connected.
ScottLo [to SusanneN]: "Yes, but I'm about to go over to the windows box after I fire up Tapestry on my browser"
Cherry [guest] says, "hello,yaodong"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ScottLo has disconnected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm trying to invite others"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'm glad you're still here Cherry"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I see 4 web cams, can you see any?"
Cherry [guest] says, "hehe"
Cherry [guest] says, "no"
Cherry [guest] says, "u r not in yahoo now"
ScottLo has connected.
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Vance, I see you, Chris, Aiden, Claire, Michael and Arnold"
RitaZ says, "cant see you Vance"
ScottLo says, "scottlo is back and broadcasting as sacato on Yahoo Messengers"
RitaZ asks, "Sus, are you on Yahoo?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I'll try to invite you"
Cherry [guest] says, "dont forget me"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "yes, Rita but my webcam is on strike"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I sent an invitation ... ok, CHerry, Yahoo ID?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has lost her link.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "here it is"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Hi cherry"
AidenY [webhead] says, "can anyone invite me again, i lost my connection in YM"
Cherry [guest] says, "cherry_hl13"
RitaZ exclaims, "thanks, Vance, here you are!"
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "you left the voice conference"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "are you on Cam rita"
RitaZ says, "yes, Vance"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i lost connection can anyone invite me again please"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "do you want ot invite me, Rita?"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK"
Cherry [guest] says, "hi,susanne"
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Tere!"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I just invited Aidenyeh but sometimes it doesn't work"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "once you've been dropped out"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, wh!"
RitaZ asks, "to Vance you dont seem to be on, in my Yahoo window, why is so?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Tere"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Teresa! Great to see you"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "something funny with that, Rita"
SusanneN [away for a while] hugs & kisses
ClaireB exclaims, "hi Tere!!!"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "doesn't work perfectly"
ClaireB says, "hugs tere the wife of the anti-communist"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi Tere!"
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "Rita, you look great today"
SandraJB gets Note_62174 from the vending machine.
SusanneN [away for a while] says, "7mood"
RitaZ asks, "thanks, Sus, can i see you?"
SandraJB gets Vending_Machine_60808 from the vending machine.
Cherry [guest] says, "SusanneN,what is ur yahoo id"
SusanneN says, "Sorry but my webcam software is out of order, I should have tested it before we started"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi Sandra"
SusanneN asks, "susannenyrop - and yours cherry?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SandraJB has disconnected.
Cherry [guest] says, "cherry_hl13"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "I can't see Rita .. cherry? Have you got a cam?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ScottLo has disconnected.
ScottLo has connected.
Cherry [guest] says, "yeap"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I was able to get Rita's cam by clicking on her name and asking to view her cam"
ScottLo says, "I think I'm back"
SusanneN says, "You're back all right scott"
SusanneN asks, "in Windows now?"
ScottLo isusing tkMOO-light as a client on windows
ClaireB says, "vance, can you re-invite me to join the yahoo group? I was disconnected, but now I'm back"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok"
ScottLo wonders if any webheads can recommend a good sight to learn
about mySQL and PHP??
ScottLo has been tasked with putting a library collection of 2000
volumes online in a searchable database format
ClaireB says, "vance keeps swiveling around in his chair."
ClaireB says, "And he's SOOO dressed up"
SusanneN says, "Sorry Scott, but mySQL &php is above my knowledge (YET)"
RitaZ exclaims, "yes, Clarita, I can see that!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has lost her link.
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "can someone invite cbsiskin to the voice conference?"
SusanneN says, "Well, at least he has taken off his blue blazer jacket, to have the more relaxed outlook"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "my i is a 5 on my laptop"
ClaireB exclaims, "ah, now we can see his face!"
ClaireB says, "Tere, is your webcam on? I wasn't able to connect"
ArnoldM says, "i am still having problems with my audio - I am going to log out and restart my computer"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArnoldM has disconnected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we're trying to invite claire"
SusanneN will leave for w hile but plan to get back
ClaireB says, "yes, please invite me"
TeresaAlm has connected.
RitaZ exclaims, "wb, Tere!"
ClaireB says, "wb tere"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "my webcam went into some kind of paranoia!"
ScottLo says, "is PalTalk a shareware or freeware package/"
ScottLo asks, "??"
JeanmichelC says, "Back with the group. I am going to restart my computer with my webcam"
ClaireB says, "yes, I tried to see your webcam but could not"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has lost his link.
ClaireB exclaims, "ah, aiden, I can see you for the first time!"
TeresaAlm says, "i'm going to try again."
VanceS [have webcam] says, "pal talk is freeware"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "Hi tere"
JeanmichelC exclaims, "Paltalk has a free package and a payperview one!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; JeanmichelC has disconnected.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "I can't type on my laptop so rif and claire are being invited by Don and Michael"
ScottLo looks webcam.
VanceS [have webcam] says, "rita has such a nice smile"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "can you invite me scott, vance_stevens"
ScottLo . o O ( is so happy to have discovered WebHeads in Action )
You hear a quiet popping sound; YaodongC [away to watch firework] has
lost his link.
ScottLo . o O ( and TI for that matter )
TeresaAlm looks webcaming my wcam is on.
RitaZ says, "thanks, Vance"
SusanneN says, "Hello Scott and Tere, I see both of you"
SusanneN says, "scott is casato"
SusanneN says, "no, sorry,, sacato"
ScottLo [webcam] needs a haircut
RitaZ asks, "tere, i want to see you, can you see my invitation?"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "yes YahooID for for me is Sacato"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "no, i can't, rita!"
DonC [to ScottLo]: "are your using your webcam now?"
ScottLo [to DonC]: "yes, my Yahoo ID is sacato, drop on by :)"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "It looks like Aiden is talking to someone, she's got one of those fancy headsets on"
RitaZ says, "i can see you now, Tere"
ClaireB exclaims, "tere, now I can see you!!!"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "may I have your YahooID teresa"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "invite me Scott, teresa?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "i can see clarinha, rita,
aiden, and chris, all looking great!"
ClaireB says, "cooool"
DonC [to Scott]: "invite me too."
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
ScottLo [to DonC]: "what is your yahoo id?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "scott, is your webcam on?"
ScottLo [to Teresa]: "yes it is"
JeanmichelC has arrived.
JeanmichelC's personal recorder follows JeanmichelC to here.
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "it's not indicated as 'on' in
my screen. :-("
SusanneN says, "wb, JM"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i had to 'refresh', scott."
JeanmichelC says, "my webcam is on and my ID is jchaupart"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "now i have vance, too.
looking very 'executive'!!!"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "to save your eyes, I've put a picture of my daughter up on the Webcam"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "yes, we see it scott"
DonC [to Jchaupart]: "invite me to see your webcam. abufletcher"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DonC has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "I just see you, jeanmichel on the phone"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "can you invite me JM? vance_stevens"
ClaireB says, "<text>"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i don't get your picture,
scott. i've tried a second time."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has disconnected.
ScottLo [webcam] says, "my yahoo ID is sacato,Tere"
DonC has connected.
ScottLo [webcam] says, "now my other daughter is on screen"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i know, scott. you're on my
friends list, but no pic."
ClaireB says, "whisper teresaalm i know nothing about the politics, so if he does not want to go there, I understand"
AidenY [webhead] says, "where are you claire? so many books"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok, I got JM's pic in columbia"
ClaireB says, "at home"
ClaireB says, "yes, many books"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we lost your web cam Scott"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i finally see you, scott.
yeesss! :-)"
JeanmichelC says, "Does somebody watch my picture? I am not very familiar with the use of my webcam and, perhaps my connection is not very good."
ScottLo [webcam] says, "Hello Tese"
AidenY [webhead] says, "nice to see you scott"
ClaireB says, "whisper teresaalm fromthe web page, voz do operario seems to be some type of school"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "ok. all smile for a nice
ScottLo [webcam] blushes
RitaZ says, "nice to see you, Sus"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "are you back on scott?"
ScottLo [to VanceS]: "Yessir, just invited u"
DonC exclaims, "I'm finding the multi-tasking very challenging!"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "ok you're coming in"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "don, no webcam?"
RitaZ says, "i agree, Don"
ClaireB says, "yes, this has become a little confusing"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "I feel like I'm watching a ping pong tournament"
JeanmichelC asks, "Teresa, entiendes y escribes el espaol?"
ScottLo [webcam] asks, "aren't we supposed to be talking about CoP or something??"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "no, jm, i don't."
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i can understand, though, jm."
Vastyne has connected.
JeanmichelC asks, "y el "portugnol2?"
RitaZ asks, "to JM entiendes espanol?"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we ARE talking CoP"
VanceS [have webcam] says, "that's how we do it"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "i've never been
intriduced to that, jm!"
VanceS [have webcam] asks, "is your web cam back on JM?"
JeanmichelC says, "por cierto Rita, vivo en Colombia desde hace 32 anhos"
ClaireB says, "I must go now; bye all"
ScottLo [webcam] thinks this is too much like having fun to be
considered "Work" or "Study"
DonC says, "by Claire"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "cya claire"
JeanmichelC says, "Wonderful Teresa. Portugnol is half spanish and half portuguese"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireB has disconnected.
DonC [to JeanmichelC]: "Is Portunol somehow formal or just a mish of this and that?"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "vances' webcam image has vanished"
JeanmichelC says, "and that is the way we communicate with our neighbours from Brasil:)"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "interesting, jm. had no idea
though that's what it sounds like."
ArnoldM has connected.
JeanmichelC says, "Portugnol is of course very informal"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "i've heard about
portinglish, though!"
JeanmichelC asks, "Teresa, et le francais?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "there should ne a mix, but i
don't know about it, either."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_57 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "jm, whereabouts in colombia
are you?"
JeanmichelC exclaims, "portinglish is the same as portugnol. Here in Colombia we also use spanglish!"
ScottLo [webcam] needs a cup of coffee and will BRB
VanceS [have webcam] says, "we can speak frangliguese"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "i like these mixtures!
JeanmichelC says, "I am in Bucaramanga; it's 200km southwest from the venezuelian boarder, in the Andean Mountains, at
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "of course, we can, vance."
VanceS looks lost webcam.
DonC [to JeanM]: "Aqui en Japon los hispano-hablantes hablar a los Brazilenhos en espanhol y ellos nos hablan en
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "I was in the Andes a couple years back on the venezuelan side"
ArnoldM leaves for the ASO.
ArnoldM's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
JeanmichelC says, "Aqui pasa lo mismo con los Brasilenhos"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "cute little girl, scott."
ScottLo [to TeresaAlm]: "thanks, she is with Elmo in the picture"
DonC says, "There are a lot of Brazilians here."
DonC says, "And Peruanos."
JeanmichelC exclaims, "I suppose the mountains you have in Abu Dhabi are higher than those we have this side!!!!"
ArnoldM comes home.
ArnoldM's personal recorder follows ArnoldM to here.
RitaZ says, "cant hear you, Vance"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "vance, whereabouts is juani in chile?"
JeanmichelC says, "and Peruanos play music from the andean region..."
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "and love music it is, jm."
RitaZ says, "yes, Terer, she is from Chile"
DonC exclaims, "Add talk about how much they miss having Cuy!"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, this is looking fine, Rita"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "lovely music, i mean, jm."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArnoldM has disconnected.
JeanmichelC says, "cuy is quite similar than a rat!...Many people are afraid when seing cuy on their dishes..."
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "but where in chile, rita?"
RitaZ says, "ok, then, vance, this will help me"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, it's fine"
Vastyne has connected.
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "what are you doing tomorrow?"
RitaZ says, "cant remember that, sorry, Tere"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "shall I announce something for you?"
DonC says, "Actually, I'd love to try it. Took a while to figure out that this mean Guinea Pig."
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "vance, do you know where
juani lives in chile?"
VanceS [to Rita]: "yoo hoo over here"
VanceS [lost webcam] waves to attract Rita's attention
RitaZ asks, "yes, Vance?"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, just wondering what to tell people about tomorrow"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "anything to announce?"
JeanmichelC says, "but in my region, here, we eat ants, called -hormigas culonas - because of their very big thorax"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "you mention you'll be having chat sessions"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "what about tomorrow?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "what about tomorrow, vance?
you mean week 3?"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "did you announce them? I'm behind on email"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, tomorrow is Week 3"
RitaZ says, "Tere did, on her page for week 3, Vance"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i'm sending an email on that
this afternoon. this is still week 2, remember! ;-)"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "i'm not behind! don't
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "ok, so I should call attention to tere's week 3 page"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "instructions there"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "can you project it in fact?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "it has the content for week 3
and other info. And i'll let you know thru email how we'd like the discussion to go."
RitaZ asks, "Vance ,what about projections, in this mode, this end?"
DonC says, "En Mexico comen chapulines con chile"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "yes, vance, you can attention
to week 3 page."
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "well, for that matter, you can do the major announcements"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "call attention, i mean."
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "I'll just congrat the week 2 team and say over to you"
DonC says, "that was address to JeanM sometime ago."
JeanmichelC says, "debemos ser juiciosos porque estan hablando de cosas serias y nosotros de cosas triviales:)"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "you can make the preliminary announcement. how's that? ;-)"
SusanneN says, "Hi again"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "sonos serias y triviales siempre, los dos"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "well, don't wait, if I don't announce go for it"
RitaZ says, "Vance, que buen manejo del espanol..."
SusanneN says, "I did manage to poen my webcam in Yahoo after a reboot, but had no access to the conference."
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_27 [guest] has lost its link.
JeanmichelC says, "Very well Vance. Wonderful to be serious and trivial...:)"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "gracias rita"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yep, that's a webheads trademark"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "we're always serious but always having fun"
SusanneN says, "I've got some seriously fine screen pictures with all those webcams"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "hard (for me) to be serious without having fun"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "why not put some shots in the files area, Sus?"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "wb ChristopherMJ"
ChristopherMJ says, "Thanks Scott"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i took some screen schots"
SusanneN says, "This last week, I've been totally lost in the huge number of messages, but what an interesting discussion"
ChristopherMJ says, "Good idea Aiden, I take some shots, too"
SusanneN says, "I will Vance, but first I have to edit them and make a better format"
SusanneN says, "those screendumps are huge files"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, I'll try to do mine as well"
SusanneN says, "I think there'e an upper limit to the yahoogroup storage"
RitaZ says, "ok, people, I need to go back to my home life....See you tomorrow, in case yoy want to pop up, 11.30 am GMT"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "cya Rita"
DonC says, "Same here. time to sign off."
SusanneN says, "Rita, I'll possibly join you, too, at that time"
ChristopherMJ says, "Bye Rita"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "bye, rita! happy
holidays! see you tomorrow!"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "cya donc"
AidenY [webhead] says, "anyone who has my cam up on their screens"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'll check on"
JeanmichelC says, "hasta otra oportunidad. Feliz domingo"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i do, aiden."
DonC says, "Sayonara"
RitaZ says, "ok, SUs, itll be a pleasure"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "bye all"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll show you something, i'm not sure whether this product has been introduced in your country"
ScottLo [to AidenY]: "I'm lookin at your webcam image"
SusanneN I have, Aiden
RitaZ exclaims, "bye!"
AidenY [webhead] says, "an alternative to using disks"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "go ahead, aiden."
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has lost her link.
You hear a quiet popping sound; DonC has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "looking at your cam, too"
AidenY [webhead] says, "when you plug it, it appears as E:"
AidenY [webhead] says, "here it is"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "can't figure out what it is,
AidenY [webhead] says, "can you see it"
ChristopherMJ says, "It's pretty dark, could you put a light on it (and you)"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "it looks like a USB pocket drive"
ChristopherMJ asks, "What is it?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, scott"
AidenY [webhead] says, "you got it"
SusanneN is curious, too, Aiden
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "yes, it does, scott."
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "have you got a url for it?"
ScottLo [webcam] asks, "it is a little flash memory. How much does it hold?"
SusanneN says, "I saw it, yes"
ChristopherMJ asks, "How much storage capacity?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's an alternative to using disk"
AidenY [webhead] says, "mine is 128 MB"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "the kids here in Tokyo use them for keyrings"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "oh, usb flash memory?"
ChristopherMJ says, "A zip disk holds just as much"
ChristopherMJ asks, "is it faster?"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yeah, I know what it is now"
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's cheap here in Taiwan, and it's pretty convenitent"
AidenY [webhead] says, "I got mine for NT1500"
AidenY [webhead] says, "because of its size"
ScottLo [webcam] exclaims, "you can take your dissertations with you wherever you go!!"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] exclaims, "handy, scott!"
ScottLo [webcam] exclaims, "and load them into every computer you come across!!"
AidenY [webhead] says, "smaller the size, capacity the higher the price"
AidenY [webhead] says, "it is tere"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes"
ChristopherMJ says, "Great Scott, when I go somewhere I usually like to leave my disseration behind :-)="
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "but then you'll have
nightmares all the time, scott, as chris says."
AidenY [webhead] says, "you should have this chris"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i wonder how much does it cost in japan"
AidenY [webhead] says, "it's available here www.thumbdrive.com.tw"
JeanmichelC says, "I am going to log out after a 2h20 session with all of you: It was fun to see Vance. But I have problems to get pictures from others. I must try again and read the help sedtion of my Yahoo messenger. Have a nive sunday. I hope to go back next sunday."
ChristopherMJ says, "It just slips in a USB port ????? that's pretty slick if it does"
SusanneN says, "In the good old days, a floppy was very handy, too :-)"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "a portable, diss, chris, to
add to your 'daymares'."
ScottLo [webcam] says, "I'm not sure. I'm gonna check next time I go to the compuer store"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, the same place where you plug your cam (laptops)"
SusanneN says, "My powerbook has not got any floppy drive, that is so old fashioned"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "cool!"
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, please, scott, so we could compare prices"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "usb port"
ScottLo [webcam] asks, "and it doesn't have any moving parts does it Aiden??"
SusanneN says, "my cam is a firewire"
AidenY [webhead] says, "no"
ChristopherMJ says, "So you don't need to buy an extra drive (like a Zip)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "nothing and you could actually hang it around your neck, like a piece of ornament or something"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "That's great!"
AidenY [webhead] says, "it works like your diskettes, crhis"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "you could wear two as ear rings"
AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL"
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "sounds like a new fashion trend, Aiden :-)"
SusanneN says, "wonderful jewelry for a real cyberwoman"
AidenY [webhead] says, "vance, come on"
AidenY [webhead] says, "we're serious here ;-)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "pretty cool stuff"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll bring it to baltimore"
SusanneN says, "My dad has made a wonderful xmas decoration outdoor with old used CDs"
ChristopherMJ says, "Wish I could go to baltimore"
ChristopherMJ says, "that is, physically"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "speaking of baltimore we have another challenge, two challenges actually"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "challenge number 1"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm keeping my fingers crossed chris"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "ready?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "YES."
AidenY [webhead] says, "shoot"
SusanneN lloks as ready as can be
ChristopherMJ ready for Challenge #1
AidenY [webhead] exclaims, "go!"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "challenge no 1 is how to get Daf there if she can't actually fly to baltimore"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "bluetooth solution?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i've heard"
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll bring my phone and laptop"
SusanneN asks, "yes, she told me her economy is poor for the time being, do you think of some kind of teleportation?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "we'll just have to check the mobile connections in the US"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "that's challenge number one"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "you mean as in simultaneous high-end multimedia connection ?"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "yep"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "a big problem at TESOL where it costs a lot if you use the hotel connection"
AidenY [webhead] says, "if my blutooth works then we could have her onboard"
ChristopherMJ says, "Question #1 to challenge #1"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Ready?"
2003/02/02 webheads2 is full. Stopped recording.
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "that would be great Aiden"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "number two? (good thing we're not being recorded)"
ChristopherMJ says, "Bluetooth one way"
AidenY [webhead] says, "and.."
ChristopherMJ says, "a cool eay"
ChristopherMJ says, "way"
SusanneN says, "we got lots of recorders, off the record"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "number two is where and when to go out for drinks and dinner"
ChristopherMJ says, "maybe if there can be a high end video conference room around"
AidenY [webhead] says, "anywhere where they serve beer or vodka tonic"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i think that our instinct
will take us to the right places."
ChristopherMJ says, "for example, if the conference is at a university, there will probably be one"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "i don't see that as a
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "challenge #1 is a problem. i
don't have an answer."
ChristopherMJ says, "the trick is finding a high end room in Spain for Daf"
AidenY [webhead] says, "please pray everyone that Papa gets well (real well)"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "there's one night where there is an all tesol event"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "I think that's a good night, agree?"
ChristopherMJ says, "and who pays teh ISDN costs"
AidenY [webhead] says, "no need"
AidenY [webhead] says, "she could just use the computer she's using now"
VanceS . o O ( hopes papa will get well )
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "will pray, aiden."
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "I hope your Papa will get completely well very soon"
SusanneN says, "Aiden, I really do hope that your papa will get better soon. My father had a bypass and recovered so fine from it, after several strokes"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "we've got 300 webheads in two groups pulling for you and your papa"
AidenY [webhead] says, "because if not, if he gets worse, this could be a barrier to my baltimore trip"
ChristopherMJ says, "All the best, Aiden"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] asks, "scott, you're still with us,
aren't you?"
ChristopherMJ says, "brb"
AidenY [webhead] says, "anyway, back to cost"
AidenY [webhead] says, "if we use bluetooth then i'll cover for the bill"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "who is in the states now?"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "scott, i'll try to answer
your email this week. glad that you're considering our 'joint' venture for april."
AidenY [webhead] says, "scott? are you still here"
SusanneN says, "Rita and tere - I'm looking forward to next week hands on practice work and documenting"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "joint venture?"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "sorry, I was just chatting with a nonwebhead friend."
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "me, too, sus. rita has left."
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "This is week at a glance: http://www.tesol.org/conv/t2003/pp/pdfs/waag.pdf"
AidenY [webhead] says, "for mobile lines, we have GSM and>>>>"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_36 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "Thursday night, want to get together then?"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "is it dualband?"
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "Bluetooth sounds pretty darn cool"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "thanks for the file, vance."
ScottLo [to Teresalm]: "yes, please. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)"
AidenY [webhead] says, "vance, can we make the night before or after the conference"
AidenY [webhead] says, "thurs, i'll be already in LA"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "that's right, you're only there before"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "good thing I asked"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "what day is our presentation?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "wednesday, i believe"
SusanneN says, "Good! And I plan to become active next week, I admit that I had too much to do recently and has not been able to follow up the great discussions about CoPs (I was really hoping this theoretical part would have passed over until week 4 when I'm more ready"
TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] says, "got to go! see you all around
during the week."
AidenY [webhead] says, "can anyone answer my ????please"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm [webcaming my wcam is on] has
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "evonline people want to meet Wed night. we could join them"
AidenY [webhead] asks, "GSM and is it dual band?"
SusanneN says, "Me too I have to logoff soon"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "from what Iheard, week 4 will be full on theory"
You hear a quiet popping sound; JeanmichelC has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "they hit the theory pretty hard during Week 2"
AidenY [webhead] says, "sure, wedenesday's cool"
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "that would be appropriate"
ChristopherMJ says, "Scott and Don will pick our brains during Week 4"
VanceS [lost webcam] asks, "ok, your question, you want to know what exactly?"
ScottLo [webcam] says, "I'm eager to hear about the Vysgotsky guy."
SusanneN says, "Yes, and I was just not ready yet this week."
ScottLo [webcam] says, "and all this time I thought he was the one who made Suggestopedia."
VanceS [lost webcam] says, "anyone whose name begins with V is really cool"
SusanneN says, "Vygotsky was a genious long before we had computers :-)"
ChristopherMJ says, "Wow, I wouldn't say I know that much about Vygotsky - I know he doesn't scuba dive :-)"
SusanneN hits mr V.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "vance, would you know whether they use GSM or dual band? in the US?"
VanceS [lost webcam] mood really cool
VanceS looks really cool!.
kanbo has connected.
SusanneN says, "He died very young and was considerd as the Mozart of Psychology"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "I think we can find out aiden"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "I don't know"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "must be on the internet"
BJB [away] missed some of the dialogue...are you refering to V for his
ZPD theory?
AidenY [webhead] says, "why? because my ericson is GSM and if they use GSM in the US then we could use bluetooth"
BJB [away] waves hi to Kando
BJB [to Kando]: "can we help you?"
ChristopherMJ asks, "/to Vance Sorry for getting sidetracked, did you get Challenge #2 up on the screen??"
kanbo [guest] says, "hi~~"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "we'll try and find out"
BJB . o O ( sorry...kanbo )
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello kanbo"
ScottLo [webcam] exclaims, "#2 was a place for Drinks and socializing after the big show!!"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "challenge number two is to get together Wed night with the EVOnline crowd"
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "will need your help with the early stuff (Vygotsky, social constructivism, etc.)"
SusanneN says, "Yes, BJ"
BJB . o O ( if it's early enough on Wednesday, I may try to come and
visit you )
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_60 [guest] has disconnected.
BJB [away] says, "thanks, Sus"
ChristopherMJ marginally cool
SusanneN . o O ( Chris, I'll prepare smoething ! )
SusanneN says, "http://www.nybooks.com/articles/article-preview?article_i d=8068"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "tuesday is ok with me too"
ScottLo . o O ( remembers that Baltimore is a dry town in a dry county;( )
VanceS [really cool!] says, "can you show me that sus"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "no way scott"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "The Wharf Rat Tues night would be fun"
ChristopherMJ says, "me, too Sus (please show me that site)"
SusanneN shows VanceS the URL: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/article-preview?article_id=8068
ScottLo [webcam] was just kidding
VanceS [really cool!] says, "a brewpub, also microbreweries"
SusanneN shows ChristopherMJ the URL: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/article-preview?article_id=8068
ChristopherMJ wonders if they drink Bordeaux in Baltimore
SusanneN says, "But I just realized it is a pay for download paper"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "if anyone purchases the article put it in our files area"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "a microbrewery tues night would be fun"
ChristopherMJ says, "Oh yes, Mind in Society (a classic). I still need to read it"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "(this is the trivial part)"
SusanneN says, "I got teh book Chris, I will make a short review"
ChristopherMJ says, "thanks, sus"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "I meant the pub part was the trivial part"
SusanneN says, "that was my plan, actually"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "anyway I gotta go"
SusanneN exclaims, "I am leaving you, as well!"
ScottLo says, "laterz all"
SusanneN hugses BJB [away], VanceS [really cool!], AidenY [webhead],
ScottLo, and ChristopherMJ.
ChristopherMJ says, "same, you all have a great weekend (what's left)"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "yep nice to meet ou scott (web cam)"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hugs to the ladies"
ChristopherMJ says, "and respectible handshakes to the gentlemen"
SusanneN asks, "can't men be hugged among friends?"
AidenY [webhead] says, "bye see yah next time"
VanceS [really cool!] kisses the ladies politely on each cheek
VanceS [really cool!] shakes hands with Chris
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "Yes, it's possible"
VanceS [really cool!] waves to BJB [away], AidenY [webhead], ScottLo,
SusanneN, and ChristopherMJ.
SusanneN says, "we don't want any sexual harassment here"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "heheh"
VanceS [really cool!] says, "ok, on that note ..."
ChristopherMJ says, "Bye all"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [really cool!] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 2 06:47:10 2003 PST.
Links to screen shots |
Tapped in chat logs | Yahoo voice
conference text logs
Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger: You are now logged into voice conference - abufletcher-10638. Yahoo! Messenger: mikecogh has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: johnschrus has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: aidenyeh has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: susannenyrop has joined the conference.
susannenyrop: I'm in
johnschrus: Fine, Vance heard you loud and clear
Yahoo! Messenger: arif_altun2001 has joined the conference.
arif_altun2001: Hi, I can hear you all
johnschrus: Hi Don, can hear you
johnschrus: and vance
johnschrus: fine MC
susannenyrop: too bad, on Mac YMS, still no sound. I'm getting envious. ? mikecogh: Thanks Don - Adelaide
susannenyrop: I just wantedvto be sure as I've reinstalled YMS software and hoped tor a change. But not yet. mikecogh: 11.45 pm
mikecogh: Can anybody else hear me and Don?
johnschrus: I can hear your conversation just fine
arif_altun2001: I can hear you Mike
mikecogh: Hey Rif - hi there!
johnschrus: G?tzing is up north isn't it?
johnschrus: G?tzingen
aidenyeh: i heard you michael, why did you stop?
abufletcher: Goettingen. By Kassel
mikecogh: I'm being poilte Aiden!
aidenyeh: anyone takg at this point, i can't hear a thing
mikecogh: er...polite
johnschrus: I'm down by the French border - Karlsruhe
abufletcher: Sorry Goettingen.
johnschrus: Yes, came here in 1992
mikecogh: Chris and Don are talking.
Yahoo! Messenger: amuhrennl has joined the conference.
aidenyeh: i can't hear them talking
aidenyeh: the same problem michael
johnschrus: Maybe we should take turns
johnschrus: don and I just had one
johnschrus: a conversation
aidenyeh: didn' hear it
amuhrennl: i am not sure whether I can be heard?
aidenyeh: can you try?
aidenyeh: i just lost audio
johnschrus: the audio is good from here , Aiden
amuhrennl: the audio is excellent from Don
amuhrennl: and from Vance
aidenyeh: it's back
amuhrennl: yes
amuhrennl: yes, aiden
vance_stevens: I heard you
mikecogh: Yes Aiden - gotcha
amuhrennl: very well
johnschrus: Yes, Aiden, please talk, you have a nice voice
susannenyrop: I've got six webcams up, an y more possible??
susannenyrop: tell me what is so funny
johnschrus: I'm not a 56K modem too
vance_stevens: on on 56k
johnschrus: I mean, yes, I'm on 56 K
Yahoo! Messenger: cbsiskin has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: ritazeinstejer has joined the conference.
aidenyeh: thanks, chris
Yahoo! Messenger: gayangamagecbauerramazanibj_berquis is not available.
cbsiskin: is this for voice?
mikecogh: Yes Claire
vance_stevens: my voice has cut out I think
cbsiskin: does yahoo support voice on a mac?
amuhrennl: i can hear evrybody speaking but i do not seem to broadcast my voice at all
vance_stevens: maybe not
johnschrus: Time to break out the guitars, I guess
susannenyrop: No Claire?
mikecogh: You're on V - no problem
Yahoo! Messenger: maria_jordano is not available.
amuhrennl: what can be the mnatter anybody?
aidenyeh: amu, what's you name? how should we call you
cbsiskin: ok that explains why I don't hear anything!
susannenyrop: Claire, I have text and video but no noise on my mac
amuhrennl: arnold
aidenyeh: ok
susannenyrop: Amu is Arnold Muhren
amuhrennl: is it set to mute do you think?
susannenyrop: Tha YMS software for mac is not yet ready for voice ?
aidenyeh: were you trying to say something?
johnschrus: Arnold, can't hear a thing, just noise
aidenyeh: i can hear a cat
johnschrus: and a cat
johnschrus: yes, can hear the cat
amuhrennl: i will have to look further into this
cbsiskin: VAnce, finally I see you!
johnschrus: That would be you vance
vance_stevens: lost michaels web cam
cbsiskin: Marc says hi
amuhrennl: in yahoo?
johnschrus: Claire, haven't seen you yet
susannenyrop: Yes, Michael look pretty frozen
mikecogh: Did you do a soudn test Arnold?
amuhrennl: no
amuhrennl: where
johnschrus: oopp, noight came suddenly to Austrialia
Yahoo! Messenger: aidenyeh has left the conference.
johnschrus: night
susannenyrop: yes, he might have fallen asleep, poor Orange Aussie
amuhrennl: I am going to do all the testing now that I can locate
amuhrennl: be back in a while
johnschrus: OK, Claire can see you now
mikecogh: Orange Aussie is well and truly awake
cbsiskin: good deal -- just don't look too closely!
johnschrus: Could someone invite Aiden back in, she has lost her link
Yahoo! Messenger: aidenyeh has joined the conference.
mikecogh: I can hear you Vance
cbsiskin: did people lose my video?
mikecogh: My webcam is still on....Ok I'll try and do that
Yahoo! Messenger: johnschrus has left the conference.
susannenyrop: C laire you seem like a quiet immovable rock
mikecogh: Are you a rock Claire?
cbsiskin: nah, just sleepy!
aidenyeh: claire, can you invite me to view your cam?
susannenyrop: Oh, Mike, welcome back to the awakened webheads
cbsiskin: there is some action
cbsiskin: ok
susannenyrop: Your webcams seem pretty stopped , Michael and Claira?
susannenyrop: Got the baby brother, on a creenshot Aiden?
susannenyrop: What's his name?
aidenyeh: kc
aidenyeh: he's about to go to bed in a few minutes
Yahoo! Messenger: cherry_hl13 has joined the conference.
mikecogh: So am I
mikecogh: ..as in go to bed
susannenyrop: :tugs in all sleepy webheads and their kids
susannenyrop: Hi Cherry?
cherry_hl13: hi
mikecogh: Broadband is what makes it better I'd imagine - not price
Yahoo! Messenger: arif_altun2001 has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: johnschrus has joined the conference.
mikecogh: I hear you
johnschrus: big crash, am back
aidenyeh: claire, can you hear them talking?
Yahoo! Messenger: arif_altun2001 has joined the conference.
aidenyeh: i can see you claire
Yahoo! Messenger: cbsiskin has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: cbsiskin has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: cbsiskin has joined the conference.
cbsiskin: hello all
mikecogh: Hi Claire - my YM says you're in this room 4 times...
cbsiskin: yes, perhaps because vance asked multiple people to invite me
mikecogh: Yes I do remember that
cbsiskin: should I log off? am I taking up more bandwidth by being in here 4 times?
aidenyeh: claire, can you hear
vance_stevens: n6 5t's 62
cbsiskin: I see my icon only 1 time though
vance_stevens: he he he
cbsiskin: test
cbsiskin: nope, I'm in here twice
arif_altun2001: I can see cbsiskin 3 times here
johnschrus: going for a Webcam record here
cbsiskin: if someone can tell me what to do about it, I will
arif_altun2001: I don't think it hurts though
aidenyeh: ignore it, i guess, claire
susannenyrop: We can read you here, Claire?
arif_altun2001: now I can see you, too
susannenyrop: Say Cheeseor Orange!?
cbsiskin: cheese
mikecogh: It's a tough life Don
susannenyrop: :taking another screen picture
johnschrus: 6 webcams up
arif_altun2001: who am I missing, I wonder? I have only 4 up
arif_altun2001: can you hear me there?
mikecogh: Goodnight from me - have a good week everyone
johnschrus: Rita, please talk
arif_altun2001: good night
cbsiskin: good night
johnschrus: Goodnight Michael
Yahoo! Messenger: mikecogh has left the conference.
ritazeinstejer: good night, Michael
susannenyrop: I got Rita, vance, aiden, claire, and teresa -plus Scott's daughter I guess?
susannenyrop: sweet child, Scott
cbsiskin: arif, doyou have a cam on?
arif_altun2001: not at my desk today! I try mic but seems to be unsuccessful!
johnschrus: Scott, very cute baby
cbsiskin: that explains why I can't see you
aidenyeh: scott what's your yahoo id, can I view your webcam?
ritazeinstejer: can I see your cam, Sus, why is it off, on Yahoo?
susannenyrop: scott is sacato?
susannenyrop: Sorry Rita, I was not prepared that the webcam did not work today
ritazeinstejer: ah, ok, thanks, Sus
aidenyeh: scott, how come it says, view my webcam (with a ?)
johnschrus: Scott's cam just went dark
susannenyrop: Chris is your cam active again? on my screen it stopped long ago aidenyeh: who else got voice?
vance_stevens: 've g6t chr5s's ca0
vance_stevens: 've g6t v65ce t66
susannenyrop: OOps Vance?
johnschrus: Yes, my cam is active
cbsiskin: he can't type well with the laptop
vance_stevens: yes 5t 5s
vance_stevens: that's 1ean 05che33e
johnschrus: Cams that I can see: Scott, Aiden, Rita, Tere, Vance, and Claire cbsiskin: VAnce, my husband says to try the numlock key
cbsiskin: that might be causing your problem
vance_stevens: ok, good idea
vance_stevens: good thing we had a techie in the crowd
johnschrus: Scott is showing pictures of his kids
johnschrus: Hopefully, you favored the ladies in your picture taking, Vance
cbsiskin: yes, but he can't tell me why I appear in here twice or what to do about it johnschrus: good question, Don
vance_stevens: no worries about being here twice
vance_stevens: I see you 4 times
johnschrus: was wondering the same thing
vance_stevens: it's just an artifact
cbsiskin: I don't know what to do about it -- I think it is because I was invited multiple times to join arif_altun2001: I need to leave now! It is nice to see you all
johnschrus: Bye Rif
ritazeinstejer: bye, Rif
vance_stevens: Nice to see you rif
vance_stevens: no web cam?
cbsiskin: bye rif
cherry_hl13: bye
Yahoo! Messenger: arif_altun2001 has left the conference.
vance_stevens: just the num lock key
vance_stevens: fortunately we had an expert on hand to explain it to me
johnschrus: Rita, please talk to us from Argentina
johnschrus: Can hear you typing loud and clear Don
johnschrus: Scott is wearing the black swerater
johnschrus: I can see Sus!
cbsiskin: must leave -- bye to all
johnschrus: Bye Claire
vance_stevens: nice to see you
cherry_hl13: bye
vance_stevens: will do it again
vance_stevens: I wonder if I can type here
vance_stevens: yep
vance_stevens: I have an interesting thing here
vance_stevens: my web cams shut off and Yahoo says I'm not connected
vance_stevens: but I'm here and talking and can hear Don
johnschrus: nice typing
johnschrus: Sus, are you there?
johnschrus: What was that, Rita?
johnschrus: Rita, heard you clear
vance_stevens: your tapped in looks normal to us
vance_stevens: you can use a browser or a text client, whichever works
vance_stevens: from our end, it looks normal
vance_stevens: you tried to find ...
vance_stevens: houston?
vance_stevens: who?
vance_stevens: voice cuts in and out, better type it
aidenyeh: check on the kids, brb
vance_stevens: k
johnschrus: I will try to invite Sus again
aidenyeh: am back
aidenyeh: k
johnschrus: ok
johnschrus: Is anyone staying, or is everyone going back to TI?
vance_stevens: back to TI
vance_stevens: I'm signing off here
aidenyeh: k
abufletcher: I'd say let's go back to TI
johnschrus: Sounds good, I'm signing off, too
abufletcher: Too much to think about.
abufletcher: Can I sign out of a conference I started?
johnschrus: exactly Don
ritazeinstejer: multitasking is demanding..
aidenyeh: it is rita
aidenyeh: i'm getting confused with these screens
johnschrus: same here
johnschrus: ciao
Yahoo! Messenger: abufletcher has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: aidenyeh has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: ritazeinstejer has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: johnschrus has left the conference.
cherry_hl13: bye,all
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: February 9, 2003 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |