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Workshop Webheads: Main Page | Join us | Welcome | Students | Virtual Community | Online Class | Chat Logs | Reports and Studies | Grammar | Tutorials | Games | Teaching for Webheads | Webheads in Action Time conversions - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html and more Chats Tapped In - /join VanceS in Office N2201, North Wing, 22nd Floor or /join JohnSte | Homestead text chat or leave a message | GroupBoard text chat, whiteboard, and guestbook | Palaces avatar text chat at plantation.chatserve.com and mycorner.xsia.com, both on port 9998 | Active Worlds animated avatar 3D text chat | Discussion forums Delphi Forum | Instant Messengers ICQ | Yahoo! Messenger | MSN Messenger Service | Gloss this page - http://www.voycabulary.com/ | Translate this page - http://world.altavista.com/ | Proxies - https://proxy.autistici.org/ | http://www.safeweb.com |
Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants: Vance in Abu Dhabi | SRI_74 | Nancy in Michigan | Jui | Maggi in Germany | Rita in Argentina | Claire in Pennsylvania | Cherry | Wei | Junya | Aiden in Taiwan | Iris | Teresa in Portugal | Susanne from Denmark | JoycePC | Fiona | Grace | Venny in Taiwan | Connie | Pat | Nicole | JoyceCW | Michael in Adelaide | Dafne in Spain | Sharon | fin | BJB in Pennsylvania | JoyCh
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shot of Webheads with web cams
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Sep 22 05:35:43 2002 PDT.
VanceS [worse4wear] lands in a cloud of cyberpixie particles
SRI_74 has connected.
NanH has arrived.
Nancy's Hunky Bodyguard follows NanH to here.
Jui-hsiangH has connected.
VanceS [worse4wear] waves to MargaretD, ClaireB, vicki [guest], RitaZ,
SRI_74 [guest], NanH, and Jui-hsiangH.
MargaretD says, "Hi Nan"
RitaZ says, "hi, Vance"
NanH smiles, "Hi everyone!"
VanceS [worse4wear] asks, "hi, is everyone up at Aiden's?"
ClaireB hugs vance
RitaZ says, "Hi, Nan"
MargaretD says, "except us"
Jui-hsiangH leaves for the 8th.
Jui-hsiangH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the 8th.
ClaireB asks, "how do people get up there?"
RitaZ asks, "where's Aiden?"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "I had trouble getting on, and my internet connection keeps cutting out"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "I'll just click on who's online here"
ClaireB says, "you must be worse for wear"
RitaZ says, "lol"
MargaretD ../joins Aiden is what you type...
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "yep, just saw that"
RitaZ suddenly disappears.
ClaireB says, "maybe she already has enough people"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "I' guess I'll run up and see what's happening"
You hear a quiet popping sound; NanH has disconnected.
VanceS [worse4wear] asks, "are you going to be around for a while claire?"
ClaireB suddenly disappears.
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "woops"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "ok, heading up there myself then ..."
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Sep 22 05:38:59 2002 PDT.
Started recording in AidenY's Office (#20293)[TappedIn] at Sun Sep 22 05:38:59 2002 PDT.
CherryH says, "buy anyway, it's worthwhile.."
WeiH says, "Hi claire"
Junya [guest] says, "I don't thinkg it is good for children"
AidenY says, "you have to set up yahoo messenger"
IrisCh [guest] says, "that't hard to avoid...in internet cafe"
WeiH says, "I don't like smoking people"
TeresaAlm says, "aiden, everything is set."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Hi Vance in Abu Dhabi - meet Aiden's class"
JoycePC says, "neither do I"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "I don't even like smoking cigarettes"
FionaL asks, "are you in cyber coffee shop, Junya ?"
JoyceCW says, "i don't like , either....."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hello, there, vance!"
Grace1L says, "Aiden, how can I set up Yahoo messenger. I don't have one."
VennyS [:-] waves to VanceS [worse4wear].
WeiH says, "Oh....."
Junya [guest] says, "Smoking is bad for health"
ConnieChe asks, "junya here??"
Jui-hsiangH says, "hi...I am back..."
FionaL says, "yes ~"
WeiH says, "download the yahoo messamger"
IrisCh [guest] says, "welcome"
pat [guest] says, "hi, rita..."
NicoleYi says, "Hi Claire and Rita.."
ConnieChe says, "oh~~I see her"
Junya [guest] says, "ya... I am in Internet cafe"
FionaL says, "hi ~"
Grace1L says, "Good to see you again Rita"
Junya [guest] says, "Hello"
Jui-hsiangH says, "who is RitaZ? Are you a student in nkfust?.."
JoyceCW says, "hello....."
RitaZ says, "hi, , Pat, Jui"
ConnieChe says, "are you in kaohsiun Junya"
WeiH says, "Grace ...download it at http://www.yahoo.com.tw"
AidenY says, "RITA IS A TEACHER"
FionaL says, "oh ... i thought that's dangerous for a lady there"
IrisCh [guest] asks, "why is that?"
FionaL says, "dont stay too late , Junya"
pat [guest] says, "wow...what do you teach, Rita"
WeiH says, "Hi Rita and Claire :)"
TeresaAlm asks, "hi, rita! have your webcam?"
AidenY asks, "WHO CAN SEE TERESA?"
Junya [guest] says, "hello, Mrs.Rita"
RitaZ asks, "I teach English in Argentina, do you know where it is?"
VennyS [:-] says, "I see Teressa"
FionaL says, "i know ~ Rita"
JoyceCW asks, "is the yahoo messenger good to use?"
IrisCh [guest] says, "yeah..."
Grace1L says, "We also have a Rita, who is a student in NKFUST."
WeiH exclaims, "pretty good!"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "oh boy, web cams"
Junya [guest] says, "Argentina ?? sorry i don't know"
FionaL says, "Dont cry for me Argentina~"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "venny, i don't see you!"
JoyceCW says, "i think the msn is pretty good."
JoycePC says, "but I already got hotmail msn"
IrisCh [guest] says, "hi, Rita~"
TeresaAlm says, "brb. phone."
Junya [guest] asks, "Could you tell me?"
WeiH says, "I have sung through yahoo messanger"
RitaZ says, "I have Yahoo set up, and my webcam"
JoycePC says, "I don't wanna download so many messenger"
JoyceCW says, "oh....."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Joyce, MSN is not so good for multiple webcams I think"
JoyceCW says, "yes..i think so, JoycePC.."
FionaL says, "it's a country in the sounth american"
FionaL says, "i mean america"
JoycePC asks, "really? why is that?"
RitaZ exclaims, "yes, Fiona!"
FionaL says, "^^"
Junya [guest] says, "oh, I see." __________________________________________ | |
VanceS holds up a BIG sign: | Abu Dhabi is in the United Arab Emirates | |__________________________________________|
FionaL asks, "Abu Dhabi?"
FionaL says, "oh i see"
Jui-hsiangH says, "Yes...Grace..I am Rita..^^..."
Jui-hsiangH says, "I think MSN messenger is great!!!!!!!!!!!........."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "J"
FionaL asks, "it's a capital, right?"
pat [guest] says, "Rita..i need your help..."
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "right"
JoycePC says, "my dog keeps asking me to take her out"
JoyceCW says, "YES......."
WeiH says, "Hi, RitaH"
IrisCh [guest] says, "yeah, i think so ..MSN messager"
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "Jui-Hsiang, do you use MSN often?"
RitaZ says, "yes, Pat, tell me"
Junya [guest] asks, "Which city's capital?"
FionaL says, "Abu Dhabi"
RitaZ says, "in Argentina? Buenos Aires"
IrisCh [guest] asks, "RitaH, are you in the Dorm, yet?"
JoyceCW says, "i always use msn......and it is very gorgeous."
pat [guest] says, "could you tell me how to talk in such a crowded room..."
JoycePC exclaims, "where is Abut Dhabi anyway?!" _____________________________________ | |
VanceS holds up a BIG sign: | Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE | |_____________________________________|
NicoleYi asks, "where is it?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "Dogs know how to tell you that sort of things, right JoycePC?"
Junya [guest] asks, "UAE??"
RitaZ says, "no, Iris, now I'm home"
JoycePC says, "yeah...you bet"
FionaL says, "is the capital of the united Arab Emirates"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "United Arab Emirates"
IrisCh [guest] asks, "so, you'll be back tomorrow?"
JoycePC says, "but she's not supposed to come upstair to my room"
NicoleYi asks, "you're so great Fiona..how did you know a lot??"
FionaL asks, "will it be shown if we type chinese?"
RitaZ says, "yes, but I work in an institute"
IrisCh [guest] says, "don't you have morning class?? English and law?, RitaH"
VennyS [to FionaL]: "Nope"
JoyceCW says, "JoycePC, you have cats a......."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "No, soory but Tapped In doesw not support Chinse"
JoycePC says, "I have a dog"
Junya [guest] says, "fiona, I think that you are good at the worldwide map"
JoycePC says, "she's my sister actually..."
FionaL says, "it's just a coincidence,Nico :P{"
RitaZ says, "i teach a group of teenagers, Iris"
Jui-hsiangH says, "Yes...I am in the dorm.."
FionaL says, "ok i see ,Sus"
WeiH says, "So gald to chat with you all guys...."
Junya [guest] says, "I have to ask you more in the future"
WeiH says, "I think I got ot go..:)"
Grace1L asks, "Riatz, are you a teacher?"
ClaireB asks, "are some of you guys on Yahoo right now?"
ConnieChe has disconnected.
RitaZ says, "yes, Grace"
VennyS [to Jui-hsiangH]: "How's your connection speed?"
AidenY says, "I AM CLAIRE"
FionaL says, "hahaha~ you are welcome , Junya"
JoycePC says, "I taught some junior school students this summer"
WeiH exclaims, "Have a very good night! Everyione!"
IrisCh [guest] says, "wow....i think teenagers are not easy to control"
Junya [guest] says, "I am glad to see you, WeiH.."
JoycePC says, "that was a very tough task"
Grace1L asks, "Which Institute?"
ConnieChe has connected.
MichaelAC arrives from nowhere.
Personal_Recorder_30627 follows MichaelAC to here.
FionaL says, "i think there is a big problem with connie's pc,"
WeiH says, "Same here :) talk to you later! ^^"
JoyceCW says, "glad to meet you , WeiH."
pat [guest] asks, "Aiden, may i leave for a while? i can't get used to this chatroom?"
RitaZ asks, "but this year i'm very lucky, what's your group like, Iris?"
WeiH )
WeiH says, "8816:)"
AidenY says, "Sure pat"
MichaelAC says, "Hello everyone. Nice to be here."
JoyceCW asks, "what happened to Connie?"
NicoleYi says, "hi Michael..."
Junya [guest] says, "Hello, Michael"
FionaL says, "hello Michael"
TeresaAlm says, "i'm back. sorry vance, but i was on the phone."
pat [guest] says, "hi michael..."
RitaZ says, "hi, Michael"
WeiH goes out.
WeiH's personal recorder (recording) goes out.
JoyceCW says, "hello, Michael."
Grace1L exclaims, "Hi, Michael. Good to meet you!"
TeresaAlm says, "hi, michael."
CherryH says, "hi Michael.."
ConnieChe says, "hi Michael"
JoycePC says, "Michael...it's a name most studnets from NKFUST would respond in a certain expression"
FionaL says, "so many "i"......"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "I can see Teresa on her web cam"
FionaL says, "i mean hi"
JoycePC says, "I guess you guys know what I mean huh~"
TeresaAlm asks, "isn't yours on, vance?"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "coming right up"
ConnieChe says, "you can say someyting different"
MichaelAC asks, "Why are 'worse for wear' Vance?"
Grace1L says, "Joyce, Michael is really a scaring name for us"
CherryH says, "yeah..."
JoycePC says, "haha...that's definitely true"
Junya [guest] asks, "Why?"
IrisCh [guest] says, "don't say that~~Grace"
MichaelAC asks, "Michael - a scary name??? Why?"
ConnieChe says, "why??scaring"
Junya [guest] says, "I think Michael is a good name"
JoyceCW says, "ccc.........."
CherryH says, "Michael is a teacher in our department.."
ConnieChe says, "um.."
pat [guest] says, "Michael is one of the teachers in our school. he is very strict."
MichaelAC smiles
JoyceCW says, "Michael is a popular name.."
Junya [guest] says, "rea;;u"
ConnieChe says, "there is some specil meaning"
ConnieChe asks, "??"
Grace1L says, "Hard to say.... A long story."
VanceS [to Michael]: "old age, world situation"
JoyceCW says, "uh....."
Jui-hsiangH says, "No..I don't...tomorrow..I only get Japanese class..."
MichaelAC exclaims, "Ok...this Michael is not strict!"
JoycePC says, "other than that, I like the name "Michael" though"
FionaL asks, "because of Michaek Jackson?"
JoycePC says, "no..."
CherryH says, "good to hear that:)"
FionaL says, "just kidding :P"
IrisCh [guest] says, "sorry, guys, i gotta say goodbye to all of you. i've got things to do"
JoycePC says, "I like M.J."
TeresaAlm [to Clarinha]: "can you make your window smaller, pls?"
FionaL says, "see ya Iris"
JoyceCW says, "wait......."
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "I'm in YMS now, too; who should invite me?"
Junya [guest] says, "Because of Michael Jorden"
JoycePC says, "ok, see you Iris"
pat [guest] says, "bye iris.."
VennyS [:-] has to leave for his daughters
ConnieChe says, "see you Iris"
RitaZ says, "bye, iris, nice to have talked to you"
Grace1L says, "See you tomorrow, Iris"
VennyS goes home.
Jui-hsiangH says, "hahaha...."
CherryH says, "bye Iris..k"
Junya [guest] says, "bye Iris"
JoycePC asks, "where's YMS?"
IrisCh [guest] says, "nice to meet you guys, bye"
NicoleYi says, "bye.."
JoycePC asks, "can this screen be enlarged?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Yahoo messenger = YMS"
FionaL says, "see ya"
AidenY says, "iris you're leaving"
IrisCh [guest] says, "see some of you tomorrow~ ^^~"
ConnieChe says, "where are you Fiona"
JoycePC says, "oic"
FionaL says, "i am here"
IrisCh [guest] says, "yes, Aiden.."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Nice to meet you , Iris"
JoycePC says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know connie and fiona yet"
AidenY says, "are you in an intenet cafe, iris"
Grace1L asks, "Nicole, whoelse is your classmate?"
Jui-hsiangH says, "bye Iris.."
JoycePC asks, "are you students or teachers?"
FionaL asks, "how's your PC , Connie?"
pat [guest] says, "i also want to leave, bye everyone."
ConnieChe says, "no..i mean which country you are now"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "clarinha, you were looking great! i lost your image!"
JoycePC says, "bye bye"
ConnieChe says, "not so well"
NicoleYi says, "Fiona, Connie, Junya...I think..."
IrisCh [guest] says, "yes,i still in an internet cafe"
ClaireB exclaims, "I will try to get it back. we can see you!"
FionaL asks, "yes, Nico?"
TeresaAlm asks, "aren't you lucky?"
ConnieChe says, "THINK WHAT , NICOLE"
AidenY says, "if you have your Yahoo messenger on you may see teresa online"
Grace1L asks, "Why Linda is not here???"
Junya [guest] says, "what' wrong ,Nicole"
CherryH says, "i hate internet coffee shop..."
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "claire I got an invite to see your cam but then it said it wasn't on"
NicoleYi asks, "Grace ask me who is my classmate??"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
FionaL says, "oh"
ClaireB says, "I think it is back on now"
IrisCh [guest] says, "last time, goodbye you guys~ ^^~"
FionaL says, "we are in the same class ^^"
AidenY says, "DAFNE IS IN SPAIN"
CherryH says, "it might be the first time and last time that I came here"
VanceS [to Nicole]: "Who is your classmate?"
ConnieChe says, "oh~~yap"
TeresaAlm says, "clarinha, i think i recognize that room! ;.))"
Junya [guest] says, "why do you hate it ? CherryH"
SusanneN [helpdesk] hugs Dafne from Spain
NicoleYi says, "Grace is my junior college classmate..."
IrisCh [guest] goes out.
DafneG says, "good morning"
FionaL says, "oh i see"
JoycePC says, "Hi Dafne"
Grace1L says, "HI, Dafne."
JoycePC says, "this is Joyce speaking"
Junya [guest] says, "Hi Dafne"
FionaL says, "hi Grace"
DafneG says, "I am not in Spain now"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "no, dafne is in venezuela. welcome, daf!"
CherryH says, "I mean here in the internet coffee shop"
ClaireB says, "tere, for some reason it says that you are logged on 2 times"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "got claire's web cam now"
ClaireB hugs dafne
JoycePC asks, "how to pronunce Dafne anyway?"
Junya [guest] says, "oh..i see"
JoyceCW says, "Grace......no time no see......."
FionaL says, "Que pasa Defne"
Grace1L says, "I would like to go traveling in Spain someday in the future."
AidenY says, "DAF-NE"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Daf!"
ClaireB asks, "vance, your cam is not up?"
Grace1L says, "Hi, Fiona"
AidenY says, "DAF NEE"
NicoleYi says, "grace..Linda is not my classmate..she is in other department,,"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "clarinha, go the webcam menu and try to reduce the window, ok? you are 'monopolizing' my screen!"
DafneG has lost her link.
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "oh yes, I forgot - Daf is on holiday in her homeland, Venezuela"
JoycePC asks, "is that a spanish name?" ______________________________________ | | | You can see my web cam, Teresa's and |
VanceS holds up a BIG sign: | CLaire's | |______________________________________|
Grace1L says, "Oh, yes, I forgot. sorry."
ClaireB says, "yes, I will try to reduce it. it keeps happening"
RitaZ says, "Vance, I want to see your cam, but it says its not on"
DafneG has connected.
AidenY asks, "Can anyone see vance's, teresa's and clare's cameras on?"
DafneG says, "I am back"
Junya [guest] says, "How's your moon festival , Connie"
ConnieChe says, "NO~Ican't"
Grace1L asks, "What's cam"?"
ClaireB says, "i went to the preferences and reduced the size, but it didn't work. I will log off and log back on"
RitaZ [to VanceS]: "ok now"
MichaelAC says, "My webcam is on too if you want to see me 'yellow'"
ConnieChe says, "no so good junya"
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "Yes, back, all the way from Venezuela, Dafne?"
AidenY asks, "webheads, do you know what's moon festival is about?"
FionaL asks, "why not ? Connie?"
CherryH says, "I am wondering where to see others' pictures"
FionaL says, "i thought you were so happy :P"
Junya [guest] says, "I can't ..cause i am in the internet cafe shop AidenY"
JoyceCW says, "aiden........Tina and Ivy have somthing wrong with their computer...."
ConnieChe says, "We planed to have a bbq"
FionaL says, "you could see my dog's pic on yahoo msg , Cherry"
AidenY asks, "is Mark still here?"
Junya [guest] says, "How 's your bbq"
FionaL asks, "and ? Connie?"
ConnieChe says, "but my mom didn't like it"
JoycePC says, "no, I don't think so"
FionaL says, "hahahaha~"
Junya [guest] asks, "why?"
DafneG [to SussanneN]: "I am getting used to my sis's comp."
FionaL says, "thank god that i didnt stay at your place :P"
ConnieChe says, "so I went my classmate home to eat"
Junya [guest] says, "so you did not have a bbq"
VanceS [worse4wear] says, "teresa looks like she is in a good mood"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Sisters can be great company, Daf :-))"
ConnieChe says, "stupid Fina"
Junya [guest] says, "hahaha"
JoycePC says, "my dog is really afraid of fireworks"
Junya [guest] says, "I had a bbq with my family"
FionaL says, "it's Fiona ,stupid Connie"
JoycePC says, "she keeps shaking beside me"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i certainly am, vance! it's sunday!!!"
MichaelAC says, "So is mine (dog)"
ConnieChe says, "you will see when you in school tomorrow"
MichaelAC asks, "Why are there fireworks?"
Junya [guest] says, "I have a cute doy too"
JoyceCW says, "most animals are always afraid of fireworks.....i think....^^"
FionaL asks, "see what ?"
JoycePC says, "it's moon festival"
MichaelAC says, "I see"
Grace1L asks, "Michael, are you a teacher or a student??"
FionaL says, "i know your dog, Junya"
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "how are you feeling back home?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "clarinha, tens a mania das grandezas??!!"
DafneG asks, "What's moon fetival Joyce?"
FionaL says, "but i haven't seen it before"
AidenY says, "Can anyone explain why there were fireworks"
Junya [guest] says, "Hello, joyce"
ConnieChe asks, "junya has a dog??"
MichaelAC says, "A good teacher is always both! (i am a teacher)"
JoycePC says, "it's a traditional holoday...like what it's mentioned"
JoyceCW says, "i have a hot-pot in my moon festival...."
AidenY says, "Moon cake festival in Taiwan"
Junya [guest] says, "but my dog afraid of rain.."
Grace1L exclaims, "Nice say. Michael, I agree!!"
MichaelAC says, "Nice angel on your cam Vance"
Junya [guest] says, "not firework....stupid dog"
MichaelAC says, "er...angle"
AidenY asks, "angel??"
FionaL says, "fireworks? ..errr....it celebrated for the holiday"
AidenY asks, "super dooper angel?"
JoycePC says, "when you see the full moon in moon festival, family would get together to do something like having a BBQ"
JoyceCW says, "yes......"
MichaelAC says, "ANGLE - we can see vance's profile on his camera"
Grace1L says, "Aiden, I think the reason for firework it to creat a good atmosphere when everyone in the family is supposed to get toghether."
JoyceCW says, "big family together..........."
MichaelAC says, "But Vance may also be an angel I guess"
AidenY says, "well said Grace"
VanceS [worse4wear] has lost his link.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Sep 22 05:58:04 2002 PDT.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Sep 22 06:03:31 2002 PDT.
VanceS looks worser4wear.
Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Sep 22 06:04:41 2002 PDT.
Started recording in AidenY's Office (#20293)[TappedIn] at Sun Sep 22 06:04:41 2002 PDT.
JoyceCW says, "yes.....i would like to go to Taichung in the future..."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "I will need to find a map of taiwan on the internet; I lost my large map of China"
Junya [guest] says, "i think it's alway bit hot .."
JoycePC says, "actually, I just got back from Taichung today"
JoycePC says, "it's very hot there"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "here comes joao!"
JoyceCW asks, "is it fun?"
CherryH says, "well..even though..i still like it.."
AidenY says, "Taichung is 2-3 hours from Kaohsiung"
JoycePC says, "it was not quite pleasant"
CherryH says, "because I was born here^^"
FionaL says, "i was borned in Taipei and live in Taichung"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "well, I got into tapped in and now Yahoo bombed"
Junya [guest] says, "I was born in Chaiyi"
ClaireB says, "yes vance you don't seem to stay still"
ClaireB says, "lol"
AidenY asks, "who's with you tere?"
JoycePC asks, "what do you mean by yahoo bombed?"
NicoleYi says, "Fiona..I thought you live Taipei..."
Junya [guest] says, "it's famous for the Ali mountain"
ClaireB asks, "hey teree is that joao???"
MichaelAC asks, "Who was that man Teresa?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "my husband without 'the look', aiden!"
ClaireB says, "now he disappeared"
AidenY says, "LOL"
AidenY asks, "i was about to ask?"
JoyceCW asks, "JoycePC...........DON'T YOU HAVE LOTS OF FUN IN Taichung?"
ClaireB says, "tere is talking on the telephone"
MichaelAC smiles at Teresa
FionaL says, "ya~ sometimes i live in Taipei.. cuz we have relatives there"
JoycePC says, "no...not at all"
Grace1L asks, "Nicole, are you still here??"
NicoleYi says, "yes..."
JoyceCW asks, "why?"
TeresaAlm says, "clarinha, i lost your image again."
JoyceCW asks, "somthing happened?"
JoycePC says, "I attened a wedding...but the food was terrible"
JoyceCW says, "oh...........i see....."
Junya [guest] says, "Did you have a bbq , nickole"
JoyceCW says, "it is too bad........."
CherryH says, "I can't stand people smoking here anymore..I am leaving..."
Grace1L asks, "Anything happen to you? Why so quiet?"
JoycePC says, "I really wanted to leave soon"
ClaireB says, "I should be back now. I think I clsoed the window by mistake"
FionaL says, "Connie~ Sharon said Mike sent her a messenge lol"
JoyceCW says, "uh........."
ConnieChe says, "say waht"
ClaireB asks, "tere, what is so funny?"
ConnieChe says, "what"
RitaZ [to Claire]: "can I see your cam?(need your ID)"
Junya [guest] says, "What?/"
NicoleYi says, "yap..i had a small bbq with my bf's classmates..."
ConnieChe asks, "something horrible??"
JoyceCW says, "so "lucky:"
FionaL says, "sounds so LOL"
ConnieChe says, "TELL ME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
Junya [guest] says, "What's LOL?? Fiona"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "clarinha, they were who the 'mysterious' man here was!!!"
NicoleYi asks, "could you guys tell me what's LOL mean??"
FionaL says, "laugh out lond , Junya"
ConnieChe says, "come on"
FionaL says, "and Nico"
TeresaAlm says, "they were asking, i mean"
CherryH says, "Thank you, Aiden. I think Tappedin is a nice place..:) I am leaving.."
NicoleYi says, "oh..i see.."
AidenY says, "TO MY STUDENTS, if you feel that you need to go, then you may, but stay longer if you can"
Junya [guest] says, "thanks.."
Junya [guest] says, "haha"
FionaL says, "i guess he sent ssomething about 911 to her lol"
TeresaAlm asks, "clarinha, did you see joao?"
ClaireB says, "yes, I think he was behind you. but not now"
_____________________________ | |
SusanneN holds up a BIG sign: | Great to meet Aiden's class | |_____________________________|
MichaelAC asks, "Claire - what is your Yahoo ID?"
ConnieChe says, "why sent to shron~"
Junya [guest] says, "I 've got the message too."
JoyceCW says, "JoycePC.....so it seems you would have very terrible memory in Taichung......"
AidenY says, "Cherry it is a nice place, but its the people that you meet that makes it nice"
JoyceCW says, "too bad........."
TeresaAlm says, "here he is again."
ConnieChe says, "but i didn't"
FionaL says, "i can stay as long as i can . Mrs. Aiden ."
CherryH says, "Yeah..:)"
ClaireB says, "my yahoo id is cbsiskin"
Grace1L exclaims, "Sorry, everyone, I have to log out now becasue my eyes are so tired. They need a rest. Perhaps I'll come back later. Have a nice day! Bye!"
MichaelAC says, "Thanks Claire"
AidenY says, "bye grace"
JoycePC says, "I enjoy this new semester's "trend""
JoyceCW says, "aide......ivy and tina have something wrong with their computers......"
CherryH says, "I would to stay longer next time when I use the computer in the dorm.."
ConnieChe says, "see you"
AidenY asks, "joyce, trend?"
FionaL says, "see ya"
JoycePC says, "meaning every teacher is using more tech than ever"
ClaireB says, "see ya"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "I'll try again with the conference"
JoycePC says, "see you"
JoyceCW says, "uh.........i think so........"
NicoleYi says, "bye.."
Junya [guest] says, "Mrs, Aiden I just left less than half hour"
CherryH says, "byebye everybody..:) with a big hug:)"
AidenY says, "vance would love to hear this, joyce"
JoyceCW says, "bye......"
ConnieChe says, "are you in dorm or in Tichung /fio"
Junya [guest] says, "cause I am in internet shop.."
JoyceCW says, "haha....."
VanceS [to Michael,]: "where's your web cam"
AidenY says, "be careful Junya"
JoycePC says, "cuz I love using computers...and it's definitely a must in the years to come"
JoyceCW says, "they felt much nervous....."
FionaL says, "i am at home , Connie"
CherryH goes out.
CherryH's personal recorder (recording) goes out.
MichaelAC says, "My webcam should be live"
AidenY asks, "joyce, mind telling me if there's another teacher using technology in their classrooms?"
ConnieChe says, "I see whaen do you back tomorrow"
ClaireB asks, "Michael, what is your yahoo id?"
NicoleYi asks, "Mrs.Aiden..what's ur dog's name??"
MichaelAC says, "mikecogh"
ConnieChe says, "so many people out"
JoycePC says, "another new teacher"
AidenY says, "stitch, 2 months old, labrador"
Junya [guest] says, "Yes, Mrs.Aiden..^^]"
JoycePC says, "hahaha..that's a funny name your dog's got"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "mine is vance_stevens"
Grace1L exclaims, "Bye! everyone. Nice to talk to you!"
JoycePC says, "he's teache CALL"
JoycePC says, "teaching"
Junya [guest] says, "bye..Grace"
AidenY says, "she's cute and intelligent"
NicoleYi says, "bye.."
NicoleYi asks, "female dog??"
Grace1L has disconnected.
AidenY asks, "joyce, you mean robert good?"
JoycePC says, "no,his name is Allan"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Labradors as usually very good dogs for families, Aiden"
RitaZ [to Claire]: "great to see you now, Clari!"
JoyceCW asks, "i can't figure out what you really mean?"
JoycePC says, "he just got into NKFUST"
Junya [guest] asks, "Does anyone like cat here?"
ClaireB exclaims, "good to see you!"
FionaL exclaims, "me me ~!!!"
FionaL says, "i like cats , Junya~"
ConnieChe says, "fionalike"
JoycePC says, "I've never had a cat in my life"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "I like cats"
JoyceCW asks, "robert?"
JoycePC says, "so I don't really like them..."
Junya [guest] says, "really"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "my cat has his own web page"
ConnieChe says, "I had ,but my cat's gone"
Junya [guest] says, "I like cat recently"
FionaL says, "lol"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i like cats, especially when they belong to my neighbor and i only have the 'fun' part!!!"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Oh yes, let us see your cat's hopmepage Vance"
JoyceCW asks, "aiden, you just said that a teacher using the technology in their classrooms?"
VanceS [worser4wear] asks, "should I project my cat's web page?"
MichaelAC says, "OK Claire - I can see you now"
JoyceCW says, "i am wondering......"
Junya [guest] says, "Really, VanceS"
TeresaAlm says, "yes, go ahead."
JoycePC says, "well, that's a teacher in NKFUST, JoyceCW"
FionaL says, "junya is always unpredicable"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "I've met Teresa's neighbor's cats"
SusanneN [helpdesk] projects projections.
When a URL is projected a new web window in addition to the TI text and web window will open for everyone in the same room (don't be surprised!). You can look at the site, bookmark it, and close it...as long as you DO NOT CLOSE the TAPestry window (the one with the room map). (you will lose your link to TI if you do). When you're done looking, come back to the text window.
Junya [guest] says, "I am glad to see...."
ConnieChe says, "haha,you eare"
JoyceCW says, "oh........."
ClaireB exclaims, "hi michael, now I can see you!"
ConnieChe says, "right"
TeresaAlm asks, "that's right, sus. aren't they sweet?"
JoyceCW says, "oh..................a bit realize......^^"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "I can only see Claire and Teresa"
Junya [guest] says, "F..i..o..n..a"
FionaL says, "what ? Junya ? :P"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Are you ready to get a new window with Vance"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "If you have a web cam up, invite me"
DafneG says, "I have no webcam here"
ClaireB says, "let me repeat invitation to the teleconference that we're having at the U of Pittsburgh on wednesday"
NicoleYi says, "There's something happened..my mom is unconfortable now...i should go..."
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "A new window 'With Vance's cat's homepage - would you like tgo see it?"
AidenY says, "ok, by nicole"
TeresaAlm says, "michael, i can't see you and have lost your yahoo id, but would like to see you."
FionaL says, "ok ~ bye Nico"
AidenY says, "sure"
Junya [guest] says, "Did you have a cat ?fiona"
JoyceCW says, "bye............."
Junya [guest] says, "bye"
JoycePC says, "hope she's alright, nico"
DafneG says, "b ye Nicole"
FionaL says, "no ~ but i would like to feed one"
TeresaAlm says, "mc, i do have your id."
NicoleYi says, "Bye guys...bye Aiden.."
FionaL says, "i really like cats more then dogs"
ClaireB says, "bye aiden"
JoycePC says, "bye"
RitaZ says, "yes, Sus, I want to see Vance's cat..."
NicoleYi goes out.
NicoleYi's personal recorder (recording) goes out.
ClaireB says, "i like dogs more than cats"
ClaireB asks, "vance, do you have a cat?"
JoyceCW says, "me , too....."
RitaZ says, "me too, Clari"
AidenY says, "i like dogs better than cats"
Junya [guest] says, "I want to see Vance's cat too"
JoyceCW says, "claire.....^^"
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "Did we lose Vance?"
ClaireB says, "8 pm GMT on Wednesday"
VanceS [worser4wear] asks, "ok, ready for Musky's web page projection?"
MichaelAC says, "I vote for dogs."
JoyceCW says, "haha...........^^"
FionaL says, "Sharon said she is going to join us ~"
Junya [guest] says, "In the past, I hate cat"
ClaireB asks, "yes, joyce w?"
JoycePC exclaims, "another here for dogs!"
RitaZ says, "another vote here"
ConnieChe says, "dog.."
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Oh, that is a deal, I'll be with you"
FionaL says, "you hate cats!! cant believe it, Junya"
Junya [guest] says, "because they seem cold"
JoyceCW says, "uh.............yes"
JoycePC asks, "cats ARE cold, aren't they?"
Junya [guest] says, "but some of them is sweet."
JoyceCW says, "and mysterious..."
ConnieChe says, "bold blood"
ClaireB exclaims, "vance, your beard is growing longer!"
ConnieChe says, "cold"
JoycePC says, "mysterious...that's the word"
SusanneN [helpdesk] has disconnected.
JoycePC says, "my dog can say "Hau" which means yes in Chinese"
JoyceCW says, "uh....^^"
AidenY says, "really Joyce"
JoyceCW says, "haha......."
ConnieChe says, "can't never go home when it out of the house"
Junya [guest] says, "really"
FionaL says, "Sharon is trying to connect to us now ~ Junya"
VanceS [worser4wear] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens/muskycat.htm
JoycePC says, "yeha.....that's pretcool"
Junya [guest] says, "so funny"
ConnieChe says, "haha.i saw that cat"
JoyceCW says, "so humnanlism....."
ClaireB says, "very nice vance"
JoycePC says, "very nice cat"
Junya [guest] says, "so cute.."
ClaireB asks, "why don't you make a web page of your beard?"
ConnieChe says, "it is ...intersted"
FionaL says, "Cute~~~~~ > < Musky~"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "nice cat and page, vance!"
SusanneN has connected.
AidenY says, "nice cat, vance"
JoycePC asks, "what's that on his mouth?"
TeresaAlm says, "wb, sus."
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "yeah we didn't even know he could use a computer"
ClaireB says, "wb susanne"
FionaL says, "hahaha"
Junya [guest] says, "I think Musky is a very smart cat"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Yes, I'm back"
ClaireB asks, "who, the cat?"
JoycePC asks, "that black spot...is that his fur?"
AidenY asks, "Joyce PC you're from NKFUST?"
DafneG says, "lovely cat"
AidenY says, "JoyceCW is>>>>"
JoycePC says, "yes"
JoyceCW says, "haha........"
AidenY asks, "Fiona, from NKFUST?"
JoycePC says, "I'm your lovely studnet...remember me"
RitaZ [to VanceS]: "Musky looks better than most cats, for some reason, Vance ;-)"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Some cats love computersa"
JoyceCW says, "me, too..........."
AidenY says, "yes, yes, yes"
JoyceCW says, "^^"
ClaireB asks, "but do computers love cats?"
Junya [guest] asks, "Does Musky catch mouse?"
FionaL asks, "sorry but what is NKFUST?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "I knoa a cat who like to sleep on the keyboard"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "If you want to see my beard you have to get a web cam"
AidenY says, "JoyceCW better tell me"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "he once ripped the mouse out of a computer"
ClaireB asks, "the question is, do we WANT to see your beard?"
AidenY asks, "Fiona?"
JoyceCW says, "i am from Shih Chien..........."
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "he really did, I think he got tangled in it"
FionaL says, "yes ~ i am here"
JoyceCW says, "^^"
Junya [guest] says, "I found some cats do not catch mouse"
FionaL asks, "pardon me . Aiden?"
AidenY asks, "Fiona, NKFUST?"
SusanneN [helpdesk] asks, "Vance, what does your mood mean, worser4wear?"
ClaireB asks, "so tere, are you really really really coming to baltimore?"
FionaL says, "i have no idea about NKFUST, sorry > <"
AidenY says, "Shih Chien, Fiona"
JoyceCW says, "^^........"
TeresaAlm says, "i sure hope so, clarinha."
ConnieChe says, "fiona in shih chien"
AidenY asks, "Junya?"
ConnieChe says, "in"
VanceS [worser4wear] says, "well I was feeling tired earlier before I started relaxing with webheads"
AidenY says, "Connie, Shih Chien"
FionaL says, "eh? yes"
ConnieChe says, "yes"
VanceS looks better4wear.
Junya [guest] says, "is' shin chein university in Kaoushing"
TeresaAlm says, "i committed to it and only if something drastic happens will i stay away."
FionaL says, "but what is the whole name of NKFUST"
JoyceCW says, "JoyceCW, SHIE CHIEN, AS WELL......^^"
ClaireB says, "coooool"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i'm very enthusiastic about it!"
ClaireB says, "then you have to come see us"
TeresaAlm asks, "i'll try, but no promises, ok?"
AidenY says, "so only Joyce PC is from NKFUST, the rest have left"
ClaireB says, "nah, you have to promise"
ConnieChe says, "fiona..there is a heavy rain in kaohsiung"
TeresaAlm says, "i'm glad i have friday off at school. that'll will allow me more time away."
JoyceCW says, "YES...........Juya"
VanceS [to Claire]: "that's twice now Yahoo has bombed when I tried to start a conference"
ClaireB says, "good"
FionaL says, "oh really? , Connnie~ what is NKFUST? T_T"
Junya [guest] says, "really? Connie"
ClaireB says, "oh, maybe it was a bad idea then"
JoyceCW says, "yeah..."
ClaireB says, "sorry"
JoycePC writes on the whiteboard...
AidenY says, "National kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology"
FionaL says, "oh i see, thanks :)"
FionaL says, "sorry about that T_T"
AidenY says, "lost your cam vance"
sharon [guest] finds its way in.
Junya [guest] says, "hello, sharon"
ConnieChe asks, "Shron is hte one we knew??"
AidenY asks, "sharon, which university?"
FionaL says, "i used have a friend who studied in NKFUST a year ago"
sharon [guest] says, "hi"
ConnieChe says, "the"
JoyceCW says, "hi, sharon......"
FionaL says, "hi sharon"
VanceS [better4wear] says, "yeah I've killed Yahoo twice trying to start voice conferences"
ConnieChe says, "Sharon~~~"
FionaL says, "sharon is in SC"
ClaireB asks, "so yahoo does not have a text conference mode?"
AidenY says, "ok,"
TeresaAlm asks, "clarinha, how many sessions are you going to present?"
sharon [guest] says, "wow~I AM FIANLLY HERE"
JoycePC writes on the whiteboard...
FionaL says, "she is our class leader :))"
AidenY says, "welcome sharon"
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Claire, I have text chat only in Yahoo"
ConnieChe says, "haha same as me"
JoycePC says, "phew..."
VanceS [to Claire,]: "please invite me to view your web cam"
ConnieChe says, "I had a lot of problem to get in here"
Junya [guest] says, "Yahoo's messenger is not so good."
JoycePC says, "ok, anyone doesn't know what NKfUST is simply look on the board"
AidenY says, "JoycePC and do you have yahoo messenger"
sharon [guest] says, "Aiden, hello~nice to see u"
JoyceCW asks, "really?"
ClaireB says, "ok i did vance"
JoycePC says, "I don't have it"
JoycePC says, "I have hotmail msn"
FionaL says, "i saw it ~"
JoyceCW says, "me, too......."
JoyceCW says, "JoycePC"
JoyceCW says, "^^"
JoycePC says, "yes"
VanceS [better4wear] says, "I've got Michael's cam, Teresa's, and Claire's"
SusanneN writes on the whiteboard...
VanceS [better4wear] asks, "anyone else?"
AidenY says, "if you have yahoo messenger you can view the webcams of teachers who are here"
Junya [guest] says, "I got the NKFUST"
RitaZ says, "I have it, Vance"
ClaireB says, "vance, how do you change your mood, like, "betterforwear?""
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Sorry, Vance, I still need some serious systems update :-("
fin [guest] arrives from nowhere.
SusanneN [helpdesk] says, "Hi fin"
JoycePC says, "gosh...it's pouring here in Kaohsiung"
fin [guest] says, "thanks for your help"
VanceS [to Claire]: "you write /mood thenwhatever"
JoyceCW says, "i would like to download the Yahoo messenger as well....."
SusanneN looks whatever.
DafneG looks from Caracas.
FionaL says, "oh really ~ the weather is good here"
Junya [guest] says, "hello,fin"
VanceS looks thenwhatever.
ClaireB looks optimistic.
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "testing"
JoycePC says, "raining cats and dogs...very noisy"
fin [guest] exclaims, "hi!"
MichaelAC looks getting tired.
VanceS looks playful.
JoycePC says, "hihi"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "testing"
SusanneN [whatever] says, "Claire you look VERY optimistic"
JoyceCW asks, "really?"
TeresaAlm looks starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!.
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "so it worked?"
JoyceCW says, "JoyceCW..........SUHC A BAD WEATHER......."
VanceS [playful] says, "claire looks testing"
SusanneN [whatever] says, "Sure, Claire"
fin [guest] says, "it's been a rush...i just got kaoshung from taipeu"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "testing testing"
RitaZ looks looks relaxed.
SusanneN looks optimistic, too.
JoycePC says, "I need to go now..."
MichaelAC looks nearly time for bed .
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "I always wondered how vance did that lol"
VanceS [playful] asks, "no web cam up Aiden?"
AidenY says, "ok joyce"
SusanneN [optimistic, too] says, "Joyce, it was a pleasure to meet you"
AidenY says, "see you tuesday"
JoycePC says, "nice to be here tonight"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "yeah michael for you it must be late"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "I am not used to beeing here so early"
JoycePC says, "my pleasure too"
ConnieChe says, "I gotta take a shower now"
AidenY says, "i'll get it"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] exclaims, "bye, joyce!"
JoyceCW says, "BYE..JoycePC....."
Junya [guest] says, "see you..Joyce"
JoycePC says, "see you next time"
MichaelAC [nearly time for bed ] says, "It's just gone 11.00 pm here"
JoycePC says, "bye"
FionaL says, "see ya Joyce"
JoyceCW says, "SEE YOU........"
ConnieChe says, "see you later guys,,"
JoycePC goes out.
JoycePC's personal recorder (recording) goes out.
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "see you joyce and conne"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "it is 9:30 am here"
SusanneN [optimistic, too] says, "Breakfast for daf and bedtime for Michael"
ConnieChe says, "bye~~~"
MichaelAC [nearly time for bed ] says, "SO i will leave you all. Thank you all for a fast and hectic chat"
VanceS [playful] says, "Yeah Phil Benz's thing is at midnight my time later today"
ConnieChe has disconnected.
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "dafne when did you go back to caracas?"
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "what time is phils thing gmt?"
MichaelAC [nearly time for bed ] exclaims, "Amazing isn't it - breakfast for one and bed for another!"
FionaL says, "it's 9:30 pm here"
Junya [guest] says, "i still can see the moon tonight ..."
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "last night Claire"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] says, "and 2.30 pm in my neck of the woods."
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "but only for a month"
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "huh?"
SusanneN [optimistic, too] says, "19 GMT is Phil'"
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "then you go back to spain?"
FionaL asks, "are you there ? Sharon?"
MichaelAC [nearly time for bed ] says, "Goodbye everyone."
Junya [guest] says, "the weather is well too in Chai yi"
sharon [guest] says, "YES, I AM HERE"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "bye michael"
Junya [guest] says, "by..e Michael"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "yeap, Claire"
fin [guest] says, "oh common..i just got here and everyone is leaving now? did i miss anything...."
RitaZ [looks relaxed] says, "bye, Michael"
FionaL asks, "can you catch up ?"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "bye Michael"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] says, "bye, mc."
MichaelAC [nearly time for bed ] has lost his link.
JoyceCW says, "bye......"
sharon [guest] says, "bye, michael"
SusanneN looks like we got a rainy day in Copenhagen area.
AidenY says, "fin, don't worry, we're still here"
FionaL says, "byebye~" <See what a screen shot looked like at this point, with 5 web cams being broadcast -->
sharon [guest] says, "fiona, not really"
JoyceCW says, "see you soon.......Michael.........^^"
AidenY says, "see you tomorrow fiona"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "it is hot and sunny here"
SusanneN exclaims, "Bye, Fiona, nice to have you here!"
Junya [guest] asks, "How's your bbq? sharon?"
RitaZ [looks relaxed] exclaims, "need to go, people, bye for now, have a good week!"
FionaL asks, "are you leaving? Mrs. Aiden?"
JoyceCW says, "bye.....fiona.......see you tomorrow....^^"
BJ [HelpDesk] says, "I need to get going...busy day today. But I wanted to remind you all about the EuroLang session here later"
AidenY says, "no, fiona"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "bye Rita"
AidenY says, "i';m sticking around"
FionaL says, "but i am not leaving now ...T_T"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] asks, "what time, bj?"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "bye, BJ"
RitaZ [looks relaxed] has disconnected.
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "bye rita and tere"
FionaL says, "i am still staying here ....."
sharon [guest] says, "ohoh~~"
VanceS [to BJ]: "that's the one at midnight"
JoyceCW says, "haha..."
sharon [guest] asks, "Junya, where are u ?"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] says, "bye, clarinha."
FionaL says, "why everyone says bye bye to me ...T_T"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "not midnight for all of us lol"
SusanneN asks, "Yes, BJ, Phil's session is 19 GMT, right?"
ClaireB [optimistic] hugs tere
Junya [guest] says, "In Chaiyi"
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "is phil's session on tappedin?"
JoyceCW says, "i presume you will leave........."
BJ [HelpDesk] says, "20 h GMT for this session"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] says, "hugs clarinha and marc."
SusanneN says, "yes"
Junya [guest] says, "I prefer back to school tomorrow"
sharon [guest] asks, "Junya, so ga?"
VanceS [playful] says, "20 GMT (Phil"
BJ . o O ( it's an hour later than usual. Bee Dieu is leading the discussion )
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] exclaims, "bye, everyone! lunch time for me!"
VanceS [playful] says, "s session"
JoyceCW says, "a misunderstanding.....fiona.....^^"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "bye Tere"
FionaL says, "i have to wake up on 6am tomorrow morning , Junya"
FionaL says, "nevermind ....T_T"
Junya [guest] says, "Cause i afraid the internet could not work in our school"
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] says, "thanks, bj"
Junya [guest] says, "poor Fiona.."
TeresaAlm [starving i have to go and have lunch in a while!] has disconnected.
BJ [HelpDesk] waves bye.
sharon [guest] exclaims, "Fiona, why? so early?!"
FionaL says, "cuz i am at home now, Sharon ..."
Junya [guest] says, "bye BJ"
VanceS [playful] says, "nice that we could have our usual meeting with Aiden's class tonight"
BJ [HelpDesk] has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "Meet Phil at 20 GMT in Tapped In."
FionaL says, "the network doesnt work well in the dorm"
AidenY asks, "fiona, sharon, fin, can you see vance and tgere?"
ClaireB [optimistic] asks, "20 gmt or 19 gmt?"
Junya [guest] says, "it's true..fiona"
JoyceCW says, "^^........."
sharon [guest] says, "tha; sright"
AidenY asks, "fiona are you in the dorm?"
sharon [guest] asks, "vance?"
FionaL says, "not now Mrs. Aiden"
VanceS [playful] says, "I only have two viewers of my web cam"
VanceS [to Sharon,]: "yes?"
FionaL says, "i am at home now but usually i stay in the dorm"
fin [guest] says, "no i can't"
sharon [guest] says, "ohoh~i see you. hello :)"
AidenY says, "sharon, vance is in abu dhabi"
SusanneN says, "I wish I were able to see your cam, Vance, but yahoo keep crashing for me."
JoyceCW says, "something wrong with my computer........."
sharon [guest] says, "Miss.Yeh, i see."
VanceS [playful] says, "I've crashed everyone time I've tried to start voice conferencing"
AidenY says, "poor lighting in my room, so i decided to switch my cam off"
Junya [guest] says, "Sharon, can you see Vance 's cute cat? Vance has a cute cat."
AidenY says, "that's vance, sharon"
sharon [guest] says, "i didn't"
SusanneN says, "Hopefully Yahoo will fix their bugs soon"
fin [guest] asks, "what's abu dhabi?"
sharon [guest] says, "oh~"
FionaL asks, "how can i see the cam ?"
JoyceCW says, "wait......."
AidenY says, "vance, mind explaining"
VanceS [playful] says, "First, you have to have Yahoo messenger"
FionaL asks, "should i add you guys on my yahoo msg list ?"
AidenY says, "fiona, you have to use yahoo messenger"
FionaL says, "i do"
AidenY says, "what's your user id"
SusanneN says, "I got a pretty new webcam but no way to connect,even iVisit refuse to coop with my computer :-("
VanceS [playful] says, "ok, my user id is vance_stevens"
sharon [guest] says, "maybe i should use my yahoo messanger"
FionaL says, "a stupid ID " xstarkiki""
VanceS [playful] says, "but better if I have your user ID"
FionaL says, "i have a cam in the dorm but the internet doesnt work well there"
FionaL says, "so maybe i can't use it forever T_T"
ClaireB [optimistic] says, "must go now -- bye all"
sharon [guest] says, "Claire, bye"
VanceS [playful] says, "ok, I invited xstarkiki"
AidenY says, "bye claire"
SusanneN says, "Bye claire"
FionaL says, "i've seen it"
VanceS [playful] says, "see you claire"
FionaL exclaims, "oh i got it !"
SusanneN says, "I've added xstarkiki to my list, too"
ClaireB [optimistic] has disconnected.
FionaL says, "hello~ Vance~"
VanceS [playful] says, "now I have two viewers"
SusanneN asks, "Fiona, do you see Vance?"
AidenY says, "the remaining students are my students from Shih Chien University"
SusanneN smiles
VanceS [playful] asks, "anyone else?"
AidenY says, "Communication Skills class, am i correct/"
FionaL says, "yes"
DafneG [from Caracas] says, "I can see VAnce now"
VanceS [playful] says, "ok, what's your yahoo id"
FionaL says, "but i prefer it's Chat skill class :P"
VanceS [playful] says, "we think that video images HELP chat"
SusanneN says, "Fiona, I agree, chat is a great communication skill"
FionaL says, "i always chat with foreigners online after school :P"
VanceS [playful] asks, "also pictures. Have you seen our web page?"
VanceS [playful] says, "Our web page has our pictures"
VanceS [playful] asks, "Did Aiden show it to you?"
FionaL says, "i can see your pix on the name list"
FionaL says, "seems you are all kind people :))"
VanceS [playful] asks, "on the students page you mean, right?"
FionaL says, "yes~"
VanceS [playful] says, "of course :-))"
FionaL asks, "may i add you to my friend list? Mr. Vence?"
VanceS [playful] says, "too bad, my Yahoo crashed again"
VanceS [playful] says, "Sure Fiona"
Junya [guest] arrives from nowhere.
fin [guest] arrives from nowhere.
SusanneN says, "So did MY yahoo"
VanceS [playful] says, "I have to go check on a computer in one of labs anyway"
SusanneN says, "Hi junya and Fin, welcome back"
Junya [guest] says, "sorry there 's something worong .."
SusanneN says, "I will have to get offline. Enjoy the fun"
Junya [guest] says, "hi SusanneN"
SusanneN says, "Meet you some other time"
sharon [guest] says, "hi junya"
Junya [guest] says, "see you.."
SusanneN says, "Bye bye"
FionaL says, "ok ~ byebye Sus"
sharon [guest] says, "and fin, nice to see u again"
SusanneN has disconnected.
AidenY says, "sure, sus, i will have to arrnage for another meeting, perhaps more planned"
fin [guest] says, "me too..."
FionaL says, "hey Sharon, add my id to your yahoo msg"
Junya [guest] says, "see you fin."
fin [guest] says, "byebye"
AidenY says, "well, it's time to wrap things up, if you wish to stay then you may"
AidenY says, "i will see you in class tomorrow"
FionaL says, "Mrs. Aiden... i think it's a bit difficult to read the lines on the board...it's too fast to me"
JoyceCW says, "i will go offline.........see you tomorrow......."
DafneG [from Caracas] has disconnected.
Junya [guest] says, "see you Joyce"
JoyceCW says, "something wrong with my computer........*_*"
AidenY says, "it would be niced if you could talk about this experience tomorrow"
JoyceCW says, "bye...........everybody"
AidenY says, "nice"
sharon [guest] says, "yes, miss yeh"
FionaL says, "see ya Joyce"
fin [guest] says, "see you guys..i wish next time i could get here earlie"
JoyceCW says, "glad to meet you guys.......see you soon....."
AidenY asks, "what do you think sharon?"
JoyceCW has disconnected.
AidenY says, "Tappedin is great"
FionaL says, "i agree"
Junya [guest] says, "Mrs. Aiden, sorry .. it's time for me to stop the internet here . i have to go"
VanceS [playful] asks, "is it ok if I log this in the usual place?"
AidenY asks, "did you encounter any problems, sharon?"
VanceS [playful] says, "I won't if you think it will be a problem"
AidenY says, "junya, take care"
FionaL says, "see ya tomorrow ~ Junya"
AidenY says, "i know ytou're in an internet cafe"
sharon [guest] says, "hard for me to read the lines. too soon~~"
AidenY asks, "too fast, eh?"
FionaL says, "yes~"
sharon [guest] says, "my eyes are *___*"
AidenY asks, "anyone else?"
Junya [guest] says, "Thank , Aiden.."
AidenY asks, "fiona?"
sharon [guest] says, "indeed"
FionaL says, "yes"
AidenY asks, "junya?"
Junya [guest] says, "bye . all you guys"
fin [guest] says, "yes"
FionaL says, "i agree it is a bit fast"
FionaL says, "but i hope i will get used to it"
Junya [guest] says, "and have a nice day."
AidenY says, "fin, what do you think, you're late but nevertheless seen enough"
VanceS [playful] says, "you know you can use Pasteboard to "slow it down""
FionaL asks, "oh really?"
VanceS [playful] says, "click on Pasteboard and then Append text output here"
AidenY says, "i have not discussed the mechanics of TI with them"
sharon [guest] asks, "oh~~password?"
VanceS [playful] says, "then you can read from the pasteboard, and it doesn't scroll"
AidenY says, "pasteboard"
fin [guest] says, "well, i don't know cause when i online all i see is"goodbye","see you next time"...and other words just flew like a wind...it's too fast to me"
VanceS [playful] says, "that's what I do when I want to stop the text scrolling"
FionaL says, "well.... it doesnt scroll..."
FionaL says, "i prefer talking here :P"
AidenY says, "ok"
AidenY asks, "fin?"
fin [guest] asks, "what?"
VanceS [playful] asks, "did you guys enjoy meeting new people?"
sharon [guest] says, "i got it"
FionaL says, "yes~ i love to meet new people from different countries"
VanceS [playful] asks, "what kind of school does Aiden teach at?"
FionaL says, "it's a college and we majoy in applied foreign language"
FionaL says, "but i think the students still need to improve their conversation skills in my department"
sharon [guest] asks, "junya, r u here?"
VanceS [playful] says, "Are you all from Kaosung or from many places in Taiwan, or other countries"
fin [guest] says, "did you want to say something to me?mrs yeh? because i saw you type my name."
FionaL says, "i live in Taichung but study in Kaohsiung"
sharon [guest] says, "I am from taoyuan, taiwan."
FionaL says, "some of the students live in the dorm"
AidenY says, "fin, the question is addressed to you all"
VanceS [playful] says, "I went to Taiwan once but didn't get as far down as Kaohsiung"
VanceS [playful] asks, "I think I went to Taichung, in the middle of the island?"
AidenY says, "yes, correct"
FionaL says, "yes~"
ConnieChe has arrived.
ConnieChe's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [playful] says, "in the mountains, nice area"
AidenY says, "connie welcome back"
fin [guest] says, "sorry i didn't get it?>.<"
FionaL asks, "was there anyting impressed you in taiwan?"
ConnieChe says, "hello~~guys"
FionaL exclaims, "i am proud of taiwanese food ~ it's delicious and cheap!"
VanceS [playful] says, "I liked Taichung and the gorge to the east of there"
sharon [guest] says, "connie~~hihi"
AidenY asks, "connie, also from shih chien?"
ConnieChe says, "yes, i am one of your students"
FionaL says, "oh i see"
FionaL says, "Mrs. Aiden, Connie is the one who look liks a ghost :P"
ConnieChe says, "sharon, how's your moon festival"
FionaL says, "i mean looks like"
AidenY says, "oh, fiona"
ConnieChe asks, "what did you say??"
FionaL says, "just kidding :P"
FionaL says, "nothing ~"
sharon [guest] says, "connie~~i went to my friend's place for bbq"
ConnieChe says, "actually I look like a stick"
AidenY says, "moon festival here vance"
FionaL says, "i didnt have a BBQ yesterday ....T_T"
sharon [guest] says, "but cloudy yesterday>"<"
AidenY asks, "have you tried moon cakes?"
sharon [guest] says, "sure"
FionaL asks, "have you tried that ? Mrs. Aiden?"
sharon [guest] says, "nice~~i love it"
joych [guest] arrives from nowhere.
ConnieChe says, "i didn't even have a moon cake"
AidenY says, "joych, welcome"
ConnieChe says, "this year"
FionaL says, "the more you eat, the fatter you get....."
fin [guest] says, "i have bbq with my family yesterday. but in the middle of bbq...it's rained"
sharon [guest] says, "but the more u eat, the fatter u r !!:P"
sharon [guest] says, "hahaha"
AidenY asks, "Joy, from shih chien?"
FionaL says, "ahahah"
joych [guest] says, "I am Joy from nkfust."
sharon [guest] exclaims, "moon festival = bbq day!"
FionaL says, "LOL"
sharon [guest] says, "hi!joych"
fin [guest] says, "that's true"
AidenY says, "you're late, Joy"
AidenY says, "your classmates were here an hour ago"
FionaL says, "watch your weight, Sharon:P"
AidenY asks, "vance are you still here?"
ConnieChe asks, "Joy also Aiden's student??"
AidenY says, "yes"
VanceS [playful] says, "yes I am"
joych [guest] says, "i am sorry that i am late, but I didn't sign up for the tryout"
sharon [guest] says, "fiona, ha! i will."
VanceS [playful] says, "I asked earlier if I should log this as usual on the webheads chat page"
AidenY says, "Joy, mind telling vance about your university"
AidenY says, "oh sure"
VanceS [playful] says, "ok, will do"
AidenY says, "NKFUST"
VanceS [playful] says, "with video snaps"
AidenY says, "cool"
AidenY says, "then i need some explaining to do"
AidenY asks, "Joy are you still here?"
joych [guest] says, "i just got done with my pirvate"
VanceS [playful] asks, "so what does NKFUST stand for?"
AidenY asks, "private class?"
AidenY asks, "Joy can you answer that?"
joych [guest] says, "i am sorry, but you are going too fast here..."
FionaL says, "National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology....."
FionaL says, "i just learned it :P"
sharon [guest] says, "u will be used to it, joy"
joych [guest] says, "yes, that's correct"
AidenY says, "fiona from shih chien university answers the question"
FionaL says, "^^"
joych [guest] exclaims, "hi, Fiona!"
FionaL says, "hi Joyce~"
joych [guest] says, "Greetings, everyone."
AidenY says, "I teach in Shih Chien university every monday, Tues to Friday i'm at NKFUST"
ConnieChe says, "hello~~joy"
fin [guest] exclaims, "hello!"
sharon [guest] asks, "where's JUNYA?"
sharon [guest] asks, "disappear?"
FionaL says, "she is back home"
AidenY asks, "Joy, which class are you in, writing, or publishing, or both?"
VanceS [playful] asks, "are these all in Kaohsiung?"
sharon [guest] says, "oh~i see"
AidenY says, "yes, vance"
joych [guest] says, "conversation and listening class"
AidenY says, "NKFUST is in the city, whil shih chien is 30 min. away from the city"
AidenY says, "]ah ok"
FionaL says, "ya~ our school is in the countryside...T_T"
AidenY says, "i'll see you this wednesday then, joy;-)"
FionaL says, "there is nothing but trees...."
sharon [guest] says, "and birds"
joych [guest] asks, "how come everyone left so soon, Aiden?"
VanceS [playful] says, "hey, I've got to go join my family"
FionaL says, "LOL"
AidenY says, "NKFUST is government run while shih chien is private"
fin [guest] says, "i agree"
joych [guest] says, "I expected the meeting to go on for hours..."
AidenY says, "Joy the meeting started at 8 pm"
fin [guest] says, "the first i saw this school...i almost past out"
FionaL says, "you are late , Joyce"
AidenY says, "i could only guess Joy"
FionaL says, "past out?! fin.....T_T"
ConnieChe says, "haha past out~~~"
AidenY says, "some complained about the text running too fast"
FionaL says, "it's getting better to me now"
AidenY says, "others the screen is too small"
sharon [guest] says, "right"
ConnieChe says, "i wanna drop out"
AidenY says, "others, complained about too many people"
FionaL asks, "what? you wanna drop out? Connie?"
joych [guest] says, "but I thought the topics wouldn't run out so quickly"
AidenY says, "there were specific topics really Joy"
sharon [guest] says, "but good to talk to many friends here"
FionaL says, "ya ~"
ConnieChe says, "when i attended the first semsester last year"
ConnieChe says, "i wanna drop out"
ConnieChe says, "and you too/fiona"
FionaL says, "i ever had the same feelings"
FionaL P
AidenY says, "the meeting today is a try-out, a trial, whether I could integrate this into one of my classes"
FionaL says, "oh"
AidenY says, "I guess, it's possible with Joy's class"
sharon [guest] says, "special way for us, miss yeh"
AidenY says, "because we can use the computer lab in NKFUST"
FionaL says, "but i think there were too many people talking at the same time"
FionaL says, "it will confuse students"
joych [guest] asks, "Is there any questions I can answer which will be helpful for this try-out then?"
AidenY says, "future meetings will follow a program, fiona"
fin [guest] says, "i've been nkust once and i think it's really big"
AidenY says, "not like this one"
FionaL says, "oh i see"
AidenY says, "it's huge fin, big campus"
sharon [guest] P
FionaL says, "then it will be better i guess"
sharon [guest] says, "i think so"
AidenY says, "my purpose for tonight is to see how you guys will react to all these"
AidenY says, "technology, new people, etc"
joych [guest] says, "I am rather socked...to be honest"
joych [guest] says, "shocked...i meant"
AidenY says, "your classes aren't exactly CALL classes"
AidenY says, "Computer assisted language learning"
FionaL says, "haha"
sharon [guest] says, "i agree."
AidenY says, "but I think I could use it to enhance the courses that I teach"
joych [guest] says, "I've been to other chat-rooms before, but never was so nervous."
FionaL says, "take it easy, Joyce"
AidenY says, "you're nervous because you know that i'm your teacher"
sharon [guest] says, "and train our english typing."
AidenY says, "relax"
sharon [guest] P
joych [guest] says, "sort of...but mainly that i am not a "computer person"."
VanceS [playful] relaxes
fin [guest] says, "maybe it's because the type speed"
AidenY says, "LOL"
FionaL says, "but i think the most important way to learn english is to speak up"
FionaL says, "not typing"
AidenY says, "Joy, I've got a permission from the dean to use the computer lab for listening comprehension class, that';s your class"
joych [guest] exclaims, "that's great!"
AidenY says, "Joy, I've got a permission from the dean to use the computer lab for listening comprehension class, that';s your class"
joych [guest] says, "then i can see how other classmates will react"
FionaL says, "wow~"
ConnieChe says, "sorry eveyone there is someone call me , i have to leave now"
ConnieChe says, "see you then"
ConnieChe has disconnected.
AidenY says, "ok connie"
AidenY says, "bye"
FionaL says, "see ya"
VanceS [playful] says, "I do too"
sharon [guest] says, "bye"
AidenY says, "ok, vance"
VanceS [playful] says, "I'll see you guys later I hope"
fin [guest] says, "bye"
AidenY says, "ok"
sharon [guest] says, "vance, bye"
FionaL says, "nice to talk to you , Vance"
VanceS [playful] gets on his speeder bike
AidenY says, "well time to wrap things up, i'll see you tomorrow fiona, sharon and fin"
VanceS [playful] revs engines
VanceS [playful] pops clutch
VanceS [playful] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Sep 22 07:14:48 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: September 28, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens