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We begin by taking a look at two presentations which themselves model certain aspects of multiliteracy. When viewing the presentations, note how they differ from what Tuman (in Word Perfect, 1992) calls 'print literacy'. What are some of the 'other' literacies required to not only make such presentations, but to view them? What do the presentations themselves suggest about literacy competencies required of a modern multiliterate online language teacher?
Sun Microsystems has some practical pages on writing for the Web as opposed to writing on paper
Module 1 - What is multiliteracy
Topic 1. Toward a definition of 'multiliteracies'
For 2006, there are suggestions for study of this question in the Moodle
Links on What is Multiliteracy?
Some resources we used in 2005 (the most updated resources for this year are on the Moodle)
2. WEB LITERACY THROUGH SOCIO-CONSTRUCTIVISM 2.2.1 AN APPROACH TO LITERACY AS A SOCIO-CONSTRUCTIVE PRACTICE: MULTILITERACIES -; from Johanna Ahtikari and Sanna Eronen. (2004). On a journey towards web literacy - The electronic learning space Netro. A dissertation submitted at the University of JYVÄSKYLÄ Department of Languages. Retrieved September 23, 2004 from:
Zammit, K; Downes,T
New learning environments and the
multiliterate individual : a framework for educators.
Australian Journal
of Language and Literacy v.25 n.2 p.24-36 June 2002
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page Last updated: September 9, 2007 |
Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
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