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Webheads chat logs are posted on the Internet to assist language learners with comprehension of our conversations and to strengthen our sense of community through shared familiarity with one another. All are welcome to join us, but your participation in our activities implies that you approve of our posting on the Internet interactions in which you take part. Please address any comments or concerns to Vance Stevens.
In an attempt to 'catch up' on chat logging in April 2002, I am putting what I have available up in whatever form I have it. This is what I have at the moment for this day's chat logs ...
Dafne writes: Today while at Tapped In, some of us were playing with our webcams. I took a picture of Tere, Arthur, Vance and myself. I posted it to my webpage,as I promised. This is the url if you want to take a look :-). http://www.geocities.com/dygonza/webcam.html
From Sus: Hi Vance, Thanks for your patience today, it made my day to take part in the group fun and at least see your face :-)) When you get to read whay we nave contributed to GEN SIG so far, I wish to hear your opinion,. Daf, tere and now also pete are active by now. Plus the woman from Vancouver whose name I forgot right now. I am hesitant to advance to fast and add too many messages at once, before some more people get involved. But I think we can have some use of this SIG for threaded discussions, although it may overlap the Yahoo list. What do you think?
Tapped In
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 04:02:36 2002 PST.
VanceS looks webhead.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Mar 10 04:03:07 2002 PST.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
DavidW [to NanH]: "Lately, winging it. I'm talking to a bunch of high school teachers at Rutgers the day after."
DafneG says, "hello everybody"
DavidW waves to VanceS [webhead].
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Dafne
VanceS [webhead] lands in a pile of cybersplat!!
ArthurM has connected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "yuk"
DafneG says, "hi Dave"
DavidW waves to DafneG.
NanH smiles G'morning Ali :) Vance :) Dafne :)
DanB [to NanH]: "Yes, two weekends in a row."
BJB [HelpDesk] waves good day to Vance
DafneG says, "Hello Vance"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi everyone"
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Arthur."
DafneG says, "Hi, Arthur"
DavidW waves to ArthurM.
VanceS [webhead] waves to DavidW, BJB [HelpDesk], DanB, NanH, AliB,
DafneG, and ArthurM.
NanH says, "hi Arthur :)"
DavidW [to BJB]: "Well, not sleeping in, I guess."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Ali, nice to see you again."
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to David
AliB says, "Hello Vance"
DafneG says, "Hi Ali and Nance"
SusannN is connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 04:03:47 2002 PST.
SusanneN teleports to the reception.
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
DanB exclaims, "Hi, Vance, Arthur, Dafne, Susanne
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Sus
VanceS [to DavidW]: "Jet lag?"
DafneG says, "Hello Sus"
DavidW hugs SusanneN.
ArthurM says, "I ppant - it's later than I thought ... :-)"
DafneG says, "Hello Dan"
NanH asks, "Jet lag? Where are you, Vance?"
DafneG kisses everybody on both cheeks
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm in Abu Dhabi and I haven't been more than two time zones away in the last several months"
DanB asks, "Hi, Dafne. How are you?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "It's David that bounces around like a yoyo"
DafneG says, "soon you will, Vance"
SusanneN waves hello to all of you.
VanceS [webhead] says, "yeah, big 12 hour time warp coming up shortly"
DavidW bounces just for the effect.
Chris_in_Germany has connected.
DavidW . o O ( do yoyos bounce? )
DavidW waves to Chris_in_Germany [guest].
SusanneN exclaims, "Oh, now Chris is with us, too!"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Hi everyone"
DafneG says, "Hello Chris"
NanH says, "hi chris :)"
DanB waves to Chris
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Chris, so many have joined us today"
SusanneN says, "Hi Chris, I forgot to mail you, sorry"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "No prob, Susanne"
DavidW castigates SusanneN.
DafneG . o O ( shame on Sus )
DavidW smiles.
SusanneN . o O ( I even forgot WHY I would mail you? )
DavidW thanks DafneG for STARTING it.
SusanneN blushes
TeresaAlm arrives from nowhere.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
DavidW waves to TeresaAlm.
SusanneN hugs Teresa!
DafneG . o O ( these grannies... )
DanB waves to Teresa
DafneG kisses Tere
TeresaAlm waves to everyone
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Claro"
VanceS [webhead] kisses the ladies politely once briefly on each cheek
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "Yes, Granny has been very busy this week"
DafneG . o O ( I wonder if Dave has brought bagels today )
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "accept a kiss from me, too!"
SusanneN says, "I've been cooking al morning, lamb in cabbage and celery, paté and apple pie with almonds"
NanH returns greeting kisses :)
DavidW says, "Nope, not yet, but I would get them for everyone. It is just that the distribution is difficult. But you could tell me your preferences - types of bagels, cream cheese, butter, lox, etc."
DafneG exclaims, "yummy!"
TeresaAlm [to SusanneN]: "Am I invited for lunch?"
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "Sounds excellent"
SusanneN asks, "I can serve a complete meal, with potatoes and bread, for everyone?"
NanH says, "yes! :)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'd like an oyster and clam bagel with a dash of celantro please"
DavidW exclaims, "Wow!"
SusanneN asks, "Who can bring the wine?"
DavidW . o O ( cilantro? )
DafneG says, "me"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "coriander?"
DavidW says, "Red, please"
TeresaAlm says, "I can. Nice Portuguese wine."
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
DavidW nods to VanceS [webhead].
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "cilantro - that's a Californian talking"
SusanneN says, "Oyster & Clam bagel, sounds incredible"
DavidW . o O ( CHinese Parsley, too. )
DafneG says, "or Spanish wine, Tere"
SusanneN says, "WE need some tapas, too"
TeresaAlm asks, "I don't them, Daf! Are they good?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "So, Ying-Lan asked if I could pick you up at the airport in NYC, as she doesn't have a car."
VanceS [webhead] says, "cool"
DafneG says, "mine with salmon, cream cheese and capers, Dave"
VanceS [webhead] says, "That would be great. I'm coming in to JFK"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do you live near there?"
DavidW says, "That's a big airport."
DavidW says, "In NYC"
DavidW says, "I'm in New Jersey"
SusanneN [to DavidW]: "We will love to hear more about your meeting with Ying. She really need to meet some real New Yorker"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "Have you seen my messages at GEN SIG? How about you, Sus?"
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "uh-oh!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Would Newark be more convenient?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Not if you are flying into JFK"
DavidW grins at VanceS [webhead].
DafneG says, "I have just answered one message from a new webheads, Sus"
SusanneN says, "Yes, I am checking GEN SIG often, Teresa, it begins to work :-)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess I could fiddle the last leg to come into Newark if I asked now"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I think so, too, but we need to let more people know about it!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "So name the best airport"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "I don't think it is worth it as then we would drive you to Queens, anyway, so..."
DavidW . o O ( Hmmm, best airport....Philadelphia? No! )
DafneG asks, "could I join the NY team?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, I'll leave it at JFK, and thanks"
AliB says, "I registered for the Gen Sig , I'll visit the site later"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "I am sorry to hear you have GEN navigation trouble and system errors. You should make a description and mail it to Sylvia. They may have a chance to reapir it"
DafneG says, "I saw your name there, Ali"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Ali, are those all your students in the Internet for beginners course?"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Sure thing. I have an extra NY Mets baseball hat."
TeresaAlm [to Ali]: "Good, Ali. And please leave your comments."
SusanneN [to Ali,]: "Yes, I saw you registered to our GEN SIG, welcome to join us"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "I don't think that's a problem. As long as I'm around, I'm happy to pick you up at JFK"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'll check the date"
DafneG looks wearing a baseball cap.
AliB says, "yes Vance, and that's what's keeping me away from webheads"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that's great Ali. It sounds like an enthusiastic group of students with a progressive mentor"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "I would love to go to NY, but my flight goes through Chicago"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "You know those Latin American baseball players are pretty good."
SusanneN says, "Oh, aren't we just keen on having more balls in the air ( A Danish expression pointing at the juggler's special ability)"
RenataC has connected.
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] exclaims, "yes, they are!"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "Hello, Renata"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I guess we could talk about the GEN sig (Hi RenataP"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "And, it's black, so it's fashionable"
AliB asks, "Vance, do you think I should apologize to Joann for havin invaded her course?"
DanB waves to Renata
RenataC exclaims, "Hi everyone!"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Hi, Renata! Congrats on a wonderful page!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm sure she appreciates all the Interaction"
DafneG . o O ( black I look gook in black )
RenataC says, "Thanks Teresa.."
SusanneN says, "Welcome here, Renata, it is a great group today/night/evening/morning"
VanceS [webhead] pictures Dafne in black gook
DavidW waves to RenataC.
ArthurM has connected.
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "gook gook gook"
SusanneN . o O ( Look gook Daf! )
RenataC says, "late evening here... gloriuos 20 degrees night..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Arthur welcome back"
SusanneN asks, "Maggi? Are you there?"
MargaretD arrives from nowhere.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
ArthurM says, "Hello, folks, ..."
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "I agree. We can move on to Gen Sig and try to keep the ball rollin' after week 8!"
VanceS [webhead] looks for maggi among DavidW, BJB [HelpDesk], DanB, NanH, AliB, DafneG [wearing a baseball cap], SusanneN, Chris_in_Germany [guest], TeresaAlm, RenataC, ArthurM, and MargaretD. SusanneN exclaims, "Maggi? Are you there? Welcome!"
AliB says, "I hope so, but still somehow I feel guilty but I never thought it would turn out the way it did"
DavidW waves to MargaretD.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Yep, she's there. Hi Maggi."
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "Hello Maggy"
MargaretD says, "Hi"
DavidW has forgotten how to say "grin" in German.
SusanneN says, "The one we like to call Maggi is actually identical with MargaretD :-))"
DavidW . o O ( La misma )
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "lecheln is smile in German"
RenataC says, "Grinst for sure heheh"
DavidW nods.
VanceS [to Ali]: "I think it must be a great experience for your students, and I think Joan must be rolling with it"
DavidW [to Chris]: "Thanks."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I think Renata is right."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "yep, she is"
RenataC says, "I forgot all commands :("
DavidW grinsts at RenataC.
DafneG [to Chris_in_Germany,]: "I finally managed with Wimba"
RenataC says, "heheheh"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW . o O ( Wimba? )
Chris_in_Germany [guest] exclaims, "Great, Daphne!"
ArthurM says, "Dafne - is Wimba working properly again; I had had problems ..."
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "yes, Dave, I have wimba on my baby webpage"
SusanneN [to Renata]: "You will pick up the commands quickly, I hope"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Wimba? What is wimba?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "There are often problems with Wimba"
ArthurM says, "www.wimba.com"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "a discussion forum that has audio"
ArthurM says, "project/www.wimba.com"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "a voice boxmail, Dave"
DavidW nods at ArthurM.
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Yet another technology"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "I think you do have a fast growing baby webpage, on its way from newborn to mature?"
AliB says, "wimba is on my agenda for after this session"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "now I have Wimba and a groupboard"
ArthurM says, "I had good fun with it before Christmas"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "I am waiting for your drawings guys"
SusanneN [to Arthur]: "are you really going to preject? rtemember to warn us first :-)"
ArthurM says, "Dafne, where is your page ? :-)"
ArthurM says, "Sorry, Susanne ... :-)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "You people with Wimba and Groupboards, could you send me an email with the urls?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'd like to put them on the web page"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, http://geocities.com/dy gonza/index.html, Arthur
VanceS [webhead] says, "But I've already got disorganized"
ArthurM says, "Ta, Dafne"
SusanneN slaps Arturo's finger
VanceS [webhead] says, "it would be better in an email"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that way I copy the url to the web page and delete the email"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "Mine is http://www.mal hatlantica.pt/teresadeca/wimba.htm
RenataC grins
AliB says, "Thanks BJB"
VanceS [webhead] says, "here it's buried in a jungle of text"
RenataC says, "sorry guys, I am grinning without a reason"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "Renata, I love your homepage"
DavidW grins.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Renata, I'm firing up Yahoo over here"
RitaZ has connected.
DavidW grins with RenataC.
SusanneN says, "I am a great fan of Renata's homepage, too."
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "Hi Rita, welcome"
RenataC asks, "what do you mean, Vance?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Rita."
RitaZ says, "Hi, everybody"
DanB waves to Rita
NanH . o O ( doing better, Renata? )
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "I have my webcam ready"
RenataC says, "Hello Rita"
BJB [HelpDesk] hugs Rita
SusanneN exclaims, "Oh, you may be going to a voice or video dimension!"
VanceS [to Renata]: "for our webcam date"
DavidW . o O ( Oooh! )
DafneG [to SusanneN]: "I was able to add the code to the search engine to my page"
RenataC says, "think oops/I am getting there slowly"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Which one, Google?"
SusanneN says, "Hi Rita! we are in a huge and active group today."
NanH says, "Renata, do /think"
AliB bows to Rita
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "How huge?"
RitaZ exclaims, "Hi, Sus!"
RenataC . o O ( I thought I thinked )
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "no, the one from TESL"
NanH smiles
DavidW waves to RitaZ.
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "I was so proud that you could follow my instructions for that search engine to your own homepage"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "a search engine from TESL /???"
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "you have not been to GEN SIG lately :-)"
RenataC says, "Dafne, I got my user name and password for Tesol"
DafneG . o O ( Vance hasn't been reading the group mail lately )
SusanneN says, "I found a neat little CGI script to be copied to a homepage."
RenataC says, "but couldn't find your thread"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "Me, too, Daf. I just gor their email."
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "fine, Renata I have already posted a message there"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "Now I can go and leave a message."
RenataC asks, "but where Dafne?"
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] says, "It is under English for Specific Purposes, REnata"
RenataC says, "OK I went to CALL"
SusanneN says, "I don't blame you, there are SO many different ways to go right now, with the TESOL convention in the horizon"
VanceS . o O ( Dafne caught me out there )
DafneG [wearing a baseball cap] taking off her cap
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Speaking of group mail, I tried joining the evonline group and was rejected :-("
DavidW [to DafneG]: "But, a fine looking hat"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do you mean at the GEN site under ESP?"
DafneG . o O ( shame on Vance )
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "thany you, that baseball cap mood is a long one to have in your messages :-)"
DafneG says, "no, Vance we are talking about the TESOL online board"
DafneG says, "I placed the address in one of my mails to the group"
NanH [to Susanne]: "covered too much of her lovely face? :)"
DafneG says, "We are having preconvention discussions"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I haven't been there yet"
VanceS [webhead] is no longer ashamed
SusanneN [to Chris]: "Which one of the EVONline groups, not the Webheads?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I think so, from the Webheads site"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] asks, "Is there more than one?"
SusanneN [to Nan]: "Shadowing for her natural beauty!"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "There are several EVONline seminars - but only one for Webheads in Action."
DafneG says, "the best one, of course, Chris"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [TO Susanne] I'll check again, probably chose the wrong one"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "I just got my web cam going, can anyone see it?"
DafneG says, "mine is ready, Vance"
ArthurM exclaims, "Dafe, I have just seen your WIMBA - Great!"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "This one has Vance Stevens as the initiator and moderator."
DafneG says, "thank you Arthur"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I don't see it there yet (this is in Yahoo, btw)"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Thanks Susanne"
NanH fires up Yahoo
AliB [to VanceS]: "any updates from Ismael on the Egyptesol?"
ArthurM says, "I can see you on the Webcam, Vance"
DavidW [to AliB]: "May I ask you a question?"
VanceS [webhead] congratulates Arthur
ArthurM says, "Ta :-0"
RenataC asks, "is it personal?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Ismail wants to postpone the session one more week"
RitaZ exclaims, "I can see you, Vance...nice grey suit !"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Question from David ..."
DavidW [to AliB]: "I sat next to someone on Friday night, speaking French and when I asked him where he is from, he said he is Berber from North Africa. He didn't want to "say" that he is from Tunisia, Morocco, etc."
RenataC asks, "How can I see Vance?"
NanH sees Vance :)
NanH asks, "Renata, do you have Yahoo Instant Messenger?"
RenataC says, "not yet,"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hey, we kept our date. Dafne's cam is up."
AliB [to DavidW]: "what was his/her name?"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "I can see you!"
DavidW [to AliB]: "I was just interested in whatever some of the issues are with Berber people in North Africa"
DafneG says, "I cannot see you"
ArthurM says, "Dafne, how can I see you, please/"
SusanneN [to Chris]: "Webheads in Action (as you can see) are working at many levels and in several dimensions,"
DavidW [to AliB]: "I don't think we got to exchanging names, but it was fun speaking some French."
ArthurM says, "! I saw Vance smile ..."
NanH [to Renata]: "if you go to http.//www.yahoo.com and download the instant messenger there is a webcam option that Vance is using"
VanceS [webhead] says, "To do this, we have to know everyone's Yahoo IDs"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Susanne]: "Yes, I see"
NanH [to DafneG]: "are you using Yahoo for your webcam as well?"
SusanneN loves to know you have cameras up and working; long to get that far in her tecnhological development later in this lifetime.
VanceS [webhead] says, "There's Dafne"
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "You're the perfect gentleman this morning!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do you have a cam up Arthur?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "my yahoo ID is johnschrus"
DavidW . o O ( Cam Up! )
ArthurM says, "Yes, I think so ..."
DafneG says, "I do not see you two, Tere and Vance"
DavidW . o O ( could be ... )
NanH says, "mine's nancyhead"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "My cam is being ordered"
VanceS [webhead] says, "It just hasn't registered yet"
AliB [to DavidW]: "cultural issues, questions of people claiming more space for their ethnic groups"
ShunI has arrived.
Shun's Recorder follows ShunI to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] bows to Shun
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "My status says View my Webcam. Click on it and see what happens."
ShunI bows to BJ
SusanneN bows to Shun, too
ying has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has disconnected.
DanB waves to Shun
VanceS [webhead] says, "I've done that, Teresa, and I'm waiting"
DanB waves to Ying Lan
ShunI bows to Susanne, DanB
SusanneN [to Shun]: "they are really working woth Webcams today!"
DavidW [to AliB]: "Right. He was telling me how very few people even are aware of the Berber people"
ying [guest] says, "hi, just finished my breakfast."
SusanneN hugs Ying
DavidW waves morning to ying [guest].
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "Can you already see me?"
ying [guest] says, "hi,,, everyone."
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "Hi Ying Lan. It looks like you've arranged a ride from the airport for me!"
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Tea?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Hi Ying"
DanB says, "Hi, Ying."
MargaretD says, "Hi Ying"
RenataC says, "Hi Ying"
RitaZ says, "Hi, Ying"
VanceS [webhead] says, "There, I have Teresa and Dafne on web came now"
ying [guest] asks, "hi.... how many people here today?"
SusanneN [to Youn]: "You can see most of the people in Yahoo Messenger I think, they are making camera comrades"
DafneG [to Tere&Vance] I get a message that your cameras are not on"
ArthurM has connected.
TeresaAlm [to VanceS]: "Good for you!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I ok, I'll invite you Dafne"
ying [guest] says, "Tea..."
DafneG says, "fine, Vance"
ying [guest] says, "Vance...."
TeresaAlm asks, "Who else has a web cam besides Vance and Daf?"
ying [guest] says, "me"
ArthurM says, "Teresa, I have"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "Can you already see me?"
SusanneN says, "Me not :-)"
ying [guest] says, "my brother gave me one.. but i have not installed on my notebook computer."
NanH doesn't either
VanceS [webhead] says, "I can see that Arthur, Nancy, Rita, and Teresa are watching me"
NanH smiles
RitaZ [to DafneG]: "can I get your ID, Daf, to join you?"
TeresaAlm [to Arthur]: "I think we need to get on each other's list."
NanH waves (virtually, at least) to Vance
ArthurM says, "Waving in r4esponse ..."
ying [guest] says, "I am a kind of technological idiot."
VanceS [webhead] says, "dafne's is dygonza"
SusanneN says, "This a fine result for todays webcam protocol"
ArthurM says, "OK, Teresa"
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Not "idiot", maybe novice"
RenataC says, "Guys, what do I do now? I have got messenger OK, I searched for Vance and didn't find him :("
ying [guest] says, "I don't have much time on line... I did not use cable line... so"
DavidW grins at ying [guest].
RenataC says, "it's painful on the modem..."
NanH says, "vance_stevens is Vance"
DavidW [to RenataC]: "Not THAT painful"
DafneG says, "I do not see you yet"
DavidW . o O ( peek-a-boo )
SusanneN [to Ying [guest]]: "One part of this is, of course, the technology, and you may not be too smart on that, the other part is more social, and we know you are really smart on the social part of being connnected,"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm going to shut down my camera and restart. It's frozen"
DafneG says, "Teresa invite me to see your webcam"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "everyone got it back again?"
DavidW agrees with SusanneN.
DafneG says, "I can see Vance now"
NanH nods
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "Well said"
TeresaAlm [to Arthur]: "I can see you now!"
ArthurM says, "teresa, I've just sent an invitation ..."
DafneG says, "Vance is so elegant today"
ArthurM says, "Terea I waved ..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "maybe the restarting helped"
DavidW . o O ( This is SO exciting! )
ArthurM exclaims, "DavidW - YES!!"
DavidW agrees.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Well, at least we're talking here"
DavidW exclaims, "I know, I know!"
SusanneN . o O ( All the smart & social webheads are getting online around noon GMT on Sundays :-) )
DafneG says, "Vance dressed up for the meeting"
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "I guess it is time for me to leave then, huh?"
NanH looks up time conversion
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "He KNEW you would be attentive to his dress code"
DavidW [to NanH]: "GMT is +5 hours from east code"
DafneG says, "Rita is also lookin at me"
DavidW . o O ( coast )
NanH smiles
DavidW . o O ( interesting... )
DafneG says, "I am looking at Tere now"
NanH thanks DavidW
DavidW bows humbly and adjust his watch.
SusanneN says, "I am looking at myself in the mirror"
RitaZ exclaims, "yes, Daf, nice to see you!"
DafneG says, "stop moving Vance"
DavidW sings, ~\ You're so vain /~
SusanneN exclaims, "Oh, what a handsome face!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I just moved the camera"
DavidW laughs.
DavidW . o O ( Earthquake? )
VanceS [webhead] says, "I put it on a tripod so I can move it around"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm going to lower it a bit"
SusanneN exclaims, "Soon, you will need someone else to guide the cameras!"
DavidW apologizes for his silliness in the past 5 minutes.
SusanneN [to DavidW]: "You? Silly? Never heard that before!"
DavidW says, "Ying has seen the book, "No!, David" already"
DanB . o O ( Then, you wouldn't be the David we've come to know and love! )
DafneG says, "I just made a picture of the three of us on the screen"
NanH says, "cool! Dafne"
NanH exclaims, "a group photo!"
DavidW [to DanB]: "All the more reason to apologize in advance"
DafneG says, "yeah"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "are you going to upload it on your website so i can check it out?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ShunI has disconnected.
DafneG says, "I will"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Do you have a mid-semester break?"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Are you on semesters?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "There, I got better light"
DafneG says, "Iwill use easy thumbs to resize it"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Yep, I'm on Spring Break!"
SusanneN says, "Then you can have s still picture from me, too :-))"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Off to Ft. Lauderdale?"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Did you get much snow when it snowed in the mid-West last time?"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Nope. Staying at home."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Dan"
SusanneN [to DafneG]: "The Easy Thumbs sound like a nice tool."
DanB says, "Hi, Vance."
DavidW likes the sounds of "Easy Thumbs"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I haven't tried that one yet"
SusanneN has ten thumbs
DafneG says, "yes, Now I have thumb plus and easy thumbs too"
DavidW is impressed.
DanB [to DavidW]: "Yes, we got 10 inches, followed by high winds. That's why I missed last week's Webheads meeting."
DavidW [to DanB]: "Shoveling or stuck in the snow?"
DafneG says, "I should have dressed up too"
SusanneN exclaims, "Thumb rule is - not too large pics on web pages!"
DavidW agrees with SusanneN.
VanceS [webhead] says, "that's right, pay attention to file size"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Shoveling. I have a big driveway."
RenataC says, "Would one of the webcam people invite me to see them? I can't work it out... ;("
NanH says, "we've been getting some here, too (Michigan, couple hundred miles East of DanB)"
DafneG says, "I do not have your ID Renata"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Good Sunday morning workout. Do you have a snow blower or do you do it manually?"
RenataC says, "seta61"
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "I think our learning efforts on picture sizing has been quite interactive"
DavidW [to NanH]: "How much did you all get?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "renate, remind us of your yahoo ... right"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Manually. I'll get a blower when I can no longer physically shovel."
RenataC says, "Thanks guys, :)"
DavidW says, "It was very cold here on Monday and Tuesday (very cold = 20s) I think that was part of the system that brought you the snow"
DavidW congratulates DanB and hope his back is okay.
DanB [to NanH]: "Don't your big snow storms come off Saginaw Bay?"
RenataC asks, "i must enter the group name, is it webheads?"
DafneG says, "have sent you an invitation, Renata"
DavidW says, "We are supposed to have gusts between 40-50mph this morning. The clouds were moving pretty fast last night. Made for interesting city scenes of Manhattan"
DanB [to DavidW]: "I have one of those off-set shovels. They really help my back - no pain."
RenataC exclaims, "I can see Dafne!!!!"
RenataC exclaims, "I can see Dafne!!!"
DafneG says, "great"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I just sent an invitation"
DavidW [to DanB]: "They always look so strange, but I do think they help"
NanH [to DanB]: "actually we're too far inland from Sag. Bay to get much from there... most comes from the W"
DafneG says, "I cannot see you though"
DanB [to DavidW]: "That's the wind speeds we had yesterday.
DavidW [to NanH]: "The "w"?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm going to stop my camera and stop again"
NanH says, "sorry... w = west :)"
ArthurM says, "I've jiust been talking to Teresa in Portugal"
DavidW . o O ( west? )
RenataC says, "nooo, sorry Dafne. Still no webcam.."
DafneG says, "oh, I am sorry"
DafneG says, "Vance vanished"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I should be back now"
DavidW . o O ( Magic! )
VanceS [webhead] says, "every now and then I switch it off"
VanceS [webhead] says, "otherwise it starts to lag"
DavidW . o O ( Randomly? )
DafneG . o O ( Sus' potions again )
RitaZ [to Renata]: "I can get no answer from seta61, it says you're not online"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Winds from the west that cross L. Michigan. Nan lives in central Michigan."
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "we thought you were practising dead man's face"
DafneG says, "Rita, Renata does not have a webcam"
RitaZ exclaims, "ah, thanks!"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Yes, I think I had the geography, okay. You are left of NanH, NanH is left of me..."
DafneG asks, "want to see my apartment, Tere?"
DanB . o O ( Bunch of leftists )
NanH smiles to David That's it ;)
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Pick that baseball hat up off the floor"
RenataC asks, "Dafne, when I wanted to add you and Vance it asked me for a group name. What is it?"
NanH exclaims, "ack!!!"
DavidW [to DanB]: "Well. I was just in Berkeley!"
DavidW laughs.
DavidW exclaims, "I was left of BOTH of you!"
SusanneN turns green from envy on those webcamming comrade Webheads
DafneG says, "do it one by one"
NanH does not think of herself as leftist!
VanceS [webhead] asks, "a group name? Are you on Yahoo or Pal Talk?"
DanB [to DavidW]: "What you call consulting?"
DavidW [to NanH]: "Fortunately you don't think of yourself as coming from the UP, either, right?"
DafneG says, "we could go to pal talk"
NanH says, "renata, it's just a way of organizing your buddies :)"
DavidW . o O ( Ooh, pal talk! )
ArthurM asks, "Can I invite anyone to view my webcam?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "We could"
DafneG says, "sure, Arthur"
VanceS [webhead] says, "yes, let's wait for arthur"
NanH [to DavidW]: "no, I'm just a "troll" living below The Bridge ;)"
ArthurM says, "I'm here Vance"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Please invite vance_stevens"
RenataC says, "OK, but now I think I was rude to Vance cause I didn't reply.."
VanceS [webhead] says, "I don't have your cam on the list"
ArthurM asks, "Dafne - what's your ID?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Of all the TappedIn conversations I've been a part of, this has to be one of the most interesting"
DafneG asks, "what's your Yahoo Id Arthur?"
RenataC says, "and couldn't answer Rita..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "You know anyone on Yahoo can see us"
DafneG says, "dygonza, Arthur"
SusanneN says, "I might be able to see you at iVisit some day. That's he one that may work for me. I might go and check it out once more"
RenataC says, "It's not my best day..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "you don't have to have a web cam, we just need to be on your buddy list"
NanH asks, "Vance, "anyone" on Yahoo... but only if they've got the buddy name, right?"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Did you hear about the group of chess enthusiasts who checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent victories?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Susanne]: "I have Ivisit, too."
DavidW waits for the day when BroadBand Internet service beomces available.
SusanneN [to DavidW]: "Yes, . it IS interesting. those people are documenting here what they experience elsewhere, too"
RenataC says, "well. this is what I wanted to achieve, I will try after tonight"
2002/03/10 WebHeads is full. Stopped recording.
NanH exclaims, "Internet2!!!"
DavidW [to DanB]: "No, go on, please."
DavidW grins at NanH.
SusanneN [to Chris]: "I do not have a camera, but I night just SEE the faces in iVisit"
DanB [to DavidW]: "After about an hour, the hotel manager asked them to disperse..."
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "I'm THAT excited"
VanceS [webhead] says, "well, to view me I have to be in your buddy list"
VanceS [webhead] says, "that is, to seem my camera without my inviting you"
DafneG asks, "Arthur, what's your ID?"
DavidW listens to DanB.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Maybe Arthur, do you have your cam set on private?"
DanB [to DavidW]: "They asked why. 'Because,' he said, 'I can't stand chess ntus boasting in an open foyer'."
VanceS [webhead] says, "that's one of the options"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Susanne]: "I don't have a camera either. Ordered one about a month ago"
DanB . o O ( nuts )
DavidW [to DanB]: "Oooooh."
DavidW grins.
VanceS [webhead] laughs bemusedly
DavidW [to DanB]: "How old is that one?"
DavidW smiles.
DavidW likes "chess nuts"
DanB [to DavidW]: "I have no idea. Someone emailed it to me."
NanH gets out of bed finally <grin>
DavidW ,bid.
DavidW nods.
DavidW says, "Thanks. It's pretty good."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "ok, Renata, have you got it now?"
DanB . o O ( Now, who's the silly one? )
DavidW hands NanH a warm bagel.
RenataC says, "Ypager performed an illigal operation... sigh.."
NanH doesn't need a webcam for webheads LOL
DafneG asks, "Is that your son, Tere?"
DavidW [to DanB]: "I'm awarding you honorary status in the club"
NanH gratefully accepts the warm bagel!
DanB . o O ( I feel somewhat uneasy about this honorary status. )
NanH . o O ( can't get good bagels in Sanford LOL )
DavidW asks, "It's in the mid-30s in New Jersey this morning, how cold is it for you mid-Westerners?"
VanceS [webhead] pours Nancy a liter of hot strong coffee
NanH says, "dunno, David... is warm here under this laptop LOL"
DavidW grants DanB permanent, tenure-tracked status, in the club.
DanB says, "About 10 in Wisconsin."
DavidW grins at NanH.
DavidW [to NanH]: "They do heat up"
NanH thanks Vance
DavidW [to DanB]: "THat's a bit colder for sure."
DafneG says, "I am still waiting for the bagels"
VanceS [webhead] says, "something like 25 here in Abu Dhabi"
NanH adds warm milk to the coffee and sips gratefully
DanB says, "But, Vance, that's C., not F."
DavidW [to DafneG]: "What kind of bagel, Ms. baseball-hat, and what do you want on it, butter, cream cheese, etc."
VanceS [webhead] says, "That's correct Dan (it's how we keep our 'cool' out here)"
DafneG says, "why don't you get some pancakes, Sus"
DavidW takes coffee the way NanH does.
DafneG says, "salmon, cream cheese and capers, Dave, please"
NanH nods to David
DavidW [to DanB]: "10F, right, not 10C"
DanB asks, "Is there any truth to the rumor that the Mets will be called the New York Possums this year?"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Capers?"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Okay."
You hear a quiet popping sound; RitaZ has disconnected.
DavidW [to DanB]: "Now, wait a minute, Mr. Brewer"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Right, F."
DavidW nods.
NanH checks http://www.weather.com to see what the temp is outside LOL
DavidW smiles.
NanH . o O ( beats going to the window )
DavidW . o O ( beats getting out of bed )
SusanneN looks IVisit opened Who's willing to show me your face in In iVsist, and guide me a bit?.
NanH is out of bed!! (now ;)
DanB . o O ( Bunch of Lazy Leftists )
DavidW says, "I think th ePhillies won a Spring Training game on Friday"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "ok, shall we all try iVisit?"
NanH . o O ( is Right of DanB )
DavidW agrees with that, but I'm out of bed, just not wearing socks yet.
DafneG says, "pal talk is better than ivisit"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "are you in iVisit Sus?"
DavidW loves the lingo, pal talk, iVisit.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Can Sus join us in Pal Talk?"
SusanneN says, "I would like to see some of you. But I think I cannot make it with pal Talk on my old mac."
ying [guest] says, "I need sleep."
DafneG says, "she can register"
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "AppleTalk works"
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "Ying, you just got up!"
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Go back to bed."
SusanneN asks, "Yes, I have downloaded iVisit and it is open, then what is next?"
DanB [to Ying [guest]]: "Why is that? Are you partying too much there in, NYC?"
NanH . o O ( mentally converting to C )
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, I'll come over to ivisit"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has lost his link.
DavidW [to DanB]: "I thought I got her home before midnight"
DanB [to DavidW]: "Maybe, she had a second date."
ying [guest] says, "I wake up early because of tea."
DavidW [to DanB]: "Oh!"
NanH . o O ( 32-18=14.... about 7 below freezing C... )
DafneG says, "I am jumping from one computer to the other"
DavidW smiles.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I have ivisit up, too"
NanH [to 7C]: "here I think"
NanH says, "oops ;)"
DavidW [to NanH]: "Good arithmetic, there"
NanH says, "here is -7C"
DavidW smiles.
NanH [to DavidW]: "I think I just learned a shortcut!"
RenataC says, "nanH, brrrrr"
DavidW exclaims, "Prof. Bilitz!"
DavidW [to NanH]: "Which one?"
DafneG asks, "Are you all going to ivistit?"
ying [guest] says, "I can not stay here for over one hour... I am afraid of missing phone calls from my cowoker."
ArthurM has connected.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "did you ever get our web cams renata?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm there now (in iVisit)"
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Happy shopping!"
DafneG says, "I am going to try it, vance"
RenataC says, "Got Dafne's but not yours..."
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "I'm thinking about playing soccer in Chinatown"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to VanceS]: "How do you find you on ivisit?"
NanH sighs Glad you made it for a while, Ying :)
SusanneN says, "OK, then how do I login to iVisit, I am a novice :-)"
ying [guest] says, "thanks."
ying [guest] says, "I don't really understand your conversation here."
DanB [to Ying [guest]]: "Good to see you again. I hope things are going well for you in NYC."
ying [guest] says, "Thanks , DanB.."
SusanneN says, "I may need a password long forgotten and not marked anywhere."
DavidW [to Ying [guest]]: "Neither do I. They are trying to get other technology working and they are using TappedIn to discuss the problems."
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm sorry Ying Lan. some of us are hooking up on web cams"
VanceS [webhead] says, "You could see us on Yahoo Messenger"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Susanne]: "We are in the same boat with ivisit. I used it once a while ago"
DavidW . o O ( some of us... )
DanB [to Ying [guest]]: "Are you adjusting to working in NYC?"
DafneG says, "you do not need a camera to see us"
DavidW [to DanB]: "She's a pro on the subway"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "How do you create a room in iVisit?"
SusanneN hugs Ying - Too bad; we are just busy messing with technology :-)
ying [guest] says, "I need to read more... it will help me to get to know people.. and I hope that I could express meself well in English."
DavidW grins at ying [guest].
ArthurM exclaims, "You're doing very well, Ying!"
NanH asks, "online chatting helps too, doesn't it?"
DavidW agrees with ArthurM.
ying [guest] says, "thanks... I need to go now."
DanB [to Ying [guest]]: "For what it's worth, I understand your English just fine."
DafneG says, "I had to go out of ivisit"
RenataC says, "anythinghelps, Ying"
DavidW waves bye to ying [guest].
DanB [to Ying [guest]]: "OK, have a great week."
MargaretD says, "bye Ying...)"
RenataC says, "but don't get discouraged, i am lost, too... ;)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "bye Ying Lan, I'll be in touch"
RenataC exclaims, "night!"
DafneG says, "bye Ying"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] asks, "Could someone invite me on Yahoo messenger (johnschrus)?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "We have to give iVisit a go to include Sus"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Be back with your bagel, but I'll have to go to another shop to get the capers"
SusanneN smiles
NanH is downloading iVisit
ying [guest] says, "Vance... you will visit me on 14th of April."
NanH has capers in the fridge!
VanceS [webhead] says, "yes, that's the plan."
DavidW [to NanH]: "Good to know."
ying [guest] says, "o.k."
SusanneN says, "I've been to iVisit before, with Vance and Gary - I could see images but not make my mic work."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Oh, Ying Lan, did you want me to forward your last letter to all webheads?"
ying [guest] says, "see you next week."
AliB [to Renata]: "I'm a bit lost too , It sems I'm getting more and more on my plate"
NanH uploading capers to David and Dafne
ying [guest] says, "sure."
ying [guest] says, "Say thanks to some people."
DavidW says, "I've never FTP'd capers, before"
VanceS [webhead] smiles "ok"
NanH grins
ying [guest] says, "see you."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Is it convenient to visit on that date?"
AliB waves to ying
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_91 [guest] has disconnected.
SusanneN tries to download & hack some of those capers., too
RenataC says, "AliB, we will get there, I think we didn't do enough homework and now we are paying for it..."
DafneG says, "added you to my list, Chris, but I do not see you"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "don't have a camera yet"
NanH says, "I only saw Vance"
SusanneN asks, "Where do I find the proper room to get into?"
DavidW offers SusanneN some "stuffed" capers from the Internet.
BJB drops 2002/03/10 WebHeads2 (recording).
DafneG asks, "can you see me, Chris?"
NanH says, "The "View my Webcam" wasn't active for Dafne and Tere"
ArthurM says, "I'm back, and lurking ..."
VanceS [webhead] says, "Susanne can you figure out how to create a room"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I see Vance"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I just went back into Yahoo"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "Have you gotten my Yahoo message?"
ArthurM says, "Chris, can you see me? arthur_mckeown"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I can get into iVisit like that (snaps fingers)"
DafneG says, "my ID is dygonza, Chris"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "not yet Aurther"
NanH says, "I downloaded ivisit but don't want to install while running browser & other stuff"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Accepted you Dafne"
DavidW looks away.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "no pun intendend"
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "right now I have no idea how to get connected, not to mention create rooms"
ArthurM says, "OK, Chris"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "My ID is teca2002pt"
DanB [to BJB]: "Are you getting more excited about your first grandchild?"
BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Dan
DavidW . o O ( tell him about the "crib mobile" )
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "OK, Teresa"
DavidW [away] grins.
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "Can you see me?"
DafneG says, "I have invited Chris to see my webcam"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I had my camera up in iVisit I'll try again, arthur has just got his cam working"
DanB . o O ( Crib mobile, or mobile crib? )
SusanneN says, "I wonder which IP address i should enter"
DavidW [away] says, "I'm not sure"
DavidW [to SusanneN]: "A valid one."
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Crib mobile..plays Mozart and Bach"
VanceS [webhead] says, "So it's time for another group portrait"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "Both you and Vance are in my living room!"
DanB . o O ( LOL at David's wit )
DavidW [away] says, "Sometimes..."
ArthurM says, "and i can see Vance ..."
DafneG says, "great"
DavidW [away] says, "Well for 10 years, valid IP address have been important"
DavidW [away] smiles.
DanB asks, "All of their compositions, or just selected clips?"
NanH . o O ( how would one explain 'though' to a nonEnglish speaker? )
DafneG says, "my yahoo had an error"
NanH . o O ( examples, comparing with 'but'? )
DafneG says, "too many cameras on"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "Yes, you just blacked out"
SusanneN [to DavidW]: "is it my personal IP? I'm not sure what it means; what would be an invalid IP?"
DavidW [away] says, "Well, invalid would not work, but usually you need the IP address that you've been assigned by your Internet Service Provider."
NanH says, "an invalid IP would be a local one that isn't immediately "on the Internet""
NanH says, "yes... you need the one you've been assigned. If you have a router or something it would be THAT address, not your own machine's address"
NanH asks, "how do you connect, Susanne? and, from home or work?"
DavidW [away] listens excitedly to NanH discuss routers!
ArthurM says, "I've had a wee look at ivisit and will explore it later"
DavidW . o O ( Okay, I'm getting a bagel...NOW )
NanH chuckles
SusanneN says, "Yes, I am begining to understand the IP, I just have to find the right one :-)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "So chris, no cam?"
SusanneN says, "I am at home, on my own computer, connected by an ADSL router"
RenataC goes up.
RenataC's personal recorder (recording) goes up.
DafneG says, "When I tried ivisit I got an error on yahoo, I am getting back in"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Teresa]: "Yes, I can see you. BTW, nice bookshelf and alcove behind you"
NanH asks, "can you access your router to find its addresses?"
MargaretD asks, "modem or router Susanne?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Daf, tell me when you're back online. I'm going over to ivisit"
SusanneN says, "Just can't figure out where the IP is stored"
SusanneN says, "I have an idea, brb"
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "Thanks, Chris!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "nope, I'm going to wait till Sus gets back"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Teresa]: "saw you laugh, too (presumedly at my comment). No secrets with a web cam"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I have an idea too. I'll look for the room that Gary created"
NanH . o O ( Gary? )
TeresaAlm [to Chris]: "Yes, I did laugh at your comment! No secrets! ;-)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Yeah, one of the webheads in action"
SusanneN says, "Yes! I found it in my internet setup. wait a sec"
TeresaAlm asks, "Daf, is your web cam on again?"
NanH says, "careful though, Susanne.... did you find it in your router setup? your local computer setup won't be the right address"
DafneG says, "not yet, dear, I am restarting my laptop"
DafneG says, "I kept getting error messages"
SusanneN [to Nan]: "Ok - maybe it is not the one I found, then."
NanH [to Susanne]: "but look at that screen"
NanH [to Susanne]: "and look at the gateway"
NanH [to Susanne]: "maybe you can telnet to that address"
SusanneN says, "It is called the WAN status - PPPoE"
NanH [to Susanne]: "(to your router)"
NanH listening to Sus
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, here's the room that gary created"
NanH [to Susanne]: "that means your computer talks on the Internet using Ethernet (point to point)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Education Language Exchange , english"
SusanneN asks, "I can see a log list, what would I bee searching for?"
NanH [to Susanne]: "are you using windows?"
NanH [to Susanne]: "or what?"
SusanneN says, "No, I am on macOS 8.1"
DafneG says, "Teresa, invite me now to see your webcam, please"
RenataC has arrived.
RenataC's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
NanH sighs I don't know how to find it on a Mac
NanH says, "you'd be looking for a set of numbers..."
SusanneN sighs what Am I Looking For?
NanH [to Susanne]: "something like"
DafneG says, "fine, I am looking at you, Tere"
NanH says, "or could be different"
SusanneN exclaims, "Aha!"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "Good!"
NanH asks, "ok... what numbers?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to VanceS]: "Vance, is that under ivisit directories (Edu Lang Exch english)?"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "But I can't see you. :-("
NanH [to Susanne]: "these are still not your public IPs"
NanH [to Susanne]: "but can help you find them"
TeresaAlm [to DafneG]: "I see you now! :-)"
NanH [to Susanne]: "is one labeled "gateway" or something like that?"
DafneG says, "great ;-)"
SusanneN says, "The one i found first, is four times three digits"
NanH [to Susanne]: ""gateway" would be your router's address"
You hear a quiet popping sound; AliB has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm in iVisit now"
NanH [to Susanne]: "yes. That could be either your computer or your router."
SusanneN says, "Ok, I will look for gateway"
DafneG says, "It is a pity you cannot listen to the songs I am istening to, Tere"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Sus, are you in a position to join me?"
NanH [to Susanne]: "it might be called something else"
NanH . o O ( Any Mac people in here other than Sus? )
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Aurthur]: "can't see you yet. Vance and Teresa sent me an invitation (my id is johnschrus)"
DafneG asks, "Can you see me Chris?"
SusanneN says, "Yes, it is called a lot in Danish - a native setup :-)"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "do you mean in yahoo Chris?"
NanH says, "the next question is, Sus, can you use the address of your router to access it, for example, I use telnet."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I meant, Ivisit, Vance. I can see you fine in Yahoo"
AliB has connected.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "and Teresa, too"
NanH [to Susanne]: "if you can access your router, you should be able to dig through the settins and find your IP address"
SusanneN asks, "Do I use telnet for uploading to my homepage?"
NanH says, "maybe... I use ftp"
SusanneN says, "I have access to my router, but the info i can retrieve is not enough"
NanH says, "hmmm"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I can see you too, Dafne. A brown cabinet and two bookshelves"
SusanneN asks, "Or, is my Muddweller connection (for tapped IN text only version) on telnet?"
RenataC says, "Welcome back and goodnight... At least I have got my own office in tappedin Weat wing, 35 floor, W3503..."
TeresaAlm asks, "Vance's image just disappeared, right?"
NanH [to Susanne]: "that sounds right."
NanH says, "yes, tere"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Yep, Vance just turned out the lights"
DafneG says, "I do not have Vance here"
RenataC says, "See you next time! Thanks Nahn for everything..."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "bye Renata"
NanH says, "you're welcome, Renata :)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "am I on now/"
SusanneN exclaims, "Byr Renata! See you next time!"
NanH sees Dafne now! :)
DanB says, "Bye, Renata"
You hear a quiet popping sound; RenataC has disconnected.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Not yet, Vance"
DafneG asks, "do you have a cam, Nan?"
NanH says, "I don't, Dafne"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "OK, Vance you're back"
DafneG -(
AliB says, "Time to say goodbye, I'm starving ..see you all soon"
DafneG says, "I do not see Vance"
DanB says, "Bye, Ali
VanceS [webhead] says, "yep, I'm back, thanks for dropping by ali"
NanH says, "see you, ali :)"
TeresaAlm says, "I don't either."
DafneG says, "bye, Ali"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "did you manage to see any web cams?"
NanH sees Vance & Dafn
You hear a quiet popping sound; AliB has disconnected.
ArthurM says, "Vance, i can see you again .."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "try clicking on Vance's window and then "Webcam" restart"
VanceS [webhead] says, "excellent, I've been watching you the whole time"
DafneG says, "yes, Now I see him"
NanH introduces her daughter, Jeanette, to Vance & Dafne's pics too :)
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I see Vance now!!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'll move my cam again for Variety"
ArthurM asks, "Presumably one can have several cams open at the same time, with different people in them?"
NanH says, "you just can't sit still, maybe, Vance? :)"
DafneG says, "Arthur, I do not see you"
DanB says, "I have company coming later; so, I need to leave a bit early. Have a great week, everyone."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I cans see Vance, Dafne, and Teresa -- not Aurthur"
NanH exclaims, "you too, Dan!"
DafneG says, "Bye, Dan"
ArthurM asks, "can I invite anyone?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "got to get that book case in teh background"
DanB waves 'bye.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "By Dan, leaving?
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, you too"
ArthurM says, "Bye, Dan ..."
DanB goes home.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "bye Dan"
VanceS [webhead] lookses around the room at DavidW [away], BJB
[HelpDesk], NanH, DafneG, SusanneN, Chris_in_Germany [guest], TeresaAlm,
MargaretD, and ArthurM.
ArthurM says, "Books add a tone of culture and old-world study :-)"
NanH chuckles
VanceS [webhead] says, "yes, it's important to position your web cam so they are apparent"
DafneG says, "It seems that books are a common feature of our places"
VanceS [webhead] says, "especially in erudite company"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 05:40:32 2002 PST.
Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 05:42:54 2002 PST.
DafneG says, "there is only the 3 of us"
DafneG says, "hello back Sus"
ArthurM says, "I'm still here ..."
NanH asks, "Is Arthur on via webcam?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Arthur, Daf, Tere, and Me"
SusanneN says, "I'm terribly back"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "the light needs to be in front of your face. The window light was from behind"
DafneG says, "I do not see Arthur"
SusanneN asks, "Which room did I have to look for at iVisit?"
ArthurM says, "I am on webcam and can see Vance only"
DafneG says, "I need his image to get another picture"
DafneG says, "invite us, I am dygonza"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I'm johnschrus"
DafneG . o O ( our secret personalities )
SusanneN asks, "But where would I go to invite you?"
DafneG says, "now I see Arthur"
NanH . o O ( did you find the IP info, Sus? )
SusanneN is still lost but has her nose in the track
SusanneN says, "NO, I did not need it, after all i AM connected, dear Nan :-)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Sus, I was saying I've sussed out iVisit"
DafneG says, "I have still images"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Do you want to try it?"
SusanneN asks, "The only thing I think I miss, is where to go, or where to invite someone?"
NanH does not know iVisit at all
SusanneN exclaims, "Ok, do we have nobody left in iVisit, then let us leave it for now!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "It's easy to go in and out of. don't you want to see it it works?"
SusanneN says, "Yes, Vance, I burn to see if it works :-))"
DafneG says, "I just took another picture, but Arthur image is still, he is covering his nose with his hand"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "Well, friends, it lunch time for me. The family is calling. I'll probably join some of you later. Arthur, I'll be waiting for that url! Bye everyone!"
SusanneN hugs Tere
NanH says, "nice seeing you, Tere :)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "OK teresa, nice seeing you again."
DafneG says, "I will post the pictures to my webpae"
VanceS [webhead] says, "great"
DafneG says, "bye, Tere thanks for sharing your image with us"
NanH says, "I'll install iVisit for another time :)"
DafneG says, "instal paltalk, Nan"
NanH asks, "www.paltalk.com?"
TeresaAlm exclaims, "I'll post my images, too!"
SusanneN asks, "Can Paltalk and iVisit be used at the same time, Daf?"
DafneG says, "yes, it has worked better for me than ivisit"
You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
DafneG says, "don't think so"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Ok, I'm ready to try iVisit now"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Who's coming?"
SusanneN says, "is ready too"
DafneG says, "I will try to join you there"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, here goes"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] has arrived.
SusanneN says, "I have Directory window, and a chat window"
VanceS [webhead] says, "On my way"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "I had everything fine a minute ago. How do I get where you are?"
DafneG says, "I am there, but I do not know where to go, there is a new window I did not know"
SusanneN asks, "Where are we?"
DafneG says, "I am at Share your World window"
SusanneN says, "Some roms may be open"
SusanneN says, "I am in the lobby I think"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "I suddenly can't see a list of groups. How do I get one?"
SusanneN asks, "Dafne Where did you find that one?"
SusanneN [to VanceS]: "It is called Directory"
DafneG says, "I landed here"
DafneG says, "I have a directory icon on the navigation bar"
VanceS [webhead] says, "That's it. I did last time. I'm there now."
SusanneN says, "VERY intuitive"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, We need Education"
SusanneN asks, "Where's the navigation bar?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "and then language exchange"
DafneG says, "on top of the window"
VanceS [webhead] says, "You double click on Education"
SusanneN says, "Gary Jazzwas the one who knew iVisit well"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has lost his link.
DafneG says, "I need my password"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "What's the password"
VanceS [webhead] says, "password is langex"
SusanneN asks, "Which level is education?"
SusanneN asks, "OK, I am in education, then what do I choose?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Education was a group in the root directory"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Language exchange"
DafneG says, "then, what language"
VanceS [webhead] says, "english only"
DafneG asks, "English only?"
SusanneN exclaims, "I should be there now!"
DafneG says, "it says no members in selected heading"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Now you have to click on the green arrow pointing right"
VanceS [webhead] says, "to add yourself to this group"
NanH says, "I'm going to pop out in a bit and see if I can find my way in there.
VanceS [webhead] says, "Susanne is there"
SusanneN says, "Susanne WAS there already from my last iVisit"
NanH says, "ok :) brb maybe... otherwise... will catch you all later! :)"
BJB looks away.
DavidW waves bye.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I think the mysterious "new user" is me"
SusanneN exclaims, "Bye, Nan thanks a lot for helping me so carefully!"
ArthurM has connected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "nan nice to see you again"
NanH says, "sure... sorry it turned out to be largely needless LOL"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Bye Nan"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Welcome back arthur"
DavidW grins.
NanH says, "you too, Vance :) ttyl Chris :)"
DafneG says, "Bye Nan"
SusanneN [to Nan]: "I did learn a lot about my router"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm sitting pretty in ivisit"
DavidW [to NanH]: "Think math"
ArthurM says, "Hello, sorry - I got disconnected when my technology became over-excited"
NanH says, "ttyl dafne :)"
SusanneN asks, "Vance, where do I open your portrait?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "it seems to have better video - happens to the best of us Arthur"
NanH [to DavidW]: "http://www.exploremath.com is a good spot to dig around :)"
DavidW nods.
You hear a quiet popping sound; NanH has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "good question, are you broadcastign?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I double clicked on your name and it's looking for you"
SusanneN says, "NOpe, and my chat is not connected either"
SusanneN scratches her head
VanceS [webhead] scratches Susanne's head
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Authur, I can see you (holding your hand over your mouth)"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Arthur, you might want to stop your video and restart it"
ArthurM says, "Yes, Chris, in pensive mode ..."
ArthurM says, "OK"
DafneG says, "It seems that my voice cannot be heard"
DavidW . o O ( such a nice voice, though )
DavidW [to DafneG]: "I put on my Mets hat on the way to the bagel store."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "forwards or backwards?"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Me? Forwards"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "you mean wth the bill facing the back?"
DafneG . o O ( I would have liked to see him )
DavidW says, "The "normal" way of wearing a baseball hat"
DafneG says, "I do not have a chat window"
VanceS [webhead] says, "yo! got bagels? (the bill facing backwards, that's normal,isn't it?)"
DavidW acknowledges Dafne's lack of chat window.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DavidW]: "Catcher or everyone else?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "have I been out of the states that long?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Is everyone reversing their caps again now?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "me, too Vance"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "Not sure"
DavidW [to Chris]: "I think I would have been a catcher IF I had played little league"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "I think there are options all around 360 degrees in terms of "bill" placement"
VanceS [webhead] says, "well, susanne, how's the head scratching going"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has lost her link.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 06:02:43 2002 PST.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SusanneN has lost her link.
VanceS [webhead] says, "woops"
DavidW says, "When it's very windy, having the bill pointing backwards sometimes helps to keep the hat on your head"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "90 degrees on either side (with the cap) looks a bit dorky"
DavidW agrees.
DavidW exclaims, "Very dorky!"
ArthurM asks, "dorky?"
DavidW says, "But some guys angle it off to the side, either forwards or backwards"
DavidW [to ArthurM]: "Un-cool!"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "dorky = like a dork"
DavidW smiles.
ArthurM says, "ok, Chris"
DafneG exclaims, "I got the chat window!"
DavidW applauds.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "in ivisit?"
DafneG says, "yes"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] asks, "How Dafne?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "in Langexchange english only?"
DafneG says, "the icon next to the directory"
DavidW says, "Is it helpful to you all if I fire up iVisit? I think I downloaded it."
VanceS [webhead] asks, "are you New User?"
DavidW is thinking of playing soccer.
DafneG says, "waiting for you,DAve"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Chris = New User"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "I think"
DafneG says, "I see your name Chris"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "oh, did you hear me just then?"
DafneG says, "no, Vance"
DavidW [to DafneG]: "I'm just wondering if it is helpful to have another person try it to see about some of the problems you are having. I don't have a camera, though."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "no vance"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "double click on my name, can you see it there?"
DafneG says, "yes, I see it"
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "yeah, Dafne has cracked it!"
DavidW thinks that that soccer game may be starting an a little while.
VanceS [webhead] says, "and there she is"
NanH has arrived.
Nancy's Hunky Bodyguard follows NanH to here.
DavidW . o O ( starting in a little while )
DavidW waves to NanH.
DafneG says, "can you see me, VAnce"
DafneG says, "Hi, Nan"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to VanceS]: "Vance, you are in black and white and moving faster than on Yahoo"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "I can see you daf, can you see me?"
NanH juggles all her windows and logs to find her way thru ivisit
DafneG says, "no, Vance I do not see you"
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "Susanne is in!!!"
VanceS [webhead] says, "New user is disconnected"
juani has connected.
VanceS [webhead] exclaims, "Hi Juani!!"
DafneG says, "I cannot see you, only yur window and name, VAnce"
juani [guest] says, "Hi...at least I'm here"
DavidW waves to juani [guest].
DavidW [to Juani [guest]]: "Welcome"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Hi Juani, we're trying to get iVisit to work"
KevinIo has connected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "I can see you Daf, but Susanne is in a very dark room"
NanH says, "ack! LOL"
DavidW [to VanceS]: "She liks it DARK!"
DavidW . o O ( ...likes it.. )
NanH says, "I was in but clicked the wrong box ;)"
juani [guest] says, "Glad to see everyone again"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "looks like Chris is connecting?"
NanH says, "the one with the X is "bad" right? LOL"
VanceS [webhead] says, "Nice to see you Juani"
DavidW says, "I'm heading off to see about the soccer game. Have a good rest of the day, folks."
VanceS [webhead] says, "are you going off this weekend - have fun David"
DavidW waves bye to BJB [away], VanceS [webhead], DafneG,
Chris_in_Germany [guest], MargaretD, ArthurM, NanH, juani [guest], and KevinIo.
DafneG says, "bye, David, nice seein you"
juani [guest] says, "I se you're leaving already"
juani [guest] says, "for me it"
KevinIo leaves for the CAFE.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
DavidW [to DafneG]: "Thanks."
DavidW says, "Ciao"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DavidW has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] says, "some of us are still here"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "bye David"
DafneG says, "and there"
juani [guest] says, "s 7 o'clock and I'm using a friend's laptop"
VanceS [webhead] shows juani [guest] who's here BJB [away], DafneG,
Chris_in_Germany [guest], MargaretD, ArthurM, NanH, and juani [guest].
KevinIo has arrived.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "Juani, are you going somewhere this weekend?"
juani [guest] says, "yes,going to California with a friend"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to DafneG]: "I tried clicking on your name in Ivisit but it said "not found""
juani [guest] says, "We're driving and seeing the GRand Cannyon on the way back"
KevinIo leaves for the ASO.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
VanceS [webhead] asks, "when?"
You hear a quiet popping sound; ArthurM has lost his link.
KevinIo has arrived.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
juani [guest] says, "on Fiday 15"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] [to Juani [guest]]: "Watch the whole sunset at
the Grand Canyon till it gets dark - incredible!"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "spring break?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "flagstaff is very nice"
juani [guest] says, "yes,"
KevinIo leaves for the ASO.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
juani [guest] says, "We hope to see it and enjoy"
KevinIo has arrived.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
KevinIo leaves for the El.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "It seems I can only see one person at a time with Ivist"
juani [guest] says, "We went to Moah yesterday ...It's espectacular,too"
VanceS [webhead] says, "oh, I've got myself and Daf -- Moab? Juani"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "the desert?"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Arches and Canyonlands are great. Did you see Deadhorse Point="
VanceS [webhead] asks, "anyone want to join Yaodong in Pal Talk?"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "or am I starting to talk crazy ???"
juani [guest] says, "Yes,I was there for the second time."
Chris_in_Germany [guest] asks, "What is Pal Talk?"
VanceS [webhead] says, "http://www.paltalk.com/"
juani [guest] says, "Now with my son who is leaving today"
VanceS [webhead] asks, "How old is your son?"
KevinIo has arrived.
KevinIo's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
juani [guest] says, "I ahd paltalk at home and used my webcam but here I've been using Mac"
You hear a quiet popping sound; DafneG has lost her link.
VanceS [webhead] says, "That's why we're on ivisit. You can get on with Mac"
juani [guest] says, "no..this is a laptop,a PC this morning"
VanceS [webhead] says, "iVisit goes both ways"
juani [guest] says, "I'm at a friend;s house in a city 45 miles from Rifle"
Chris_in_Germany [guest] says, "Need to hit the books, folks. But it was a lot of fun. See you next time."
juani [guest] says, "I'll try to log in again"
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, chris, we're here each sunday for 3 years ow"
VanceS [webhead] says, "now"
VanceS [webhead] says, "I'm going to go home and eat and have a beer perhaps"
VanceS [webhead] says, "it's evening, late"
juani [guest] says, "ok,,I must get my son ready for his flight so I can't stay longer either"
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_111 [guest] has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_147 [guest] has disconnected.
VanceS [webhead] wonders who left: BJB [away], MargaretD, NanH, and KevinIo.
VanceS [webhead] says, "ok, down to the hard core here. I'm going to say goodnight to all"
VanceS [webhead] waves to BJB [away], MargaretD, NanH, and KevinIo.
You hear a quiet popping sound; KevinIo has disconnected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; VanceS [webhead] has disconnected.
Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Mar 10 06:26:45 2002 PST.
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: April 20, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 |