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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: Emre from Turkey | BJB in Pennsylvania | Arthur in Ireland | Vance in Abu Dhabi | Christopher in Germany | HuiL from Fujian | Dafne in Spain | Felix in Brazil | Maggi in Germany | LianA in Wuhan | Teresa in Portugal | Kathleen | SaraTu | Jennifer | sungyou in Korea and Rif checking in from a hotel room in Ankara
Tapped In
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 7 04:42:22 2002 PDT.
emre has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 00:04:20 -0400
BJB [to Alix]: "Peshette"
ArthurM has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Vance
VanceS [home alone] says, "gazundheit"
emre [guest] says, "hi all"
emre [guest] says, "hi all"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Emre
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders what happened
VanceS [home alone] echos BJB's wonderment
emre [guest] says, "don't anything BJB"
BJB . o O ( must have pushed a paste key by accident...sorry )
VanceS [home alone] says, "oh, I thought you had a feather up your nose"
ArthurM says, "Hello, am I early? for once? :-)"
BJB [HelpDesk] exclaims, "Hi, Arthur!"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Hi Arthur, yeah me too"
BJB . o O ( the trick will be for you to stay connected, Arthur :-) )
emre [guest] )
BJB drops 2002/07/07 WebHeads (recording).
BJB [to Arthur]: "what are you cooking for dinner today?"
ArthurM says, "Nice one BJ! No, I am early because the house is about to fill with folk who were all with us at a family wedding, and Mrs McKeown is doing the honours today."
VanceS [home alone] says, "sounds like a fine Irish gathering about to commence"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles. That does sound lovely.
ArthurM says, "And no one should eat, after yesterday ...."
ArthurM says, "So the emphasis is on nibbling things"
ArthurM says, "I am not sure about my grammar ..."
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "grammar police are checking, Arthur ;-)"
VanceS [home alone] checks Arthur's grammar
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "oops...sorry, they're out partying with the spell police."
VanceS [home alone] says, "I'm just doing some webheads web pages"
ArthurM says, "Remind me how to PROJECT if you want to see a few rough shots of the guests ..."
VanceS [home alone] says, "Maybe i'll grab a thirst-antedote while we're waiting for the others"
VanceS [home alone] says, "it's /project and then a url"
ArthurM asks, "Is it VERY hot, Vance?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "not here in the house, but I like to have something to sip on"
ArthurM projects the URL: www.arthurmckeown.com/wedding
emre [guest] says, "good talk to everybody gonna go"
ArthurM says, "These were taken yesterday afternoon"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Emre
ArthurM says, "bye, emre"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "did you see the wedding pictures, Emre?"
emre [guest] asks, "no where are they?"
emre [guest] asks, "can send my photo BJB?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Arthur just projected the url"
BJB . o O ( www.arthurmckeown.com/wedding )
emre [guest] ) heyy that's good
BJB [to Emre [guest]]: "if you have your photo on a webpage, yes you can send."
VanceS [home alone] says, "yes, obviously Cathy has just got married"
emre [guest] says, "cathy ohh see"
emre [guest] says, "sorry :) cathy ohh see"
BJB [to Arthur]: "Is Cathy your daughter?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "and as the party is at your house, must be Arthur's daughter"
ArthurM says, "Cathy is my wife's niece"
emre [guest] says, "what does say to this mean don't know but happiness =)"
ArthurM says, "She was our bridesmaid 20 years ago"
emre [guest] says, "byee"
emre [guest] says, "QUIT :12,15-1>12 12Klavye 10[7ELiTe4++10] 12-1>10,0 [ 14http://www.klavye.gen.tr 10] - 4irc.klavye.gen.tr - 12Lee"
BJB [to Emre [guest]]: "bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_176 [guest] has lost its link.
BJB [to Arthur]: "what a wonderful history! Looks like a nice family"
ArthurM says, "bye"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "turkey?"
BJB . o O ( we didn't answer Emre's q )
BJB [HelpDesk] nods
VanceS [home alone] says, "I mean Emre"
ArthurM says, "Yersterday was a family historian's dream event"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles.
VanceS [home alone] says, "You sound pleased with it Arthur"
BJB . o O ( Emre came here with Rif last week and has been logged in a few times. It is a struggle for him as his English is fairly limited. )
ArthurM says, "ok"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "So he was here for WEbheads then?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Tell us about your family Arthur, and the wedding"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I would think so, Vance."
BJB [HelpDesk] listens to Arthur
VanceS [home alone] returns with iced tea and pistachio nuts
VanceS [home alone] can't hear anything, turns the Arthur volume as high as it will go
ArthurM says, "100 people for the main event - her father and mother's only daughter; and they have a lot of friends and family on took the opportunity to come togerther from all around the world."
VanceS [home alone] rubs ears at sudden burst of sound
BJB [HelpDesk] grins
ArthurM says, "And Cathy is a journalist in Wales; so she brought a lot of media types; and her new husband works for a leading football club as their PR person, so that brought a different contingent - but not David and victoria Beckham ..."
ChristopherMJ has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Chris. Good day"
ArthurM exclaims, "Chris, Hi!"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "Hi everyone!"
ArthurM says, "Sorry - I am being summoned. Back later, I hope ..."
ChristopherMJ says, "See you Arthur"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves. Enjoy the company
VanceS [home alone] says, "the grammar police must have arrived"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Hi Chris"
ChristopherMJ asks, "How's it going Vance and BJ?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "just updating web pages, sending email to webheads"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Home alone and they're letting you use the computer :-)"
VanceS [home alone] says, "getting comfortable on return from work"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "a little slow yet. Everyone must be sleeping in or enjoying a summer holiday."
VanceS [home alone] says, "yes, I have the DSL computer today, this month in fact"
BJB . o O ( no electricians or plumbers today, Vance? )
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, nice weather here in Germany."
VanceS . o O ( not expecting any )
VanceS [home alone] says, "shamal blowing through today, that's a hot north wind"
VanceS [home alone] says, "CNN said hi of 46 today in Abu Dhabi"
ChristopherMJ wonders if there are ever any cold winds in the Emerates
ChristopherMJ says, "46 wow, 25 here"
ChristopherMJ says, "celsius"
VanceS [home alone] says, "yep, 9 months of the year it's very pleasant here (like it is now in Germany)"
ChristopherMJ says, "3 months a year, it's pleasant. Looks like you got the better deal on the weather .... front (excuse the pun)"
VanceS [home alone] says, "I think so, I prefer the heat to a cold drizzle any day"
ChristopherMJ says, "Plenty of cold drizzle days here -- November is the worst"
ChristopherMJ says, "How was the turnout last week (I was at a World Cup party)"
VanceS [home alone] says, "pretty good as I recall"
ChristopherMJ says, "I can imagine that David was giving play-by-play action"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "David was at his own party :-)"
ChristopherMJ says, "ah"
VanceS [home alone] says, "yeah, no brazilians here either"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "or was Nicia here ??"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "but there was a nice turnout last week. The logs are in the file cabinet in Vance's office. I don't think Nicia was here."
VanceS [home alone] says, "I've started logging the chats again"
VanceS [home alone] says, "don't think I've done last week's though"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Were the South Americans routing for Brazil (e.g., Daphne, Rita)?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "maybe I'll do it now on the other computer"
VanceS [home alone] says, "yes, I guess the game was almost over when we started"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "so what are you guys up to this summer?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "enjoying the grandbaby :-), working on TI stuff, and relaxing"
BJB . o O ( conference in Portland Oregon in August )
ChristopherMJ says, "Looking for a job, working on my dissertation, and maybe starting up inline skating again"
HuiL has connected.
ChristopherMJ asks, "How about you, Vance?"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "yeah, you were looking in UAE right?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Hui. Welcome"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Hui"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Dafne
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Dafne"
DafneG says, "hello everybody"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Hi Daf"
HuiL says, "hi there miss bj"
DafneG kisses everybody on both cheeks
HuiL says, "hi miss"
VanceS [home alone] kisses the ladies on both cheeks
DafneG blushes
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "got turned down for the UAE job, but the videoconference sure was interesting. Gotta biggie (interview) this week - final 4 for a professorship"
BJB [HelpDesk] wishes Chris good luck
ChristopherMJ says, "thx BJ"
DafneG crosses fingers for Chris
ChristopherMJ says, "ThX Daf"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "turned down on what grounds, I wonder ???"
DafneG says, "they did not like his hat, maybe"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "I think they thought I was too research oriented and not hands on enough (Ph.D. work)"
DafneG . o O ( oh it was his hands then, not his hat ;-) )
VanceS [home alone] says, "ah ha, yeah"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Hi HuiL"
ChristopherMJ says, "I am known as Mr. Hands-on in some circles, but maybe maybe the hat was a distraction ;-)"
HuiL says, "hi vances"
HuiL says, "how are u doing"
DafneG says, "hello Hui"
VanceS [home alone] says, "we're all fine I think"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Vui"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "where are you from?"
ChristopherMJ says, "sorry,...Hui"
HuiL says, "i'm from china"
HuiL says, "hi chris"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "where in China?"
VanceS . o O ( or have you told us before ??? )
HuiL says, "southeast"
HuiL says, "yes"
HuiL says, "i come here often"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "oh, Guangjhou?"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "near Hong Kong?"
HuiL says, "aboveit"
DafneG looks webpage cooking.
VanceS . o O ( is starting to remember )
HuiL says, "i'm apainting fun"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I am from Venezuela, Hui"
HuiL asks, "how about your work . christopher?"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'm American and living and Germany, Hui"
HuiL exclaims, "sorry i'm not clear!"
HuiL says, "hi dafneG"
ChristopherMJ asks, "my work... do you mean my job search or what I do for a living?"
Felix has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Felix
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Felix"
BJB . o O ( long time no see! )
VanceS [home alone] says, "hi Felix"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Chris"
DafneG [webpage cooking] waves to Feliz
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Vance"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi BJB"
HuiL says, "i mean your enjoy"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "Felix, how many weeks does the party last in Brazil?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "Felix"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi everybody"
HuiL says, "hi felix"
Felix [guest] says, "It's still going on :o)))"
ChristopherMJ [to Hui]: "what I do for fun?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "according to his face, Felix is still celebrating"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "yeah, how many weeks to go?"
HuiL says, "maybe"
VanceS . o O ( four years maybe? )
Felix [guest] says, "That's right Dafneg"
Felix [guest] says, "I think this weekend it finishes Vance"
Felix [guest] says, "Ppl don't have much money to spend in celebrations"
ChristopherMJ [to Hui]: "I like sports and music (guitar and singing). What about you?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "My online students have told me that in Caracas they celebrated as if it was Venezuela who had gotten the cup"
HuiL says, "i like writte poem and painting"
Felix [guest] asks, "They celebrated for Brazil Daf??"
ChristopherMJ says, "In Germany, they celebrated as if they got the cup"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "yes, they did. Felix"
HuiL asks, "right?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "I play Guitar and sing too, and so does Michael, only he does it better"
DafneG [webpage cooking] exclaims, "they always do. We are neighbours!"
HuiL says, "guitar i do not fun"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "do not enjoy?"
HuiL says, "neighbours that'svery good"
Felix [guest] says, "What is funny is that in Brazil ppl weren't confident in our team."
ChristopherMJ says, "We should have an online jam session sometime"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "why not, Felix?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "michael and I tried that once"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I do not play any instrument, but I am very good at dancing"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles at the recollection of the jam session
Felix [guest] says, "Because our players werent as good as the ones we had in previous World Cups."
Felix [guest] says, "I am good at dancing also Dafneg"
VanceS [home alone] says, "maybe we could set up Yahoo web cams"
HuiL asks, "miss bj.can u teatch me something?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Christopher and I can play"
Felix [guest] says, "But I am a nobody when it comes to play instruments."
ChristopherMJ says, "No prob, Dafne, dancing is a good addition to music"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Dafne and Felix can dance"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I even know how to dance lambada"
BJB [to Hui]: "what are you interested in learning?"
Felix [guest] says, "Dafne, the coreography is ours.. :o)))"
Felix [guest] says, "Learing how to play? Don't think so"
DafneG [webpage cooking] starts dancing around the house
Felix [guest] asks, "Where's MC?"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "OK, you're in!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hui and I can paint sets/scenery"
Felix [guest] asks, "Where's Mad?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "ppl may be on holiday"
DafneG sings, ~\ Hurra for our Webheads band! /~
VanceS [home alone] asks, "there you go ... on't know about Maggi, do you have her on ICQ Felix?"
HuiL asks, "i one of my friend is online now.and i want to send her a web(like this web),and what can i doing?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "oops"
Felix [guest] says, "Yep"
VanceS [home alone] exclaims, "she's on ICQ now? Invite her over!"
BJB [to Hui]: "can you ask your friend to log in to TAPPED IN?"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders where Hui's friend is located
Felix [guest] says, "just did it"
Felix [guest] asks, "Where's everybody from here?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Pennsylvania, USA"
HuiL says, "but she do not interest this. as i had asked her to"
ChristopherMJ says, "Germany"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Abu Dhabi"
BJB [to Hui]: "what is your friend interested in?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "Spain"
HuiL says, "she still learning in school"
HuiL says, "i met her on line st"
Felix [guest] says, "The next World Cup will be in Germany right? Make room for me you German Webheads.. :o)))"
HuiL says, "yes in germany"
HuiL says, "that's very well"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "btw, my cooking page is progressing"
Felix [guest] says, "no word from Christopher :(((("
ChristopherMJ says, "No prob, Feix come on over"
Felix [guest] says, "Yupieeeeee"
BJB [to Hui]: "your friend is welcome to join us. Perhaps she would feel more comfortable with a smaller group of people?"
VanceS [to Hui]: "Please invite your friend, we'd like to meet her"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "yes, Hui, do"
HuiL says, "i'm not clear."
Felix [guest] says, "I am watching Formula 1 rght now"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "who's winning?"
Felix [guest] says, "Schumacher"
ChristopherMJ asks, "How's Schumie (Schumacher) doing?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] exclaims, "great!!!!"
BJB [to Hui]: "you can ask your friend to log in to TAPPED IN and then we can go to another room so the text doesn't scroll so fast."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
BJB [to DafneG]: "are you almost ready to share your page?"
Felix [guest] says, "He's always doing great"
BJB [HelpDesk] is getting excited about the carnival :-)
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "he is tops"
Felix [guest] asks, "Carnival? When is carnival there BJB?"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "this is TAPPED IN Carnival, Felix...may I project the schedule?"
DafneG [to BJB]: "I am sorry I have not been able to participate in the planning, but I have been so busy with my online course"
Felix [guest] says, "of course."
Felix [guest] says, "I think it's strange Carnival at this time of the year"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "it is a summer carnival, Felix"
Felix [guest] asks, "do you charge for it Dafne?"
BJB [HelpDesk] shows Felix the URL: http://www.tappedin.org/info/sc2002.html
HuiL says, "sorry i hadnot done it"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "for the cooking lesson?"
Felix [guest] says, "for your online course"
HuiL says, "oh cooking lesson"
Felix [guest] asks, "is that a cooking course?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Dafne is one of the people giving a cooking lesson at the TAPPED IN Summer Carnival"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "no, Feliz it is an oline course on Spanish Modernist Architecture for my ESP architecture students in Caracas"
Felix [guest] says, "ohhhhh"
Felix [guest] says, "Barrichello is the second.. YUPIEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Felix [guest] says, "On Friday I got a shot for tettanus... It's aching a lot"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "did you get hurt?"
Felix [guest] asks, "I got a shot or I had a shot???"
Maggi has connected.
Felix [guest] says, "nope.. All my company had it."
ChristopherMJ says, "Either "got" or "had" sounds good to me"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Hallo, Maggi, wie geht's?"
BJB [to Felix [guest]]: "was it just a routine tetanus vaccination?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "hello Maggi"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Maggi
VanceS [home alone] says, "hi maggi"
Maggi [guest] says, "hi"
Felix [guest] exclaims, "Geht's Maggi!!!"
Maggi [guest] says, "mit IE"
BJB [to Maggi [guest]]: "Happy belated birthday!"
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "thank you BJ!"
Felix [guest] says, "HB to you Maggi"
HuiL [to BJB]: ":do u paint something about portrait often."
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, Happy beleated Maggi"
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "thank you!"
Felix [guest] asks, "Hui, why dont you create a logo for Webheads?"
Felix [guest] asks, "What do you think Vance?"
BJB [to Hui]: "I do very little art work. I use my creative energies in other ways."
ChristopherMJ [to Maggi [guest]]: "Did you ever explain "weichei" to Vance?"
Maggi [guest] says, "no"
HuiL says, "so that"
VanceS [home alone] says, "sorry, someone called me on my mobile"
VanceS [home alone] says, "Yes, regarding logo, Pon made one for us some time ago"
Maggi [guest] asks, "at home Vance?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "I think it's nice though if members create a logo or us"
VanceS [home alone] says, "for us"
Felix [guest] asks, "and Where's the logo Vance?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "at the top of any Writing for WEbheads page"
Felix [guest] says, "what is "weichei"?? Didnt find it in my dictionay"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "shall I project?"
Felix [guest] says, "dictionary"
HuiL [to Felix [guest]]: "because she is very kindness"
Felix [guest] says, "but of course"
HuiL says, "to me too"
Maggi [guest] says, "it is slang Felix"
Felix [guest] asks, "meaning what?"
Maggi [guest] says, "lol"
HuiL asks, "slang??"
Maggi [guest] says, "whimp"
HuiL asks, "whimp??"
Felix [guest] says, "Maggi, you know how curious I am :o))"
VanceS [home alone] says, "we were talking about translators, and Maggi suggested I run Weichesei through the translator"
ChristopherMJ says, "or is it "wimp" (I'm the world's lousiest speller)"
Maggi [guest] asks, "know what a whimp is Felix?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "but the translator didn't know what to make of it"
Felix [guest] asks, "Like what children do when they dont get what they want?"
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "no doub it is wimp too Chris!"
HuiL [to ChristopherMJ]: "what's your think about your job? very well?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "a wimp, as far as I know, is a man who does not act like a man"
ChristopherMJ [to Maggi [guest]]: "wimp or whimp, don't ask me?"
Felix [guest] asks, "a gay?"
VanceS [home alone] says, "how can I say it, is not strong, lets others push him around"
VanceS [home alone] says, "someone you can push around, who doesn't stand up for himself"
Maggi [guest] says, "ot necessesarily gay"
ChristopherMJ [to Hui]: "My job is fine, but my contract ends in August, which is why I'm looking for a new job"
Maggi [guest] says, "weiches ei, 2 words, is a soft boiled egg Vance"
HuiL says, "oh i'm looking for a painting job to"
VanceS [home alone] asks, "sort of like a 'milktoast' then, is that it Maggi?"
Felix [guest] asks, "milktoast????????"
Maggi [guest] says, "no"
Felix [guest] says, "Is that Esperanto? LOL"
VanceS [to Hui]: "what kind of painting job would you like?"
ChristopherMJ says, "There is only one thing worse than milktoast, and that's melba toast"
HuiL [to ChristopherMJ]: "what job do u like to fund for?"
VanceS [to Felix [guest]]: "a 'milktoast' is a married man whose wife runs all over him, who is weaker than his wife"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "are talking about french toasts"
Maggi [guest] says, "something for someone with no teeth"
Felix [guest] says, "I know lots of milktoast"
HuiL [to VanceS]: "i like many many the most is portrait"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "French toast is god"
ChristopherMJ says, "good"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "now, I know you are not. I went to the kitchen and got lost"
Felix [guest] says, "We have a joke in Brazil.."
HuiL says, "toast is what"
LianA finds her way in.
LianA's personal recorder follows LianA to here.
ChristopherMJ [to Hui]: "I'm trying to get a professorship"
Felix [guest] says, "We are so machos that our wives have to bend their knees to talk to us"
Maggi [guest] says, "browned bread HuiL"
VanceS [to Hui]: "Who would hire you to do portraits in China?"
VanceS [home alone] exclaims, "Hi Lian!"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "Hello Lian"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Lian"
Felix [guest] says, "Because we are always under the bed :o)))"
LianA [happy] says, "hi, all, nice to meet you"
HuiL says, "hi lian"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Liana"
LianA [happy] says, "hi, huil"
LianA [happy] says, "hi, felix"
Maggi [guest] exclaims, "good one Felix!"
Felix [guest] says, "I had a professor called Liana"
LianA [happy] says, "hi, vance"
HuiL [to VanceS]: "noone can"
LianA [happy] says, "LOL"
VanceS [to Hui]: "then when you say you would like to get a job painting ... what kind of job would that be?"
Felix [guest] says, "In Italy Andrea is a man name, in Brazil is the other way around"
Felix [guest] says, "It's like Jean.. In Brazil in a man name."
HuiL [to LianA]: "what time will come to china next time"
TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "but it is also a woman's name in Italy"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Teresa"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Hello, one and all!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Tere"
VanceS [home alone] says, "In France a man, in USA usually a lady (Jean)"
DafneG [webpage cooking] hugs Tere
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Tere
Felix [guest] says, "Andrea is a man's name in Italy."
VanceS [home alone] says, "Hi Teresa"
Maggi [guest] says, "here Andreas is the man and Andrea the woman"
HuiL [to VanceS]: "teacher is very good in my country"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "but it is also used for ladies, Felix"
Felix [guest] says, "In Brazil Andrea is the woman, Andre is the man"
Felix [guest] says, "oh It's a unisex name then"
Maggi [guest] says, "sort of Felix"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I have friends (boys and girls) from Italy who are called Andrea, what changes is the pronunciation"
Felix [guest] says, "Interesting Dafne"
Maggi [guest] says, "like in the US Marion is a man and Marian a woman"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "Tere how is your cooking page going?"
Felix [guest] asks, "Does anybody here know what Che Moi (it's French) mean?"
HuiL [to LianA]: "where are u now? in china in wuhan"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "my house, my home"
TeresaAlm says, "Not bad, though I don't have the photos yet."
ChristopherMJ says, "Chez moi means "at my place" or "at my house""
Felix [guest] says, "Thanks Dafne"
TeresaAlm says, "the photos i took, i mean."
ChristopherMJ says, "oops, didn't see your message, Daf"
VanceS looks chez moi.
HuiL says, "and now i'm not in chez moi"
Felix [guest] says, "LOl@at"
Felix [guest] says, "LOL@Vance"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "yours was more specific, Chris"
Felix [guest] says, "I am"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "je suis chez moi"
Maggi [guest] asks, "what's cooking?"
ChristopherMJ says, "moi aussi"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "eu tambem estou 'em casa'!"
Felix [guest] says, "meu lar"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "y moi, mais ... are you taking pictures of your cooking, Dafne?"
Felix [guest] says, "eu tambm Teresa"
Felix [guest] says, "tambem"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "yes, they are ready"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "eu tambem"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I mean the pictures and all the material"
Felix [guest] exclaims, "Vance you parrot!!!!"
HuiL [to BJB]: "do you known where is liana from?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "muito bem, vance! aprendes rapido!"
VanceS [chez moi] exclaims, "Vance ou parrot!!!!"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I am just trying to see how to organize the lesson"
HuiL asks, "is she a chinese?"
HuiL projects LianA [happy]. a university student who teaches in university in Wuhan Hubei China.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "That's great Daf, and Tere, are you taking pictures of your cooking too?"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "and is Rita doing the arepas?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I took the pictures with my new digital cam"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i just need to finishing organize part of my stuff. and have my photos developed!"
Felix [guest] says, "Hey I am trying to organize an online Brazilian Portuguese Course."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "that sounds interesting Felix"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "no, Rita does not know how to prepare arepas, that's a venezuelas dish"
Maggi [guest] says, "do you teach English HuiL?teach"
Felix [guest] says, "Need to learn how to deal with html"
HuiL asks, "html??"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I have learned a lot about html"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "What do you need to do in particular Felix?"
Felix [guest] asks, "How do I say Good Morning in French?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "now, I am creating my pages from scratch"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "bon jour"
Felix [guest] asks, "what do you mean Vance?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "bonjour (one word)"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "I mean, I know you've made web pages, so what do you need help with in HTML?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "oops, thanks, VAnce"
VanceS . o O ( oops on the arepas - I'll remember not to order them in Argentina )
Felix [guest] says, "I need to put up the lesson online and when the students answer it the answers go to my email... Like a submit..."
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "response-o-matic will work for you"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "ah, that would be javascript perhaps, or maybe even something more complicated"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "snap to Daf"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I was just about to mention r-o-m"
Felix [guest] says, "nope.. HTML will work"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "yes, daf! i was at the site yesterday and it's great!"
TeresaAlm says, "and looks simple and easy to use, too."
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I am using it with my online students and it has worked just great"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "to get the answers, you have to have scripts running on the server, and a server that allows students to write on it"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "RoM let's you do that and get an email of their responses"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
TeresaAlm says, "keiko has been using it for the sigin form for the ti carnival session. it's also worked great when we try it out."
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "and students can check what they are sending before the assignment is sent"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "do you have access to an internet host server, Felix?"
Felix [guest] says, "Geocities Vance"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "the free one? or do you pay Geocities?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "that's the one I use"
HuiL projects TeresaAlm. I am a middle school EFL teacher currently teaching 9th grade. I have been a fan of the new technologies for some time and my Master's thesis on NetLearning turned book: "NetAprendizagem: A Internet na Educacao". During the 2000-2001 school year I was on sabbatical, given by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, to carry out an individual project called "The applications of email to the learning process". In October 2001 I took my first-ever online course and loved it. As a member of the EVOnline 2002 Webheads group I have so far learned a lot, opened my horizons wider, met wonderful people and. . . have had great fun!.
Felix [guest] says, "free one"
TeresaAlm asks, "btw, do you think we could post bj and mhutch's blurb of the carnival to the teslca list?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I will send the blurb to the ESP-IS in Argentina"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_157 [guest] has disconnected.
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "to their list I mean"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "they probably don't run any scripts for free that will let you collect submissions"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I am using the free one,and have had no problems with r-0-m, Vance"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I mean, with RoM no problem of course, but you have to get submissions in email"
Kathleen has connected.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "did you notice that damian (from greece) was trying to get hold of a concordancing paper of yours on the teslca list a few days ago?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Kathleen. Welcome"
Kathleen [guest] says, "hi"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "If you want to set up your own website with a Submit button, where do you think the answers will go?"
BJB [to Kathleen [guest]]: "can we help you with anything?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, kathleen!"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "Hi Kathleen"
DafneG [to VanceS]: "yes, I get the emails fine"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "with yahoo"
Kathleen [guest] says, "hi all, no just decided to check this out"
Felix has connected.
VanceS [to Hui]: "I'm looking on the EVOnline webheads page and I can't find Hui there. Do we know you by another name?"
BJB [to Kathleen [guest]]: "what brings you to TAPPED IN? You have joined a group of international ESL/EFL teachers and learners"
Felix [guest] says, "I am back"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "wb, Felix"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_95 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "scroll up a little and look at my question, ok?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "Hi Kathleen and wb Felix. Welcome to this international group of ESL Teachers and learners"
VanceS [to Teresa]: "Yes, thanks for reminding me, I'll go look for it now"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "hello Kathelen, I am Dafne from Venezuela, living in Spain"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "it's from the 1980's is the problem"
ChristopherMJ has connected.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "do you know which one he wants?"
BJB . o O ( oops...lost Kathleen )
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "wb, Chris"
HuiL [to VanceS]: "ofcause u can find me i'm like a guest here"
ChristopherMJ says, "Thanks , those cybergypsies"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "yes, 1988."
MaggiD has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] waves wb to Maggi
MaggiD [guest] says, "window froze"
MaggiD [guest] says, "I thought everyone stopped talking"
HuiL [to LianA]: "hi do u rember keni?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_125 [guest] has lost its link.
LianA [happy] says, "yes"
LianA [happy] says, "i do remberkeni"
MaggiD [guest] says, "someone else popped"
VanceS [chez moi] returns from attic
LianA [happy] asks, "where is keni now?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "cough cough"
HuiL asks, "do you now still in wuhan?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "couldn't find it up there"
LianA [happy] asks, "yes, i am now in wuhan, who are you ?"
HuiL says, "he is now in wuhan doing some thing"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "do you have that teslca digest/message? i do, if you need it."
HuiL says, "i'm the most friend of his"
LianA [happy] says, "so, who are you, huil"
LianA [happy] asks, "so how do you know I know Keni?"
MaggiD [guest] asks, "who or where?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has lost her link.
LianA [happy] asks, "have I ever met you?"
HuiL says, "chinese is lin guo hil"
HuiL says, "not"
LianA [happy] says, "great."
LianA [happy] says, "linguo"
MaggiD [guest] says, "another popped"
HuiL says, "but i heard u before"
LianA [happy] asks, "so how do you know my ID?"
HuiL says, "sorry i just heard from keny]"
TeresaAlm has connected.
HuiL asks, "where aer u from?"
LianA [happy] says, "I am from Wuhan"
LianA [happy] asks, "so where are you now?"
HuiL says, "do u chinese"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "got disconnected when trying to open a web page!!!"
HuiL says, "i'm in fujian"
HuiL says, "in fuzhou"
LianA [happy] asks, "oh, great, how do you know this webpage?"
HuiL says, "from keny too"
LianA [happy] says, "great."
LianA [happy] asks, "you like English very much?"
MaggiD2 has connected.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "do you need help with the name of the paper damian needs? i have that digest."
HuiL says, "not well only comunicating alittl"
HuiL says, "a little"
2002/07/07 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
LianA [happy] says, "keep on practice like this."
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "this zinging around makes you dizzy"
LianA [happy] asks, "how is keny now?"
BJB drops 2002/07/07 Webheads2 (recording).
VanceS [to Teresa]: "I have it too but go ahead and remind me"
HuiL says, "yes he is still alive and 'kiked'"
E has connected.
LianA [happy] asks, "what does kiked mean?"
HuiL says, "kiking"
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "kik"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "it's Stevens, V. (1988a). Studying vocabulary using concordances on ="
MaggiD2 [guest] asks, "kiked??"
TeresaAlm says, "microcomputers. TESOL Newsletter 22 (3), 27."
HuiL says, "his hair is very long now"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "TESOL Newsletter, that might help"
LianA [happy] says, "yes, i know he is art studednet"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'll see if I can find any old newsletters"
Felix [guest] says, "Hey all, just found what I was talking about."
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "and it's damian at damker@OTENET.GR, ok?"
Felix [guest] asks, "Can you check at it and give me an opinion?"
HuiL says, "and he just come back from beijin in 5mounth"
Felix [guest] says, "http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/3544/index4.h tml"
TeresaAlm asks, "felix, can you project it?"
Felix [guest] asks, "how?"
E [guest] goes UP.
HuiL [to LianA]: "where is you hometown"
Felix [guest] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/3544/index4.html
HuiL says, "you look sound like a chinese girl."
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "it does not show, Felix"
ChristopherMJ says, "I had better get back to work here. You all have a nice Sunday"
HuiL says, "the web is not work"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "bye, Chris"
HuiL says, "bye"
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "won't show the page here"
LianA [happy] asks, "so you think my name is like a chinese?"
HuiL says, "yes"
Felix [guest] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/3544/index4.html
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "bye Chrias"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_94 [guest] has lost its link.
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "ok"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
LianA [happy] grins to Huil
TeresaAlm [to Felix [guest]]: "it's showing fine."
BJB [HelpDesk] goes to get the paper and make breakfast.
BJB looks away.
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "I hve it now"
LianA [happy] says, "nice to talk to you , huil"
TeresaAlm asks, "felix, i missed your explanation. is this a submission form for a course?"
HuiL says, "me too"
LianA [happy] says, "I have to go to have a shower now, have a good day."
HuiL says, "u are kindness"
Felix [guest] says, "Yep.. I am trying to make lessons like this home page"
LianA [happy] says, "I wish that I could meet you later."
Felix [guest] asks, "I put the questions and the students answers it and submit.. What do you think?"
HuiL [to Lianabye]: ""
HuiL says, "every week now"
LianA [happy] waves bye to hui
TeresaAlm says, "i think it looks fine at first sight."
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "looks good Felix"
LianA [happy] says, "great, i will meet you in the future"
LianA [happy] says, "goodbye all"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "is that the registration form?"
HuiL says, "seeya"
LianA [happy] says, "have a nice day, and a nice night"
MaggiD2 [guest] says, "ye Lian"
LianA [happy] says, "see ya all"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "bye, Lian"
You hear a quiet popping sound; LianA [happy] has disconnected.
Felix [guest] says, "Right Dafne"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "it looks fine, Felix"
SaraTu has connected.
Felix [guest] asks, "What do you think? Do I do it only in Portuguese or in English also?"
VanceS [chez moi] waves to BJB [away], HuiL, DafneG [webpage cooking],
Felix [guest], TeresaAlm, MaggiD2 [guest], and SaraTu.
VanceS [chez moi] says, "hi, I just got back from the basement"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "can't find that paper down there"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "it all depends on your target population, Felix"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "is this your web page Felix?"
TeresaAlm asks, "felix, what is the url for the course?"
Felix [guest] projects the URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/3544
Felix [guest] says, "But I have a big problem there."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "woops I was jsut filling out the form"
TeresaAlm [to Felix [guest]]: "how dumb of me, i should have clicked on back before asking!!!"
Felix [guest] says, "I made this home page a long time ago as an assignment for Webheads.. Now I forgot the password for it."
HuiL says, "sorry theweb is not work here"
Felix [guest] says, "Tried lots of time to recover it from geocities but no luck"
HuiL says, "yews"
Felix [guest] says, "I will need to load it again as a new home page."
HuiL says, "yes"
SaraTu gets Cat_31916 from the vending machine.
Felix [guest] asks, "Do you understand what I mean?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I've got a problem with a Geocities site too"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I have a travel site where teh password no longer works"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "Is there a cat in here?"
Magggi has connected.
TeresaAlm asks, "7to vance won't they help you recover it?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I haven't tried all that hard, just wrote them one email"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I do pay for a geocities site, not my travel one"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "maybe I should try harder"
Felix [guest] says, "I wrote also but no response from them"
Magggi [guest] says, "the last Maggi still shows here"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "yeah, no response either for me"
TeresaAlm says, "felix, i'll take a look at your page later. i'm afraid to get disconnected again."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, i have to leave. have a nice day, everyone. hope to see you next sunday. hugs!"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "so felix what happens when people submit the data on the online form you had up earlier?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
DafneG [webpage cooking] hugs Tere goodbye
VanceS [chez moi] shines flashlight on BJB [away], HuiL, DafneG [webpage cooking], Felix [guest], MaggiD2 [guest], SaraTu, and Magggi [guest].
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "well, guys, see you later. I have lots of work to do"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "ok Daf, kitchen smells great there"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "that is not my kitchen, Vance ;-)"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_130 [guest] has lost its link.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "who'd we lose?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "I am afraid webpages do not smell ....yet"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "well, you have to use our virtual imagination"
VanceS [chez moi] sniffs a hint of garlic, some spices ...
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "saphron may be?"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "hmmm, seafood?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "no, my paella does not have seafood"
Felix [guest] says, "What I plan to do is to send the first lesson and then correct.. Not sure how I will do it yet"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "do you mean send by email?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] asks, "what will you correct? What kind of assignment?"
Felix [guest] says, "for the beginning only "complete the blanks" exercises"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I just submitted the form data and got a message, the website does not exist"
SaraTu goes up.
SaraTu's personal recorder (recording) goes up.
VanceS [chez moi] says, "http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/homestead/mail. pl"
Felix [guest] asks, "really??"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "this is the nonexistent page"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/homestead/mail. pl"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "maybe you used a form they used to support but no longer have at their free site"
Felix [guest] says, "same here.. need to work on it"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "you've got to have a host that supports the cgi scripts or whatever you use"
Felix [guest] says, "Vance.. I just thought of something."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "bounce it off me, bro"
Felix [guest] asks, "Can I put this page in an email.?"
Felix [guest] asks, "Like put a link to email me and the form shows up in the body of the email?"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "you mean the html in an email with embedded javascript and send it to others whose email clients support html?"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "ok gtgn, bfn, Cu all"
Felix [guest] says, "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "wpdg ps"
DafneG [webpage cooking] says, "lol"
Felix [guest] asks, "When you have a link called email me and you click on it, it shows your email program right?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_115 [guest] has lost its link.
Felix [guest] says, "so I want this page to show in the body of the email the new student will send to me."
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG [webpage cooking] has disconnected.
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I think it would be possible, but don't know how exactly"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "oh, no I get what you mean, no in that case the link would be to a web page, this one in fact"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "at the end of which is a submit button"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_192 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [chez moi] says, "check out http://www.response-o-matic.com"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "that will get you up and running for free"
Felix has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; HuiL has lost his link.
Felix [guest] asks, "Vance where is Webheads hosted?"
Felix [guest] asks, "I need to find a free place for my home page.. Any idea?"
Felix [guest] asks, "Vance?"
Felix [guest] asks, "?????????"
Felix [guest] asks, "Where's everybody??"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "here I am"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "sorry ,talking with Rif in Yahoo"
Felix [guest] says, "Read what I asked you"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "he's in a hotel in Ankara"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "a free place ... hard to find one with services"
Felix [guest] says, "i see"
Felix [guest] asks, "but what's the www for efiwebheads?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/ efi/webheads.htm"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "shall I project it?"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "still there Felix?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "let's see who's here: look for /all"
VanceS [chez moi] looks for BJB [away] and Felix [guest].
SaraTu has arrived.
SaraTu's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "Hi Sara, any help needed?"
SaraTu says, "Hi! I was able to finally drop my cat, but I need some help trying to set up a meeting."
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "what kind of meeting?"
SaraTu asks, "Something small. With three classmates from a course I am taking. Private, I guess?"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "are you a member?"
SaraTu says, "yes, for about a year, but I just acquired an office. Bit slow, I know. :--)"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "you can become a member for free and set up an office"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "yeah, isn't that a good meeting room?"
SaraTu exclaims, "I don't have a clue how to arrange a meeting in my office. I'm lucky I was able to drop the cat!"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "you just have your students visit http://www.tappedin.org"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "and you go to your office"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "and your students type /join saratu"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_15 [guest] has lost its link.
SaraTu says, "Thank you. It sounds simple enough."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "if you want to try it, just type /home"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "and I'll join you in your office"
SaraTu goes home.
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Jul 7 07:30:45 2002 PDT.
Started recording in SaraTu's Office (#31917)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 7 07:30:45 2002 PDT.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "where am I?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "in your office (I just opened my eyes)"
SaraTu says, "In my office - 29th floor. I like prime numbers."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "so that's how you do it"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "anything else I can help you with?"
SaraTu asks, "A quick question - Is our conversation private , i.e., between us and the cat?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'm having a log sent to my email automatically"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "but of course it's private"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'm a member here and can retain a log"
SaraTu exclaims, "This is too cool! Thank you, Vance!"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "you're welcome"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "anything else?"
SaraTu says, "No. I just need to give concise directions, but that is no problem."
VanceS [chez moi] says, "ok, I'll lay a finger aside of my nose then"
SaraTu exclaims, "Good-bye!"
VanceS [chez moi] lays a finger aside of his nose
VanceS [chez moi] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 7 07:35:03 2002 PDT.
Meanwhile, Vance encounters Sung You on MSN Messenger and we decide to visit Tapped In
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 7 07:41:33 2002 PDT.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in VanceS's Office (#12249) at Sun Jul 7 07:42:11 2002 PDT.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 7 07:42:11 2002 PDT.
VanceS [chez moi] says, "ok, you made it"
Jennifer has connected.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "hello Jennifer, need any help?"
sungyou [guest] says, "Hi jennifer."
sungyou [guest] says, "I can see your picture Vances"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "So, this is where we normally meet at noon GMT, to about 14:00 GMT"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "right now it's 14:43 GMT"
sungyou [guest] asks, "really?"
Jennifer [guest] says, "I have never been here before, are there resources for chemistry teachers"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "hmmm, not sure, you could look in the ASO, After School Online"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "it's an ajacent room from here"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'm a language teacher"
sungyou [guest] asks, "Jennifer ! do you study chemistry?"
Jennifer [guest] leaves for the ASO.
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "shall we go to the ASO?"
sungyou [guest] says, "She left"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'll go there and you can type /join vances to find me"
sungyou [guest] asks, "do you ask to me?"
VanceS [chez moi] says, "I'll leave, and you type /join vances when I'm gone"
VanceS [chez moi] asks, "ok?"
sungyou [guest] says, "yes I will"
Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Jul 7 07:46:24 2002 PDT.
Started recording in After School Online Room (#1460)[TappedIn] at Sun Jul 7 07:46:24 2002 PDT.
sungyou [guest] arrives from nowhere.
VanceS [chez moi] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jul 7 07:46:50 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: July 28, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |
(C)opyright 2002 Vance Stevens