A Demonstration by Vance Stevens, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi

Fri, Jan 23, Rm 416 MC, 14.30 to16:00 Cairo time, 12:30 to 14:00 GMT

This session explains how communities are formed and nurtured in blended and purely online instructional environments. The presentation introduces the mechanics and logistics of the formation of Communities of Practice, and describes factors favoring their robust development. Several free and easy-to-use software tools instrumental in facilitating interaction among community members are described and, to the extent possible, demonstrated live, online.

Ismail Fayed kindly created a gif file to document this event: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evonline2002_webheads/files/Animated_Webheads.gif. You must be a member of the evonline2002_webheads YahooGroup and provide your Yahoo ID and password in order to view the image at this location.

Synchronous and asynchronous text-based communications tools

Synchronous and asynchronous text-based and audio-based communications tools:

Synchronous text, voice, and web-cam enhanced chat software:

Web sites for setting up portals for promoting community groupings online:

Webheads communities:

You can find more information on such tools here:


Vance’s presentations are linked from: http://www.vancestevens.com/