Evaluating websites on Basic lessons for diving

what was the reason for choosing this topic?

The reason for choosing this topic is because as I believe diving is one of the interesting activities, but is also dangerous more than interesting. For that reason I took this topic to show people what should they know and DO before thinking to go on a diving lesson or before joining a diving institute. I have selected some sites that could give us information, and I have developed my own set of evaluating for these sites according to how much valuable information it contains.

Here are the websites that I had evaluated:-

After I had done with the evaluating of the sites, I have found as I believe there is no best or perfect website that you can find all the important information that would help anyone to take a brief idea about diving, but I found some sites that can give small amount of information with less graphics. The main thing I tried to do is to search in the internet for sites that could explain the history of diving, what kind of danger that you may face it inside the water? and what the action to prevent or the treatment in case you had it? With also some safety rules that should be known to you. At the end I HOPE that my evaluation hand-worth to know more about Diving

Done by:-Fuad Khaled Ahmed Al-Hosani

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