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*** Welcome to Virtual School House Felix!
Felix: @64,64 !It's Felix
Maggi: Hi Felix
Felix: hi there
Vance: Heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrsssssssssss FELIX!
Felix: Good afternoon/morning/evening
Vance: Hi Felix.
Felix: what Vance/?
Felix: Hi
Maggi: Shame about that guy Vance, but it was his loss not
Vance: Here's Felix ...
Felix: oh
Vance: A loss none the less
Felix: Gotcha!
Maggi: That's like a drum roll intro Felix...
Felix: I can hear it..
Vance: Sort of like they say in Hawaii, alooooooooooooo ha
Maggi: yes, I know Vance...hard to let go...
Vance: snif snif I'll get over it
Maggi: takes time
Felix: Next weekend I will have Americans in my house.. Net
Vance: (time flies) well, over it now.
Maggi: Where are they from?
Felix: Chicago
Maggi: I wonder...I think I am over it, but I maybe I just
push it in a place out of sight.
Felix: What the hell are you talking about?
Maggi: Another thread with Vance about friends.
Felix: thread?
Maggi: So, how long are they staying Felix?
Vance: We're talking about a friend of mine who lives in
Germany. Last time I was there he didn't want to see me because ...
Felix: 3 days Vance.
Maggi: thread...subject-...
Vance: I went for skiing instead of to see him.
Felix: He was right Vance... I would be mad at you too
Vance: I've been to see him a number of times, sometimes
mainly just to run up and see him and his family.
Maggi: I don't think so.
Maggi: A friend would be more understanding.
Felix: But did you see him? Or did you just go there and
skied ?
Vance: Long story ... I was actually going to a conference
in New York.
Felix: awwwwwwwww
Vance: My employer gave me a ticket to fly a plane that
landed in Germany.
Felix: So you dropped by Austria right?
Vance: It was winter, and I like to ski.
Vance: Right. But I was in email contact with him trying
to arrange to come by his city on my way there or back.
Felix: I understand now
Vance: So he had his wife answer my emails.
Felix: But the best thing among friends is that we are mad
and later we are ok again
Vance: In Austria, I called him. That's when he told me he
had been pissed at me for making skiing the point of my journey.
Vance: True. But with friends, you should be glad if
someone comes to see you when you make a long journey.
Felix: Ture
Felix: true
Vance: So this guy hasn't been back in touch since, and I
don't think I'll hear from him again.
Vance: I used to live with him in Houston, in the 1970's.
Vance: He was my oldest friend.
Felix: People are moody sometimes.. Maybe you reach him
when this TMP was high.. ROFLMAO
Felix: when his
Vance: his TMP?
Felix: Pre-mestrual tension...
Felix: menstrual
Felix: whatever
Vance: Yeah, maybe.
Vance: Anyway, now Felix, you wouldn't treat me like that
if I came to Brazil to do some diving, would you?
Felix: only if you dont come to see me...
Maggi: Sorry guys...was just helping my son help me to flip
my mattress over to the summer side.
Felix: brb
Vance: Exactly. I would make it a point to see you.
Felix: my son is crying
Felix: that way I wouldnt
Maggi: pick him up...
Vance: Speaking of sons, my 20 year old just arrived last
Maggi: I had a dream about diving...
Maggi: was his trip to Austria?
Felix: that's cool
Felix: i have Lucas on my arms now
Vance: Yeah? Was it a pleasant dream or a scary dream?
Maggi: Wonderful
Vance: In your arms
Maggi: I told you I am like a fish in the water.
Felix: thanxs
Felix: i love water
Vance: me too but I prefer beer
Felix: LOL
Maggi: I love both...
Felix: it's hard to type and hold a baby hehe
Maggi: So, is Lucas happy now?
Vance: I was just telling Maggi that my son is visiting. I
think I'll have the boys prepare a realslide show about the visit.
Maggi: good skill to learn Felix!
Vance: Where's his momma?
Felix: that's interesting.. i couldn't see Michael's yet
Felix: at the church
Maggi: Give the lady a break...they have 3 kids.
Vance: Do you go to church too?
Felix: i think i had already told you this.. I love
Felix: with ketchup and mayonese
Felix: rarely
Vance: I don't blame you.
Maggi: I know you do Felix...I remember your voice at the
hospital when Lucas was born.
Felix: lucas is staring to the screen now...
Vance: Phone? Sound file?
Maggi: at the screen
Vance: HI LUCAS!!!
Vance: (wave) (wave)
Felix: she phone me Vance
Maggi: No, I called the hospital in Brazil Vaqnce.
Felix: she phoned me Vance
Vance: Really?
Felix: yep
Maggi: It was fun trying to get through the operator.
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Vance: That must have been a surprise.
Maggi: Hi Ying.
Vance: Hi YL!
Ying-Lan: hi
Felix: hi ying
Felix: i loved her call
Ying-Lan: Sorry for being late.
Maggi: The big surprise was they were told to expect a
Felix: sorry? you will have to pay us a pizza Ying.. heheh
Maggi: ...and out popped a boy!
Vance: Well, at least one called.
Ying-Lan: only pizza
Maggi: Felix was on cloud nine!
Felix: and a beer of course
Felix: cloud nine?????????
Maggi: in heaven!
Felix: oh
Felix: yes I was
Maggi: up in the sky...flying high...
Maggi: and smoking a cigar!
Felix: dont forget the cigar hehehe
Ying-Lan: Is it enough?
Maggi: so far in the poll it seems men and women sleep
about the same on average.
Felix: That day I got 2 international calls.. I understand
now why they charged me a fortune... They thought I was rich. LOL
Maggi: Vance and I are at the low end...
Vance: Maybe it's an age difference, not a gender one.
Maggi: You mean the hospital bill, right?
Felix: yes Maggi
Vance: Do you have insurance?
Maggi: It averages out regardless of age it seems.
Felix: Public health is very very bad in Brazil
Maggi: Ying really can sleep...:-)
Ying-Lan: ^yes, I need more sleep like a child.
Maggi: I like taking short naps when I have the time.
Ying-Lan: I can sleep over 10 hours...
Felix: as my wife says... I dont sleep.. I get into comma.
Ying-Lan: It is a joke in my family...
Maggi: coma
Maggi: go into a coma
Felix: I dont sleep, I go into a coma
Maggi: this is a comma ,
Felix: yes..... That's right dear maggi
Vance: Maybe he means he curls up when he sleeps.
Maggi: quick and fast and deep eh?
Felix: good in bed.. LOL
Felix: lay down and sleep. LOL
Maggi: :-)
Maggi: double inuendo there...
Felix: inuendo?
Vance: Double entenre
Vance: entendre
Felix: ??????????/
Maggi: means your words can be read two ways
Vance: Do you call it double inuendo, Maggi?
Maggi: guess so
Vance: oh, I never heard that before. I would say double
Maggi: never heard that
Vance: interesting
Felix: i say double meaning
Maggi: hmmm
Maggi: wonder where I got it?
Felix: not with me/.. :)
Maggi: :-) Felix!
Maggi: England maybe?
Felix: Maggi.. explain to Vance the idea I had a couple of
weeks ago
Maggi: which one?
Vance: (perks up ears)
Felix: a class on a subject
Maggi: oh, that we should pick a subject to discuss.
Felix: but first e-mail the vocabulary
Maggi: so that everyone knows the words first that are used
with the subject.
Ying-Lan: ^It was the first time to use a alarm clock in my
family when I was 13.Tthe alarm clock had made the noise for 10
mintuites, everybody got up except me. I just slept by the alarm clock.
Vance: You slept through the alarm clock.
Maggi: You can sleep through an alarm clock?! Wow...
Vance: The alarm rang for 10 minutes.
Ying-Lan: ^Everybody laught at me....
Vance: Did their laughing wake you up?
Maggi: I hate alarm clocks.
Ying-Lan: ^What?
Maggi: I wake up by myself.
Vance: Felix, we can talk about any subject you want. If
you want to do that, we can try it.
Felix: that's good Vance
Maggi: If I am really tired and use one I wake up before it
goes off.
Vance: What's your question, YL?
Maggi: what subject you want to start with Felix?
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, I was sleeping when they got up and rush
into my bedroom.
Felix: bank stuff, or hospital... whatever.... just to
learn a specific vocabulary
Vance: They probably thought you had died in your sleep
(but then, why would they be laughing - I'd be worried if I were you).
Felix: Ying about the alarm clock.. I dont wake up too...
Ying-Lan: ^My father said he could not image her daughter
Vance: We can do that Felix. Could not imagine, YL?
Felix: thanks Vance
Ying-Lan: ^Her daughter slept like a death.
Felix: If it works, we can do it once in a month
Ying-Lan: ^I am sorry, what were you talking about?
Felix: I set my alarm clock to wake my wife up and then she
wakes me up.. That's true
Ying-Lan: ^Vocabulary...
Ying-Lan: ^So, you can not wake up by yourself like me.
Felix: nope.
Maggi: Nice way to wake u, eh Felix?
Felix: I sleep like a stone.
Maggi: Do you snore?
Felix: but to top it off Maggi.. I always wake up mad...
Felix: No I dont
Ying-Lan: ^In my family, if we have to get up early... we
always put the memo on my mother's desk to ask her to alarm us to get
up... we are like childredn.
Maggi: I wouldn't wake you up then...
Felix: I even dont say good morning before I brush my
Ying-Lan: I don't know why I can not get up early.
Maggi: probably a good idea :-)
Felix: I love Madonna ( I am listening to her now)
Maggi: Which CD?
Ying-Lan: The new one?
Felix: I know Ying.. We have have sleep... My father says
that when we are sleeping we lose part of the life...... The world is
running and we are out of it.. I DONT AGREEEEEEEEEEE hehehe
Maggi: i love the Ray of Light.
Felix: Something To Remember
Felix: I have Ray of Light too
Felix: I know Ying.. We LIKE to sleep
Maggi: Being asleep is just another world...
Maggi: I love to sleep too!
Felix: But I dont remember my dreams.....
Maggi: not lost time
Maggi: I do
Felix: Rarely I remember my ones
Vance: Guys, I've got to shut down for a minute. One of my
programs crashed. brb
Maggi: There is a way to train so that you can remember
Maggi: ok Vance
Felix: "You abandoned me,,, Love don't live here
Vance: Gotta get the logs first ...
Felix: Really Maggi. How ?
Maggi: Put paper and pen next to your bed...if you wake up
from a dream right it down before you go back to sleep.
Ying-Lan: I prefer to Celine Dion.
Felix: that's the problem Maggi.. I dont wake up during the
night.. I only wake up the other day, 10 minutes before to go to work
Maggi: Think about what your dreams might mean...what is
your subconscious trying to tell you.
Ying-Lan: I can not remember my dream, either.
Maggi: You do, you just don't remember.
Vance: Sorry to miss out on the dream stuff, but I'll be
right back.
Maggi: Dreams can be like magic too!
Maggi: Sometimes really silly.
Ying-Lan: ^ I agreed...
Maggi: I had one when I was learning Spanish...I couldn't
remember the word so I switched to Italian...
Maggi: and then went through all the languages I knew...I
woke up laughing...a real belly laugh!
Felix: what an interesting dream Maggi!!!
Ying-Lan: ^I remembered one. I was hate one of my officemates,
I yelled at her, and .... but when I woke up, I felt so lucky it was
only a dream.
Maggi: Oh...I remember one I had when I was 6 yrs
old...with a drgon
Maggi: dragon
Ying-Lan: Dragon?
Maggi: yes...a real dragon.
Ying-Lan: ^Your dragon is different from Chinese dragon.
Maggi: I have a good imagination.
Ying-Lan: ^Chinese dragon is long and .. it is hard to
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
Maggi: This dragon was long but he had a tummy.
Ying-Lan: tummy?
Maggi: Hi again Vance...
Maggi: belly
Vance: whew. Made it.
Maggi: Do you remember your dreams Vance?
Vance: Anybody want to email me a cut and paste of the logs
since you started talking about dreaming, and I'll catch up ??
Felix: i will do it now Vance
Maggi: I had another one...ok Vance...
Vance: These days I don't remember so much, but I used to remember dreams frequently.
Maggi: ok...then I don't have to...:-)
Vance: You remember dreams if you are awakened in the ... beta state? You're the neurologist, Maggi ...
Maggi: in this dream I had two snakes in my pants pockets...
Felix: I just sent it Vance
Vance: This could be Freudian, Maggi ...
Maggi: I thought one suddenly was trying to bite me and I squeezed it's head off...
Felix: Maggi.. maybe your sub concious was trying to reproduce your wishes.. 2 snakes.. hehe
Maggi: A neighbor who was a psychiatrist asked me who dumped me.
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, I got a email from chotima , he said "Hi yinglan
I feel like lost from the list . if you have time could you please inform me how can I get in touch with the other . It would be appreciae
Maggi: He was right.
Ying-Lan: ^But I can not return the email by the isp.
Ying-Lan: dream
Vance: me neither yl .. I sent an email half an hour ago, desperately seeking Chotima.
Vance: So, Maggi, what about the other snake?
Felix: Vance!!!!!
Maggi: It was ok...
Vance: (Thanks for the logs, Felix)
Ying-Lan: ^snake?
Maggi: we are still friends today.
Felix: any time Vance
Vance: Yeah, she had two snakes in her pocket and she killed the one that threatened her.
Maggi: I didn't know I was capable of it...
Vance: Do you mean friends with the guy who dumped you?
Maggi: ...but I was pretty devastated.
Ying-Lan: ^dump?
Felix: dumped??
Maggi: no...his friend
Vance: To "dump" means to drop what you are carrying.
Felix: ????????
Maggi: or a girl or boyfriend when you don't want them any longer.
Vance: Maggi, you've lost me. The guy who dumped you 's friend?
Ying-Lan: OH,....
Ying-Lan: What's friends for?
Maggi: Yes, there were two of them living together. We often did things as a threesome.
Vance: things? (nevermind) ... so maybe the other snake was the friend.
Maggi: One was a lover the other just a friend.
Felix: What a mess!!!!
Vance: So, what did you think you were incapable of? Killng the snake?
Maggi: Yes...the other snake was the friend.
Maggi: Yes...killing a snake
Maggi: violence
Vance: Well, maybe you aren't except in dreams where you have to sublimate.
Vance: subliminate ... means to do things in subconscious that you wouldnt do in consciousness
Maggi: I think it was a reflex from an unexpected blow...
Maggi: I do things in dreams that I would never do in real life...just to check it out.
Maggi: I even tried to die and see what it was like.
Felix: I see
Maggi: I tried it often in a car...driving into a tree, but I would always wake up at the last second.
Maggi: So, I tricked myself.
Vance: These dreams sound stressful. Maybe the stress wakes you up and that's why you remember them.
Maggi: I got into an elevator and saw someone I hadn't seen in years and before I realized what was happenening the elavator crashed.
Maggi: No, they really aren't very stressful.
Vance: So how do you feel when the elevator is about to crash, or your car is crashing into a tree?
Maggi: Actually I enjoy them to explore where my mind is going
Maggi: I don't know about the tree...but when the elevator crashed I died.
Maggi: And all I remember is my body dying but a part of me was set free.
Maggi: It was I have no fear of dying.
Vance: Have you had such dreams since? I mean, a dying dream.
Maggi: Nope.
Ying-Lan: ^But maggi, why did you wake up when the elevator crashed?
Maggi: And my lifeline has changed too.
Ying-Lan: ^But maggi, why did not you wake up when the elevator crashed?
Vance: So you got it then. You must have been grappling with a fear of death, but you worked through it.
Maggi: I think so Vance.
Maggi: That was a long time ago too.
Ying-Lan: ^Did you feel frighten?
Maggi: I didn't wake up Ying because I wanted to see what happened afterwards.
Maggi: Not at all Ying.
Ying-Lan: ^It is amazing,, you could control your mind...
Maggi: It was very pleasant being totally free and flying into space...
Maggi: Sometimes I even change my dreams as I am dreaming.
Ying-Lan: ^
Maggi: I jumped off a cliff in one dream.
Vance: I've had dreams of flyiing before. I understand that is a commonly had dream.
Ying-Lan: ^What's a great!
Maggi: It was so nice falling through the air that I made the cliff higher and higher.
Ying-Lan: I can not imagine it.
Michael C: @64,64 !It's Michael C
Maggi: Flying is common...did you flap your arms to fly Vance.
Ying-Lan: ^I always forget everything.
Michael C: Hi everyone.
Maggi: Hi Michael.
Ying-Lan: hi, Michael...
Ying-Lan: Good trip!
Michael C: Yes it was wonderful thanks Ying.
Maggi: Nice photo show Michael.
Ying-Lan: ^Is it cold in Australia now? I saw you were in light clothes.
Felix: The only problem was the bug right Michael?? haha
Michael C: Thanks maggie. You look charming today Felix.
Michael C: It's winter Ying but our winters are mild.
Ying-Lan: mild?
Felix: I am dressed up to kill Michael.. LOL
Vance: (no flapping) Hi MC. Enjoyed your web page. I'm updating your webheads page now ...
Michael C: Mild = not too cold.
Maggi: Felix never looks charming when he gets up in the morning mad.
Michael C: Sounds interesting Vance...
Felix: Gotcha Maggi
Michael C: Why is he mad?
Ying-Lan: He is nice...
Maggi: ask him...
Michael C: OK. Felix - why did you wake up mad?
Maggi: maybe because he sleeps in a coma.
Felix: dunno... Maybe it's because I love to sleep
Maggi: I hope he didn't drop Lucas.
Michael C: I guess Felix isn't talking to me.....
Ying-Lan: ^Someone will be mad when he needs more sleep but he wakes up by other reasons.
Michael C: Ah yes he is....
Felix: Why I wouldn't talk to you Michael ?!!
Michael C: Other reasons like crying children?
Maggi: well, I don't appreciate being woken up either.
Vance: I'm beginning to see why Felix likes children with ketsup.
Felix: generally I dont hear cying children.
Ying-Lan: like alarm clock., lol
Maggi: or mayo
Felix: LOL@Vance
Michael C: LOL!
Felix: hmmmmmmmm taste good..
Michael C: You must be a very helpful dad Felix!
Felix: what is the correct spelling for ketchup?
Maggi: his own way he is.
Felix: yes I am.. I buy the food. hehehe
Maggi: catsup
Felix: I pay the maid
Felix: I buy the clothes
Felix: hehehe
Maggi: is one spelling
Michael C: By the way, in Oz snd England we say 'sauce' (not ketchup)
Ying-Lan: Tomato sauce?
Maggi: they do use tomato ketchup in England
Maggi: that is for spaghetti
Michael C: That's just one kind of sauce....but yes. Tomato sauce.
Maggi: confusing Michael....
Michael C: No we're not confused. Everyone else is.
Maggi: I don't eat it anyway.
Vance: It's one of those words with no correct spelling. If you go to a supermarket you will see different spellings on the bottles.
Maggi: depends on the brand name.
Felix: but anyway it's tomato sauce...
Ying-Lan: Really? But they sound like a same word. Ketchup
Ying-Lan: ^There is a mess in my mind.
Ying-Lan: ^I can not think anything tonight.
Michael C: Too much sauce Ying!
Maggi: don't be saucy Michael...:-)
Ying-Lan: saucy
Michael C: Maggie will explain....
Maggi: no i won't...
Michael C: Maybe Felix will explain.....
Felix: me???????????
Maggi: why don't you...teacher's turn.
Felix: lol
Michael C: Yes. You know all about saucy things.
Ying-Lan: ^Do you eap Sauerkraut in Germany? maggi. I just found the word in my dictionary.
Maggi: Yes, they eat it here and in the US
Ying-Lan: Really,
Felix: saucy = disrespectful
Ying-Lan: ^It is like a kind of Chinese food.
Maggi: They put it on hot dogs in New York City.
Felix: impertinent
Michael C: or kind of 'dirty' with sexual connotations.
Maggi: I like it.
Felix: menstruation
Ying-Lan: Me, too.
Michael C: WHAT????
Maggi: Not the kind a saucy I meant Miachael and you know it.:-)
Felix: saucy = menstruation in Michael's context?
Felix: Esperm??
Maggi: LOL
Ying-Lan: Sauerkratu
Michael C: NO! (and you did mean it that way Maggie!)
Ying-Lan: Sauerkraut
Felix: So what did you mean then Michael? You'd better explain..
Maggi: Michael can read
Michael C: LOL!
Michael C: Saucy humour is kind of sleazy with a sexual overtone.
Felix: uh?? can you explain it in PLAIN English please?
Maggi: I used it as an adjective to describe you.
Michael C: So a sexy woman can be described as saucy.
Felix: but what did it mean?
Felix: I am not a woman!!! But I am sexy.. hehehe
Maggi: I used it as being cheeky...impertenant.
Michael C: So Maggie - what did you mean?
Maggi: ooops
Michael C: Ok. got it.
Vance: I just got off the phone. Hard to concentrate with all this going on.
Felix: so Michael meant SPERM, and Maggi impertinent.. Ok I got it
Maggi: ROTFL
Felix: ROFL
Michael C: That's intersting though. You said saucy and i thought you meant something about sexual humour!
Felix: dirty mind Michael.. Shame on you!!! LOL
Michael C: But I was NOT talking about sperm!
Maggi: yes....-)
Ying-Lan: STOP :-)
Felix: but what does sauce mean in YOUR context Michael ?
Vance: I can't wait till I go back and read this.
Felix: dont get horney Ying...
Felix: michael.. Seriously... Explain your meaning.
Vance: MC, I'm listening to Borderguard now. It comes through very nicely.
Michael C: saucy - sexy/sleazy/vulgar humour.
Felix: oh ok
Michael C: That's good to hear Vance.
Vance: So it works
Felix: PORRa - MERDA -
Michael C: So maybe we'll stop now Ying!
Felix: hehehe
Maggi: saco
Felix: ROFL
Michael C: Private jokes in portuguese?
Maggi: Should we go back to talking about dreams?
Felix: no
Maggi: ok
Michael C: Maybe we should. We seem to often get on to the topic of sex here!
Maggi: usually when you show up...
Maggi: :-)
Felix: that;s right Maggi..
Michael C: That's very nice of you.
Felix: :-)
Vance: It's what everyone is thinking about but what no one can talk about.
Michael C: LOL.
Felix: GOTCHA Vance...
Michael C: Could be intimidating (scary) for any new students!
Maggi: I doubt it.
Vance: It's what they're thinking about too.
Maggi: :-)
Michael C: Oh yeh? Come to the Palace class and talk about sex!
Maggi: Good way to learn new vocabulary...
Felix: I think we can talk about it not going through a derogative way
Maggi: they need it in some chat rooms
Michael C: Great advertising!
Vance: Very good, Felix.
Vance: What do you think, YL. Are we out of line?
Ying-Lan: I am sorry, I am tired.
Ying-Lan: ^I can not think anything ...
Maggi: How late is it there Ying?
Ying-Lan: ^I read a grammer book this afternoon, but I don
Felix: Ying, dont let me alone here... They are insanes.. heheh
Ying-Lan: ^I don't undestand what the author said... there is a mess in my mind.
Michael C: And we're coming to get you!
Maggi: we'll have him with tomato sauce .-)
Vance: Well, explain the mess and we'll try to help.
Felix: only you ok Maggi..
Michael C: lol
Maggi: LOL
Ying-Lan: I don't understand the words.
Michael C: What was it about Ying?
Michael C: What part of grammar?
Maggi: A story?
Ying-Lan: ^A grammer book talking about the different thinking between Chinese and English.
Maggi: Well, we do think differently.
Michael C: I think that might be a very big book!
Ying-Lan: ^It is hard for me.
Ying-Lan: ^It is big book...
Maggi: I know...when I learned Chinese
Ying-Lan: ^I can not understand why I can not get a good score on English test.
Maggi: take it a little at a time then Ying.
Michael C: A written or oral test?
Felix: brb
Ying-Lan: ^So... I think I might miss something...
Maggi: maybe you just need to learn how to take a test.
Ying-Lan: ^MC, A grammar test.
Ying-Lan: Everything On English.
Maggi: not good to learn to pass a test.
Michael C: Maybe you need practice at tests (as maggie suggests)
Ying-Lan: ^So.... sometimes,,, I can not do it well on Vera's assignment.
Vance: I don't think so either. But YL obviously has an interest in English beyond the need to pass grammar tests.
Vance: MC, your music is great.
Ying-Lan: yes... vance
Michael C: Thank you Vance!
Maggi: true...but not passing the tests well is frustrating her.
Ying-Lan: I can not listen your misice , mc
Vance: It starts streaming almost immediately, and the sound is quite crisp.
Michael C: Keep trying the music Ying. I know that ot works but sometimes it won't work in different places.
Michael C: Tonight it works in the Emirates but not in Taiwan. Tomorrow it can be the opposite!
Michael C: My brother here in Adelaide couldn't get it last night either but someone else here could!
Ying-Lan: It is weird...
Michael C: Who knows why? there are so many possibel reasons.....
Ying-Lan: Are you kidding?
Michael C: No i'm not kidding.
Vance: It could have to do with bandwidth. I'm alone at the office now, so I've got the whole network to myself.
Michael C: Yeh - that would help Vance.
Vance: Networks get congested.
Ying-Lan: ^Were you singing ? It is different from the other.
Vance: I'm going to run. My son is visiting. He just got in and I want to go visit with him.
Michael C: I thnk that's it. And you have no way of knowing when they are going tobe more congested.
Felix: what is bandwidth ???????
Vance: He came in this morning from California.
Michael C: OK Vance. Say hi from us!
Vance: Bandwidth is the size of the "pipe" that your internet connection comes through. You have to share it with everyone else on your network.
Ying-Lan: say hi
Michael C: Yes Ying. I am singing.
Felix: oh i see]
Vance: So, I'm off (just grabbing the log)
Michael C: (to put on the fire)
Ying-Lan: But... there are two or three persons singing...
Michael C: Yes. Some of the other voices are also me and some of them are friends.
Ying-Lan: dear life...
Michael C: So you can hear it?
Ying-Lan: Yes... It is nice.
Ying-Lan: Buffereing now.
Michael C: Good.
Vance: I like the trumpet in Borderguard.
Maggi: Have a nice visit Vance.
Vance: (and the guitar and vocals too of course, but the trumpet is distinctive)
Felix: What is Hanky Panky ??
Maggi: Is he still going to Innsbruck?
Michael C: It's actually a clarinet but we tried to make it sound like a trumpet.
Maggi: messing around Felix
Ying-Lan: It is time to go...
Felix: oh ok
Michael C: Like saucy!
Felix: thanks maggi
Maggi: only nicer
Ying-Lan: See you next week.
Michael C: Good night Ying. Sleep well.
Maggi: bye Ying...sweet dreams!
Felix: nite Ying
Felix: Ying..Watch out!! Don't dream with sauce.. LOL
Maggi: :-)
Michael C: Or ketchup!
Maggi: or mayo
Michael C: lol
Vance: night (boss just walked in, talking to him)
Michael C: Hi Boss!
Maggi: night Vance...
Michael C: Give Vance a raise!
Maggi: Is he the big honcho?
Felix: Give Vance a Raise!!!
Felix: LOL We say it together Michael!!!
Michael C: lol
Maggi: You guys could get him in trouble
Felix: it was not my intention
Maggi: I know
Michael C: @64,64 !It's Michael C
Vance: sorry, deep conversation about where the plumbing supplies are in Abu Dhabi.
Felix: in Arabian Vance!!!
Maggi: Important stuff Vance...
Vance: I'm doing this on my laptop. Anyway, it's part of my job, and I am working overtime.
Maggi: aat least one of us is getting paid...
Felix: i see
Vance: Which leads me back to where I was about to leave ...
Michael C: Well i mght love and leave you.
Vance: Well, I WOULD be getting paid if this weren't overtime.
Maggi: get the heck out of there then!
Vance: Alright, I get the hint!
Maggi: only might MC?
Vance: bye
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