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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
Participants, with links to their first appearance: Vance in Abu Dhabi | Davy in Holland | David Weksler and BJB in Pennsylvania | Elyse | Aiden in Taiwan | Christopher in Germany | Teresa in Portugal | Maggi in Germany | Lu Ann | Ying Lan in New York | Ron | Claire in Pennsylvania | Yaodong in China | Felix | Nigel | Arif in Turkey
Tapped In
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun May 26 05:13:48 2002 PDT.
VanceS teleports to the reception.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun May 26 05:13:56 2002 PDT.
Davy [guest] says, "yup"
DavidW waves bye to elyse [guest].
VanceS [wise language educator] says, "Hi everyone"
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Vance
DavidW waves to VanceS [wise language educator].
elyse [guest] asks, "RPG?"
AidenY says, "bye elyse"
AidenY says, "hi vance"
elyse [guest] asks, "What does that mean?"
ChristopherMJ waves to Vance
VanceS [wise language educator] sweeps cyberspec from shoulder
TeresaAlm waves to vance
Davy [guest] says, "RPG stands for Role-Playing Game"
VanceS looks webhead.
Davy [guest] asks, "have you guys really never heard of it?"
ChristopherMJ [to Davy [guest]]: "Thanks"
elyse [guest] says, "I'll definitely be back next weekend. This is cool."
MargaretD says, "hardly"
elyse [guest] exclaims, "Bye!!"
Davy [guest] says, "byebye"
elyse [guest] says, "@quit"
VanceS [webhead] says, "hi and bye Elyse"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_17 [guest] has lost its link.
Davy [guest] says, "ppl"
MargaretD says, "some of my students are keen on it Davy"
Davy [guest] asks, "coul dyou guys please help me out?"
BJB [to Davy [guest]]: "RPGs use the old moo language."
VanceS [webhead] says, "hey everyone, I've been setting up a lab to show a presentation to a dignitary who is here"
Davy [guest] says, "how do i actually program stuff in a MOO"
Davy [guest] asks, "so, where do I learn how to use that?"
AidenY asks, "on what davy?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "and I've got to go and make sure everything is in order"
VanceS [webhead] says, "brb"
Davy [guest] says, "baibai"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "it has limitations, but you could do a web search for MOO to find some sites"
Davy [guest] says, "i tried"
AidenY says, "and.."
Davy [guest] says, "but they all make me dizzy with commands im supposed to know"
BJB [HelpDesk] grins...that's one of the limitations.
Davy [guest] says, "Oo"
DavidW grins.
Davy [guest] mumbles
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "It is a very command oriented language"
ChristopherMJ says, "I'm great a forgetting cryptic commands -- make it a point to do so"
DavidW says, "BUt people have been using them for 25 yeras or so."
DavidW . o O ( years )
AidenY asks, "25 years?! really?"
Davy [guest] asks, "BJB, so do you know some good sites?"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "no, I don't do games, Davy. I am only familiar with TAPPED IN."
Davy [guest] says, "hmz, too bad :("
Davy [guest] says, "btw"
AidenY says, "venny is in his salon, I think he knows some great sites it's worth askinbg him"
Davy [guest] says, "if you want to know a nice rpg, go to larswood.com"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "good idea, Aiden"
Davy [guest] says, "it's a cool MUD"
MargaretD asks, "how old are you Davy?"
Davy [guest] says, "15"
AidenY says, "venny once gave me a tour, it was great"
Davy [guest] says, "1st of juli ill be 16"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Venny does know a lot about MOOs...so does Yaodong"
MargaretD says, "my birthday too"
Davy [guest] asks, "are they online?"
AidenY says, "venny is in his salon, davy"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "venny is online, but he isn't responding to my page"
Davy [guest] asks, "salon?"
Davy [guest] says, "really im quite new to this stuff ^^"
AidenY says, "i'll page him on yahoo, give me a sec."
BJB . o O ( salon is the name of his virtual office )
Davy [guest] says, "thanks AidenY"
Davy [guest] says, "ic"
AidenY says, "oh, he's on an idle mode, probably eating his dinner"
Davy [guest] says, "hehe"
AidenY says, "let's wait then"
Davy [guest] says, "i have all the bad lck today"
Davy [guest] says, "luck*"
AidenY asks, "oh, why?"
Davy [guest] says, "but np"
DavidW looks up'n'down.
AidenY asks, "np?"
Davy [guest] says, "well, nothing relly goes well today"
Davy [guest] says, "its just one of those days ;)"
Davy [guest] says, "np = no problem"
BJB [to Davy [guest]]: "you might go to google and search for MUD"
AidenY says, "oh, ok."
Davy [guest] says, "i found you guys with that"
Davy [guest] says, "^(google)"
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "what did you use for your keywords, Davy?"
Davy [guest] says, "this is where you were located"
Davy [guest] says, "http://www.itp.berkeley.edu/~thorne/MOO.html"
Davy [guest] says, "uhm lemme c"
Davy [guest] says, "mud and moo tutorials"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "try just using MUD. I got several hits and it looks like there may be discussion groups, too."
Davy [guest] says, "ok ^^"
MargaretD says, "^-^"
Davy [guest] says, "cool: mudconnector.com"
Davy [guest] says, "oops brb"
MargaretD says, "pay dirt"
MargaretD -)
Davy [guest] says, "im back"
Davy [guest] asks, "pay dirt?"
LuAnnHankey has connected.
BJB . o O ( paydirt = found what you were looking for )
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, LuAnn. Welcome"
MargaretD says, "a good mud site"
BJB [to LuAnn]: "can we help you with something?"
LuAnnHankey [guest] says, "just exploring for a class that I'm taking"
Davy [guest] MargaretD "whats the url then?"
LuAnnHankey [guest] leaves for the CAFE.
MargaretD says, "was refering to what you found"
Davy [guest] asks, "ah?"
Davy [guest] says, "i'm confused Oo"
BJB [to Davy [guest]]: "did you find anything good at mudconnector.com?"
MargaretD says, "normal for y age..lol"
Davy [guest] says, "not yet, all sorts of stuff, and probably good, but i dont know where to start"
Davy [guest] says, "heh, i'm used to that remark... (MargaretD)"
MargaretD says, "nmal for my age too""
Davy [guest] says, "hehe"
MargaretD exclaims, "normal#!"
Davy [guest] says, "guess im not the only one ^^"
MargaretD says, "in good company"
Davy [guest] says, "what should i begin with? :"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Area Building"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud Clients"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud Code and Snippets"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud FAQs"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud Hosting"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud Lists"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Mud Newsgroups"
Davy [guest] says, "Mud Resources: Research Links"
Davy [guest] says, "Oo"
MargaretD says, "try FAQ"
AidenY says, "guys, gotta go ,y 9 yr old son's gonna use the compu and try out this new spiderman software that I bought for him yesterday"
Davy [guest] says, "nope, no FAQ (n/a)"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Aiden"
Davy [guest] says, "baibai AAiddenY"
BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Aiden. Thanks for coming
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye, aiden!"
MargaretD says, "bye Aden"
AidenY exclaims, "ciao!"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY has disconnected.
Davy [guest] says, "gomen"
Davy [guest] says, "i overlooked the faq link"
BJB [to Davy [guest]]: "Venny is at his keyboard, but his little daughter is crying...give him a couple minutes."
Davy [guest] says, "hehe. aat the moment im in no hurry anyways ;)"
Davy [guest] says, "bsides"
Davy [guest] says, "im used to that crying thing"
Davy [guest] says, "my folks work with kids all the time"
MargaretD exclaims, "good practice for you then!"
VanceS [webhead] slides into home plate
VanceS [webhead] wipes dirt off trousers
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi everyone, back again"
ChristopherMJ dust clears --he's ..... safe!
VanceS [webhead] doffs hat to BJB [HelpDesk], MargaretD, DavidW [up'n'down], TeresaAlm, Davy [guest], and ChristopherMJ.
VanceS [webhead] says, "all my favorite people are here"
VanceS [webhead] reads logs ...
ChristopherMJ says, "aw shucks"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "how nice, vance!"
Davy [guest] says, "oi vance"
MargaretD says, "he has a son your age Davy"
VanceS [webhead] says, "so what was all that about mud clients etc"
ying has connected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Ying Lan"
MargaretD says, "Hi Ying"
ying [guest] says, "hi..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "great to see you"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Ying Lan"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hello there, ying!"
Davy [guest] says, "ill brb"
ying [guest] says, "I am sorry, I did not come here for few weeks"
Davy [guest] says, "im gonna ask for help everywhere i can ;)"
ying [guest] says, "hello, everyone here."
VanceS [webhead] says, "we understand, it's early in NYC on Sunday morning"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_39 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "and there's a shared phone line"
ying [guest] says, "yeap...."
MargaretD says, "you've been busy Ying.."
VanceS . o O ( let's see, Sunday morning is after Saturday night )
ying [guest] says, "not really, but I went to Utica to attend a seminer there with bank of new york.. people."
MargaretD says, "sounds hard"
ying [guest] says, "I did not buy the internet service here... I take advantage from NETZERO..."
MargaretD asks, "is it free then?"
ying [guest] says, "SO... sometimes, my computer will tell me.. time is up."
ChristopherMJ ..s Web cam is up if you want to look at his three day beard from Ireland.
ying [guest] says, "it is free.. but only 10 hours in one month."
ChristopherMJ says, "o 0 .. my 3-day beard"
MargaretD says, "not a lot"
VanceS [webhead] gets out his trusty web cam
ying [guest] says, "yes,,, i need to do my tax report by internet this year.. I spent a lot of time online to do it."
VanceS [webhead] says, "I don't see you in my list Christopher"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what's your name in Yahoo?"
ChristopherMJ says, "should be there, Vance"
ChristopherMJ says, "johnschrus"
MargaretD says, "I can't do mine online yet"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "You have been invited"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, you're on my screen"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hold on, you can see how my beard is coming"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK, sounds good"
MargaretD . o O ( typical guy thing )
ChristopherMJ says, "Beard = typical guy thing"
ChristopherMJ says, "I still think it's kind of weird that hair grows on my face and not my head"
MargaretD asks, "so, Ying, adjusting to life in the US?"
ying [guest] says, "yes, I think so."
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, my web cam is thee"
VanceS [webhead] says, "there (up there)"
MargaretD asks, "want to stay longer?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "and John has just asked to view it"
VanceS [webhead] says, "so us guys are here admiring each other's beards"
MargaretD says, "nicer"
ying [guest] says, "this is not my computer, I can not use my computer to get on line in May now..."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "now is that educational technology, or what?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "why not Ying?"
ChristopherMJ says, "Vance's is farther along (beard-wise)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I started this one last April"
MargaretD asks, "10 hours are up?"
ying [guest] says, "Netzero told me... it was over the limitation of 10 hours in May."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "oh, so you get ten free hours?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "whose computer are you using now?"
ying [guest] says, "but i don't think... I have been on line over 10 hours in May .. that's the point."
MargaretD says, "that is what she said"
MargaretD says, "it goes fast Ying"
ChristopherMJ says, "It's nice to have unlimited hours and a flat rate"
ying [guest] says, "my roommate's computer.. I have two new roommate who came from Taiwan in May... they will leave for Taiwan next Tuesday."
ying [guest] says, "roommates"
ying [guest] says, "I like two grils."
MargaretD asks, "DSL Chris?"
ChristopherMJ [to Margaret]: "Unfortunately not (yet)"
MargaretD asks, "AOL FLAT THEN?"
ChristopherMJ says, "a local provider (in my city in Germany)"
MargaretD says, "I'm in Germany too"
ChristopherMJ [to Margaret]: "Oh...where in Germany?"
ying [guest] says, "I usually use the Netzero free service in New York..."
MargaretD says, "Griesheim Darmstadt"
MargaretD says, "and now Ying"
ChristopherMJ [to Ah...]: "between me and the airport. I live in Karlsruhe"
ying [guest] says, "I only stay here for one year,,, I don't know how to stop they debit my account when i go home."
MargaretD says, "not far from here Chris"
ChristopherMJ [to Margaret]: "not far at all"
MargaretD says, "don't leave any money in and close it Ying"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
ying [guest] says, "they only allow the payment by creditcard.."
MargaretD says, "oh"
ying [guest] says, "it is dangerous in some way."
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Your office was spinning Vance. Was that the whirlwind tour?"
TeresaAlm has connected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "I was just showing my computer screens"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Teresa did you go and get your web cam?"
TeresaAlm says, "sorry! my mistake! that's why i got disconnected."
ying [guest] asks, "Vance ... how are you those days?"
TeresaAlm says, "no, i didn't vance. i was trying to do sth else."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Me? Enjoying life. Diving and hiking last weekend"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "the screens looked cool - saw them"
VanceS [webhead] says, "playing with the toys in my office"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "did you show any computer screens that i missed?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I was about to give Chris the office tour, that's why I asked"
ying [guest] says, "Maggi... one day, I was busy to do my tax report on line.. it was 2:00 am in the morning... I had some trouble at that time.. so.,, I did not answer the icq request."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hey Chris, I'll show you my snack drawer and you can tell everyone what you see there"
Ron has connected.
ying [guest] asks, "what kind of toys?"
MargaretD says, "ok...now I know why you were up so late"
VanceS [webhead] says, "toys, like web cams, internet"
VanceS [webhead] says, "video cams"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Hi, Ron. Welcome to TAPPED IN"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'll show you my video cam, army issue"
BJB [to Ron [guest]]: "can I help you with something?"
ChristopherMJ says, "OK"
ChristopherMJ says, "Nice camera"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I don't buy these toys myself"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I just play with them"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that's my job"
ChristopherMJ says, "best of all worlds"
ying [guest] asks, "I was looking for the camera... but the white camera is not manufactured by intel any more... do I have another choic e?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Creative has a web cam very much like the intel one"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, now for the snack drawer tour"
ChristopherMJ says, "Ready"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "my mouth is already watering!"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "let us know what he has in there!"
ChristopherMJ says, "getting hungry"
ChristopherMJ says, "looked like cookies"
ChristopherMJ says, "watermellon"
ying [guest] says, "i am hungry.... need to cook and eat my breakfast."
ChristopherMJ asks, "grapes?"
TeresaAlm [to Ying [guest]]: "i need my lunch."
ChristopherMJ says, "bottles of some kind"
ChristopherMJ says, "coke"
ChristopherMJ says, "in a can"
ChristopherMJ says, "you're well stocked Vance3"
VanceS [webhead] says, "yeah, I need my sustanance to keep playing with all these toys"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "what a mixture!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hmmm...let's see. I have mostly office stuff and papers lying around"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "but you're at home right?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do I have any pictures of Ying Lan in the kitchen?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "When Ying Lan says she needs to cook b'fast, she's serious"
ying [guest] says, "no.. i don't think you have."
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, but I'm a doctoral student"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what's for breakfast this morning?"
ying [guest] says, "i need to go now."
ying [guest] says, "bageal and eggs..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, Ying Lan, nice to see you again"
ChristopherMJ says, "bagel -- that's David's department"
ying [guest] says, "see you"
VanceS [webhead] says, "when I think of Bagels in Tapped In I think of David"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Isn't David here?"
ChristopherMJ says, "o 0 .. with the exception of blueberry bagels"
ying [guest] says, "i am in new york... newyorkers love Bagels."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Yes, I'm sure you can get good ones there"
ying [guest] says, "see you, next time"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye ying"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "speaking of food, have you decided on your recipe for ti carnival?"
ying [guest] says, "in forest hills.. there is a good Bagel store."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Yaodong is on line with his class in China"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_1 [guest] has disconnected.
ChristopherMJ says, "(Web cam report) Vance just held up a sign saying "hello china""
ClaireB has connected.
ClaireB says, "Hi everyone"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "ola, clarinha! bom dia!"
ChristopherMJ says, "Hi Claire"
ClaireB says, "I'm late"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi claire"
TeresaAlm [to Calire]: "vens sempre a tempo!"
ClaireB says, "nao"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Claire, I just got here myself"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "she's always on time?"
DavidW waves to ClarieB.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "where can we find yaodong and his class?"
DavidW waves to ClaireB.
VanceS [webhead] says, "There's David"
ClaireB waves to all
VanceS [webhead] says, "I just asked Yaodong to come here"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "who else has a web cam up?"
DavidW says, "Sorry, out and about."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Just Chris and I so far ..."
ClaireB exclaims, "I simply must get my web cam going at home!"
ClaireB exclaims, "good news guys. I just ordered 16 web cams for my lab!"
DavidW asks, "Wow! What kind?"
ClaireB says, "pyro 1394 (firewire)"
DavidW . o O ( approx. $$$? )
VanceS [webhead] says, "cool, you were telling us about the great refresh rate"
DavidW says, "I'm looking for inexpensive ones, home use..."
ClaireB says, "retail price for each is $149. Normal street price around $85. I found a place on the web that sells them for $72 apiece"
TeresaAlm asks, "clarinha, are you going to split them up between your windows and mac labs?"
DavidW [to ClaireB]: "Thanks. Do they work with other than firewire connections."
ClaireB says, "no, because our PCs do not have firewire (IEEE 1394) cards."
VanceS [webhead] begs to differ "Mine does"
ClaireB says, "I would like to be able to use them with the PCs, but now I can't. That will have to wait for the next generation of PCs."
ClaireB asks, "mine what does?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "my Sony VAIO Laptop (PC) came with a 1394"
ClaireB says, "Ah, yes, there are many web cams that work with USB connections, which is what I think Vance is referring to"
ClaireB says, "No, now I am muddling it more. Vance has 1394. Our PCs do not."
VanceS [webhead] says, "I have a usb web cam now but my sony has a 1394 built in and ..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, got you"
ClaireB says, "many PCs have 1394. HOwever, the PCs in my lab do not."
YaodongC Yaodong enjoys being with you.
YaodongC's personal recorder follows YaodongC to here.
VanceS [webhead] says, "your pcs, I wasn't paying attention"
ClaireB waves to yaodong
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hello China"
YaodongC [happy now] bows to all.
ClaireB bows to yaodong
YaodongC [happy now] smiles.
DavidW waves to YaodongC [happy now].
TeresaAlm exclaims, "hello, yaodong! hurray for the Portugal-China friendship soccer game!!!"
YaodongC [happy now] exclaims, "Hello!"
ChristopherMJ says, "My Philips PCVC 740K goes through USB"
YaodongC [happy now] says, "nice to see you."
ClaireB asks, "where in China do you live, Yaodong?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "what about usb2, faster than firewire"
YaodongC [to ClaireB]: "in Liuzhou,Guangxi"
YaodongC [happy now] wonders if Clair knows about Guangxi
ClaireB says, "Marc says that usb2 bursts faster but the speed cannot be sustained"
MargaretD asks, "ni hao ma?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm thinking to come that direction this summer now"
ClaireB says, "No, I don't know about Guangxi"
DavidW asks, "Ni hao ma?"
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [webhead] thanks Mark
ClaireB says, "Hi hao"
MargaretD says, "How are you in Chinese"
YaodongC [to Margarette/David]: "hen hao."
DavidW bows.
YaodongC [happy now] exclaims, "ni hao=hi!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "so what does that mean, it bursts faster, you get varying speed in a session?"
DavidW [to MargaretD]: "Now what do I say."
DavidW smiles.
MargaretD says, "ask Yaodung"
MargaretD says, "oop.dong"
YaodongC [happy now] asks, "i shall show my students around the campus./ask me what?"
ClaireB says, "marc says yes, the speed will vary with usb2"
MargaretD says, "how to reply to ni hao"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "I understand firewire works at 400 mbps and USB2 is rated at 480. How much below 400 will it go when it's not bursting?"
BJB looks away.
YaodongC [happy now] says, "sorry i was busy wiht my students."
MargaretD says, "that is good.....:-)"
ClaireB says, "marc says that he doesn't know. (he's just waking up!)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "anybody want a grape?"
YaodongC [happy now] says, "to reply ot ni hao, one says 'hen hao'"
DavidW looks up'n'down.
YaodongC [happy now] gets Vending_Machine_10195 from the vending machine.
ClaireB says, "teresa, take a look at http://www.arcofilms.com/artofamalia/video.htm"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what's the next question after ni hao / hen hao?"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "i will, clarinha. can't just now."
ClaireB says, "marc says also that firewire can have more devices going simultaneously at a constant rate than usb2 can"
ClaireB says, "ok, tere"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "next question?"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "grape juice, good idea. Cheers! (look at camrea)"
ClaireB says, "grape juice sounds great"
ChristopherMJ says, "Grape juice is good - refreshing"
VanceS [webhead] says, "It says that page can't be found Tere.."
ChristopherMJ says, "Cheers (one more time)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "any wabbits out there?"
ChristopherMJ says, "That's one mega-carrot"
ClaireB exclaims, "but tere, the page has fado!"
YaodongC [to VanceS]: "we usually say 'how is your family?' after 'ni hao'"
ChristopherMJ says, "brb (hunger attack)"
ClaireB asks, "tere, another email friend is coming to say with us; are you jealous?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess when I'm saying ni hao to people I don't know them well enough to ask about their family"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "ok, clarinha, but later on. i'll let you know my impressions. is it lisbon or coimbra fado?"
ClaireB says, "it is amalia"
ClaireB says, "I guess that is lisbon"
VanceS [webhead] says, "uh oh, Chris has gone off for more props"
ChristopherMJ says, "these props are edible"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "no, i'm happy for all of you and know that he/she will have a lovelly homa/family to stay with!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "crackers"
VanceS [webhead] says, "no, cheese"
ClaireB says, "Tere, you should send him tips for how to get along with me. :-)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "goats milk cheese?"
ChristopherMJ says, "that was cheese. Here's a cracker"
YaodongC [happy now] says, "i have to move to the top floor wth my students.see you later."
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "for how long? let him find out. that's part of the fun, isn't it?"
ClaireB bows to yaodong
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok Yaodong"
MargaretD says, "bye Yaodong"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "how do we say bye in Chinese?"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Yaodong"
ClaireB says, "I think he will stay for about a week. he is from Australia"
MargaretD says, "zaijen"
ClaireB says, "I never met him."
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "i'm going to meet a distant relative from australia here in lisbon in a month."
MargaretD says, "not spelled right"
ClaireB says, "coool"
YaodongC [happy now] bows to all.
VanceS [webhead] says, "zaijen"
YaodongC [happy now] says, "zaijian"
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "zaijian!"
ClaireB says, "zaijian"
YaodongC [happy now] goes up.
YaodongC's personal recorder (recording) goes up.
MargaretD -) shei shei
VanceS [webhead] says, "what's the diff between Zaijian and Shei shei"
ChristopherMJ [to Du]: "kannst gut chinesisch sprechen"
VanceS [webhead] says, "shei shei is familiar"
MargaretD says, "it means thank you Vance"
ClaireB says, "in mandarin,"
MargaretD says, "hab es in der Schule gelnt"
ClaireB says, "in Cantonese, "thank you" is "mgoi""
MargaretD says, "gelernt"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "ganz toll!"
MargaretD says, "ist schon lange her Chris"
MargaretD says, "in der Zeit war China zu..."
ChristopherMJ asks, "zu was?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "shei shei claire"
MargaretD says, "1968-69"
MargaretD says, "closed zu"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "und was hast du vohind getun?"
ChristopherMJ says, "ah... verstehe"
MargaretD asks, "vor was Vance?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "in China in 1968-69"
ChristopherMJ says, "gotta get some bread - another edible prop"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_183 [guest] has lost its link.
MargaretD says, "I took Chinese in school and Chaina was closed then"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ah .. ich verstehe jetz"
MargaretD says, "jetzt ist alles piccobello"
ClaireB says, "vance I had no idea you are so multilingual"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Does everyone know this site: http://world.altavista.com/"
ChristopherMJ says, "Ja, Si, Da, Hai, etc."
TeresaAlm asks, "is it a translation site?"
ClaireB says, "yes but its usefulness is limited"
ChristopherMJ says, "It's OK for short phrases"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I wasn't using it just then, but it helps me follow dialogs in foreign languages"
MargaretD says, "schade"
VanceS [webhead] says, "short phrases is what you need to converse"
MargaretD says, "ach so"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm having trouble reaching it in fact just now"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "German bread is really good -- wow!"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "what will your e-pal be doing in pitt, clarinha?"
MargaretD says, "try this...weichei"
ChristopherMJ says, "lol"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what do you mean, German to ENglish?"
ClaireB says, "he will be on study leave (sabbatical), and like you, he will proabbly do a presentation in my lab. :-)"
MargaretD says, "shhhhh Chris"
ChristopherMJ says, "yes, German to English"
ChristopherMJ says, "mum's the word"
ClaireB says, "give us some German bread"
VanceS [webhead] says, "doesnt work, translates to weichei"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "did i tell you that my sabbatical is getting published? i'm really happy!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "does anyone know what tico de corazon is in spanish btw?"
MargaretD asks, "no softegg?"
ClaireB exclaims, "congratulations tere; I'm not surprised!!!"
VanceS [webhead] congratulates Tere as well
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "thank you!"
ChristopherMJ [to Claire]: "Tried the "Give OBJECT to PERSON" commonad, but TappIn did not recognize "German bread"."
TeresaAlm says, "i'm already working on it before sending the final version to the publisher, and will be proofreading over my vacation."
ClaireB says, "Tere is a world-famous author"
ChristopherMJ says, "Congrats Tere"
ClaireB exclaims, "well, I recognize German bread!"
TeresaAlm [to Claire]: "es muito brincalhona!!!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess the object has to be here"
MargaretD exclaims, "well...I need to go..have a nice day all!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye Marg. nice day!"
MargaretD says, "you too"
ChristopherMJ says, "Tchuss, Margaret, shoenen Tag noch"
VanceS [webhead] says, "for interest, I ran soft egg in English back to German and got Weichei"
MargaretD says, "@quit"
VanceS [webhead] says, "nope , weiches ei"
ClaireB says, "bye Margaret"
MargaretD says, "lol"
You hear a quiet popping sound; MargaretD has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "must be a good one"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "well, i must go, too, and join the family for lunch. have a great day, everyone! hugs! beijinhos, clarinha!"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye Tere"
ChristopherMJ exclaims, "I need to get some work done. The week in Ireland was too good!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, bye tere"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye all"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
2002/05/26 Webheads is full. Stopped recording.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what's the joke about soft egg?"
ChristopherMJ [to VanceS]: "Have Margaret e-mail it to you"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that bad huh"
ChristopherMJ says, "not that bad, but not that good either"
ChristopherMJ says, "she'll tell you"
VanceS [webhead] says, "whatever it is, the secret is safe with you germans"
ChristopherMJ says, "bye (waves to camera, too)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, nice to see you again"
VanceS [webhead] says, "bis spater"
ChristopherMJ says, "ditto, bis spater"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ChristopherMJ has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "I see claire and David still here"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "any truth to that assertion?"
VanceS [webhead] slowly acknowledges the passage of time
VanceS [webhead] shines flashlight beam on BJB [away], DavidW [up'n'down], and ClaireB.
VanceS [webhead] says, "yep, still there alright"
VanceS [webhead] turns David upside down and places him on his head
VanceS [webhead] goes and gets a ladder
DavidW [up'n'down] asks, "What's that about?"
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [webhead] says, "don't make any sudden moves"
DavidW raises his hands.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "what shall we do with claire here?"
DavidW asks, "IS she paying attention?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I think she left a mannequin here to fool us"
DavidW nods.
DavidW says, "Actually I was going to ask her about Pittsburgh schools"
VanceS [webhead] says, "you'll have to leave her a note"
VanceS [webhead] says, "where are you today btw"
DavidW says, "It's notan important question"
DavidW . o O ( not an... )
VanceS [webhead] says, "hey read your perspective too"
DavidW says, "Pennsylvania, at my sister's house, feeding the fish and cats"
VanceS [webhead] says, "just curious"
DavidW says, "Seemed like a good idea to base it in the Webhead group."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "you're not running out of fish yet are you?"
VanceS [webhead] wonders how many fish the cats eat each day
DavidW says, "Two fish/three cats - it could be come an issue."
DavidW says, "Not sure the cats would eat the fish if they were allowed..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "only one way to find out"
DavidW says, "I think my niece and nephew might not appreciate me using the new pets as food"
VanceS [webhead] says, "good point"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Felix has just awakened in Brazil"
DavidW says, "I was asked to feed the fish, not use them as feed, so..."
DavidW nods.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Felix is on his way"
DavidW . o O ( the Cat? )
VanceS [webhead] says, "he heard you had some fish on hand"
DavidW says, "Probably so."
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok ok, enough fish jokes"
Felix has connected.
DavidW waves to Felix [guest].
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Felix"
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Vance.."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Claire is here somewhere as well"
Felix [guest] asks, "who is she?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "She's a friend of mine from many TESOL Conferences"
Felix [guest] asks, "And where is BJB?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Well, she left an avatar here as well but went off to make breakfast I guess"
DavidW says, "Away, she is."
Felix [guest] says, "I just made mine."
VanceS [webhead] says, "so what's up with you Felix"
Felix [guest] says, "for now just reading."
Felix [guest] says, "Need to prepare a monography"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "a monograph? For work or school?"
Felix [guest] asks, "and you?"
Felix [guest] says, "for college"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do you know Felix, David? And visa versa?"
DavidW says, "Well, I'm off to do a couple of things."
DavidW says, "Good to see you both."
DavidW waves bye to BJB [away], VanceS [webhead], ClaireB, and Felix
Felix [guest] says, "bye David"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, nice to see you again"
DavidW says, "I'm waiting to cheer for Brasil!~"
DavidW . o O ( samba! )
DavidW smiles.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "btw did you ever get your coffee pot from Ying Lan?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Take care."
DavidW asks, "My coffee pot?"
Felix [guest] says, "so do I.. But our soccer is not as good as used to be."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Yeah, I brought you one but forgot to give it to you so I left it with Ying Lan"
DavidW says, "Well, I have high hopes for the team"
Felix [guest] says, "we have another music in my state."
DavidW says, "Oh, yes, a small one that you left with her. She gave it to me."
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Thank you for that."
VanceS [webhead] says, "yes, THAT coffee pot"
DavidW asks, "Can I actually use it, or is it mostly ornamental?"
VanceS [webhead] looks relieved
VanceS [webhead] says, "ah, well, for very small portions of coffee, in a pinch I suppose"
VanceS [webhead] says, "otherwise, ornamental"
DavidW wonders.
DavidW says, "Thanks, again."
DavidW waves to NigelC.
DavidW exclaims, "Hallo!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "glad you got it"
NigelC has arrived.
Peter Quince follows NigelC to here.
DavidW says, "Hallo"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Ah Nigel"
DavidW waves to NigelC.
NigelC says, "Morning, all"
VanceS [webhead] says, "hey nice to see you and Felix without a crowd around"
NigelC says, "i shook them off"
ClaireB says, "gotta go now"
ClaireB waves to all
VanceS [webhead] says, "There's claire"
Felix [guest] says, "Bye Claire"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ClaireB has disconnected.
Felix [guest] says, "Hi Nigel"
NigelC says, "Hi Felix"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "do you guys know each other?"
NigelC says, "no - I was being British and waiting for you to make the introductions"
Felix [guest] asks, "Do we?"
Felix [guest] says, "Nigel, dont ask me to be Brazilian.. LOL"
VanceS [webhead] says, "well, Nigel is in the latest webheads group"
VanceS [webhead] says, "We met in Salt Lake City"
Felix [guest] asks, "Where are you from?"
NigelC says, "Well, I'm from the north of England, but I live in Philadelphia at the moment"
VanceS [webhead] says, "and Felix has a url with Webheads I'd be glad to /show you"
NigelC says, "sure Vance"
DavidW says, "Nigel lives close to my favorite restaurants"
NigelC says, "true"
Felix [guest] asks, "so you are an English speaker. What do you do here then?"
NigelC says, "I teach ESL"
Felix [guest] says, "I see"
NigelC says, "at the universtiy's English Language Programs"
NigelC asks, "and yourself?"
Felix [guest] asks, "do any of you know where I can find a free online Business English course?"
VanceS [webhead] shows NigelC the URL: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/efwbahia.htm
Davy has connected.
Felix [guest] says, "I used to be an English Teacher."
Davy [guest] says, "oi"
Felix [guest] says, "and I am still studying Liberal Arts here"
Felix [guest] says, "meaning Portuguese and its Literatures"
VanceS [webhead] says, "hi Davy, saw you here earlier"
Davy [guest] says, "ppl"
Davy [guest] says, "yup ^^"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "where are you from?"
Davy [guest] says, "holland aka the netherland"
Davy [guest] says, "s"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Have you been with us before?"
DavidW waves bye to BJB [away], VanceS [webhead], Felix [guest], NigelC, and Davy [guest] again.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "before today I mean?"
Davy [guest] says, "not untill this day"
DavidW says, "Ciao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, welcome"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess you know who we are"
Davy [guest] says, "depends on your definition on 'who' ;)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Shall I /show you our url?"
Felix [guest] says, "My plan is to gratuate in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature and then try to go to an English University to teach the Literature in the same time I do my mastering."
Davy [guest] says, "ok ^^"
VanceS [webhead] shows Davy the URL: http://sites.hsprofessional.com/vstevens/files/efi/webheads.htm
Davy [guest] says, "arigatou"
Felix [guest] asks, "Do you know if it's possible Nigel?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "doozo"
Davy [guest] smiles
Felix [guest] asks, "What does doozo mean Vance?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "sounds like an interesting plan felix, and why not possible"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Davy said thank you in Japanese so I said the word you say when you give someone something"
Felix [guest] says, "I know that it's difficult for American Universities to find Portuguese/Brazilian Teachers of Literature"
Davy [guest] says, "hehe, i know ;)"
Davy [guest] says, "however my japanese sucks"
Davy [guest] says, "and i have no way of learning it"
VanceS [webhead] says, "zenbu de nihongo wasarimasu"
Davy [guest] says, "Oo"
Davy [guest] says, "im not that good yaknow..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "that means I already forgot all my japanes"
Davy [guest] says, "I'm just an otaku who knows a few words :)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "sorry, wasarimasita"
Felix [guest] asks, "Where did Nigel go?"
VanceS [webhead] looks for nigel.
Davy [guest] asks, "you watch chobbits?"
Davy [guest] says, "uh, chobits"
Davy [guest] says, "from CLAMP"
VanceS [webhead] says, "no idea about chobits"
Davy [guest] exclaims, "Hideki wa hentai!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Felix, would you like to see Nigel's url with webheads?"
Davy [guest] says, "is a lotta fun"
Davy [guest] says, "if the episodes werent so big, id have it sent to you"
Felix [guest] says, "I will see it later"
Davy [guest] says, "they're about 164 - 215 meg per eps"
VanceS [webhead] says, "if it's something on TV I probably don't watch it ... oh, there's a computer version"
Felix [guest] asks, "does anyone here watched Big Brother on Tv?"
Davy [guest] says, "nah,"
Davy [guest] doesn't like bog brother
VanceS [webhead] says, "I watch the news and that's about it"
Davy [guest] says, "big*"
Felix [guest] asks, "where are you from Davy?"
Davy [guest] says, "holland"
Felix [guest] says, "I nice country."
Felix [guest] says, "a nice countyr"
Felix [guest] says, "country"
Davy [guest] says, "yeah, kinda flat though"
Felix [guest] asks, "what do you mean by that?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "no mountains"
Davy [guest] says, "not one"
Felix [guest] says, "Our geography is so diversified."
Davy [guest] says, "15m ppl live here, swden is four times bigger (at least) and a mere 4m ppl live there"
Davy [guest] says, "but hey, whats this:"
Davy [guest] says, "TAPPED IN membership is free and open to K-12 teachers, adminstrators, researchers, and participants in TAPPED IN partner organization programs."
You hear a quiet popping sound; NigelC has lost his link.
rif has connected.
Davy [guest] says, "oi rif"
Felix [guest] says, "oi rif"
VanceS [webhead] says, "he rif, just missed Nigel"
Felix [guest] says, "oi is Portuguese Davy"
rif [guest] says, "hi all"
Davy [guest] says, "oi is japanese"
VanceS [webhead] says, "oi"
Felix [guest] asks, "really??"
VanceS [webhead] says, "oic"
rif [guest] asks, "oi?"
Davy [guest] says, "thats what i thought, and all the otakus say it"
Felix [guest] says, "oi is Portuguese.. means Hi"
Davy [guest] says, "mhm"
Davy [guest] says, "in holland we have something like it"
Davy [guest] says, "hpoi"
Davy [guest] says, "uh"
Davy [guest] says, "hoi"
rif [guest] says, "it is an exclamation mark in Turkish :-)"
Davy [guest] says, "means the same thing :)"
Davy [guest] says, "hehe"
rif [guest] says, "cool"
Davy [guest] says, "hmz, question :"
Davy [guest] says, "can anybody load this page:"
Davy [guest] says, "http://members.9cy.com/juuhachigou/simplicity/"
Davy [guest] says, "and NOT get a 404"
Felix [guest] says, "i have many windows open."
Davy [guest] says, "im quite angry with my server"
Davy [guest] says, "not the pc, but the ppl who run the thing"
VanceS [to I]: "got it"
Davy [guest] asks, "got it? really?"
Davy [guest] asks, "Simplicity ?"
Felix [guest] says, "I've gotta go."
Felix [guest] says, "bye all"
Davy [guest] says, "baibai"
rif [guest] says, "bye felix"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, Felix. Nice to see you again"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_153 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess I'm going to call it a night too"
rif [guest] asks, "call it a night?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that means, enough for one night"
VanceS [webhead] says, "it's 6:30 here and my family is at home expecting me"
Davy [guest] says, "aha"
VanceS [webhead] says, "we were doing web cam stuff earlier"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Davy, how did you happen to find us here?"
rif [guest] says, "I was baby sitting earlier"
Davy [guest] says, "via a listing"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Are you an educator? Student?"
Davy [guest] says, "nope"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "oh, which listing?"
Davy [guest] says, "im trying to set up a mud"
Davy [guest] says, "hmz, lemme c"
VanceS [webhead] says, "oh, so it was about TappedIn then"
Davy [guest] says, "http://www.itp.berkeley.edu/~thorne/MOO.html"
Davy [guest] says, "but with no success"
Davy [guest] says, "i cannot find any good mud / moo setup tutorials"
rif [guest] says, "Well no tutorials are perfect :-)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "to set one up, for what purpose?"
Davy [guest] says, "RPG"
rif [guest] asks, "which OS you are planning? linux?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "that was roll playing game?"
Davy [guest] says, "Im working on an offline RPG together with some other people (programmers, other concept artists), a game called Anthem of Dread"
Davy [guest] says, "uhm, no i prefer to create one for windows."
Davy [guest] says, "since i have no linux installed on my PC"
rif [guest] says, "That s even harder to find a nice tutorial about"
Davy [guest] says, "I just thought i'd surprise the buddies with an online appendix to the game"
Davy [guest] asks, "what is?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "hoping to go commercial, or just for fun?"
Davy [guest] says, "hmyup"
Davy [guest] says, "just for fun"
Davy [guest] says, "btw, this is the game: http://www.dread.nl"
rif [guest] says, "http://www.jtap.ac.uk/reports/htm/jtap-028-5.html try this one if you would like. This one I used before and found helpful"
Davy [guest] says, "ok, thanks ^^"
rif [guest] says, "It is WinMoo"
VanceS [webhead] says, "maybe my son would be interested"
rif [guest] says, "running on 8888 port"
VanceS [webhead] says, "he plays this kind of game all the time"
Davy [guest] says, "currently i use a different client"
Davy [guest] says, "tkMOO-light"
rif [guest] says, "that one was the server"
Davy [guest] asks, "VanceS, to what?"
Davy [guest] says, "o nm"
Davy [guest] says, "i c now"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'll show him the url"
Davy [guest] says, "ok, thanks ^^"
VanceS [webhead] says, "anyway I've got to go"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I've been at work too long now"
Davy [guest] says, "ow, 2 bad"
rif [guest] says, "see you later Vance"
Davy [guest] says, "bye :)"
rif [guest] says, "I need to go back to work, too"
rif [guest] says, "Good luck Davy"
VanceS [webhead] says, "osayanora"
Davy [guest] says, "itterashai"
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [webhead] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun May 26 07:36:52 2002 PDT.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: June 27, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |