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*** Welcome to Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
Maggi: And here comes Vance...!
Vance: Oops, Sorry Gosia. Was I standing on your foot?
Maggi: men can be klutzes sometimes...:-)
Vance: Women can be so diplomatic!
Gosia: no problem
Maggi: :-) LOL
Vance: Hi Gosia, Hi Roy, Hi Maggi
Maggi: Hi handsome
Gosia: Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vance: Glad you could make it
Roy: hi
Gosia: a long time
Vance: Have you all been able to hear the Pure Voice files people have been sending?
Maggi: I need your ICQ number again Gosnia....
Gosia: I am not able to download it I don't know how to do it
Vance: Oh, Maggi, you can get the students' ICQ numbers off the webheads pages.
Maggi: Oh...thanks
Maggi: great idea
Maggi: Do you have ICQ Roy?
Roy: yes
Maggi: number?
Roy: one moment
Vance: Gosia, I think I've got a copy of Pure Voice I can send you. Do you want me to do that now?
Gosia: Yes
Maggi: I would like to hear your voice Gosia.
Gosia: But do I have to do something else now?
Vance: OK. I'll have to find it. It's a version that Michael sent me that doesn't expire.
Gosia: Thanks a lot
Maggi: send it to me too then...
Roy: my ICQ number is 34892116
Gosia: Computers are not my good side
Vance: OK, I've got two computers here. I'll start em working.
Gosia: Maggi how the weather in German ?
Gosia: In Poland hot hot and hot
Maggi: Hot is hot in Switzerland too!
Maggi: Must be hot all over Europe...:-)
Vance: It's getting up to 44 here in Abu Dhabi these days.
Gosia: I don't like such weather
Maggi: Don't worry about the computers...they are only machines Gosia.
Gosia: Yes I know but you should see what I have in mine - mess
Vance: Is this the right email address Gosia:
Maggi: me either...I told Roy I don't like sweating so much.
Gosia: yes Vance
Vance: coming right up
Maggi: I have a mess too Gosia...:-)
Maggi: You have airconditioning Vance...we don't.
Gosia: I don't have some files and for example I have to wait about to 5 min to download windows
Maggi: I bet Roy doesn't have a mess in his computer...:-)
Maggi: How fast is your computer Gosia?
Gosia: You ask to many qeustions :-) )) - I don't know those deatails but I know that I have Pentium and that the end of my knowledge about computers
Maggi: ok...I am famous for asking too many questions...:-)
Roy: my is pentium 133mhz
Roy: have You Roger Wilco?
Vance: Why is your computer a mess, Gosia? What's the problem?
Maggi: I have Pentium II with 233...that is slow
Gosia: What that?
Vance: What is Roger Wilco?
Maggi: Roger Wilco?
Roy: is a progra to talk with other person using the microphone
Maggi: oh
Maggi: in realtime?
Roy: yes
Vance: You can do that with PowWow. Have you ever used that?
Maggi: hmm...can you tell me where to find it?
Roy: no
Maggi: I have PowWow
Vance: PowWow from
Gosia: Vance I have a mess because I don't know how to use computers good but I do many things - I like to check what will happen if I delete something :-)))
Maggi: watch it might just delete something you need.
Maggi: If it works leave it alone!
Vance: Trial and error. That's a good way to learn!
Maggi: I did this week.
Vance: That was error and error.
Maggi: Yes...and listening to a man who said it would be no problem.
Maggi: :-)
Gosia: I know - once I deleted everything !!!!!!!!1 and I thought that my father would kill me because he has some programms
Maggi: oh dear...a hard lesson.
Vance: Everything? How old were you?
Princessa: @64,64 !It's Princessa
Roy: I must close!
Gosia: I think I was 13
Maggi: What does age have to do with it Vance?
Roy: bye
Maggi: bye Roy!
Gosia: Bye
Maggi: Hi Princess...
Gosia: Hi Princessa
Princessa: @64,64 !It's Princessa
Vance: Hi Princessa
Princessa: @64,64 !It's Princessa
Gosia: I am going to check my email -
Princessa: @64,64 !It's Princessa
Vance: Wait, the program is still downloading.
Princessa: @64,64 !It's Princessa
Vance: almost finished
Gosia: I haven't received it yet
Maggi: Are you here then Princessa?
Vance: There, it's done. You can check your email.
Maggi: Say hi if you are...
Gosia: Ok I am going
Vance: Coming back?
Vance: Anyway Gosia, nice talking to you. Hope to see you again soon
Gosia: Still nothing
Gosia: Where is Princcesa
Maggi: If she goes I'll stay awhile if you need to get some work done Vance.
