Integrating keyboarding and language skills with MS Office

Advanced Word and Excel Integrated Skills Exercise

Review the START document

Instructions for Students

This exercise is to be done in one class period. It will test your ability to type a short document, format it according to Advanced Word features recently taught, link it dynamically to an Excel spreadsheet, and present a mail-merged result.

Step One

Prepare a spreadsheet reporting your last 5 Keyboarding Tutor typing speed and accuracy combinations

Special instructions for the Keyboarding Progress spreadsheet

  • If you wish you can use this worksheet to keep your records.
  • Start your chart off with 4 columns as shown at right.
  • As you complete the Keyboarding lessons, fill in the data as shown in the insert. Don't include the text in the last three lines.

Step Two

Prepare a spreadsheet database of Foundation Computing instructors

Use these data, with 'Title' in cell A1 of your spreadsheet:

Title First Last Position Office
Mr. Richard Pheasant Coordinator 215
Mr. Vance Stevens Lecturer 217
Mr. Kevin Bonner Lecturer 213
Mr. Neil Westly Lecturer 211

Step Two

Please be patient,
the following is ...

Prepare a memo reporting your progress

In your memo, you need to have the following (see the hidden characters here)

Submit what you can to Work Finished (for a grade) a mail merged document (4 letters) called (for example) 007yourname082sn_typing-word-excel

This update: May 4, 2004
Address questions or comments in email to vstevens at or