HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

By Ali Suhail



Before we can use information found in web sites on the Internet, we need to evaluate the quality of the sites found. This is a project to examine and compare Internet web sites dealing with the evaluation of other web sites. I have selected sites that present some criteria for helping us determine whether a Web page contains useful information or not. From these sites I have developed my own set of criteria for evaluating web sites. Finally I have ranked the sites according to these criteria.



Rating 88

HH Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan is the President of the UAE

I’ve studied the website www.uaeinteract.com . I t is quite elaborate and provides a thorough knowledge about HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

All the information that is provided here seems relevant. I can find all the information I need.

But in my opinion the writer has not spent enough time on adding his personal views and criticisms. One can make out that the writer has done research work but not adequate enough to give a personalized touch to the website.

The author seems to be well versed with the teaching techniques and he holds a sound knowledge about life of the president. However, he has not included his name or any other information about himself in the website.

This website is the official website of the Ministry of Information and Culture in the UAE with ‘com’ as it’s domain. It is well maintained and updated regularly. The language used is simple and easy to read.The layout of the home page is simple with a menu on the left side of the page. It has a lot of pictures, which makes it attractive for the users. However I can observe some typos, e.g., the text and the pictures are consolidated separately. The website would have given a better impression if the text was separated by pictures in between. The website is easy to download. It has a lot of links and references of sources.

There is a vast sea of information but it seems very difficult to filter out the desired information. There aren’t many pop-ups and advertisements which makes the website user friendly.

There is a lot of free information, however there is information about books that are to be bought.



Ratting: 72

This website on HH Sheikh Zayed seems authentic and accurate to me. It answers my research questions and provides references and resources of all pieces of information which have been included in the website.

All the views and ideas in this website are balanced as it presents pros and cons at each stage.

The author of this website has excellent writing skills and the publisher also seems to an expert at his work. Therefore there is no question about the quality of information on this web page.

The website is open to suggestions of its readers as the have designed a page for reader’s opinions and suggestions.

The domain of the website is’edu’. The website is regularly updated and moulded according to readers’ suggestions.

It is easy on eyes with no flashing lights and bright colours. The homepage fits on one page and has excellent graphics and layout.

I have faced some problems while loading this site. The website is slow as there are many advertisements and pop-ups. This makes the navigation of this site a bit difficult.

Most of the information on this website requires payment or subscription. 



   Ratting : 64

The website has provided a lot of information, but it’s authenticity cannot be guaranteed. I think, the information in this website cannot be completely relevant as I feel that the ideas presented are prejudiced and biased. Also the answer to my research question is not answered. It seem s more of a commercial website rather than the one which is created for the sole purpose of providing authentic information and service.

I am unable to build my views on the author, as I don’t see any extraordinary writing skills. There is no reference of any institution of the writer’s name.

The domain of this sight is ‘org’. The reference of the date of creation or date of updating cannot be found.

The font is too small and difficult to read. The language used is complex for an average English learner.

There are a few graphical errors but there are helpful links and illustrations on each page, which makes navigation easier. They aren’t many pop-ups or advertisements so the user can remain focused while navigating.

This web site is free of charge and open to everybody.



Ratting: 52

I cannot assure readers of the accuracy of this website but then again I cannot say that the information it provides is irrelevant. I could find the answer to my research question but I still question it’s accuracy.

The author has presented information without any criticism to support his views.

I believe that the website does not provide me with enough information to pass my verdict on the author. There isn’t any contact information or link to give us knowledge about the publisher of the website.

The domain of this website is ‘co’.

The website is updated regularly every week. The font is clear and easy to read.        The language used is also simple. The website has an excellent layout, simple and easy to access. Another plus point of this site is that it is fast loading adequate amount of pictures. But there aren’t any references mentioned which arouses suspicion about its authenticity.

It is easy to browse the website as there aren’t many advertisements, flashing lights and pop-ups. Most of the website is free of charge but requires payment or subscription at some places.


The page that seemed most relevant to my project while remaining easily accessible to many of my students was "Evaluating Web Sites: Criteria and Tools, from HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan." I gave this site an 88 rating. I thought the "Evaluating Quality on the Net" gave the most comprehensive and detailed coverage of the topic of the few sites I looked at, but if I were a student in one of my classes, I probably wouldn't use this site because it was too detailed for my purpose, which was to find criteria for evaluating the quality of information on the Internet. I thought the other sites all presented that information in more easily accessible form.

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Ali Suhail