Vance: You might check again. It's definitely been sent.
Gosia: Okay
Maggi: It takes time...
Maggi: depends on the route it took...
Gosia: Still nothing
Vance: We do a lot of communication with email robots, and email can be almost instantaneous. Hotmail takes a little longer.
Gosia: Perhapse later
Gosia: What are yours plans on holiday
Maggi: I read there are only 13 root name servers in the world for 150 million people.
Maggi: only 3 of them are not in the US
Vance: Me, I haven't made any yet. I think my son is coming here. WHat about you? I was just in the Maldives and Sri Lanka, tired of traveling.
Maggi: stay home and unwind...
Vance: Going anywhere? Anyone want to come to Abu Dhabi?
Maggi: I would but it is too hot...:-)
Vance: It is hot. We're used to it.
Maggi: I'm not...although I handled the heat wave in the US last summer well.
Gosia: First I have to pass my exams I have four in June than I know that I will not go anywhere with my parents because my mother cannot . I think I will go to mountains and for while at the seaside
Maggi: alone or with friends Gosia?
Gosia: I hope with my friends but I can say that it is really difficult to get all together
Maggi: Actually I'd love to dress up and ride an Arabian through the desert...
Maggi: seaside in Poland
Gosia: My draem is to go to Chile
Maggi: why?
Vance: I was a few years ago in the moutains above Zakopane. I think I mentioned that to Gosia once before. I've also walked in the lower Tatrys.
Maggi: Vance, you have been everywhere...
Vance: I've got a travel story about Chile. Let me find the url.
Maggi: Vance has more stories than me!
Gosia: I like Zakopane I am there twice a year
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
Gosia: And I haven't got any story
Gosia: Hey
Maggi: Oh, I bet you do Gosia...
Vance: I was on the Slovak Republic side, but it looked like I could walk right down to Zakopane.
Maggi: Hi Gold 10...please get off of Gosia
Gosia: Have you been in Chata Terycho ?
Gosia: Oh .... better
Gosia: Again ????
gold10: hello
Maggi: Hello Gold 10...who are you?
Gosia: Hi !!!!!!
gold10: i am a new man
Maggi: a new man...oh...cosmetic surgery? :-)
Maggi: just a joke...
Gosia: Vance I am going to check again
Vance: Where's Chata Terycho?
Maggi: where are you from Gold 10?
Maggi: do you have a name?
Vance: Hi Gold, are you joining us?
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
gold10: just now i drop
Maggi: hi again Gold...
Vance: Hi again Gold.
Maggi: drop what?
gold10: hi
gold10: offline
Vance: Dropped the connection?
Maggi: ok...
gold10: yeah
Maggi: so where are you from?
Gosia: I think I have it
gold10: china
gold10: lanzhou
gold10: and u?
Maggi: have a name?
Maggi: I live in Germany.
gold10: oh,Is that true?
Vance: Good. Your copy is on the way, Maggi.
Maggi: Vance lives in UAE.
Maggi: Gosia is in Poland
gold10: nice to meet u
Maggi: nice to meet hao?
Vance: I'm an American living in the UAE. Welcome.
gold10: yeah
gold10: hello,vance and gdsia
gold10: is here a lesson?
Maggi: should we call you Gold then?
Vance: Yes. Maggi and I are teachers.
gold10: yes
Maggi: yes... Vance and I are teachers.
Vance: Have you visited our website?
gold10: yes
Maggi: there is an echo here
gold10: what means?
gold10: No
Maggi: An echo is when your voice comes back to you in a canyon.
Vance: On that website you can find out who we are and see our pictures.
Maggi: Here it means that Vance and I said the same thing at the same time.
gold10: oh...
Maggi: How is the weather where you live Gold?
Maggi: good place to start.
gold10: yeah
gold10: I'm very glad to find it
Maggi: we are happy yp
Maggi: you found us:-)
gold10: :0
Vance: Yes, you can see who we are and visit our websites. If you like you can join us.
gold10: I will
Maggi: good...welcome to the group!
Gosia: Vance the Pure Voice is like Qtalk ?
Vance: To join us, send blank email to
gold10: and I'm sure that I will improve my english ability
Maggi: yes Gosia...only easier
Maggi: you sure will Gold.
gold10: why only two student?
Gosia: I have too have microphone /
Vance: Pure Voice is like Real Audio, except you can use it to record and playback also.
Maggi: two others left already and others will come later.
gold10: can I here u?
Vance: Do you want a copy of Pure Voice, Gold? I can send it to you, a little over a megabyte.
Vance: Yours is delivered, Maggi.
Maggi: a good way to practice pronunciation.
gold10: ok
Gosia: I got phones and microphone to my modem can I use them?
gold10: Thank u
Vance: OK, what's your email address?
