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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: BJB in Pennsylvania | Vance in Abu Dhabi and his Alter_Ego | Rita in Argentina| Susanne in Denmark and her pals Bigfoot and Sweettooth | Marina in Italy | Dafne in Spain | Ying Lan in New York | Aiden in Taiwan | Sarah in the UAE | John in Puerto Rico | Richard | Stephanie | Elizabeth | Brunella
Click here to jump to the point in our conversation where Brazil won the Word Cup 2002
Tapped In
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jun 30 05:26:07 2002 PDT.
BJB [HelpDesk] cheers wildly
VanceS [webheaded] says, "whew"
VanceS [webheaded] says, "hi everyone"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Vance
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, VancE, morn!"
VanceS [webheaded] says, "sorry, nothing is working today"
VanceS [webheaded] says, "my DSL won't connect"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "lot of network problems yesterday"
VanceS [webheaded] says, "on my dialup IE wouldn't run the tapestry applet"
VanceS [webheaded] says, "so at least I've got in with netscape"
VanceS [webheaded] asks, "and Hi Marina, when do you leave for your vacation?"
BJB [HelpDesk] is glad Vance made it in
BJB . o O ( Marina is looking at a page I projected )
VanceS looks a bit disheveled.
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "what page did you project?"
BJB [HelpDesk] won't tell :-)
BJB . o O ( about the disheveled look )
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I showed her the K-3 Resources page"
BJB . o O ( http://www.tappedin.sri.com/info/resources/ )
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Brazil have just gone ahead, Gloria (in Paraguay) tells me (via ICQ)"
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Vance...Rita is keeping us posted.
SusanneN wave all
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Sus
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Sus!!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "hi sus"
Marina [guest] says, "Hi Vance,I'm happy to see you again."
SusanneN hugs bj, vance, rita, venny, and marina
VanceS [to Marina [guest]]: "I was just asking when you're going on your holiday"
Marina [guest] says, "next week"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "and for how long?"
bigfoot has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Bigfoot. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
Marina [guest] says, "For two weeks"
BJB [to Bigfoot [guest]]: "can we help you with anything?"
bigfoot [guest] says, "Hello, is this the Webheads"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Bigfoot. Yes, it is.
bigfoot [guest] says, "cool"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "are you a teacher, bigfoot? Or a student?"
bigfoot [guest] says, "I am kind of both :-)"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles...as are we all!
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_108 [guest] has disconnected.
BJB . o O ( oops, lost Marina )
SusanneN asks, "Vance, what is "a bit disheveled"?"
SusanneN asks, "And why are you in THAT mood?"
RitaZ says, "Vance made a big effortto join us today....."
SusanneN says, "Oh I see"
BJB [to Bigfoot [guest]]: "where are you located? I'm in Pennsylvania, US."
bigfoot [guest] says, "Dear BJ, I am in Susanne's office :-)"
BJB [HelpDesk] grins...cool!
SusanneN says, "My alter ego is tesing how to have two computers logged in :-)"
SusanneN smiles to testing BIgfoot
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "are you on tapestry on both or on a text client?"
bigfoot [guest] says, "I am in Explorer"
SusanneN says, "so am I"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods.
bigfoot [guest] says, "WE are using both computers"
RitaZ asks, "what is to be "on a text client"?"
Marina has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "gmud or muddweller are text clients, Rita"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
RitaZ exclaims, "another goaal!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "wb, Marina"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Dafne
DafneG says, "hello all"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "sorry, a plumber just appeared at the door"
SusanneN says, "Rita, in the good old days, before the HTML, there was text clients, such as Telnet"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, Daf!!!"
Marina [guest] says, "Hello again"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi Daf, I got in finally"
DafneG hugs and kissses everybody
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "oh, my...Brazil is on a roll."
SusanneN hugs Dafne!
SusanneN asks, "Who had that goal?"
DafneG says, "good for you, Vance"
DafneG says, "Brazil"
BJB . o O ( score is Brazil 2, Germany 0 )
DafneG exclaims, "yes!"
SusanneN cheers for Brazil
DafneG grins
BJB [to Rita]: "I'm on gmud. The connection is much faster and more stable. If Netscape crashes, I'm still connected"
SusanneN says, "welcome back, Marina"
BJB . o O ( and I can also open a separate web window if I want to use any of the tapestry features )
VanceS [to SusanneN]: "let's see, disheveled is ..."
RitaZ says, "thanks, Sus and BJ"
DafneG says, "who is "bigfoot"? if I may ask"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the opposite of heveled I guess"
bigfoot [guest] says, "I will let Bigfoot test how to login via telnet, too"
bigfoot [guest] bye bye
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_179 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I have no idea what heveled means, but disheveled means not heveled"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "actually, it means unkempt in appearance"
DafneG exclaims, "very cleaver!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "bigfoot is a test character for Susanne"
DafneG says, "clever"
SusanneN grins to vance
BJB [HelpDesk] chuckles at Vance's definition
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I'm having a day where nothing much is working"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "email is down at the office"
SusanneN says, "Anyway, vance this decription sticks to every remark you're sayikng"
DafneG says, "you are not the only one, VAnce"
SusanneN says, ", as you have set this as your mood"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the last of the database geniuses who've been working for us these past several years is leaving Wednesday"
SusanneN looks undescriptable.
SusanneN [undescriptable] grins
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the plumber was here to solve a drainage problem in my apt"
SusanneN [undescriptable] asks, "At your school , Vance?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "and my DSL is not working"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "yeah, the first two things were at school"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the latter here at home"
DafneG exclaims, "better go to the beach!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "good idea, it's just across the street"
ying has connected.
SusanneN [undescriptable] says, "Oh, plumbing, database expertise vanishing, as well as DSL trouble"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "a bit warm though, in the 40s"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi Ying Lan"
DafneG says, "it is raining here"
ying [guest] says, "hi , everyone."
SusanneN [undescriptable] hugs Ying lan
ying [guest] asks, "how are you?"
DafneG says, "hello ying lan"
Marina [guest] says, "hi ying"
BJB . o O ( desheveled is french: des + chevel (hair) )
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Ying
ying [guest] says, "How many people here... I was thinking.. most of you are watching the World Cup of football."
VanceS . o O ( so it means bald? )
ying [guest] says, "Brazil got 2 scores."
Sweettooth has connected.
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I'm not watching it but I'm 'following' it here at Webheads"
Marina [guest] asks, "Do you have air conditioning, Vance?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "yes of course"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "you can't live here tolerably without A/C"
BJB [to VanceS]: "means to throw into disorder"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "though they used to do that in the 60's and before"
ying [guest] says, "He lives in UAE.. he can not live without air conditioner.."
DafneG says, "I am kind of lost with all the registration and certificate stuff for the Carnival"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I don't think you could sleep at night without a/c, though I've managed in Sudan and other hot countries without a/c"
Marina [guest] says, "we've had two very hot weeks this month."
Sweettooth [guest] exclaims, "Aircondition can be such a pest! Noisy and chilly; thank god we do not need that kind of modern age energy waster!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I remember in Sudan they used to keep water in the shade in clay containers called 'zirs' that cleverly kept it cool"
Sweettooth [guest] says, "Better live in dark caves, then"
BJB [to DafneG]: "don't stress over it. There will be someone to take care of all that for you"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "that was about the only relief from the heat"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "well, we got rid of bigfoot and now we've got this sweettooth character"
DafneG [to BJB]: "thanks!"
BJB . o O ( and a character she is! :-) )
SusanneN . o O ( sweettooth is my second alter ego, on text client )
VanceS [a bit disheveled] exclaims, "ah ha figured as much!"
DafneG . o O ( Sus is back to her playful self )
RitaZ says, "(people are already celebrating Brazils victory....)"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Gloria in Paraguay is hanging about on ICQ, maybe Ying Lan remembers her"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "she's watching the game too"
SusanneN [undescriptable] grins; this is a pure technical matter of testing technologies!
DafneG says, "I think that next Sunday I will be taking pictures of people cooking paella"
ying [guest] asks, "What is the paella?"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "Yes!!"
RitaZ asks, "wher, Daf?"
Marina [guest] says, "I can cook paella"
DafneG says, "a typical Spanish dish"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Ying Lan, Tapped In are having a summer carnival event"
ying [guest] says, "OH.... I got it"
DafneG says, "We will be at a country house, near Valencia"
SusanneN asks, "Are you satisfied with your new camera, Daf?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "and Dafne is going to use webheads technology to show people how to make Paella"
DafneG says, "I haven't seen the pics on my computer yet"
ying [guest] says, "Oh.. what kind of the event."
RitaZ asks, "photos to upload for our cooking event, Daf?"
DafneG says, "yes, Rit"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] thinks how interesting it would be if Ying Lan could show how to prepare one of the dishes she makes
RitaZ says, "Ill show empanadas on 17"
BJB [to Ying [guest]]: "look at http://www.tappedin.org/info/sc2002.html"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "plumber is back"
DafneG exclaims, "Brazil won!"
SusanneN says, "Ying; tapped In will have a yearly twelve hour day, and our WEbheads cooking class will open the ball"
SusanneN exclaims, "Hooray!!!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "finally the world cup is over then"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "except for the celebration"
DafneG says, "my brazilian friends are having tons of caipirinha"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "yeah, I wonder if we'll see Felix online this morning"
RitaZ asks, "can you imagine celebrations in Brazil? have you ever been there?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I've been there, and I can imagine"
DafneG says, "only in the border with Venezuela, Boa Vista"
Sweettooth [guest] exclaims, "No - but finally my local husband might do something else than talking about foot!"
ying [guest] says, "cooking class."
ying [guest] asks, "What do you mean the cooking class?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "let me find you a url Ying Lan"
SusanneN says, "well, we all like to eat, you know..."
SusanneN says, "and food is a very fine means of getting attention from EFL learners"
DafneG says, "we will be showing how to cook different dishes from all over the world"
ying [guest] says, "Finally, no more World Cup TV show in next 4 years."
SusanneN says, "WE cannot all live from steamed rice and instant noodles :-)"
DafneG says, "(Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Taiwan)"
DafneG says, "not here in Spain, Ying"
DafneG says, "I live 2 blocks from the stadium"
DafneG says, "so, I have games everyweek during the whole year"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "http://www.tappedin.org/info/sc/sc02.htm l#cook"
ying [guest] says, "Really... Do you love to play football."
DafneG says, "I do not play it myself, Ying"
SusanneN says, "Games can be quite noisy even when youn are outside the stadium..."
SusanneN says, "I out"
DafneG says, "they are, Sus"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "An electrician is here too, he just blew out one of my computers"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the laptop is still working"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "if I go off the air, you'll know the reason"
SusanneN says, "In our hometown, a new stadium for thousands of spectators was built last year, and we can hear it clearly when they play"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "it's either a flood or an electrical fire"
DafneG asks, "did you find a black cat on your way to work today, Vance?"
SusanneN says, "Vance, sounds quite pessimist"
DafneG asks, "or did you walk under a ladder?"
SusanneN hands Vance a horsehoe
DafneG chuckles
VanceS [a bit disheveled] rubs rabbit foot on horseshoe
SusanneN asks, "Or maybe a bunch of fresh garlic would help keep away the evil?"
DafneG asks, "are you talking about "vampires" Sus?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "the electrician is working without cutting off any circuits"
Sweettooth [guest] knocks three times under wood
SusanneN asks, "Cyber gypsies?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "he's working with 220 volts of live electricity"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "now he's going to the fuse box"
SusanneN says, "Your electrician is a braveheart , or a FOOL"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "I could be knocked out at any minute"
SusanneN imagines Vnace unplugged
AidenY has connected.
DafneG says, "hello Aiden"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Aiden. Welcome"
SusanneN exclaims, "Hi Aiden!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi Aiden"
AidenY exclaims, "hello guys!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "I guess Rita left to take part in the national celebration"
AidenY says, "just got back, my daughter's sick and wanted to eat some mexican food, so I brought her. 'had a night out with my daughter."
SusanneN says, "Aiden, Brazil won in football VM"
BJB . o O ( or the wild celebrations disconnected Rita )
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "either that or her electrician just showed up"
AidenY exclaims, "wow!"
AidenY exclaims, "it's a pity, i missed it!"
hi has connected.
SusanneN says, "Hihi! hi"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hello, Hi. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
hi [guest] says, "hi"
Marina [guest] says, "I have to leave you now, I'm going to cook."
SusanneN asks, "Can we help you, hi?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi is probably Sarah Fahad"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi Hi"
SusanneN says, "Bye marina"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Marina
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "and Marina, nice to see you again"
AidenY says, "bye marina"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "what are you cooking, btw?"
SusanneN asks, "Hi sarah?"
SusanneN says, "Pasta or pizza, I suppose"
hi [guest] says, "hi susannes"
BJB [to Hi [guest]]: "is your name Sarah?"
hi [guest] says, "yes"
DafneG says, "I am here, I was fixing some "cuba libre" to celebrate Brazil's victory"
BJB [to Hi [guest]]: "type this: /rename hi to Sarah"
AidenY says, "oh well, hello Sarah."
hi [guest] says, "is now ok"
SusanneN asks, "Hi, I am susanne all right, and I am a grad student and teacher from Denmark.Where are you located?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "we still see you as 'Hi', Sarah"
hi [guest] says, "my name still hi" ___________________________ | |
BJB holds up a BIG sign: | type /rename hi to Sarah | |___________________________|
DafneG says, "Hello, Sarah"
BJB . o O ( make sure you type the / first )
hi [guest] says, "hi Dafneg"
Marina [guest] says, "Bye"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_37 [guest] has lost its link.
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders where Sarah is located.
DafneG says, "bye, Marina"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_20 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Marina was from Italy. She is a teacher there."
hi [guest] says, "is not work bjb"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Dafne is from Venezuela and she's a teacher in Spain"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "BJB is a Very Helpful Person from the USA"
DafneG says, "I am a teacher in cyberspace"
hi [guest] says, "nice to chat with u dafne"
SusanneN says, "poor hi alias sarah :-)"
DafneG says, "same here, Sarah"
hi [guest] says, "i think i am the only student her"
DafneG says, "We are all students"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Ying Lan is an online student from Taiwan living in New York now"
hi [guest] asks, "really where r u stdy?"
DafneG says, "I am a doctoral student"
hi [guest] says, "great"
SusanneN says, "I am a master student of education, too, and I did not use my school English for decades before I joined the internet"
DafneG says, "Where is DAvid, we do not have bagels today :-("
JohnSte has arrived.
White Book of Tarkin Ru follows JohnSte to here.
Alter_Ego has connected.
SusanneN says, "David's baker is on a holiday leave"
DafneG says, "Hello John"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Hi John"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, John. Welcome"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "hi everyone."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi, y'all."
hi [guest] says, "hi Jhon"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "I am the alter ego of someone already here"
DafneG says, "Hi Alter"
SusanneN exclaims, "JOhn, so nice to see you!"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "david is watching soccer with his aunt. Since the game is over, perhaps he will log in"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Sorry I'm late. I overslept."
DafneG asks, "Sus maybe?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "we thought you were watching the game"
hi [guest] says, "yes Brazil won"
AidenY says, "hi john"
Sweettooth [guest] [to Laterego,]: "yes, just like me, too"
DafneG says, "Chris was probably watching the game"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "you have to guess whose alter ego I am"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "I'll give you a hint"
DafneG says, "go ahead"
SusanneN asks, "Well, how can we guess? can we ask ten questions?"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "it's NOT Susanne's alter ego"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Nope, Vance. I don't follow sports."
SusanneN nods
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "someone at the door"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "who can it be now?"
BJB . o O ( fire marshall? )
DafneG asks, "BJB?"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "yes, Daf?"
SusanneN says, "Well well, who's knockin' on the gate"
DafneG asks, "are you the Alter ego?"
ying has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "no...I think the alter ego is Sarah's"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi, Ying."
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "yes, I am the alter ego"
SusanneN asks, "Sarah, is that so?"
Alter_Ego [guest] asks, "next question?"
hi [guest] asks, "what is alter ego?"
DafneG says, "Sara-Alter_Ego-Hi"
SusanneN exclaims, "Cool question, hi!"
ying [guest] says, "hi... My loptop always give me trouble when I am on line."
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "an alter ego is someone who is the personality of someone else"
SusanneN says, "Loptop sounds like a pet name"
hi [guest] says, "ahaaa"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "nope, not Sara's alter ego, and not Susanne's"
ying [guest] says, "For cooking class,,, I think there are too many web sites of cooking .."
SusanneN asks, "And, not BJ's either?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "or an alter-ego could be a different personality of the same person...good and evil, sad and happy, etc."
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "I'm a HAPPY alter ego"
SusanneN says, "Ying, lots and lots of cooking websites, sure"
SusanneN exclaims, "Rita!"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "of someone who is very plaintive today"
SusanneN says, "Rita the alterego maid"
hi [guest] asks, "can we use it in talking?"
ying [guest] says, "Yea..."
AidenY asks, "david?"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "no no someone already here, and not Rita"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "she's left already"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Janus is playing games
DafneG says, "Marina"
SusanneN says, "This is a very difficult riddle"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "no, she's left too"
AidenY asks, "venny?"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "someone who is having lots of problems today"
SusanneN exclaims, "Vance!"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "like for example, DSL not working?"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "YES"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "that's it"
hi [guest] says, "lol"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "this is what I get with my id, Vance:"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "but I'm a happy alter ego"
----------------------------------- BJB -----------------------------------
Alter_Ego (#19786) [ readable (user) ]
Owned by Hacker (#38).
Child of Generic proto-guest object (#33).
Location Reception (#268).
---------------------------- BJB stops pasting ----------------------------
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "the DSL is WORKING again"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "yeahh yayyy"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "great, alter ego, you fixed it?"
DafneG exclaims, "congrats.!"
AidenY says, "LOL, silly you"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "wonderful"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hmmm. We always knew Vance had a split personality."
SusanneN asks, "Who's hacker #38?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "not me"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "not me"
hi [guest] says, "not me"
Sweettooth [guest] says, "Me neither"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "ain't me either."
DafneG asks, "what about me?"
AidenY says, "LOL, John, split or schizo"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "knock knock"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "who's there"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "death"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "death wh aaarggggggg"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "he he"
SusanneN exclaims, "mamma! help me out!"
hi [guest] says, "hahah"
SusanneN says, "I'm so scared"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if she should boot Alter-ego
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "Now that my alter ego fixed the DSL, I'm going to go over there"
DafneG asks, "Are we on the 13th. floor?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "see you back here in a minute"
SusanneN says, "As you esee, hi, we're not VERY serious all the time"
BJB [to DafneG]: "we're in reception"
Alter_Ego [guest] says, "hey what are you doing ? I'm on this machine"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "get off of there"
hi [guest] says, "i know"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [a bit disheveled] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jun 30 06:20:30 2002 PDT.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Jun 30 06:21:22 2002 PDT.
Sweettooth [guest] hands out mixed candies for everyone, in the Brazil colors
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "welcome back, Vance"
hi [guest] says, "welcome"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "hi,"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "WB, Vance."
AidenY asks, "still disheveled, Vance?"
SusanneN says, "Well, today's not the most informative and intellectual day I have experienced here :-)"
DafneG says, "Alter_Ego is gone"
DafneG asks, "who killed him?"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "funny, I just got home and there were two clowns at my computer"
SusanneN unmounts the dishevelation from Vance's shoulders
VanceS [a bit disheveled] says, "they ran off as soon as I got here"
VanceS [a bit disheveled] asks, "any idea who they were?"
VanceS looks heveled.
SusanneN asks, "The plumber and the elcectrician hacking the Webheads server?"
DafneG says, "you are having an eery day, Vance"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I'm having a normal day, unfortunately"
SusanneN says, "The excentric electrician and the clumsy plumbum plumber"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I have to go get my glasses and a cup of coffee. Be right back."
SusanneN asks, "Who knows the chemical name for plumbum, and what is it called in English?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "lead"
VanceS [heveled] says, "Pb"
RichardTY has connected.
hi [guest] says, "i want ask u q"
SusanneN hands the price to Vance, true!
SusanneN says, "Hi, ask ahead"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Richard. Welcome"
VanceS [heveled] says, "BA in Biology 1971"
BJB [to Hi [guest]]: "what is your question?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I'm back."
DafneG says, "Wb John"
AidenY asks, "1971?"
VanceS [heveled] listens to Sarah's question "Hi Richard"
hi [guest] asks, "is that good to talk 6 courses in one semster?"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to the brilliant Vance
DafneG says, "hello, Richard"
SusanneN exclaims, "1971!!!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi, Richard."
AidenY asks, "hello richard, what does TY stand for?"
SusanneN asks, "Hi, what are you studying?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "Seems like a lot Sarah"
BJB [to Sarah]: "6 courses sound like an awful lot"
hi [guest] says, "i will study information system"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Sure does. I did it once. I'll never do it again."
hi [guest] says, "really"
AidenY says, "1971- i was 4 years old then ;-)"
BJB [to Richard]: "Can we help you with something?"
hi [guest] says, "but i think it easy"
BJB . o O ( this is the webheads discussion. )
DafneG says, "I only had one chemistry course in high school, that was enough"
RichardTY says, "I'm new here I'm just exploring."
SusanneN asks, "Sarah , would you HAVE to take that many courses, how many courses would be norman for one semester?"
hi [guest] says, "i will take 2 english course"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "You need time to study, rest, and recuperate as well as take classes, Hi."
hi [guest] says, "one since"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Richard. We're happy to answer any questions you have about TAPPED IN
hi [guest] says, "one islamic"
VanceS [heveled] says, "Welcome, this is the Webheads session, weekly, every sunday noon GMT"
hi [guest] says, "and one seminer"
RichardTY says, "Thanks."
RichardTY leaves for the CAFE.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
AidenY says, "you scared him away, vance."
DafneG says, "Richard abandoned us"
AidenY says, "sweettooth, where are you from/"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I don't get the feeling that Richard is a very social type."
DafneG says, "you also need time to party, Sarah"
VanceS [heveled] says, "sweettooth is another alter ego"
RichardTY has arrived.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
hi [guest] says, "me too"
VanceS [heveled] says, "but not mine"
DafneG says, "welcome back Richard"
SusanneN exclaims, "Hi Richard!"
AidenY says, "oh, vance.."
AidenY says, "WB, Richard."
hi [guest] says, "hi richard"
BJB [to Richard]: "any questions? TAPPED IN can be pretty overwhelming at first."
VanceS [heveled] says, "Hi Richard, it's more social out here"
SusanneN asks, "Would you like to join our discussion, Richard?"
BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Richard is going to virt camp.
VanceS [heveled] says, "you'd THINK the cafe would be social, but not this time in the morning"
DafneG asks, "where are you from Richard?"
RichardTY says, "Hi. Thanks I just running all over here exploring. It seems that people sure chat at a fast rate here."
SusanneN exclaims, "WE're not very goal oriented, but very active in our communication!"
DafneG says, "click on detach"
RichardTY goes UP.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) goes UP.
DafneG says, "he is really exploring"
SusanneN says, "He likes to be on his own, now he has had the invitation to meet us"
DafneG asks, "are we scary?"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Well, look at our pictures and then ask?"
VanceS . o O ( begs to differ with Susanne )
AidenY says, "not when we have split personalities (looking at Vance)"
VanceS [heveled] says, "thing is we ARE goal oriented"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "some people prefer to explore and learn about TAPPED IN on their own."
VanceS [heveled] says, "very much so"
DafneG says, "my pic is an "x""
SusanneN says, "yes, definitely scary we arwe! Our dialogue is fast running over the screen"
AidenY says, "oh, that's so true, john,"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I think I have to get a new icon this week."
VanceS [heveled] says, "but it's a much different paradigm of goal orientation than most people practice"
AidenY says, "yes, and mine is an unrecognizable monster"
BJB [to DafneG]: "that means that the server where you photo is located is down or is having problems"
DafneG asks, "Vance's server?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "it might be the prohosting one"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Or the URL is broken somehow."
2002/06/30 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
VanceS [heveled] says, "yeah, my icon went away so Kari copied it to the tapped in server"
SusanneN agree with Vance - the goal orientation was actually a football joke for insiders, too
VanceS [heveled] says, "you can reach the icon if you type its url"
VanceS [heveled] says, "but tapped in is not reaching it"
SusanneN GOAL!!! they shouted
DafneG says, "a goal-less goal"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I put it there because of a known problem with Geocities, icons stored there"
BJB drops 2002/06/30 WebHeads2 (recording).
DafneG says, "no, it is not working Vance"
VanceS [heveled] asks, "any idea of the problem BJB?"
SusanneN says, "An undefined futurist anitgoal"
hi [guest] says, "gtg now see u"
SusanneN says, "Antigoal"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Ok, see you, Hi."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Sarah
VanceS [heveled] asks, "but you can see your icon if you type its url, right?"
DafneG says, "bye, Sarah"
VanceS [heveled] says, "bye Sarah"
DafneG says, "nice talking to you"
SusanneN says, "Bye bye sarah"
VanceS [heveled] says, "thanks for joining us"
hi [guest] says, "bye"
stephanietwnel has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_131 [guest] has disconnected.
DafneG says, "hi Stephanie"
VanceS [heveled] says, "hi stephanie"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hello. Welcome, Stephanie."
SusanneN says, "I learned a new shortform: gtg = got to go"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_89 [guest] has disconnected.
SusanneN says, "Hi stephanie"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves hi to Stephanie. Can we help you with anything?
DafneG says, "gtgn = got to go now"
VanceS [heveled] says, "gtgttbr"
VanceS . o O ( br = bathroom )
JohnSte [webhead] says, "When you gtg you gtg."
SusanneN exclaims, "Well gtgn !"
VanceS [heveled] says, "ps"
SusanneN says, "A mn's gtdo whatamn gtdo"
VanceS . o O ( ps = please stay )
BJB [to DafneG]: "I see your icon when I paste the url in a browser window"
AidenY asks, "what's ps?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_75 [guest] has lost its link.
SusanneN says, "ps off"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "cu."
VanceS [heveled] says, "no don't go, please stay ndgps"
SusanneN . o O ( sorry, folks, did not meen to be vulgar )
AidenY says, "LOL, SUS."
DafneG asks, "didn't you?"
AidenY asks, "ndgps?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "That's strange."
BJB [HelpDesk] hopes Vance buries this transcript very deeply
VanceS [heveled] says, "oh, incidentally, I've put all the last half dozen transcripts up on the wb"
AidenY says, "good advice, BJB"
SusanneN blushes her most sincere rouge
AidenY says, "what's ngdps/"
VanceS [heveled] says, "no don't go please stay"
VanceS [heveled] says, "ndgps"
VanceS [heveled] says, "it's a dialog gtg ndgps"
AidenY says, "very creative, vance"
SusanneN says, "I have better let my computer connected instead of logging off -"
SusanneN exclaims, "but off i go!"
VanceS [heveled] says, "ndgps"
DafneG says, "opdg"
SusanneN exclaims, "cu!"
AidenY asks, "seriously, sus?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "See you, then, Susanne."
SusanneN hgs
VanceS [heveled] says, "opdg ps"
SusanneN looks away.
DafneG says, "h&k 4 Sus"
AidenY says, "oh, very dramatic..."
VanceS [heveled] says, "seriously, about this goal directed stuff, I been thinking lately"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Really?"
Sweettooth [guest] listens to Vnce
DafneG listens attentively
VanceS [heveled] says, "Rif and I just produced a very nice article, very much a goal directed activity"
Sweettooth [guest] asks, "Thnkng?"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "and?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "out of the chaos navigation behaviours we follow"
VanceS [heveled] says, "and I've been talking lately about new paradigms in education"
VanceS [heveled] says, "and it occurs to me that when people meet online, sometimes the atmosphere is more stilted than at others"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "go on."
VanceS [heveled] asks, "would you agree?"
Sweettooth [guest] says, "It was a very fine article to read. I liked the research description very much, as it comes so close to myn own way of proceeding."
VanceS [heveled] says, "I mean, some people think a chat should have a topic and some moderators try to keep people on topic"
RichardTY has arrived.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Do most conversations have topics?"
RichardTY goes OUT.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) goes OUT.
SusanneN [away] asks, "What is "stilted", Vance>?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "but in a community of practice such as this, we are very loose, we enjoy it a lot, yet we accomplish goals"
DafneG says, "I like chats to be more informal, like f2f conversations, where topics come and go"
SusanneN [away] says, "Vam"
VanceS [heveled] says, "stilted, like walking on stilts, restrictive"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Same here, Daf."
BJB [to VanceS]: "much depends on the group you are with...some of the discussions here are very topic oriented"
VanceS [heveled] says, "we obviously enjoy this, we come every week, and we are not the kind of people who waste our time"
DafneG says, "I am getting involved in so many different topics with my online students these days"
VanceS [heveled] says, "well, things get accomplished in say Phil's webquests, nothing wrong there"
BJB . o O ( you might want to read a few of the transcripts in the After School Online transcript emailer )
SusanneN [away] says, "Vance, I do see our way of not having a strict line of orientation as a strength. This is much more like, meetng real people, than a face to face class where a teacher has the last word (and the first, too)"
VanceS [heveled] says, "but this is an alternative means of.C"
VanceS [heveled] says, "sorry"
DafneG says, "and they seem to enjoy the freedom of chats to practice their English"
VanceS [heveled] says, "of accomplishing something goal directed"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Susanne has a good point there."
SusanneN [away] says, "The atmosphere in these sessions is so free that we do not have to think too zseriously..."
BJB [HelpDesk] nods...I wasn't being critical. This informal discussion works for the webhead participants
VanceS [heveled] says, "me neither (not being critical) and agreed (it works for us)"
SusanneN [away] says, "yet come to know each other like just plain folks"
AidenY says, "but not to all those who come to TI"
VanceS [heveled] says, "(and maybe not for everyone)"
VanceS [heveled] says, "yes, agreed"
AidenY says, "you can't please everyone"
DafneG says, "my course is very goal oriented, but the chats are the way the students have to express themselves in non-academic topics"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Who wants to please everybody?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "BUT it's occuring to me that we are on to that new paradigm I keep alluding to, and that it's working, leads to tangible results"
SusanneN [away] says, "BJ, it is a very good thing to have a critical gaze at how things work now and then"
BJB [HelpDesk] sighs...the editor of the TAPPED IN Calendar, John
VanceS [heveled] says, "maybe even to improvement in English (Ying Lan?)"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "lol"
AidenY says, "no one, John. if they like it here, they staym, if they don't, they just simply leave with their recorders"
DafneG says, "students get more involved in negotiation of meaning in informal chats"
DafneG says, "they are not afraid to ask why they do not understand"
DafneG says, "what"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I know too many people who can only speak academicese. They need to learn informal conversational skills."
DafneG agrees with John
VanceS [heveled] says, "Yeah, Daf and i were chatting the other day and remarking on the progress of her students"
SusanneN [away] says, "Definitely, John"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "something I should point out...it helps if you think of TAPPED IN as a Community of Practice..."
AidenY says, "that's true, john. sometimes they forget how it is to be human"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "that brings in a lot of other elements in addition to chatting"
VanceS [heveled] says, "and I said that most people think ituitvely that you can get closer to your students f2f"
VanceS [heveled] says, "when in fact ..."
SusanneN [away] says, "BJ, yes, and a community consists of many smaller units"
DafneG says, "and it is not so, Vance"
AidenY says, "it's true that the speed of communication. here in TI, is a bit fast for beginners"
VanceS [heveled] says, "yeah, I was sort of leaving a blank there, but in fact it's the opposite"
DafneG says, "the process of getting closer is faster in chats"
DafneG says, "I experienced that in Webheads, and now with my students"
AidenY says, "that's exactly how I felt with my class"
SusanneN [away] says, "Sometimes I feel tghat the absence of physical distraction can be an advantage! I dont have to look at you, to wonder why you took on that ugly pulll or whether you had a haircut lately, or why you did not have a hower more often, or had garlic for breakfast."
SusanneN . o O ( hower = shower )
VanceS [heveled] says, "and social dynamics too, people trying to impress or dominate, or look bad in front of others ..."
AidenY says, "yes, but it does not work for all. diferrent folks, different strokes."
SusanneN [away] says, "Also, I am here at home, in my well know surroundings. I am myslef, I can go to my own bathroom, or answer the door bell, or read the morning paper"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I like that aspect too"
VanceS [heveled] eats popcorn
SusanneN [away] says, "Even better, I have my own notes and books at hand"
JohnSte [webhead] drinkses coffee.
DafneG says, "Some of my students prefer working from home, while others prefer to work from the university computers"
VanceS [heveled] offers popcorn to BJB [HelpDesk], VennyS [: )], SusanneN [away], DafneG, Sweettooth [guest], AidenY, and JohnSte [webhead].
DafneG says, "some are more independent and some need the guidance of the f2f teacher"
VanceS [heveled] says, "particularly in OUR community of practice, we need to have interactants online we can summon at moment's notice too"
AidenY says, "i totally agrre"
DafneG waits to be offered pop corns
AidenY says, "i totally agree with you daf."
VanceS [heveled] asks, "speaking of which, I missed Claires iVisit thing last week. Did you go?"
SusanneN [away] says, "I read a Danish Ph,D about the hyperlinks as self referential actors in our online culture, the title is called " Digital delegates""
SusanneN [away] says, "It was a very interesting point, about knowledge sharing as a second order thinking"
VanceS [heveled] washes last of popcorn down with coconut juice
AidenY says, "no, i didn't, forgot, i think we should have constant reminders for this kinda stuff"
SusanneN [away] says, "That is one of the features we all admire here in TI; the URL projection. BUt also , other ways of sharing our instant thoughts are important"
DafneG . o O ( weird combination )
SusanneN [away] eats fresh grated carrots with strawberries
SusanneN looks engaged in reflective thinking.
DafneG says, "I am so grateful to this knowledge sharing"
RichardTY has arrived.
RichardTY's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] exclaims, "I see elizabeth may join us!"
DafneG says, "WB Richard"
ElizabethHa arrives from nowhere.
Elizabeth's R2D2 follows ElizabethHa to here.
AidenY says, "Madame Susanne"
DafneG says, "hello Elizabeth"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Elizabeth"
RichardTY asks, "What does WB mean?"
DafneG says, "welcome back"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi there Elizabeth."
ElizabethHa says, "Hi all-- I'm here to join you."
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "Welcome to our Philosophical Sunday school Elizabeth"
RichardTY asks, "Is there a lot of code to learn?"
DafneG says, "nice to "see" you Elizabeth"
VanceS [heveled] says, "Hi Li"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Not really, Richard."
BJB [to Richard]: "you don't have to know any code"
VanceS [heveled] says, "Liz"
AidenY asks, "wait, are you the real elizabeth or some alter-ego?"
ElizabethHa says, "c'est moi"
DafneG says, "it is very easy, once you get into it, Richard"
VanceS [heveled] says, "nmc"
VanceS [heveled] says, "(not much code)"
BJB . o O ( depends on what you want to do, Richard. If you are going to build on to your office, you might need a little code )
ElizabethHa says, "sorry I couldn't make it last week--family stuff"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "After an hour of smalltalk we are now into a kind of very deep refelction about why our webheads way of relaxed conversation may lead to deep learning, too"
RichardTY asks, "You can get your own office?"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Richard. Any member can have a private office
DafneG says, "thanks for the links you shared in the Webheads list, Elizabeth"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Most of us do."
SusanneN [to Richard]: "a virtual office of one's own is so cool!"
BJB [to Richard]: "may I show you a webpage with information about what teachers can do in TAPPED IN?"
DafneG says, "I have my own Dafne's nook"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "MIne is called Susanne's playground"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I never did come to grips with fixing up my office"
ElizabethHa says, "Maybe we should explore Susanne's office"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I've been trying to change the name of my office, but can't."
RichardTY says, "Maybe next time. I don't have much time this morning. My son is pulling on my shirt."
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Richard
DafneG asks, "now, we know you have a son, Richard. Where are you from?"
BJB [to John]: "go to your office and type /rename here to newname"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "That's always an indicator."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Thanks, BJ."
RichardTY says, "From Riverside."
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "I think we can make an office visit later..."
DafneG asks, "Riverside?"
BJB [to Richard]: "you have an international group here!"
AidenY says, "that's where mmy husband grew up"
BJB . o O ( you'll need to be more specific than Riverside )
RichardTY says, "Oops. Riverside California."
DafneG says, "I am from Venezuela, living in Spain,Richard"
JohnSte [webhead] projects John.
John Steele is a 52 year old college professor at
the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla where he teaches ESL. He is wearing
academic regalia. (Actually, he is wearing shorts and a tee-shirt while sitting
in his back yard in 90 degree (F) weather). He is relaxing on vacation after
finishing his doctoral dissertation and obtaining a PhD in Webheading. email:
prof@jhsteele.com WWW: http://www.eslpalace.com
AidenY says, "wow, johm that was quick"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles...nice bio, John!
BJB [to AidenY]: "that was a note"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] love to live in Farum, near Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I'm a fast typist when I want to be"
VanceS [heveled] projects WhoozVance.
My name is Vance and I'm a consultant for Amideast
<http://www.amideast.org> working as coordinator for computer-assisted
language learning at a language institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE
<http://www.mli.ac.ae>. You can find out more about me here
<http://www.vancestevens.com/>. And you?
DafneG says, "he is a Phd, Aiden"
BJB [HelpDesk] projects notes.
Right now I'm projecting notes at you... Notes are
things that I make ahead of time (anyone can make a note). Notes are great for
giving presentations b/c they allow you to express a lot of information
quickly, and people online don't have to wait while you type it all.
DafneG says, "we are overwhelming Richard"
AidenY says, "thanks, BJ"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "Richard, take care! You can use the detach button to get a large second text screen"
RichardTY says, "Just detached and it still seems a little fast for me. Getting used to it."
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "Poor newbies! We are not slow paced here."
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY has disconnected.
AidenY has connected.
BJB [to Richard]: "two things that will help...one, you will get all the dialogue in your transcript..."
DafneG says, "wb Aiden"
AidenY says, "oooppps. wrong button ;-)"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "So you can read a second time, in your own pace after the session"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "and two, you can click on PASTEBOARD at the top of your text window and then APPEND TO PASTEBOARD...that will freeze the text that has been entered"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "And three, you can wait until Vance puts the transcript on our web page."
VanceS [heveled] says, "I use pasteboard to scroll back"
ElizabethHa [to John]: "How did you get a degree in Webheads? I mean, what's your diss on."
AidenY says, "well, gtgn"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "It is a descriptive case study of this group."
VanceS [heveled] says, "ndg ps"
VennyS goes home.
DafneG says, "pdng,Aiden"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "thanks for joining us today, Aiden"
AidenY says, "cunxt"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "John is a speccialist in herding cats online, Elizabetn"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "You can access it at http://netdial.caribe.net/~jhsteele/cats.html"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Aiden.
VanceS [heveled] says, "ok nxt wk"
AidenY says, "i should be careful with I type LOL"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] h
RichardTY asks, "gtgn? ndg ps?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "See you, Aiden."
AidenY says, "c u next time"
DafneG says, "as Susan is an specialist in intuitive chaos navigation"
SusanneN [engaged in reflective thinking] says, "ugs aiden"
DafneG says, "bye, Aiden"
BJB [to Richard]: "the group was playing with acronyms"
SusanneN grins
BJB . o O ( gtgn is got to go now )
VanceS [heveled] says, "sorry RIchard, we made that all up 15 min ago"
AidenY says, "LOL, bye guys,oh richard, they'll explain the codes to you"
AidenY says, "ciao"
VanceS [heveled] says, "got to go now gtgn"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "See you Aiden."
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY has disconnected.
RichardTY says, "Ok. Gotta go. Kids want breakfast."
DafneG says, "hasta luego, Aiden"
SusanneN says, "Feed those kritters"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Richard.
You hear a quiet popping sound; RichardTY has disconnected.
ElizabethHa says, "Bye Richard"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "see you next time, Richard."
VanceS [heveled] says, "and we got to kidding around with no don't go please stay"
VanceS [heveled] says, "ndgps"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Elizabeth, did you get the URL I typed in up above?"
ElizabethHa says, "Yes, thanks, John--I'll take a look later."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "ok. I hope you like it."
DafneG says, "she will, John"
ElizabethHa exclaims, "I'm in SF and getting ready for a day at the Berkeley arboretum--it's a gorgeous morning!"
SusanneN says, "It is a long story"
DafneG says, "it is raining here :-("
JohnSte [webhead] says, "It's sunny and hot here."
ElizabethHa says, "The rain in Spain..."
DafneG says, "it rhymes"
SusanneN says, "I need to take away some weeds in my herbal gerden"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Although we do have a lot of overcast (dust from the Sahara)."
ElizabethHa says, "Anyone working with reading gonline? My latest project."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Not me, although I am interested in it."
ElizabethHa says, "I've gotten a few replies from Webheads and will eventually put a paper together, I hope."
DafneG says, "my students are reading short texts online, but the focus is on writing"
ElizabethHa says, "It's amazing how stuff comes out of the woodwork once you start connecting with others online."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "My students are more into writing, also."
VanceS [heveled] asks, "Is that wha t you decided to go with?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "for the evonline/"
ElizabethHa asks, "Maybe I need a little questionnaire to see what students themselves notice?"
VanceS [heveled] asks, "?"
DafneG says, "good idea"
ElizabethHa says, "TO Vance that looks like the "Que?" that used to come into Faulty Towers."
DafneG says, "I will gladly give it to my students, El."
ElizabethHa says, "Thanks, Daf. I'll have to work on it."
SusanneN says, "For that purpose, I would prefer a questionaire with open neded questions for inspiration, not just "agree or not agree""
ElizabethHa [to Susanne-that's]: "sounds good. This would be more qualitative to begin with."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "That's always better."
DafneG totally agrees
VanceS [heveled] had better go back over the logs
ElizabethHa [to Vance:]: "what does "heveled" mean?"
SusanneN asks, "Vance, see how fast we are changing here, from silly swseet smalltalk to more serious matters?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "yeah, have to admit i got distracted"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I'll catch up here"
BJB [to Elizabeth]: "Vance was disheveled, but he got heveled"
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "I woke up last morning with a new term to describe this sunday class - antididactics - and I did find a few references,..."
SusanneN says, "Antididactics is an interesting word, Close to autodidact"
BrunellaM has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Brunella. Welcome"
BJB [to BrunellaM]: "can we help you with something?"
ElizabethHa [to Susanne]: "I like that word--and very apt."
DafneG says, "hello Brunella"
SusanneN says, "If didactis is normally used to planned education with a specific purpose"
ElizabethHa asks, "Or maybe "antedidactics" -- before planned learning by someone else?"
VanceS [heveled] says, "maybe I'm not going back far enough in the logs, but I'm unable to find what my Que was about"
ElizabethHa [to VanceS]: "the Que was when you had a single "?" in the text."
BrunellaM says, "Hi, There is so much time that I don't come and so... I don't remember anything... (and sorry for my english...)"
BJB [HelpDesk] smiles. You're doing fine, Brunella.
VanceS [heveled] says, "oh, got you, it was because I typed a / instead of a ? in the line before"
VanceS [heveled] says, "sorry, I thought I had missed something"
ElizabethHa exclaims, "No problemo Brunella--and we were making up words anyway!"
VanceS [heveled] asks, "well, question was, if reading online is one of your current projects, does that mean you are thinking to do that as an evonline session?"
BrunellaM asks, "what have I to to do to find something about clear project?"
DafneG says, "gtgn, I am going to prepare "arroz al curry" for late lunch."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "See you, Dafne."
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "can you tell us what the project is about, Brunella?"
BrunellaM says, "Clear"
BrunellaM says, "creative learning"
DafneG asks, "what time is the Carnival meeting tomorrow, BJ?"
BrunellaM leaves for the El.
BJB [to DafneG]: "Sus is doing a tours and tips session tomorrow"
ElizabethHa says, "!Oh, that might work. I've been talking with you guys and Christine about an EVOnline and I think that was one of the suggestions, combined with action Research. (I learn by doing.)"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "the carnival meeting is Wednesday, July 3, at 6pm EDT"
ElizabethHa [to DafneG]: "wish I could join you."
DafneG asks, "GMT?"
ElizabethHa says, "for arroz, I mean--It's breakfast here."
DafneG says, "lol"
SusanneN says, "Yes, my tips & tours session is at 19.30 to 20.30 gmt tomorrow"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "20:00 GMT for carnival"
BJB . o O ( I think ;-) )
DafneG says, "ok, I will check in the yahoo group"
VanceS [heveled] says, "I'll think about it myself"
VanceS [heveled] says, "it's a little late"
DafneG says, "thanks everybody, if anyone cares for my rice"
DafneG says, "you are all welcome"
SusanneN says, "I'd love to have some of those wet rice, Daf"
ElizabethHa says, "Ciao, Daf."
BrunellaM has arrived.
DafneG says, "bye, every1"
SusanneN hugs Daf bye
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Daf bye
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Bye, Dafne."
BJB [to BrunellaM]: "there are a lot of CLEAR projects...apparently, those letters can stand for a lot of things!"
BrunellaM says, "My clear project means Creative Learning"
SusanneN . o O ( See, this is a very common and conventional greeting among online friends: :hugs Daf bye )
VanceS [heveled] says, "I'm going to say goodnight too, but it was nice to see everyone again"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "what kind of resources are you looking for, Brunella?"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Vance. Nice talking with you today.
BrunellaM says, "something about the last initiatives..."
ElizabethHa says, "Bye Vance. I'll check out the paper."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Night, Vance."
SusanneN hugs van bye
SusanneN beed some fresh air
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I think I'd better be going too. See you all next week."
SusanneN . o O ( need )
BJB [to BrunellaM]: "is the site at http://clear.gr?"
SusanneN hugs john bye
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to John. Take care.
ElizabethHa says, "Bye John and susanne"
BrunellaM says, "now I prove.. thank you"
JohnSte [webhead] hugs Susanne Back
VanceS [heveled] says, "bye all"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [heveled] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jun 30 07:35:29 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: July 7, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |