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ICQ Chat Save file
Started on Sun Oct 31 17:05:02 1999
<Mad> Hi...:-)
<Mad> ok
<Vance> Hi. I've just invited YL
<ying> Hi. Vance
<Vance> Hi there. Is this ok?
<ying> Mad. are you here? Send me your authorization, please.
<Vance> Can you 'see' mad?
<Mad> Hi Ying...yes...this is ok.
<ying> Yes, I see that she enters the chat
<Vance> but you can't see what she's writing?
<Vance> joke
<Vance> YL, resend your authorization request to MAD
<Mad> don't see one waiting for me from you Ying...
<Vance> Which joke?
<Vance> oops
<Vance> saw what?? I don't see anything ...
<ying> By the way, I don't understand the joke which send by Felix.
<Mad> what I write is not always worth reading...:-)saw thaqt Vance...tsk tsk...
<Vance> which joke, YL?
<Mad> I don't wither...:-) either ROTFL
<ying> How to send the authorization?
<Vance> He sends so many jokes. You could say, I don't understand one of the jokes that he sent
<ying> This one Clinton and Lewinsky.
<Vance> If you look way down at the end of your list, is Maggi listed as awaiting authorization?
<Mad> e probably doesn't always understand them either!
<Vance> Clinton & Lewinsky ... what was the punch line?
<Vance> Now Maggi, this is a legitimate question posed by one of our most serious students ...
<ying> "I told you to lick my erection,... not wreck my election!
<Mad> Forget it yING...TOO HARD TO EXPLAIN... unless Vance wants to try...:-)
<Vance> lol Ok, Maggi, explain the word erection. It means to build. In this case it's something that gets bigger and bigger.
<Mad> play on words that sound alike Ying.
<Mad> like a part of the male body...
<Vance> They're just transposing (exchanging) r for l, as if Monica misunderstood.
<Vance> Personally, I think the two of them are woefully misunderstood.
<Vance> I mean, finally, a NORMAL president. What's wrong with that?
<Mad> sure are...the press had a media frenzy with that.
<Vance> I'd vote for Clinton any day.
<Mad> the Europeans were really too...
<ying> Vance, you said you'd vote for Clinton any day, so you won't vote hime ]
<ying> him.
<ying> Or you want to vote for him again.
<Mad> Clinton cannot be eloected again.
<Mad> elected
<Vance> I would like to vote for him again. Unfortunately he can't run again.
<Vance> He can only run for president of the USA two times and he's done that.
<ying> Why, he is a good President ?
<Vance> I think he's an excellent president.
<Mad> Clinton cares about people.
<ying> Is it not a moral problem..
<Vance> A moral problem? I don't think so. He seems pretty normal to me. Nixon had a moral problem.
<ying> Do you like Nixon?
<Mad> He tried to get health care for was based on the German system.\
<ying> Clinton just like to be with pretty grils, that's not a kind of moral problem.
<Vance> No, I couldn't stand Nixon. He was sneaky and dishonest.
<Mad> But Congress didn't pass it.
<Mad> Clinton is a normal man.
<Mad> Nixon was sneaky and Reagon was a dope.
<Mad> Kennedy?
<ying> Have you heard someone to compare "Clinton" and "Kennedy"?
<Vance> I don't think so (I mean I agree)
<Vance> Kennedy also liked girls (not really a girl "problem" - NOT getting girls is a girl problem).
<Mad> yes...and no one got down on Kennedy for his affairs.
<Vance> Of course they were more successfully covered up while he was alive, and who can bash a dead president?
<Mad> Huh? Explain what you mean Vance...and these are women not girls.
<Mad> Not getting girls is a girl problem?
<ying> You know that I need to check my dictionary so hard today.
<Vance> Explain which part? Ok, I meant women.
<Mad> no,,,I AM NOT a girl.
<ying> Not getting grils is a girl problem... you said me?
<Mad> no Ying...Vance.
<ying> I do not understand what the point is ..
<Mad> and tht is the girl's problem?
<Mad> I don't either Ying.
<Mad> :-)
<Vance> I said that because YL said that CLinton liked to be with pretty girls. So I just used the same term. But Maggi, you must now explain your reaction to being compared to a girl. In one way it could be flattering.
<Mad> At my age it is no longer flattering.
<Vance> Yes, YL, I thought that if a man can't get girls, or women as the case may be, then he has a girl or woman problem. And I suppose the only real man problem is ... (your guess)
<Mad> why is that our problem then?
<Vance> I'm actually playing with the language I think. If someone told me they had a man problem, I would think they had two men and this was creating a problem.
<Vance> When you said that Clinton liked to be with pretty girls, some would say he has a girl (sorry, woman) problem.
<Mad> are authorized Ying.
<Vance> But I was (jokingly) saying that the only true girl / woman problem is if you don't have one at all (a man that is).
<ying> Thanks , mad.
<Vance> I guess you're right.
<Mad> You are just thinking different Vance and confusing Ying.
<ying> I need to spend more time to study English, then I will understand Vance's theory.
<Vance> But, it is a confusion that we can help her to resolve. And you can read the logs later.
<Mad> That had nothing to do with English, but how different people understand things.
<ying> A little confusion...
<Vance> I think that a key element (a main component) in humor is taking advantage of different ways of interpreting things.
<Mad> I still don't get why that is the girl's problem....? :-)
<Vance> Not a girl's problem. A girl-problem.
<ying> You said the only true girl problem is if you don't have one at all.
<Mad> hat is no theory Ying...only Vance's opinion.
<Vance> People complain about Clinton because he had an affair with his intern. So they say that he has a problem with girls, or a girl problem.
<Mad> I get forgot the all-important dash!
<Vance> But I said that he would only have such a problem if he was unable to attract his intern.
<Vance> hmmm interesting. OK.
<Mad> You wrote it so that it sounded like it was the girl's problem...that is what we didn't get.
<Mad> Get Michael here
<Vance> Boy, communications between people who speak English are difficult, so YL, you shouldn't worry if you don't understand everything.
<Vance> k
<ying> What is "intern"?
<Vance> An intern is someone who is studying to learn a profession, and working in that profession for a low pay to learn more about it.
<Mad> That is right qYing...that is why we should strive for an International English to avoid miscommunication.
<Mad> practical trainee...
<Vance> Monica L was an intern, which means she was working at a job where she gained a lot of knowledge but little money.
<Mad> Michael left.
<Vance> Yeah, I tried to drag him in the chat but I guess he'd gone offline.
<Mad> smart man
<Vance> Probably saw it was two against one
<ying> Vance, I have the same idea with you... If Clinton is a good Presidendt
<Mad> he would have made it two against two...but I guess you horses have something against dragons...:-)
<Mad> I love to horse around....LOL
<Vance> The same idea as me ...
<ying> as
<Mad> hmmm...he took those words back...
<Mad> horsing around...\
<Mad> :-)
<Vance> so do i
<ying> I forget to say "Happy Halloween"
<Vance> That's right. I was hoping we'd have the palace back so we could all dress up in our avatars
<ying> It is still out of order!
<Mad> Actually as President he should have leaned to control his biology better.
<ying> Nothing is perfect in the world.
<Mad> And I got some nifty avatars just for the occasion.
<ying> No one is A Saint.
<Vance> Maggi, we can't throw stones (we all live in glass houses)
<ying> Glass house?
<Vance> Do you understand that Ying? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" (at other people).
<ying> NO...
<ying> Is it slang?
<ying> Idom?
<Vance> It's a saying. We don't actually live in glass houses, but if you did live in one you wouldn't want to throw stones around in it.
<Mad> Chinese saying Ying.
<ying> Which one?
<Vance> So if someone says that someone else should behave a certain way but that person might behave a similar way then that person is in the "glass house"
<Vance> Is this confusing?
<Mad> Man who lives in glass house should not throw stones.
<Vance> It's just an expression, or a proverb.
<ying> I am thinking.
<Vance> This is why I feel that Clinton is just normal. I'm not joking. I think that people should not be condemned for behaving normally.
<Mad> Clinton doesn't throw stones (usually) but they got his house.
<Vance> I think if he wife were mad at him it should be for screwing up politically.
<Mad> Now Hillary will have to work to pay off the bills.
<Vance> But she's probably in a better position now for her senate race for having handled the situation so well.
<Mad> I admire her more than anyone. She stuck by him...she forgave him.
<Mad> She did the right thing and he knows it.
<Vance> It's a classic question: if you, or I, discovered a spouse to be unfaithful, what do you do? Over-react? Try to understand? Forgive? Leave?
<Mad> Better I think they really tried to give their daughter a normal childhood...I met them all in a dream and I had a lovely conversation with Hillary.
<ying> Can you ask icq no. 52884776 to join us?
<Vance> who is that?
<ying> There is one who contact my by icq random choice, his/her icq no. is 52884776
<Vance> How do I do that?
<ying> He wants to talk to us.
<Mad> Understand first...if you need to forgive. Never leave if the relationship means something to you.
<ying> I can not drag him into our chat room.
<ying> Danny is coming.
<ying> Hi Danny.
<Vance> You did it. Great!
<Mad> go to add users and add then invite...why not Vance.
<ying> Really!
<Mad> Hi Danny...:-)
<Danny> wow so many people here, hehe great:)
<Vance> Sometimes we get more, but this is about normal.
<ying> Vance and Mad are my teacher.
<Mad> where are you from Danny?
<ying> teachers.
<ying> I just met Danny ten miniutes ago.
<Danny> I am Taiwanese Mad
<Mad> that was quick Ying... I see...
<Mad> Are you far from yING THEN?
<Mad> yING THEN?
<ying> I think he might be interested in talking to you in English.
<ying> I do not know where he lives.
<Danny> Vance Mad where are you from?
<Mad> stupid keyboard...arrggghhh....
<ying> Danny, could you mind to changing your colour, yours are same with Vance.
<Vance> is in Abu Dhabi. I'm American too.
<Vance> I have a ffaaaasssstttt keyboard.
<Mad> I am in Grmany Danny, but an American.Vance is in the United Arab Emirates and also American.
<Vance> Never buy a beschert keyboard. They are very slow.
<Mad> I have a beschert one...that means dumb...has a mind of it's own...LOL
<Vance> Maggi, your mind should be able to overWHELM the keyboard!
<Vance> gesundheit
<Mad> besheuert...means crazy.tell that to my fingers
<Mad> did someone sneeze?
<Mad> he has blue and Vance has black on my scree Ying.
<Vance> You said besheurt. I thought you had sneezed.
<Vance> Maggi, you've left Danny speechless.
<Danny> no no, I have some friends message me, never mind it:)
<ying> Actually, I am busy to check dictionay... what is "beschert"/
<Mad> I never leave anyone speechless for long.
<Danny> actually I am quite busy here:)
<Mad> :-)
<Vance> No, you
<Vance> gesundheit
<Mad> bescheuert is German Ying.
<Vance> I thought both of you sneezed. (it might be contageous)
<ying> My God, that's why I do not understand it.
<Mad> I know the feeling Danny...let your fingers dance!!
<Danny> Mad ,yes my fingers are dancing now:)
<Mad> I won't give you anything you wouldn't like Vance..-)
<Mad> Your English is also very good Danny.
<Mad> :-)
<Danny> thanks Mad:)
<Danny> ying , are you also named Maggie?
<ying> Maggie is Mad.
<Mad> Welcome Danny...yes Ying...put the dictionary away and just talk.
<Vance> :-)
<Mad> Yes Danny...I am Maggie.
<ying> But nothing in my mind.
<Vance> take it back;-)
<Mad> I am Mad...beat you to it
<Mad> vance...hahah
<ying> Danny, which city do you live? In Taipei?
<Danny> yes I live in Taipei .
<ying> Student or not?
<Vance> OK, I said Maggi is bescheuert in German (for the record)
<Mad> stop erasing Vance..I know you are just teasing.
<Vance> of course
<ying> What does "bescheuert" mean?
<Danny> no I am at work
<Vance> she said it means "crazy" or MAD
<ying> Got it.
<Mad> how did you manage in the earthquake Danny?
<Mad> on Sunday Danny?
<Vance> What work do you do, danny?
<Danny> I work for stock exchange Vance:)
<Mad> actually it means crazy in a more negative sense of not being in reality...well...I guess that could apply to me occasionally....hehehe
<ying> Stock compay? or jsut Buying and Selling?
<Danny> I don't know there is earthquake on Sunday Mad:)
<Mad> that could be stressful then Danny right now.
<Vance> What did you almost forget, YL?
<Mad> selling stocks during n earthquake might be exciting...
<ying> How to spell Vocabulary...
<ying> Even "joke"...
<Mad> like taking a shower during a hurricane...
<ying> Vance, I am curious how do you know " I almost forgot somthing"..
<Vance> You wrote it and then erased it.
<Mad> I did that once....
<Vance> what version of ICQ are you using?
<Mad> I saw it too Yi8ng.
<ying> You ask me?
<Mad> ing.
<ying> But I can not see yours.
<Vance> You just said you couldn't see it on your scree, I guess when other people write.
<Vance> I'm using version 1.111
<Vance> That's chat module 1.111
<ying> I have no idea about the version of ICQ...
<Vance> Pull down Help and click "about"
<Mad> I am behind the times here.
<Danny> sorry friends , may I leave if you have no other question forme:)
<Mad> sure only come and talk when you want to.
<Vance> Do you know about us, Danny?
<Mad> Don't work hard then!
<ying> Mine is same with Vance.
<Danny> well, bye bye guys:)
<Mad> bye then
<Vance> OK, come again. We meet every Sunday at this time.
<ying> Bye
<Mad> He can find out from Ying Vance.
<Vance> We're Webheads. You can probably do a web search on Webheads and find us.
<Vance> I'm curious what you come up with if you search on Webheads.
<Danny> hehe, leaving see you:)
<Mad> Felix is ther now
<Mad> e now....
<Vance> So I'm trying it out
<Prof> hi there
<Mad> Hi Felix
<ying> Hi Felix.
<ying> Are you at home?
<Prof> yes ying, I am at home...
<Prof> This is my best friend Fabricio...
<Vance> Hi. I'm looking up Webheads in Altavista
<ying> Have you been your new office?
<Vance> Hi Fabricio.
<ying> Can you fine Webheads?
<ying> find
<Prof> only once a week Ying.. I will star working full time in January..
<Mad> Hi Fab! :-)
<ying> Hi, Fabricio...
<F@B> Hi Vance do you remember me????
<Vance> We're no. 16 (second page) on Altavista. Lots of webheads there.
<Vance> Yes f@b, I remember you of course.
<F@B> When are you dropping us by?
<Prof> OMG, I still can't see Maggi's words... snif snif
<ying> Mad's words are blue.
<Vance> I have to decide soon if I'm still coming. I have not been able to get any info on the cheap Brazil tickets. And I have to buy a ticket very soon.
<Prof> Fabricio, try to help me....
<Mad> I think I have Fab on icq too...
<Vance> I'm thinking it might be better to come to Brazil at a time when I can go only to Brazil and not have to get up to Texas by Christmas.
<F@B> Help you?? Felix?
<Mad> I wonder why Selix can never see me...Felix...
<Prof> I am trying to find Travel Agencies in Brazil (on internet) to give Vance the right info he wants.
<F@B> Vance let me give you some website about touring around Brazil
<F@B> Hold on a sec.
<F@B> I'll be back in a minute and send them to you via icq message.
<Mad> Well...Vance you have plenty of will be warm there for a while.
<ying> Maybe Felix's board colour is blue, so he can not see mad's words.
<Prof> The problem is not the color ying.. but her words are slow to come up on my screen..
<Vance> Sorry, got a phone call.
<ying> That's strange.
<Mad> Felix is grey with black letters for me Ying.
<Mad> Coulod just be the connection Yiung.
<Mad> Ying.
<Mad> He is used to it with me Ying.
<Mad> problems with icq Vance...:-)
<Mad> Nothing else.
<ying> Why?
<ying> Ridiculous
<Vance> f@b, best to email me since icq messages are difficult to dig out when I'm not online.
<Prof> Vance, I will give the www's by e-mail ok?? You sent messages to them to see what you can find out..
<Vance> Good point, YL.
<Vance> Everyone, I've got to run. It's a busy week in Abu Dhabi this week.
<Vance> Last night was a Def Leppard concert. GREAT btw. Tonight it's an opera.
<ying> Wa.....
<Vance> And I want to get some running in before I have to go back out.
<Mad> Have fun Vance...
<ying> Good luck.
<ying> Have fun.
<Mad> Sweat baby sweat...:-)
<Vance> Nice to see everyone. I'll see what I can do on the Brazil trip. I'm really thinking to come when I can go just there.
<Prof> Where is MC?? Isnt he coming?
<Vance> He was here earlier.
<Vance> That is, we saw him online, but he disappeared.
<Prof> oh
<Prof> Have a nice week Vance.
<ying> May I say good bye to you?
<Vance> I'll be a couple of minutes closing down programs and turning off machines here at my office.
<Mad> Michael came and went...remember the time difference has changed.
<F@B> Ok Vance I'll e-mail you
<Mad> bye Ying.
<ying> bye, see you next week.
<Vance> Also checking email ...
<Prof> Vance, do you prefer www or e-mail addresses?
<Mad> have a nice Halloween...:-)
<Mad> addresses for what Felixqa?
<Mad> x?
<Vance> Michael says that due to the time change he is going to skip tonight.
<Vance> Both, Felix, thanks.
<Mad> tonight for him..
<Prof> oh ok
<Prof> I am going too... bye all
<Vance> It looks like we lost both brazilians. I'm on my way too. See you guys next week. Wo, there went YL.
<Vance> Maybe it's my connection? ...
<Mad> I stil have Ying...
<Vance> OK, say bye to her for me, since I seem to have lost her.
<Mad> bye then...
<Mad> sshe said bye already
<Vance> Bye ...
<Mad> have fun big guy...:-)
<Vance> u2 big gut! I saw that!
<Vance> freudian ... lol, good one ...
<Vance> I'm just kidding ... have a nice day
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