Maggi: oh...thanks Vance...:-)
Maggi: 1.9 MB
Gosia: I 've got it too thanks Vance
gold10: yes
gold10: my box is 8M
gold10: that's enough
gold10: hehe..
Vance: A copy of pure voce is on its way, Gold. It will take 5 minutes.
gold10: Thanks again
Vance: (so I lied)
Maggi: no...ypo
gold10: what means ypo?
Maggi: you didn't just weren't exact...:-)
Maggi: typing error Gold
Vance: I was just kidding. Maggi and I like to kid around a lot.
gold10: haha
Vance: Do you know what that means?
Maggi: we sure do!
Vance: Yes, you know.
Vance: Have you seen Gosia's web page, Gold?
gold10: No
Maggi: that's because we were hippies:-)
Gosia: So don't look
gold10: where it is?
Maggi: sure Gosia...he should look!
gold10: I will go to see it if I know the http
Gosia: I wll not tell you because it is too long to remember
Maggi: got it Vance...thanks...
gold10: not at all,u can tell me
gold10: or email me
Gosia: Vance How many people are at your list?
Vance: Here it is:
gold10: why can't I copy it?
Vance: Here's the travel tale from Chile:
Vance: There are about 26 people in the eclass (egroups list).
Gosia: I am not able to rember it or write it down how I can save it
Vance: Gosia, if the url is too long, create a netword for it.
Vance: Visit this site:
Gosia: okay
Vance: Everyone can remember "netword"
Gosia: Yes :-))))))))
gold10: type it and print screen
alan: @64,64 !It's alan
gold10: hi
Gosia: Hi Alan
alan: hi
gold10: type it again
Maggi: Hi Aalan..what were you reading?
Vance: Hi Alan
gold10: your http
alan: kinesiology
alan: hi Maggi
Maggi: oh...interesting...I guess that is why Roy didn't know...
Vance: Did you get it that time?
gold10: yes, I got it
Vance: What is kinesiology?
Maggi: nice to see you and your son take turns online.
Maggi: :-)
Vance: Gold, Pure Voice has just been delivered to your mailbox.
Gosia: I am sorry it's time for me my parents are coming back from walk and I have to help in dinner so Have a nice Sunday !!!!!!!!!!
alan: for me it's a new physical therpy
alan: therapy
Maggi: bye Gosia...have a wonderful hot Sunday :-)
Vance: Did your mom go for a walk? She must be better.
Gosia: See you next Sunday
alan: see you Gosia
Vance: bye say hi to your parents
Maggi: an interesting one
Gosia: Yes She can walk but no too much
MEDO: @64,64 !It's MEDO
Vance: getting better?
Gosia: BYE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vance: Hi medo
Maggi: Hi Medo
MEDO: hi
Vance: Medo, you just missed Gosia from Poland.
gold10: wa
Maggi: it is the the study of anatomy in relation to movement in humans I think
alan: Maggi,how is the weather by you todaday?
gold10: but when the lesson begin?
Maggi: hot
Vance: better?
alan: by us too
Maggi: that is what Roy is hot all over Europe...
[All this talk of hot weather! Vance starts getting beer icons from his suitcase and handing them out; someone has put two birds on the roof of the schoolhouse - they each get a beer too. Vance spills a beer by accident]
Vance: oops
Maggi: thanks for the beer
Vance: That helps.
alan: the beer is refreshing!
Maggi: nice and cold...
Maggi: Gold the lesson is talking to people all over the world.
Maggi: communicating...not learning grammar.
Vance: The class has many goals.
gold10: oh....
Vance: Did you see Gosia's web page?
gold10: I can'
Maggi: so talk to us Gold...:-)
gold10: I can't connect
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Ying-Lan: hi
Vance: hmmm .. Were you able to reach the webheads page?
Maggi: who brought all the birds?
Ying-Lan: Hello , every one.
Maggi: hi ying
Vance: Hi YL!
alan: hi Ying-Lan
gold10: hi
MEDO: hi
gold10: She is teacher,isn't she?
Maggi: Medo...where are you?
Vance: Medo drank his already.
Maggi: I need a refill...
Maggi: where did Medo go?
[More virtual beer appears]
Vance: So, besides kidding around a lot ...
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Vance: We also help students make their own web pages.
Maggi: since when do birds drink beer?
Maggi: does Garfield drink beer?
Ying-Lan: ^I am not a teacher.... hi, I am back.
Vance: We meet here in person once a week, but students send email all the time to the eclass.
Ying-Lan: ^ I am a student of EFI.
Maggi: Alan drinks his underwater...:-)
Vance: YL is one of our STAR students.
Vance: She's got a great web page.
Maggi: Ok Medo...where are you from?
Ying-Lan: ^STAR! ....
Vance: Gold, were you able to get the webheads web page at Geocities?
Ying-Lan: ^Nice to meet you... guys.
Maggi: they are all male Ying...:-)
Vance: A star is like the star of a movie, but you are a star of this class.
Ying-Lan: ^OOO, I see these lovey icon... I just image to talk to cut boys.
Maggi: the beer is not loosening the lips yet...
Ying-Lan: ^cute
Maggi: cujt
Maggi: cute
gold10: I'm not try
gold10: I will try
Maggi: try what gold?
Ying-Lan: ^It could be a cup of tea....
Vance: The reason I asked, another student from China said that Geocities was blocked there.
Maggi: Ginseng tea
gold10: try to the head of geocities
Ying-Lan: ^How long have you been here?
Maggi: who?
Ying-Lan: ...
Ying-Lan: you
Vance: We've been here for about an hour. Gosia was here earlier, and so was Roy, Alan's son.
Maggi: I was the first one here...than Alan's son Roy...
Maggi: then...
Ying-Lan: ohhhh I am late ...
alan: I go to see,see u later
Vance: Not really. The others were earlier than usual.
Ying-Lan: ^alan... Roy's father.
Maggi: he left .. Gosia came and went...Felix can't come tod
Vance: OK Alan.
Maggi: oops today
Vance: see you
Ying-Lan: see you, alan
Vance: go easy on the beer Maggi
gold10: I can't go to geocities
Vance: terrible!
Maggi: one...too many...hic...
Ying-Lan: ^Where are you from? gold10
gold10: maybe just tonight
Vance: Really, we have sites blocked in the UAE too. I know how it feels.
gold10: china
gold10: lanzhou
Maggi: I have PowWow too Alan
Vance: Gold, can you visit this site:
Ying-Lan: ^But Elieen has been there, I remember she told us in her last email.
Vance: Yes, that's right. Moral can't get to Geocities, and neither can Gold.
Maggi: maybe she was lucky Ying
Ying-Lan: ^Did you meet Michale today?
Vance: Medo, where are you from?
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
Vance: Michael hasn't been here today.
Maggi: Medo needs to drink his beer so he will talk...:-)
Vance: He's on artinis.
Ying-Lan: right
Maggi: Michael is sleeping...
Vance: oops martinis (hic)
Ying-Lan: ^Medo, do you know MEDO?
gold10: Is that your website?
Ying-Lan: ^Medo, do you know MICHALEC?
Vance: No, ours is at Geocities. That's the website for the EFI. We are one class in the EFI.
Ying-Lan: ^sorry
Maggi: I think Medo went to sleep too.
Vance: Can you reach Gold?
gold10: I have
Ying-Lan: ^maggi, do you open your icq?
gold10: I get
Maggi: yes...but I lost your number Ying...
Vance: OK. Maybe I could move the website there. I've been thinking about doing that.
Ying-Lan: ^I send you the authorization now.
Maggi: thanks
gold10: why not a website in china ?
Vance: Oops, lost Medo.
gold10: there will be a lot people visit it
Vance: Well, you can start a website at
gold10: I have
Ying-Lan: ^It's done.
gold10: then do what?
Vance: What's your url?
Ying-Lan: nice
Vance: I mean, at that website, you can start your own web site.
Maggi: thank you Ying!
Ying-Lan: Where is other guy?
Maggi: he went poof!
Ying-Lan: My pleasure.
Vance: What was all that shouting about?
gold10: yes,but I'm not familiar with it
Maggi: slip of the finger Vance
Ying-Lan: ^I don't understand what you said. Vance.
Vance: is very easy. Just try it.
Vance: (Maggi was shouting)
Ying-Lan: Have you read my email.
Maggi: I wrote in all CAPS ying ... that means shouting.
Vance: Yes. I saw many questions. Let's answer them.
Ying-Lan: oh...
Maggi: My finger slipped...
gold10: what's the comment of each section?
Vance: Watch it, you almost spilled your beer.
Vance: The comment? Are you at the website now?
gold10: what will be taught at each section?
gold10: section 1 to 8?
gold10: just like now is the time of section 3,
gold10: and the lesson is talk
Vance: Are you at
gold10: yes
Maggi: so talk Gold...:-)
Vance: And what did you click to get where you are?
Vance: Maggi, you should try this. This is an easy place to start a website.
Maggi: ok is the weather in Taiwan?
Ying-Lan: ^It is rainy...
Vance: Did you click Sign Up?
Maggi: I fought enough tech battles this week thank you.
gold10: do what?creat a website?
Maggi: rainy...well here is a little heat wave.
Vance: Yes, you want to create a website.
Maggi: it should rain again tonight.
Ying-Lan: ^I went to go to class this afternoo.The traffic was heavy and it was getting worse because it rained at the that time.
Maggi: last night we had a thunder and lightening storm.
Ying-Lan: ^Was it terrible?
Maggi: best to go pofg
Maggi: offline then
Maggi: I have a special plug for my computer.
Maggi: But some people have had to reinstall everything.
Ying-Lan: so.
Maggi: I was at a company a few weeks ago and there were two hits with lightening.
Ying-Lan: ^You mean the thunder hit your computer?
Maggi: they have emergency electricity for their computers.
Maggi: not mine...
Maggi: and it is the lightening that hits...
Maggi: ...the thunder just makes noise.
Ying-Lan: ^My modeam was out of work last year, because of the thunder.
Vance: We don't get that kind of weather here. I miss dramatic weather.
Maggi: no, because of the lightening...
Ying-Lan: bceause of the lighting?
Maggi: well this was really dramatic Vance.
Vance: lightning ... lightNing
Maggi: thunder won't knock anything out...
Maggi: oops
Maggi: Vance is right...
Maggi: I was thinking in German#
Vance: I hadn't noticed yours actually. YL said lighting, which is something else.
Maggi: boogers
Vance: Lighting is the way you illuminate a room. Lightening is the act of making lighter. And lightning is electricity in a storm. I was only pointing this out as a matter of interest.
Ying-Lan: ^I have seen some movies talking about the white man fighted with Blacks.. It is a big problem in USA, isn't it? Actually, I don't understand which one hit my computer. thunder or light
Maggi: all the electricity went out in Darmstadt...but it hit only meters away from where we were sitting.
Vance: lightning hit your computer.
Maggi: yep...thunder only makes noise.
Vance: Really. Lightning struck meters from where you were sitting?
Maggi: yes#
Ying-Lan: lightning
Vance: NOT
Vance: For real?
Ying-Lan: not what?
Maggi: jes
Maggi: eee...yes
Vance: That's just a funny way of disagreeing, to say NOT!
Maggi: and then it hit again a few
Maggi: minutes later
Ying-Lan: ^You mean it is not a problem.
Ying-Lan: ^How about the 3k party... it exists now.
Maggi: knocked out the lightning rods on the roof.
Vance: So Gold, what are we going to do about getting you access to our website? Should I move to
Vance: 3k party? What's that?
Maggi: I won't live that long Ying!
Ying-Lan: I don't know.
Vance: ahh, Y3K
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
Ying-Lan: ^I just saw a movie talking about it.
Vance: I read a joke the other day about terrible disruptions caused by Y1K. Plague and all that stuff.
Maggi: let's just get throught the Y2K oner
Maggi: onre
Maggi: one first
Ying-Lan: Not Y2k?
Maggi: who ate the bird and drank his beer?
Vance: It's a joke. Imagine that people in the year 999 were worried about the new millenium.
Ying-Lan: what is the joke? Y2K plus one ...
Maggi: no one in this case meant what about the Y2K
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
Maggi: Gold is back
gold10: Is here a lession about reading or writing?
Ying-Lan: They were worry about the world,,, we will be worry about the computer.
Ying-Lan: ^not will be... we are worry about the computer.
Maggi: which do you prefer?
Ying-Lan: prefer what?
Maggi: no, we are worrying about the computer
gold10: what will be taught at section 7?
Maggi: I meant Gold Ying...
Vance: Apparently Y2K is a serious problem, and no one can solve it. There are too many microchips in appliances that run cities.
Michael C: @64,64 !It's Michael C
Vance: Ah, are you at, gold?
gold10: yes
Maggi: HI Michael
Michael C: Hi everyone.
gold10: hello
Ying-Lan: ^Hi,,,, Welcome Michalec. Ladies and Gentleman.. Michalel is here.
Vance: Hi Michael. Michael, meet Gold10 from China.
Michael C: Thanks for the introduction Ying!
Maggi: take a bow Michael
gold10: are u the teacher of section7?
Vance: Gold, Michael C is a teacher from Australia.
gold10: Oh
Michael C: Hello Gold10.
Maggi: give it to him Michael...
gold10: hello,teacher
Michael C: Section 7 on the Palace timetable?
gold10: glad to meet u
gold10: yes
gold10: I look that
Ying-Lan: ^Michale, I have been your web site? What is your chatting schedule?
Michael C: I guess so. I can't remember which section exactly.
Maggi: been to Ying
Ying-Lan: ^I mean What time is you talk to your students on your chat room.
Michael C: I don't have a schedule there Ying. I just have it ton use in case people don't have Palace or ICQ.
Ying-Lan: ^But how to connect to your student without schedult.
Maggi: I lost something...
Ying-Lan: schedule.
Ying-Lan: ^Wear it again, maggi
Michael C: I can contact everyone via email.
Michael C: And it's not just for students. I can use it with friends as well.
Ying-Lan: ^You tell your students you will be your chat room.. then you meet there, right?
Michael C: That's right Ying.
Vance: Gold, I finally found where you are. We're Section 2. We teach writing via this class, email at the eclass, and web page development.
Ying-Lan: ^How much do you pay for this service?
Maggi: I THINK it is free.
gold10: oh...
Vance: If you join the eclass you can write more.
Ying-Lan: Really?
Maggi: we tried it
gold10: yes
Vance: To do that, send blank email to
Vance: NO, sorry, its ...
gold10: ok
Ying-Lan: ^There are five chinese in our eclass now.
Michael C: Hey - MY bird's here!
Vance: Then you'll get email from the other class members and also voice recordings which you can listen to in Pure Voice.
gloria: @64,64 !It's gloria
Ying-Lan: yes...
Vance: Hi Gloria
gloria: Hi
Michael C: So you did it Ying...thanks!
gloria: How are you today?
Vance: Gloria, meet Gold from China.
Ying-Lan: ^When I saw it, I just guess you were here,,
Vance: How are things in Paraguay?
Ying-Lan: ^When I saw it, I just guessed you were here,,
Michael C: Hi Gloria.
gloria: Welcome Gold
gloria: Hi Michael
Maggi: Your bird is drunk Miīchaiel...:ä-)
Ying-Lan: ^Hi gloria
Vance: Guess, what, I went to a restaurant the other day and there were some very good musicians there.
Maggi: Vance was giving out too many mugs
Vance: They were from Paraguay!
Michael C: This is surprising?
gloria: Yes?
Michael C: Oh that is surprising...
gloria: Did you like them?
Ying-Lan: ^Is it Latin Music?
Vance: I was surprised. Yes, they were very good. The songs were in Spanish, and yes, Latin music, but different, more mellow it seemed.
Maggi: Hi gloria
Michael C: Are you a musician Gloria?
Ying-Lan: mellow
gloria: Iīm not a musician but I do like singing
Ying-Lan: Perfect...
Maggi: I like listening
Vance: Michael has promised to send us a recording of a song he wrote.
Michael C: And i bet you dance.
Maggi: Michael is good...
Vance: Right, Michael?
Maggi: :-)
gloria: Of course
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, you could listent it from Michael's web site.
Michael C: Thannks Maggi. Did I promise Vance?
Vance: Oh, I'll go there now.
Maggi: I don't know...did you?
Ying-Lan: what
Maggi: It wasn't my turn to watch...LOL
Michael C: The song here is mine.
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
Vance: Hi Gold. In case you missed it, Michael is a musician and he has a recording of one of his songs at:
Michael C: Are you listening to it Vance?
Ying-Lan: I am trying to find your web site ...
Ying-Lan: line is busy.
Michael C: You don't have it bookmarked!
Maggi: I've heard it already.
gloria: I have read/heard your introduction Michael and I know you like music and gardening
Michael C: This is true Gloria. And I did a lot of gardening today.
Vance: I'm listening to commonman.ra now.
Maggi: it is a beautiful song...
Michael C: Thanks Maggi. Hey Maggi - remember that silly recording we did with David?
Maggi: I love gardening too... but I don't have one...I miss it.
Maggi: yes I do!
Maggi: I cant sing worth beans.
Maggi: I was just the pretty fac3e :-)
gold10: vance,I have got purevoice and setup it
Maggi: face
Michael C: I found it by accident the other day. I didn't recognsie the file name clicked and there we were!
Vance: Now I'm listening to fearsong
Ying-Lan: accident!
Vance: Fear of being too good.
Maggi: I just mouthed the words.
gold10: and what can I do with it?
Michael C: "Fear' is actually the same song Vance. But a much better recording.
Vance: Yes, I couldn't tell they were the same. What is the difference, technically?
Ying-Lan: ^It is a big file to download it.
gold10: I have send mail to
Michael C: I thnk from memory 'commonman.ra' is not streamed. Yes, and 'fear is a much bigger file.
Vance: Good. You'll be able to meet the other classmates now.
Maggi: good...then we look forward to hearing from you Gold
Ying-Lan: Weclome to join us.
Vance: Now, Gold, you should write a message to the eclass to introduce yourself.
Michael C: Yes Gold. Welcome to webheads.
Vance: You send the messages to
Vance: Has anyone visited the website at
Maggi: and I will correct it and Vance will start a web page for you.
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, Have you heard the whole song of "Open up"?
gloria: I did
Vance: Yes, I did listen to it. That's a good theme song for our group (until Michael writes one for us).
Maggi: You have a beautiful voice Ying
Vance: I will try to get it on the web page.
Ying-Lan: yes.
gold10: sent a mail to in which introduce myself,isn't it?
Vance: One reason I was thinking to move to, well two reasons:
Michael C: Well I've already got a song called "Happy Online"...
Maggi: but maybe you need to speak louder and a little slower.-
Ying-Lan: ^I am listening your song now, Michalec.. nice voice.
Maggi: yes Gold
Michael C: Thanks Ying.
gloria: Is that your voice Ying?
Ying-Lan: ^What kind of instrument you played? only guitar?
gold10: I will
Maggi: he took it with him around the world...:-)
Vance: Sorry, phone rang
Maggi: no problem Vance
Vance: I used to hitchhike with a guitar. I could write destinations in chalk on the case.
Michael C: Guitar (x2) and mandolin.
Maggi: madolin too...I had one
Ying-Lan: what?
Michael C: Mandolin?
Maggi: yes...from Russia
gloria: Vance, are you a kind of Saint today?
Maggi: Vance is always a saint....:-)
Michael C: Vance is a virtual saint every day.
Vance: Maggi should know
Ying-Lan: ^You played them at the same time, didn't you?
gloria: Saint Vance from U.S.A
Maggi: now how would I know?
Michael C: No. I have a recording deck at home which allows me do tape 8 different tracks.
Maggi: Michael seems to know too:-)
Ying-Lan: ^It is great!
Maggi: There is an incredible echo here among the teache4rs...
Ying-Lan: ^What is the title of the song you sung.
Michael C: What do you mean Maggie?
Michael C: Ying - the title is "Fear of being too Good."
Maggi: Everytime I write something you or Vance echos it...or vice versus
Michael C: Great minds think alike as they say.
Ying-Lan: ^I was reminded of DAVE... have you met him these days?
Maggi: seems so :-)
Michael C: I spoke to Dave last week.
Maggi: Last time I saw Dave he said he had no time...
Michael C: I think he's now busy with the new teachers.
Ying-Lan: ^He is always busy...
Maggi: ...but initiated a chat with me and then schimpfed when I replied
Ying-Lan: ^Say hello to him...
Ying-Lan: ^Plus my best wishes...
gloria: Do you know Brian Robinson?
Ying-Lan: No, I don't.
Ying-Lan: who?
Maggi: Who is he Gloria?
Vance: I know Brian. Long story.
Vance: What about him?
gloria: Now he is my teacher at TOEFL preparation
Maggi: Is this the teacher Vance in the UAae?
Vance: Oh, how is he doing. He was here at the Palace the last two weeks.
Vance: He's been a teacher for a very long time, but he's just getting into online teaching.
Maggi: I wonder if we are related?
gloria: He is at UAE too
Vance: Yes, he's in Ajman, about 3 hours from where I live.
gloria: I told him about webheads
Ying-Lan: ^He is from British.
Maggi: He is b
Maggi: Bristish
gloria: He is american too
Maggi: British
Vance: No, he's British.
Ying-Lan: ^NO,,, he is a Englishman.
Ying-Lan: ^He was born in English.
Vance: Get him to send you a voice recording.
Maggi: England
Ying-Lan: ^He is also a British.
Vance: He's VERY British.
Maggi: British means anyone from the UK
Ying-Lan: ^His accent is different from Vance. I guessed.
Maggi: he is a Brit Ying
Maggi: Oh yes...
Vance: You're right, Ying. Did you hear him?
Ying-Lan: ^no...
gloria: I though he was american
Maggi: even Vance and I have different accents and we are both American.
(big dogs clan)SHER: @64,64 !It's (big dogs clan)SHER
Vance: Hello big dogs clan sher
Maggi: big dogs?
Maggi: what kind of dogs?
Ying-Lan: ^Last week, I talked to someone in English by phone.. he wanted me to guess where he is from by his accent.
(big dogs clan)SHER: YEA YEA
Maggi: forget it Ying...
gloria: even australians have different accent
Maggi: true göoria
Maggi: oops Gloria
Maggi: I have a friend from Yorkshire who lives in Austria
(big dogs clan)SHER: @64,64 !It's (big dogs clan)SHER
Michael C: Australians have a terrible accent!
Ying-Lan: Really?
(big dogs clan)SHER: yeayesa
Maggi: not necessarily Michare
(big dogs clan)SHER: sup??
gloria: I can recognize australians, britishes and americans from their accents
Maggi: Michael
Ying-Lan: ^Really, gloria.
Maggi: <Oh
Ying-Lan: ^I could not do it...
Vance: That's good, Gloria. People here in the UAE often can't tell British from Americans.
Maggi: yxou might have a hard time with me Gloria
gloria: yes sure thanks in part to the tv
Michael C: My face to face students have big trouble hearing diffferent accents.
Vance: I can't tell where a Spanish person is from unless he or she is from Castillian Spain.
Michael C: My students cannot hear what to me is a VERY obvious American accent.
Ying-Lan: ^me, too. But Michael , your voice is nice to understand.
Vance: Also, I can't really tell an Austrian from a German.
Michael C: You're saying nice things about me tonight Ying!
Ying-Lan: It is true.
gloria: I like american accent the most (sorry Michael)
Michael C: I'll send you more Pure Voice messages!
Ying-Lan: Thanks...
Michael C: Gloria that's terrible!
Maggi: I can tell an Austrian from a German...and Arnold is Austrian!!
Ying-Lan: I hope I will send you more.
Vance: Gloria is perfectly correct there. :-)
Michael C: British accents (or South African) are best by far!
Maggi: i guess it is time I sent a pure voice message.#
Ying-Lan: ^i am desire to listen you, maggi.
Michael C: You're biased Vance. At least I'm objective!
Ying-Lan: ^i desire to listen you, maggi.
gloria: Maybe itīs true Michael but I like american accent..
Maggi: I don't agree Vance...I like Michael's accent.
Maggi: Dave complained I was starting to sound like him!
Maggi: I CAN't take that monotonous rrrrr of some Aamericans
Michael C: All accents sound good!
gloria: Betweenus (latin american people) there are many different accents
Michael C: Are there any Spanish accents you don't like Gloria"?
Vance: I was just joking. I think Michael has a great VOICE, and I'm indifferent to his accent.
gloria: Maybe caribean spanish accents
gold10: can you here each other?
Michael C: So you don't care about my accent Vance. I'm offended!
Maggi: it is a matter of preference
Vance: Yes Gold, we use Pure Voice, which I sent you earlier.
Michael C: So what's wrong with Carribean accents?
Maggi: ...the more I teach the more I like the accents my students have.
gloria: They pronounce r as l
Maggi: so do the Japanese
gold10: @64,64 !It's gold10
gloria: exactly
gold10: can you here each other?
Vance: Guys, I'm going to have to run. I'm taking my family to a play tonight.
Ying-Lan: gold, I don't understand your words/
Maggi: we can through Pure voice Gold.
gloria: bye
Vance: Gold, you didn't hear my reply. Yes, we use Pure Voice, which I sent you earlier.
Maggi: bye Gloria
gloria: I have to go too
gloria: bye bye
Maggi: bye Vanc4
gold10: I have install it
gold10: bye
Michael C: Bye folks.
Ying-Lan: ^VAnce, tell me why my G2 producer does not work.
Vance: It was nice to see you. (well, she'll read it in the logs)
gold10: good night
Maggi: You are leaving too?
Vance: Good night. Install Pure Voice and send us a voice message.
Vance: Oh, ok, let me read your email. Hold on ...
Michael C: That sounds like a hard thing to explain Ying.
gold10: I will try
Ying-Lan: ^reply me by email. right?
MEDO: @64,64 !It's MEDO
Vance: I suggest you download the program again. Maybe there was corruption in the file.
Michael C: Hi Medo. Are you an EFI student?
Ying-Lan: I did it twice.
Vance: Or maybe you got the wrong one by mistake.
Ying-Lan: ^ I did it twice.
gold10: I'm in a public place,so I will do it later
Vance: Oh ... can you tell me the filesize?
Ying-Lan: I forgot it.
Vance: The size of the installation file? Can you email that to me (cause I gotta run).
Ying-Lan: o.k.
Michael C: It should be about 5 MB.
Maggi: The guys say goodbye and are still here...hmmm
Ying-Lan: Sorry.
Ying-Lan: It is time to say bye-bye now.
gold10: oh....
Vance: I'll compare your rprodg2602.exe with the one we've got.
Maggi: go Vance!
Michael C: I didn't say goodbye (but I will soon!)
gold10: bye
Vance: OK. Nice to meet you Gold.
Maggi: by3e Gold!
Michael C: See you Gold. Nice to meet you.
Vance: bye
Maggi: Nice to meet you...:-)
gold10: Nice to meet you, vance
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