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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: Vance in Abu Dhabi | Teresa in Portugal | John Steele in Puerto Rico | Ying Lan in New York | Rita in Argentina | Claire in Pennsylvania | Juani from Chile | David Weksler | Aiden in Taiwan | Christopher in Germany | Yaodong in Liuzhou | Dafne in Spain | MaryBeth | Vaughnda | Arthur in Ireland | Felix in Brazil
URLs discussed in this session
Tapped In
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Jun 16 05:09:54 2002 PDT.
VanceS [not at work] says, "hi everyone"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, fortunatefully we all have different tastes, or the world would be even more crowded!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Morning, Vance. Happy Dad's Day."
ying [guest] says, "hi Vance."
VanceS [not at work] waves to JohnSte [webhead], ying [guest], MarybethH, RitaZ, and TeresaAlm.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, there, vance!"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Vance!"
ying [guest] says, "Happy Dad's day..."
VanceS [not at work] says, "you too John"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Thanks."
ying [guest] asks, "My Dads.. are you happy?"
TeresaAlm [to Rita]: "how is claire? is she joining us today?"
RitaZ exclaims, "it seems its Dads day everywhere!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "With three Grandchildren due to arrive soon, of course I'm happy."
RitaZ says, "yes, shed try to make it"
VanceS [not at work] says, "I'm happy. I got a sweet card from my two kids."
TeresaAlm asks, "did you know that dads day in portugal is on march 19?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hmmm. We each have our own dates, I guess."
ClaireB has connected.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "anyway, happy dads day to the fathers withus here!!!"
ClaireB waves to all
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Morning, Claire."
ClaireB exclaims, "hiya Rita!!!!!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, there, clarinha! was just asking about you!"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi; Clarita!"
ClaireB says, "ita and I were ivisiting last night"
VanceS [not at work] says, "hi Claire"
ClaireB says, "hiya Tere"
ClaireB says, "Hiya vance"
ClaireB asks, "oh vance? not at work? then where might you be???"
ClaireB asks, "not slipping out the back door???"
VanceS looks at home.
ClaireB says, "hi john (things scrolled too fast)"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "sempre tens a conferencia no dia 23?"
VanceS [to Claire]: "ahhem"
ying [guest] asks, "Vance, you don't need to work today?"
ClaireB says, "sim"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "They do tend to do that, Claire."
ClaireB says, "just teasing vance"
VanceS [at home] says, "I just got back from work, thanks Ying"
ClaireB asks, "are you all coming to the teleconference on the 23?"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "entao falamos depois, esta bem?"
VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "how is life in New york?"
TeresaAlm asks, "count me in! what time?"
ClaireB says, "tere, I thought you said it is your mother's birthday"
ClaireB says, "3 pm Pittsburgh time"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "no, joao's birthday!"
ClaireB says, "then I understand if you can't do it, of course"
VanceS [at home] asks, "what t/conference?"
TeresaAlm asks, "i'll see what the plans are for that evening, ok?"
ClaireB says, "ok"
RitaZ says, "Ill be there, Clari"
ClaireB exclaims, "yea, yea!"
VanceS [to Claire]: "ahhem ... what teleconference?"
RitaZ [to Claire]: "thanks for the trip last night, it was fun!"
ClaireB says, "you weren't here last week, so you weren't invited. but say the word, and I'll send you an invtiation. I'm looking up John's email right now"
ClaireB says, "vance, tell them all where I am going in 3 weeks"
VanceS [at home] says, "the word"
ClaireB says, "ok"
VanceS [at home] says, "Egypt, yeah"
TeresaAlm asks, "going down the nile, clarinha?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "My e-mail? I'm here"
RitaZ exclaims, "wow, Clari!"
Juani has connected.
ClaireB says, "yes true"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "Morning, Juani, How's London?"
ClaireB says, "I haven't signed the agreement yet, but I should this week"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "wow! that's one place i'd love to go!"
VanceS [at home] says, "Hi Juani"
Juani [guest] exclaims, "Hello.It's great!!"
ClaireB says, "not down the nile, bu to alexandria"
TeresaAlm asks, "is it business, pleasure, or both?"
ClaireB says, "I'll do some workshops at the Alexandria U."
Juani [guest] says, "HiVance.It's the first time I'm at GMT"
ClaireB says, "at Alexandria U"
ClaireB says, "hi Juani"
VanceS [to Juani [guest]]: "Did you ever hook up with Eric?"
RitaZ asks, "Where are you from, juani?"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "good for you! is marc going?"
VanceS [at home] says, "she's from just over the mountain, Rita"
Juani [guest] says, "Hi..Noyet<Vance"
VanceS [at home] asks, "Did you write him directly?"
VanceS [at home] asks, "via email?"
RitaZ says, "(thanks, Vance)"
ClaireB says, "no marc has to stay home and work"
Juani [guest] says, "yes,butmy mail was returned,then I tried thegroup again"
VanceS [at home] says, "I've never been to Alex as they call it"
ClaireB asks, "see how I'm getting into the lingo???"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "how long will you be staying?"
VanceS [at home] asks, "I've got his address on webheads, did you try that one?"
ClaireB asks, "Vance, why don't you and Bobby come over?"
ClaireB says, "about 2 weeks"
VanceS [at home] says, "Bobbi is in Texas right now with one of my kids"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "great!"
ClaireB asks, "when will Bobbi be back?"
VanceS [at home] says, "end of July"
ying [guest] says, "Bobby is at e"
Juani [guest] says, "yes,that one. probably he'svery busy"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "btw, don't you need an assistant?!"
VanceS [at home] asks, "why don't you swing by Abu Dhabi?"
ClaireB says, "oh, too bad. then pop over to see Ismail, and you can both come see me"
ClaireB says, "yeah riiiiiight"
VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "she's in Texas at her mom's house"
ying [guest] says, "Bobby went to Texas with Dusty.."
ClaireB says, "interesting idea about Abu Dhabi, but I can ill afford the time to go anywhere. If it were not for the lure of the Sphinx, I would stay home"
VanceS [at home] says, "that's right, and my other son Glenn is coming out to Abu Dhabi on July 16 I thinkg"
ClaireB says, "poor lonely vance"
DavidW has connected.
ClaireB exclaims, "so bring Gleen to visit me and the Sphinx!"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "don't forget to wave when you fly over lisbon!!!"
