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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: Vance in Abu Dhabi | HuiL from Fujian | Teresa in Portugal | Rita in Argentina | BJB in Pennsylvania | Arthur from Ireland but in Toronto | Dafne in Spain | Christopher in Germany | David Weksler from New Jersey, in Baltimore | Maggi in Germany | Bruce and Keely | Michael in Australia | Mary | James in Reading
Comments to the Webheads lists, after the event:
28 Jul 2002, Christopher wrote:
Hi everyone,
That was such a great discussion we had on Sunday! I learned a boatload, I'll say.
Just as a follow-up to some of the projects we were talking about, here is a simulation I did for about 4 semesters at my university (Technical English courses I taught: It was an asynchronous forum discussion in small groups, in which the groups also had to coordinate with other small groups. This was done artificially between mixed teams, in which the members met on different days, that is, there was no geograhical seperation between the team members -- just time separation.
Anyway, more info about the simulation is at http://www.home.fh-karlsruhe.de/~joch0001/te_html/project.htm
I have the discussions themselves on CD. If anyone would like to hear more about the results of the discussion, please let me know.
28 Jul 2002 Teresa wrote
Hi, Chris!
Yes, what a fabulous discussion. So much learned and so much food for thought!
It was very nice of you to give us the url to your project. Though I'm not teaching on line (but I hope to try it some day!), I've just gone through the 'How to do the project' and liked it. I think that everything relevant is there.
I especially liked:
BTW, I looked at your 'Online Resources' and really liked the link OneLook Dictionaries with immediate translation of words.
The 'Simulation' also seems quite interesting.
Congratulations, Chris!
One question: what English qualifications do your students have? In what course is this integrated?
Best of luck, Teresa
Tapped In
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 28 04:48:40 2002 PDT.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 28 04:52:37 2002 PDT.
lin has connected.
lin [guest] says, "hi vancd"
lin [guest] says, "sorry vance"
VanceS [transparent] says, "hi"
VanceS [transparent] says, "how are you today"
lin [guest] says, "fine thanks"
lin [guest] says, "i'm now in my home"
lin [guest] asks, "where are you now?"
VanceS [transparent] says, "I'm at work in Abu Dhabi"
lin [guest] says, "it's very good"
VanceS [transparent] says, "I mean, I'm at the office, but it's after work hours"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [transparent] has lost his link.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 28 04:57:44 2002 PDT.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 28 05:09:18 2002 PDT.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Jul 28 05:09:412002 PDT.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 28 05:09:41 2002 PDT.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "good morning, rita!"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Webheads!"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Vance and Rita. Lots of people to give you advice now, Lin!
RitaZ exclaims, "Hello, Arthur!"
VanceS [transparent] says, "good morning"
TeresaAlm says, "afternoon, vance."
ArthurM says, "I think EVERYONE has at least one relative here, Teresa"
VanceS [transparent] says, "evening I mean"
VanceS [transparent] wonders what time it is
TeresaAlm says, "yes, lin. please go ahead. we'll help in any way we can."
VanceS looks opaque.
ArthurM says, "Hi! is safer Vance; we are all in different zones"
lin [guest] says, "yes go ahead"
VanceS [opaque] says, "sorry, just had a spectacular crash"
VanceS [opaque] listens
TeresaAlm says, "is that right? well, i only found out about them 2 years ago through my web page. and i met them f2f last year."
lin [guest] says, "i'm now in a different zones"
VanceS [opaque] asks, "where are you now?"
TeresaAlm asks, "vance, what happened? everything all right?"
RitaZ exclaims, "crash, Vance?!"
VanceS [opaque] says, "my hard drive looks a little bruised but is still limping along"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
DafneG exclaims, "hello everybody!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hello, daf!"
RitaZ exclaims, "hello, Daf!"
VanceS [opaque] says, "I was here 15 min ago when, you know, those cyber entities ..."
TeresaAlm says, "hugs"
DafneG hugs and kisses everybody on both cheeks
TeresaAlm says, "yes. . ."
TeresaAlm asks, "what did they do?"
lin [guest] says, "hi daf"
DafneG says, "hi Lin"
VanceS [opaque] says, "not sure, but after the mugging I had to reboot"
DafneG asks, "why is VAnce opaque today?"
VanceS looks astute.
DafneG says, "good change"
VanceS [astute] says, "You appear perceptive today"
TeresaAlm says, "i had similar problems yesterday. i even had an alert desktop display that i'd never seen. i had to reboot about 3 times! weird."
VanceS [astute] says, "we were just finding out about Lin's change in time zone ..."
BJB [HelpDesk] hopes everyone says hi to our guest, Lin
TeresaAlm asks, "and lin seem to be looking for some advice. let's listen in, ok?"
DafneG says, "oh no! time changes are driving me crazy"
RitaZ asks, "wheres Lin from?"
lin [guest] says, "hi rita"
VanceS [astute] says, "Yes, I was greeting Lin earlier when 'it' happened"
RitaZ says, "hi, Lin"
lin [guest] says, "i'm from china"
lin [guest] says, "yes vance"
RitaZ asks, "are you a teacher or a student, Lin?"
DafneG asks, "where in China Lin?"
lin [guest] says, "i've another name 'hui'"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
lin [guest] says, "southeast"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "afternoon, chris!"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "Have you visited TAPPED IN before, Lin?"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi everyone!"
DafneG says, "Hi chris"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hello, Chris!"
lin [guest] says, "hi chirs"
TeresaAlm [to Arthur]: "how long have you been in toronto?"
VanceS [astute] says, "oh, Hui, from Fuzhou"
Lin [guest] [to VanceS]: "yes"
ArthurM says, "A couple of days here in early July, and then returned yesterday."
VanceS [astute] exclaims, "Fujian!"
lin [guest] says, "very good vance"
TeresaAlm [to Arthur]: "are you on holiday?"
VanceS [astute] says, "You were with us last week"
lin [guest] says, "no"
RitaZ asks, "a pleasure trip, Arthur?"
lin [guest] says, "no no last week"
lin [guest] says, "but 2 weeks ago"
ArthurM exclaims, "Pleasure, pure pleasure - seeings relations, reading books, sight seeing and walking MILES !"
DavidW has connected.
TeresaAlm [to Arthur]: "fabulous!"
ArthurM -)
DafneG . o O ( just what I would need )
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs David
DavidW waves to lin [guest], TeresaAlm, BJB [HelpDesk], ArthurM, RitaZ, VanceS [astute], DafneG, and ChristopherMJ.
DavidW hugs BJB [HelpDesk].
DavidW says, "Morning"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, david tappie!!!"
DavidW . o O ( from Baltimore, Maryland )
DafneG says, "Hello David"
DavidW grins.
ChristopherMJ . o O ( what I need, too )
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Hola"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, David!"
VanceS [astute] asks, "is that about the wedding, Arthur?"
DavidW . o O ( Yikes, tappie! )
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Hola, que tal?"
ChristopherMJ waves to David
lin [guest] says, "hi david"
VanceS [astute] hands David a bagel
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "Hi"
lin [guest] says, "long time no see"
DavidW [to Lin [guest]]: "Hi"
BJB [HelpDesk] shows TAPPIE AWARD! to DavidW.
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "bien!, y vos??"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Bien, gracias"
TeresaAlm [to DavidW]: "am i confusing the davids?!"
DavidW looks around.
DafneG asks, "is there any other?"
ChristopherMJ [to Cream]: "cheese or lax (lachs?)?"
DavidW [to TeresaAlm]: "Not yet, I think..."
VanceS [astute] looks at lin [guest], TeresaAlm, BJB [HelpDesk], ArthurM, RitaZ, DafneG, ChristopherMJ, and DavidW.
DavidW says, "I'm in Maryland...haven't tried any local bagels yet."
TeresaAlm asks, "aren't there two davids, bj? not here today, i mean?"
DavidW waves to VanceS [astute].
VanceS [astute] says, "Sorry, didn't see Christopher there before, hi Chris"
DavidW [to TeresaAlm]: "there are other people with my first name"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi vance"
DafneG says, "look for good breweries, David. We are going to TESOL in Baltimore next year"
TeresaAlm asks, "very funny, david!!! didn't you coin tappie?"
BJB [to Tere]: "only ONE DavidW :-) although he often logs in a clone"
RitaZ [to Teresa]: "I know Tere, I always need to remember theW after David..."
Lin [guest] [to Every]: "one i'm going to say good night or good morning bye"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Okay, I'll start looking...I'm actually at Towson, just north of Baltimore...a state University - staying in the dorms!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "thanks, bj! so besides coining, you also clone!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_71 [guest] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "I haven't been in a dorm since I was 21 (a REAL long time ago)"
DavidW [to TeresaAlm]: "I'm not sure I want credit for the invention of the "tappie" name...Mark Schlager may revoke my membership"
TeresaAlm [to Bj]: "part of that was intended for david, of course!"
TeresaAlm asks, "how come?"
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "Well, I've been in them, but not to stay overnight, I think...I'm sleeping with a rubber pillow"
RitaZ [to BJ]: "I didn t know that....and now its clear to me....because both are so similar..."
ChristopherMJ [to DavidW]: "If you ask me, I think "tappie" is pretty catchy"
DavidW says, "Well, I'm glad."
DafneG says, "My last dorms were at Michigan State University"
TeresaAlm says, "me, too, chris."
DavidW says, "Wasn't really thinking too hard at the time (about Tappie)"
DavidW . o O ( probably misspelled something.... )
TeresaAlm says, "you don't need to think hard for cute things to come up!!! ;-)"
MaggiD has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Maggi."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, maggie!"
DavidW waves to MaggiD [guest].
ChristopherMJ says, "Gru dich, Maggie"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, Maggie!"
DafneG says, "hello Maggi"
DavidW [to MaggiD [guest]]: "Wie geht's"
ChristopherMJ says, "ooops Gruss"
MaggiD [guest] says, "Hi"
VanceS [astute] says, "hi maggi"
DavidW [to TeresaAlm]: "Maybe that's the best way, then...."
BJB . o O ( David was majorly multitasking during the planning meeting ;-) )
DavidW smiles.
DavidW . o O ( more like not paying attention )
BJB [HelpDesk] nods solemnly to David
DavidW grins.
BJB . o O ( I was trying to cover for you )
VanceS [astute] asks, "planning for what?"
ChristopherMJ . o O ( multitasking sounds really sophisticated )
BJB [to VanceS]: "the TAPPEDIE Awards!"
BJB . o O ( oops...TAPPIE )
TeresaAlm exclaims, "for 'The Tappies 2002' awards ceremony!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "It's going to be a bigger event than the oscars!!!"
DavidW [to BJB]: "Here's the web page for this conference on art/math called Bridges"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "yeess, bj!"
DavidW grins at TeresaAlm.
DavidW [to BJB]: "http://www.sckans.edu/~bridges/"
BJB [HelpDesk] shows TAPPIE AWARD! to TeresaAlm.
DavidW [to BJB]: "It's pretty cool..."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "wow, bj! very nice!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "thanks, David. You showed that to Sus and me on Friday"
DavidW nods.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i love it!"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "Are you going to give us a report during the Math discussion on Thursday?"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the awards, but David is a leading force in getting my taste buds going on a computer screen (in addition to all the recipes I have seen from you all)"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "thanks, Tere"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Do you know where University of San Debastian is, in Spain?"
VanceS [astute] copies url from append output window
DavidW [to BJB]: "I thought that might make a good topic."
DavidW . o O ( San Sebastian )
DafneG says, "yes, In San Sebastian, BAsque country"
BJB [HelpDesk] agrees...I'll post to the arts lists
DafneG says, "North East"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "A man who teaches math in the architecture school showed some pretty neat computer images..."
DafneG says, "on the coast"
DavidW nods.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "how do you copy the url. . . what you just did?"
DavidW . o O ( Javier Barrollo )
ChristopherMJ [to Teresa]: "I was working on that one, too."
DafneG asks, "what kind of images, David?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i don't feel so lonely, chris!!"
VanceS [to Teresa]: "click on pastboard"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Actually, it seems to say, "University of the Basque County" on his description..."
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Cool, I was there"
VanceS [astute] says, "then append output text window here"
TeresaAlm says, "yes. . ."
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
VanceS [astute] says, "then highlite the url, copy with ctrl-c"
VanceS [astute] says, "paste to a browser"
DavidW waves to MargaretD.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "thanks, vance!"
DafneG says, "hello Margaret"
MargaretD says, "hello again"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "welcome back, Maggi"
VanceS [astute] says, "hi Margaret, meet Maggi. Maggi, Margaret"
ChristopherMJ says, "LOL"
ChristopherMJ says, "Does Maggi = Margaret today"
MargaretD says, "at least one of us is here"
RitaZ exclaims, "thanks, Vance, as well, I just copied from the big window!"
DafneG [to Vance,]: "What are we planning for the "Community Zero-Webheads"?"
MargaretD says, "Margaret is my proper name Chris"
DavidW looks around for the other Margaret.
VanceS [astute] says, "re: community zero, I managed to get on today and ok all the invitations"
ChristopherMJ [to MargaretD]: "and Christopher is my proper name"
MargaretD says, "vanished into cyber space David"
DafneG says, "yes, I was there a while ago"
VanceS [astute] says, "I became interested in this site when I browsed its tutorial"
TeresaAlm asks, "yes, vance. thanks. connections are slow, though, or is it just my computer?"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Community Zero Webheads?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_9 [guest] has lost its link.
DafneG says, "Arthur showed it to me some months ago"
RitaZ says, "yes, vance, plaese ,tell us more about C Zero..."
DavidW says, "yes, I recall..."
DavidW [to MargaretD]: "Throw you a rope?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, I agree with Rita"
MargaretD says, "lol"
VanceS [astute] asks, "would you like for me to project the start of the tour?"
RitaZ exclaims, "please!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Please do, Vance"
DafneG says, "go ahead"
DafneG says, "pls"
VanceS [astute] projects the URL: http://www2.communityzero.com/information/tour/start.jsp
DafneG says, "error"
VanceS [astute] says, "ok, we'll back up a bit"
DavidW agrees with DafneG.
MargaretD says, "error here too"
ArthurM says, "Right on. says I, lurking"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "got it!"
VanceS [astute] projects the URL:
RitaZ says, "error..."
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, the site drops in cookies"
ArthurM says, "Goyt it"
VanceS [astute] says, "woops, hope I didn't mess tere up there"
DafneG says, "ok"
ArthurM says, "Got it"
DavidW says, "Thanks."
RitaZ says, "now got, it, thanks"
ChristopherMJ says, "got it, too"
MargaretD says, "gotit"
VanceS [astute] says, "now to go from here I had to click on tour guide at the top"
VanceS [astute] says, "start the tour did not work for me"
DafneG says, "tour guide works fine"
VanceS [astute] says, "due to the site migration problem that's been keeping me off the site"
VanceS [astute] says, "I guess if you click on tour guide you get the cookie"
VanceS [astute] asks, "would anyone like milk with that?"
DafneG says, "that's right"
DavidW raises his hand for milk with coffee...
VanceS [astute] pours 6 glasses of milk
DafneG says, "somebody stole the cookie from my cookie jar"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "no, thanks, vance. i'm drinking a yoghurt!!!"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "What kind of cookies?"
RitaZ says, "thanks, Vance...delicious..."
ChristopherMJ likes milk with cookies and likes to make his European friends sick by telling them about it
VanceS [astute] says, "and then introduction in that list takes you to the url that none of us could get"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "daf, the calendar supports international time zones! here we go again! your favorite topic, right?!"
VanceS [astute] says, "sort of like Yahoo Groups but with some extra features"
VanceS [astute] says, "full text search of 'contributions' for example"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i was just thinking about that!"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Does Community Zero cost anything?"
DafneG says, "no so far"
VanceS [astute] says, "not so far"
ArthurM says, "Nothing, for 10,000 hits per month; thereafter, yes"
ChristopherMJ asks, "After 10K hits, some kind of rate?"
ArthurM says, "The migration to which Vance refers is nearly over, I think."
VanceS [astute] asks, "so Arthur, you've had experience with CZ? What can you tell us?"
DafneG asks, "are we going to have a chat?"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "You like international time zones?"
DafneG is starting to hate time zones
TeresaAlm says, "lol"
ArthurM says, "I am starting to use it with some students in Hong Kong who will be coming to Ulster"
VanceS [astute] says, "threaded discussions for those who like TD/s"
DavidW looks at his watch and prepare to report on Eastern Daylight Time (zone).
ChristopherMJ . o O ( time zones are the greatest thing since chopped liver )
MargaretD says, "lol"
DafneG turns her head to avoid looking at David
VanceS [astute] says, "daylight saving time is the greatest thing since chopped liver and okra"
DavidW . o O ( need some sliced bread with that chopped liver? )
ArthurM says, "This sort of threaded discussion can exist, but may be more limited than I would like."
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Lo siento"
ArthurM says, "But the AFFILIATE COMMUNITITY feature MAY get round that"
DafneG says, "no te preocupes"
VanceS [astute] asks, "how is it limited Arthur?"
ChristopherMJ says, "I have done a lot of research on discussion forums - they have some major problems"
VanceS [astute] asks, "how?"
VanceS [astute] asks, "what problems Chris?"
DafneG listens to Chris
ChristopherMJ says, "the biggest one is that the interface is too much like e-mail"
ChristopherMJ says, "but its function is completely different"
ChristopherMJ says, "people tend to write messages that are either too long or too short"
VanceS [astute] Vance's are all just right
ChristopherMJ says, "because of this, threaded conversation, which is the goal, does not take place"
ChristopherMJ says, "or does not take place that well"
ChristopherMJ says, "They work if people are aware of these problems from the start"
VanceS [astute] says, "I find it hard to wade thru threaded discussions personally"
ChristopherMJ agrees with Vance
ArthurM says, "Today is the first day of the programme, so students are still lurking and not contributing as much as I would like"
ArthurM says, "If anyone wants to see it in a couple of days, email me and I will add folk to the list"
ChristopherMJ [to Arthur]: "It often works better if you explicitly give them an example of what a "good" and "interactive" threaded conversation is"
ChristopherMJ [to Arthur]: "letting them wing it almost always results in lower interactivity"
ArthurM says, "Thanks, Chris, I and a Science colleage are starting to do that very thing later this morning"
VanceS [astute] says, "I know teachers who manually thread students' unthreaded discussions"
DavidW exclaims, "Ouch!"
ChristopherMJ [to Arthur]: "You're welcome. Glad to be of help (been through this myself)"
DafneG says, "students seem to prefer chat discussions to Threaded ones"
ChristopherMJ says, "Chat discussions work in small groups (around 4)."
DavidW says, "Probably easier to jump into the free flow..."
ChristopherMJ ..withs students, that is.
ArthurM says, "I am starting one of those, Dafne, at 9.00 - in about 210 minutes, with me here in toronoto, and people in Hong Kong and Ireland"
DavidW [to ArthurM]: "Cool"
VanceS [astute] asks, "are you in Toronto now Arthur?"
DafneG asks, "you mean chat discussions, Arth?"
ChristopherMJ [to Arthur]: "great, all the best"
ArthurM says, "yes, chat discussions"
DafneG says, "I am having very good results with my chat groups"
ArthurM says, "I must be off there now. GREAT using TappedIn so far from home"
ArthurM says, "Bye"
DafneG says, "with 5 students in each"
DavidW waves to ArthurM.
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Arthur"
DafneG says, "bye, Arthur, good luck"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Arthur
TeresaAlm says, "good luck, arthur."
VanceS [astute] says, "nice of you to stop by"
RitaZ exclaims, "Bye, Arthur!"
MargaretD says, "bye Arthur"
ArthurM says, "I'll tell you how I get on"
VanceS [astute] says, "please do"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
TeresaAlm says, "please do."
RitaZ says, "yes, please, do"
DafneG says, "do, please"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "that's interesting. Are you students located in the same area or are you doing some sort of cooperation?"
DafneG says, "they are in Venezuela"
DafneG says, "some connect from the university, some from home"
DafneG says, "some from cyber cafes"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "great!"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "and you are in Spain, right?"
DafneG says, "they engaged in architectural discussion for about 2 hours"
DafneG says, "yes, in Spain"
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "do you have fixed times for chats?"
DafneG says, "We use the regular class schedule"
DafneG says, "for the group chats"
RitaZ asks, "how many attend?"
DafneG says, "I usually have four groups of 5 people"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Is attendance voluntary?"
RitaZ exclaims, "cool number!"
DafneG says, "it is part of the online unit, it is evaluated"
ChristopherMJ says, "an ideal number of chat"
ChristopherMJ ..fors chat.
RitaZ asks, "how do you evaluate?"
DafneG says, "it is nice to go from one group to the other, like in a regular classroom"
DafneG says, "there are different kinds of assesssment, Rita"
DafneG says, "they use the chat to discuss content"
VanceS . o O ( Daf has done really well )
DafneG says, "and with the conclusions from the chat they have to come up with paragraphs, essays"
RitaZ listens attentively
RitaZ says, "ah....guided writing..."
DafneG says, "they also evaluate their performance in group work"
ChristopherMJ . o O ( agrees with Vance and thinks Daf's work is really interesting as well )
TeresaAlm asks, "very interesting, daf! but extremely demanding for you, isn't it?"
DafneG says, "each one has different information to share"
RitaZ exclaims, "cool!"
DafneG says, "yes, it is very demanding"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "info gap, right on!"
DafneG says, "yeap"
DafneG says, "then we have new groups with different people coming from the previous groups"
RitaZ says, "(this sounds like womens independence.....more work to do!!!!)"
DafneG says, "and there is more new information to sharae"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Do you mean you reform the groups?"
DafneG says, "but I really enjoy it"
DafneG says, "yes"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "excellent!"
DafneG says, "the new groups are formed with one member from each of the previous groups"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, I do that in live classrooms a lot"
VanceS [astute] asks, "that;s a neat idea, your own?"
DafneG says, "I am doing online what I used to do f2f"
RitaZ exclaims, "me too, it pays!"
DafneG says, "those are cooperative learning techniques"
TeresaAlm says, "i agree."
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Do you notice any differences between using chat and F2F"
ChristopherMJ says, "any that stick out"
MargaretD says, "I agree too"
TeresaAlm says, "but the new means allow for much more output than f2f."
DafneG says, "yes, in chats students stick to the topic, use the TL 100%"
ChristopherMJ [to Teresa]: "yes, more written output"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "less side tracking? Wow!"
DafneG says, "I am really amazed"
DafneG says, "they are too"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "though oral output can also be demanded, right?"
DafneG says, "in f2f as soon as you turn your back, they start using L1"
ChristopherMJ [to Teresa]: "yes, if you meet back in class, that's true"
TeresaAlm says, "that's definitely a problem."
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "why not with online tools?"
VanceS [astute] says, "I wish people had taught this way when I was a student"
TeresaAlm says, "how true, vance."
DafneG says, "I am teaching the online component of a f2f course"
ChristopherMJ [to Teresa]: "It's difficult to set up in my experience. Can be done as a one off"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "that's why i think this is a great time to be a teacher and a student!"
RitaZ exclaims, "I agree, tere!"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "certainly difficult, though not impossible."
ChristopherMJ [to Teresa]: "agreed. Helps to have more than lip service support from you institution"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "but one thing is great - they write much more than they ever would f2f, i think!"
DafneG says, "I will put a page with individual chats, group chats, paragraphs, essays, journals, etc. from this course"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "great idea!"
RitaZ asks, "where, Daf?"
TeresaAlm says, "and for a genuine audience, peers, which does make a difference."
DafneG says, "linked to my page"
DavidW says, "I'm going back to my conference, since the sessions are starting up again."
DavidW waves bye to TeresaAlm, BJB [HelpDesk], RitaZ, VanceS [astute],
DafneG, ChristopherMJ, and MargaretD.
DafneG says, "bye, David"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs David bye
RitaZ exclaims, "bye, Dave!"
DavidW says, "Have a good day, folks."
DavidW says, "Ciao"
TeresaAlm says, "bye, david."
MargaretD says, "bye David"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye David, grab a bagel on the way"
DafneG says, "hasta luego"
DavidW says, "Hasta luego"
DavidW nods at ChristopherMJ and don't hold out much hope.
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [astute] says, "cheers"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
RitaZ says, "chau..."
VanceS [astute] says, "oh, he's there now"
VanceS [astute] says, "at the bridges conference"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods
DafneG asks, "so, what are we going to be doing in C. Zero?"
VanceS [astute] says, "which is in Baltimore I see"
VanceS [astute] says, "hence the assignment to search for m/brewery"
DafneG says, "surely"
VanceS [astute] says, "and Arthur is in Toronto I take it"
TeresaAlm asks, "is cz going to replace yahoo, or is it just an experiment for now, vance?"
VanceS [astute] says, "just an experiment Tere"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods again...Arthur is going home soon
DafneG says, "I am eager to start something there, Vance"
VanceS [astute] says, "haven't had much opportunity to play with it with the server being down for migration"
MargaretD says, "herding cats"
VanceS [astute] says, "and going on leave in a few days"
DafneG says, "it looks so desertic"
VanceS [astute] says, "Well, if anyone has any ideas, it can be a new playground"
DafneG asks, "any ideas?"
VanceS [astute] says, "I mean, ideas for how we can use it in ways we don't already do with Yahoo Groups"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'll check out Community zero"
VanceS [astute] says, "I like the idea of searchable lists and databases"
ChristopherMJ says, "that sounds good"
VanceS [astute] says, "EGroups, which Yahoo took over, dbased your messages"
VanceS [astute] says, "but YGroups doesn't"
VanceS [astute] says, "You can search on YGroup topic headings, but the search only goes back half a year"
VanceS [astute] says, "not much use"
VanceS [astute] says, "egroups used to have a page listing each url mentioned in postings to your group"
VanceS [astute] says, "you could see all postings by a certain contributor"
DafneG says, "GEN has that"
VanceS [astute] says, "things like that, all gone with Yahoo"
VanceS [astute] says, "Gen is probably worth a play too"
DafneG says, "I am following an e-portfolio conference there"
DafneG says, "very interesting"
RitaZ says, "seen that, Daf, thats great"
VanceS [astute] says, "how easy is it for people like us to form groups in GEN"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Please tell us about GEN"
DafneG says, "I feel a little bit claustrophic in GEN,though"
TeresaAlm asks, "daf, didn't we form a group with sus?"
DafneG says, "yes, we did"
DafneG says, "there is a webheads conference open there"
TeresaAlm says, "exactly. we could follow up on it."
DafneG says, "You can go back to all the conferences there"
VanceS [astute] says, "but do you have these other features like file and image upload, links pages, etc"
DafneG says, "and read through the threads at any time"
BJB [HelpDesk] thinks you do
DafneG says, "you can upload, I guess. Link pages for sure"
VanceS [astute] is having a look
TeresaAlm says, "i think so. however, cz seems like a lighter platform, if you get what i mean."
DafneG says, "I think cz is more intuitive"
VanceS [astute] asks, "what's the relationship between GEN and coursereader?"
TeresaAlm says, "it seems like it, daf. and not dense/heavy as gen."
DafneG says, "course reader is a project they are developing"
DafneG says, "for people to be able to read the conferences offline"
TeresaAlm says, "for people who do not have a permanent net connection, as far as i understood from sus."
DafneG says, "yes, that's right, Tere"
DafneG says, "I have not tried it yet"
DafneG asks, "Does cz have a whiteboard feature?"
VanceS [astute] says, "I'm at their site and I don't see how to start my own group"
DafneG says, "Sus is the expert at that, Vance"
DafneG says, "she started our group there"
VanceS [astute] says, "my impression was that she had to arrange it through Sylvia"
DafneG says, "may be it is so"
VanceS [astute] says, "and that Sylvia would do the same for us"
DafneG says, "she surely would"
VanceS [astute] says, "BUT if you're teaching educators about starting their own group you want to model using a tool anyone can use"
DafneG says, "that's what bothers me about GEN"
DafneG says, "you have to be told about how everything works"
DafneG says, "it is not intuitive"
keely has connected.
VanceS [astute] asks, "anyone heard any more about the rumor that Yahoo is going to charge?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Bruce and Keely. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
VanceS [astute] says, "I never saw anything in writing about htat"
DafneG says, "me neither"
TeresaAlm says, "i don't think it is intuitive, as daf said. i've had the same problems as you, vance."
VanceS [astute] says, "Hi Bruce and Keely, wonder if you know you appeared at the same time"
BJB [to Bruce/Keely]: "can I help you with anything?"
Bruce [guest] says, "just looking"
DafneG says, "what I know is that their service is going down very frequently"
VanceS [astute] asks, "yahoo?"
DafneG says, "I mean all of a sudden you cannot access your files"
keely [guest] says, "i'm just having a look as well, interesting site"
BJB [to Bruce [guest]]: "you are welcome to explore. If you have questions, click on AFTER SCHOOL ONLINE on the room drawing and we can talk privately"
ChristopherMJ [to Non-intuitiveness]: "is not a good feature"
DafneG says, "it has happened three times to me in the last three weeks"
BJB [to Keely [guest]]: "you are welcome to go to the After School Online room also"
Bruce [guest] leaves for the LIB.
VanceS [to Bruce]: "and keely you are welcome to stay and talk shop with us too"
VanceS [astute] says, "woops, missed Bruce"
keely [guest] says, "how do you find out about the different topics being discussed around the site"
DafneG says, "I wonder if yahoo is doing that on purpose, to offer a more stable paid service"
BJB [to Keely [guest]]: "click on CALENDAR at the top of your screen"
keely [guest] says, "thank you"
BJB . o O ( you are in the middle of the WebHeads discussion, Keely )
VanceS [to Keely [guest]]: "Webheads welcome everyone, so welcome"
DafneG says, "welcome Keely"
ChristopherMJ says, "Welcome to Webheads, Keely"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, see if you can get to the gen webheads sig with this url"
TeresaAlm says, "http://vu.cs.sfu.ca/vu/tlnce/cgi-bin/VG/VF_dspcnf.cgi?ci =144"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, Keely!"
DafneG says, "that is your personal url, Tere"
keely [guest] goes OUT.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "that's what i thought. oh, well! good try!!!"
DafneG says, "If I try to get to their home page, I will get disconnected to TI"
VanceS [astute] says, "I'm sure it's on the Webheads in Action pages somewhere"
VanceS [astute] says, "I got a user name /password prompt at 144"
2002/07/28 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
DafneG says, "yes, it should be because we had a session with Silvia"
DafneG says, "VAnce you are a member"
DafneG says, "you should have a password"
keely [guest] has arrived.
BJB drops 2002/07/28 WebHeads2 (recording).
BJB [to Keely [guest]]: "questions?"
keely [guest] goes OUT.
DafneG says, "she is exploring"
VanceS [astute] says, "I am but don't remmember my password off hand"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, i got this url from a message from sus: http://vu.cs.sfu.ca/GEN"
DafneG asks, "do you want me to refresh your memory?"
TeresaAlm says, "an this one to register, i think: http://vu.cs.sfu.ca/vu/tlnce/PublicReg/PR_Register.cgi"
VanceS [to DafneG]: "no, found it"
DafneG says, "ok"
VanceS [astute] says, "Here;s the WIA site"
VanceS [astute] says, "http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evo nline2002/week4.htm#vu"
VanceS [astute] asks, "project?"
VanceS [astute] asks, "or show?"
DafneG says, "project"
TeresaAlm says, "project."
VanceS [astute] asks, "anyone?"
VanceS [astute] asks, "any objections?"
DafneG says, "noooooo"
VanceS [astute] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/week4.htm#vu
keely [guest] has arrived.
VanceS [astute] says, "looks like the url tere gave is correct"
VanceS [astute] says, "my password still works"
NigelC has arrived.
Peter Quince follows NigelC to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Nigel
NigelC says, "hallo all"
DafneG says, "Hi Nigel"
VanceS [astute] says, "and it appears that Nigel was hiding in there somewhere"
DafneG asks, "up so early?"
RitaZ says, "hello, Nigel"
TeresaAlm says, "that's what i just figured out, vance. guess i have my favorites well organized, after all."
NigelC says, "indeed, Daf."
VanceS [astute] asks, "hi Nigel, what were you doing in the GEN site?"
NigelC says, "GEN???? I wasn't ..."
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Nigel"
TeresaAlm asks, "hello, there, nigel! how are things with you?"
DafneG says, "we saw you there, Nigel"
NigelC says, "things are good. it's raining outside, which means it's not 90 degrees yet"
VanceS [astute] says, "yep, opened the GEN site and you popped out"
NigelC says, "Daf, someone's impersonating me - I haven't been there for months"
VanceS [astute] says, "we caught you there Nigel"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_111 [guest] has disconnected.
NigelC exclaims, "hey, what is this?!!!"
DafneG says, "just kidding, Nigel"
TeresaAlm says, "well, it's a lovely sunny sunday in my neck of the woods."
NigelC says, "Oh"
NigelC laughs uncontrollably at the joke
ChristopherMJ says, "Sunny here, too."
RitaZ says, "lol"
DafneG says, "It is sunny, hot and humid here"
RitaZ says, "a wintry day here..."
NigelC says, "btw, apologies in advance if I disappear - I'm not being rude, but I have a really temperamental internet connection here which doesn't like to stay on line for long"
VanceS [astute] is glad that Nigel appreciates good theatrics
NigelC says, "you guys work well together"
NigelC says, "and I'm supposed to be the theatrical one"
VanceS [astute] says, "well, glad you made it here anyway"
VanceS [astute] says, "we were just digging up the old GEN site when you appeared"
NigelC wipes the dust of the cyberhighway off his shoes and settles in
TeresaAlm says, "lucky it wasn't blackboard! ;-)"
DafneG says, "We are starting at a new place, Nigel"
NigelC says, "I never really got into GEN. Lack of time rather than interest"
Mary has connected.
NigelC says, "Say more, Daf"
JamesSi has connected.
VanceS [astute] asks, "now this is chronological, NOT threaded, right?"
VanceS [astute] says, "Hi Mary"
NigelC takes a large mallet and starts attacking his blackboard
DafneG says, "we are starting at Community Zero- Webheads"
VanceS [astute] says, "and James, nice to see you this evening"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "Hello all - better late than never"
DafneG says, "hi James"
RitaZ says, "hi, James"
TeresaAlm says, "hello, james."
NigelC [to DafneG]: "are you going to post the details to the list?"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Sorry to interrupt. My sister had a baby 2 weeks ago, and I'm seeing my new niece (photos) for the first time right now!"
DafneG says, "VAnce has already sent some details"
NigelC says, "congrats Christopher"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "Congratulations uncle Chris"
DafneG hugs uncle Chris
TeresaAlm exclaims, "yes, congrats chris!"
VanceS [astute] says, "she must have snail mailed you the photos"
NigelC [to DafneG]: "Oh OK - I read the EV mails in a digest now so I'm sometimes a bit behind. For a change"
NigelC thinks that Vance is very astute today
ChristopherMJ says, "She's a doll! 10 pounds (huge)"
DafneG says, "better astute than opaque"
VanceS . o O ( nigel appears very perceptive today )
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_136 [guest] has disconnected.
RitaZ asks, "an uncle for the first time, Nigel?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Uncle for the 3rd time"
NigelC says, "Eek! Christopher, you mean, Rita."
DafneG says, "not Nigel, Chris"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "10 lb - That's pretty big"
ChristopherMJ says, "big and healthy"
RitaZ says, "(sorry!)"
NigelC . o O ( my brother would indeed be surprised )
RitaZ says, "lol"
NigelC asks, "So, what else is going on in webhead land?"
JamesSi [Webhead] asks, "What have people been chatting about today?"
JamesSi [Webhead] asks, "Community Zero?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has lost her link.
VanceS [astute] says, "I just put the last 3 chats on the web page"
DafneG says, "food as usual"
VanceS [astute] says, "woops, lost Maggi"
RitaZ says, "ok, folks, need to go...CU next week...., then"
DafneG says, "chats, online platforms"
NigelC says, "Bye Rita. Nice seeing you again"
DafneG says, "threaded discussions"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Rita bye
VanceS [astute] says, "yeah, and Dafne and Chris's and Arthur's online experiences, very interesting"
DafneG says, "bye Rita"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "Bye Rita"
VanceS [astute] says, "I mean the classes they are running"
RitaZ exclaims, "nice seeing you too, Nigel, bye all!"
VanceS [astute] says, "ok Rita, hope everything is improving where you are"
BJB . o O ( excellent transcript...I'm going to edit and put in the ASO emailer )
VanceS [astute] says, "or some things (more realistically)"
NigelC says, "BJ, you made me jump. I didn't see you there"
RitaZ says, "thanks, Vance, only good wishful tkinking, im afraid"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Rita"
BJB . o O ( sorry, Nigel )
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
NigelC exclaims, "Our university is "upgrading" (in the loosest sense of the word) to Blackboard 5 next semester. The people trialling it are not impressed!"
DafneG says, "you included, i bet"
VanceS [astute] says, "we're thinking about getting it here, or WebCT"
NigelC says, "no - unfortunately I'm not teaching the pilot class"
VanceS [astute] says, "we need something with reliable dbasing capabilities"
ChristopherMJ says, "Blackboard isn't bad. I think it's better than WebCT - easier to use"
JamesSi [Webhead] asks, "Which is better? Blackboard or WebCT?"
NigelC . o O ( don't get me started ... )
VanceS [astute] starts Nigel
NigelC asks, "eh?"
NigelC says, "oh I see"
DafneG says, "what I hate about BB is the teacher-centered whiteboard features"
VanceS [astute] asks, "yeah, seriously, any thoughts on comparing the two?"
ChristopherMJ says, "have used both: WebCT's interface is bad. Blackboard is easier for teacher's to set up, but the look stays the same"
NigelC says, "Well, look, it's not awful, but it's got a long way to go before BB is user friendly for ESL students"
NigelC says, "the whiteboard is unusable IMHO"
NigelC says, "I mean how many of your students understand threads and forums ..."
VanceS [astute] asks, "how so?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Never used the whiteboard (seriously) because BB was support for a live class I did"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "We tried O'Reilly webboard last year for the out of class discussions and notices. But that was jsut one small course"
NigelC says, "it's packed with techno-babble"
VanceS [astute] takes notes on small vest pocket sized note pad
ChristopherMJ [to NigelC]: "students (and most other poeple) need to be trained how to understand using forums"
DafneG says, "I tried with Sus the whiteboard and I did not like it at all"
NigelC asks, "yeah, but why should they need this jargon?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Nobody uses forums naturally"
NigelC asks, "Precisely - so why can't BB find a more user friendly way of setting it up?"
NigelC says, "I don't want to waste class time on explaining the system if I don't have to"
VanceS [astute] says, "We have course content, created our own with exercises, internet activities, means for teachers to input material"
VanceS [astute] says, "and we want to port it to one of these systems"
ChristopherMJ agrees with Nigel about explaining system
VanceS [astute] says, "and collect stats on its use"
NigelC says, "BB does all that - if you can find it all ..."
ChristopherMJ says, "WebCT's threaded discussion is not as good as BB"
VanceS [astute] says, "not thinking at all about forums and threaded discussions"
JamesSi [Webhead] asks, "I really like the idea of community zero. That does all the synchronous and asynchronous stuff, doesn't it?"
ChristopherMJ says, "BB's stats aren't bad"
NigelC says, "agreed"
VanceS [astute] asks, "are we barking up the right tree?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Can't wait to try community zero"
NigelC says, "Depends - if you're going to use BB as an institution you need to get it based on your local server. Otherwise it's far too slow"
JamesSi [Webhead] asks, "What about a blog for putting your stuff on, Vance?"
DafneG says, "yes, i am eager to start something there"
DafneG says, "I don't like blogs"
VanceS [astute] says, "we want something stable as well"
VanceS [astute] says, "developers of our existing system have just left and we're vulnerable"
VanceS [astute] says, "need something that we can rely on to work, can get support, can use in the next job ..."
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "you mean, you're developers jumped ship?"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "Has anyone been to Arthur's community zero recently? I just wonder if we can get an idea how things work by having a look at an active and busy one."
VanceS [astute] says, "BB and WCT fit those, but not necessarily blog and CZ"
VanceS [astute] says, "good idea James"
VanceS [astute] says, "Yes, Chris, there are positions available here for people who like that sort of work"
VanceS [astute] says, "hint hint"
ChristopherMJ says, "WebCT is a user's nightmare in my experience (too many paths to the same thing - disorientation)"
DafneG says, "I like BB navigation tools"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "maybe we could talk about that sometime soon"
TeresaAlm asks, "why not look up arthur's cz and discuss it next week?"
NigelC says, "whereas BB has just one path to everything - you need a map and compass sometimes"
VanceS [to Teresa]: "good idea"
VanceS [astute] says, "I won't be here :-("
DafneG says, "Vance won't be here next week"
NigelC says, "Me neither. Trip to DC"
VanceS [astute] says, "but I'd love to read the xcript"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "I mean that certain interfaces seem to be good for certain things - not what the developers planned for, in most cases (eg email:-). Blogs seem to be really good as online journals, email has replaced and extended the idea of the personal letter, etc. We probably need to look around and see what works well and where."
ChristopherMJ [to NigelC]: "better than multiple paths. Compass and map don't help with WebCT"
TeresaAlm says, "but we can try and start a discussion that can be continued. . ."
VanceS [astute] says, "it sounds like it's pretty heavy in favor of BB from this group"
NigelC says, "I think BB wins out because there's no decent alternative, rather than because it's any good. They're a big institution with lots of subscribers and resources"
VanceS [astute] says, "and I haven't really looked closely at blogs, maybe I will now"
VanceS . o O ( when I get back from holiday he he )
NigelC says, "correction - I should have said "than because it's particularly good""
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "enjoy your holiday, Vance"
DafneG says, "I am going to France in August"
ChristopherMJ says, "Agree. BB isn't good, just is what's there at the moment"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "I'm busy for the next few weeks. Mary and I are getting married on 16th August."
DafneG says, "congrats. james"
BJB [HelpDesk] exclaims, "congratulations, James!"
VanceS [astute] says, "WOW"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Have a great holiday, Vance!"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "congrats, James!"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "And off to Ireland for a week's honeymoon"
VanceS [astute] says, "Lots of nice things happening this month"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "West Cork here we come"
ChristopherMJ says, "Ireland is great! was there in May"
VanceS [astute] says, "good luck there James"
VanceS [astute] says, "you'll have to send us pictures"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "Thanks for the congrats, everyone. Mary says 'Hi' as well."
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles and waves hi to Mary
NigelC says, "Right, I need to clear the phone line and do some lesson prep. Nice talking to you all."
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "We're saving up for a digital camera - pics when we get one :-)"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "bye, Nigel"
DafneG says, "Nice seeing you Nigel"
VanceS [astute] says, "nice to see you Nigel"
JamesSi [Webhead] says, "I'd better go too. Bye Nigel, bye all"
VanceS [astute] says, "and I have to be off as well"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I also need to get some stuff done."
ChristopherMJ says, "Bye Nigel and James"
You hear a quiet popping sound; NigelC has disconnected.
DafneG says, "Bye James"
BJB . o O ( looks like this webheads session is winding down )
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, I'm going to enjoy the summer weather while it's here"
VanceS . o O ( yep )
You hear a quiet popping sound; JamesSi [Webhead] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "bye everyone!"
DafneG says, "bye, Chris"
VanceS [astute] says, "This has been an interesting session"
BJB [HelpDesk] agrees
ChristopherMJ says, "sure has"
DafneG says, "indeed"
VanceS [astute] says, "Maybe I'll manage to get online from India somewhere"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I'll put the raw scripts in your office, Vance"
BJB . o O ( as per always )
VanceS [astute] says, "THanks BJ"
VanceS [astute] says, "I appreciate your looking after that"
VanceS [astute] says, "it's a great help actually"
VanceS [astute] says, "well, I've got to run"
DafneG says, "If I am still here, I will come on the 11th. but I am not sure yet"
BJB [HelpDesk] won't be here on the 11th
VanceS [astute] says, "It will be nice if someone is there for drop ins but not the end of the world if webheads takes a week off"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hopefully, someone will get a script of the WebHeads discussion"
DafneG says, "if any"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Vance
VanceS [astute] says, "I'll look in my office for next week's"
VanceS [astute] says, "when I get back"
TeresaAlm says, "great chat today! really enjoyed it."
DafneG says, "me too"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "have a lovely trek, vance. take care!"
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, me, too."
VanceS [astute] says, "I thought so"
DafneG says, "I have to go now, papers waiting"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye, everyone! see you!"
VanceS [astute] says, "just grabbing email, then log off"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "bye again everyone"
DafneG says, "enjoy your holidays Vance"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
BJB looks away.
VanceS [astute] says, "thanks"
DafneG says, "you too BJ"
DafneG says, "bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [astute] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 28 07:03:51 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: July 29, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens