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Workshop Webheads: Main Page | Join us | Welcome | Students | Virtual Community | Online Class | Chat Logs | Reports and Studies | Grammar | Tutorials | Games | Teaching for Webheads | Webheads in Action Time conversions - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html and more Chats Tapped In - /join VanceS in Office N2201, North Wing, 22nd Floor or /join JohnSte | Homestead text chat or leave a message | GroupBoard text chat, whiteboard, and guestbook | Palaces avatar text chat at plantation.chatserve.com and mycorner.xsia.com, both on port 9998 | Active Worlds animated avatar 3D text chat | Discussion forums Delphi Forum | Instant Messengers ICQ | Yahoo! Messenger | MSN Messenger Service | Gloss this page - http://www.voycabulary.com/ | Translate this page - http://world.altavista.com/ | Proxies - https://proxy.autistici.org/ | http://www.safeweb.com |
Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants: Vance in Abu Dhabi | GloriaL | Claire in Pennsylvania | BJB in Pennsylvania | Adriana | Fin | Jennifer | Cynthia | Venny in Taiwan | Maggi in Germany | Rita in Argentina | Dafne in Spain | Teresa in Portugal | Carmela | John in Puerto Rico | Sonja in Darwin | Susanne from Denmark | Aiden in Taiwan | Michael in Australia | Marc in PA with Claire | Sandy
Today, we experimented with iVisit. Trouble is, once you're all gathered there, then what do you do? <Click here to see ... and here (also, meet Marc, Claire's husband) -->. VanceS teleports to the reception. Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Nov 24 04:00:11 2002 PST. GloriaL exclaims, "Hi Vance!" VanceS [Webhead] asks, "hello ??" VanceS [Webhead] says, "there, sorry, wasn't sure where I was" VanceS [Webhead] asks, "how are you?" GloriaL says, "I am Kare.n's student. Finally, I make it" VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Yes, how are you, and how is Karen?" GloriaL says, "Nice to "meet" you." GloriaL says, "She has been so busy." VanceS [Webhead] says, "she always is" |
ClaireB has connected.
ClaireB [full of candy] exclaims, "Hello all!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Claire"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Claire, meet Gloria"
ClaireB [full of candy] says, "HI Gloria"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Gloria is a student of Karen Price's"
GloriaL says, "Hi Clair."
ClaireB [full of candy] asks, "Ah, how is Karen doing these days?"
VanceS [to Claire]: "she's very busy"
BJB has arrived.
BJ's Shadow follows BJB to here.
BJB [Helpdesk] wavews hi
ClaireB [full of candy] says, "I'm sure -- Karen is a dynamo of energy"
VanceS [Webhead] wavews to GloriaL, ClaireB [full of candy], and BJB [Helpdesk].
ClaireB [full of candy] hugs BJB
GloriaL says, "She told me "Her life has been crazy.""
ClaireB [full of candy] says, "ok, how do I get rid of "full of candy?""
BJB drops 2002/11/24 Webheads (recording).
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "type /mood with nothing after it"
ClaireB says, "OK"
ClaireB says, "That seems to have worked. :-)"
Adriana has connected.
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "hi, Adriana. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
fin has connected.
JenniferCL has connected.
BJB [to Adriana [guest]]: "can we help you?"
ClaireB asks, "So I gather that people are trying to come up with some alternative times to meet?"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "hi, Fin. Nice to see you"
fin [guest] says, "hello! everyone"
BJB [Helpdesk] waves hi to Jennifer
Adriana [guest] says, "hello everyone"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Adriana, hi Fin"
GloriaL says, "Hello, there."
Adriana [guest] says, "hi Vance"
JenniferCL says, "hello"
BJB . o O ( silence or lag? )
BJB [to Claire]: "you mentioned an alternative time for the webheads meetings"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yes, we're wondering how we can do that"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_24 [guest] has disconnected.
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "I am logged in most Saturdays at 2pm ET/7pm GMT"
ClaireB says, "yes, coordinating times is one of the big problems with CMC"
fin has connected.
GloriaL asks, "Vance, do "webbheads" usually gather here or somewhere eles to have discussion?"
BJB . o O ( I do the tours and tips )
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "wb, Fin"
BJB [to Gloria]: "the webheads usually meet here in reception"
fin [guest] says, "my computer is really bed"
fin [guest] 0)
JenniferCL asks, "Can somebody tell me where can i get to the Aden's office?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we meet here because there is usually no one else here at this time"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I don't know if Aiden is here yet, Fin"
BJB [to Jennifer]: "her office is E802"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "You can wait with us until someone else wants to go there if you want"
Adriana [guest] asks, "this is my first time here - can anyone tell me what's going on?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "btw, Fin, did you see your web page?"
JenniferCL leaves for the El.
JenniferCL's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
fin [guest] says, "no..."
JenniferCL has arrived.
JenniferCL's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
fin [guest] says, "but i saw others"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "shall I project fin's page?"
GloriaL says, "Last time I mentioned about my project about MUVEs and language acquisition"
JenniferCL says, "Thank you so much, BJ"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "incidentally, I have a web cam up"
fin [guest] says, "by the way..i can't be a member of tappin...can you tell me why"
JenniferCL says, "I will go there later"
BJB [to Jennifer]: "do you know how to get to Aiden's office?"
BJB [to Fin [guest]]: "what happens when you fill out the membership form?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "This is the weekly meeting of our group Adriana"
CynthiaLi has connected.
GloriaL says, "(to Vance) I am wondering if you know anyone who is engaged in using online discussion for teaching language."
BJB [Helpdesk] waves to Cynthia
CynthiaLi says, "Hi~ BJ.."
JenniferCL says, "yes, i visited the building before."
BJB [Helpdesk] nods to Jennifer
VanceS [to Gloria]: "we are"
Adriana [guest] asks, "what is this group for? what topics do you discuss?"
CynthiaLi asks, "BJ~ may I ask you a question?"
fin [guest] says, "i did that and got password, but whem i try to loggin"
BJB [Helpdesk] listens to Fin
fin [guest] says, "it says that doesn't resist this id"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "here is Fin's page, shall I project it?"
BJB [to Cynthia]: "what is your question?"
JenniferCL asks, "I shall take the elevator to go to 8th floor, right?"
ClaireB says, "yes, project it"
VanceS [Webhead] projects the URL: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/fin.htm
BJB [to Fin [guest]]: "passwords are case sensitive. What is your membername?"
BJB [to Jennifer]: "yes, that is correct"
VennyS has arrived.
Parrot follows VennyS to here.
VennyS [: -)] bows gracefully.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Ok, to Gloria, who is asking, Fin is a student in Taiwan"
BJB [Helpdesk] bows to Venny, the wise papa owl
GloriaL says, "(to Vance) I am interested in "lurking" in sync. student discc"
GloriaL says, "ss"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and that's Fin's web page"
VennyS [: -)] asks, "can you speak in Yahoo msn in Mac?"
CynthiaLi asks, "What do you think about the foreign studendts wanting to apply US schools should make a necessary step which is to have TOEFL test?"
JenniferCL has arrived.
BJB [Helpdesk] hopes everyone knows about url projections and we didn't lose anyone
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I don't know Venny, Sus hasn't had much luck with voice"
CynthiaLi asks, "Do you think this step is really essential?"
ClaireB says, "Vance, I think that the audio doesn't work yet."
VennyS [: -)] nods to VanceS [Webhead].
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
fin [guest] says, "finsu....is my membername"
BJB [to Cynthia]: "who is requiring the TOEFL? The US school?"
CynthiaLi says, "yes."
BJB [Helpdesk] hugs Maggi Hi
MargaretD hugs BJ
fin [guest] says, "d"
BJB [to Cynthia]: "I suppose that this is to ensure that you will be language proficient so that you can comprehend the classes, but I really don't know anything about it"
JenniferCL says, "i think TOEFL test could help to know the comprehencian of English, but cannot not"
BJB [to Fin [guest]]: "I can reset your password if you want to try logging in as a member"
JenniferCL says, "exam the speaking ability"
fin [guest] says, "thank you"
MargaretD says, "The TOEFL is given for anyone coming to the US to study"
BJB [to Fin [guest]]: "whisper the password you want. Type /wh bjb passwordyouwant"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "thanks, Maggi"
GloriaL asks, "I would like to know teachers who is using using MUVEs in the classroom.Can introduce me anyone?"
JenniferCL asks, "How can the chatspace expand larger?"
fin [guest] says, "8927505/wh bjb"
CynthiaLi says, "As I know, many students who get high grades can't communicate with a foreigner well"
MargaretD says, "click detach"
CynthiaLi says, "because they just know how to pass the test"
VanceS [to Gloria]: "by MUVE do you mean something like Tapped In?"
MargaretD says, "it is a test Cynthia"
JenniferCL says, "Because the words flow to fast that i can't catch up the words"
CynthiaLi asks, "what do you mean, Margaret?"
BJB [to Fin [guest]]: "your new password has been set. Log out, do a restart of your machine and then log back in. Make sure you use the membername of FinS"
GloriaL says, "Yes, or MOOs like LinguaMOO"
MargaretD asks, "can they speed be slowed down BJ like in a MOO?"
fin [guest] says, "i did too"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "most users can click on DETACH to make the text window larger and easier to read..."
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "but the DETACH feature doesn't work on the Asian servers for some reason"
Adriana [guest] asks, "I have never studied English, I have just learned it. Easily. I basically can have a fluent conversation with an English native speaker, but I still have problems. How can I fix that?"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "you can click on PASTEBOARD and APPEND to freeze a part of the dialogue to read separately in another window"
VanceS [to Gloria]: "other than us, Shun in Japan as one example"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_118 [guest] has disconnected.
BJB [to Adriana [guest]]: "You sound very fluent to me!"
VanceS [to Adriana [guest]]: "The way we deal with most problems is just have you interact with us"
GloriaL asks, "[to Vance] how can I contact him?"
MargaretD says, "Cynthia it is a written test that many native speakers would have difficulty with and not a demonstration of actual competence in the language itself - communicating"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "for example, if you write us and we start a web page for you then we post what you write with corrections"
RitaZ has connected.
GloriaL says, "[to Vance] sorry, I don't get it."
Adriana [guest] asks, "wouldn't a voice based conversation be more useful?"
CynthiaLi asks, "so I am curious why US schools indeed ask most foreign students should have the TOEFL test before applying for the school?"
VanceS [to Gloria,]: "you can find Shun's url here ... http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi /shunichiro.htm"
VanceS [to Adriana,]: "we can do that"
BJB [to Adriana [guest]]: "I would think voice communication would be an important component of language acquistion"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "let's try something new today"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
RitaZ exclaims, "good day, folks!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "someone gave me a chatterbox site but I've never used it yet"
DafneG says, "hello everybody"
Adriana [guest] says, "I fully agree with you, BJB"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Rita, hi Daf"
CynthiaLi says, "Hi~ DafneG"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "shall we try it?"
BJB . o O ( TAPPED IN doesn't have voice, but the webheads use other forms of communication to facitate voice usage )
ClaireB says, "Hi Daf"
VanceS [Webhead] looks for url
RitaZ says, "hi, Daf"
BJB [Helpdesk] kisses Rita and Daf
DafneG kisses everybody on both cheeks
Adriana [guest] says, "let's try it, Vance"
ClaireB says, "Hi Rita"
RitaZ hugs BJ
GloriaL asks, "[to Vance] or do you know where I might be able to access archived transcripts of learners' online discussion?"
JenniferCL says, "I agree with Chnthia"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Clari!"
CynthiaLi says, "Thanks, Jennifer"
ClaireB says, "Gloria, try Vance's web site"
BJB . o O ( don't forget we have access to Andrew's alado net )
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yes, can someone steer Gloria to the chat logs, I'm looking for the chatterbox url"
MargaretD says, "in an academic setting there is a lot of written material to read and writing to be done and most professors haven't the time to correct grammar, etc"
CynthiaLi says, "Most people have to pay must attention for preparing TOEFL"
VanceS . o O ( this is another site I want to try )
JenniferCL says, "I also wondering why we still have to take the other exams after applying into a school."
CynthiaLi says, "I agree with Jennifer, such as GRE"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "the alado.net site is at http://www.alado.net/chicago"
BJB . o O ( but it's only for pc/s and IE )
MargaretD says, "this are tests that American students take too"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "nevermind about the roomtalk site"
CynthiaLi says, "also the test content of GRE is totally different to TOEFL.. therefore, people are exhausted about preparing the two tests"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I need to look it up later"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, let's try the alado site"
CynthiaLi asks, "what would American take?"
MargaretD says, "the GRE is to see if you qual8ify for graducate study"
JenniferCL says, "For example, my friend tell me she has to take the English test decided by her school"
FinS has connected.
GloriaL asks, "[to Vance] Are they logs of continuous learner discussion?"
MargaretD says, "it is not a language exam"
BJB [Helpdesk] cheers for Fin...you did it!
DafneG exclaims, "hello Fin, welcome!"
FinS says, "finally!!;)"
MargaretD cheers
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
MargaretD says, "Hi Tere"
DafneG waves and hugs Tere
VanceS [to Gloria]: "Here are the logs, you can have a look: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/chatlogs.htm"
BJB [Helpdesk] hugs Tere
ClaireB says, "VAnce, I just went to the alado site, and the necessary plugin does not work on macs"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hello one and all!"
ClaireB hugs Tere
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Hi Fin, finally what?"
BJB [to Claire]: "that is correct...alado is only for pc's"
RitaZ hugs Tere helo
ClaireB says, "once again a pariah :-)"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I guess only iVisit works with both macs and PC's"
FinS says, "finally i can loggin sa a member"
BJB [to VanceS]: "Fin is logged in as a member!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we could try there for a while if you want"
VanceS [Webhead] claps for FIN
CynthiaLi asks, "I really don't know why Americans ask for TOEFL and GRE?" _______________ | |
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | Congrats Fin! | |_______________|
TeresaAlm says, "clarinha, don't you just love being a pariah?! ;.)"
FinS goes UP.
FinS's personal recorder (recording) goes UP.
CynthiaLi says, "I don't think the grades could decide how's the person's content."
MargaretD says, "Tests unfortunately, are the only guidelines at times to check if a person has the basic qualifications"
TeresaAlm [to Clarinha]: "how's you net guest?"
JenniferCL leaves for the El.
JenniferCL's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "shall we pop over to iVisit? Actually I'm still downloading alado onto this computer"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I've got a webcam up at Yahoo in case anyone wants to be invited to view it"
MargaretD asks, "where do you live Cynthia?"
BJB [to VanceS]: "that might be a better solution for our mac users :-)"
CarmelaB has connected.
CynthiaLi says, "Kaoshiung, Taiwan"
CarmelaB leaves for the ASO.
CarmelaB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
CarmelaB has arrived.
CarmelaB's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
CynthiaLi asks, "and you, Margaret?"
ClaireB says, "I have a password-protected room in visit that we could use"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "Hi, Carmela. Welcome"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "Sus also set up a room in ivisit"
CarmelaB says, "Hi BJ"
DafneG says, "I see Vance now"
MargaretD asks, "Ok...do you think I should be allowed to study in Taiwan without first seeing if my Chinese is good enough?"
MargaretD says, "I live in Germany"
VanceS [Webhead] waves to Daf
CynthiaLi says, "I know what you mean, but I just don't like the rules"
FinS has arrived.
FinS's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
MargaretD exclaims, "neither do I!"
GloriaL says, "[to Vance] I would like to see if students do make progress or not. So I need to read the logs from the same group."
FinS says, "i keep on and down..that's nasty:("
TeresaAlm says, "teresa waves to vance in abu dhabi."
MargaretD says, "So, I don't give my students a test"
BJB . o O ( wia, password I think is wia. it's in training online )
VanceS [to Gloria]: "for your research you might need to form your own group"
DafneG offers some tea to Vance from Spain
VanceS [Webhead] says, "also you would need permission from those ou studied"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Que? No cerveza?"
CynthiaLi says, "but sometimes I think test is also necessary because it "pushes" students study."
DafneG [to VanceS]: "it is cold for a beer"
MargaretD says, "sometimes"
VanceS [Webhead] politely accepts tea from Spain
FinS says, "i agree"
CynthiaLi says, "even though I hate test but necessary"
You hear a quiet popping sound; CarmelaB has disconnected.
CynthiaLi asks, "Margaret, if you don't give students tests, how do you grade them?"
CarmelaB has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; CarmelaB has disconnected.
MargaretD says, "I don't"
VanceS [Webhead] looks at Claire's web cam "Hi Claire"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "If you want to go to iVisit, Sus has set up a room for Webheads in the TRAINING ONLINE folder"
TeresaAlm [to Clarinha]: "how i miss that room and both of you!"
CynthiaLi says, "I know what I ask is contraversy to before I said"
ClaireB says, "hi vance and rita"
TeresaAlm [to Clarinha]: "can you make your webcam smaller so i can take a prtsc, pls?"
JenniferCL has arrived.
JenniferCL's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
CarmelaB has connected.
DafneG says, "you can evaluate without tests once the student is taking courses, but not before"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "welcome back, Carmela"
GloriaL says, "[to Vance] That's a problem. I don't have students for me to do the research. Besides, this kind of reasearch should take a long time. For time's sake, it'll be easier if I can access a teacher's archived logs of student discussion."
BJB [to Carmela]: "can I help you?"
MargaretD asks, "they are trainees in a compahny...if they can do their job when they need to in English then they passed didn't they?"
ClaireB says, "to tere it is a bug in the software. I am downloading the latest version which I hope will fix the size problem"
CynthiaLi says, "I love doing research instead of test"
CarmelaB says, "I'm okay thanks! Just wanted to look at the calendar."
JenniferCL says, "You can say that again."
BJB [to Carmela]: "this is the weekly webheads discussion. You are welcome to join us"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I finally got in the /chicago chat room"
CynthiaLi says, "because learning from the procedures of doing research is more than having conventional exams"
BJB [to VanceS]: "is anyone else there?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "no, just me"
BJB . o O ( I logged out when you suggested we go to ivisit )
TeresaAlm [to Clarinha]: "thanks for the info."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm willing to go to iVisit if anyone wants to"
JenniferCL says, "I think doing research can build up our composing and collecting skill"
CynthiaLi says, "also the logical thinking"
BJB [to VanceS]: "do you remember the room Susanne set up and how to get there?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, shall we go to iVisit then"
GloriaL says, "I don't know how."
FinS says, "i don't know how"
CynthiaLi says, "I did one when I was the fifth grade in my jenior college"
RitaZ [to Teresa]: "whats the password to join iVisit?"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "you have to download the software for ivisit, Gloria and Fin"
Adriana [guest] says, "unfortuntely I haven't installed iVisit onto my computer"
CynthiaLi says, "I learned lots from that reseaarch."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "hang on let me catch up"
BJB [to Rita]: "the password for the Room Susanne set up is wia"
RitaZ says, "thanks, Bj"
DafneG says, "but you cannot expect that 2000 students present a research to be considered for entering a university. Who's going to assess those research? and how long would it tak, Jennifer and Cynthia"
TeresaAlm [to Rita]: "sorry i missed your question."
CynthiaLi says, "the most essential part is finally I had to present to my classmates"
JohnSte has arrived.
White Book of Tarkin Ru follows JohnSte to here.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Finally, I connected."
DafneG says, "Hello, John"
BJB [to Rita]: "I see you in ivisit"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, everybody."
JenniferCL says, "It could take one whole week to present 2000 students' resesarch"
TeresaAlm says, "waves to john."
BJB [Helpdesk] hugs John. How are you feeling?
VanceS [Webhead] says, "congrats John"
MargaretD says, "hi John"
SonjaE has connected.
TeresaAlm asks, "congrats on what?"
JenniferCL says, "Hh John"
RitaZ says, "hi, John"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Much better, BJ, thank you. I just spent ovetr an hour trying to connect this morning."
DafneG says, "it happened to me last night, John"
SonjaE says, "Hi everybody, this is my first time here and I'm totally lost"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Sonya, from Darwin"
RitaZ says, "hi, Sonja"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Gloria, Vance, Claire, BJ, Adriana, Cynthia, Dafne, Maggi, Sonja (and any body else I missed)."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "welcome"
CarmelaB leaves for the ASO.
CarmelaB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
MargaretD says, "welcome Sonja"
TeresaAlm says, "don't worry sonja, it takes time to get used to. be patient."
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "welcome to TAPPED IN, Sonja."
DafneG waves hi to Sonja
CarmelaB has arrived.
CarmelaB's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
BJB [to Sonja]: "are you here for the Webheads discussion?"
TeresaAlm says, "we will help you, sonja."
Adriana [guest] says, "hello John :)"
VanceS . o O ( meet Sonja here: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/sonja.htm )
CynthiaLi asks, "To DafneG, why not just present the papers or researchs done at the school for entering US school?"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Heool, Adtriana."
You hear a quiet popping sound; CarmelaB has disconnected.
BJB [to Sonja]: "click on DETACH in the middle right of your screen to make your text window larger and easier to read"
JenniferCL says, "By the morden Hi-tech, maybe students can record their presentation on the digital camera and sent them to school"
SonjaE says, "Hi Vance & Ritaz, thanks TheresaAlm"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
CynthiaLi says, "yes, agree with Jennifer"
MargaretD hugs Sus
DafneG kisses Sus on both cheecks
TeresaAlm says, "i felt like you do the first times and now i love this, sonja."
RitaZ hugs Sus
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm having to download iVisit to my computer here"
FinS says, "hi sonya and john"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Waves hello the the friendly looking people"
BJB [Helpdesk] hugs Sus good day
CynthiaLi says, "maybe that would be more effective than taking tests before applying for the schools"
VanceS [Webhead] wave to Sus et al
JenniferCL says, "southern Taiwan is getting colder now."
DafneG [to SusanneN]: "did you read my postings to the English Forum for Studens?"
AidenY has connected.
MargaretD asks, "how cold?"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "I am late because I needed time to write a smaller essay about our chat reseasrch to the mail lists"
BJB [Helpdesk] waves hi to Aiden
TeresaAlm says, "i'm not going to ivisit because it crashed ym last week."
DafneG says, "Hi dear Aiden"
SonjaE asks, "Its all happening so fast here ins't it?"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Daf, n o,. I've not been there yet today"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hello sorry am late"
MargaretD says, "Hi Aiden"
JenniferCL says, "yes, and sent reports via the Internet will be also effective"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "i just saw your 'espantada' expression because the size is still the same, right?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Aiden"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Aiden, you look back to normal :-)"
JenniferCL says, "nice to see you, Aden"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "LOL"
DafneG [to SusanneN]: "I created a poll about the use of chats for language learning"
FinS says, "hi"
VanceS [Webhead] wonders how many people are here ..s one, two GloriaL, ClaireB, BJB [Helpdesk], Adriana [guest], CynthiaLi, VennyS [: -)], MargaretD, RitaZ, DafneG, TeresaAlm, FinS, JenniferCL, JohnSte [Dr. Cat], SonjaE, SusanneN [webheaddy], and AidenY [back to normal].
CynthiaLi says, "nice to see you. Aden"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hello cynthia"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_172 [guest] has lost its link.
VanceS . o O ( webheady? )
AidenY [back to normal] says, "how are you, nice to see you here"
SusanneN [webheaddy] suddely remember the detach button to get a larger text field, now that is scrolls so fast
BJB . o O ( oops, lost Adriana )
DafneG [to Adriana,]: "where do you live?"
SusanneN [webheaddy] asks, "Yes, Vance, a new adjective?"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "was Michael here a while ago?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireB has lost her link.
DafneG says, "I haven't seen him, Aiden"
JenniferCL says, "no i haven't seen her"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Aiden, I just arrived, too"
VanceS [to Claire]: "I just .... darn"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "oh, dear..now we lost Claire"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "I want to show him a webpage I made for our meeting this Wednesday"
BJB . o O ( hopefully she will return, Vance )
AidenY [back to normal] says, "anyway, you're all free to drop us a visit"
DafneG says, "why don't you show it to us, Aiden"
JenniferCL asks, "Aden, when will the 802 classroom open?"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Oh yes, you're having a date :-)"
ClaireB has connected.
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "wb, Claire"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "ok"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "wb calire"
CynthiaLi says, "Hi~ Claire."
ClaireB says, "I'm baaaaak"
CynthiaLi says, "welcome back"
RitaZ says, "wb, Clari"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "it's open all the time jennifer"
FinS says, "welcome back"
JenniferCL asks, "Are you?.....lovely Clair?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Claire, I declined to view your cam a moment ago because I'm trying to set up iVisit"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "we don't have a meeting tonight, do we?"
ClaireB says, "had to restart due to downloading new Yahoo, but it did not solve the size problem :-("
DafneG asks, "Aiden is having a date with one of our singers?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "who wants to guide us in (me, or Sus)?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yes"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "sorry. I was gone for a while (helping my wife find out why her CD wasn't playing)."
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Oh, hi Fin! nice to meet you here"
ClaireB says, "ok, let's try ivis"
SusanneN [webheaddy] asks, "where, what, are we playing with iVisit ?"
JenniferCL says, "oh, sorry i don't know. i thought we have that everyweek"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "and actually i've asked my students to give their own interpreation of micahel's song"
CynthiaLi leaves for the El.
CynthiaLi's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
FinS says, "hi:0)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "fear of being to good"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "I will have to change my arrangement, back in a few minutes (or seconds)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hello fin"
SusanneN [webheaddy] closing down all other applications
MichaelAC has connected.
FinS says, "hi!;)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "wait, i'll check the url, gee"
BJB [Helpdesk] exclaims, "here's Michael!"
MargaretD asks, "are you mechanically minded Joh?"
MichaelAC asks, "How are we all?"
DafneG says, "Aiden, I would like to see your page"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Mornin, Michael."
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yes, a minute"
DafneG says, "Hi Michael"
MargaretD says, "hi mc"
JenniferCL says, "Hi Michael"
CynthiaLi has arrived.
CynthiaLi's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
SusanneN [webheaddy] moving a table snd some chairs and heaps of papers and stuff
TeresaAlm says, "waves to mc"
ClaireB asks, "where is sus' room in ivisit? or do you want to go to mine?"
DafneG [to Michael,]: "I love your long hair look in that picture in Israel"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I don't know ab out you, Michael - But I'm doing fine."
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Go where you like, I ned a little break"
BJB [to Claire]: "Sus's room is in TRAINING"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "http://www.geocities.com/aidenyeh/michaelc.html"
RitaZ [to Claire]: "Sus's room is in Training Online"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Good to here John. I'm also fine!"
BJB . o O ( ONLINE TRAINING, I think )
ClaireB asks, "ok, what is the name of the room?"
BJB [Helpdesk] says, "the name is WIA"
CynthiaLi asks, "Aiden, are you having a meeting right now?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "forgot to project it"
BJB . o O ( it's at the end of a long list of rooms )
AidenY [back to normal] says, "not really cynthia"
RitaZ asks, "once there, how do you speak?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "you could join us if you want"
BJB [to AidenY]: "don't project, please"
FinS says, "the screen most so fast...my goodness"
AidenY [back to normal] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/aidenyeh/michaelc.html
BJB [to AidenY]: "projections knock some people offline"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has disconnected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "There you go"
BJB . o O ( like Maggi )
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "Is michael here?"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Too late, BJ."
BJB . o O ( poor Maggi )
DafneG says, "Great page Aiden"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "not finished yet"
JenniferCL asks, "where does the meeting take place, Aden?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i still have to add more links and pages"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Aiden - I am amazed!!!!"
DafneG says, "I like the background color, my first impression"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Wow!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yahoo messenger"
SonjaE projects HelpDesk.
The HelpDesk is typically staffed between noon and 6pm PST Monday through Friday. If you log in then, someone will be available to help you. You can also reach us via email at contactus@tappedin.org.
MargaretD has connected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "michael i want you to read some of the insights that were given"
FinS says, "that's my favorite color:)"
JenniferCL asks, "Should we jion you?"
ClaireB asks, "what is the pw for sus room in ivisit?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "some really hit it of"
FinS says, "wia"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "jennifer, this is for my students in NKFUST, not shir chien"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "great page! very nice, mc!"
MichaelAC says, "I will - glancing at them now (with an eye on this chat as well)"
RitaZ exclaims, "great work, AideN!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "some of the links may be dead"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "thanks"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i wish I have more than 2 hands"
ClaireB says, "ok, now I'm in"
JenniferCL says, "oh, okay thank you anyway"
SusanneN [webheaddy] says, "Me too"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "to be able to finish everything"
SusanneN looks iVisit.
CynthiaLi says, "Aiden, the person called Joy is my classmate i have mentioned with you."
AidenY [back to normal] says, "but I could have one like this for shir chien, jennifer"
DafneG [to AidenY]: "I am preparing other exercises with Michael's songs. Will show them to you when they are ready"
You hear a quiet popping sound; CynthiaLi has disconnected.
JenniferCL exclaims, "sure, that would be great!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yes, I know, cynthia, she's one of the best students in that class"
MichaelAC says, "It's fantastic that people want to use these songs - they have been just sitting there for a long time"
CynthiaLi has connected.
DafneG says, "time for them to stand up, Michael"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "michael, they will ask you questions about the song"
MichaelAC says, "it might inspire me to get the rest of my stuff up on the Net"
CynthiaLi says, "I am back"
MichaelAC says, "Thats fine Aiden"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "why not, michael, perhaps it's about time"
JenniferCL says, "welcome back"
VennyS [: -)] is back after bathing his two daughters.
DafneG exclaims, "sure, Michael, go for it!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hi venny"
VennyS [: -)] waves to AidenY [back to normal].
DafneG says, "hi Venny"
JohnSte [to VennyS]: "You get very wet?"
CynthiaLi projects AidenY [back to normal]. <webhead>
AidenY [back to normal] says, "michael, some of my students feel that this song is religiously inclined"
FinS exclaims, "the songs is beautiful!"
VennyS [: -)] grins at JohnSte [Dr. Cat].
JenniferCL asks, "Are you preparing for applying US school, Chynthia?"
VennyS . o O ( what song? )
TeresaAlm says, "what a dedicated father! i like that, venny! :-)"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [Webhead] has lost his link.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "fear of being too good, by our very own micahelc"
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 24 05:02:18 2002 PST.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 24 05:04:06 2002 PST.
SonjaE has arrived.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "See you, Cynthia"
You hear a quiet popping sound; JenniferCL has disconnected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "welcome back vance"
DafneG says, "wb, Vance"
MichaelAC says, "Yes John. People may try"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Michael"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Warner Brother, Vance."
CynthiaLi says, "bye, DafneG. thank you for your dicussion with me about the "ugly" test"
MichaelAC says, "Hell shark hunter"
DafneG says, "lol"
MichaelAC says, "er hello"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I was just mugged by a band of iVisitors"
CynthiaLi says, "see you."
You hear a quiet popping sound; CynthiaLi has disconnected.
VennyS . o O ( is there anyone who use yahoo in Mac? )
VanceS [Webhead] says, "not sure if I should try it again"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "is anyone trying iVisit?"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "daf, it is very nice of you to ask, but i think that the things we write about will generally have our consent in advance. agree?"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Yes, but with a prro result"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "poor"
DafneG says, "I just want to make sure, TEre"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "I can't even see myself, not to mention the others"
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "cant follow this and explore iVisit at same time...., sorry, Daf, and its been great to be in your boat...;-)"
BJB [to VanceS]: "yes, Sus and Claire and I are there"
2002/11/24 Webheads is full. Stopped recording.
VennyS [to SusanneN]: "is there voice in yahoo msn?"
SusanneN . o O ( speaking of iVisit experiment )
FinS says, "yes"
DafneG asks, "Phill, came aboard today, with his message, did you see it Rita?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, I'll try again, but it just crashed my computer a minute ago"
MichaelAC says, "Aiden - just reaad the student responses - they are very perceptive"
DafneG says, "I gave up on ivisit"
SusanneN [iVisit] exclaims, "Yes, it was a great meesage from Phil - he might get hold on Wimba for Viv@!"
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "not yet, need to check email still..."
DafneG says, "it crashed my computer every time I tried it in the past"
MichaelAC says, "I might try and write something to them before our live session"
SusanneN [iVisit] asks, "let us leave iVisit for now, shall we?"
ClaireB says, "ok"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "It is not a good day."
DafneG says, "I miss so much my Wimba free board"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i still have to add more links to students' reactions and comments, mkchael"
MichaelAC says, "Great - the more the merrier"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Might be some sverver trouble"
SusanneN [iVisit] asks, "Was that you, BJ?"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "I heard a voice calling"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i will send the links to you before wednesday so you could have an idea of what they think about the song"
MichaelAC says, "Ok - thnx"
DafneG asks, "Aiden were you abnormal or subnornmal at any moment?"
DafneG says, "since your mood is back to normal"
MichaelAC says, "Wimba was great wasn't it Daf"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "my class starts at 1;30 pm Taiwan, Michael, so you will have to give us some time to install yahoo messnger"
SonjaE asks, "Is there anywhere you can go now to learn about Tapped-in -it seems that there's no-one at the help desk?"
MichaelAC says, "Noted Aiden"
DafneG says, "I love Wimba, pity it is a paid service now"
FinS says, "i have to go,bye everyone. bye the way i think thses songs are great! bye"
MichaelAC says, "You can't blame Wimba though. They have to make a living too."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "See you, Fin."
DafneG says, "bye, Fin"
BJB [to Sonja]: "I'm on the helpdesk"
MargaretD says, "bye Fin"
MichaelAC says, "Bye Fin"
RitaZ says, "bye, Fin"
TeresaAlm says, "bye, fin."
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i miss wimba too, daf, imagine if the free service is still on, i couldhave used it for my project with michael"
BJB [to Sonja]: "if you would like to learn more about TAPPED IN, let's go to another room where is is not so busy"
You hear a quiet popping sound; FinS has disconnected.
BJB [to Sonja]: "click on AFTER SCHOOL ONLINE on the room drawing"
MichaelAC says, "Of course we could ask to get our Wimba server...."
SonjaE says, "thanks BJB I'll try to get there now"
DafneG says, "yes, I had to change an activity in my online module because it became paid in the middle of it"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "there's another software which is for free, is it, voice mail, or something. has anyone of you heard of it?"
MichaelAC says, "Ask vance to get our own Wimba server....:)"
SonjaE leaves for the ASO.
SonjaE's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "iVisit works now - Claire and I can speak and see"
DafneG says, "Pure Voice, Aiden"
MichaelAC asks, "Do you mean Pure Voice Aiden?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [Webhead] has lost his link.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 24 05:11:37 2002 PST.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 24 05:13:22 2002 PST.
DafneG asks, "2 minutes?"
MichaelAC says, "Less than 30 seconds (at a guess)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i ask my students to record their voices using windows then upload them as wav files, then upload again into my geocities file manageer"
MichaelAC says, "Maybe I'll try one now and see"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi, iVisit crashed my computer again"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "However I'm on iVisit with another computer"
ClaireB asks, "vance do you have the latest version of ivist?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Where should I go"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'm scared to use ivist, i might lose my connection here"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I downloaded it just now"
SusanneN [iVisit] asks, "Vance, where in iVisit are YOU?"
ClaireB says, "http://www.ivisit.com"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "In distance learning"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "We meet in my WIA room"
VennyS [: -)] is going to test ivist
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Please do Venny"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "how do I get there?"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Distance education / Training ONline /wia passwrod wia"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "starting from Groups, where Education is one, start there?"
MichaelAC says, "Aiden - I just sent you a Pure Voice message"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "In 'groups' i have arts, business, community, education, family ..."
VanceS . o O ( reason I ask is that there is no path from education as you describe )
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hmmm, dow do i open it, michael"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "maybe I'm on the wrong server"
ClaireB says, "education/traning online/wia"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i've downloaded ivisit on my laptop"
Adriana has connected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'll be there in a few sec."
DafneG asks, "Michael do you have to download a software to use Pure Voice?"
ClaireB says, "the purevoice software is downloadable and free"
MichaelAC says, "Not sure - try cliking on it first. It might aotoamtically open something! if that doesn't work, use Sound Recorder or Windows Media player"
DafneG says, "welcome back Adriana"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "in education/training online there is no WIA"
DafneG says, "thanks, Claire"
Adriana [guest] says, "thank you, Dafne :)"
SusanneN [iVisit] asks, "Yes, Vance, in the bottom of the list?"
MichaelAC says, "Not sure if you have to dowlload PV to hear incoming messages. Aiden can do a test for us and see"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "It is the last group"
DafneG asks, "Adriana where do you live?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it's not a scrollable list, and I just expanded the window and found it"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'm in ivisit"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "can someone fetch me, i'm kinda lost in ivisit"
MichaelAC smiles at lost Aiden
RitaZ says, "i know how you feel, Aiden...;-)"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_85 [guest] has lost its link.
DafneG says, "being lost might affect Aiden's normal mood"
VanceS . o O ( so do i )
ClaireB asks, "tere, why don't you come in ivisit with us?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "however, I am with Claire"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and now I see Sus"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "daf, am i porjecting any mood, which i'm not well aware of?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Re PV - 15 seconds of voice = 21 kb. Not bad at all!"
DafneG says, "yes, Aiden, you are "back to normal""
Adriana has connected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "ah, ok, whew, you scared me back there, i thought i was still the bitchy witch"
DafneG says, "isn't that your "normal", Aiden? ;-)"
RitaZ asks, "one question: can we "write" at iVisit, or only "speak"?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I've got Claire ad Marc siskin on the line here"
DafneG says, "both Rita" Adriana [guest] says, "hello again, my connection is pretty bad at the moment" BJB [Helpdesk] says, "wb, Adriana" VanceS [Webhead] says, "you can write, but we might as well write here" DafneG says, "wb, Adriana" BJB [to Adriana [guest]]: "you might want to try a restart of your machine" RitaZ says, "cant see how to write...." |
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Rita there is a chat too in iVisit'"
Adriana [guest] says, "thanks"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "who could hear me there"
DafneG says, "yes, BJB it worked with Alicia last night"
RitaZ asks, "wheres the chat, Sus?"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "You can open it in your window menu"
Adriana [guest] says, "I restarted already"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I think Claire and Marc could"
ClaireB says, "venny, I can hear you just fine"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
ClaireB asks, "in ivisit, I have heard that the quality of audio will be better if we all put our video on pause. shall we try it?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "figured it out"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "does that help?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "well, i still haven't, am still lost"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yeah, I don't see Aiden"
ClaireB asks, "aiden, are you in the directory window?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i opened directory"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "then what"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "where do i go from here? (sounds like a song)"
ClaireB says, "click on the education directory"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "are you in Groups?"
ClaireB says, "then training online"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_19 [guest] has lost its link.
ClaireB says, "then wia at the very bottom"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "ok"
VanceS [Webhead] waits for Aiden to join us
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I can't get any voice though"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'm in training online"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "where are you?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "have I geen broadcasting voice at all?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "you have to EXPAND the window so you can see WIA at the bottom"
AidenY [back to normal] exclaims, "i can see you!!!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yes at the very bottom"
Adriana has connected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "I double clicked"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "nothing happened"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "michael has joined us"
Adriana [guest] says, "Hello again" MichaelAC exclaims, "For a brief minute!" VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Is susanne in the kitchen or in the darkroom?" AidenY [back to normal] says, "michael, you, didn't even searched for me" AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'm still outside you know" AidenY [back to normal] asks, "how do i get in?" Adriana [guest] asks, "what room are you in iVisit?" VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're in Education / Training Online" MichaelAC asks, "What do you mean Aiden?" VanceS [Webhead] says, "and then WIA at the bottom of the list" AidenY [back to normal] says, "you shouldve told me to hit the people in red icon" |
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "michael, are you in ivist?"
VanceS [Webhead] ouch!
MichaelAC says, "Yes Aiden"
AidenY [back to normal] exclaims, "i just made it in. hmmppp!"
ClaireB says, "yes, it's better to keep the red do not disturb buttonon"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Was that Aiden who hit me?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "perhaps"
ClaireB says, "even if you are in a password-protected room, otherwise the perverst will pop up"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Susanne is hanging out her negatives to be developed"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "have you got a web cam up Aiden?"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "yes, but am not sure why it's not projecting it"
DafneG says, "I am back"
ClaireB says, "aiden, if you have netmeting installed, you might have to un-install it before ivisit will work"
DafneG says, "I could not open the voice file, Michael"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm not able to hear anything"
MichaelAC asks, "Oh - what do you try Daf?"
DafneG says, "the WMedia player"
ClaireB exclaims, "wow, the ivisit room is full!"
MichaelAC says, "mmm. you could try changing the extension of file to .wav"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Poor Vance, I can only hear Claire from time to time :-("
DafneG says, "ok, will do that"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Vance try to set your cam on pause"
ClaireB asks, "vance could you hear me?"
MichaelAC says, "Sound in iVisit is not great"
DafneG says, "no, it isn't"
ClaireB says, "vances' cam is already on pause"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "no, can't hear anything from anyone"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Gotta go. See you all later."
You hear a quiet popping sound; JohnSte [Dr. Cat] has disconnected.
ClaireB says, "sometimes the sound on ivisit is ok -- depends a lot on network traffic"
DafneG says, "bye, John and thanks for your consent to use your postings"
MargaretD says, "bye John"
SandySh has connected.
DafneG says, "paltalk has better sound"
MargaretD says, "Hi Sandy"
BJB [Helpdesk] waves bye...I need to go get some stuff done...see you all later
DafneG says, "hello Sandy"
DafneG says, "bye, BJB"
MargaretD says, "bye BJ"
SandySh says, "hi"
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "Yhis iVisit sound' is not very excellent"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "don't blame you BJ :-))"
BJB [to Maggi]: "let me know when you're available for helpdesk mentoring and we can get together"
BJB [Helpdesk] grins...I don't feel responsible, Vance!
SusanneN [iVisit] says, "I need a coffee break, brb"
DafneG says, "lol"
MargaretD says, "sure...best might be when you have time"
TeresaAlm says, "sorry i'm not participating in the exploratory fun and frustration, but i'm reviewing a long chapter from my book that will be included online only. however, i'm following your 'trials and tribulations'."
Adriana [guest] says, "there's no WIA on my directory :("
ClaireB says, "adriana, go into the educationn folder and click on training online"
DafneG says, "don't worry Tere we know you are busy building "the case""
You hear a quiet popping sound; GloriaL has disconnected.
Adriana [guest] says, "I already did that, Claire"
You hear a quiet popping sound; BJB [Helpdesk] has lost her link.
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "actually, i got through with that yesterday evening. this is something else."
RitaZ [to Adriana [guest]]: "maximize your window to see it at the bottom of the list"
MichaelAC says, "I am going to love and leave you all. have a good week. See you on Wednesday Aiden. And thanks for those pages"
![]() |
DafneG says, "bye, Michael" RitaZ says, "bye, Michael" MargaretD says, "bye mc" TeresaAlm says, "bye, mc. nice chat on wed." Adriana [guest] says, "the last room on my list is "Sarabs"" VanceS [Webhead] makes face at Michael "ok" ClaireB says, "bye michael" VanceS [Webhead] asks, "what group re you in Adriana?" MichaelAC makes the same face back at vance MichaelAC says, "Ciao" You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected. |
SandySh leaves for the LIB.
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Do you have a web cam up Adriana?"
Adriana [guest] says, "Education/Online Training"
Adriana [guest] says, "no, I don't, Vance"
ClaireB says, "no, it is education/training online"
VanceS [to Adriana [guest]]: "At the bottom of the list, it says WIA"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "BUT you have to expand the window"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "to see it"
Adriana [guest] says, "well, that's it."
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "see it now?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yeah, that's a hard one, no scroll bar"
DafneG goes UP.
Dafne's Private Eye (recording) goes UP.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "click there? or is it click on the icon pointing to red people"
Adriana [guest] says, "I expanded the window, still no WIA"
DafneG has arrived.
Dafne's Private Eye (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "hmmmm, how about More Rooms"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "adrian, you have to click the red people icon"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "double click there"
Adriana [guest] says, "I tried that too, Vance"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "it will ask for a password"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "type wia"
VanceS [to AidenY]: "she hasn't found WIA yet"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "oh, it's at the very bottom of the list"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i can't hear anyhting"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "iu heard claire talk twice"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Venny likes putting his kids on line"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "which one is this one?"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "who was that?"
Adriana [guest] says, "well, there's no WIA on my list, I might have done something wrong"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "me maybe?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "flaky"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "push the down arrow, adirana"
VanceS [to Adriana,]: "I'll try to get back up to where you are"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "it's just there"
Adriana [guest] says, "ok, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "what's the last thing you see on your list?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm at 'training online'"
Adriana [guest] says, "let me see..."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "first thing on my list is ANTE"
DafneG says, "and you are really training, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Then Arizona Room, do you see that?"
VanceS [Webhead] taps for quiet "ahem, training here"
Adriana [guest] says, "Sarabs, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "JUST KIDDING"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, I see Sarabs, so we must be in the right place"
Adriana [guest] says, "yes, I can see those, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Project PERC and Sarabs"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i'ved got to go and put my kids to bed"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "wia is 5 items down"
VennyS [: -)] waves to AidenY [back to normal].
rs has connected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "and finish up my webpage for my project with michael"
Adriana [guest] says, "there's nothing more on my list, it finishes at "Sarabs""
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, Aiden. Nice to see you"
MargaretD says, "bye Aiden"
rs [guest] leaves for the El.
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "can you make the window larger?"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "will any of you be joining michael and my students this wedeneday?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "drag the lower right corner on my computer"
DafneG says, "I will try, Aiden"
Adriana [guest] says, "it's as large as the screen"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "using a mac or pc?"
RitaZ says, "bye, people, CU next week"
DafneG says, "bye, Rita, nice to see you"
MargaretD says, "bye Rita"
RitaZ says, "will be in contact ;-)"
ClaireB says, "bye tira"
ClaireB says, "rita"
DafneG says, "sure, Rit"
Adriana [guest] says, "pc"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok Rita, all the best to all the Argentinians"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "can you change the screen resolution?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "two ways to do that, one is right click on the desktop"
DafneG [to Claire,]: "have you worked with Kee-bookcreator?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "if you can see any desktop"
ClaireB says, "to dafne no what is it"
VanceS [to DafneG]: "what's that?"
DafneG [to Claire]: "it is a software to make e-books"
ClaireB says, "cool"
Adriana [guest] says, "I know how to change the screen's resolution, but it won't get larger"
DafneG [to Claire,]: "I am using it but I don't know if after you have publish a book online it can be edited"
Adriana [guest] says, "anyway, that's it"
Adriana [guest] says, "I tried iVisit before and I didn't like it very much - now I know why"
DafneG says, "I will have to write for help"
DafneG says, "We are on the same boat, Adriana"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "OK, I put up a web cam in Yahoo, so you can view that one"
Adriana [guest] says, "I personally prefer Yahoo"
DafneG says, "try paltalk it is much more friendly and the sound is better"
DafneG says, "me too"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yeah, I think most of us do, but we try to meet the mac folks halfway"
Adriana [guest] says, "paltalk is too difficult to use"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "they are so patient with us"
Adriana [guest] says, "Yahoo has a pretty good audio feature and it's more friendly"
ClaireB says, "we mac folks are the ones who mess everything up :-)"
Adriana [guest] says, "I understand your point of view, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] frowns disapproviingly at the mac folks
VanceS [Webhead] says, "JUST KIDDING"
SusanneN says, "Grrr! I'm back"
Adriana [guest] says, "audio communication can be established on AIM between PCs and Macs too"
DafneG says, "wb Sus"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "woops, might have been overheard"
SusanneN says, "I used to be so porud of my mac"
ClaireB ignore's Vance's jab
VanceS [Webhead] says, "If you're on Yahoo Adriana we can start a voice chat there"
DafneG says, "my pocket has never liked Macs"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY [back to normal] has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "Why, oh why did they not find out one common, compatible system long ago"
ClaireB learned long ago not to take Vance seriously :-)
MargaretD says, "if Vance had a mac it would be a different story"
Adriana [guest] says, "we can set a voice conference with several PC users as well"
SusanneN says, "Maggi, yes, but read that man's CV :-)"
VanceS [Webhead] knows better than to take VanceS seriously
ClaireB exclaims, "Go linux! Go opensource!"
ClaireB says, "Now that Mac OSX runs on unix, a brighter future is in store for all of us."
ClaireB says, "but it will take awhile"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I don't see you on Yahoo Adriana but if you want to go there we can do it"
Adriana [guest] says, "I'm pretty addicted to the Microsoft products :)"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm going to pop out of iVisit"
SusanneN asks, "Claire, yes, but would we have any applications that we coluld share with those windows people , or get even more isolated in our niche?"
MargaretD says, "only paper Sus"
Adriana [guest] says, "I'm logging myself in, Vance"
DafneG asks, "what's your yahoo ID Adriana?"
SusanneN says, "Adriana, in Yahoo, I am susannenyrop"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "We try to get along, Macs and PCs"
SusanneN says, "Sure thing, Vance we do"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "too bad the world can't live on our model"
Adriana [guest] says, "adriana_dascalu"
DafneG says, "Mac is for elites, and they want to stay like that ;-)"
SusanneN says, "We got no money involved"
SusanneN looks elitarian? me?.
ClaireB says, "I'm not elite"
VennyS [: -)] says, "mac is good except too expensive"
MargaretD says, "lol"
ClaireB exclaims, "Susanne, let's be offended!"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "Me absolutely neither"
DafneG says, "that's what I mean, Venny"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "Nah, the newest macs are cheap stuff"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] grins
ClaireB says, "Carnegie Mellon is a high-tech enginneering college here in Pitsburgh. They just installed 100 imacs for their computer science studnets."
VennyS [: -)] says, "ohh, the voice in yahoo is much better than ivisit"
DafneG says, "We are at yahoo messenger"
ClaireB says, "reason? now the students can program in unix and also use Microsoftw office on the same machine"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "I'll go to Yahoo too"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "I just heard that my universitu ys going to install a mac/win lab for usability studies"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "They have had a very windows only position so far"
ClaireB exclaims, "put that in your pipe and smoke it, Vance!"
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] says, "Ah lost my yahoo again"
VanceS [Webhead] smokes pipe
SusanneN [elitarian? me?] stopped smoking ten years ago
VanceS [Webhead] says, "It's a peace pipe"
SusanneN looks no smoking.
MargaretD says, "and chokes because he is not a smoiker"
SusanneN [no smoking] says, "Peace pipes used to feel great"
VanceS [Webhead] passes peace pipe to claire
SusanneN [no smoking] asks, "When will we have vritual smoking machines?"
ClaireB asks, "ah, I'm in yahoo now, and my window finally got smaller?"
DafneG says, "Water pipes would be nice"
ClaireB takes a deep puff from the peace pipe
DafneG says, "pass it to me, Claire"
TeresaAlm says, "sus, i stopped 20 years ago."
ClaireB passes the pipe to Dafne
VennyS [to SusanneN]: "can you speak in yahoo msn?"
TeresaAlm says, "but i'll take a puff from the peace pipe."
DafneG caughs
SusanneN [no smoking] says, "Venny, no voice and solunc for me in Yahoo... if I had we'd never consider using iVisit"
DafneG passes the pipe to Tere
VennyS [to SusanneN]: "I see"
ClaireB says, "is there a way in yahoo that we can do a conference chat? I think there is..."
TeresaAlm says, "Oh, that puff felt very peaceful! pass it on."
VennyS [to Clarieb]: "we're in yahoo chat conference. would you like to join us?"
MargaretD says, "just need one person t0o invite the rest"
ClaireB says, "yes Venny"
VennyS [to Clareb]: "what's your yahoo account?"
VennyS [to Clarieb]: "I'd invite you to join us."
ClaireB says, "cbsiskin"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "OK, I gotta go."
Adriana [guest] exclaims, "bye everyone!"
MargaretD says, "bye"
ClaireB says, "bye to adriana and vance"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'll leave this on for a while, but will join my family now"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "nice meeting all the newcomers"
VennyS [: -)] says, "bye"
DafneG says, "bye, Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and seeing all the old friends"
ClaireB asks, "who are you calling old???"
SusanneN [no smoking] says, "Bye vance"
SusanneN looks ok ok.
VanceS [Webhead] quickly hands peace pipe back to claire ClaireB -)
VennyS [to Clareb]: "what's your yahoo account?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and all the young friends I've known for a long time"
ClaireB says, "cbsiskin"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'll check this window in 20 min in case anyone is still here"
DafneG says, "it sounds better, VAnce"
VanceS looks away.
ClaireB [to VennyS]: "cbsiskin"
SusanneN [ok ok] says, "I have not followed the chat here today carefully"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye, everyone. have a peaceful week!"
SusanneN [ok ok] says, "I will read the log later, and see what I missed"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
DafneG says, "that's what's great about logs"
MargaretD says, "guess I will go read my mail"
MargaretD says, "byeall"
Adriana [guest] says, "logout"
DafneG says, "bye, Maggi"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_130 [guest] has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has disconnected.
DafneG says, "Well, guess it's time to work on my dissertation"
ClaireB says, "sorry folks in yahoo, I was disconnected"
ClaireB says, "gotta go anyway. bye all"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireB has disconnected.
DafneG says, "have a nice afternoon, day or evening you all"
VennyS [: -)] says, "see you soon"
DafneG says, "bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
VennyS goes home.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN [ok ok] has lost her link.
VanceS [away] wonders if there is anyone here named nothing.
VanceS [away] says, "he he"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [away] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 24 06:29:21 2002 PST.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: December 7, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens