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*** Welcome to Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
Vance: Hi all
bolo-bolo: hallo vance
Maggi: That is Deden Vance
Maggi: I got him here
Vance: Deden, glad you could make it.
bolo-bolo: ended i could go there
Maggi: good for him right!
Vance: You mean Maggi explained how you could come here?
bolo-bolo: thank you for maggi
bolo-bolo: yes vance
Maggi: just glad I had you on icq
bolo-bolo: She is MRS Nice Lady
Maggi: ah...:-)
Maggi: thank I can blush...
Vance: I have explained to students on ICQ how to reach us at the Palace.
Maggi: it does help
Maggi: you have a big nose today Vance
Vance: So how are things in Indonesia? Elections coming up ...
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Maggi: Hi Ying
Ying-Lan: hi
Maggi: Deden is here too
Ying-Lan: ^How long have you been here?
Maggi: she likes to dance on the roof
Maggi: not long
Ying-Lan: That's right! I am dancing on the roof..
Maggi: I saw Roy earlier.
bolo-bolo: Vance, tommorow, the elections will come
Vance: Have you been here a long time, Maggi?
Maggi: Maybe he will come back
bolo-bolo: How are you Ying-lan
Vance: Oh, Ying Lan, this is Deden ...
Maggi: I always check at 12.30 my time
Ying-Lan: Fine, Thanks.
Vance: What time is it now your time?
bolo-bolo: vance i think you have up to date you webpage
Ying-Lan: Bolo--- where are you from? Indonesia or South Africa?
Maggi: 13.30
bolo-bolo: I live in Indonesia Ying-lan
Vance: I do date my web pages. How do you mean?
Ying-Lan: ARe you only 18?
bolo-bolo: if dont mistaken, Ying Lan do you come from taiwan
Maggi: update maybe
bolo-bolo: yes i'am 18 years old
Vance: Pretty updated too, I think ...
Ying-Lan: I am from Taiwan.
bolo-bolo: vance, i mean about palace infomation
Maggi: wouldn't you like to be 18 again Vance?
bolo-bolo: i think you wrong wrote in homepage
Maggi: :-)
Vance: Oh, ok, did you find wrong information?
bolo-bolo: yes
* Vance * no way!
Ying-Lan: Something wrong with the Vance's page?
bolo-bolo: like this
bolo-bolo: you wrote efi.scholar......
* Maggi * Oh weren't active yet were you? LOL
Ying-Lan: I like to dance by it
Maggi: forgot the virtual?
Vance: OK, I can change it now.
bolo-bolo: vance, you can look it out
Maggi: sharp eyes Deden
bolo-bolo: but if you right, i'am sory
bolo-bolo: he.he.he
Maggi: maybe that's why you had a problem getting here
bolo-bolo: yes
bolo-bolo: it ture
bolo-bolo: it true
bolo-bolo: do you like see movies
Maggi: look it up is better Deden
Maggi: I am going to see the Mummy with my son
Maggi: I watched Alien 4 again with him
bolo-bolo: wow
bolo-bolo: maggi, i want to go out
Maggi: not so nice how the Alien baby gets sucked out the window.
Maggi: go out where?
bolo-bolo: i will come to here ,
bolo-bolo: soon
Maggi: ok
Ying-Lan: I imagine I smell ,,,,
Maggi: smell sweet
Ying-Lan: smell sweet....
Maggi: yes you do...and you have a lovely voice too Ying
Ying-Lan: Maggi,,,,
Ying-Lan: Thanks a lot ...
Ying-Lan: I don
Vance: Yeah, YL, you sound very nice on Pure Voice.
Maggi: for the pure voice maybe too soft for some people
Ying-Lan: ^I don't know how to express myself in English.
Ying-Lan: soft?
Maggi: yes soft...
Ying-Lan: How about you?
Vance: The sound of your PV file was low, but I just turned the volume up on my computer ...
Maggi: use more air from the bottom of your lungs.
Ying-Lan: We are looking forward your voice mail
Maggi: Something is wrong...I have to try it with another mike because it is too low even when on the highest volume.
Maggi: new version too.
Maggi: was the last one Michael and Vance sent too fast for you.
Maggi: mine was really fast and they sounded like chipmunks.
Ying-Lan: ^You need to update your pure voice program, right?
Maggi: it was really funny...:-)
Maggi: I did update it,.
Ying-Lan: It is funny to funny voice from Vance and michaelc...
Ying-Lan: listen
Maggi: yes...they are funny guys:-)
Ying-Lan: Mine is wounderful to listen their vocie.
Vance: whatdoyoumeanwesoundedlikechipmunks?
Maggi: then something is wrong with my version
Maggi: you was a riot!
Vance: What version of PV do you have?
Maggi: the one you told me to download
Ying-Lan: I could not use the realplayer producer G2, even thought Delnison end Elienn told me how to use it...
Vance: What about the one I sent you last week?
Maggi: shame Ying
Maggi: that is the one
Ying-Lan: ^What's a shame on me!
Maggi: I installed it kVance
Vance: Did you try to download it again YL? Mine works.
Maggi: no, I mean that it is a shame that it doesn't work Ying.
Ying-Lan: NO... it will take a lot of time to download it.
Vance: Maggi, you installed the PV that I sent you? (Where did Deden go?)
Ying-Lan: ^I worked this weekend...
Maggi: Yes I did (he had to go out and will be back he said.)
Ying-Lan: ^I only like to download program on Internet on Saturday or Sunday morning... it will be fast and quickly
Vance: Where did you and Deden find wrong info on my website. It
Maggi: it goes is fast and quick
*** Invalid server command
Ying-Lan: ^I downloaded the globalenglish this morning, which has been told me.
Vance: it is ok on my copy of the file
Maggi: I didn't find it..he did...or maybe he misread it.
Ying-Lan: NO, Vance,, I did not read your introduce about the palace.
Vance: Deden had trouble with my directions. Maybe it's somewhere else.
Ying-Lan: you know the bolo is a young child...
Maggi: at 18 is is no longer a child.
Maggi: he is...
Maggi: bolo means friend in Indonesian.
Ying-Lan: he is only 18... I am 36... I am old than he.. 18 X 3= 36
Vance: Times 2. Times 3 is my age and Maggi's.
Maggi: when you were 18 did you like it if someone said you were a young child?
Vance: It's a matter of perspective.
Ying-Lan: I forgot it... but I probably do not say he is a child when I talk to him.
Maggi: each age is wonderful.
Vance: If you are twice that age, then 18 is young.
Maggi: young yes, but not a child.
Maggi: Maybe I still think too young...
Ying-Lan: I read your email , maggii. I agree your idea about the kosov...
Vance: I think others in the class are that age.
Ying-Lan: I don't know how to argue thie problem with Moral.
Maggi: Thank you Ying...we all hope now in Europe that it will be over soon.
Maggi: for both sides...
Ying-Lan: He is Chinese, me too. but we grown up at different area and diffent social system.
Maggi: It is not easy to argue with someone who is only presented half the story.
Maggi: Remember that he is behind a firewall for a reason.
Ying-Lan: Sometimes, it is getting hard to communicate with some problme.
Maggi: We maybe need to be careful that he doesn't get cut off.
Vance: Moral is trying to expand his horizons. He's circumventing the firewall.
Maggi: people need to be able to talk to each other.
Maggi: and I hope he can continue to do that....
Maggi: ...he is then a window into China.
Ying-Lan: I just want to tell him to not to think depend on those materidal given by his goverment.
Vance: He is a traveler who is outside the mental borders of his peers.
Maggi: imagine though if that is all you get is very hard to know who is right.
Maggi: It is amazing on the net the silly things people believe and forward too.
Vance: Really
Vance: I can't find where the information about getting onto the Palace is incorrect.
Maggi: I think the webhead list is very interesting just for that reason.
Ying-Lan: conscious of one's national identity.
Maggi: Moral was right though about the apology from the Americans.
Maggi: learning other is very important.
Maggi: not just the language but how people think and feel...their traditional beliefs.
Ying-Lan: I see... I hope everyboy will benefit from the e-group.
Maggi: To learn to respect the different beliefs and live together in peace beside them.
Vance: Respect is the key word.
Vance: You can disagree and discuss, but you must respect. Netiquette!
Maggi: respect yes...for each other
Ying-Lan: I was angry at someone who decided to start the war.
Ying-Lan: respect...
Ying-Lan: Respect is a good attitude to listen those different opinions...
Maggi: I don't think that was a decision made by one person.
Ying-Lan: I knew it...
Vance: I was angry this morning. There was a group of Albanians who got across the border after pretty severe beatings.
Maggi: And it wasn't an easy one to make I am sure.
Maggi: I wish it would stop
Ying-Lan: The problem of the world is getting to be complicated.
Maggi: The Serbs are retreating in anger...
Ying-Lan: What's happened?
Ying-Lan: Vance...
Vance: yes
Maggi: It is getting very complicated Ying...
Ying-Lan: Like this war... How to stop it!
Maggi: Kevin is going in with the peacekeeping troops
Vance: I don't think the Serbs should be in Kosovo in the first place. They have never lived there, and they obviously don't know how to govern the people who do.
Ying-Lan: I just wonder why?
Maggi: but it goes back to the 13th century...
Maggi: ...they have a hard time letting go.
Vance: They couldn't defend it then.
Ying-Lan: ^When I read such an news in Newspaper, I just think I am so lucky to live in Taiwan...
Maggi: that is why it is a question of pride today.
Ying-Lan: a
Maggi: now that have to leave again.
Vance: Beating up old men and raping women? They must be quite proud of themselves.
Maggi: disgusting yes
brian-r: @64,64 !It's brian-r
Maggi: Hi Äbrian
Maggi: Brian#
Ying-Lan: hi Brain
Vance: Hi Brian.
Maggi: desperate people do desperate things.
brian-r: Hi pussy cat
Maggi: that's Vance!
Vance: Brian, don't talk to Maggi like that.
Ying-Lan: Are you still be a observer?
Maggi: :-)
Vance: :-]
Maggi: Poor guy Vance...
brian-r: I beg your pardon marm
Ying-Lan: ^Brian, Are you still be a observer? Don't want to join us?
Maggi: eee...marm is worse...
Maggi: ...I'd rather be a pussy cat...
brian-r: Sure, but I can't usually stay very long
Ying-Lan: It is okay...
Ying-Lan: never mind.
Maggi: start talking...
Vance: Maggi, ask questions.
Maggi:'re the teacher
Vance: How about, how long have Brian and I known each other?
Ying-Lan: REspect
Maggi: Ok
Vance: Take it, Brian ...
Maggi: so, how long<?
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, I suggest you to write a letter talking about "RESPECT" in our e-group.
Vance: YL, I think I did. Didn't you see it?
Maggi: I think the egroup already respects each other.
brian-r: Since before the Iranian rev
Maggi: Were you together then?
Maggi: guys go back to the 70's...
Ying-Lan: ^The first step of Democracy is repect different opinions.
Ying-Lan: I saw it
Vance: I worked in Saudi Arabia from 1976 to 1981. We met in 1976. That was before the Iran Iraq war ...
Maggi: where did you meet...?
Ying-Lan: You mean you and Brian,
Ying-Lan: It is long time ago...
Vance: Yes, BUT, we didn't see each other again for ... how long ... 20 years?
Maggi: I was living in England in '76
brian-r: Seems like yesterday
Vance: Oop, 15 years.
Maggi: Vance is not so good in math...:-)
Maggi: Time is nothing for good friends.
Vance: Let me work it out on my computer here ...
Ying-Lan: ^When did you meet agian?
Vance: Just a couple of weeks ago.
Vance: Watch out, Brian, you'll disappear through that door.
Maggi: Last summer I met some friends I hadn't seen in almost 25...we were all a little older, but nothing had changed.
brian-r: @64,64 !It's brian-r
Ying-Lan: You could know each other by sight?
Maggi: :-) I warned Deden about the doors too.
Vance: He looks pretty much the same. A little older of course, but otherwise the same.
Vance: Me, I look exactly the same.
Maggi: Me too...:-)
Ying-Lan: ^I mean you could know who is who after such a long time...
Maggi: Sure.
Ying-Lan: sure?
brian-r: How do students like being taught by seniorish citizens?
Maggi: Although I was a little shocked at an old HS friend...time hadn't been as kind to her...
Vance: Life had left its sad scar ...
Maggi: great compliment...:-) They love it!!!!!
Maggi: No, she was totally grey...
Ying-Lan: ^I don't undersant "seniorish citizens"?
Vance: I don't think age makes all that much difference. I've had students who were older than I was.
Maggi: he is being polite, but saying Vance and I are a couple of old farts.
Vance: A senior citizen is a polite way to say an old person.
Ying-Lan: ^I am old, too.
Vance: And "old fart" is an impolite way (leave it to Maggi).
Maggi: how else will they learn this stuff :-)
Maggi: 36 is not old Ying...80 is
Vance: YL, among us 4, you are the youngest.
Ying-Lan: The young generation may be don't like to listent our experences about the life.
Maggi: Well Brian must be about the same age...teach too Brian?
Ying-Lan: The young generation may be don't like to listen to our experences about the life.
Felix: @64,64 !It's Felix
Felix: Bon Jour
Maggi: most of them do Ying...
Maggi: Hi Felix
Ying-Lan: ^But they like to talk about the fresh thing...
Vance: hey felix!
Maggi: our resident male macho...:-)
Maggi: One of the sweetest ones though...
Felix: heheheheheh
Ying-Lan: ^We should be calm down to pretend we don't surprise their thought... Just need more" Respect"
Vance: Felix is up EARLY this morning. Sunday morning in Brazil.
Maggi: fresh thing Ying?
Ying-Lan: Fresh thing... we don't know that before...
Ying-Lan: Hi, Felix.
Felix: Watch out Vance... Today you will have thunder and lightning
Felix: Hi ying
Maggi: We had that yesterday
Ying-Lan: Flelix... you have read the report of weather.
Vance: I find that I make friends with a lot of young people who respect my experiences.
Ying-Lan: me too. I am a young friend...
Felix: no Ying.
Vance: Thunder and lightning in the UAE? Today? I don't THINK so ..
Felix: It's because I am here early... I MIRACLE.
Felix: A MIRACLE.. heheh
Maggi: Miracles happen every day...
Ying-Lan: ^Don't you feel the young generation with the fresh thought that you don't understand?
Maggi: Brazilian humor...humour for Brian.
Vance: I have two sons who keep my thoughts fresh.
Felix: Yesterday the truck of my company turned over (is that correct?)
Maggi: I had fresh thoughts too...they keep us young.
Vance: A truck (one of many) ...
Ying-Lan: That's great! There is no Generation gap in your family.
Maggi: yes Felix...were you in it?
Vance: A truck belonging to my company ...
Felix: now.. The truck.. (we only have one)
Felix: nononono
Vance: Ah, ok
Felix: I don't go into it..
Vance: The company truck ...
Maggi: I have students from 16 up...the oldest was 82.
Felix: But anyway.. a 14 year old boy died
Maggi: I never had a problem Ying.
Vance: Felix, was it someone you know?
Ying-Lan: ^In Taiwan, most of the young generation think their parents don't understand them.
Felix: no.. He was the son of an employee who works on one of the farms of my company
Maggi: Oh those poor people
Ying-Lan: Really, It is very sad to hear such a news.
Felix: Yes, Maggi
Felix: I was at the hospital until late last night.
Felix: I see if the others needed help.
Ying-Lan: ^ Felix...I am sorry to hear it.
Felix: to see
Felix: Thanks Ying.
Vance: This has been a terrible year for you, Felix.
Felix: Yes, Vance.
Ying-Lan: ^It is an accident, isn
Ying-Lan: ^It is an accident, isn't it?
Felix: right Ying.
Ying-Lan: ^Is it covered by Insurance company?
Felix: The truck was transporting cocoa from a far to another. So, it was over a wodden bridge that didnt support the weight and fall down.
Maggi: no insurance could ever pay for the loss of a child.
Ying-Lan: That's too bad, maggi./
Felix: EXACTLy
Felix: there were 6 boys on the truck..... only one was buried with the sacs of cocoa in the river... And he drowned.. Very sad
Ying-Lan: ^I knew the cancer insurance covered by the whole family,, if you chose that.
Felix: Sorry for being impolite... Hi Brian.
Vance: This part of Brazil seems to be a dangerous place. Depressing at times. A lot of wild stuff happens there.
Ying-Lan: what are you goint to do?
Ying-Lan: ^Back to the hospital?
Felix: No Vance.. It's very calm.... I really dont know what these things are happening.. Maybe it's the apocalipse
Felix: I didnt follow you Ying.
Maggi: insurance is a question of beating the odds...
Ying-Lan: But Felix,,, how many people ?
Maggi: they won't insure anything unless the odds are on their side and they will make money.
Felix: there were 9 in total... Only 1 died..... The others are ok.. Just a few scratches.
Ying-Lan: I agree... sometimes, I think the social insurance it right.. sometimes, it takes a lot of money and social insurance makes our goverment poor.
Maggi: social security is something differehnt
Felix: Later I go to the hospital again to check if Jose needs something.
Ying-Lan: ^So. Felix, you could not calim it from the Insurance Comapny.
Felix: I dont think so Ying.... The car insurance can cover the expenses I think
Ying-Lan: That is a good news only.
Felix: yeah
Vance: The only good news
Ying-Lan: The only good news.
Felix: I don't care... The company is rich....
Ying-Lan: Felix, your company is rich...
Felix: A truck won't take then to bankrupcty
Felix: them
Ying-Lan: But the child was dead...
Vance: Will they compensate the family?
Ying-Lan: ^You can not count the value of the life... a child's life.
Felix: you are deadly right Ying
Ying-Lan: The family lost a child whom they love.
Felix: I am sure they will Vance. But you know big companies... Generally people need to sue them to get the money.. I dont think it will be different in this case.. Mainly because the people involved are
Ying-Lan: It is very sad.. you can not recover it from those money.
Felix: very poor and dont have much info
Vance: Well, if a company is sending workers over unsafe bridges and making a lot of money on their risk then the company should take more responsibility ...
Felix: only God can over the loss
Ying-Lan: ^An accident? Do you think it could be prevent from some safe pre-investigae?
Maggi: I guess Deden and Roy are not coming back.
Felix: nonono
Vance: guess not
Felix: BTW, who is Brian?
Ying-Lan: guess not?
Vance: brian?
Felix: yep
Ying-Lan: ^Like the carsh of the airplane?
Ying-Lan: ^Brian, Are you here?
Vance: Brian is another teacher with the EFI.
Maggi: who rang the bell?
Felix: no.. It was a bridge, constructed generally in not good conditions...
Vance: He has hundreds of students.
Felix: by the owner of the farm, not the government.
Ying-Lan: ^Brian, Vane's friend. and He is a teach at EFI.
Felix: So they don't need to investigate anything
Maggi: You mean you went for Dave's plan Brian?
Felix: Really? So Brian is a teacher too.. Cool..
Felix: Brian. Can I take your classes too ???
Ying-Lan: He is a Englishman and lives in UAE.
Vance: Only he sleeps during classes (I guess ... Brian??)
Maggi: You drive enough teachers crazy Felix!
Felix: ??
Vance: Maybe Felix put him to sleep. He was ok when it was just the 3 of us.
Felix: sobbing
Maggi: I'm just joking Felix.
Ying-Lan: ^Felix,,, I mean they don't check their truck before they drove.
Michael C: @64,64 !It's Michael C
Felix: The problem was the BRIDGE Ying.
Ying-Lan: hi, Michaelc.
Maggi: Hi Michael.
Vance: ow! You stepped on my paw!
Michael C: Hi all.
Maggi: watch the pussy cat Michael
Felix: Hi Michael.
Michael C: There's 2 cats...
Maggi: 10% of 500 is a pile
Michael C: ...and lots of teachers!
Ying-Lan: ^The bridge broke up?
Maggi: Yeh...
Felix: The real Felix now
Maggi: Felix the cat...ok...time to switch to Garfield.
Felix: in Brazil if you call someone a "cat" you mean the person is gorgeous, good-looking
Ying-Lan: Felix, you are a cat, too.
Ying-Lan: ^Like being a cat?
Michael C: In English it often means someone is groovy or cool!
Felix: groovy?
Maggi: so we are all a bunch of gorgeous cool cats!
Michael C: Hip? With it!
Maggi: remember the Turtles song?
Michael C: Up with the latest fashion, ideas, music, etc .
Ying-Lan: ^In Taiwan.. sometimes, we describe the "street-salker" as "the puppy cat".
Vance: Anyone like game viewing? There are babboons at Sabi Cam,
Ying-Lan: game
Felix: I am curious... Brian is so quiet.
Felix: ????????????????
Ying-Lan: ^He is always be quiet.
Michael C: I'll try the African site....
Vance: I think Brian thought we wouldn't notice. Actually it's a zebra at Sabi cam. Go to Africam and see.
Maggi: did anyone else hear the door bell ring.
Felix: Ying and Maggi.. you haven`t signed my guest book...
Ying-Lan: what
Ying-Lan: Sorry
Vance: There's a family of zebras at Sabi cam. Pretty cool.
Ying-Lan: I will be there.
Felix: sabi cam?//???
Ying-Lan: Really,.I am at now.
Ying-Lan: What's up?
Felix: i am there too
Vance: OK, YL, click on Sabi cam at the left
Maggi: Brian has been in whisper mode...that's why no one can hear him.
Vance: The little baby zebra just went down on his knees, playfully.
Ying-Lan: Really? how do you know? maggi.
Vance: Brian, right click and get out of whisper mode!
Felix: the baby zebra has gone
Maggi: I told him that...I keep getting the door bell and I realized it was Brian and no one else was seeing his message but me.
Vance: Try the mobile cam (Sabi Sabi) - a bunch of baboons around a waterhole.
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, where is the gamr what you said?
Michael C: So what was Brian saying?
Ying-Lan: ^Vance, where is the game what you said?
Vance: The game? I'm at a game park ...
Maggi: not a lot actually...
Michael C: That's good to know Maggi!
Maggi: you click on the avatar Brian
Maggi: when you see a hand on me, not
Ying-Lan: ^There is no game park, noly "national park".
Vance: The game park is at Then you select a camera.
Maggi: Can anyone see that Brian wrote something?
Ying-Lan: no
Michael C: Ying - game in this context = wild animals
Vance: A wildabeaste at Gowrie Cam
Felix: no I dont see any words from Brian
Vance: I've got friends on ICQ who are helping me with sightings.
Maggi: in whisper mode everyone is a funny green color except the person you are whispering to Brian.
Maggi: move your mouse to the one who isn't green, which is me...then click
Michael C: These cams are cool.
Felix: Yes they are..
Vance: Aren't they. Gowrie is really good right now. Lots of animals around.
brian-r: Am I back?
Michael C: Yes Brian you're back.
Vance: You're back (clap clap clap)
Felix: My kids are here now.. They are fired up by the animals.
Felix: Good Brian
Michael C: )APPLAUSE
Michael C: )APPLAUSE
Ying-Lan: what's
Vance: I've seen Africam before, but never this lively.
Michael C: That's for Brian!
Maggi: finally...people were beginning to wonder here Brian.
Ying-Lan: ^It is raining outside now.
Michael C: I think several of us in Africa.
Vance: But you've been listening, right brian?
Vance: The Gowrie Cam is swarming with wildebeeste. Closeups.
Michael C: We had rain here today here too.
Felix: Brian,, Can I take your classes too ??
Vance: How many students have you got now, Brian?
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Maggi: We had a great storm the other day with thunder and lightening!
brian-r: Right, I was saying that animal names used for people have different connotations in different languages. Yes Felix, you can. send me an email
Felix: what is your e-mail Brian?
Felix: a snake in my language is someone pervert, not trusty.
Michael C: Same in English.
Ying-Lan: ^There was a typhoon today in Taiwan.
Michael C: What about a tiger?
Ying-Lan: tiger, what?
brian-r: And now by thunder I resign! Bye everybody
Vance: Ah, thunder DID happen in the UAE. You were right, Felix.
Felix: Bye Brian (I just sent you the e-mail)
Felix: what is Typhoon??
Maggi: Bye Brian
Michael C: See you later Brian.
Vance: bye brian
Ying-Lan: Bye brain
Felix: ....
Maggi: sheesh...3pm already...I have to get something done today...
Ying-Lan: ^Typhoon is a very violent tropical storm in the western Pacific.
Michael C: This is getting something done isn't it?!
Felix: never heard of it
Vance: Yeah, I've got to be going too. The usual, on the balcony.
Felix: what are you going to drink today Vance?
Michael C: Looking at the sunset vance?
Maggi: true...but I've been here awhile
Ying-Lan: ^It is nice to talking to you this nigh.
Felix: Do you think you get cachaca by mail Vance?
Ying-Lan: ^It is nice to talking to you this night.
Vance: Might as well. My family will soon leave for the summer, so I want to enjoy my time with the. Cachaca would be perfect!
Michael C: What is cachaca?
Maggi: And you have to work Vance?
Felix: I will check if I can send a bottle by mail.... If it's permitted I will.
Ying-Lan: ^You wll be alone in Summer/ right?
Felix: Vance alone??? A danger of the society.. heheheh
Michael C: Cachaca is alcohol?
Vance: Yes, nice seeing how things are in other parts of the world. Storms in Germany, Taiwan. Getting cold in Oz. ...
Felix: of the
Felix: for the
Ying-Lan: Complicated world.
Vance: Sometimes can be interesting.
Felix: Yes, Michael.. It's alchool
Maggi: today it is just cloudy and windy.
Ying-Lan: ^And hot.
Michael C: Brazilian alcohol I guess?
Felix: Today is sunny but cool..
Felix: Yes... Wanna some too Michael?
Michael C: Yep - send it over!
Felix: Do you can get alchool by mail in UAE Vance?
Maggi: I can get it here Felix.
Ying-Lan: ^That's why I have to say thank you to someone who invented the internet.
Felix: ok ok
Felix: I will check with the post office...
Felix: sending bottles of cachaca all over the world
Michael C: Maybe a new business?
Felix: Ying, you are not into alchool, are you?
Maggi: start an exporting business
Felix: Who knows?
Ying-Lan: ^What is the chcachaca ?
Felix: cachaça is destilated alchool... Very strong.... Stronger than tequila.
Vance: Never tried. It would probably be difficult to get alcohol mailed to the UAE. YOu can buy it here easily.
Michael C: Distilled alcohol.
Maggi: I'd visit you for that view off the balcony but it hot down there Vance!
Ying-Lan: Say bye to you...
Ying-Lan: see you next week.
Michael C: Bye Ying.
Felix: Bye Ying
Vance: OK, bye YL
Maggi: Bye Ying
Vance: Nice to see you again.
Felix: So are you going to start a hanger party?? LOL
Ying-Lan: Wait, Vance have you already tranfer "open up" to mp3?
Maggi: a hanger party Felix?
Felix: yes Maggi.. a hanger party.. do you know what does it mean?
Maggi: no, that's why I asked...:-)
Michael C: I don't know what a hanger party is either...
Felix: do you know what it means?
Felix: ohhhhhhhh
Vance: No. No time. One project too many. Two, including getting Felix's video on a web page.
Felix: I will explain
Maggi: waiting Feliy..
Vance: You have a party in an aircraft hanger?
Felix: nooooooooooooooo
Vance: You all dangle upside down?
Maggi: that would be too easy Vance
Felix: you know what a hanger is right?
Maggi: something to hang closthes on
Vance: A place to hang a coat?
Michael C: wear a coat hanger to a party?
Michael C: Snap!!
Maggi: clothes
Felix: so in a hanger party, there's a hanger in the entrance of the place to hang up ALL your clothes......
Maggi: that is a different idea
Michael C: I see...a Brazilian thing?
Felix: yes, Michael.... heheheh
Felix: Havent you ever heard of it?
Maggi: All year round or only certain times of the year...?
Michael C: Such enterprising people the Brazilians!
Vance: Ahhhh
Vance: excellent. I like this idea
Maggi: me too
Felix: Like the idea Maggi??
Vance: We can do it now!
Michael C: I'm not so sure....
Maggi: party pooper Michael
Vance: OK, taking off my shoes ...
Michael C: I don't know if i want to be naked with you guys!
Maggi: even with me?
Vance: We won't look
Felix: yes Maggi,,, PARTY POOPER Michael.
Michael C: I'm a nice boy!
Felix: LOL
Vance: now the socks ...
Maggi: what has that to do with it...?
Michael C: What - the socks!
Maggi: I have a thirt on anyway
Michael C: Or being a nice boy?
Felix: Finally I will be able to show my AVATARS.. ROFLMAO
Maggi: only a tshirt meant to write.
Maggi: not here Felix
Michael C: No Felix. Don't do it. Women present.
Felix: it's a hanger party, isn't it??? ROFLMAO
Maggi: I've seen them already
Felix: well, I think you would be more shocked than Maggi, Michael
Michael C: Why is that?
Felix: nevermind
Maggi: cause maybe you are shy Michael
Michael C: Are you gonna post this log this Vance?
Maggi: He will edit it.
Vance: No editing when students are present.
Felix: oh my!!!!!!
Felix: But now I am the TEACHER Felix...
Maggi: see what you started Felix!?! :-)
Michael C: Everyone will be asking Felkix for his avatars!
Vance: Naw, it's fun.
Felix: lol
Michael C: And reporting him to Dave W!
Maggi: Not me
Felix: I really dont care about him...
Maggi: the avatars are nice
Vance: He doesn't mind.
Michael C: We could pretend that Felix has one of those avatars now.....
Maggi: we could
Vance: Did I miss the avatars?
Felix: ??????????
Michael C: ...and say things like..." Felix - that's shocking.!"
Maggi: You saw only the beginning of one at the conference in NYC
Felix: That's was a terrible mistake... I am very sorry for that...
Maggi: his daughter hit the key
Michael C: That would be a good place to show them!
Vance: Ah, those. They're not of my, shall we say, persuasion
Maggi: not really..._Felix felt very bad about that.
Michael C: I must have missed them!
Vance: NO problem. No harm done. It was funny. People at that conference are ok.
Maggi: being female I guess I can appreciate them more
Felix: I didnt do it on purpose Michael... My liitle daughter hit the button here
Michael C: I thnk that's a sexist remark!
Maggi: He reacted fast though
Maggi: you mean me..?
Michael C: Maggie's I mean...
Vance: The lady I was showing the program to at the time reacted fast too.
Michael C: LOL.
Maggi: I resemble that remark
Felix: What did she say Vance?
Michael C: Or do?
Vance: She became suddenly quite interested in this kind of teaching.
Michael C: LOL again.
Michael C: Maybe we shoukld advertise it. Nude classes or such like!
Felix: business and pleasure.. I got it.
Maggi: see
Maggi: Why not...people go to nude beaches
Vance: That's a good idea. It would attract students and teachers, the right sort
Michael C: Is there a nude Palace?
Maggi: Playboy
Michael C: EFIN = EFI nude.
Felix: yes there is Michael.. LOTS OF
Michael C: or NEFI!
Maggi: Dave would like the idea
Felix: Dave would have a heart attack
Michael C: LOL
Vance: I've got to go. Hate to leave at such a great point in the conversation. Dave's from california, shouldn't be too shocked.
Michael C: ROFL..
Felix: ROFL
Maggi: Dave goes to nude beaches so I can't see him objecting
Felix: ok ok
Vance: There you are!
Vance: Lots of em in California. I used to take my kids.
Felix: Maggi.. she knows everything
Michael C: maybe we could add drugs to the equation!
Maggi: no drugs
Michael C: Just kidding...
Felix: only alchool is allowed
Vance: ffftttt (cough cough) ...
Michael C: LOLOL
Maggi: I go here to nude beaches...hey the sauna is nude too.
Maggi: sure...we need beer
Maggi: or wine...or champagne
Felix: Maggi, do you know what a woman has between the breast after her 40's ??
Michael C: Stop bogarting Vance!
Maggi: ROTFL:::no Felix what?
Felix: the belly buttom.. ROFL
Felix: what is bogarting ??
Maggi: ROTFL...mine aren't big enough to sag that low...:-)
Michael C: When someomne won't pass the joint.
Michael C: OK - have some cat! [Michael produces a cigarette shaped avatar]
Vance: Yeah, so you have to go grab it.
Felix: I still dont understand Michael.
Vance: cough cough
Michael C: Joint = marijuana cigarette.
Felix: Why are you coughing Vance?
Michael C: )APPLAUSE
Vance: I'm going back to my youth. We used to do a lot of that in the 60's.
Maggi: ding...the light went off in his head...
Vance: and 70's
Felix: I tried marijuana once... Didnt like it..
Vance: ... and into the 80's ...
Michael C: The 70's for me. What fun it was.
Maggi: and the 90's?
Vance: Don't foget the 90's
Maggi: started in the 60's...
Michael C: I'm coughing at the thought...
Maggi: Vance is just a tad older that's why
Felix: I see
Vance: OK, MC, pass that joint.
Felix: Nowadays teens are into heavy drugs.. that's a pity!!!!
Vance: NO (heavy) DRUGS
Maggi: this is not heavy stuff...
Michael C: I've had enough.
Michael C: Scaredy cat!
Vance: Thanks
Felix: I know.. but LSD, cocaine, crack... they are very heavy
Maggi: yes...
Michael C: Very becoming Vance! [Vance has taken to rolled cigarette graphic and placed it near Maggi's avatar]
Michael C: LOL
Maggi: smoke it out my belly button
Vance: Guys, leave em laughing, my grandpappy used to say.
Vance: I gotta run.
Vance: See you around ...
Michael C: See ya Vance.
Maggi: me too
Felix: see ya Vance
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