VanceS looks lonely.
ClaireB says, "riiiight tere"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, david! long time no see!!!"
Juani [guest] says, "I'll be in Madrid next week"
DavidW [helper] waves to JohnSte [webhead], ying [guest], MarybethH, RitaZ, TeresaAlm, VanceS [lonely], ClaireB, and Juani [guest].
ClaireB says, "or just send Glenn to Egipt and stay home and be lonely"
DavidW [to TereasaAlm]: "Hi there"
VanceS [lonely] says, "We're flying to Bangkok on the 18th"
ClaireB says, "hi david"
RitaZ exclaims, "hola, david!"
ying [guest] says, "hi. david."
DavidW [to ClaireB]: ""
ClaireB says, "ok, no soap then"
VanceS [lonely] says, "and Bobbi is coming out there a week later"
DavidW [helper] says, "Morning"
ClaireB says, "tell glenn I said hello"
VanceS [lonely] says, "hola David"
DavidW [helper] asks, "Hola, amigos/amigas, que tal?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi, there, David."
RitaZ asks, "Como estas, dave?"
ClaireB says, "I'll see my son in 2 weeks in New york -- Marc's parents' 50th wedding anniversary, and he is coming in from SF"
Juani [guest] asks, "Hola David como estas??"
DavidW [helper] says, "Un poco cansado"
ClaireB asks, "por que?"
DavidW [helper] exclaims, "Futbol!"
RitaZ asks, "mucho trabajo?"
Juani [guest] asks, "mucho trabajo?"
ClaireB says, "mucho futbol"
DavidW [helper] says, "No."
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Si."
VanceS [lonely] says, "http://www.soccernet.com y tocar Live Commentary"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
DavidW [helper] says, "I watch the games on Univision, Spanish television"
Juani [guest] says, "you want us to make comments ?I don'tknow anything about football"
ying [guest] asks, "now?"
DavidW [helper] says, "Spain 1 - Ireland 0"
VanceS [lonely] says, "at the half"
DavidW . o O ( at the half )
VanceS [lonely] says, "if you go to that url you can watch the commentary scroll on the screen"
DavidW [to Juani [guest]]: "Feel free to make commments on anything you would like"
ClaireB says, "tere, did you notice how kind I was not to mention the US vs. Portugal"
VanceS [lonely] says, "it's great for english learners I think"
DavidW [helper] agrees with VanceS [lonely].
VanceS [lonely] avoids any mention of US vs. Portugal
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_25 [guest] has disconnected.
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "yes, clarinha! but the portuguese got what they deserved! they just think they're great!"
ying [guest] says, "David is not a English learner..."
ying [guest] says, "I am."
ClaireB says, "but most of the time the US sucks at soccer"
ClaireB says, "I was amazed"
ying [guest] asks, "sucks?"
TeresaAlm says, "i'm not a football fan, really."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i was amazed, too!"
VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "you ought to have a look at the English there Ying Lan"
VanceS [lonely] says, "but it's halftime now"
ClaireB says, "I'm not either, but I know that most Portugese take it very seriously"
VanceS [lonely] says, "I'll tell you when it starts again"
DavidW [helper] says, "The US is getting better at soccer. It was a HUGE surprise for the US team to beat Portugal"
ying [guest] says, "o.k."
ClaireB says, "enormous surprise"
ying [guest] says, "all..."
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Many people (perhaps more men) take it very seriously"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "of course, they do. but you should see their faces now!"
ClaireB says, "I didn't want to rub it in, tere"
VanceS [lonely] gasps as David mentions the match we had all avoided mentioning
TeresaAlm exclaims, "many women also take it very seriously! i'm surprised!"
ClaireB says, "aw, tere can take it"
DavidW [to TeresaAlm]: "I'm less and less surprised that women also take it seriously"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "of course i can! i'm strong!!!"
ClaireB says, "not me. When I lived in Coimbra, my female friends took it seriously"
RitaZ says, "here in Argentina people are still mourning..."
DavidW . o O ( TereasaAlm and I discussed this yesterday )
ClaireB says, "worry to be redundant...."
TeresaAlm [to Rita]: "i love your comment!"
ClaireB asks, "so why didn't Dafne join us? was she here earlier?"
TeresaAlm asks, "and what about france being eliminated?"
VanceS [lonely] says, "Hi Yaodong, nice to see you"
ClaireB says, "bad karma"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I think I saw her here earlier."
DavidW . o O ( Big surpise about France as well. )
VanceS [lonely] says, "Yaodong is in the Riddle Room at ..."
Juani has connected.
AidenY has connected.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i think daf is in her cyber office!"
VanceS [lonely] is glad to see Aiden
ChristopherMJ has connected.
ClaireB says, "she was, but I don't see her name anymore"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, there, aide and juanita (wb)!"
AidenY exclaims, "Hello guys!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hello, Aiden."
VanceS [lonely] is happy to see Christopher
DavidW [helper] waves to AidenY.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hi, there, chris!"
ClaireB says, "hi chris"
DavidW [helper] waves to ChristopherMJ.
VanceS [lonely] says, "ok, the second half has begun"
ChristopherMJ waves to everyone
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hi, Chris."
VanceS [lonely] says, "Spain has just recovered the ball from Ireland"
Juani [guest] says, "Sorry I was disconnected"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Who's winning?"
VanceS [lonely] says, "Spain"
DavidW . o O ( 1-0 )
Juani [guest] says, "Great!!#"
VanceS [lonely] says, "if you want to follow visit http://www.soccernet.com"
VanceS [lonely] says, "and click on Live Commentary"
DavidW . o O ( Senegal beat Sweden, 2-1 )
ClaireB exclaims, "and vance definitely wants to follow!"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'd like to see Ireland win just to put Roy Kean (spelling) in his place"
VanceS [lonely] says, "Soccer is one of our two topics for today"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "no sound, right? just text?"
VanceS [lonely] says, "that's right, just text"
ChristopherMJ asks, "What's the other topic?"
AidenY says, "Arthur must be watching this game"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_162 [guest] has disconnected.
AidenY says, "riddles, i think"
DavidW [helper] says, "One the FIFA web site (fifaworldcup.yahoo.com) you can, I think, watch a live broadcast, depending on the speed of your connection"
VanceS [lonely] says, "Ireland have just blocked a spanish attempt."
VanceS [lonely] says, "Now try to read the description in English and figure that out"
AidenY says, "am watching the game"
VanceS [lonely] says, "it's challenging but motivatining I think for learners to 'read' (not watch) a WC game like this"
YaodongC Yaodong enjoys being with you.
YaodongC's personal recorder follows YaodongC to here.
DavidW [helper] smiles.
DavidW [helper] waves to YaodongC [helping his students].
VanceS [to YaodongC]: "A tea pot"
YaodongC [helping his students] smiles.
ClaireB exclaims, "I have a million channels at home, and I'm having trouble finding the game. I don't even know if it is on here!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Hello, Yaodong."
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Why are you lonely?"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "thanks"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Yahodong"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Do you have ESPN?"
VanceS looks happily among friends.
YaodongC [helping his students] bows to everyone.
DavidW [helper] bows to YaodongC [helping his students].
ClaireB says, "I have about 4 espn channels, but I don't see it."
VanceS [to Chris]: "the second topic is riddles"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "I think it is on ESPN2 - that's one of hte channels."
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "let me go back to the riddle room. see ya in a minute."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "soccernet. com is an ESPN website"
RitaZ says, "(my hubby is watching the game, nice feeling... all of us watching synchronically...)"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
ChristopherMJ has connected.
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Yes, it is!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hmmm...got kicked out"
ClaireB says, "espn2 is showing a documentary about huntin. espn is showing basketball. the espn news is talking about baseball, for god's sake"
DavidW . o O ( better than being kicked IN the shins... )
Juani has connected.
AidenY says, "it's a pity, arthur and dafne aren't here, would love to hear their reactions to the game"
DavidW [to Juani [guest]]: "Welcome back"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Dafne has been starting up her online course"
Juani [guest] says, "it doesn't allowme to chat and see the soccergame"
ChristopherMJ [to DavidW]: "Good point about the shins"
AidenY asks, "online course?"
VanceS . o O ( Arthur is probably down at the pub just now )
ClaireB says, "my fourth espn channel is showing something about the "history of sports." how LAME"
DavidW [to AidenY]: "Might be too tense for the two of them"
ClaireB says, "maybe eventually the news channel will repport a score"
AidenY says, "yeah, he's probably enjoying the a mug of beer"
Juani [guest] says, "yes,it's a cyber center where I am"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Sorry, I know there are a lot of ESPN channels, but when i've been somewhere with cable, it tends to be on ESPN2"
ChristopherMJ says, "I tried to tell my students that basketball is more exiting than soccer. They weren't buying it."
DavidW [helper] grins.
ClaireB says, "well it SHOULD be on espn2, IMHO"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "just come to http://www.soccernet.com and click on Live Commentary"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "After all, the LA Lakers are (still) the champions of the Millenium!"
AidenY asks, "chris, do you really think that basketball is more exciting than soccer?"
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "...of the Millenium?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Yes, Aiden, I do"
ClaireB says, "I think they are both exciting, she says diplomatically"
DavidW . o O ( very diplomatically )
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_172 [guest] has lost its link.
ChristopherMJ says, "for example, you have to wait for 90 minutes to see 2 or 3 points in soccer."
DavidW [helper] says, "I played both, growing up."
AidenY says, "used to be a basketball fan, gave up about 10-15 years ago"
ClaireB says, "yes, but scoringn isn't everything"
ChristopherMJ [to DavidW]: "Lakers: champs 2000, 2001, 2002"
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "Yes."
AidenY asks, "vance, the referee just pointed his finger to his nose, what does that mean?"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, Chris!"
DavidW [helper] appreciates ClaireB's comment about scoring.
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Rita"
JohnSte [webhead] asks, "It stinks??"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
ChristopherMJ says, "but...in Germany, you have to be into soccer, so I have joined the ranks"
AidenY exclaims, "LOL John, perhaps!"
VanceS [to AidenY]: "I guess it's a penalty"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Actually, the only sport I follow is walking to the dinner table."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "either that or he was suffering some discomfort and was hoping no one would notice"
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "Do you practice that sport with determination?"
ClaireB says, "now THERE's a sport"
YaodongC [to AidenY]: "are you good at riddles?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Definitely."
AidenY says, "he was pretty angry"
DavidW [helper] appreciates determination in any sport.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "dont forget the second topic is riddles"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "and the challenge is to design a robot that will ask them"
ClaireB asks, "we have formal topics here?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Actually, I also enjoy the breakfast and lunch tables."
DavidW [helper] says, "A 3 sport man, very impressive."
DavidW [helper] winks at JohnSte [webhead].
ClaireB says, "we should not discriminate against any type of table"
RitaZ [to YaodongC]: "I love riddles..."
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Yes, what about picnic tables..."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I love riddles, but am not very good at answering them."
AidenY says, "commercial break"
YaodongC [to RitaZ]: "thanks"
Juani [guest] says, "me,too"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'm still working on the 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening one"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Actually, any type of table - as long as it has food on it."
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "That's a wonderful one...."
AidenY exclaims, "ok, hit it, yaodong!"
AidenY asks, "riddles?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Yaodong is at a moo called ...."
YaodongC [to AidenyI]: "have a riddle here:"
Juani [guest] asks, "how is itthat some of you have your pictures and I can seeyou?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "help me Yaodong, green something"
ChristopherMJ [to DavidW]: "It got Oedipus out of hot water - at the beginning anyway"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "anyway this moo has a bot that asks riddles"
DavidW . o O ( just a bit... ) ___________ | |
YaodongC holds up a BIG sign: | grassroot | |___________|
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "it's like a virtual pet"
VanceS [happily among friends] nods to Yaodong
ClaireB says, "I would like to have a virtual pet"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "ia m there nwo."
DavidW . o O ( Penalty kick for Ireland! )
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "but i can/'t work out hte last riddle."
ChristopherMJ asks, "11 meter?"
YaodongC [helping his students] asks, "can any one help?"
RitaZ asks, "wow penalty...wheres Arthur?"
AidenY exclaims, "this is it, fore ireland?!"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "sock it to us, Yaodong"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "could you hlep us out?"
AidenY exclaims, "blocked!"
DavidW [helper] exclaims, "THe Spanish goalie saved it!"
DavidW . o O ( and, another Irish player missed the rebound...yikes! )
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "THere's a lag in the commentary, we've got Juanfran booked just now"
AidenY says, "can they make it, ireland's running out of time"
DavidW [to AidenY]: "Lots of time, close to 30 minutes left."
ChristopherMJ refilling up on grape juice to wash down the German bread and Turkish cheese
VanceS [to YaodongC]: "we're listening"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "ready to help out"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK, shoot Yaodong"
AidenY says, "right"
DavidW . o O ( so to speak )
YaodongC [helping his students] asks, "the riddle is: what letter is an insect? what letter is large body of water? what letter is like a ladder? what letter stands in the middle of the world? what letter is a drink?"
DavidW [helper] says, "Oooh, good one."
AidenY says, "ust page arthur"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "how many riddles is that?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "B, C, H, R, Don't Know."
YaodongC [helping his students] smiles
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "T"
ChristopherMJ asks, "Is it one letter and does it spell something?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "OK."
TeresaAlm exclaims, "very good!"
DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
DavidW [helper] waves to DafneG.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Aha right on cue"
DavidW [helper] says, "Hola"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "welcome, daf!"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Morning, Dafne."
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Dafne"
DafneG says, "heloo everybody"
ClaireB exclaims, "hi dafne!"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "THe grand entry"
RitaZ exclaims, "hi, Daf!"
DafneG says, "I finally made it"
DafneG says, "I could not get the chat window"
AidenY exclaims, "good you did!"
ClaireB says, "well, we missed you"
ChristopherMJ asks, "I'm terrible at riddles ... could someone "spell" it out for me?"
ClaireB asks, "are you watching the game?"
DafneG exclaims, "of course!"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_145 [guest] has disconnected.
DafneG says, "Spain is winning"
DavidW [helper] exclaims, "Goal!"
AidenY exclaims, "in!!!"
DavidW [helper] says, "Spain"
RitaZ asks, "which team are you all for...?"
DafneG says, "no out of game"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "Sorry, Daf, rooting for Ireland (not that hard)"
DavidW [helper] says, "Oops, offised."
DafneG says, "me for Spain"
DavidW . o O ( offside )
DafneG says, "thanks DAvid"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Did you really need to ask that?"
DavidW [helper] grins.
AidenY exclaims, "whoever wins, rita! they're both good!"
RitaZ [to DavidW]: "why not...."
ChristopherMJ says, "I just want the Irish team to toast without Roy Kean"
DafneG says, "good for you Aiden"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "Why aren't you down in the streets with your face painted, Daf?"
DavidW [to RitaZ]: "Well, just would have guessed that.... probably Espana"
DafneG says, "you are not looking at my face, VAnce"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "oh, it IS painted, good one"
DafneG says, "nobody in the streets, actually"
DafneG says, "at home and in bars"
DavidW [helper] exclaims, "Claro!"
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "not yet, you mean"
DafneG exclaims, "yeap!"
DafneG asks, "what is it about the riddle bot?"
VanceS [to Chris]: "sure"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "the riddle bot is like a virtual pet"
DafneG [to TeresaAlm,]: "thanks for your message"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "you say something to it like,I want a riddle"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "and it prints you out a riddle"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "hugs!"
MarybethH leaves for the CAFE.
MarybethH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
MarybethH has arrived.
MarybethH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "when you aswer the question correctly it responds with congratulations"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "I guess that's how it works"
DafneG asks, "what's the bot's name?"
MarybethH leaves for the ASO.
MarybethH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
ClaireB says, "ah, my husband says that espn does not have the world cup because unthe univision channel bought the rights. we don't have univision :-("
DafneG says, "I am watching a Spanish channel"
MarybethH comes home.
MarybethH's personal recorder follows MarybethH to here.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "i'm at http://www.justriddlesandmore.com/ and having fun with lots of riddles!"
DavidW [helper] says, "They have been showing the World Cup up until now, but maybe this round...it may be on ABC."
ClaireB says, "yeah, you are in a civilized country, daf"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "I can check the tv listings, for you."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "About the bot, Yaodong has found a MOO that has such a bot"
ClaireB says, "not on abc in Pittsburgh"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "one advantage to moos is that they can have bots, like our virtual pets"
ClaireB asks, "which moo?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "but you have to designe them to do what you want them to do"
DafneG asks, "has Yaodong created one for TI?"
ClaireB says, "yeah, you have to be a GEEK"
ClaireB asks, "which moo????"
DafneG asks, "GEEK?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "www.grassroot.com I think"
ClaireB says, "a geek is a person who loves computers and works/plays on them all the time"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Yeah, it looks like ESPN/ABC won't show this game until 1:30pm this afternoon"
DafneG says, "thanks, Claire"
ClaireB says, "ok, David, thanks for the info"
DavidW [helper] agrees with ClaireB about the definition of geek.
DavidW . o O ( Strange, they are showing other games (US/Mexico tomorrow morning is on ESPN2) )
ClaireB says, "some people see "geek" as a negative, but I'd be flattered if anyone thought I was a geek"
VanceS . o O ( claire is a geek )
ClaireB says, "yes, that is strange; maybe my husband is wrong"
DafneG says, "I love Mendieta, he used to play for the Valencia Team"
DavidW [helper] smiles.
ClaireB says, "wouldn't be the first time lol"
DavidW . o O ( Raul is a nice player )
DafneG exclaims, "indeed!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MarybethH has disconnected.
RitaZ says, "(ive just tried www.grassroot.com but doesnt work...)"
ClaireB says, "I tried www.grassroots.com, but it did not seem to be related"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "maybe it's net or org"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "I can look it up in a minute"
ClaireB says, "ah, Vance, accuracy"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "have to fire up computer #2"
DavidW . o O ( oooh, Ireland, close... )
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "IF ONLY Yaodong were here to give us the URL"
DafneG shouts
DavidW [helper] smiles at DafneG.
DavidW [helper] says, "Ay"
DafneG now smiles happily
ClaireB asks, "what happened?"
VanceS [happily among friends] reads lagging commentary on soccernet
DafneG says, "poor Raul"
ClaireB says, "fill in the ignorant here in the US who are world cup-less"
DafneG says, "he fell down, he is hurt"
DafneG says, "had to leave the game"
RitaZ says, "its www.grassroot.net, but we need to install a lang pack...."
ClaireB says, "awwwwwwww"
ChristopherMJ says, "The US has actually one a few world cups"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Yaodong just showed it to me the other day"
ChristopherMJ ...wons.
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "Yes, really?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "and already someone named Dicken (grassroots BJB) is getting in touch"
YaodongC [helping his students] says, "hello, I am back from Grassroots"
ChristopherMJ [to DavidW]: "Don't ask me the years, but someone (like one of the baseball stat types for soccer) told me the other day"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "Do you know DW in grassroots?"
DafneG says, "Hi Don"
DavidW [to ChristopherMJ]: "Well, the have won some games in the past. I think in 1950, the defeated England in a big upset."
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "hello,Daf!"
DavidW . o O ( ...they have won... )
VanceS [to YaodongC]: "you were with me when I met him/her"
ClaireB asks, "is there a way to see the grassroot page in English?"
YaodongC [to DafneG]: "did you watch the game today?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "I had it in English"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "yep."
DafneG says, "7 minutes to the end of the game"
DavidW . o O ( plus a little additional time )
RitaZ [to Claire]: "need the same answer!"
AidenY exclaims, "ireland needs to score!"
DavidW [helper] exclaims, "Great save bye the Spanish goalie!"
VaughandaB has connected.
DafneG exclaims, "Casillas has been great!"
DavidW [helper] says, "Claro"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "hi Vaughan"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Vaughan"
DavidW [helper] waves to VaughandaB.
DafneG says, "Hello Vaughan"
AidenY says, "casillas' good"
RitaZ says, "hello, Vaughan"
DafneG says, "5 minutes left"
DafneG exclaims, "yeah!"
DavidW grins.
AidenY exclaims, "this is really exciting!"
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "In five minutes I'll ask if anyone has any ideas on designing a riddle-bot"
DafneG asks, "David, how do you say "portero, in English?"
ChristopherMJ says, "The webheads are dong a great job of up to the minute reporting"
ClaireB says, "yeah, it's great"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "I don't know that word, "portero""
AidenY asks, "porter?"
DafneG says, "CAsillas is a portero"
ClaireB says, "that's because we don't have porteros. it's like a doorman"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "let's see what babble fish has to say about it"
RitaZ asks, "in what context, Daf?"
DavidW asks, "Goaltender?"
DafneG says, "soccer"
ClaireB says, "oh, in futbol"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "is he the goalie?"
DavidW . o O ( portero == goaltender/goalkeeper )
DafneG asks, "??"
ChristopherMJ says, "that's my guess"
DafneG says, "maybe goalkeeper"
RitaZ says, "in Argentina thats "arquero""
VaughandaB leaves for the New.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the New.
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Casillas, the position he plays is goalkeeper/goaltender"
YaodongC [helping his students] goes UP.
YaodongC's personal recorder (recording) goes UP.
DafneG says, "yes, arquero or portero"
DavidW smiles.
ChristopherMJ says, "BRB"
TeresaAlm says, "goalkeeper is what i found, daf."
DafneG says, "because he takes care of thed door (puerta)"
ClaireB says, "makes sense"
DavidW says, "Si"
DafneG says, "thanks, Tere"
ClaireB says, "we do have those. I was thinking momentarily of sereno"
RitaZ says, "and portero is the one who takes care of buildings doors"
ClaireB says, "when I lived in Madrid, there was a sereno on every street"
AidenY exclaims, "penalty!"
DavidW says, "Ireland scored in the last 30 seconds of the goal against Germany -"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
DafneG says, "penalty"
TeresaAlm asks, "that's in brazilian portuguese, isn't it, claire?"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure I saw that one..."
VaughandaB comes home.
VaughandaB's personal recorder follows VaughandaB to here.
AidenY asks, "what? against pierro?"
ClaireB says, "I don't know if it is portuguese"
DavidW says, "LOt of shirt holding by the Spanish player."
DafneG says, "agains Spain"
DavidW exclaims, "Yikes!"
AidenY exclaims, "IRELAND'S chance!"
DafneG says, "Hierro, Aiden"
DavidW says, "What a call!@"
TeresaAlm says, "i think that's what brazilians call a doorman."
AidenY exclaims, "goal!"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
AidenY says, "yes, Daf"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "ok, right here on Tapped In"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "let's start a wave"
AidenY exclaims, "ireland score! break even!"
RitaZ says, "(Arthur must be cheering!)"
DafneG is crying
DavidW exclaims, "It's pretty exciting, NOW!"
AidenY exclaims, "he must be, rita!"
JohnSte [webhead] yawnings.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Arthur must be ordering another"
AidenY says, "oh, Daf"
DavidW [to JohnSte]: "Want some food?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I did miss breakfast today. Maybe I should have something."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "ESPN: It's in! He sends Casillas the wrong way. Ireland are level and they are absolutely jubilant. Quinn and Keane have done it again."
ClaireB says, "gee, I want some food"
DafneG [to John]: "don't you like soccer?"
TeresaAlm asks, "how many minutes left?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I don't really follow any sports."
RitaZ says, "4 min, Tere"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "it's past 90 min"
DafneG says, "2 and a half"
DavidW says, "It's extra time...the referee adds time to make up for delays during the regulation 45 minutes"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "thanks, rita! exciting!"
DavidW nods.
DavidW says, "But they will play overtime, if this ends 1-1"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "My wife and daughters love baseball and basketball, but I just let them go by themselves."
DafneG says, "I hate baseball"
DavidW laughs.
ClaireB says, "baseball is just too slow"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "I don't care for it either."
DafneG says, "it is too slow"
ChristopherMJ says, "Baseball isn't a sport, it's a religion"
DavidW says, "It's a different game."
ClaireB exclaims, "lol Chris!"
DafneG says, "you never know how long it will take"
DavidW says, "Doesn't have time as an element of the game...it takes as long as it takes, quite different from other sports..."
ClaireB says, "but you know it will take a LONG time"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW exclaims, "Overtime!"
RitaZ [to Claire]: "well have to put off our quest for another day...;-)..)"
DavidW says, "Amazing finish to the game..."
ChristopherMJ [to DafneG]: "sure you know how ling it will take, a long time :-)"
DafneG says, "the end"
DafneG says, "1/1"
DafneG agrees with Chris
AidenY says, "break...."
AidenY exclaims, "whew! that was exhilarating!"
DafneG sadly drinks a beer
AidenY says, "oh, daf..."
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "Don't your side have another chance, Daf?"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "At least you have a beer."
ClaireB says, "don't worry daf, it's not over yet"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "isn't it overtime?"
DafneG smiles
DavidW wonders if he can get a bagel and be back before the start of overtime.
ChristopherMJ says, "Baseball is a good way to have a nice conversation with friends without missing anything - just have to look up when you hear the sound of wood cracking"
DavidW agrees with ChristopherMJ.
AidenY says, "additional 30 minutes for the tie breaker"
VanceS [happily among friends] hands David a bagel
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "...while theres life theres hope..."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "A better conversation place, however, is a bar."
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Thanks,"
VanceS [happily among friends] offers cream cheese
DavidW says, "Okay, I'm going to try... be back soon..."
ClaireB says, "I'd like a bagel, hint hint"
DavidW looks away.
ChristopherMJ [to John]: "there's no sunshine in a bar"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "What kind?"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "quickly..."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "True, Chris."
ClaireB says, "onion"
DafneG says, "mine with salmon, cream cheese and capers"
ClaireB says, "and cream cheese"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "get the artichoke and strawberry ones, they're interesting"
DavidW [away] exclaims, "I know, I know , the capers! I have the capers!!"
DafneG says, "or caviar instead of capers"
RitaZ asks, "anybody for wine?"
ChristopherMJ says, "blueberry for me (I just say that 'cause David thinks blueberry bagels are sacrilige)"
DavidW . o O ( artichoke and strawberry really? )
DavidW [away] leaves the keyboard.
DafneG says, "too hot in here for wine"
ClaireB says, "such an effete group"
VaughandaB leaves for the ASO.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
RitaZ says, "ah, right Daf, its so cold here i forgot..."
DafneG says, "better a Franziskaner"
ChristopherMJ says, "gotta look up effete(been in Germany for too long)"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "who was that masked man who was just here?"
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Well, My kids and grandkids are here and want me to open my presents. So, I'll see you all next week."
DafneG asks, "effete?"
ChristopherMJ says, "see you John"
DafneG says, "bye, JOhn"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "lucky you"
DavidW says, "Oops, not enough time, just started again."
JohnSte [webhead] says, "Have a hapy Father's Day to all the Dads here."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "have a nice father's day, out to dinner somewhere"
ClaireB says, "happy father's day indeed"
ChristopherMJ says, "ditto"
DafneG says, "oh, yes Happy Father's Day"
DavidW wishes Happy Father's Day to all the fathers here.
You hear a quiet popping sound; JohnSte [webhead] has disconnected.
ClaireB says, "three cheers for dads"
RitaZ exclaims, "need to leave, folks, happy fathers all, see you next week!"
DavidW says, "oops, that scared him"
DavidW waves to RitaZ.
ClaireB says, "bye rita"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
RitaZ exclaims, "bye!"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "ok Rita, nice you could join us" _____________________ | |
DafneG holds up a BIG sign: | HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! | |_____________________|
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Rita"
DafneG says, "bye Rita"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
ClaireB says, "I should go too -- bye for now"
DavidW waves to ClaireB.
VaughandaB finds her way in.
VaughandaB's personal recorder follows VaughandaB to here.
DafneG says, "the first goal will give us a winner"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "need to go, too! bye all!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireB has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Claro"
ChristopherMJ says, "Disseration is calling .... see you all next week"
DafneG hugs Tere good bye
AidenY says, "bye tere"
DafneG exclaims, "too late!"
DavidW waves to ChristopherMJ.
AidenY says, "bye chris"
DafneG says, "bye, Chris"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye everyone"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "well, looks like the crowd is thinning out here"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
AidenY says, "i'm staying till the game ends"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "me too"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "let's switch on a flashlight"
VanceS [happily among friends] shines beam on DavidW, AidenY, DafneG, and VaughandaB.
DavidW wonders what that means.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "still five of us"
VaughandaB goes OUT.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) goes OUT.
DavidW says, "4"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "down to 4"
VanceS . o O ( oh yeah, mathematician )
DafneG grins
AidenY says, "you scared her away, vance"
DavidW says, "I'm going to the NECC confernce in San Antonio this afternoon."
AidenY asks, "what if no one scores within 30 minutes?"
DavidW says, "Penalty kicks"
VanceS [happily among friends] hears doorbell
DafneG asks, "don't they have other 15 minutes?"
DavidW says, "It's a bad way to decide a game, but that's what they do."
DafneG says, "I hate penalties"
DavidW says, "I think they have 2 15 minute periods, I think."
DavidW agrees strongly with DafneG.
DafneG says, "Spain has only 10 players now"
DavidW asks, "Yes?"
DafneG says, "sadly yes"
DavidW asks, "Who got a red card?"
DavidW . o O ( where was I when that happened? )
DafneG says, "I don't know"
DafneG says, "I missed it"
DavidW says, "Me too."
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "they look tired"
DavidW says, "Yes, they do."
DavidW says, "Corner for Ireland"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "What's corner in Spanish (esquina?)"
VanceS [happily among friends] returns from answering the door
DavidW says, "Wow, that was a chance."
DafneG says, "they call it corner"
DavidW asks, "In Spanish?"
DavidW . o O ( "corner"? )
DafneG says, "no translation in spanish"
DavidW says, "funny"
VaughandaB has arrived.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VaughandaB leaves for the CAFE.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
DafneG says, "In Spain they use lots of English words"
DavidW says, "I think the announcers here on Univision say "tira de esquina""
DafneG says, "tiro"
DavidW says, "tiro de esquina"
DafneG says, "but here in the Spanish channel, say corner"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "yes, DAvid"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "there's that masked man again"
DavidW says, "English is infiltrating everywhere"
DafneG says, "that person keeps going in and out"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "here, they use "parking" instead of estacionamiento"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "he probably thinks we're a pack of hoods hanging out in reception"
DafneG says, "and bacon instead of tocineta"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Really, I think that's true in france, as well."
DafneG says, "lol"
VaughandaB has arrived.
VaughandaB's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
DafneG says, "and "puzzle" instead of rompecabeza"
DavidW waves to VaughandaB.
DafneG says, "hi VaughandaB"
DavidW says, "I like "rompecabeza" - that's a good word"
DafneG smiles
DafneG says, "but you should here how they pronounce puzzle"
DafneG says, "hear"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW asks, "Here?"
DafneG says, "hear"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "they say "pusle""
You hear a quiet popping sound; VaughandaB has disconnected.
