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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Topics: Edward Lear and his whimsical recipes and limericks; Teresa's book Netaprendizagem; recent resurgence of student Webheads group; how to create web pages with relative as opposed to absolute links and things to watch out for when uploading to a server; what we've learned (individually) from the Webheads projects.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: BJB in Pennsylvania | Aiden in Taiwan | Teresa in Portugal | Dafne in Spain | Vance in Abu Dhabi | Susanne from Denmark | FaiW in Hong Kong | Maggi in Germany | Christopher in Germany | Michael in Australia | Colin from the USA | Venny in Taiwan
Tapped In
VanceS looks Mr. Webhead.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Jul 21 05:16:19 2002 PDT.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 21 05:16:19 2002 PDT.
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Sus
AidenY says, "sure, suz"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "go ahead, sus!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Vance"
DafneG says, "yes, Tere"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, vance. welcome!"
AidenY says, "to BJB, am just doing great, been busy lately"
DafneG hugs and kisses Vance on both cheeks
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "hi all, sorry DSL wasn't working"
BJB [to CookingGurus]: "you also might want to do a whole lesson just on rice"
AidenY says, "hello vance"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] kisses the ladies on both cheeks
BJB . o O ( lots of great rice resources on the web )
AidenY says, "i didn't see coling enter, hello there"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "oh boy, talking about food again"
SusanneN projects the URL: http://edwardlear.tripod.com/ns/cookery.html
FaiW says, "Rice, what rice. Since, you mention it. Tonight is my daughter's first lesson in cooking rice."
DafneG says, "I told my Valencian friends about preparing paella with orzo and they could not stop laughing"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "before i forget, we also eat turkey (and lamb) on xmas day. that's our tradition. cod is on xmas eve."
AidenY exclaims, "LOL, Sus!"
DafneG says, "ours too, Tere"
DafneG says, "Well cod is eaten here for Easter"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I just had a gateway timeout on that url"
FaiW says, "A big Chinese dinner, here, of course."
AidenY asks, "FAi, where are you from?"
SusanneN says, "Vance, fod is essential in the Webheads culture :-)"
SusanneN says, "Poor Vance."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yes, I never go anywhere without my fod"
SusanneN says, "I can mail it to you, then"
FaiW says, "Hong Kong. A place does not celebrate Christmas that much, but does have a holiday."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "I have the url in my notes here, what's it about?"
AidenY says, "aahhh, my s-i-l lives there"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "just tried to refresh it"
AidenY says, "i'll be going to hongkong mid August for her wedding"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "sil?"
BJB [to VanceS]: "are you familiar with Edward Lear?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "sister in law"
AidenY says, "sister-in-law :-)"
TeresaAlm says, "no, bj."
VanceS [to BJB]: "no I'm not"
DafneG says, "there we go with acronyms"
AidenY says, "me neither"
FaiW [to AidenY]: "That will be a hot wedding. Where are you from?"
AidenY says, "Taiwan"
TeresaAlm asks, "are you, bj?"
AidenY says, "yes"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "gateway timeout, server unreachable"
BJB . o O ( Lear is an author who wrote limricks and funny stories )
AidenY says, "Church wedding then off to hotel"
AidenY says, "i think we will be literally baked while in church"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "can you recite one of his limericks?"
DafneG says, "out loud, BJ"
VanceS . o O ( no no, make her write it here )
BJB [to VanceS]: "the page Sus projected is on tripod...might be why you can't get it"
AidenY says, "i forgot the name of the church, cathedral something.."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I can get tripod pages as far as I know"
TeresaAlm says, "i love the cartoons on the home page."
DafneG . o O ( very specific )
----------------------------------- BJB -----------------------------------
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built
their nests in my beard!'
---------------------------- BJB stops pasting ----------------------------
TeresaAlm exclaims, "lol!"
DafneG says, "very clean old man"
SusanneN gets Note_42709 from the vending machine.
DafneG says, "I love my Carnival certificate"
----------------------------------- BJB -----------------------------------
There was a Young Person of Smyrna,
Whose Grandmother threatened to
burn her;
But she seized on the cat,
And said, 'Granny, burn that!
You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!'
---------------------------- BJB stops pasting ----------------------------
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has disconnected.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "drove Susanne off"
SusanneN has connected.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I don't get that last one"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "sorry, Sus...didn't think the limerick was that bad"
SusanneN says, "My powerbook has got the flu :-("
TeresaAlm exclaims, "treat it to some caipirinha, sus!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "oh, dear."
SusanneN looks limerick.
DafneG says, "maybe rum is better for the flue"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Let me project a limerick on a note"
DafneG says, "flu"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "there are many limericks linked from the homepage http://edwardlear.tripod.com/BoN/index.html"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "daf, i think anything as strong as caipirinha will kill any viruses around!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I got to this site ok: http://edwardlear.tripod.com/"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Vance...that works
BJB . o O ( scroll down )
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Reinstallation of system was first tpe in a cure"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] scrolls down and down some more
MargaretD asks, "just checking...we start at GMT 12.00 right?"
AidenY says, "yes.."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Hi Maggi, true"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Next, I'll have to reset all preferences"
FaiW says, "And install all other programs !!!! It is a mess."
DafneG says, "I am checking his stories, i like them"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "I lost my scroll function in Expolrere on this tapestry today when I detach"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "by the way...all the carnival transcripts are edited and have been placed in the ASO Transcript Emailer"
TeresaAlm says, "and i'm checking his songs, daf."
BJB . o O ( if anyone missed the Webheads cooking class )
SusanneN [limerick] projects limerick 1.
There was an old man of Tobago,
Long lived on rice, gruel and sago;
Till one day, to his bliss,
His physician said this,
"To a leg of
roast mutton you may go."
SusanneN . o O ( very useful for a cookery , too )
FaiW says, "I'll pass it to my daughter."
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Perfect, Sus"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "the duck and kangaroo song is very cute!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I don't know any perfectly clean limericks"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "however I just recalled one that is not too off color"
DafneG says, "I have just found out that an article I wrote in 1998,in ET FORUM, about using story grammars in EFL, is on the web."
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Some of those i remembered were really jiucy . but they may have been more recent"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "there is a limerick grammar, too"
AidenY says, "project it daf,"
DafneG says, "let me get it"
DafneG says, "project http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/vols/vol36/no1/p14.htm"
DafneG says, "oops"
AidenY . o O ( is Daf's article long or short )
DafneG says, "short"
FaiW says, "We have been talkig so much about food. Do you know it is 8:40 pm here in HK, and it dinner time for me."
AidenY says, "LOL"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
TeresaAlm says, "daf, i did a search on nameofmybook + editor'sname last night and found out that i've been cited in several papers. i was amazed."
AidenY exclaims, "Hi, Chris!"
TeresaAlm says, "hi, chris."
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi everyone!"
SusanneN [limerick] gets Note_66747 from the vending machine.
MargaretD says, "Tag Chris"
DafneG projects the URL: http://exchanges.state.gov./forum/vols/vol36/no1/p14.htm
DafneG asks, "did you get it?"
ChristopherMJ says, "got it"
TeresaAlm says, "great, daf. i'm going to bookmark it and read later today."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I got it, neat"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Yes, Daf looks very relevant"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "what's your book, Teresa?"
TeresaAlm says, "netaprendizagem, vance."
ChristopherMJ says, "Looks good, Dafne, will read it, too"
TeresaAlm asks, "can i project the editor's page on my book?"
DafneG says, "thanks Chris"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "please do"
TeresaAlm projects the URL: http://www.portoeditora.pt/ficha.asp?ID=34048
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Thank you, tere got it"
TeresaAlm says, "the cover was done by joao, my husband, with my ideas. i really like it."
AidenY says, "pity, didn't get your article when i was doing my assignment for SLA"
ChristopherMJ says, "cover is excellent"
TeresaAlm says, "thanks, chris. i'll tell joao."
SusanneN [limerick] says, "click on sinopse"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I just put this url into the babel fish:
TeresaAlm says, "bows to vance."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "how sweet of you, vance. tahnk you!"
DafneG says, "I like how the "sinopse" is worded"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "The NetAprendizagem book de Teresa Almeida d'Ea is, probably, the first one that, in Portuguese, if it prolongates in the "details" of the concretion. Centering itself particularly on educations basic and secondary, it looks for to deepen knowledge on the resource to the InterNet and the WEB while learning instruments."
TeresaAlm says, "that is sweet of you, vance."
DafneG says, "but the translation does not make justice to the original"
ChristopherMJ says, "the translation isn't too bad, though - I have seen much worse with those programs"
TeresaAlm says, "those are words of a professor from the university of coimbra who argued my master's thesis-turned-book with me."
AidenY says, "i like the cover, tere, any chance of having the book translated to english"
TeresaAlm says, "he was very kind to write the preface. and he was my supervisor for my sabbatical project."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, ":apparently still has the floor, so ..."
TeresaAlm says, "not really, aiden."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "The NetAprendizagem heading states an option happy (...) does not denote only the "learning in net", or the "learning with resource to the net". It denotes, also, "learning in net", and this is, after all, its richer and more human side. It is in the interaco between people, in the meeting of cultures, the debates, the allotment to know, the crossed aids, that if find, after all, greaters chances of aprendizagem.(...)"
TeresaAlm says, "it was a pioneer work here, but not really abroad."
DafneG says, "I will buy it as soon as it is available"
AidenY says, "thanks for that quick translation, vance"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I think the Babel Fish, while far from perfect, is really useful"
TeresaAlm says, "anyway, just to finish, my sabbatical project is coming out as a book in october."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "You can certainly get the gyst of most texts"
TeresaAlm says, "vance, it is quite a good translation."
AidenY says, "i was about to think that , wow, vance is a true linguist :-)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "a true wired linguist, I just had Babel Fish translate it for me"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "http://world.altavista.com/"
TeresaAlm says, "btw, you could all probably help me with the cover for this new book."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] loves collaborative projects
TeresaAlm says, "it's about email in the classroom. it'll be a red cover and i'd love to have some kind of funny cartoon related to the theme."
TeresaAlm says, "it has different projects you can do, etc."
FaiW says, "How about translate it into Chinese as well. I don't find many education-related books got translated into Chinese."
TeresaAlm says, "i'd love a cute comic."
TeresaAlm says, "fai, willing to do that? i'd be honored to have it translated."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I like the cover of your Net Learning book"
TeresaAlm says, "thanks, vance. me, too. it did come out very nice."
FaiW [to TeresaAlm]: "Has to do from English. One book at a time."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "The Babel Fish will do English to Chinese and Chinese to English"
TeresaAlm says, "now, if we all got a good idea for this cover, the webheads name would be inside."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] is sorry to report that Portuguese to Chinese is not in the list
FaiW says, "OK, My dinneer is ready. I've to go."
DafneG asks, "Tere why don't you translate it to English?"
TeresaAlm says, "at the time, i asked the publisher to include joao's name as the creator of the cover, and they did it."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "ok Fai, nice to meet you"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Fai
DafneG says, "they should have included his name"
MargaretD says, "bye Fai"
DafneG says, "it is a great work"
TeresaAlm says, "daf, i don't seem to have the time. and i don't think it would be that useful, because there are several similar and great books in english."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "so how can we help design your cover Ter?"
MichaelAC has connected.
FaiW says, "This is my first time, but I love it already. See you in the future sesson. Nice to meet all you wonderful people. Bye."
DafneG says, "bye, FAi"
MargaretD says, "hi mc"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Michael
MichaelAC says, "Hello everyone"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Hi Michael"
DafneG waves to Michael
AidenY says, "bye fai, hello michael"
TeresaAlm says, "if you could find a cute comic/cartoon about email in the classroom."
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Fai, Hi Michael"
TeresaAlm says, "hi, michael."
ChristopherMJ says, "hmmm...the only comic I can think of is in German...here's an attempted translation: (Picture of mice as bakers in a bakery) "there is something in your meal box""
TeresaAlm says, "bye, fai."
ChristopherMJ says, "or something like that"
MargaretD asks, "meal box?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; FaiW has disconnected.
TeresaAlm says, "i have several, but none really related to the classroom scenario."
ChristopherMJ says, "Mehlbox"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "how about the one with the dog at the computer "On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog""
TeresaAlm says, "and i haven't really done any real search."
MargaretD says, "flour box Chris"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "that's a good one"
TeresaAlm asks, "right, vance, but where is the image?"
ChristopherMJ [to Maggi]: "guess it doesn't translate, huh?"
TeresaAlm says, "i just have the article and i refer it in netaprendizagem. i think it's by janet murray."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Here's one: www.urlsinternetcafe.com/classroom/"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "classroomsmall.jpg"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_175 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "but how would you get permission to use this on the cover of a book?"
DafneG [to TeresaAlm]: "I think your book might have a good audience here in Spain"
TeresaAlm says, "that would be a second phase, vance."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I just did a google image search on 'email in the classroom' btw"
TeresaAlm says, "and. . ."
MargaretD says, "I use email for written work"
colin has connected.
AidenY says, "hi colibnn"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "welcome back, Colin"
DafneG says, "wb, Colin"
colin [guest] goes UP.
TeresaAlm says, "when i was thinking about the title, i thought that netaprendizagem would be catchy. so, i emailed ferdi serim and asked if i could use a translation of his title. he felt honored (!!!) and that's what i did. with a subtitle."
BJB . o O ( Ferdi leads the monthly 'the Big 6' discussion group here, btw )
ChristopherMJ [to BJB]: "What is the Big 6 discussion group?"
TeresaAlm says, "that's right, bj. we're good e-pals. he's so sweet. always refers to me as his good friend from portugal."
colin [guest] has arrived.
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Colin"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "hi colin, where you coming in from?"
BJB [to Chris]: "information based problem solving"
BJB . o O ( http://www.big6.com/ )
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "who are the Big 6? (or what are?)"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Colin, we're the Webheads meeting here every Sunday - and I'm from Denmark"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "oh ... The Big6 is based on a rich foundation of research into how humans find and process information (information literacy), and this research basis has led to the development of similar and complementary approaches that create a more complete picture of ways people solve information problems"
SusanneN [limerick] exclaims, "What a sharp definition!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "at the web site BJB just gave us"
BJB . o O ( Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz are the founders. )
VanceS [to Colin [guest]]: "so, well, I'm an American living in Abu Dhabi"
ChristopherMJ [to Colin [guest]]: "and I'm an American living in Germany"
MichaelAC exclaims, "And I'm an Australian living in Australia!"
DafneG says, "and I am Venezuelan, living in Spain"
BJB [to Colin [guest]]: "I am an American living in America"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, i'm just a portuguese living in portugal!!!"
MargaretD says, "lol"
BJB [HelpDesk] grins
MichaelAC asks, "Just Teresa?"
TeresaAlm asks, "what do you mean, michael?"
BJB [to Colin [guest]]: "please introduce yourself"
DafneG says, "a new natinality "just portuguese""
DafneG says, "nationality"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "great, daf!"
MichaelAC says, "You said 'just a Portuguese' Teresa."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "compared to bj's, only the 'just' was added!!!"
MichaelAC says, "You make it sound like you are not that important because you are 'just Portuguese'"
DafneG . o O ( I wonder where Colin is from )
TeresaAlm says, "no, thta's not it, michael. i was 'just' joking at the previous intros."
MichaelAC exclaims, "OK!!!"
VanceS . o O ( somewhere in America ...) )
MargaretD says, "taken out of context yes"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "ahem, Ah'm frum Texas"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "thanks for your concern. i'm very proud of being portuguese!"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Good!"
SusanneN [limerick] asks, "Colin might be away from his screen?"
ChristopherMJ . o O ( notes Vance's Texan accent )
MichaelAC says, "Oim from Ostraya (Australian accent)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] kin come up with one a them texus accents when he feels like it
AidenY says, "LOL"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Jeg kommer fra Danmark"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'm, like, you know, from Southern California - kinda, sorta"
MichaelAC smiles
VanceS . o O ( oh, a valley guy )
SusanneN sings, ~\ I'm Danish, born in Norway, Sweden is my fatherland,
speaking Russian like a German, though I am an English man! /~
ChristopherMJ says, "Actually, was in exile in the valley for 7 years"
SusanneN . o O ( a children's song of the kind we used to sing in the bus )
ChristopherMJ I was born under a bad sign, a rambling man, in the USA ...
MichaelAC asks, "Is that song supposed to indicate the mulitcultural natiure of Denmark Susanne?"
MargaretD says, "actually Germany has the highest percentage of immigrants in Europe"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Yes :-)"
MichaelAC asks, "What is the % of immigrants in Germany approx?"
MargaretD says, "over 9%"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "While Michael and Maggi are both here, did you guys notice that Dave Winet links to us now from http://www.study.com ?"
MargaretD says, "yes"
TeresaAlm says, "no."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "and this appears to be gaining us a new influx of students"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_100 [guest] has lost its link.
MichaelAC says, "No V. I read it in your email but I haven;t looked. I will look now."
BJB . o O ( bye, Colin )
SusanneN [limerick] says, "WEll, we aren't that multi-culti, a great part of our population is not very tolerant anymore, even though we have far less immigrants than germany or Sweden"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Dave Winet used to send us students, but he stopped doing that, and without this student intake, the Writing for Webheads side slowed down"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "I've seen many new participants in the efi list"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "but now that we are getting students again they are starting to write"
MichaelAC says, "Just saw the nice big linl on study.com - great."
SusanneN [limerick] asks, "Is Dave Winet a friend of yours, Vance?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Riccardo has just raised the topic of smoking restrictions in restaurants"
AidenY says, "Don't worry, Vance, you'll get plenty of Taiwanese students this coming September"
MichaelAC says, "Yes - and is students are starting to write we need to respond."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Dave is an acquaintance, I've met him in person a few times"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Great, Aiden"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "That's great Aiden, and correct Michael"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "The smoking topic is interesting"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "And Mody wrote us about Neanderthals, who would like to respond to that one?"
AidenY says, "should we line up topics or should we just follow the flow"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "smokers are upset, and non smokers feel relieved by restrictions"
MichaelAC exclaims, "I'm more qualified to comment on smoking!"
MargaretD says, "I've stayed several times at his house...met Michael there"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I'll vouch for the latter of what Susanne said"
MichaelAC asks, "Nice memories eh Maggi?"
SusanneN [limerick] says, "I can respond to the neanderthal topic, to keep the kettle boiling"
MargaretD exclaims, "yes, mc...very!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "that would be great Susanne, I'm making a smoking page now"
TeresaAlm says, "me, too, vance. i really feel relieved. i quit smoking 20 years ago."
MichaelAC says, "Aiden - I think we should just go with the flow and respond to what appeals to us."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "and if someone responds I'll make one on neanderthals"
SusanneN [limerick] asks, "really, Maggi - his house in real life, or his virtual home :-)?"
AidenY says, "ok then"
BJB . o O ( brb )
DafneG says, "I am still waiting to see someone's bookshelf"
MargaretD says, "his real house Sus"
SusanneN [limerick] stopped moking ten years from now - but still remember the morning cough :-((
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "was that a hint of some sort, Daf?"
DafneG says, "kinda"
MichaelAC asks, "You mean my bookshelf maybe?"
SusanneN [limerick] grins to Maggi
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] grins
SusanneN [limerick] says, "Oh yes, the bookshelf topic made me think a lot, but I never got to responding"
DafneG says, "yeap, Michael"
MargaretD says, "I was going to write that I have over 3,000 books but they are only sorted by topic...sort of..."
SusanneN [limerick] points fingers at Michael
MichaelAC says, "Ok - I'll do it when I finish here tonight"
MichaelAC asks, "3000 books?????"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "you can just email it to me real fast if you want Michael"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "vstevens@emirates.net.ae"
MargaretD says, "yes, mc"
MichaelAC says, "OK V - let me see....."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Maggi, you should definitely weigh in on that topic"
DafneG says, "my colleagues come to my place to take books instead of going to the lybrary"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "but of course the idea is to get the students to write on topics like that"
MargaretD says, "that doesn't really include the books I use for work"
SusanneN asks, "Yes, Vance but as usual - who's the student here?"
MichaelAC exclaims, "Good question!"
SusanneN exclaims, "Margaret has a library!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "good question, Susanne"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "and good answer as well"
VennyS has arrived.
Parrot follows VennyS to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I'm going to drop an extra recorder in case this one stops soon. Need to run some errands."
VennyS [: )] bows gracefully.
DafneG says, "hi Venny"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Venny"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "of course, all responses welcome, but it's particularly gratifying to hear from students struggling with the language"
AidenY says, "hello venny"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "hi Venny"
BJB drops 2002/07/21 WebHeads2 (recording).
VennyS [: )] waves to VanceS [Mr. Webhead].
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to everyone. Take care
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to the wise papa owl.
DafneG says, "bye BJ"
MargaretD says, "byeBJ"
VennyS [: )] waves to DafneG.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "ok bjb, thanks for being so stalwart"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye BJ"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye, bj! hi, venny!"
VennyS [: )] waves to BJB [HelpDesk].
You hear a quiet popping sound; BJB [HelpDesk] has disconnected.
MichaelAC says, "Bookcase on the way Vance."
DafneG exclaims, "good!"
VennyS [: )] waves to ChristopherMJ.
SusanneN counts bookshelves in centimeters and divides with two to get an approx amount
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] exclaims, "boy Daf, that was some hint!"
SusanneN exclaims, "Venny hello!"
DafneG asks, "successful, wasn't it?"
MichaelAC smiles
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "very subtle, but effective"
MichaelAC says, "I'm tired of being pushed around. Think I'll go now...."
MargaretD says, "lol...bye mc"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Michael, we thought you were thick skinned"
SusanneN exclaims, "Oh, poor Michael!"
TeresaAlm says, "bye, michael."
VennyS [: )] grins at SusanneN.
MichaelAC says, "Time for my beauty sleep."
AidenY says, "LOL, michael, don't be so touchy ;-)"
DafneG says, "lol"
SusanneN blows some cold air on his bruises
ChristopherMJ says, "bye, Michael"
MargaretD says, "ROTFL"
MichaelAC says, "Nice to see you all (excepy pushy Dafne)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "thanks for dropping by"
SusanneN says, "here's your teddy bear"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "we'll scold Dafne after you leave"
DafneG looks around
AidenY says, "LOL, nighty nite, Mic"
MichaelAC gratefully receives Teddy Bear
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] hands Michael glass of champagne
MichaelAC and runs away with tale between legs
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "keep this away from your computer"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "what did you DO to bother poor little Michael?"
MichaelAC says, "ha ha ha ha"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Shouldn't we give Michael something stiffer than champagne?"
DafneG asks, "me?"
SusanneN asks, "Is this a dog's tale?"
MichaelAC says, "er - make that TAIL between legs"
MichaelAC says, "LOL"
DafneG hands Michael a glass with caipirinha
MichaelAC asks, "That's much better Dafne...er what's caipirinha??"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] looks like he'd like a glass of that
ChristopherMJ hands Michael a glass of kirschwasser
AidenY asks, "wow, daf, pretty strong, don't you think?"
MargaretD exclaims, "yuk!"
DafneG says, "a brazilian drink"
SusanneN says, "fine headline: "A dog's tale between the legs""
MichaelAC says, "I presume alcoholic..."
DafneG says, "yeap"
AidenY says, "sip, mic,"
SusanneN says, "I see you did not follow the session on alcoholsim, Mic"
DafneG says, "but very refreshing"
MichaelAC asks, "What session Susanne?"
SusanneN says, "Dfa has got a recepit"
DafneG says, "he did not come to our Samba party"
MichaelAC says, "No I missed the Samba party"
MargaretD says, "recie Sus"
SusanneN says, "well, that was in our Samba period"
MargaretD says, "sorry...recipe"
MichaelAC says, "I see"
DafneG asks, "are we divided in historical stages?"
SusanneN asks, "Margaret, IS it receipt, or recipe?"
MargaretD says, "recipe"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "yes, or developmental stages?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, you're all making me so hungry, i've got to go and have lunch!"
SusanneN asks, "Zone of proximal developmpent?"
MargaretD says, "for cooking, a receipt you get when u buy something"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "what came after the Samba stage?"
MichaelAC says, "I'll go and do some research on cairipi....that Brazilian drink"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "don't forget about the email image, ok? bye, everyone!"
TeresaAlm says, "have a great week."
MichaelAC says, "Night all."
SusanneN asks, "Well - the webcam stage?"
DafneG hugs tere good bye
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I'll have it on a web page soon"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Tere and Michael"
MichaelAC leaves for the New.
Personal_Recorder_30627 (recording) leaves for the New.
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
VennyS . o O ( webcam stage? )
SusanneN exclaims, "Coming to a website near you!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Webcam stage: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/vcommunity.htm#video"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "want it projected?"
DafneG . o O ( ads stage )
SusanneN says, "Venny, that was in a previous historic period of our webhead history :-))"
VennyS [: )] grins at SusanneN.
AidenY says, "well, folks, time to hit the sack, ciao everyone,"
SusanneN asks, "Then, what will come next?"
DafneG says, "bye Aiden"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "OK, Aiden, nice to see you again"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "That's a good question, Susanne (Sus is full of good questions tonight)"
DafneG says, "I hate being an X"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "continuing to learn from one another, and you never know what the next development will e"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY has disconnected.
SusanneN blushes shyly
VanceS [to Daf,]: "get Kari or BJB to copy your pic from the prohosting url to their server"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "it takes miniscule space"
2002/07/21 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "mine is now linked to my file on their server"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "for some reason the links back to prohosting stopped working"
DafneG says, "I tried with a pic on my server, but it does not work either"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I put our images at prohosting because they had already told me there was a problem linking to images on geocities"
SusanneN exclaims, "Well, I ned to learn how to make better web pages, so i can post any changes and additions to a secondary domain without too much thinking!"
DafneG says, "I see"
SusanneN says, "That was something with relative and definite URLs..."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I know what the next step can be, speaking of better web pages"
SusanneN says, "but I never found out how to make it work for me."
VanceS . o O ( relative and absolute )
SusanneN nods
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "for a server outside Tapped in you need an absolute (http:// etc.) URL"
SusanneN says, "I'm already looking forward to our next EIA class, grade 2 :-)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "an absolute link is one that goes to the same defined place each time, as in Chris's example"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "a relative link finds its way through a folder structure"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "the folder structure can be replicated in any location and the link will work"
ChristopherMJ says, "(adding to Vance's link) relative links are for the same server (usually your own pages)"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "I was thinking of storing my own website both at the ISP domain, and some other ( as vance, cannot get access to my home domain)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "In that case, Sus, hopefully your links to your various pages are relative ones"
SusanneN says, "Yes, Vance, I will have to make that work. And I need to change all my internal links"
DafneG says, "I tried to get my geocities pages into a folder, but I did not know how"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "and you just copy your web project, folders and all, to another server"
SusanneN exclaims, "NOPE, tehyre all absolutely absolute!"
SusanneN says, "That is my problem :-("
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "in that case forget it, and in any event I can reach your pages from my work"
ChristopherMJ [to Susanne]: "That's a bummer, but some programs (like FrontPage) let you search and replace on all pages"
SusanneN says, "But I wanted to learn how to."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "it's emirates Internet that blocks your page"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "but our work server operates its own proxy, and doesn't block your site"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "Interesting."
SusanneN asks, "Is frontpage freeware?"
DafneG says, "When I started my pages in Front Page they were in a folder, but then to get them to geocities I had to transfer them one by one"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Front Page is in some versions of MS Office 2000"
DafneG says, "front page comes with Office"
SusanneN says, "I am going to teach internet to a real novice, on her home windows computer"
SusanneN says, "Maybe she's got Office"
ChristopherMJ says, "Usually with Office 2000."
VennyS . o O ( what software uses relative links? )
MargaretD says, "I have that"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Does geocities let you create your own folders in the space you ahve"
SusanneN says, "I'm not sure yet; her problem is that she's allergic to manage chaos, and easily get into tears ahenever it gets a little bitsy difficult, so I need LOTS of patience"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "on their server space, that is"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "You can do that in the Geocities File Manager"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "or simply FTP the folders to the server"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Exactly!"
DafneG says, "you can create folders, I do not know how to get my pages into the folders I create"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "you have to browse to the folder itself and then upload while in that folder"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Which FTP program do you use to transfer pages?"
SusanneN asks, "Daf, do you have all your material stored online in the Geocities domain?"
DafneG says, "the one in geocties"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "FTP might no longer work with the free geocities sites"
DafneG says, "yes, Sus"
SusanneN asks, "Do you even create your pages withing the geocities pague builder programme?"
SusanneN [to Mr-]: ""
DafneG says, "no, I do not use page builder now, I use html editor"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I never do that, I always create on my own computer and upload"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "this gets to the theory of relative links"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I create pages on my computer that link to each other"
ChristopherMJ says, "Like Vance, I keep a "mirror" of my site on my PC (all relative links to my own pages)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "and as long as I upload them to the same folder structure at my web space"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "they work, like Chris's"
SusanneN listen to the theoretical framework of linked relativity
DafneG asks, "so, you mean that I should create my pages with Front Page and then upload them to Geocities?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Relative link like this ( /images/hat_on.htn)"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yeah, create the pages on your computer so they work there"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "then upload the whole thing at once to geocities"
SusanneN says, "I know I will find out how to make thst, just a question of time and a more intensive learning procedure"
ChristopherMJ says, "oops ... .htm"
VennyS . o O ( how to make a mirror? )
DafneG says, "I started doing that, but then the html tags changed when I uploaded to geocities"
SusanneN . o O ( Today, I spent the morning reinstalling my system. )
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yeah, chis's link ../images/ means 'in this folder, find the folder 'images' and display the hat_on file there"
DafneG says, "and it was more difficult to edit the pages"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "There are a couple of things you must be careful of"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "one, is make file names in all lower case"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "(or upper case) but no mixture of cases, it will drive you crazy"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "another, no spaces in file names"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "that is what happens to me, too, when I created pages in Apple works (an office-like programme)"
ChristopherMJ says, "right, my_hat.htm has no spaces"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "another, make sure you don't have the 'convert all extentions to html' box ticked in the File Manager"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yeah, spaces in file names will work in Windows, but not on the web"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "upper lower case in file names doesn't matter on your computer, does on the web"
VennyS [: )] nods solemnly.
SusanneN says, "HM,t he file manager sounds like a possible bug maker"
ChristopherMJ says, "using lower case and no spaces will save beaucoup de headaches"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "exact extension, htm and html, must be retained on your computer and on the web"
SusanneN says, "Great topic :-)))"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I use lower case, and in the geocities file manager, convert all file names to lower case"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "this is because Windows (thank YOU Bill Gates) will sometimes capitalize file names"
SusanneN says, "My domain asks for .html - not .htm only"
DafneG says, "I am going to try going back to Front Page, but using the html editor instead of the ready-made forms."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "then when you create files on your computer, call them html"
SusanneN says, "I sure do"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "it's best to try and be consistent"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "all lower case, all html for example"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Make sure that it is FrontPage 2000 or newer. The older versions are worth less than paper napkins"
DafneG says, "it is 2000"
ChristopherMJ says, "great"
SusanneN says, "Most often, I just use the simple ready wysiwyg editor in Page Mill; it is older, and has some limitations, but at least I know how to handle it, easily"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "One thing to watch for in Front Page is using the Front Page extensions"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "if you use them, your web host has to support them. Most do, but not all"
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, leave FrontPage extensions out"
DafneG says, "ok"
SusanneN exclaims, "Why don't we continue this topic on our WIA mail list; I need a break!"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK, sounds good to me"
SusanneN hands coffee and pancakes around
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yeah, we'll be doing a webheads class again next January btw"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "only this time it will be training for other moderators"
DafneG says, "I stopped using Front Page because I was tempted to use WYSIWYG and I wanted to learn html"
DafneG asks, "why, VAnce?"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "not a bad strategy at all"
SusanneN says, "And, I will be there, too'"
DafneG says, "we want you"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I've been asked to train the moderators"
VennyS [to DafneG]: "what do you use?"
DafneG says, "html, Venny"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I'm counting on you to help with the training, Daf (and other webheads)"
SusanneN guess vance would prefer not to be the principal moderator?
MargaretD asks, "maderatorsfor what?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Don't need to be, thankfully"
DafneG says, "if you are there, next to me, great"
SusanneN cheers for Daf
MargaretD says, "moderator"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Webheads in Action session Maggi, I'll dig out the url"
SusanneN says, "That will be our next stage, then :-)"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Is January a sort of "train the trainers" session?"
MargaretD asks, "yes, but what will be moderated?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "let me know if you want it /shown"
DafneG says, "the training is supposed to be before the actual sessions, i gues"
SusanneN says, "From samba training to course moderating"
ChristopherMJ says, "Please show"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Yeah, I think Aiden is a trainer too"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] shows ChristopherMJ the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/webheads.htm
SusanneN exclaims, "I can train cats!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Whoever herd of training cats"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "herd, get it ???"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] laughs hee he
DafneG says, "I am herding 60 post-teenagers and two teachers right now"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "acually, we have a stage coming up in September"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "there's an elearning confernece in Abu Dhabi and they want me to demo a webheads class"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "at exactly noon GMT Sunday"
SusanneN smiles to the sage on the online stage
DafneG says, "very convenient time"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yes, funny how that worked out"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "The exact date and info I have is at http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/"
SusanneN says, "Oh, then we will play the usual part as your international backing group"
MargaretD asks, "what are we learning?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yeah, better dust off your web cam"
SusanneN says, "WE're learning how to E :-)"
DafneG asks, "E?"
MargaretD says, "eeeeeeeeeeeeee"
SusanneN better find aonther one for that event
SusanneN says, "E, like in elearning"
MargaretD asks, "yes, but what are we learning exactly?"
DafneG says, "e-moderation"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Check this out:
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "would you like it /shown or /projected?"
DafneG asks, "can you project it?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] asks, "any objection?"
SusanneN . o O ( < elendig >in Dansih, means miserable )
DafneG says, "no objections"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "ok no objection, here goes ..."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/vance_stevens//papers/evonline2002/week8.htm#reflections
SusanneN [to Maggi]: "I guess what someone is learning, exactly, is a very difficult question to answer!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I think we all learn from each other and benefit from mutual association"
SusanneN . o O ( tah's why assessment is a very difficult task )
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "i've certainly learned a lot of things about CMC just by being associated with this group"
MargaretD asks, "yes, but what exactly are we learning?"
SusanneN exclaims, "me too!"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "learned how to handle it deftly in front of crowds for example"
SusanneN says, "eWebheading"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "chaos navigation"
DafneG says, "if I had not come to this group I would not be doing what I am doing now"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "seriously it's a fair question"
DafneG says, "I especially appreciate VAnce's being there when I shout for help"
DafneG says, "Vance"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] is right there
DafneG says, "which is very oftren"
DafneG says, "often"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "well, not that often, and any way, you help your friends"
SusanneN says, "I'm writing on that chaos navigation issue - in the management world, chaos and order in learning communities seem to be a well known approach"
DafneG smiles gratefuly
MargaretD asks, "in magement Sus?"
SusanneN says, "Actully, I was unaware on how buzzy many of the modern concepts on digital learning are"
MargaretD asks, "yes, but in business Sus?"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "buzzy? Do you mean busy, or like buzz words, or business"
SusanneN says, "Yes, Maggi, in the world of business management, they operate with a lot of those learning theories that are now highly actual, like storytelling and chaos management"
SusanneN says, "You know, a company need a narrative"
MargaretD says, "mmmmmmm...that wasn't in my Havard Management Review yet."
SusanneN says, "Ask Arthur! he's the specialist in these management education matters"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "It's probably on his website somewhere"
SusanneN says, "Just make a google search on, let' say, managenemt narrative"
SusanneN says, "the combination will generate lots of links"
MargaretD says, "no doubt"
SusanneN says, "It is quite interesting.Lots of former educators get to work in the business management world nowadays"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "yep, http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&cof=AH:center;S:http://www.vancestevens.com;&domains=www.vancestevens.com&q=management+narrative&spell=1"
SusanneN says, "Oh Vancey can you show THAT link to mer, it is So long"
SusanneN asks, "Or, was it just a google?"
MargaretD asks, "nice, but what do they know about business?"
ChristopherMJ says, "For me, this group has a lot of interest and expertise in CMC and Communities of Practice in combination with foreign language education. I learn a lot at these meanings."
SusanneN nods to herself, so it was.
ChristopherMJ says, "meetings"
SusanneN says, "Herding cats in classroom"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] shows SusanneN the URL: http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&cof=AH:center;S:http://www.vancestevens.com;&domains=www.vancestevens.com&q=management+narrative&spell=1
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "I guess what's most important to me is having an online laboratory"
MargaretD says, "Not sure a company like Merck wants to learn how to herd cats..."
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "Take Yaodong for example, he's constantly writing things like, can you help me figure out to do powerpoint thru netmeeting"
SusanneN says, "Narrative psychology, as in the commercial advertisement world they need a lot of that"
VennyS [: )] has to leave for bed story time. Thanks.
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "nice to see you Venny"
VennyS goes home.
SusanneN says, "Kiss your daughters, venny"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Venny"
VanceS [Mr. Webhead] says, "in order to LEARN cmc you have to have lab rats in the community willing to experiment"
DafneG says, "bye Venny"
SusanneN looks lab rat.
DafneG looks around for some cheese
VanceS looks wears white coat.
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "seriously, that's what I find best about this community ... take iVisit"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "if not for Susanne, might never have tried it"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "that's not true really, other mac users in the community"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "This is a kind of lab, but more real life oriented"
DafneG says, "a humanistic lab"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "but you have a problem, Susanne can't use Yahoo with her web cam, we resolve it another way"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "we learn by doing"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Yes, sure, but not all mac users mighht have been so persistent :-))"
SusanneN . o O ( Or should we say, stubborn? )
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "by using the tools, we learn to excell in our profession"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "plus it's fun"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "And, had it not been for daf and tere, >i might not have become so actively engaged in the WIA seminar"
DafneG says, "for me learning about all the features of yahoo groups was the answer to my needs"
DafneG says, "especially when Blackboard became a paid platform"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "Daf has shown us an interesting way of putting video on a web page"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Also, all those little questions in real life that we're sharing, not only tool testing all the time"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "a colleague of mine has an interesting counter to CALL"
MargaretD asks, "such as Sus?"
DafneG asks, "?"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "he calls it Language Assisted Computer Learning"
DafneG says, "good one"
ChristopherMJ says, "hmmm...perhaps that what CALL is now"
SusanneN [lab rat] asks, "Vance, did you know that I am following Daf's online classes as a lurker observer in the yahoo mail list?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "LACL"
ChristopherMJ says, "the tools need to be come more transparent"
DafneG says, "she is my external observer"
VanceS [wears white coat] says, "didn't know"
ChristopherMJ says, "become"
SusanneN [lab rat] mood observant
VanceS looks transparent.
DafneG asks, "mood observant?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "It has been so interesting to hear abouot their progres, and you co-teachers, too"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "The tool need to stand behind, not in the foreground"
VanceS [transparent] says, "Daf's class is doing very well it seems"
ChristopherMJ says, "What I mean is that the tools can't get in the way of what your doing. For example , is Tappeed In in the background - I think so"
SusanneN [lab rat] asks, "Ever heard about Ubiquitous computing?"
DafneG says, "I woke up thinking about that term this morning"
VanceS [transparent] says, "I call it seamless, to describe that"
ChristopherMJ asks, "ubiquitous computing: Isn't that where the computers are embedded in clothing, furtniture, etc. and you don't even notice them around?"
DafneG says, "is it really possible for technology to become seamless"
MargaretD asks, "what percentage of the world's population do you suppose could be reached?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Chris, Tapped IN can be used like a convenient chat tool, plus more... you can use ikt as a platform to conversation, but there is also a possible approach to learn about using the more complex commands"
VanceS [transparent] says, "think of technologies that HAVE become seamless"
VanceS [transparent] says, "wristwatch, almost"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "you did? that's fun."
DafneG says, "I was in the middle of an online course with 20 students online and the server went down"
ChristopherMJ says, "seamless: TVs, telephones"
VanceS [transparent] asks, "spectacles, ever think of lens grinding technology?"
VanceS [transparent] says, "if you misplace them of course you realize it's not quite seamless"
ChristopherMJ says, "Tech is seamless/transparent when you don't notice it and are concentrating on what it brings you"
ChristopherMJ ..thes content.
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "yes, chris"
VanceS [transparent] says, "Mark Warschauer compiles a lot of info on digital divide issues, 3rd world access ..."
DafneG says, "I agree with all that, but sometimes technology stands up and shouts"
MargaretD asks, "ok...let me ask how many are left out of this technology?"
VanceS [transparent] asks, "but because some are left out is that a reason to not progress?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Like a wall computer - Ive seen a prototye of that. worked with something like yellow stickies"
VanceS [transparent] says, "if we progress it filters down to others"
ChristopherMJ [to Maggi]: "too many unfortunately"
VanceS [transparent] says, "look at the growth of mobile phones for example"
MargaretD asks, "how does it filter down #Vance?"
DafneG asks, "how many people had access to books when they were first printed?"
VanceS [transparent] says, "mobile phones an example"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "maggi taht should not keep us from developing the uses into a more simple and cheaper access, that so many are outside."
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "well, seamless is an ideal, something to strive for"
DafneG says, "people did not even know how to read"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "We had this discussion in one of the last TI carnival sessions ..."
VanceS [transparent] says, "man's reach should always exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for"
MargaretD asks, "you believe in heaven Vance?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "there was some discussion about ehealth, to help inform and connectpeople in the South african contries"
VanceS [transparent] says, "That's a quote from Robert Browning"
VanceS [transparent] says, "I like the idea of man's reach exceeding his grasp"
DafneG says, "in terms of language teaching, Krashen said i+1"
VanceS [transparent] says, "the heaven part was his idea"
MargaretD asks, "i and l being?"
DafneG says, "comprehensible input + something else, for learning to take place"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "One big issue is telemedicine - also in development areas"
DafneG says, "reaching beyond what you already know"
VanceS [transparent] says, "the something else is language a little beyond comprehensibility"
VanceS [transparent] says, "in Krashen's paradigm"
DafneG says, "yeap"
VanceS [transparent] says, "that makes you want to figure it out, and thus acquire more language"
SusanneN [lab rat] exclaims, "As doctors are a resource missing in many places, a computer online might help the local health clinic a lot!"
MargaretD asks, "and if they don'have electricity?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "They may have solar cells and satellites."
MargaretD says, "I see."
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "And, even if the infrastructure in many palces is still underdeveloped and unstable, I do not feel that is a reason for depriving a lot more people than today, some kind of of access."
DafneG agrees
MargaretD asks, "how then should they get it?"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Check out this link, a paper about telemedicine in development countries..."
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "World bank supported groups are doing a lot of this kind of work"
DafneG says, "this is a very interesting conversation, but I need to work on my students self-assessment online instrument."
DafneG says, "see you around, folks"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Daf"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "The link was: www.cid.harvard,edu/ciditg/Health/progam.html"
SusanneN [lab rat] hugs daf bye
DafneG kisses everybody goodbye
SusanneN [lab rat] ugs daf bye
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Mood neuter"
MargaretD says, "It isn't that I don't agree with you but we are sitting pretty here and have little idea how these people can satisfy their basic needs first."
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "WEll,I need to get wome work done, too"
VanceS [transparent] says, "bye daf"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
VanceS [transparent] says, "I guess my basic need is to eat somethin"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "I know - maggi"
MargaretD says, "ok...nap time"
VanceS [transparent] says, "we've been at it for three hours tonight"
ChristopherMJ says, "gotta go, too. Nap"
VanceS [transparent] says, "but it's been fun and learned something as usual"
ChristopherMJ says, "today is a nice day here. going to enjoy the weather"
ChristopherMJ says, "thanks everyone"
ChristopherMJ says, "See you next time"
SusanneN [lab rat] says, "Still many people who do get basic food and shelter, need help to get online"
MargaretD says, "bye Chris"
SusanneN [lab rat] exclaims, "Indreible how time flies in good company!"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye everyone! Schnen Sonntag, Maggie"
MargaretD exclaims, "yep...bye all!"
SusanneN [lab rat] hugs bye to all around
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN [lab rat] has disconnected.
VanceS [transparent] says, "bye all"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [transparent] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 21 07:58:03 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: July 28, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens