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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants: John in Puerto Rico | BJB in Pennsylvania | Vance in Abu Dhabi | Heesun | Susanne from Denmark | Maggi in Germany | Teresa in Portugal | Christopher in Germany | Rita in Argentina | Jinyoung | SandyChen | ClaireCh | Juani from Chile | Sook-young | Arthur in Ireland | Dafne in Spain | Anh in Thailand | Michael in Australia | Aiden in Taiwan | Kenneth | Venny in Taiwan
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 17 03:31:00 2002 PST.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Nov 17 03:51:39 2002 PST.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I am in Puerto Rico."
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Vance.
VanceS [Webhead] reporting for duty
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Vance."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi John"
Heesun [guest] says, "Sorry, but I have to go, now. see you next time."
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "oh, ok, so soon?"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Heesun. It was nice meeting you.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_124 [guest] has disconnected.
BJB . o O ( too many people )
JohnSte . o O ( That's what I thought too. )
VanceS . o O ( too many people? )
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "we've had a lot of Koreans logging in...I think a professor has made it an assignment"
JohnSte [to BJB]: "My students are not aware of how bad I was. I was almost hospitalized for a while there."
BJB [to VanceS]: "Heesun was frightened by so many people and the rapidly scrolling text"
VanceS . o O ( hospitalized??!!! )
BJB [to John]: "gracious! I hope you don't let yourself get so run down again."
JohnSte . o O ( Developing pneumonia. )
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "The cough is still with me, but I am much better."
VanceS . o O ( change of season? )
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Sus
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Susanne."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi sus"
SusanneN [webhead] hugs Vance, BJ & Michael
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Hello hello"
JohnSte [to VanceS]: "It must be. I get it quite often at this time of the year."
VanceS [Webhead] taps on Sus's hearing aid HELLO
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I'm only hear for about an hour this morning. Have to take my treatment (ugh)."
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if anyone has looked at http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "Are you speaking to me, sir?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "How are you now John, better?" ___________ | |
VanceS holds up a BIG sign: | Hello Sus | |___________|
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Much better, thanks."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Sorry Dr. Cat, I mistakenly greeted another veteran" ___________ | |
SusanneN holds up a BIG sign: | Helloooo! | |___________|
SusanneN . o O ( Am I invisible? )
VanceS [Webhead] wipes glasses "oh there you are"
BJB [HelpDesk] holds up a mirror for Sus
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "I mean, Vance, don't you read me?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh .good"
VanceS [Webhead] reads sus
SusanneN [webhead] puts on some lipstick for a better mouht reading
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "That's alright, Sus."
BJB [HelpDesk] chuckles
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Maggi
MargaretD hugs all around
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hi, Maggi."
MargaretD says, "Hi"
JohnSte [to BJB]: "I just went to the site you asked about, and it wants me to register What is it about."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] asks, "?"
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Teresa."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "good morning!"
MargaretD says, "Hi Tere"
VanceS [Webhead] waves enthusiastically to BJB [HelpDesk], JohnSte [Dr. Cat], SusanneN [webhead], MargaretD, and TeresaAlm.
BJB [to John]: "go to www.learningtimes.net"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Hugs Tere & Maggi & then kisses, too"
MargaretD says, "Hi Sus"
JohnSte [to BJB]: "I am there, now."
TeresaAlm says, "sus, i have ivisit on with my web cam."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Now that Maggi is with us, please think of her connection trouble when you'd liek to project a page"
VanceS [to John]: "and BJ me too"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I'"
SusanneN [webhead] exclaims, "I'll login to iVisit at once!"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Vance, my apologies for an absent minded presence last Sunday. When I read the chatlog, I was surprised to see how your friends from hawaii were with us in Tapped In, and how often I was not responding to direct questions. It is hard to multitask in more that one channel. sometimes"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "that often happens on reading chat logs"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I think we're all used to it"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I sent them the url to the logs"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Yep. I notice that about myself alot, too."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Tere, in a minute I have my cam up"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I still haven't gotten a new web cam."
TeresaAlm says, "ok, sus."
TeresaAlm says, "no hurry, sus."
VanceS [Webhead] wanders over toward iVisit
TeresaAlm says, "bj, can you fill me in on the learning times net? i'm at the site."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] registering for learningtimes.
BJB [to Tere]: "I don't know that much about it."
TeresaAlm asks, "vance, where do i click at ivisit? can you give me the path, pls?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I don't think it's officially open until tomorrow"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "but it has voice...uses wimba"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "great, bj!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "and has webcasts although I don't think you can use cams"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I'm not sure about the path either, forgot"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'll let you know the path as I come to it"
BJB . o O ( at least I haven't noticed that feature yet )
TeresaAlm says, "ok, vance."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "bringing up the dialup on the other computer here"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I would hope the webcasts are archived, but I haven't stumbled across those either"
TeresaAlm says, "bj, i'll take a good look at it later and maybe register in advance, as john is doing."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I ned to find Language exchange/Englsih only, password langex"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "that's it"
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "But, was ift from education first?"
TeresaAlm says, "i like the dial-up bit, vance. btw, thanks for all the fabulous feedback on connections."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I was looking in Distance learning but did not find it"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh, my! Why was I not prucent, and noted it down somewhere I can find easily"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "something is different here"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hmmmm. The site looks interesting. I think I'll explore it when I have a chance."
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I don't see language exchange listed"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Do not worry, I'll find it"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "It should also be erasy to create a new room for our own use"
SusanneN . o O ( but how? )
TeresaAlm says, "i can't find it either. i've been running thru almost everything."
MargaretD asks, "anybody speak Dutch?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Last week's chatlog has the answer I'm sure"
JohnSte . o O ( Hmmm. Tomorrow at noon GMT there is going to be a webcast on Building Learning Communities with Rena Palloff and Keith Pratt )
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "really?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "where?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I havbe oenened a new room for us"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "At learningtimes."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "it is called wia, password wia"
BJB [to VanceS]: "in learningtimes"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "claps for Sus"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Fomr main directory, go Training Online/ then WIA"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "It was the only place that had space for a new room"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I'm waiting for you there"
JohnSte [to VanceS]: "Now I'm no longer sure of the time. It says 1:00 EST and then says Daylight Savings Time."
MargaretD says, "Hi Chris"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Everyone!"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Chris."
TeresaAlm says, "i'm there, sus. congrats on a great job! :-)"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, chris!"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Chris
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I see you, Tere :-)"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Actually, it is 1800 GMT, not 1200."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it wants a password"
TeresaAlm says, "greta! but i don't see you sus! :-("
ChristopherMJ says, "Are you all in iVisit"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok I see it"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Chris, our new room in iVisit is at: main dir /training online /wia, paasword wia"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Not me."
RitaZ has connected.
ChristopherMJ says, "OK, need to stir the chicken (curry) , and I'll be in"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "password wia for the non-scrollers"
MargaretD says, "Hi Rita"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Chris, Rita"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I don't have a webcam and will not be here very long today."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Rita."
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, good morning!"
TeresaAlm says, "i see vance, but i don't see you, sus."
TeresaAlm asks, "vance, do you see sus?"
TeresaAlm says, "morning, rita."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I see vance's window, but no picture"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "I've got a picture on my own screen ???"
jinyoung has connected.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I see Tere and Sus but in very tiny pic tures"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Jinyoung. Welcome
MargaretD says, "Hi Yinyoung"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Jinyoung."
jinyoung [guest] says, "Hi~"
TeresaAlm says, "ok, now i see you both, but also a very small pic."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Vance, click on the small pictures, might help"
RitaZ asks, "working with cams?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "yes, Rita, in iVisit"
TeresaAlm says, "yes, rita, at ivisit."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "yes, sus, click on pic. wow! nice to see you!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Did I notice the red bar on Tere's camerea cleared"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Jinyoung!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "just took out first prtsc!"
jinyoung [guest] says, "Hi~"
Sandychen has connected.
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "Tere, why can't I hear you. Do you hear me now?"
ClaireCh has connected.
MargaretD says, "Hi Sandychen"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "can you see my camera yet?"
Sandychen [guest] says, "i MargaretD"
Sandychen [guest] says, "hi"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Vance, nope"
MargaretD says, "Hi Claire"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh my! Last week we did it, didn't we"
TeresaAlm says, "sus, i don't hear you or vance."
ClaireCh says, "hi"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Claire and Sandychen, and Rita (didn't see you)"
ClaireCh says, "Hello"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "better light there sus"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Hello, Claire."
Sandychen [guest] asks, "what are you talking now?"
ClaireCh says, "hi~Chris"
ClaireCh says, "hi~~John"
MargaretD says, "some are using cams Sandy"
TeresaAlm asks, "i still can't hear you. did you hear me?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "got a good pic there of sus"
ClaireCh says, "Sandy~~"
Sandychen [guest] asks, "what is cams?"
Sandychen [guest] says, "hi, Clairech"
MargaretD says, "webcam, a camera"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh, I used to disklie when people take a picture of me, now I don't care :-))"
Sandychen [guest] asks, "using in the internet?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I got one with tere and me"
MargaretD says, "yes Sandy"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "so I guess I'm not 'there' yet?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I can remember how we sat working in your den, Tere"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I can 'see' people talking but can't hear anything"
MargaretD asks, "are ou a student Sandy?"
SusanneN [webhead] exclaims, "Yes!!!"
ClaireCh says, "Webcam~~hmm~I want to buy one"
SRI_180 [guest] says, "Juani"
Sandychen [guest] says, "yes, i am still a student"
BJB [HelpDesk] exclaims, "Hi, Juani!"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Morning, Juani."
MargaretD says, "Hi Juani"
BJB [to Juani]: "type /rename sri_180 to Juani"
SRI_180 [guest] says, "Hi,,,,morning..very cold here"
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "The voice is not quite excellent, was this Vance or tere I heard??"
jinyoung [guest] says, "here too.."
MargaretD says, "cold here Juani"
jinyoung [guest] says, "it's very cold"
SusanneN [webhead] asks, "Can anyone hear me - or am I just speaking out ion the blue?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "if you can't tell if it's vance or tere must be poor voice quality"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Not too bad here."
Sandychen [guest] asks, "if i don't have webcam, i can't hear you. am i right?"
ClaireCh says, "Maruko"
Sandychen [guest] says, "yes, i am"
TeresaAlm says, "no sound for me."
MargaretD looks at John witzh a frown
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Yes, poor voice quality indeeed"
ChristopherMJ says, "got a good view of Vance (no offense Vance, would rather see the ladies :-)"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "It's 80F here."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh Chris has joined us! Welcome"
jinyoung [guest] asks, "bjb?"
MargaretD . o O ( it never gets cold in Puerto Rico )
ChristopherMJ says, "I see his guitar in the background."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Yes I do hear one of you"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "yes, Jinyoung?"
ClaireCh leaves for the El.
ClaireCh's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
JohnSte [to MargaretD]: "Define Cold."
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] )
jinyoung [guest] asks, "please show me the way to post the sites?"
jinyoung [guest] says, "example, introduction."
jinyoung [guest] says, "and so on..."
MargaretD says, "well, John, when your hands get cold and make it hard to type"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "seems I'm getting through to Chris, whom I see in turn"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Jinyoung"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "welcome to webheads"
jinyoung [guest] says, "hi vances"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "The it never gets cold here."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "BJ is with us, too in iVisit"
jinyoung [guest] says, "thank you..."
Sandychen [guest] goes OUT.
jinyoung [guest] asks, "ivisit?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has lost her link.
jinyoung [guest] says, "i don't know"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, how i envy your fast typing without looking at the keyboard. with years of prac<tice, i can't make it."
jinyoung [guest] says, "ivisit"
jinyoung [guest] says, "^^'"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I learned touch typing as a kid in high school"
ClaireCh has arrived.
ClaireCh's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "one of the most useful things I learned there"
TeresaAlm asks, "i'm hearing someone! who is it?"
MargaretD says, "sticks longer then"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "where are you from Jinyoung"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Bj was speaking -"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "Well. My wife is showing me the (Gee, I'm not sure what it is called) machine for my therapy - I'll have to leave soon."
jinyoung [guest] says, "I learned typing in high school."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I Hi Tere, now I heard you, too"
SRI_180 [guest] says, "we should have leraned ,too.I don type that fast"
TeresaAlm says, "the spund is very bad, full of interferences."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireCh has disconnected.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "glad you could come for a while John"
TeresaAlm says, "th sound was on too low."
jinyoung [guest] says, "I'm from Korea."
SRI_180 [guest] says, "learned..sorry"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "don't know what's up with my sound"
jinyoung [guest] says, "so.. my Englsih is poor"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "can't hear anything"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "I'll try to get back after I finish. I takes about 45 minutes."
TeresaAlm says, "i can't make out the words. the sound is not clear at all."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "here comes Chris"
JohnSte [Dr. Cat] says, "See your all later."
MargaretD says, "hope it helps ohn"
You hear a quiet popping sound; JohnSte [Dr. Cat] has disconnected.
SRI_180 [guest] exclaims, "I see so may new webheads...that` great!"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Bye John"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "jsut a couple of words, sus, but not enough to make sense!"
jinyoung [guest] says, "^^"
TeresaAlm says, "see you, john. nice week."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "but, sus, it's great that we can see you. at last!"
BJB [HelpDesk] grins. Sus, I hear "you have to remember" and then the signal broke up
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Yes, Tere"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye john"
jinyoung [guest] says, "Korea, now 11/17/2002 Pm 9:30"
MargaretD asks, "Snow in Korea yet Jinyoung?"
ChristopherMJ says, "the audio if very difficult to understand"
TeresaAlm says, "i se you're speking, but it doesn't make sense! sorry! :-("
jinyoung [guest] says, "today"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we've had a lot of visitors from Korea today"
MargaretD says, "wow"
jinyoung [guest] says, "um..."
MargaretD asks, "where are you in Korea?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "yes, I do understand you, Tere"
jinyoung [guest] says, "I live in Seoul"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "so titan is doing great, sus!"
RitaZ has connected.
MargaretD says, "a big city 'Seoul"
jinyoung [guest] says, "Seoul is a capital"
jinyoung [guest] says, "thank you..."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Yes, Titan is behaving well in iVisit"
TeresaAlm asks, "vance, can you hear me or sus at all?"
jinyoung [guest] says, "^^;;"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "no I can't, don't know why"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "sound is all the way up"
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "have you signed up for the Webheads in Action listserv?"
MargaretD says, "I have a student from Germany who went to live in Seoul for 4 years"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I can see you are speaking"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "sus, you'll have to write that. i just don't get it!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Well I can see everybody anyway"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I hear you Tere, but neither Vance nor Chris"
Sook-youngR has connected.
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, I can hear, but I don't understand"
MargaretD says, "Hi Sook"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "write here in Tapped in so we can all follow in one place"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "This is incdredible but fun"
ChristopherMJ says, "that's 'cause Chris ain't talking at the moment"
RitaZ asks, "sorry, folks, my computer is giving me trouble..., can i join you in iVisit?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "can you hear them BJ?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Rita, we are in a new room"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "please do Rita"
ChristopherMJ says, "Please do, Rita"
jinyoung [guest] says, "I'm not yet. BJ"
RitaZ asks, "which room are you?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "it sure is incredible, sus. but also frustrating!"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "from directories, you go Training Online/wia password wia"
BJB [to VanceS]: "can you show Jinyoung how to sign up for WIA?"
TeresaAlm says, "glad to have you with us, rita."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yes, send blank email to efiwebheads-subscribe@yahoogroups.com"
jinyoung [guest] asks, "WIA?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Webheads in Action"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "webheads in action!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "there are two webheads groups"
jinyoung [guest] says, "ah~"
RitaZ exclaims, "thank you!"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "WIA is our listserv for Webheads in Action"
jinyoung [guest] asks, "then?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "a student on, writing for webheads"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and a group of rather nutty professors, WIA"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "The other is called efiwebheads, Englsih for Webheads"
ArthurM has connected.
ChristopherMJ says, "FYI, I keep leaving the room to check on the curry"
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "then you should send an introduction to the group"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Hi Arthur, nice to see you"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_180 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm says, "sus, the sound comes out sort of like a robot."
BJB . o O ( Jinyoung should probably join efiwebheads )
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I can see Chris moving from one romm to another, how amazing"
ArthurM exclaims, "hi, Vance and all here!"
TeresaAlm says, "good morning, arthur.nice to have you with us. long time no see you."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Arthur! How nice to see you.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "if you want to join webheads in action (can do both or either, as you like)"
MargaretD says, "Hi Arthur"
SusanneN [webhead] exclaims, "Hi arturo!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "then it's evonline2002_webheads-subscribe@yahoogroups.com"
ArthurM says, "I am doing a lot of work away from home, Teresta, and am often travelling at this time."
VanceS [Webhead] wonders what Sus is up to
jinyoung [guest] says, "too fast for me..."
jinyoung [guest] says, "sorry.."
TeresaAlm asks, "keep us updated on your great pages, will you arthur?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "the scrolling?"
RitaZ asks, "is Training Online in the Education folder in iVisit?"
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "yes, that is why I suggested the listserv"
VanceS [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "do you know how to Detach your text window?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "the communication is asynch"
TeresaAlm says, "and where is chris? i finally have his webcam on. i didnt know he was at ivisit."
BJB [to VanceS]: "most Asian servers do not show the detach button"
MargaretD says, "you have to learn what to ignore Jinyoung"
jinyoung [guest] says, "yes"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "what is sus doing there?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "if you do see DETACH you can click on it and make your text screen larger"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ah, if you don't see Detach then use the pastboard, and append"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "what a surprise, sus! great flute sound! yeeess!!!"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "is that what that was?"
ChristopherMJ says, "That was cool, Sus, heard that in the kitchen"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Cool"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I was trying to see how it can be done"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "why can't I hear??"
jinyoung [guest] says, "I can't to datach."
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
jinyoung [guest] says, "screen larger."
MargaretD asks, "ear wax?"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "I used a peice of schotch tape to keep down the ounse button on the Talk button"
DafneG says, "hi there, everybody"
SusanneN [webhead] exclaims, "Hi daf!!!"
SusanneN [webhead] hugs daf
TeresaAlm says, "vance, is your audio icon blue or red? mine is blue."
MargaretD says, "Hi Daf"
TeresaAlm says, "hello, dear daf! welcome."
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "type /aso"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi Daf!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Do you mean the - mic + icon? That's blue"
TeresaAlm says, "great invention, sus."
jinyoung [guest] says, "help basic"
ChristopherMJ says, "Tere, BTW, I am using a 56K modem for all of this (Tapped In plus iVisit"
anh has connected.
TeresaAlm says, "thanks for the info, chris."
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "if you go to another room the text will not scroll so quickly"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "hi Anh"
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "type /aso"
DafneG says, "my computer does not like ivisit"
anh [guest] says, "Hi everybody"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Anh"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Where is the music coming from?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "welcome, Anh"
DafneG says, "it crashes everytime I go there"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, right under the pic. it's the 2nd icon on the right."
anh [guest] says, "Hi"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "It is hard concentration to play and webcast - it is a very long time since I practised for real :-("
MargaretD says, "Hi Anh"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Should have been an octopus"
RitaZ asks, "which folder should i open in ivisit to join you?"
BJB . o O ( do octopui play the clarinet? )
BJB . o O ( no lips )
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Rita, go to training online and find wia"
jinyoung [guest] says, "I'll ask you later, BJ"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "under whose pic? all the mics I see are blue"
TeresaAlm says, "rita, in the directory go to training online, scroll down to wia, password is wia."
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Oh, BJ, you're funny :-))"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Jinyoung
MargaretD laghs at BJ's thoughts
RitaZ asks, "is is in Education folder, Sus?"
jinyoung [guest] says, "Too fast for me.."
jinyoung [guest] says, "I'm sorry"
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "type /aso"
ArthurM says, "I merely observe - This is a Verk brisk session :-)"
ArthurM says, "VERY brisk"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "NO, thre was no room for a new room in Education folder"
MargaretD says, "talk to me then"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, under each one of our pics there are icons. there's a P on the right and next to it there's an audio icon."
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "type /aso and you will see another room in TAPPED IN"
SusanneN [webhead] says, "Am I getting Vance's picture now? something happened"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "the ASO has some resources to help you"
SusanneN looks in iVisit.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yep, mine acually says Private"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Hi Vance"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "all those icons are blue"
MargaretD says, "good idea Jnyoung"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Do you always have your guitar by your side, or is this a new development? :-)"
jinyoung [guest] asks, "what?"
MichaelAC has connected.
BJB [to Jinyoung [guest]]: "type /aso"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I keep my guitar handy just in case ..."
ChristopherMJ sees Vance, Sus, & Tere
TeresaAlm says, "vance, above the private there's a bar with icons. that's the one i mean."
MichaelAC asks, "in case what?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "in case Michael appears for example"
MargaretD says, "hi mc"
SusanneN [in iVisit] exclaims, "Vance, I see you!!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Michael and Arthur (and anyone else I missed)"
SusanneN [in iVisit] asks, "B ut where is Rita, lost in the corridors?"
MichaelAC Michael appears
VanceS [Webhead] waves to sus
AidenY has connected.
Sook-youngR goes OUT.
Sook-youngR's personal recorder (recording) goes OUT.
Ginie_15194 (recording) goes OUT.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and hi Aiden"
MargaretD says, "Hi Aiden"
TeresaAlm says, "hi, mc. great ballads at your listening site."
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "hello, sorry am late, having trouble with laptop"
SusanneN [in iVisit] waves back, tokk screendump
MichaelAC says, "Thank you teresa"
TeresaAlm says, "hi, aiden."
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Oh, Hi Aiden"
anh [guest] says, "Hi Aiden"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "you couldn't just use your PDA?"
RitaZ says, "yes, Sus, cant find the Training Online...."
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Aiden"
ChristopherMJ checks to see if the water is boiling
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "sarcasm, vance, unfortunately, ericson's not compatible with windows xp"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're all in iVisit, apparently it's my turn not to hear today"
DafneG says, "hello Aiden"
MargaretD says, "wcan go to my office and talk if you like Jinyoung"
jinyoung [guest] says, "I hope we can meet again.."
TeresaAlm says, "rita, maybe your directory window is too small. enlarge it a little and see if you find it. they're all in alphabetical order, as you know."
jinyoung [guest] says, "I go to bed."
SusanneN [to Rita]: "Oh sorry! first education, then training online"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "but it works with ersicon's blue tooth"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok JinYoung, welcome to webheads"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Jinyoung. Perhaps I will see you tomorrow.
AidenY [Bewitched] asks, "has anyone heard of bluetooth?"
jinyoung [guest] says, "me too."
MargaretD exclaims, "sweet dreams then Jinyoung!"
jinyoung [guest] says, "thank you~"
VanceS [Webhead] has heard of bluetooth
MichaelAC says, "I might try and install iVisit. if i disappear for awhile that what's I'm doing. i might have to close windows..."
AidenY [Bewitched] asks, "who's who in ivisit?"
jinyoung [guest] says, "bye~"
ChristopherMJ . o O ( really thinks Vance should relax more in these Web cam sessions :-) )
SusanneN [in iVisit] exclaims, "Yes, Aiden, that is wonderful!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_135 [guest] has disconnected.
DafneG says, "not me Aiden"
VanceS [Webhead] relaxes more
2002/11/17 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "if any webheads are available, there is a helpdesk hour at 5am EST/10:00 GMT."
TeresaAlm says, "yes, rita. first education. sorry i missed that."
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "it'll cost me another NT1900- but i think it's worth getting"
Sook-youngR has arrived.
Sook-youngR's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
Ginie_15194 (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "should i go to ivisit"
SusanneN [in iVisit] exclaims, "Aiden, do!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Sook-young."
DafneG says, "go ahead and report back"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "why not, aiden? love to see you!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, Aiden, Bluetooth is being developed in Scandanavia (Sweden, I think)"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "That would be a good test for Blue Tooth"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Sook-Young and Ginie"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "did you all get the email about the EuroLang discussion later today?"
MargaretD asks, "BJ is it to learn to be a helpdesk volunteer?"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "you'll hear from me talk more about bluetooth next week"
Sook-youngR exclaims, "HI! Chris, and others!"
TeresaAlm says, "i haven't seen my mail yet, bj. will check."
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "hello sookyoung"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "no bj"
BJB [to Maggi]: "it can be! I'm here every morning"
MargaretD says, "I got it BJ"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "I admit that I'm far behind the mai lists this week"
VanceS [to Teresa]: "so if I have all blue icons, is that correct?"
DafneG asks, "about spring day, BJ?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_199 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm says, "i think so, vance."
VanceS [Webhead] waits to hear from Aiden about bluetooth
BJB [HelpDesk] Nods to Daf
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I'm going to paste"
BJB [to Define]: "a new Europe through the European Convention."
Sook-youngR asks, "thank you, maybe you're having a meeting here now?"
----------------------------------- BJB
The topic of The Euro Language Teachers
Forum this Sunday 17 November will be the "Spring Day in Europe" project,
presented by Jean-Philippe Raud-Dugal.
Europe is at a crossroads. Ten new countries will join the European Union in 2004 and maybe three more some years later. The European Convention, with representatives from these 28 countries, is discussing the future of Europe and writing its new Constitution. Make your voice heard in this discussion. Spring Day in Europe aims to get schools to organise an event on 21 March 2003 - their own Spring Day in Europe.
The event should increase pupils' and teachers' involvement in helping to define a new Europe through the European Convention. A group of volunteer teachers is available to help other colleagues prepare Spring Day in Europe in their own countries and across borders. This project can involve all teachers worlwide.
The forum will begin on Sunday 17 October at 1PM PST, 21 hours GMT, 22h French time, and will last one hour. To attend, go to the Tapped In website at www.tappedin.org , log in as a "guest" and follow the instructions on screen. For further information, please contact me at Philip.Benz@ac-grenoble.fr
---------------------------- BJB stops pasting ----------------------------
VanceS [Webhead] says, "all are welcome to our meeting"
Sook-youngR says, "thank you."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it's a meeting of Webheads"
MichaelAC says, "Logging off to install iVisit.."
ChristopherMJ says, "oops, Sus just disconnected form iVisit"
TeresaAlm says, "in both of the bars every icon is active except one looking like a page that has a red line over it."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and we welcome language learners and teachers"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Yes, the Spring day - I've read about that session with Jean Philippe"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "i'm downloading ivist"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Oh; i will have to login again"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "are you from Seoul Sook Young?"
DafneG says, "welcome to Webheads Sook-young"
Sook-youngR says, "yes, Im a korean language teacher for foreigners"
Sook-youngR says, "and Im here for the first time, newbie, in fact^^"
AidenY [Bewitched] asks, "where's everyone in ivisit?"
DafneG exclaims, "nice having you here, Sook-young!"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "welcome, have we been meeting your students?"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "how do i go there/"
MargaretD exclaims, "maybe you have a student of mine Sook!"
ChristopherMJ [to Sook-youngR]: "one of my best friends here in Germany is from Soeul"
DafneG says, "I love korean food"
Sook-youngR exclaims, "oh, really? very nice!!!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "bulgogi is my favorite"
TeresaAlm says, "aiden, education / training online / wia. the password is wia."
Sook-youngR says, "I have been in Germany for one day^^ about 10 years ago as a back pack trip"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Hello, Sook-Young, I'm Susanne in Denmark"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I can hear events in iVisit so I don't think its the sound on my computer"
Sook-youngR says, "Nice to meet you all^^ very glad to see you"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "I lost your iVisit picture, Vance :-("
TeresaAlm says, "nice to meet you, sook. i'm teresa in lisbon, portugal."
DafneG says, "I am Dafne in Spain"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "having problems, i think has something t o do with norton"
Sook-youngR says, "you are talking about the sound on the computer now... I don't hear that neither..."
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY [Bewitched] has disconnected.
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Sook-Young, we're testing another tool, using a"
ChristopherMJ says, "Nice to meet you, Sook-Young, I'm Chris in Germny"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "using webcams"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're talking about sound in iVisit"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "It is called iVisit"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I heard the click of Sus's departure"
TeresaAlm says, "me, too, vance."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "but I'm getting no voice nor am able to b'cast"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "video is coming thru fine"
Sook-youngR says, "oh! i see... then I must have a new application to hear that sound, maybe"
ChristopherMJ says, "I can hear Vance OK"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "you can?"
ChristopherMJ says, "but Sus sounds like she's under water (about 4000 meters)"
TeresaAlm says, "yes, vance, video is fine, but i can't make out sussanne's words."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "it's a shame!"
Sook-youngR says, "I am studying educational technology now, so I am interested in language learning in WOO like in here"
ChristopherMJ [to Tere]: "try saying something"
AidenY has connected.
DafneG says, "I have never been lucky with ivisit, I do better at paltalk"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're here every Sunday noon GMT"
VanceS [to Chris]: "I just did, will try again"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Anyway, now i've had the pleasure to have multiple videocams on my screen! Too bad that the sound is nore noise like"
ChristopherMJ [to Sook-youngR]: "I'm working on my Ph.D. in Edu Tech at the moment"
ChristopherMJ says, "Didn't understand any of that - lot of different voices"
Sook-youngR says, "to ChristopherMJ "very nice!!! me too"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I've been telling people to do things on screen but no visual feedback"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Sometimes I can hear you quite clear, Tere"
TeresaAlm asks, "there's something very strange with sound at ivisit, isn't there?"
ChristopherMJ is checking the rice
VanceS [Webhead] says, "fortunately i'm being spared the strange sound"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "something's wrong, i can't make ivisit work"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "waht is tere laughing at?"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "hello arthur, i didn't see you ariive"
ChristopherMJ says, "Who just spoke, I understood that"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ther's michael"
DafneG says, "Hi Arthur"
Sook-youngR asks, "so you are now trying to integrate the video and audio function to the WOO environment now?"
TeresaAlm says, "i just spoke, chris."
ChristopherMJ says, "cool"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Miochael! Welcome here in iVist, too"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Yes, SDDook, that is what we're doing"
Anh has connected.
MargaretD . o O ( would like to peek at what Chris is coo0king )
ChristopherMJ [to Michael]: "You are in a cool mix of green and orange this week!"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "my LAN isn;t working properly, i wanna got to ivisit!!! hu hu hu"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "vance, i think sus just said a very nasty word!"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "i wanna see, i wanna see"
Anh [guest] says, "Hi again"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "didn't you?!!! a while ago you did. you wre frustrated!"
ChristopherMJ [to Tere]: "I heard it, too"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "hello anh"
TeresaAlm says, "at least that's what i understood."
Anh [guest] says, "Hi."
SusanneN [to Sook-youngR]: "Maybe you can meet some of us in Yahoo Messenger later - you do not have to have a webcam just to see and hear"
DafneG says, "Hi Anh"
TeresaAlm says, "good, chris. i wans't the only one."
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "can't make it work, tried my desktop, but still can't i think it's with my norton anti virus"
Sook-youngR asks, "hm.... i want to participate in what you are doing... can I?"
ChristopherMJ says, "It was the audio quality :-)"
AidenY [Bewitched] says, "from my latop my LAN isn't working"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Sook, of course you can"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "you can Sook Young"
Sook-youngR asks, "then, what I have to do...for that?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'll call you SY if you don't mind (speed in typing)"
TeresaAlm asks, "who spoke just before sus?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "first you have to download ivisit from http://www.ivisit.com"
TeresaAlm asks, "chris or vance?"
Sook-youngR says, "of course not!!! thank you for your welcome^"
Sook-youngR says, "call me SY"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Sook, you can download and install the iVisit software - or we can meet you in Yahoo messenger instead if that does not work"
TeresaAlm asks, "or mc?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "michael's screen is frozen on my pathetic 56 k modem"
AidenY [Bewitched] asks, "can use YM instead?"
SusanneN [in iVisit] smiles to SY
VanceS [Webhead] says, "you can call me V"
Sook-youngR says, "nod with smile"
Anh [guest] asks, "Anyone want to discuss about something esier ?"
Sook-youngR says, "i can't use 'emote' yet^^"
MargaretD says, "sure Anh"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "ok, what would you like to talk about Anh?"
AidenY looks deeply frustrated with technology.
ChristopherMJ says, "Vance, Michael, and Sus are frozen on my modem now. Tere is alive and kicking"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Yes, why don't you stop this for now and meet in YMS? Now that we've proved that iVisit works ok for cams and not so well on voice."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I am too, Aiden, I can't hear a thing here"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "yes, aiden, tecnology can cause anxiety!"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'm not too worried about it, the video is very clear"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "always,chris!"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Shall we meet in YMS then?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it's always good to try new toys"
Anh [guest] says, "Some thing easier, but not about computer. I have no idea about it."
AidenY looks hopes to use YM soon.
TeresaAlm says, "why not? good change."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, let's pop over to Yahoo"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "KI can always do with the report"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "KI??"
AidenY looks back to normal.
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "BYe bye then , from iVisit"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, the video is clear - that's one good thing"
TeresaAlm says, "ok, i'm leaving ivisit for today and logging into ym."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "let's all wave"
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "V, it was meant to be : OK, I ..."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "now where'd chris go"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN [in iVisit] has disconnected.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "there he is"
MargaretD asks, "so Anh...what would you like to talk about?"
ChristopherMJ was checking the rice (almost done)
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "no webcams?"
DafneG says, "I would like some rice"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "yes,anh, any particular topic?"
MargaretD asks, "basmati Chris?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, I'm going to move to Yahoo"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "I can see SUS un YM"
MichaelAC has connected.
TeresaAlm says, "seem i'm having problems with ym. not responding at the moment."
Anh [guest] says, "Many thing. I still don't know very little about all of you."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I'll project my note"
ChristopherMJ [to Tere]: "Last week after disconnecting from iVisit, I had to reboot before YM would work again"
VanceS [Webhead] projects WhoozVance.
My name is Vance and I'm a consultant for Amideast <http://www.amideast.org> working as coordinator for computer-assisted language learning at a language institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE <http://www.mli.ac.ae>. You can find out more about me here <http://www.vancestevens.com/>. And you?
MargaretD says, "ask away Anh...-"
TeresaAlm says, "well, anh, i'm teresa, an efel teacher from portugal."
DafneG says, "I see Sus"
TeresaAlm says, "efl, i meant, anh."
DafneG says, "very clear today"
Anh [guest] says, "I used to be a teacher , but of Russian."
MargaretD asks, "and now nh?"
TeresaAlm asks, "and what do you do now?"
Kenneth has connected.
Anh [guest] asks, "I am an accountant. Supprise?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "hello kenneth"
MargaretD says, "Hi Kenneth"
Anh [guest] says, "Hi, Kenneth"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "big change, anh"
MargaretD exclaims, "a number cruncher!"
BJB drops 2002/11/17 webheads2 (recording).
ChristopherMJ says, "a bean counter (use to be one, too)"
SusanneN has connected.
Anh [guest] says, "Yes. It/s very easy to change job in Vietnam"
MargaretD asks, "Do you like it better Anh?"
TeresaAlm asks, "surprising, yes, anh. why the change?"
Anh [guest] says, "No, I prefer to be a teacher."
SusanneN [in iVisit] says, "Hi, I am back with you. What a great many people we are today"
MargaretD asks, "what do you miss the most Anh?"
TeresaAlm asks, "and why don't you go back to teaching?"
Anh [guest] says, "Hi Susan. back to the convers. What do U mean Mag."
SusanneN says, "Oh, Anh, it is great to have you back here :-)"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "why don't you return to being a teacher?"
MargaretD asks, "What do you miss the most about teaching?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_114 [guest] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "I see Sus, Michael, and Vance"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "it's a bit dark in my room"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Lots of webcams happening in Yahoo!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "need to adjust my lights"
TeresaAlm says, "i still have a problem with ym, in spite of my cable connection !!!, so i'm just going to stay at ti."
ChristopherMJ [to AidenY]: "What is your Yahoo ID, Aiden?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "aidenyeh"
SusanneN says, "To see anyone in YMS, I need an invitation, and I can see only one cam at a time (and no sound) - those are the Mac limitations."
Anh [guest] ))). I am very happy. At last I can practice more today when I have a topic that fit my capacity..
TeresaAlm says, "good feedback, sus. keep that in mind for the team mac page."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Must be mac limitations sus"
SusanneN says, "Hi Vance, now I SEE you again"
DafneG says, "I am waiting for your permission to see your webcam Aiden"
DafneG says, "I am looking at Sus, Michael, Chris and Vance"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "sorry daf, didn'st see it can you send it again please"
DafneG says, "ok"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "there are so many tiny little screens on my big screen and am getting confused"
SusanneN says, "anh, here it is open for anyone to open a new discussion topic, like you did - just that we're also multitasking with those webcams."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I've got sus, michael, Aiden, and chris (and me)"
RitaZ says, "im back from a visit to iVisit, trying to understand the maize there...."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we just like playing around with the computers Anh"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "mine's dark"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we do whatever we can"
DafneG says, "thanks, Aiden"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "bad lighting, Aiden?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Sus & Aiden are in pretty dark rooms. Micheal is his typical psychedelic orange :-)"
MichaelAC says, "Ancient hippy"
RitaZ says, "with BJ's help, of course....but arrived when everybody had left...:-("
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I think he does that on purpose"
SusanneN says, "Poor Rita"
TeresaAlm says, "weel, i've decided to restart and try and also get to ym. i think ivisit caused some problems in my computer. brb."
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
SusanneN [to Rita]: "We can meet there in iVisit anytime, you know"
MargaretD . o O ( how inspiring is it to just be able to see each )
Anh [guest] says, "Thks. About why I quit teaching job, due to politics, it was in 1989, do you remember. USSR collapsed"
ChristopherMJ says, "I think I see (not hear) Doors music coming from Australia ;-)"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "so are we set to meet on the 27 Nov?"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "YM, Michael, Vance and webheasds?"
VanceS [to Margaret]: "Interesting to see each other, and we learn about the technology"
RitaZ [to Susannes]: "thanks,Sus"
MichaelAC says, "hello I love you can you tell me your name?""
MichaelAC says, "(Doors)"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "has anyone got a voice session going?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "Anh, they're going to meet my students on the 27th Nov"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "if so, invite ..."
AidenY [back to normal] says, "no"
MargaretD asks, "yes Ahn, and how did that affect you in Vietnam?"
MichaelAC asks, "Vance - are you at home or work?"
DafneG says, "I was wondering if you had a conference window going on"
ChristopherMJ [to Rita]: "can you join us in Yahoo IM?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "at home, Michael"
MichaelAC says, "Thought so - just checking your surrounds"
SusanneN says, "Vance (whose webcam I see ) is definitely on a slow connection,"
ChristopherMJ [to Michael]: "at home, the guitar is within arm's reach"
RitaZ [to Christopher]: "Iam ther, Chris..."
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Michael, where did you hear the doors? Have you got voice?"
ChristopherMJ [to Rita]: "is your Webcam working today?"
VanceS [Webhead] moves cam to expose guitar
SusanneN says, "I guess that M ichael was PLAYING Doors"
MichaelAC says, "No I was just imagining the Doors (taking the cue from Chris)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i wanna hear"
DafneG says, "me too"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, I'll start voice conf then"
RitaZ [to Christopher]: "it is, Chris!"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "the Doors are coming through the orange hue"
DafneG says, "yesss"
DafneG says, "lol"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "anh, please join us"
Anh [guest] says, "Peope don't teach and learn Russian as much as they were. And it/s the time for English. That's all. And I will try to learn Eg. Maybe I can teach En. someday"
SusanneN says, "Yes, I see your guitar, Vance (I have one wabcam at a time)"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "why not anh? there's always that possibility, only you can make it happen"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Anh is familiar with the Linguistics Olympics?
MargaretD says, "That's an idea Anh."
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "voice conference, anyone?"
BJB . o O ( Linguistic Olympics was originally from Russia )
MargaretD says, "sounds interesting BJ."
SusanneN says, "ANH and SY, do you have a Yahoo identity? Then you could join the fun in YMS"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "has anyone started voice conference yet"
Anh [guest] says, "Show me the way , please. I told U that I am very bad at Computer."
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "have you got Yahoo Messenger, anh?"
Anh [guest] says, "Yes"
Sook-youngR says, "I now installed the ivisit, but I don't have cam T.T"
SusanneN asks, "Aiden can you please invite me to see your webcam?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "what's your yahoo id\"
SusanneN says, "Oh, Sook, do you wish to meet in iVisit I can go there and meet you"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "that's ok, you can see us evewn if you don't have a webcam"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "conference, people, hello,"
Sook-youngR says, "I started the ivisit now"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i lost sus"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "have you got Yahoo messenger on now Anh?"
Sook-youngR asks, "how can i see you then....? which directory or room...should I look for?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "you can add me vance_stevens"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're in Yahoo Messener"
Sook-youngR says, "For me, I don't have Yahoo Messenger or id..."
AidenY [back to normal] says, "anh, my yahoo id is aidenyeh"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "actually, if you have YM running, we can invite you"
SusanneN asks, "SY, wait a minute, I will guide you, OK?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Linguistics Olympics is at http://www.lingolym.org/"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we need your yahoo id to do that"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "i lost my YM,"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "BRB"
Sook-youngR says, "ok... I am waiting"
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
SusanneN [to SY]: "From the main directory, go to education"
VennyS has arrived.
Parrot follows VennyS to here.
VennyS [: -)] bows gracefully.
MargaretD exclaims, "thanks BJ!"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "what's your yahoo ID?"
SusanneN says, "Then Training online, then wia password wia"
Sook-youngR says, "yes education"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "hi Venny, you are in our chat"
TeresaAlm says, "finally back. hope ym works now."
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Venny, the wise papa owl
MargaretD bows to Venny
SusanneN says, "SY, I think I will restart iVisit, see you in a minute"
TeresaAlm says, "not having luck with ym today."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I overwhelmed it, voice went off"
SusanneN says, "I have some problem, SY, I do not get the usual prompt for password in iVisit"
SusanneN says, "Oh yes"
Sook-youngR says, "however,I can't find wia in the training online directory"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "can anyone talk in YM please"
SusanneN exclaims, "I am there - with Rita still logged in !"
SusanneN says, "wia is at the end of list"
BJB [to VanceS]: "I am getting a sound prompt that someone is talking, but don't hear anything"
SusanneN says, "when you have marked wia, then click on thepeople and arrow icon in the dDirectory window, at the end, in the middle of icons"
TeresaAlm says, "going to restar again."
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
SusanneN [to Rita]: "in iVisit I see your cam in mini format - but not my own"
VennyS . o O ( ivisit? )
VennyS [: -)] asks, "ivisit, yahoo, tappedin and ???"
SusanneN says, "Venny! We have a newbie with us in iVisit"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "problem aiden and Susanne ahve dropped out of chat"
SusanneN says, "A new iVisit room,Venny"
AidenY [back to normal] asks, "who's that john?"
VennyS [: -)] asks, "what room?"
SusanneN says, "Vance, I could not have Yahoo open with iVisit"
SusanneN says, "Education /Training Online /wia Password wia"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "no, you can only have one at a time"
SusanneN says, "So I wanted to be nice to our new participant, SY :-))"
Sook-youngR says, "hello, Venny"
SusanneN says, "And decided to return to iVisit"
SusanneN asks, "SY, are you on your way, or did you get lost in iV?"
BJB [HelpDesk] goes to get the laungry started and fix some breakfast
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "have you got a group there?"
Sook-youngR asks, "i'm wondering if i have met you in schMooze before...?"
VennyS [: -)] says, "Hello, Sook"
BJB looks away.
SusanneN hugs BJ bye
VennyS [: -)] says, "I am in schMOOze often and now."
VennyS [: -)] says, "I can have both ivisit and yahoo"
SusanneN says, "Well, let me do a last restart and see if that makes any difference"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has lost her link.
Sook-youngR exclaims, "Oh!!!! very glad to see you again here too!"
Anh [guest] says, "Aiden, are you still there? Now what's next? I ve just openned webcam"
Sook-youngR says, "in fact, i cant find the way just from "the wia password wia""
VennyS [: -)] asks, "where are you in training online?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "some of us are in Yahoo"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "you're in our voice chat, right?"
VennyS [to Sussanen]: "which room?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_7 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Michael is playing guitar no"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "now"
TeresaAlm says, "definitely having technical problems with ym today."
TeresaAlm says, "i just restarted and logged in to ym first and can't get in."
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we're getting a few chords out of it"
TeresaAlm asks, "at ym, vance?"
VennyS [: -)] gives up iVisit
Sook-youngR asks, "Venny, how about your own WOO?"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
VennyS [to Sook-youngR]: "my MOO server has problem. it's lagging badly."
TeresaAlm asks, "sus, where is all the action taking place? at ym?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "at YM, right, we invited Rita, no luck?"
SusanneN says, "I've been away, too, Tere, doing a restart"
TeresaAlm says, "ok, sus. i'll probably have to uninstall ym and reinstall it to see what happens. i've never had this problem before."
SusanneN says, "Too Bad, Tere"
Sook-youngR says, "hm.... sorry for that... do you remember me... from Korea"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "good experience for the paper!"
MargaretD says, "first time for everything"
SusanneN says, "Yes, Tere"
anh has connected.
TeresaAlm asks, "yes, sy. do you remeber me from portugal?"
Sook-youngR says, "maybe not, for you have too many people every day^^"
SusanneN asks, "It that paper of yours in Portuguese, or in English?"
TeresaAlm says, "in english."
VennyS [: -)] hmms.
VennyS [to Sook-youngR]: "I'm getting old:("
TeresaAlm says, "i'll be uploading it early december."
SusanneN says, "Oh good! We'll be able to read it, then"
TeresaAlm says, "hope so."
SusanneN says, "venny, at least I think there are some time before you'll become aon old granddad :-)"
SusanneN . o O ( Venny's daughters are still in the preschool age )
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has lost his link.
anh [guest] says, "Hi, again. I'd better to study about and join webcam later, maybe next Sunday."
Sook-youngR says, "Anyway, SusanneN, thank you very much, but I can't find wia, so I logged on in Yahoo messanger"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "sook, my yahoo id is aidenyeh"
MargaretD says, "bye Anh"
TeresaAlm says, "ok, anh. see you then."
SusanneN says, "OK, SY - that is exactly why we do have alternatives,"
Sook-youngR says, "bye, Ahn"
MargaretD says, "glad you came"
anh [guest] says, "Bye"
VennyS [to Sook-youngR]: "what is your yahoo id?"
Sook-youngR says, "mine is gracersy"
SusanneN says, "Bye, Anh, hope you will come back"
anh [guest] says, "Bye"
DafneG says, "I lost my connectio to yahoo M"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "bye Anh"
anh [guest] says, "Bye"
Sook-youngR says, "Venny, I have said to you that I want to make my own MOO for Korean language learners^^"
DafneG says, "bye Anh"
TeresaAlm asks, "but did everything work well until now, daf?"
DafneG says, "yes"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "there was no sound michael"
TeresaAlm says, "not for me."
SusanneN asks, "Did the jammers have some more rehearsal in Yahoo today?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "it was total silence"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "what a pity"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "Michael just finished playing"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "aarrrggghhhh"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "missed it"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "there was no sound"
anh [guest] says, "Computer, computer. So complicated. I must learn more."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, have to be going. it's time for lunch with the family. have a nice week, everybody!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "been waitingh and awaiting and waiting"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "well, the sound only stays on a minute or so"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
SusanneN asks, "Argh - when are we going to have the killer application that workds from anywhere with no fuss and trouble, just a natural way of communication with video and sound?"
DafneG says, "I recorded some of the music"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "can you hear me Aiden?"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "what about chatterbox?"
SusanneN exclaims, "Daf, cool!"
DafneG says, "what could be heard"
SusanneN asks, "Eh, do I know chatterbox, Vance? Is that a tool we've been testing lately?"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yes"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "we can try it next week"
You hear a quiet popping sound; Sook-youngR has disconnected.
DafneG exclaims, "oh yes!"
SusanneN asks, "The URL Chatterbox.com is for cell phones (a Nokia based service)???"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it's alado.net/chicago or something like that"
SusanneN says, "Ah, well Alado! I know that. The Global Learn day. For Windows only"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MichaelAC has disconnected.
SusanneN was not aware this is called chatterbox
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
DafneG says, "I am planning a chat with my colleagues from Venezuela, I will let you know"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "arggg"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yeah, it's also at http://www.study.co"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "dot com"
Sook-youngR has connected.
DafneG says, "Sus, you will have to get a PC"
SusanneN says, "Now, boys & girls, I have to leave you. Must prepare to go out for a dinner invitation (here in Denmark, dinner time means we're expected to be there BEFORE 6 pm :-)"
anh [guest] says, "Hi again Sook"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "hi SY"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "yes, I must leave too"
DafneG says, "hi SY"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "it's been very nice playing with the toys as usual"
DafneG says, "me too, I am getting hungry"
Sook-youngR says, "hi~! maybe my computer is surprised^^"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "and meeting all the people"
Sook-youngR says, "disconnected, thank you very much SusanneN"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "Grace, can you hear us in Yahoo?"
SusanneN says, "Daf, I got one PC second hand, but the net card was broken and all sorts of things did not work. Some day, some time I'll keep up with all of this fun."
DafneG says, "sure you will, Sus"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VennyS [: -)] has lost his link.
Sook-youngR says, "yes, but I can't tell it, too noisy"
SusanneN says, "wb, Sook"
SusanneN says, "Sook alias GraCE :-)"
DafneG says, "lol"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "I've just invite gracersy to view my web cam"
VennyS has connected.
SusanneN says, "Now, bye bye from me - Yes, it is nice to play and learn with the Webheads' Sunday class"
anh [guest] says, "SY, maybe only U and me are in Asia and had meal already"
VanceS [Webhead] asks, "are you able to hear us SY?"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "am in taiwan grace and anh"
DafneG says, "It's been a pleasure as usual, see you on cyber space during the week, folks"
anh [guest] says, "Oh I forgot U Aiden. Tks for help"
DafneG kisses everybody goodbye on both cheeks
VennyS [: -)] got disconnected by my ISP
anh [guest] says, "Byr Dafne"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "bye daf"
SusanneN hugs & kisses, too (the usual warn Wedheaad greeting style)
Sook-youngR says, "And now I am disconnected from yahoo"
VennyS [: -)] waves to SusanneN.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "bye daf"
Sook-youngR exclaims, "Bye, SusanneN! see you again!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
SusanneN exclaims, "Bye, all!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has disconnected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "bye sus"
MargaretD says, "big meal here is at noon so most have eaten in Germany too"
Sook-youngR says, "the sound is very noisy, but I can hear you all^^ nice voice"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "grace can you hear us in YM"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "ok"
Sook-youngR exclaims, "next time, I will try to say hello!"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "ok"
AidenY [back to normal] says, "look forward to hearing your voice, grace"
Sook-youngR exclaims, "^^thank you!"
anh [guest] says, "SY, are U student or teacher of Webheads"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "ok, I have to go everyone"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "that was my summons (from Bobbi)"
Sook-youngR says, "i'm here for the first time"
VennyS [: -)] waves to VanceS [Webhead].
anh [guest] says, "Bye Vance"
Sook-youngR says, "good bye, VanceS, nice to see you"
You hear a quiet popping sound; Sook-youngR has disconnected.
AidenY [back to normal] says, "night nite everyone"
VanceS [Webhead] revs engine
AidenY [back to normal] says, "see you all next week"
VanceS [Webhead] revs other engine
MargaretD says, "bye"
VanceS [Webhead] says, "rrrr rrrrr"
anh [guest] says, "I hate myself. If I had more com. skill>"
VanceS [Webhead] pops clutch
AidenY [back to normal] says, "better go vance before she gives you the look"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [Webhead] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Nov 17 06:08:28 2002 PST.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: December 7, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens