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Welcome Video from Vance

Here, you can see Vance, one of the teachers, welcoming you to the Writing for Webheads class.

If you can't see Vance by clicking on the player below, then try one of these:

Get the Free Real Player G2 Plugin

To hear the sounds on this page, you'll need to get the Free G2 version of the Real Player and install it on your system as a plugin to your browser. Go to this site:, and download the FREE version of the G2 player. (Don't download anything you have to pay for unless you want the higher quality - you need the free version to hear the sounds on this page. BUT, it has to be the G2.)

The latest G2 player is mp3 compatible!

In case you get an error message like this:

If you get an error message like this, then enter the URL you see (the URL on your screen) into your browser, and you may be able to download the file and store it on you computer. You can then open the file in your Real Player and hear it that way. Or, you can open your Real Player and use File / Open Loacation to try to connect with the url that you see in the error message on your screen.

Use your browser's BACK button to return to a previous page

For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: August 18, 1999