DavidW . o O ( pulse? )
DafneG says, "no pusle"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "puzzle, pusle"
DavidW says, "Okay"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "pu slay like that?"
DavidW says, "Si"
DafneG says, "no pus-le"
DavidW . o O ( "pu-slay == pus-le" )
AidenY says, "they're cheering.."
DafneG says, "le" like in "lend""
DavidW says, "Okay."
DavidW says, "I see."
ArthurM has connected.
AidenY says, "where have you been, arthur>"
DavidW waves to ArthurM.
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "Arthur, let me guess, you've been correcting papers?"
DavidW grins.
DafneG says, "watching the game"
ArthurM says, "22 grown men chasing a bag of wind ..."
ArthurM says, "It's exciting ..."
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "corner for Ireland"
DavidW . o O ( a bag of wind.... I like that. )
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "you've just got to find the right crowd to 'watch' it with"
ArthurM says, "I cam in here to get away from an emotional family ...."
DafneG says, "lol"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "and walked right into Webheads with faces painted, and doing the wave"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "and banging our pots and pans"
DafneG says, "now, Spain has 9 players"
DafneG says, "Luis Enrique is hurt"
ArthurM says, "Yesterday I went to get my hair cut, during the England match. The barber cut my hair without looking once at my (admittedly, balding) head )"
DafneG says, "lol"
AidenY says, "LOL, arthur! oh, no hope it wasn't a disaster"
DavidW says, "I hope you didn't have to pay"
ArthurM says, "No, Aiden, no; thanks for your concern :-)"
AidenY asks, "was he watching the game whilst cutting your hair?"
ArthurM says, "Yes."
ArthurM says, "I still have a couple of ears and no trace of blood"
DafneG says, "glad you had some extra ears"
ArthurM says, "lol"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
DavidW says, "Yikes! This is end to end."
ArthurM exclaims, "All the better to hear you with !"
DafneG says, "this is too exciting for my poor old heart"
DavidW agrees.
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Arthur, we figured you'd be down at the pub"
ArthurM exclaims, "There's no room!"
DafneG says, "same here"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Well, plenty of room here at Tapped In"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "what are you having?"
DafneG asks, "who?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "or should I say .. the Tapped Inn"
ArthurM says, "lol"
VanceS [happily among friends] giggles to himself
DafneG says, "lol"
DavidW asks, "Do they serve Guiness at The Tapped Inn?"
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [happily among friends] roots around in the cool box for a guiness
AidenY asks, "are they allowed?"
DafneG says, "a Franziskaner for me please"
DavidW . o O ( Franziskner? )
VanceS [happily among friends] hands Daf a Franziskaner
DafneG says, "yes, wheat beer"
DavidW says, "Well...."
VanceS [to DavidW]: "will a Murphy's do?"
DafneG says, "thanks, VAnce"
DafneG asks, "well, why not?"
DavidW exclaims, "I'm getting a bagel when this is over - real wheat!"
AidenY says, "is it good daf> haven't tried it yet;"
DafneG says, "I love wheat bear"
VanceS [happily among friends] finds a Guiness "Well, what have we here?"
VanceS [happily among friends] hands David a Guiness
DafneG says, "they call it weissbier"
DavidW says, "A little too early to drink for me - had Sangria last night with my aunt and a women architect from Havana, Cuba"
DavidW says, "yes, weissbier"
DafneG smiles
DavidW says, "A small restaurant in Greenwich Village, Rincon de Espana"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "I used to drink Weissbier for breakfast in Bavaria"
ArthurM says, "I used to drink weissbier in Bavaria when I went there a few times a decade ago; then Resco started to import it here."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "or at least that's what I was handed at that time of day"
DavidW . o O ( good paella valenciana )
DafneG says, "I had paella yesterday"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "I was very full at the end of dinner."
AidenY says, "yummy, daf.."
DafneG says, "after a week of tuna sandwich"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW says, "Tasted even better, then."
DavidW asks, "Did you make it or go to a restaurant?"
DafneG says, "I went to a restaurant next door"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "I am surrounded by bars and restaurants"
DavidW exclaims, "Oh, the red light district!"
DavidW grins.
ArthurM says, "We have a new tapas bar in Belfast; but I have not tired it yet."
DafneG says, "this is the university area, so you knofw..."
ArthurM says, "tried"
Felix has connected.
DafneG says, "students have to be pet"
DavidW waves to Felix [guest].
ArthurM says, "Welcome, Felix"
DavidW says, "This is going to penalty kicks, I think"
DafneG says, "hello Feliz"
DafneG says, "end of extra time"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi all"
ArthurM says, "Penalties now ..."
DafneG says, "there will be penalties"
Felix [guest] asks, "What are you all up to?"
DavidW says, "We've been watching Spain-Ireland"
Felix [guest] asks, "Are you talking about the soccer game?"
AidenY says, "tie. it's a tie"
DafneG says, "yes, Aiden"
Felix [guest] says, "I just woke up."
DafneG says, "I am about a heart attack"
AidenY asks, "what now?"
DavidW says, "Good morning"
DavidW says, "Penalty kicks."
ArthurM says, "Aiden, a penalty shoot out"
Felix [guest] asks, "What is your nationality Dafneg?"
DafneG asks, "care for some good black coffee, Felix?"
DafneG says, "I am venezuelan"
DavidW says, "5 per side, alternating teams. Then, if it is tied with 5 kicks, they go 1 and 1 until someone makes or misses"
DafneG says, "living in Spain"
Felix [guest] says, "Brazil will play tomorrow."
DavidW exclaims, "Si!"
DavidW exclaims, "Viva Brasil!"
Felix [guest] says, "Tomorrow we will root for BRAZILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL"
DavidW says, "US plays Mexico, also, should be very exciting game. I'll be in Texas, too."
DavidW grins at Felix [guest].
DafneG asks, "Are you always travelling, David?"
DavidW says, "no, not always"
DavidW smiles.
DafneG says, "back to the game"
DavidW says, "BUt sometimes it can seem that way. Mostly i travel between Philadelphia and New York, not that far."
DafneG says, "11pm in Korea"
DafneG says, "4 pm in Spain"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "penalty shoot out eh?"
Felix [guest] exclaims, "PENALTIES ARE NOT FARE!!!!"
DavidW says, "I hate this...penalites...we lost a game in high school..."
DafneG says, "they are NOT"
DavidW . o O ( FAIR )
Felix [guest] says, "HEHE"
Felix [guest] says, "FAIR"
DavidW agrees.
DafneG says, "I am going to die"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Hi Felix"
Felix [guest] asks, "WHO IS THE GOAL KEEPER? CASILLAS?"
Felix [guest] says, "hI VANCE"
DafneG says, "yes"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "didn't see you come in"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "nice to see you"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Drink more berr"
DavidW . o O ( beer )
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "tell me everything that's going on in your life right now"
DafneG says, "I went to check the fridge, there's one more"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW . o O ( good thing )
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Not now, later"
VanceS [happily among friends] hands Daf another Weissbier
DafneG says, "I will have to switch to rum"
DavidW says, "Ireland missed."
ArthurM -(
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "uh oh"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "for Arthur"
DafneG says, "better do not say anything yet"
AidenY says, "oh no, missed"
DafneG says, "goal"
AidenY says, "spain, goal"
DavidW grins.
DavidW exclaims, "Ay!"
DafneG drinks more beer
VanceS [happily among friends] pops more pills
DavidW exclaims, "Casillas!"
AidenY exclaims, "blocked!"
DafneG says, "casillas, hurra"
AidenY says, "casillas, he's darn good"
AidenY says, "spain, here it goes"
DavidW exclaims, "Claro!"
DafneG says, "love him"
DavidW laughs.
AidenY says, "juanfran"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "You proposing?"
DavidW says, "Spain missed."
ArthurM -)
DafneG says, "I hope you have good hunches"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "3 missed penalty kicks??"
ArthurM -)
DavidW [to Felix [guest]]: "I trust those Brasiliens hunches."
DavidW says, "Casillas saved another."
Felix [guest] says, "BLOCKED AGAIN"
DafneG says, "casilla, hurra, hurra"
AidenY says, "locked again for ireland"
DafneG says, "yesss"
DavidW says, "He will be the next President of Spain"
DafneG says, "uhhhhh"
DafneG says, "oh no"
DavidW exclaims, "WOW!"
DafneG says, "2-1"
AidenY says, "aleron didn't make it"
DafneG says, "one penalty left for each"
DavidW says, "Unbelievable."
AidenY says, "oal for ireland"
DafneG says, "Ireland goal"
DafneG says, "2-2"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "down to one kick"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure I can sit down"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "what happens if he misses"
ArthurM exclaims, "C H E E R S from Ireland !"
DavidW grins.
AidenY says, "et's see what mednietta can do"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "another half hour overtime?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "They go 1 and 1 for each team..."
DavidW . o O ( one kick per team )
DafneG says, "gaol"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "oh, got it"
DafneG says, "goal" ________ | |
DavidW holds up a BIG sign: | ESPANA | |________|
AidenY says, "goal"
DafneG says, "goal"
ArthurM -( :-(
VanceS [happily among friends] hugs Daf
AidenY says, "spain wins"
DafneG says, "Mendieta"
DavidW grins.
Felix [guest] says, "ESPANHA"
DafneG says, "I told you I love him"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "You like him, too?"
DavidW grins.
DavidW [to Console]: "ArthurM"
DavidW consoles ArthurM.
DafneG says, "he used to play for the Valencia Team"
AidenY says, "mor"
VanceS [happily among friends] hands Arthur a guiness "quick, drink this"
DafneG says, "sorry Arthur"
AidenY says, "more beer arthur"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow, what a game!"
AidenY says, "whew"
DafneG says, "yeah"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "Webheads win again (someone in Webheads always wins)"
DavidW smiles.
AidenY says, "whew! what a game"
DafneG says, "you should hear the crowds going in the streets now"
AidenY says, "time to tuck in the kids"
AidenY says, "ciao everyone"
DavidW says, "Take care you all. I'm off to get a bagel and get ready to leave for Texas."
DafneG says, "bye, Aiden"
DavidW waves bye to VanceS [happily among friends], AidenY, DafneG, ArthurM, and Felix [guest].
DafneG says, "bye David"
DavidW exclaims, "Buena Suerte, Espana!"
ArthurM says, "He ho! win some, lose some. No, not tears, it's just the onions I was peeling earlier ..."
AidenY says, "hugs to you all, good game, wasn't it"
AidenY says, "LOL"
DafneG says, "lol"
Felix [guest] says, "ROOT FOR BRAZIL TOMORROW PALS."
DavidW toes DafneG Tell us about the celebrating,next time.
VanceS [happily among friends] pats Arthur
DavidW [to Felix [guest]]: "CLARO!"
ArthurM says, "Thanks, Vance"
Felix [guest] says, "OBRIGADO DAVIDW"
DavidW says, "Root for the US too, maybe."
AidenY says, "they're playing 'we are the champions!""
DavidW winks.
DafneG says, "We'll be with yu tomommorow, Felix"
DavidW [to Felix [guest]]: "Yes!"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "We should meet back here tomorrow"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "what time?"
DavidW says, "It owuld be fun..."
DafneG says, "they are singing that song here too"
AidenY says, "ok then, tomo."
DafneG says, "people in the houses and in the streets"
AidenY exclaims, "hasta manana!"
DafneG says, "hasta maana"
DavidW says, "I'll be in Texas."
DavidW says, "Take care, you all."
Felix [guest] says, "HASTA"
AidenY says, "ciao, bye"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
Felix [guest] says, "BYE ALL"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
DafneG says, "ciao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_54 [guest] has disconnected.
ArthurM says, "Parting is such sweet sorrow, folks ..."
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "cheers"
ArthurM says, "Bye"
DafneG says, "nice to see you all again after so many Sundays"
VanceS [happily among friends] asks, "In Texas David?"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "My wife and son are in Houston"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
DafneG says, "Well, VAnce, nice talking to you"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "yeah,nice to see you"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "it was fun watching the game"
DafneG says, "it really was"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "or whatever it is you do when you follow soccer virtually"
DafneG says, "lol"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "I've got to run"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "someone is at my house"
DafneG says, "see you,"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "my diving student, we're heading over to the pool"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "ok, see you later, tomorrow maybe"
DafneG says, "good for you"
DafneG says, "fine"
DafneG says, "bye for now"
VanceS [happily among friends] says, "have a nice celebration"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has disconnected.
VanceS [happily among friends] peers out at nothing.
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [happily among friends] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Jun 16 07:15:49 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: June 27, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |